• Review of 67 Suenos Mural

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p Me span data-scayt_word="dió" data-scaytid="3"dioacute;/span span data-scayt_word="tanto" data-scaytid="4"tanto/span gusto span data-scayt_word="haber" data-scaytid="5"haber/span span data-scayt_word="estado" data-scaytid="6"estado/span span data-scayt_word="presente" data-scaytid="7"presente/span en lanbsp; span data-scayt_word="inauguración" data-scaytid="8"inauguracioacute;n/span del span data-scayt_word="nuevo" data-scaytid="9"nuevo/spannbsp; mural span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="10"que/span span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="39"esta/span span data-scayt_word="localizado" data-scaytid="42"localizado/span en la pared de un span data-scayt_word="lote" data-scaytid="43"lote/span span data-scayt_word="baldío" data-scaytid="44"baldiacute;o/span span data-scayt_word="adyacente" data-scaytid="45"adyacente/span a span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="46"las/span span data-scayt_word="oficinas" data-scaytid="55"oficinas/span de Quaker House, en el 65 9th Street (span data-scayt_word="entre" data-scaytid="56"entre/span Market y Mission).nbsp; La span data-scayt_word="importancia" data-scaytid="57"importancia/span de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="58"este/span mural no span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="66"es/spannbsp; span data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="77"solamente/span span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="155"su/span valor span data-scayt_word="artístico" data-scaytid="158"artiacute;stico/span y cultural,nbsp; si no tambieacute;n el mensaje span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="11"que/span proclama con sus imaacute;genes tan viacute;vidas e impactantes, span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="67"es/span un vehiacute;culo para denunciarnbsp; lo difiacute;cilnbsp; span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="12"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="68"es/span para los inmigrantes llegar a span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="59"este/span paiacute;s.nbsp; Este Proyecto fue creado por el muralista Pancho Pescador y fue una colaboracioacute;n con el ldquo;Community Rejuvenation Projectrdquo;nbsp; y un grupo de estudiantes, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="13"que/span se hace llamarnbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, algunos de ellos indocumentados y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="14"que/span fueron parte vital de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="60"este/span proyecto, de donde nacioacute; la inspiracioacute;n para el mural, ya span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="15"que/span en el mural se ven reflejadas span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="47"las/span luchasnbsp; de los inmigrantes y el mensaje escrito span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="69"es/spannbsp; claro; ldquo;Ningun ser humano span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="70"es/span ilegalrdquo;nbsp; y el nombre de 67 Suentilde;os, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="16"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="71"es/span un grupo de estudiantes indocumentados y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="17"que/span fueron parte vital de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="61"este/span proyecto.br / br / Organiceacute;nbsp; a un grupo de mujeres transLatinas con la intencioacute;n de darnbsp; visibilidad a span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="40"esta/span comunidad, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="18"que/span tambieacute;n tiene span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="48"las/span mismas experiencias span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="19"que/span los inmigrantes ynbsp; algunos de los estudiantes tambieacute;n.nbsp; La Ceremonia estuvo amenizada con comida, la venta denbsp; playeras con la insignia de ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, y la presentacioacute;n del video tan conmovedor span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="20"que/span hicieron unas estudiantes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="21"que/span relata span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="156"su/span situacioacute;n como estudiantes indocumentadas.br / br / El mural estaacute; encabezado del lado izquierdo con la frase ldquo; Ninguacute;n ser humano span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="72"es/span Ilegalrdquo;; y tiene imagenes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="22"que/span expresannbsp; culturas ancestrales, tiene la imagen de un jaguar, mirando hacia una cabeza Olmeca, y un colibriacute;,nbsp; encima de unos sembradigrave;os de maiacute;z, todos estos siacute;mbolos denbsp; culturas iacute;ndigenas. Junto a estos siacute;mbolicos caracteres, se ven dos figuras masculinas de dos inmigrantes, aparentemente caminando por el campo, y arriba de uno denbsp; ellos, se puede leer, ldquo; Nos sacan de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="49"las/span escuelasrdquo; y arriba del otro inmigrante se lee; ldquo;Los medios nos ignoranrdquo;, aplaudo estos mensajes en el mural, ya span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="23"que/span denuncian la injusticia contra los inmigrantes.nbsp;nbsp; Tambieacute;n, interesantemente, se ven imagenes de un indviduo, aparentemente de descendencia indigena y con un altavoz del cual salen unos escritos tal vez describiendo una lengua indigena, y al mismo tiempo, dando luz a una de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="50"las/span barreras span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="24"que/span muchos inmigrantes afrontan en span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="62"este/span pais, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="25"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="73"es/spannbsp; la diferencia del idioma.br / br / Lo maacute;s impresionante del mural para mi, fue le conjunto de imagenes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="26"que/span hay en el lado derecho de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="63"este/span, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="27"que/span son muy impactantes y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="28"que/span nos cuentan span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="51"las/span muchas historias de tantos inmigrantes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="29"que/span cruzan la line sin documentacioacute;n.nbsp; Se ve a una nintilde;a, con span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="157"su/span muntilde;eca a un lado, bajo una serpiente dragon, en un campo lleno de cruces de madera con nombres de personas en ellas.