Press Contacts: Muteado Silencio /Tiny (510-435-7500
Landless/houseless, Indigenous Black, Brown and Disabled People Lead an "unTour" thru wealth-hoarding neighborhoods and sacred indigenous sites in Denver aka Stolen Ute, Arapaho, Northern Cheyenne Territory
When: 12pm Thursday, July 29th
Where: Tour launched with Multi-Nationed Prayer & Speakers at Confluence Park (1500 16th street, Denver, Colorado)
"When they take our land, our tents and our belongings, we have nowhere to go,... " said Israel M., formerly houseless, indigenous co-builder of Homefulness.
"As colonial cities and towns ‘open Back Up’ we indigenous, houseless and poor folks know that means, increased sweeps of houseless bodies, increased evictions of poor families and elders, increased desecration of indigenous peoples lands and sacred sites increased poverty and poLice Terror of Black and Brown and working class people," said Tiny, formerly houseless co-founder of POOR Magazine.
POOR Magazine is a poor and indigenous people-led art, culture, and liberation movement. Our multi-generational, multi-cultural houseless/indigenous people-led movement will be going on the road to connect the dots between our shared oppressions and struggles, share the urgent medicine of how to build self-determined land movements, take back land, healing, and our own knowledge systems and cultures right here in occupied Turtle Island.
This leg of a summer long Un-Tour is in occupied Southern Ute, Mountain Ute, Arapahoe and Northern Cheyenne Territory, aka Denver - the site of high-speed gentrification, homelessness, poLice abuse, murder and terror as well as a silenced bloody history of colonial genocide.
As we all grapple with Mama Earth burning, flooding and all of us trying to survive, these Un-Tours connect the dots between eviction, homelessness, colonization, desecration, poLice terror, Devil-oper Land grabs, mining and other extractive industries, desecration of Mama Earth, and the removal, incarceration, police terror of Black, Brown, indigenous, disabled and poor people.
In so-called Denver we will launch the tour with prayer from all four corners and ancestors of this land with 1st Nations warriors like Lynn Eagle Feather whose sun Paul Castaway was murdered by Denver PoLice as well as liberators from Denver Homeless Outloud, members of Western Regional Advocacy Project, who are on the front-lines of resistance efforts for unhoused Denver residents.
In each UnTour we share poor people-led solutions of Radical Redistribution, Homefulness, Land Back movements and ComeUnity Reparations informed by POOR Press books How to Not Call Po'Lice Ever and Poverty Scholarship: Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words, and Tears Across Mama Earth, with houseless and poor communities and communities with different forms of race, class and/or education privilege with the goal of supporting local resistance movements and helping poor and indigenous people launch their own solutions like Homefulness.
Smoke from fires across the Western States to the midwest blanket the skies. Sweeps and invaders concrete the land to cover up history of slaughter and murder. Gentrifuckers completely program the same blueprint from King St, SF to 16th St mall in Denver. Houseless cannot be eliminated, said Momii Palapaz , family elder from POOR Magazine's Elephant Council (one of the models we teach and live into at Homefulness and share in the How TO Not Call PoLice Ever handbook.)
We are inviting all organizations to co-sponsor, walk with us, speak and/or learn more about this important new/old way to walk on Mama Earth in this time of so much pain.

Links to some of our Stolen Land/Hoarded Resources Tours
Stolen Land/Hoarded Resurces Tour thru Akkkadeia- May 2021
Links to books:
How to Not Call Po'Lice Ever
Poverty Scholarship: Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words, and Tears Across Mama Earth
Po' People's Survival Guide thru COVID-19 and the Virus of Poverty
Children's books:
When Mama and Me Lived Outside
The Hard Worker (Trabajador Fuerte)
Krip Hop Nation Graphic Novel
Decolonewz - Newspaper led by youth in poverty for everyone ( available in paper form only)
See this link
Po' Peoples Radio Broadcasts:
See this link
More info on Homefulness:
See this link and
Articles on this from the SF Bay View and POOR Magazine:
Stealing our Last Acre and One Remaining Mule
Selling our Homes to Private Investors
Public Housing Privatization
The Privatization
From Privatization to Reparations
Section 8 and Public Housing at Risk