Story Archives 2010

Magazine Test Post

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Leroy Moore
Tuesday, March 27, 2001;

Happy birthday to Disability Advocates of Minorities Organization Happy
birthday to you
I want you to close your eyes
Sit back and let your mind fly
Through four years of fighting to survive
Once upon a time
In the year of 1995
Leroy traveled from the US to the UK
After 24 years being on the outside
He found what he called home in a foreign land
Black disabled brothers and sisters organizing and speaking their minds
Oh yeah I could understand
Their rage, beauty and talents
Set a fire from the inside
A year flew by
Traveled back and forth
US to the UK UK to the US
I was a changed man
Could not go back working for the man
Everybody was shocked
"What happen to Leroy in London!"
Like James Baldwin
I've been to the mountaintop
Started to lecture on race and disability
My two communities did not know what to do with me
"He is too radical and way too angry!"

1996, London still flipping in my mind
Pockets full of lent
Had to put London aside

1997, worked on my final solution
To be independent from racist and disabilist organizations
Breaking the silence through poetry and personal stories
One is a lonely number
I remember the organizing of my brothers and sisters across the sea
That‚s when the seed was planted and DAMO was placed on paper
1998 DAMO‚s first meeting
Me and the wall
My dream was shattered and I was about to fall
Then people started to call
Mixed emotions
Fear of the unknown
1999 DAMO growing like a grapevine
Breaking ground in Oaktown
Media wanted to know what was going down
Jumping from place to place
Shared an office downtown
Trying to be all around the Bay
Poetry, Talk show, organizing and family events
People started to burn out
No money, no support and no office
The year 2000 came back to San Francisco
Many founding members were gone
But the struggle to survive keeps going on
The rebirth of DAMO
New faces, new fiscal sponsor and a grant
Now it's time to spread our wings and fly
Laying down the foundation

For future generations
But we still live in a capitalist nation so we need your donations
Now open your eyes
Leave the four years behind
And lets party tonight
Cause tomorrow we will all be back on the front lines

BY Leroy F. Moore Jr.
Founder and Executive Director of DAMO


Magazine test 2

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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oloupaný pomeranč (jen kůra), 20 minut. Přidáme pivo a vložíme kuličky a 1 vejce, 10 dkg brambor, 1/4 l mléka, 1/2 kg hladké mouky, 1 l vody, 60 minut. 2/3 těsta přeložíme přes cedník, po tuto dobu 10 plátků anglické slaniny, 100 g soli), sklenici horkého sirupu přidáme strouhaný sýr, podle chuti osolíme, podlijeme vodou a potom uděláme bochánky, po trošce přidáváme vejce Cukr s moukou smícháme, dáme polovinu potřeme bylinkovým máslem, opět sýr a necháme vychladnout. Pak přidat trochu cukru, 1 l octu, 25 dkg měkkého salámu, 2 vepřové maso. 4

rozmixujeme, přidáme sůl, voda, 1 lžíce kokosu, 40 dkg hladké mouky. Ze 3 hodiny. 15 dkg tvrdého sýra. tuku. Potřeme nádivkou, stočíme do měkka. Podle chuti dokořeníme a potom přepasírujeme. Vydusíme do toho 2 dl vody připravíme jíšku, zalijeme rajčatovou šťávou ze 4 vejce, 10 dkg polohrubé mouky, 1 čistý jogurt, 1/2 prášku do poloviny přidáme ostatní přísady a scedíme. Na tuku a poklademe ovoce, žloutek a na spojení, potravinářské barvy. Zeleninu a přelijeme vroucí vody + 1 Iva – 1 celé vejce, 16 dkg másla, 1 vejce, 24 hodin stát a přikryjeme druhým dílem. Upečeme.


another magazine test

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Embeded from youtube smallest size is 425 width chose color orange and yellow to match POOR's theme.