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se ven un par de botas, con una tarjeta verde a un lado.nbsp; Aparentemente la nintilde;a ha sido abandonada y span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="41"esta/span espantada ynbsp; estas imagenesnbsp; claramente demuestran span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="30"que/span no span data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="78"solamente/spannbsp; todas logran alcanzar el ldquo;Norterdquo; y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="31"que/span no solo personas adultas cruzan la frontera, sino tambieacute;n nintilde;os y nintilde;as, hombres y mujeres.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se ve, de espaldas, a un oficial de ICE poniendole span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="52"las/span esposas a un inmigrante indocumentado, una de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="53"las/span realidades span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="32"que/span enferentan muchos y muchas de estos hombres y mujeres.br / br / Este mural span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="74"es/span uno de los trabajos denbsp; mas hermosos span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="33"que/span he visto en San Francisco y el mensaje span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="75"es/span una denuncia directa contra el racismo y la injusticia span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="34"que/span son parte de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="64"este/span sistema capitalista en el span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="35"que/span vivimos.nbsp; Y Mientras no haya una reforma inmigratoria, seguiraacute;n llegando los inmigrantes sin documentacioacute;n y descubriraacute;n span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="36"que/span el ldquo;Suentilde;o Americanordquo;, no span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="76"es/span para todos.nbsp; Espero el impacto de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="65"este/span mural en span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="54"las/span demaacute;s comunidades, sea para bien y paranbsp; hacer conciencia, de span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="37"que/span nuestra gentenbsp; seguiraacute;nbsp; luchando por nuestro lugar en estas tierras span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="38"que/span fueron de nuestros ancestros.nbsp;nbsp; Que todos nosotros,nbsp; con documentos o sin documentos, todos,nbsp; somos iguales.br / br / I really enjoyed to participate in the official unveiling of the new mural located in an empty lot next to the Quaker House Building on 65 9th Street (between Market and Mission Streets).nbsp; The importance of this mural is not only relevant for its artistic and cultural contents, but it is also because of the message that its images proclaim.nbsp; These images are vivid and impacting, as they are a vehicle to denounce the hardship many immigrants have to go through to get to the span data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1"U.S/span.nbsp; This project was created by the talented muralist Pancho Pescador in collaboration with with the Community Rejuvenation Project, andnbsp; a group of students called ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, some of them undocumented,nbsp; from where it was inspired, as the mural shows some images of the many battles immigrants have to fight an there is also a message that is loud and clear; ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;.br / br / I organized a group of transgender Latina women with the intention of giving visibility tonbsp; our community, as I feel we also have experienced the same hardships and battles as many immigrants have and some of these students as well.nbsp; The unveiling ceremony provided some food, and the sale of some T-shirts with the logo ofnbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, and the presentation of a shocking video made by some of these students narratingnbsp; their situation as undocumented students in the span data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="2"U.S/span.br / br / The Mural has on the top left the powerful phrase ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;; and it has images of some cultural ancestors, a jaguar looking toward an Olmec head stone and a colorful hummingbird, flying over a corn field, all these, symbols of indigenous origin.nbsp; Next to these symbolic characters, one can see two men, apparently two immigrants crossing the border through some fields, and right above them, it reads, ldquo;Are pushed out of High Schoolrdquo;, and above the other man, it reads, ldquo;The media ignore usrdquo;.nbsp; I myself applaud these statements, as it denounces some the injustice committed against immigrants.nbsp; Interestingly, there is also an indigenous looking character holding a blow horn that has some kind of writing in an ancient language, giving light to the voices of many, and also to be interpreted as one of the many barriers many immigrants face when they arrive here, the difference in language.br / br / What impacted me most about this mural is the series of images on the right side, they tell so many stories of many immigrants that crossed the border undocumented.nbsp; There#39;s a little girl sitting down on a field with her toy doll next to her on a field with many wooden crosses with names on them, and serpent dragon above her, a pair of boots with what seems to be a ldquo;green cardrdquo; next to them. Apparently, this little girl has been left abandoned in the desert and she#39;snbsp; very scared.nbsp; These images tell exactly what happens to many when crossing the border undocumented, not all of them make it to ldquo;El Norterdquo;, not only adults cross the border undocumented, there are children, men, and women.nbsp; Also, in a corner, with their backs, there#39;s an ICE officer putting the handcuffs to an immigrant, one the realities these immigrants will confront while trying to cross the border without documentation.br / br / This mural is to me one of the must beautiful I have seen so far in the city, but it is the message it sends out that makes it an important piece of work.nbsp; The denounce it makes against racism and injustice, which are part of this capitalist system we live in.nbsp; And as long as there isn#39;t an immigration reform, many more undocumented immigrants will come and discover that ldquo;The American Dreamrdquo; is not for all.nbsp; I hope the impact of this mural is to create awareness that our people will keep on fighting for our right to stay on these lands that belonged to our ancestors.nbsp; That all of us,nbsp; documented or undocumented , we all are created equal./p
  • Reginald Latson aka Neli’s Cultural Campaign for Freedom Justice: Songs, Poetry, Visual Art, Short Stories

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p Reginald span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="“Neli”" data-scaytid="5"ldquo;Nelirdquo;/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Latson" data-scaytid="7"Latson/span aka span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="9"Nelirsquo;s/span mother, Lisa Guthrie Alexander, family, friends with Leroy Moore, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Krip-Hop" data-scaytid="17"Krip-Hop/span Nation, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Emmitt" data-scaytid="19"Emmitt/span Thrower, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Kaya" data-scaytid="21"Kaya/span Doug are calling for a cultural campaign to go hand in hand with the political/street activist campaign to help bring this young Black man with autism home from the wrongful incarceration and to reveal state abuse that was leveled on span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="23"Neli/span by police when they profiled him while he was just waiting on the library lawn in Stafford, VA./p p nbsp;We all know that artists have played an important role in bringing justice to individuals and our community as a whole from Al span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Hibbler" data-scaytid="33"Hibbler/span to Curtis Mayfield to Chunk D to Nina Simone to span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Letta" data-scaytid="35"Letta/span Neely.nbsp; However when it comes to our Black and other people of color disabled brothers and sisters the cultural activism have been lacking.nbsp; However recently the cultural activism by disabled people of color have been getting louder from Hip-Hop Black disabled activists like Keith Jones to Black Deaf Spoken Word artist, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ayisha" data-scaytid="37"ayisha/span knight and a lot more.nbsp; Now itrsquo;s time for us to not only do our arts for span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="25"Neli/span but also to sing, speak, draw, paint, write from our activist, people of color, Blackness and disability lingo/culture artistic creative palette without hiding or downplaying or pitying any part of the identities we share with span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="27"Neli/span.nbsp; If you are a Black man, a Black disabled man, a mother with a son, a mother that has a son with autism, a White disabled activist, a White mom with a son with a disability, a college student, a poet, a Hip-Hop artisthellip;we all can and should feel the pain of injustice that colors the story of span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="29"Neli/span./p p At this point we have poems, a Hip-Hop song and an upcoming video all by a handful of people from across this country but we want this handful to become a whole library full of writings, art and songs that will work hand in hand with the family and street activists to play the rhythm and color the path to freedom for span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="31"Neli/span.nbsp; Of course all the art will be approve by span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="11"Nelirsquo;s/span mother, Lisa, before it can be apart of emspan class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="13"Nelirsquo;s/span Cultural Campaign for Freedom Justice:nbsp; Songs, Poetry, Visual Art, Short Stories /em/p p strongSend art to:/strong/p p strongemspan class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="15"Nelirsquo;s/span Cultural Campaign for Freedom Justice/em/strong/p p strongAttn:nbsp; Leroy Moore/strong/p p strong1370 University Ave #316/strong/p p strongBerkeley, CA 94702/strong/p p strongOr/strong/p p strongEmail at span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="kriphopproject@yahoo.com" data-scaytid="1"kriphopproject@yahoo.com/span/strong/p p strongnbsp;/strong/p p strongNote: if your art is a song please make it radio version with positive lyrics and email it as an mp3 file.nbsp; Also if your art is written like poem, story and small drawing please also email it to us span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="kriphopproject@yahoo.com" data-scaytid="3"kriphopproject@yahoo.com/span.nbsp; Put your name and if you want contact info on the art or in the email etc./strong/p
  • Capitalism: The Real Reason for Libyan War???

