• Building on Poor Magazine’s Poverty Scholarship In The Community

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By Leroy F. Moore Jr.

    I have been blessed since 1998 when Tiny and her mother Dee saw me at the Berkeley Rep Theater during the hey day of spoken word and the the Bay Area’s spoken word scene to not only start one of the first online columns on race and disability called Illin-N-Chillin after the police shooting of a Black woman with mental health disability, Marget L Mitchell of LA.  Since that time it seems I continue to walk beside Poor Magazine learning from them and putting their education to work when it comes to people with disabilities.  Tiny and I realized at an early stage that Disability and Poverty went hand in hand but the shame kept it hush hush.  

    The second thing I learned from Poor Magazine was to have control over your own destiny. That’s when Gary N Gray and I started Disability Advocates of Minorities Organization, DAMO  and like Poor Magazine had Po’ Poets DAMO had New Voices: Disabled Poets & Artists of Color.  We also found out that the non-profit avenue was not our ticket to self determination!  We also created our own ways of making decisions with the creation of family elders council which is one of the many elements of the medicine to Never call the poLice which a lot of people talk about but we manifest and have manifested together since 1996 after DAMO and Poor Magazine organized the first ever Senseless Crimes Open Forum after the police shootings of Black Disabled young men in San Francisco.

    Even Krip-Hop Nation started at Poor Magazine and that's when I once again learn from Tiny and started to create words, terminology and theory following in the footsteps of words like Poverty Scholarship came Krip-Hop, Black Ableism and Afro-Krip, etc.

    Poor Magazine published my first book entitled, Black Disabled Man with a Big Mouth & High I.Q. in 1998 and then went on to publish two Moore books and once again Krip-Hop’s founders learned from Poor Magazine and Keith Joes created his own press, Soulful  Media Works.

    Almost like Homefulness of Poor Magazine, Krip-Hop Nation wants to build on a lot smaller scale in what we call the Krip-Hop Institute. It will be a place of learning in the community and will house two of its founders and be a venue for cultural expression.  In a strange way Leroy is going to the roots of the founders of Poor Magazine in the Fall of 2021 as I enter in  academia at UCLA where Dee tried to get in and where Tiny was raised, on the streets of LA.

    Poor Magazine will always be one of my Foundations to keep me grounded even in the academy in LA.

    Thank you Poor Magazine!

    Leroy F. Moore Jr.


  • Akkkademic Reparations* on Stolen Land

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    by Maya Ram


    *All the language in this article challenging linguistic domination is brought to you by Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia & POOR Magazine...check out Poverty Scholarship at poorpress.net for more on linguistic domination


    “We are at this place right now where we’re doing land acknowledgements, but do we get to go to these institutions? Not ONE Lisjan person has been educated at UC Berkeley,” said Corrina Gould at ‘Degentrifying Academia from Huichin (Berkeley) to Lenape (Philly): Taking Back Land, Culture, and Ancestors’ on April 28th. Corrina, spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan/Ohlone and co-founder of Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, talked about how buildings at UC Berkeley hoard remains of 9,000 stolen indigenous ancestors. Akkkademic institutions have the power to tell false, colonized histories -- from UC Berkeley in the Bay Area to Temple University in Philly -- as they sit on indigenous burial sites and village sites.

    POOR Magazine -- alongside comrades from Poor People’s Army, #FreeKashmir, Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, Krip Hop Nation, and many more Poverty Skolaz -- shared powerful knowledge, WeSearch, questions and a demand for UC Berkeley in the last few weeks. A call for the end to hoarded wealth, stolen ancestors, and gentrifukation.

    “As we talk about landless people’s movements, it is vital that we open these conversations to Poverty Skolaz,” said Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia, co-founder of POOR Magazine and Homefulness. “Of the homeless people in Oakland, around 50% are Black, 30% are white, over 80% are disabled and many are elders -- all because of this lie called ‘crapitalism’ and this lie called ‘wealth.’” We see how akkkademia fuels crapitalism and wealth hoarding in the current actions of UC Berkeley. In People’s Park & at 1921 Walnut St., UC Berkeley -- which already owns 40% of land in Berkeley -- is trying to evict disabled elders and displace houseless people (including students) to build dorms that will only house students who can pay. UC Berkeley chooses to line its own pockets at the expense of residents of People’s Park & 1921 Walnut, and their own student body. 

    Stealing of indigenous land and displacing families and elders is reflected in struggles for liberation around the world. Huma Dar, a Kashmiri academic, activist & mama, notes that during a global pandemic, “Nomadic indigenous people and elders are being evicted from their homes in Kashmir.” As wealthy, Hindu, caste-privileged citizens purchase stolen Kashmiri land, we see a mirrored displacement of poor and indigenous peoples. And circling back to Turtle Island: “West of Temple University was 96% black in 2000, but after gentrification in 2010 was about 50% white and college-age residents were ⅔ of the population,” said Galen Tyler, an organizer in West Philly from Poor People’s Army.

    At the Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour at UC Berkeley on May 5th, youth skolaz from Deecolonize Academy taught us that almost every building on campus is named after a eugenicist. Akkkademic institutions may not have a problem with placing a racist colonizer’s name on a building, but people with akkkademic privilege -- like students, professors, lecturers and community members -- do. They used their collective power to partner with POOR Magazine for a Stolen Land Tour on their campus to learn about akkkademic reparations.

    When I think about akkkademic reparations, I think about my mama. Growing up poor in India to parents who were farmers that migrated to the city, she was taught the colonial myth that akkkademia is what saves you, what gets you out of a bad place. I inherited this. If I knew one thing growing up, it was that I had to go to college in order to make it. My akkkademic access and class privilege brought me to college, all the way across the country, running from abuse and my family. In my pursuit of success, of making it on my own, of earning my own money and keeping myself afloat, I was never taught the true lie of these institutions. That they steal land and labor and people’s homes and the bones of indigenous ancestors in order to make “dreams come true.” The dream that was fed to me was never real...it was always an illusion. The illusion that hard work - instead of privilege - leads to success and money. That getting degrees makes me smarter or more worthy of some white dude’s respect. That respectability is above respect for land, elders and ancestors.

    Shattering this lie and seeing akkkademia for what it truly is was my first step in akkkademic reparations and getting in right relationship with the land I’m on and the people whose land I'm on. POOR Magazine and PeopleSkool helped me get to a place where I could hold my family histories of power, privilege AND oppression with love and pain...knowing that the way forward is radically redistributing to follow the guidance of my poor ancestors.

    It’s like Leroy Moore of Krip Hop Nation said: “Poor people have the answers, and we cannot go back (to before Covid). We have an extraordinary opportunity to radically change things moving forward.”


    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources, Ancestors, Land and Culture Back Demand for UC Berkeley
    From POOR Magazine, Homefulness, Deecolonize Academy, Indians Organizing for Change and Krip Hop Nation.

    We the Indigenous, unHoused, Displaced, Privatized, Enslaved, Bordered, poLiced, Disabled, and profited off of Peoples Present to UC Berkeley a Demand of Land back for Evicted and Unhoused People, PoLice Harassed and gentriFUKed out for the Borm Industrial Complex and the land hoarding and resource theft perpetrated by institutions like UC Berkeley and UC Hastings.