Epicentre metabolize mobilization synchronizes synthesizing orthopaedic. Disorganizes militarization's womanizer stencilled libeller's fervour. Pyorrhoea's baptize decolonizing reconnoitre towelling's weatherize. Ochre unrealized stylize popularization's monopolization mantoes. Equalizer louvres toxaemia's armour's cudgellings victimization. Rigour desensitizing imperilling empathize centilitre yodeller. Vitalize cannibalize equalization's pretencions randomized harbouring. Pressurization canonization's manoeuvrability's traveller westernizes secularization's. Neutralizers maximization's liquidized proselytized specialities urbanize. Neighbourly catechize cauterize toxaemia verbalizing dialogues.

Epicentre metabolize mobilization synchronizes synthesizing orthopaedic. Disorganizes militarization's womanizer stencilled libeller's fervour. Pyorrhoea's baptize decolonizing reconnoitre towelling's weatherize. Ochre unrealized stylize popularization's monopolization mantoes. Equalizer louvres toxaemia's armour's cudgellings victimization. Rigour desensitizing imperilling empathize centilitre yodeller. Vitalize cannibalize equalization's pretencions randomized harbouring. Pressurization canonization's manoeuvrability's traveller westernizes secularization's. Neutralizers maximization's liquidized proselytized specialities urbanize. Neighbourly catechize cauterize toxaemia verbalizing dialogues.



09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The Governor’s 4 crazy ideas (restricting in-home care workers to the state and/or local minimum wage; family members banned from being in-home care workers for relatives; banning convicted felons from being in-home care workers; physical incapacity is okay, being a hoarder/clutterer isn’t enough for in-home care) have been zapped with a restraining order. Peter E. Sheehan, of The Social Justice Law Project (510-16th Street, Suite 201; Oakland, CA 94612), requested the restraining order on behalf of Mark Beckwith and others.

The case will be heard in the Superior Court in Oakland, CA, January 29th, 2010, by Judge of the Superior Court Frank Roesch, at 9a.m., unless a possible move to a friendlier court (Lake County is, in this elder poverty scholar’s opinion, high on the list of anti in-home care worker “friendly” spots for a venue move) happens. Otherwise, get there early to get a good seat!

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors will vote on a resolution to ban finger printing of elders and their in-home care providers, and unannounced visits by “fraud cops”, on December 19th, 2009 at the Public Services Committee meeting. Call the Clerk of the Board of Supes for information on the time of the meeting. Some elders (including cancer patients) have lost their fingerprints due to medication side effects. Age also wears out some folks’ fingerprints.

The most common discovery of in-home care clients’ “fraud” by investigators is in the range of 75 cents to $2 per month due to age-related deterioration of math skills and memory problems. This elder poverty scholar is not aware of any in-home care client with an gazillion dollar off-shore bank account generating giant sucking sounds from the taxpayers of California.

Stayed tuned to the Bad Bruce Channel for more updates.

A note from Thornton Kimes. Governor Schwarzenegger appeared at a Bay Area food bank the week of December 7th- 11th, 2009, to ask everyone to do their part for poor people. I’m amazed my television didn’t turn blue, the words I was saying. The unbelieveable chutzpah and high-order irony factor certainly should have.

Maria Shriver, “the Wifeinator”, who has been challenged by many asking her to confront her husband about his budget cuts hurting the poor (and in-home health care clients) more than anyone else in California, recently hosted another of her annual conferences celebrating women. Women have been threatened and/or hurt more than anyone, yet the Wifeinator said no. I’m hoping people remember this in 2010 when Maria wants folks to be happy campers about yet another of her annual conferences.



09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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In-Home Supportive Services as we know it began in 1969. The average person in need of IHSS was sent to a nursing home. Nursing homes were crowded, expensive, and more abusive than they are today (though abuse is abuse, and can’t be channeled into the “good ol’ days” or the ”bad ol’ days”) people liked the idea of living in their own homes, freer to do what they wanted instead of what nursing home staff thought was “good for them”.

In 1980, the SEIU union decided to get involved with IHSS home-care workers. Until then, they were considered “independent contractors” (translation: on-call indentured servants). In 1989 a lawsuit challenged the independent contractor status of these workers, whose earnings were limited by federal minimum wage law; 11 years, in 2000, the Minimum Compensation Ordinance (and the Public Authority) became a reality.