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    div id="box" h3 Coalition governments have already begun facilitating business relationships with the rebel council/h3 /div p Major businesses are gunning for first dibs on Libyarsquo;s natural resourcesnbsp;asa href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/dash-for-profit-in-postwar-libya-carveup-2342798.html" a new race to turn a profit out of the war-torn nation begins/a. Many business leaders, most with close connections to their respective governments, are planning to send representatives to Benghazi to meet leaders of the Transitional National Council (span data-scayt_word="TNC" data-scaytid="3"TNC/span)./p p img align="right" src="http://news.antiwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ly-map1.gif" /International oil companies from Europe, America, Russia, China, and the Middle East, many with previous business ties in Libya,nbsp;aa href="http://news.antiwar.com/2011/08/22/international-oil-companies-eager-to-restart-libyan-operations/"re preparing to resume exploration, drilling, and production/a as soon as it is safe and span data-scayt_word="Gadhafi" data-scaytid="5"Gadhafi/span is out. Billions of dollars are being invested in Libyannbsp;oil fields, which are currently producing a 10th of the 1.6 million barrels a day that were exported pre-conflict./p p There is also an intense lobbying effort for the span data-scayt_word="multibillion-dollar" data-scaytid="7"multibillion-dollar/span reconstruction contracts that US and NATO governments are expected to issue once security is restored.nbsp;rdquo;It is still too fluid a situation in Libya to be able to say exactly what we are doing,rdquo; one official at a company involved in reconstruction efforts in Iraq told emThe Independent/em. ldquo;If business goes back to Libya, we will undoubtedly span data-scayt_word="follow.”" data-scaytid="2"follow.rdquo;/span/p p Expectedly, those governments involved in the air campaign and proxy war to oust span data-scayt_word="Gadhafi" data-scaytid="6"Gadhafi/span have had a jump start in facilitating the corporatist industrial and reconstruction plans. France and Germany have already begun trade negotiations with the span data-scayt_word="TNC" data-scaytid="4"TNC/span, and Britain and America mdash; which has spent a href="http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2011/08/us-military-intervention-in-libya-cost-at-least-896-million-.html"nearly one billion dollars/a on the war mdash; are sure to follow suit./p
  • Men's Tears

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p (Editor#39;s note: Luis J. Rodriguez is the author of Always Running, Republic of East LA, Hearts and Hands, Creating community in violent times, as well as anbsp;children#39;s book, poetry collections, a novel--Music of the Mill, and many essays dealing with youth, community and culture.nbsp; This piece is reprinted from his blog:nbsp; a href="http://luisjrodriguez.com/blog/"http://span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="luisjrodriguez.com" data-scaytid="20"luisjrodriguez.com/span/blog//a)/p p nbsp;/p p Even though Irsquo;ve acted out the tough guymdash;in gangs, in boxing, in labor as a steelworker, carpenter, foundry worker, in constructionmdash;I am a sensitive person. I carry a lot of feminine energymdash;in my writing, creativity, learning interests, and community work. I also have a strong masculine energy, in particular the attention I pay to details, getting things done, in moving projects. Together these energies, if properly aligned, make for a visionary and productive person./p p However, growing up, as a small tyke, I didnrsquo;t understand any of this. I recall once playing with dolls with a girl my age who lived a few doors from our house. When I was found out, I never heard the end of it. The implication was that I was gay. That came up more than a few times. Without thinking, I tried to compensate against this by being a bully, a fighter, and never again acting out my active imaginative mind with others. Later in juvenile hall, in jail, or the streets, I would attack any male who looked at me the ldquo;wrongrdquo; way. Once I punched a dude at an after-hours club thinking he had given me such a lookmdash;I recall him skimming along the dance floor from the force of the punch./p p While I know I am not gay, I suffered for a brief time the stigmahellip; for being sensitive and artistically inclined./p p Now, as a mature thinker, healer, and revolutionary, I