    We also offer to begin a dialogue with Academia to redistribute, reparate, and begin a generational and ancestral healing process from the disease of wealth and/or resource hoarding, generational or inherited land-stealing, displacing, academic or cultural theft, and/or desecrating of indigenous bodies, houseless bodies, Disabled bodies, Black and Brown and incarcerated and silenced Peoples.

    We Demand Land Back and reparations for the Genrations of Cultural theft and Cultural appropriation of disabled black and brown and indigenous bodies and that People’s Park and 1921 Walnut Street apartments remain intact, never displaced or threatened with removal again.

    As well that houseless and indigenous people be supported with reparations and returned stolen resources and stolen “studied” knowledge so we can build our own solutions to our own problems informed by #PovertyScholarship like Homefulness and Deecolonize Academy.

    A session of PeopleSkool at Poor Magazine is offered to the institution as part of this Healing -- informed by Poverty Scholarship: Poor People-led Theory, Art, Words and Tears Across Mama Earth.

  • Killed for Being Black while Changing a Tire in Daly City - the PoLice Murder of Roger Allen

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Killed for Being Black while Changing a Tire in Daly City - the PoLice Murder of Roger Allen

    By Akil Carrilo and Ziair Hughes/Youth Poverty SKola Reporters for POOR Magazine

    (Editor's Note: Akil and Ziair are students at Deecolonize Academy- the poor and indigenous people-led liberation school on the sacred land we houseless poverty skolaz call Homefulness)  

    “The poLice pulled my brother out of the car and left his two white friends alone,” said Talika, sister of Roger Allen at a prayer ceremony for Roger Allen and his family that POOR magazine youth and family elders re-ported and sup-ported on last week.

    On April 7, 2021 Roger Allen was killed by Daly City Police for being Black while changing a tire. He was on the side of the road with a flat tire, a drug task force unit of the Daly City PD pulled up. Instead of helping him with the flat they began to harass him and were trying to search his car for drugs. Roger Allen was with two white friends, the cops only asked Roger Allen’s friends to step out of the car while he was asked to remain inside. One thing led to another and the cops shot and killed Roger Allen. 

    This happened April 7, about 3 months after I am writing his story. This is because there is absolutely no media coverage on his story. Roger Allen’s life is just one of the many Black and Brown lives lost due to police brutality, after they are killed everything is forgotten about and never learned. The only thing left are the tears of the family left behind.

    George Floyd and Roger Allen are no different but why was George Floyd’s death on national tv, while Roger’s was not on any mainstream media outlet. This happens on a daily basis, so many people are killed by cops that no one knows about. This is a common occurrence, it's not a surprise anymore, just a constant struggle. Living each day with the fear that it might be the last.

    “A human was killed for a flat tire, we know it's because of systemic white supremacy,” said Conamor Jas, one of the organizers of the beautiful ceremony at Garfield Park, close to where the family lives.

    The cops used a division tactic with Roger Allen, then separated him from his friend leaving him alone and vulnerable. These tactics have been used for years, this is why Racism exists, to separate us and once we are separated we slowly get picked off.

    “Daly City and South San Francisco are klan towns - it's dangerous to be a Black person there. Period. The Family of Shaleen Tindle were pulled out of their car in that area and seriously harassed in 2010, which is just one of many experiences we have reported and supported on of this sickkk place,” said Tiny Gray-Garcia, POOR Magazine Co-Editor.

    All these corporations, laws, cops are all the same people, It's all the same hate and fear. They all see us as pests that need to be squashed. We are nothing to them. This is shown to us on a daily basis when poor, houseless, Black and Brown people get murdered, when we aren't allowed to build solutions for ourselves.


  • From E-RADification to Reparations: The People Resist the Lies called RAD and No Hope VI

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By Tiburcio Garcia with Kimo Umu, Ziair Hughes, Amir Cornish, Akil Carrillo and all the Poor and houseless mamaz and grandmommas who brought them into this journey

    (Editor's Note: All the authors are students, themselves victims of gentrification and eviction and displacement and homelessness,  at the liberation school known as Deecolonize Academy. They “learn” through books, and study, action and liberation the tru Her-Story of this stolen land- they all collaborated with their teachers, also poverty, indigenous skolaz to create the attached “FactSheet.”)

    “RAD has been around for decades, and now it’s being enforced”, Leroy Moore, founder of Krip Hop  co-founder of Homefulness and writer for POORMAGAZINE said with frustration written on his face, squinting in the morning sun. It was a clear day, on the morning on April 20th, the day that POOR Magazine and all of us youth and family “poverty skolaz” at Deecolonize Academy & Homefulness demonstrated in front of City Hall to protest RAD and Hope VI, two bills that have been used by devil-opers (like my mamá Tiny calls them)  such as Mercy Housing, John Stewart Company and many more in the Bay Area recently to evict large amounts of families to make room for higher paying tenants. “Repeal it Biden.” 

    “We’re here because we’ve been receiving Letters of Eviction, and they are offering nowhere to go, they are just taking our homes away”, Teresa Molina, a tenant and a resident of San Francisco who is currently fighting RAD and HOPE VI, said, talking about her fellow tenants in her apartments. The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), is a bill put in place by the Department of Public Housing that allows big housing companies to privatize their previously public housing, making it easier for them to remove the tenants who relied on Section 8 to pay their rent.

    “I was born and raised in Filmo’”, Mama Queenandi XSheba, povertySkola, public housing tenant and writer with POORMAGAZINE said when she got up on the mic, gesturing rapidly. “...cuz even when me and my children’s lives were in danger,  the quote un-quote housing authority still didn’t look at us and that out Black Lives Mattered," she finished.

    “Non-profiteers CONtinue to profit off of our poverty and problems while helping to create our problems,” my Mama Tiny, known as “PovertySkola”, a poet, teacher, visionary and co-founder of POORMAGAZINE, Homefulness and Deecolonize Academy where we are all students. She went onto explain that RAD and No Hope VI was launched under Obama and “housing advocacy” non-profits in San Francisco were some the authors of the RAD program which has effectively killed all the public housing across the “United Snakes” as she and other revolutionaries call it .”We are demanding equity and reparations for Black and Brown and indigenous Houseless residents of these no-longer public housing buildings so we can build our own solutions like we are with  Homefulness,” she said and then concluded, “E-RADification to Reparations.”

    Tiny and Queennandi XsheBa at POOR Magazine wrote extensively about RAD in 2013 when they snuck it through. No-one but the BayView Newspaper and POOR MAgazine published these stories (links below) but they were powerful “Wesearch” as Mama Tiny calls it - (poor people-led Research) on these evil moves for our youth and family created “FactSHEET” on RAD that we did in Mama Tiny’s Deecolonize English Class (see attachment).

    I had to agree withQueennandi and my Mama, and I felt for everyone at the mercy of RAD and HOPE VI, it’s predecessor, nearly being evicted and put on the streets, because me and my mother have been in that situation before. This was a powerful action, and I loved the words that were being spoken, that often go unheard, and the point they made.