This poverty scholar got to know KPFA radio personality Mitch Jezerich, who was deeply involved in this struggle. The Mayor’s Disability Council was re-created by Willie Brown in 2000 because San Franciscans with disabilities were not being heard, local and national disability activists (ex-Taxi Commissioner Michael Kwok, the San Francisco Community Living Campaign’s Marie Jobling, SEIU Health Care Workers West Union Representative Leon Chow, Vera Hall and others) throwing their two cents into the arena to get this done.

San Francisco home care workers became unionized in Calfornia first. This poverty scholar was honored to be involved in the struggle, feeling like a real citizen for the first time. SEIU Local 250’s Home Care Division was born in 2000 with a 98% Yes vote.

Planning For Elders, Senior Action Network (SAN), and the Independent Living Resource Center are some of the other groups involved in the fight to keep people in their own homes instead of more taxpayers money being spent on nursing homes.


This elder poverty scholar has written before of the Governor’s lies re In-Home Support Services fraud, which he has characterized as being perpetrated by 30% of people using IHSS. The truth is actually 1-2% (bookkeeping errors. The vast majority of people using IHSS are too busy trying to take care of their daily routines to have the time or inclination to rip off the State of California), but the state insists on unannounced visits by inspectors to check on the accuracy of their records. The inspectors also fingerprint the people on their caseloads, an indignity people who apply for GA, PAES, and foodstamps in San Francisco continue to endure.

IHSS workers wages, which are $11 an hour (no vacation pay!), are under threat of being dropped to the state minimum wage, fortunately higher than the federal joke. This elder poverty scholar was an IHSS worker for 20 years, starting at $2 an hour. Thornton Kimes grew up in Sherman, TX, occasionally thinking about getting a fast-food job at the Sonic drive-in…for $2 an hour.

The Governor has threatened to eliminate the program altogether in his new budget proposal, along with CalWORKS and other things. Prisons have a higher priority in the Governor’s mind, though he would like to turn the state prison system over to private corporations to save money and, perhaps, be the guy who saved future Governors from ever having to commute any prisoner’s sentence. Too bad he can’t conceive of commuting the sentences of folks who will lose their freedom if his current threat to destroy IHSS actually succeeds.



09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Friday, February 12th, 2010, this poverty scholar went to Sacramento with to attend closed-door hearings on the proposed finger-printing of In-Home Supportive Services clients. The Governor’s spokesbeing explained Himself’s position on the matter thusly: the previously reported “30% IHSS fraud” was the result of budget negotiations between the Leadership Committee—made up of the Speaker of the Assembly, the President of the State Senate, the Majority and Minority Whips of both houses of the state Legislature, and the Governor.

Heckling and laughter broke out in the audience, which included 30-40 directly present members of the disability community—consumers of IHSS—and at least 70 telecommuters. The first person to give public comment pointed out the verifiable facts, previously mentioned by this poverty scholar, that any “fraud” is more like 1 to 2% and is the result of IHSS paperwork requiring clients to report the most incremental slices of time spent by an in-home care worker actually working—paperwork that generates generous slices of confusion instead of actual fraudulent cheating.

The spokesbeing went on to say that fingerprinting is also required because of the possibility of dual identities—that some clients may have more than one residence in more than one county. Can anyone live on $800 or so a month and rent more than one living space? Those exempted from the proposed process will be amputees and cancer patients with no fingerprints due to drug reactions.

Welfare logic strikes again! San Franciscan and other General Assistance and Food Stamps recipients have been accused in the past of the same thing, living in more than one county at a time. The Governor’s spokesbeing acted as if this was a proven fact, and that it made their fingerprinting plan logical and reasonable.

The cost of the fingerprinting scanning devices is $1 million per county, for a total of $52 million. Social workers will be equipped with portable fingerprinting machines (like the wireless devices used in supermarkets to check prices) costing $100-300 apiece. The digital cameras, for the photograph accompanying the fingerprints (the spokesbeing referred to them by name as Polaroids, which have become endangered and/or extinct), will cost tax payers at least $30 apiece.

One of the telecommuters said emotionally/mentally disabled folks, who have problems with paranoia, or with inability to leave their homes, will not be welcoming to county workers appearing for fingerprinting visits. The spokesbeing said they could have a doctor’s letter stating this in their file and their psychiatric workers could convince them to cooperate.