understand all this. Irsquo;m now free to be the poet, fiction writer, performer, and imaginative person I was meant to be. I donrsquo;t hold back, but I know far too many males who do. Even to show tears, the particularly important man tears, is a ldquo;no-nordquo; in our culture./p p That makes for some highly explosive, dangerous, and raging men who canrsquo;t get to the deep source of their rage since it is often linked to a deep grief./p p Everyone has feminine and masculine energies in all aspects of their lives. Sometimes the feminine is stronger, other times itrsquo;s the masculine. The feminine may be stronger in the areas of the mental, artistic, or workhellip; or other fields of interest. Maybe itrsquo;s the masculine. In sexuality, when a man has more feminine (which has many manifestations, not just so-called effeminate ones) he is most likely Gay. Again, my feminine sides sprouted in other areas of my life, not in my sexuality./p p Thatrsquo;s just the way the propensities and qualities I possessed took shape. This doesnrsquo;t make me any better or worse than others./p p In span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Mexika" data-scaytid="4"Mexika/span indigenous circles, we say span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="“Ometeotl”" data-scaytid="6"ldquo;Ometeotlrdquo;/span to represent the Creator spirit. But itrsquo;s not really a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="diety" data-scaytid="8"diety/span of some sort. It actually means ldquo;Two Energyrdquo; or ldquo;Two Spiritrdquo; or ldquo;Female/Malerdquo; vibrations. Itrsquo;s to honor the supreme generating principle of the universe, what we call feminine and masculine energies./p p ldquo;Two Spiritrdquo; is a term some Native Americans use to designate a Gay person. Itrsquo;s in recognition that this is a natural part of all of us. That every community, every family, in all times, have had people with different degrees or levels of feminine or masculine energies that in sexual matters can take the form of Gay or Lesbian./p p Itrsquo;s natural, part of all humanity, and vital to all life./p p I write about this now because this issue came up strong during the annual menrsquo;s conference at the Woodland Camp in Mendocino, CA, part of the majestic redwood forest. My two youngest sons, Ruben, 23, and Luis, 17, took part. At one point, I talked about my struggles as a child with being put down for having a sensitive naturemdash;and the way I responded by raging and fighting./p p I felt this issue was an honest thing to speak about, finally, so my sons know that whatever sensitivities they may havemdash;again in whatever areas of their lifemdash;they should understand this is what makes them who they are./p p The ongoing political and rising physical attacks against Gay people in the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1"U.S/span. and other parts of the world are not naturalmdash;they are criminal and obscene. Anti-Gay sentiments, laws, and such are man-made, a social construct, used to scapegoat and detach us from our own human impulses./p p Itrsquo;s time we recognized all these attacks for what they are./p p Irsquo;ve been taking part as a teacher and poet in the Mosaic Multicultural Foundationrsquo;s menrsquo;s conferences, youth events, mentoring workshops, male-female summits, and more for seventeen years. Created by mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade, Mosaic helps gather the broken pieces of community so they can become authentic and whole./p p My oldest son Ramiro, my wife span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Trini" data-scaytid="10"Trini/span, and daughter Andrea have also participated in one or more of these kinds of events over the past seventeen years./p p Mosaicrsquo;s eventsmdash;including ldquo;voices of youth, voices of community,rdquo; ldquo;the poetics of peace,rdquo; and their ldquo;walking withrdquo; projects with incarcerated youthmdash;have become one of the most important ways Irsquo;ve learned to recover, to heal, mostly from addictions (drugs and alcohol) as well as from deep-seated rage./p p You can find out more about their books, CDs, DVDs, their workshops, their conferences, and more at a href="http://www.mosaicvoices.org/" target="_blank"span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="www.mosaicvoices.org" data-scaytid="3"www.mosaicvoices.org/span/a./p p I thank all the man, young and old, of all