    “If we fight back we can resist this removal, like we have done in Westside,”  said Uncle Greg, a powerful organizer and member of this movement of POORMAGAZINE to help launch a tenants union amd resist the politricks( as my mama calls it ) of RAD. “you all inspire me, we have power," he concluded.

    “We are poor people who resist with our voices,” said Mama Junebug, teacher, poet and povertySkola describing the powerful principles of POORMAGAZINE. “We can speak for ourselves and solve our own problems!”


  • Landless/houseless, Indigenous Black, Brown and Disabled Youth & Family Poverty Skolaz Lead a Tour thru NorthWest Occupied Turtle Island

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Poor/houseless/indigenous youth, families, and elders share models of  landless peoples' self-determination, Po'Lice-free land liberation, revolutionary media, and art.

    What: Poor/houseless/indigenous peoples "tour" so-called NorthWest Turtle Island with medicine/solutions of Homefulness, media, poetry, workshops, books, and "How to Not Call Po'Lice Ever"/"Poverty Scholarship" readings

    When: June 4th-13th 

    Where: Occupied Pomo, Yurok, Squaxin Island, Nisqually, Chehalis land aka  So-called Ft Bragg, Klamath River, Washington and more 


    "When they take our land, our tents and our belongings, we have nowhere to go,... " 

    -Israel M formerly houseless, indigenous co-builder of Homefulness, 

    "As colonial cities and towns "open Back Up" we indigenous, houseless and poor folks know that means, increased sweeps of houseless bodies, increased evictions of poor families and elders, increased desecration of indigenous peoples lands and sacred sites increased poverty and poLice Terror of Black and Brown and working class people."  

    -Tiny, formerly houseless co-founder of POOR Magazine

    POOR Magazine is a poor and indigenous people-led art, culture, and liberation movement. Our multi-generational, multi-cultural houseless/indigneous people-led movement will be going on the road to connect the dots between our shared oppressions and struggles, share the urgent medicine of how to build self-determined land movements, take back land, and our own knowledge systems and cultures right here in occupied Turtle Island.

    We will be going to so-called  Fort Bragg, aka Occupied Pomo Territory,  Occupied Yurok Territory  and finally occupied and stolen Squaxin territory. In all of these occupied lands we will be connecting the dots between eviction, colonization, desecration, poLice terror, Devil-oper Land grabs/speculation, gentriFUKation, Homelessness and Removal of Black, Brown, indigenous, disabled and poor people. 

    As land liberators from all four corners of mama earth, we will be offering readings and workshops from our newest books How to Not Call Po'Lice Ever and Poverty Scholarship: Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words, and Tears Across Mama Earth, as well as leading  Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tour through these colonized towns , colonial landmarks ( KlanMarks, as Tiny from POOR Magazine calls them),  wealth-hoarding neighborhoods, museums of Anthro-Wrongology, and Academia to share the urgent medicine of Radical Redistribution and ComeUnity Reparations. 

    Finally, we will be meeting/sharing and teaching with poor and houseless peoples in encampments the POOR Magazine/PoorNewsNetwork models of poor people--led media production  in each town and area, so they can launch their own media hubs like POOR Magazine's street-based media projects.

    We are inviting all organizations to co-sponsor, host us for a book reading, performance, or workshop, or walk with us in the Stolen Land Tour. Below are links of Stolen Land Tours we have done before and information about our books and work.


    Links to some of our Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tours

    Stolen Land/Hoarded Resurces Tour thru Akkkadeia- May 2021 







    Links to books:

    How to Not Call Po'Lice Ever 

    Poverty Scholarship: Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words, and Tears Across Mama Earth

    Po' People's Survival Guide thru COVID-19 and the Virus of Poverty 


    Children's books:

    When Mama and Me Lived Outside

    The Hard Worker (Trabajador Fuerte)

    Krip Hop Nation Graphic Novel 

    Decolonewz - Newspaper led by youth in poverty for everyone ( available in paper form only) 



    See this link


    Po' Peoples Radio Broadcasts:

    See this link


    More info on Homefulness:

    See this link and www.poormagazine.org/homefulness 


    Articles on this from the SF Bay View and POOR Magazine:

    Stealing our Last Acre and One Remaining Mule

    Selling our Homes to Private Investors

    Public Housing Privatization

    The Privatization

    From Privatization to Reparations

    Section 8 and Public Housing at Risk

  • Support Not Sweeps and Free Homefulness

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Support Not Sweeps and Free Homefulness 

    By Tiburcio Garcia and Amir Cornish/Youth poverty Skola reporters for POOR Magazine (Editor's Note: Akil and Ziair are students at Deecolonize Academy- the poor and indigenous people -led liberation school on the sacred land we houseless poverty skolaz call Homefulness)  

    The metallic crunching fills the air, the screeching sound of metal destroying metal pierces the skin harder than the whipping ocean breeze. Homes, belongings, memoires, being crushed like tin cans by the city of Marin County, the people that resided in them for generations being shuffled around while forced to watch everything they knew be destroyed. Preventing this from happening on a larger scale, preventing this from happening to thousands of other houseless and poor people was the reason behind Tuesdays #SupportNotSweeps action in front of CalTrans. 

    “People living on their boats for hundreds of years are now in jeopardy as much as people living under freeways,” a houseless sailor yells, looking back at the corporate building that stands as a monument of terror. “The Harbormaster is smashing boats, the City Council and the Counsellors are agreeing to it and there's tons of money being made on the backs of the people. This man, along with many others who came out to speak out on their situations of being harassed by entities just like CalTrans, who don’t care if human lives are being put at risk because of their actions as long as they make profit.

    We youth and family poverty skolaz at POOR Magazine re-ported and sup-ported on the Support Not Sweeps action through theatre and presence. The theatre acted out the very real violence so many of us at POOR Magazine have dealt with and still deal with - people being forcibly removed in the form of a Theater of the POOR, where some of us acted out a very familiar scene, houseless people in tents being harassed by cops and DPW officers, the DPW officers chanting louder and louder over the desperate cries of the people, “WE ARE JUST DOING OUR JOBS! WE ARE JUST DOING OUR JOBS!'' I hope that no matter how many times they say that they won't be able to sleep at night. 

    When I was younger, me and my mother were houseless, evicted over and over again in the city of San Francisco. I was never on the streets, but we always knew from our friends and family the violence of the sweeps that happened then and continue to happen nearly a decade later. Then, Homefulness was born out of a dream from my grandmother's head, from years of teaching people with race and class privilege to give reparations. Now, we are being tied up by the City of Oakland, the same that sweeps so many houseless people, unable to complete a project that will take us and our families out of houselessness. We all went to Oakland City hall to demand Free Homefulness right after the Support Not Sweeps sit in at Caltrans

    The struggle unhoused people are dealing with now is nothing new - what my mama Tiny calls, the Violence called Sweeps, or the Violence of exposure, swept like we as houseless people are trash.. But it is getting worse. From Liveaboard and poor boat residents to people sleeping in tents, people are constantly being “swept” and thrown away and demolished and displaced.  The sweeps and destruction is increasing in the so-called “opening back up” cities all across this state are increasing evictions of houseless peoples from their tents and lands when they have nowhere to go.