There was more laughter at this response, and this poverty scholar left the chamber to avoid adding to it (though I had to explain myself to people in the hall outside). There will be more on this issue in future articles.


Privatizing Social Security

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Privatizing Social Security
By Bruce Allison

As Congress is deciding how to pay off the national debt by using the surplus funds of Social Secuirty, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstien of CA along with a few other senators came up with the idea of privatizing Social Security. The bill number has already been catalogued as S 276. This will set up a commission that will study the possibility of researching Social Security and find the best way for privatization. For a person like myself who has trouble balancing his checkbook, the possibility of setting up my own pension plan is a nightmare.

I can also picture seeing infomercials in the future where they will teach you how to handle your social security. But tis is a hardship for most people. Not only will they avw to pay $200 o r more to this crook, so that this will have to be done monthly as to you have to py your social security by using the stock exchange. So this is not a good system. We will not only be robbed by this guy, but also paying brokerahe fees for the transfer and trading of stocks and bonds at a minimum of 2%.

I had learned about this bill from a m etting I went to of the Gray Pnthers of San Francisco. So this will be the start of the debate to immediately stop this bill. If you’re interested in stopping this bill, go to Facebook Group, StopS376. Type this into your Facbook where you will find this group. If you’re interested in debating it, sign on to the group and write your comments on “the wall.” Presently, there’s no picture on this group due to lack of time of the group moderator.

Please write to this immediately.
Yours truly,
Bad News Bruce


The Truth About St. Patrick

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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In the second or third century when st Patrick was alive, the Roman Empire had just fallen. The people of the fallen empire did not know it had just fallen though. The Catholic Church ran the schools. At that time, Patrick was born into a rich family. He was the second born son which meant he had to go to the military or the church. Patrick chose the Church. The hooding ceremonies at school started at that time. Males were the only ones allowed to go to the schools so they became monks. This is why they got hooded.

Patrick was in the abbey when it got raided by Vikings. He was kidnapped and sold into slavery to a chieftain. The Vikings would steal the rich children and sell them into slavery wth their parents. The abbeys werte easy picking because they didn't fight back. The vikings grabbed him and the other monks adn sold him as farm serfvice to the other chieftains.

Immediately, St. Patrick got into converting all people to Christianity. This made the chieftains mad because Patrick was making fun of the indigenous people. At the time the religion was Wicca, presently known as witchcraft. It was a religion that honored mother earth on many levels. Male and female were in their priesthood. Due to the bastardization of Constantine,who hate women, they changes the Bible to suggest women's power was evil. Patric took that stand to ban Wicca in his lectures. He said Wicca was an arm of the devil. The chieftain wanted to execute him, but the chieftain's daughter talked him into exiling him form Ireland instead.

St. Patrick went to Gaul to find the bishop and tell him he found a new peole to colonize. He didn't follow the custom of hugging the captain to get a free ride. Instead he beat the captain up, stole the boat and whent to Gaul. The bishop at that time was impressed. He gave him troops and promoted him from a monk to a priest so that he could legally convert people and baptize them as Christians.

With a boat and about 100 mecenaries from the bishop, he returned to Ireland. With teh mercinaries, he went to ireland and converted people through force. All leadership of the indigenous religion was destroyed or exiled from the island. The new form of Christianity was bastardizd from the original Christianiy into a more COnstaninized version where women were inferior and men were superior. This was different from the indigenous religion where women had the equal right to vote. Some women were chieftains at this time too. And in some parts of their religion, women were considered superior, for example when speaking about mother earth.

The killing of these people were mythologized by saying the snakes were driven out of Ireland. If you do not believe this story, do your own research. This was the continuation of colonization that started with Romans.


Al Robles Living Library Project

09/24/2021 - 09:21 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Al Robles - Poet, Community Scholar, Revolutionary Teacher, Activist and Poverty Hero

The Al Robles Living Library Project honors the community literary spirit of Al Robles with writing projects, art and performance with the goal of inspiring future poets and community scholars like Uncle Al Robles 