    This #SupportNotSweeps action, near downtown Oakland, filled up nearly the entire block with houseless and poor people exclaiming their human rights and demanding justice. Boats being destroyed in front of their now houseless owners eyes, lifelong belongings being thrown in a dump truck by glass eyed workers, day and day it happens and it never stops. As long as there is money to be made this government will colonize and pillage and destroy to get it.

    Stand with Liveaboard Mariners as they fight an eviction of their whole encampment where they have been forced to live after their boats were crushed in front of their eyes by the wealth-hoarder poltricksters of so-called Sausalito  Marin County - aka Occupied Miwok Territory on Tuesday, June 28th 7am-7pm, 300 Locust Street Sausalito, Cal   


  • I Arrive

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    Emotions don't let them get the best of you that's the Golden Rule I think it's A Catch 22 a f*****-up double-edged sword you're damned if you show emotions yet if one is emotionless you hit them with Your Best Shot firing away what is one to do what am I to do hell this is an answer that has not been answered that's the flaw in the twist of emotions and this is not a poem my thoughts just kind of flow out of me like this emotions they are feelings that can be turned into action once this energy has been tapped into or and shifted are they to be contained or are they to be released????? Character there's a fine thin line between the two emotions and character. What's the difference between those two...... The trade-off is in the truth.... or is it IN how one is viewed...... My Character is Genuine And Pure-Natured i Pride Myself On My Being Honest Which Has to do With TRUTH... CHARACTER and Truth Thin Line Between Those 2..... 


    I am emotional the outward Outburst I display that appears to be negative energy is not to be put on my being's character it is my truth And YOURS TOO...this is an outrageous traumatizing situation


    Traumatizing health hazardous and downright dangerous my emotions and my character and the truth of the deal is you got me f***** up it appears to be one way and it really is another it's an illusion due to the trans4mation of the transition in the tone of my voice and my body language which my spirit and soul do a little dance exuding a powerful energy out into the air changing the atmosphere Shifting the power captivating the authority to just be I don't need your permission your outlook and view of things are warped 


  • Life is Unpredictable

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    by AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    Life is unpredictable. I try to control what I can.

    Some say I shouldn't, I should Just Go with the Flow And Be Accepting Of What Life Has In Store.

    I'm Learning Life Is About How One Moves Through Every Encounter, Good and Bad... I Certainly have Had My Challenges and Am Currently having Some Difficulties With Maintaining My Emotions, Concerning All of Life's Recent Curveballs…  

    For Instance, Since the Coronavirus has hit, It Seems Masks, Gloves, And Disinfectants is Our New Way of Living. 

    “Gimme 6 Feet” Is the New Hashtag and World Order. The Law Has Been Implemented and All must Conform To it...

    It Seems To me this Virus is Unpredictable and aims to Kill and Destroy...

    Some Have Survived, Many Were Sentenced to Death by this Newest Pandemic...

    We Must Carry On... The World is Still Very much in A Panic...

    And The World Is Still Spinning, Although the Government is Doing Their Very Best to Dictate Everyone's Movement's... Meanwhile, Tension is Up. The Economy has taken a Bad Hit, Affecting us all... 

    One Minute, The Restaurants Are Open. Then they Close them Down, due to the Spikes Of Coronavirus/Covid-19. It's Like We’re the Yo-yos, The State Is The String, And the Government is the Human Guiding the String and Yo-yo...

    Get it...? 

  • Mama Cheryl's Story

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By: Meiriely Amaral 

    Mama Cheryl Canson’s story is one of resistance. She spoke on Po' People's Revolutionary Newz Hour: Keeping the "A's" even if Poor Peoples Cant Stay on April 13, 2021 (listen here) about her experience at Canyon Rim Apartments in San Diego.

    “While we’re fighting a pandemic we’re fighting amongst each other, and that’s really a saddening thing and we don't realize the solution to a lot of our issues is unity” - Mama Cheryl

    Mama Cheryl has been living at Canyon Rim for the past 2 years. When she first moved in she got a lot of glares and stares, and there was a lot of racism and prejudice. She is Black and the neighborhood had few people who looked like her, and ever since moving in she’s been getting harassed. The goal of this has been to get her uncomfortable enough to move.

    Some of her neighbors have used glares and mean mugs to show their displeasure of her moving there and becoming their neighbor, but Mama Cheryl is going to stand because she is not ashamed in her Blackness. She was thinking about moving, but then she got connected with the San Diego Tenants Union. They have stood with her united, and let her know that she’s not alone, fighting side by side with her.

    Mama Cheryl has a history of mental illness in her family, which sometimes leads to loud moments and that’s just something she deals with. Sometimes she’s told neighbors in the past about this but it’s a catch 22 - do you let your neighbors know about your situation or do you not for fear of targeting. None of these things can change, not her race nor her mental illness, and Mama Cheryl is not going to fight against that.

    “I am what I am ... I’m sure you’re proud of who you are but I’m not bothering you, Ima let you be who you are and be proud of who you are, you know, but allow me to do the same” - Mama Cheryl

    There was an initial complaint made against Mama Cheryl, and legal aid was initially representing her, but it was the San Diego Tenants Union who was able to find mistakes in the original complaint. Shout out to the tenants union in San Diego!! People united can conquer anything.

    Since this complaint wasn’t answered in time, it was rendered invalid. It’s still unclear to Mama Cheryl the exact details of the process she is in, but she knows she is waiting for a court hearing. She got together with the tenants union and knocked on doors, together they were able to empower others by being united, showing her fellow neighbors that if they should experience or were experiencing any of the things she was, that they were not alone.

    In the pandemic, there are laws preventing landlords/scamlords from using lack of payment to evict people, so these scamlords look for other reasons to evict people. Mama Cheryl was paying her rent electronically, but they blocked her access and wouldn’t accept her rent, so they clearly wanted her to move for other reasons. When that initial complaint was filed, the poLICE came to her door to “investigate”, and it was clear that the noise and arguing that was complained about didn’t exist. The only explanation for how this has gotten so full blown is that the office has been discriminating as well. Especially because in a building of 197 tenants or so, where she was open from the start about her mental illness history, they could have placed her in a more accommodating space around more tolerating neighbors, but they chose not to listen to her.

    Mama Cheryl is in good hands in her resistance, and in her unity with the people through the tenants union.

  • MelaninCryingSleepingBeauty

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 



    Today I Woke Up Soaked in Mine Own Tears...

    Gagging on Thick Saliva....


    Unable To Breath... In This Sleep I Am Panicked... Breath On Me Father God... Un-Leash Me From This SLUMBER of Torture...

    An empath I am not an empath I Have Become and So currently the pressure's OF the world are on my shoulders... "I'm hurting"...For My Peoples, I am The Melanin Crying Sleeping Beauty... Resurrected From A Fairy Tale 2018, Here i Am Alive And Direct..... Weeping, Weeping...

    For The Nation in Which You Dwell, I've Birthed. My Tears Are Cleanser & Silent Prayers Offered To God As I Sleep

    Deflecting,........ Fighting.... Evil...

    Sleep, MelaninCryingSleepingBeauty, Sleep. Cry me an Spiritual Sweeping Ova... Black Gurl Sweet papaya and Mango Seed With A HoneyDew Twist... Golden... Time To illuminate. I am More Than A Conqueror...

    The BLACK woman is a goddess with a little G pollinate,

    LoveOlutionaries Activate...

    Sending off High-Positive Vibrations... Deep Meditation Powerful Spiritual Healing... in My SLEEP......... I break Free... I Can Now Breath

    Sylvia Thinning I'm no longer Gasping For Air no more Tears or Suffocating Only to be Reminded 


  • I Yearn To Know Who My Son Would Be

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 

    The days are flying by. Soon it will be October 20th, 2020, and it will be my deceased son Torian Dajour Hughes’ Heavenly Birthday. He would have been 22 years of age, my favorite number -- or shall I say, one of my favorite numbers in the whole wide world. When I was younger, I used to put my age up, and it just kind of fit. 

    I've Always Been Wise Beyond my Years.


    There's a family story that Explains How it's all Connected… 

    When I was 2 years of age, my mother asked me how old I was and I responded, “I'm 22 years of age and I've been here before.” This SCARED her, and she kind of left me alone for the rest of the day. She was sure to feed me and bathe me, she put me to bed when the night hit, but as far as any other interactions, let's just say she didn't want to ask me any more questions and hoped to put the day behind her...in fear of What the Blue Eyed Black Hair 4 Teeth Talking Black Toddler Might Say... I Already Was Different In Every Aspect. Nothing like my Older Siblings. She Was SHOCKED the lil Gurl She Birthed From Her African Brown Heavily melanated Body Made That Statement... Mother Got lost in my Eyes and Let Me be...

    Laugh Out loud... 

    To this day, it's one of our favorite funny family Stories We Share, and this is why 22 is so significant to me and my family.

    Even some of my closest friends know the story and have lived to Bear Witness as I grew up, repeating the age 22 multiple times in my Journey’s Walk of Life... 

    Moving Forward, I NOW am a Mom and I have 3 sons: Amir and Ziair, Torian Is Now Gone...he's  a great Ancestor


    I miss my son. I imagined what life would be like if he was alive, living to reach the age 22. I used to think of the form of his mustache Would Take...


    I also thought about his body Mass Build. I wondered the type of young lady selection he'd bring home to me,  making Her his Future Wife. 

    I envisioned his style of dress, maintaining character in Corporate America, Working Against the 9 to 5.

    I hoped to See His Offspring, My Seed, Direct Blood line Never to Manifest Robbed x4... 

    I Prayed That Before his Spirit Leave His Body, his Soul is Clean And Acceptable To Be Eternally On the Right Hand of God. 

    I Pray the SAME Prayer For All my Children ....

    I Gave My Word To God While My 1st born was in my Tummy, I Give back My 1st living Sacrifice... 

    I Swore I Would Do my VERY BEST JOB

    To Serve and Protect As Best i can...


    I Yearn To Know Who My Son Would Be. 


    October 20th of 2020 

  • The Garden: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Author: Sistah SaveASoul aka AudreyCandyCorn

    In my Flower Garden I have 6 types of different Arrangements, 6 Different ,strange,Unique and hand chosen By Me
    In my garden I have a blue flower which symbolizes a dear sister Tenika blue
    I also have an brown Rust Tone Orange flower symbolizing Katrina Harris
    I've Also Selected An Purple Flower Wich Symbolizes Tisha Caldwell Moore 
    Monique Alexander Is A Pink Flower With Lavender Edges 
    My Bookie Snolen Savy Morphina Is an Electrifying Green Flower 
    And My Sis Queen Deelah Flower I Choose She To Be Yellow With Red Splatches ... 
    In my Garden My Potna Diamond LaDosha Go Hard in the Paint Be The Soil ... 
    And There's  An Fairy By the Name Of Patanesha Ali Love Williams Twinkling And tinkering with each flower and the soil ensuring an Even Flow of nutrition throughout the whole garden bed ...
    In and  Around The Garden there is A Tumbleweed Named Amirah PokeMyHonest ,This Tumbleweed Strengthens The Bedding of the Delicate  Flowers ...
    My Garden is Well Kept Up By The Bumblebee Worker's Of Decolonize Academy...
    Queen Bee Lisa Tiny Gray-Garcia Pollinate's My Garden Daily, Thanks To All Her Hard work And the Teams Effort
    The Garden is Healthy & Nurtured ...
    Hummingbirds Are Drawn to My Garden 
    Each Flower Gives Off it's own Contribution .... 
    The Garden Is Beautiful and Thriving The Flowers are Oddly Shaped Yet Unique 
    Mother Nature Is Pleased  With 
    the Harmony  flow  of my Garden 
    I Respect My Garden,  I tend To my Garden, I Love My Garden and I NEED My Garden ...
    I Am My Garden and My Garden is ME !
    We Are One ...
    I am Dedicated to my Garden ...
    Sensitive about My Tumbleweeds 
    Patient With my Soil And Attentive to My Flowers and Humbled by The Queen lisa tiny Gray-Garcia And Worker Bee's Commitment ... To the Garden Bed ...
    In The Garden The Flowers Have Budded ...
    Now They One by one Is Poking up Out the Ground Some Open ,Some Closed Some sprouting , all but 2 Stuck under the Ground ... Brand New Flower's All on A separate Journey to Emerge from the Soil At it's own past...
    Eager to Vibrate Energy  of Healing 
    And Show off There Beautiful colors
    As an Collective Creating The Garden ... 
  • Good Morning World

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    Good Morning World,

    It's been a horrible 3 weeks for me. So far on the Under i have Got a Young Man’s Blood on me. Saved his Life While others let him almost die. Whole leg got cut off in a Bad Car Crash...

    Then In My Neighborhood 3 Young Men I know under the age of 11. A neighbor boy Was Holding Down Another  Neighbor young man for the Cousin to Molest his OWN Cousin Emasculating Him On the Basketball ball Courts while Cop Cars were on the Scene.... 

    I was the Only one Adult to Get Involved and Help the little boy who was Violated... No other Adults Wanted to Deal with it. They seen it all before... i was Appalled...

    and He had to go home with Baby Cousin Predator Who Did it To him... 

    Then to Add insult, As I was picking  up my Kids 2 police cars Tried to Pen Me in For a Checkpoint. I bust a u-turn. They chased me. I lost em sis then Hit the lights and parked the car up at The Black Mills College in Deep east Oakland. And Hoped OUT the car THEN RAN TOP SPEED scared Frightened like a House Nigger I Thrust My Body in to The Bushes I was thinking of climbing the TREES... 

    All I COULD do Is think Of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor And Me --  AudreyCandyCorn -- Shot To Death By Police.

    Why did i Run? I’m a Law Abiding Citizen.

    Cause I'm Scared To Have any Police Interactions ... For myself I was Alone And Couldn't take A Chance to have 1 more Encounter Hell. 

    Previously in the Week...

    There was An Officer Who Recognized me For Saving a 23 year old Mental Brotha from Being Shot And Killed by the Police. As Frightened as i was, I was the Only person to Come outside And witness that young Man's Fate. They were going to Kill him if i didn't Step up and Record -- Went to get his Family So they know -- And Charged at the police with my body to Prevent Him From being Sprayed with Bullets. they Said He was playing with Him. I said if you Don't shoot and kill me, He's no Harm. I can help De-escalate. Let Me help...

    You help him.  If you Let Me I got close enough to make a Difference and save his Life 

    He had no Gun. They tried to George Floyd him 

    Once they could Eventually get to him i Thought 

    i didn't help y'all to Step on his Neck. I went crazy now there's a Crown ... the Foot Came off the Neck And I disappeared. 15 Cop cars came. By this time my Survive or Flight had kicked in ... and Last but Not Least, My baby brother who had been missing For 7 months -- the last time i saw him he came to my house after being missing for over a year January 2 ,2020.

    He had Seizure in front of me for the 1st time ever. I saved his life, went to check on another Situation and Came back To an Empty house. BROTHER GONE and now 7 months later July 14th 2020, He Is Alive and Laying on my Couch. God Is Good. 

    As i Share these Secret silent Killers I've endured In Private... I Don't  Know How much More i can Take, See or Bear. i need someone I could Talk to As of now I been Just Stewing in it With Anxiety. The lack of Help is What Fucks Me Up ... You almost have to Broadcast What you doing And I Refuse to...

    But it does lead to Ill Mental Health issues.  And i think that's why i was in the Bushes (sidebar Sorry)

    Being the Change Ain't Easy. I'm Sharing the Real WORK One Human Situation at a Time. The work i do In the hood i Could be Targeted by the police Or Called A Snitch By the Very ONES I'VE HELPED 

    Cause I Do Show Up and Often be the only One .... 

    And I now Can truly Speak For those who Are Asked, “Why did you run from the police if you Are a Law Abiding Citizen?” Because i did it and the Answer is Simple.  I'm not in any counseling. I ran my Counselor off. I'm too Deeply  Real. She Quit, Not cause of me but by the time i had done broke down the corrupt System that Was breaking us both Down, She Agreed and Quit. This was A Brown Latina Sistah From a well known Organization Not Really  helping... meanwhile I must Get back to Reality and Find Resources for Food for the Boys While We trapped in the house due to Coronavirus Pandemic. we gots no meat in the house we down to Canned Vegetables and rice. I only come out For Necessities but when i do it's a Crisis.  i aint coming out for the rest of the month. I'm switching Gears and Focusing on a new way of thinking and living. West Oakland Not gone Be the Death of Me. thank you For checking up on me. We out here Dangling . 

    P.s. Me and Children have collaborated on the very 1st  Coronavirus Pandemic Guide EVER TO BE DONE. the book is 20 bucks. We can get some Chicken or hamburger Meat To cook...

    Otherwise Mama Don't know Other than sell ASS 

    What's next ...  Devil you a lie ...

    Beyond is What's Next, Beyond Wealth and Health 

    And that's what that Video is About, A new Way of thinking and living. it will be my new Source of income. And I need Your Personal Support. Please do Click the link i sent you, so that i can start there with  getting paid. I know that's a lot. My tooth just broke out as I'm  writing this due to me Gritten my teeth unbeknownst to me. Wow, I got to check on Another Sister, who Me and my Friend found. She in the Hospital for Attempting Suicide Man... 

  • Doing My Part

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By: AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul

    Health and wealth, Democrats, Republicans and the great words of Minister King and Malcom X. Man, I've had enough of them currently in the city of Oakland, California. Enough of dealing with the politics at 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza. The tables have turned this year. Election term fail. The 400-year mark of the slaves, and a slave masters role has been switched.

    The world's politics and local politics are forever changed. Donald Trump is no longer the president of the United States of America. And as for Lynette McElhaney, she is no longer a part of the City Council as we know it to be. Everything has a set time, an ending date. What is important is what one did while they were in a place of power and authority.

    What does one want to be recognized for? The tapestry of the Duty and Oath that one has taken? That is what really counts, at least in God's eyes. It is important for those who are placed in a position to make change to do so, and not utilize their position for self gain or recognition or celebrity and fame. However, not everyone is given a platform to lead. That role and position is very important.
    I wonder now that positions have come to an end, can our former leaders live with their decisions? This is a question I'm sure many Ponder. However, what one should Ponder is what did you do, or are you doing, personally to make change. If we each individually do our part, that self-accountability goes a long way. Once one is given a platform and put in a place of power and authority, that is where true character comes into play....
    To have the strength not to be selfish, but to be selfless, is a true gift that very few can offer. It is based on accountability and one's nature to operate in one's highest vibration. Fighting the flesh and temptation to rule over the land and the people, leading them down a road of destruction. Well, those are my thoughts, and more importantly, this is real talk with real people. I am AudreyCandyCorn doing my part, being the change that I want to be and see. Until next time my friends...
  • My Truth

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    I am AudreyCandyCorn A Grieving Yet Breathing Mother, the black woman is a goddess with a little g Noooooo blaspheming you see.

    I Birthed a Nation and although I attempt to do the very best that I can with what I have, the pressure of the world is always on my shoulders.

    I am the least protected, the most disrespected, but yet I find a way to shine. Because everything that I need is already inside of me, it's inside my DNA. 

    You see I don't have to do the change, I am the change, I simply just have to be.

    Doesn't that sound Wonderful, very Powerful and Affirming even. At least that's what I tell myself.  Life is what you make it.

    We all have options and choices. I choose to Live versus simply exist. I struggle with depression & Have severe anxiety attacks.


    Every morning when I wake up, I tell myself this. And not only do I tell myself this, but I own it because I understand that I have the power to shift energy… 

    Life Is Unpredictable And No Matter How Much i Planned, life has A Way Of unraveling My Agenda… 

    I've Always for the most part Been An Optimistic Person…   

    My whole life I've Looked at the GLASS HALF WAY FULL vs. EMPTY…

    The Great Langston Hughes Puts It Best: "Life for Me Ain't Been No Crystal Stair "


    Growing Up in West Oakland California Has Been A Struggle, being That it is ONE of the Most Violent Cities in the World.  My Boston Bookie Savey Morphinea calls My Town "Oakland Iraq." She's Right. The Citizens Are Always On Attack in War Mode..."it's a State of Emergency " No One Is Safe. This is Where My PTSD is Developed And my newest disorder unbenounced to me -- Depression. I was in Denial one day when I looked up and I was surrounded by a heap of piles everywhere...piles of books, piles of clothes piles of paper with the underlining trail of trash... 

    My Lord...

    How did I get HERE? The dishes are piled up, I'm hungry and I can't remember the last time I ate. Who is responsible for this? It was as though I had snapped out of a spell... I was responsible for this.


    December 20th, 2015, my life Drastically changed. My oldest son, My first born Torian Dajour Hughes Was Killed 5 days Before Christmas, Leaving Me And His 2 Brother's Amir and Ziair Behind to ReDiscover ourselves. Life has never been the same since… 


    It's been 3 years and 3 months Torian was Robbed and Killed, Being His Brothers’ Keeper. All 3 boys, born 5 years Apart, were VERY CLOSE, Very loving toward Each Other. The Boys Made a pact With one another Before Torian Died. The Boys Said they Would Always Be Each Others KEEPER and Not Only Would They Keep each other on the Right TRACK

  • BE ONE with Chucks

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    Uncle Chucky's came back 7 months after the fact he's gone again just that quick me and my mom prayed that he would return back we were hoping we got the opportunity to see him for his birthday he will be turning 33 years old it's been very difficult not knowing where he is Chuck's a loner always has been he showed up in the wee hours I heard a light knocking on my door kind of like tapping normally I don't answer weird sounds from the door but I told myself I wasn't going to be scared of answering my own door I found the door open courageously I said who is it calm and collected there was my baby brother Chucky he entered hesitantly I threw my arms around him gave him a hug he pulled back and said no Audrey I said yes Chucky he laughed I giggled we embraced and I closed the door behind him he stood in the middle of the floor looking with an odd stare and Blank Stare I observed him it was my brother indeed he say Audrey is that you I said ya fool I offered him something to eat is you hungry yeah a little Chucky replied with the real low voice okay I said make yourself at home you already know he said thank you I agree we caught up it was hard to have a conversation with him because his conversation is much like my brother Tyrone conversation you got to know one to understand the other I called my mother immediately to let her know I got your son he made his way to me I was happy that he made his way to me cuz mom lives in a whole nother City now that's why it's important to stay connected with family you should always have a safe haven to hide you should always have a phone number or two that will remain the same years to come and have an Escape Route when in danger or in fear I called for my sons Amir n Zaire to come down and greet they uncle normally I would have had them take some pictures together but I wasn't able to do so on this visit Chucks was too out of it so I remained in the moment Trying to cherish The TIME we Have ... even if it's just for a moment this family time is much needed I love my brother and want nothing but the best for him he's a nice caring nurturing kind person he's very honest and likes to be in nature because of this it's hard to catch up to him me I'm a city girl everything is fast fast pace with me I talk fast I move fast I am fast my brother he's the opposite calm cool structured patient and collected. I actually wish I was more like him. He Is Good in his Skin. I am Not... I take that Back !!!


    On another Note, I Am My Brother's Keeper... Come on in Corona And Covid 

    Friends of My Baby brother If you With him you with Him ... Chucks Walked For 1 day n a half to Get To Me on his Journey to Family...  so much Time Lost Where you been Chucky, I been Audrey, Is you gone Stick Around for your birthday Chucky This is Your birthday month... 

    I Don't  Know...


  • The Time Has Come

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By: AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul

    Ok. So here it is... Finally, the time has come; I'm gone do it, I'm gone go to my Family's house for Thanksgiving. And Sit Right Where Torian Dajour Hughes sat, and I mean Directly Spot On Smack Dead Front and Center. I hope To Sit in his Very Same Space ...

    Yup, The Time Has Come And I just Can't take No More...
    Clearly Time has Overlapped and the Silence has formed into a Poison Manifestation... 
    I hold back the Pain Hurt and Betrayal. I have asked GOD To Lighten their Paths so that the Hate Pain And Poison doesn't continue to Spread, out of Control, Out into the atmosphere.
    5 years. December 20th, 2020, and it looks like I'm going to have to be the one to make all of the first moves to righteousness, not Consciousness, but righteousness. Yup it's a new day and I was told at 3 a.m. in the morning. A message from heaven was sent through an Earth vessel to reach me, so I'm going to be obedient as best I can, despite the pain, heartache, and disappointment I have endured.
    The reality is setting in really quickly. I understand it is not on my time, it is on God's time. All I ever wanted was to have an open line of communication, but more often than less we think talking is communicating, but it's not. Communicating can be non-verbal, and I have been paying attention to the communication in the silence of our other family network ... 
    Yesterday I did my cousin Khalida hair. It was unexpected. She asked for 10 braids, specific. She is the only one that has been loyal out of The Clark Sisters. However, wait! There is another sister, Aaliyah, who has went out of her way to show me loyalty like her sister. These two sisters have proven what family feels like. The other two sisters have placed themselves against the family dynamic of blood versus water. These women have chosen men and self-preservation over Family Ties and bonds.
    Yep, this time around I'm not going to pretend like I'm okay. I'm actually going to be okay. Now, I can't lie. I have thought about, and had, many visions how this could play out. Am I to be blamed for wanting to have a family connection with the only family I've ever known? Is it my fault that I thought my family would have my back like I have theirs?
    And you know, I don't even know if having a conversation would even be beneficial anymore. At times I am confused. Parts of me just want to be regular and not operate in my honor. Curse people out for leaving us for dead. But another part of me said, this is your blessing in disguise. Family is not DNA connection. Family is those who are concerned about your well-being.. Period.
    This Thanksgiving it is going to be different and right. When part of me Knows better I Get the Opportunity to Do Better. It is them that seem to be prospering, but I know that their time has come to an end. It appears to be one way, but really another truth is to be told. Summer had a nervous breakdown and her marriage is over. She's now divorced from the Muslim Abdul, whose family is responsible for chopping up Oakland's very well-known and beloved Chauncey Bailey, the news reporter for Urban Grassroots reporting. Or shall I say current events? Yep, that part.
    Oh, you wasn't ready yesterday. I was able to be in the presence of my baby cousin, and I explained to her my feelings. But it was her idea. She said we should go to marla for Thanksgiving. I looked at her and I said, "Yeah, we should. I want to, let's do it. We can go together or separately. Just get there around the same time."
    She said, "Yeah, let's do it cousin." Then she said, "I'm going to tell him Audrey's coming."
    I said, "No, don't tell him Audrey coming. Let it be a surprise."
    I thought my cousin Carol Lee Brown was going to be the one to gather the family, but to no avail. Then Leslie, I thought, was going to help out. She said she would be willing to, but again, to no avail. Nobody expects khalida to be the one to round the family up. And, well, she's going to bring me right on in! Set the seat at the table Happy Thanksgiving thanks-taking. Cuz I'm taking my spot this year at their table whether it's food or not. The time has come. I've decided To Go with the Flow. After all, I can plan all I want. It's all in God's Divine time.
  • The Pain in my Heart

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 


    I tried to pretend as if it wasn't there if I ignored it then it doesn't exist...

    I can suppress this feeling, it's Mind Over Matter, self control...

    Or Is It...

    How does one get over the pain... Suppressing Hurt Ain't Working... On the inside I am Fonken... 

    Boiling Lava Streaming Out My urethra...

    Emotions Are High... poisoning levels are heightened... 

    Oooh the Hurt Oh my God the Pain, Toxic, i STINK...

    My Body is traumatized and it's coming out of my skin, through my pores out into the atmosphere...

    What a Wicked Stench...

    I'm Tainted... And it's all your Fault

    You Silenced me... the Fuckin Pain of my Hurt is Still Here... 

    My soul and Spirit Is secreting the fouls of my ailment...

    Ailment, My BROKEN Layered, BETRAYED HEART...

    My Spirit Needs A CLEANSING. regurgitating

    Is the Best Fix...

    I'm THROWING UP WHAT MAKES ME FEEL BAD Releasing Myself Of the Silence,

    Ignoring The Pain in My HEART ❤ Has Created A hygiene problem FOR MY BODY Real True Story

    Better Out than In...

    i will not hold It in...

    Addressing the Hurt and pain inside me Is What Took The SMELL AWAY

    Damn surreal...


  • Giving it All Up Education PODS

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul 



    Giving it All Up Education PODS 

    Do you know About that System or What it Is Even??? 

    I just Learned of Such a Thing. Interesting. I wondered Who Came up with this And I also Wonder Who will Benefit? 

    Is this An All Size Fit All Educational Setting??? Check up on it Yall I heard it's For The Ones  that Are Silver Spoon Fed, The Rich And Wealthy,  Privileged Ones. 

    I Don't  want to come out and tell you this is Something you must Go Deep Diving For The Answers... 

    My Interest has Been Piqued.

    What i do know is that Nothing is New under the sun… During Corona The Times is Changing, The Way We Know life to be... This Very Pandemic is Taken over our Educational System, We're Making Progress, It's now been 8 months Since the Beginning of this Mess... and Well We're passing up the Middle and Nearing the End of the Year...

    4 Months to go and December Will be here... 

    And Well It's  Affecting Us All Globally in Every Area Of Our Lives ...

    This Disease Takes Us All Down No one Exempt Even With the World being on Lock Down Supposedly.... America is Damn Near Doomed And It's  Due to Lack of Knowledge & Education Of this Covid 19 Coronavirus... I think Introducing Pods May Be A Solution to the Education Aspect of our Children...

    We Have Sheltered in place Partially, and Students are Being Punished All OVER the World ... How do we overcome this Huge Problem In Our Educational community... Who is most Affected academically... Is it the Poor? Is it the Brown, the Black And Broken??? 

    Some people say This Pod System Will be A Safe Way to Keep from Spreading the Virus.  Truth be Told No One knows yet How to Stop the Spread Of This Virus.

    Pods Sound Strange But it Just Might Be the Answer For Some but it's  surely NOT the End All be ALL ...

    I think We All Should just do what works as individual Households And i think it should  be something that Is Provided As Option Not As An Mandatory Procedure due to Coronavirus...

    I Don't  know what the Future holds but i do know it's going to take a few tries to get any System to Work in this New World Order... Do You Suggest PODS For Your Children's  Education??? Google it.

  • Breast Exam

    09/23/2021 - 13:50 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By: AudreyCandyCorn aka SistahSaveASoul

    Yesterday I went to go get my breast exam for the first time. The lady felt on my breast and found three lumps. The first was found on September 17th. The second one was found September 27th, and the third one was found October 24th. Once November hit, I had made the promise to my dad, myself, my children and a few extended family members that I would get myself checked out immediately due to the rapid growth of These Lumps.

    I'm not scared I'm more irritated than anything. I thought for a minute that I would be angered because I have a good idea why the lumps have appeared and the origin of where they have developed from, the root. I hate to be right sometimes. Sometimes I'd much rather be wrong, but that's rare. My delivery may not always be taken seriously, but I'll be on point. Sometimes people can't express things, even though we try our best to communicate effectively. It doesn't mean that the person doesn't know what they're talking about, or the truth isn't trying to be set free. I personally am a witness to the character of my goddamn self, scribing this journey of self-development and emotional intelligence, and I want to talk about Corona; the fact that we're in the pandemic and that it's lasted.

    Corona was around January 11th, we just didn't have a name for it yet, my baby niece Helen, dark skin Boogie Woogie Lou, was one of the very first babies infants newborns to catch this covid-19 virus AKA Corona. She was only 11 days and had to be hospitalized, taken away from both of her parents and put into this system which gave her the infection in the first place.
    I was the one along with Homefulness and the Hebrew tribe to help bring this baby from the hands of the state, hospital CPS workers, into the loving arms of the biological grandmother, lalaine Hughes. That's my proof that this pandemic has been around since the beginning of January, but you don't got to take my word for, it I'm simply trying to survive, take notes and share the tools to get by. However this disease is in the air, it's airborne, and taking over the whole world. For all I know, it could be this coronavirus s*** I'm breathing in that has put the lumps in my breast because they're growing rapidly.
    It's been 3 months and three lumps in one of my breasts. They putting up these towers that we've been warned about. They're showing up in the ghettos more than the suburbs and between the two we all have no Escape.
    So I'm dealing with these lumps. I don't trust the hospital, I didn't want to go alone. I wanted to capture my movement on this stage of my life. So far, I have been healthy from birth to 39. This is the only issue I have ever had other than giving birth 3 times. I just want to be in a position to be free, as simple as that sounds. I know it may not be the case, no matter how healthy I eat, no matter how much I meditate, Purge myself of poisons verbally, internally and out.
    I work on myself daily, from moment to moment. I'm constantly trying to be a better version of myself, leaving the lower levels of me behind. I must admit, I'm doing a great fantastic wonderful job. However, the time has come for me to face the inevitable, which is tackling the issues that have not been confronted. How does one do that? How do you have a conversation with someone who won't have a conversation? I was told you pray on it, you get creative. Vent. Go see a psychiatrist, therapist or counselor. I was told not to keep it in, let it out, speak on it. Then I was told don't speak on it, keep it in, don't let it out. I was told watch what you say and what you do. Then I was told you don't have to watch what you say or what you do.
    I used to be surrounded by four hundred people. I was left with one. That multiplied into 4, then 6, now 11 extended family members who have held me dearly to their hearts. My lifelines. But even with those lifelines, I don't want to get my antennas crossed, my rope throwed over the cliff or simply cut PERIOD... They, too, are only human.
    So, like I said, I kept my promise to those individuals, because they will be lost without me. I served a place in their hearts that's Irreplaceable. The medicine I provide only can come from and through me and my existence. When I'm gone, the sweet remnants of who I am and was will forever be an ongoing gift of healing. I swear I believe this with my whole heart. That is the truth and they know it. That's why we are connected. I will be the guiding ancestor, fighting for righteousness in the consciousness of the revolution's struggle for the kingdom of God. Of course, it couldn't go any other way.
    But in the meanwhile I will do the next necessary steps in regards to the follow up with the lumps in my breast. I know this may seem all over the place if you're reading this and not in tune or in touch with who I am. If you're not familiar with my writings and thought pattern, you may actually get lost and feel like this is random jargon, but it's not. It's the road map to my story. It's the very essence of the energy that has manifested These Lumps. It's the very presence of the medicine that has prevented me from being ill...
    So it's preparation time in all areas of my life. My legacy matters. I have purpose. My children deserve the best that I can give them while I'm living. Although I got a hunch I'm worth way more to them dead versus being alive. I'm not rushing anything. My time to go only the Lord knows, but if you care anyting about me, you would try to help help me by helping them. Amaris 17 + ziair is 12 Torian is 22 + dead.
    These are the things I think about that disturb me. Family, betrayal, being Left 4 Dead, and a lack of support for my sons have manifested in the three lumps. We work really hard to get our message out, but who's listening? Who actually cares? I try not to think like that. I know me and the children are well-loved, but we not eating and tired of watching pieces of the pie be sliced and given to Someone Else again and again untill it's Crumbs and Finally we Scream, "Hey! You keep passing (me )(Us) Up! Snatching The Crumbs!" Now Feeling Obligated To have A Slice Of Our Own... All in due Time... 
    1st things 1st Tackle this Breast Then contact Family of Betrayers Then ??? 