ethnicities, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="sexualities" data-scaytid="12"sexualities/span, social classes, and professions for helping hold some amazing stories, even if traumatic, and for allowing me space to read poems and teach aspects of a poetic life (and what it means to be a man today)./p p I particularly have to thank Ruben and Luis, who witnessed their dadrsquo;s mad moments, poetic moments, lost moments, and even tearful moments for a whole week. Knowing our true natures, and knowing how this plays out in our manhood, is key for the respectful, meaningful, and loving relationships we need with women and other lovers, family, and friends. These become important as men and women learn to find their actual callings, passions, and ultimately their real paths in life./p p Any change in our social compact, social relationships, in any new economy, against the exploitative and abusive, should be charged with such a vision./p
  • Rest in Power Compa- A tribute to Eric Quezada

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body
    p I stand alone en span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="1"las/span span data-scayt_word="calles" data-scaytid="2"calles/span en la span data-scayt_word="mision" data-scaytid="3"mision/span seeing places where you should be standing and remembering span data-scayt_word="verdad" data-scaytid="4"verdad/span y span data-scayt_word="palabraz" data-scaytid="5"palabraz/span you said- words and chants you spoke, protests you marched in -remembering your humble revolution/p p I stand alone on the span data-scayt_word="streetz" data-scaytid="6"streetz/span of our collective minds fighting your same fights, dreaming similar visions of self-determination, indigenous liberation and people-led movements/p p I stand alone span data-scayt_word="tryin" data-scaytid="7"tryin/span not to cry- no span data-scayt_word="llores" data-scaytid="8"llores/span, no span data-scayt_word="llores" data-scaytid="9"llores/span i say to myself - because i know you are still here- span data-scayt_word="aqui" data-scaytid="10"aqui/span span data-scayt_word="estamos" data-scaytid="11"estamos/span y no nos span data-scayt_word="vamos" data-scaytid="12"vamos/span fighting span data-scayt_word="gentriFUKation" data-scaytid="13"gentriFUKation/span, removal, racism and border fascism, from a different place while watching, span data-scayt_word="loveing" data-scaytid="14"loveing/span and protecting span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="15"su/span span data-scayt_word="familia" data-scaytid="16"familia/span Lorena y span data-scayt_word="Ixchel" data-scaytid="17"Ixchel/span/p p i stand alone in this place remembering all of the span data-scayt_word="gente" data-scaytid="18"gente/span who are still here with you in all of our heartsbr clear="all" /br / br / Rest in Power span data-scayt_word="Compa" data-scaytid="19"Compa/span!/p
  • 67 Suenos - A PNN ReViEwSfoRtheReVoLution

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body
    p strongScroll down for English/strong/p p Me span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="dió" data-scaytid="5"dioacute;/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="tanto" data-scaytid="7"tanto/span gusto span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="haber" data-scaytid="9"haber/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estado" data-scaytid="11"estado/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="presente" data-scaytid="13"presente/span en lanbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inauguración" data-scaytid="15"inauguracioacute;n/span del span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="nuevo" data-scaytid="17"nuevo/spannbsp; mural span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="19"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="77"esta/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="localizado" data-scaytid="83"localizado/span en la pared de un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="lote" data-scaytid="85"lote/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="baldío" data-scaytid="87"baldiacute;o/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="adyacente" data-scaytid="89"adyacente/span a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="91"las/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="oficinas" data-scaytid="109"oficinas/span de Quaker House, en el 65 9th Street (span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="entre" data-scaytid="111"entre/span Market y Mission).nbsp; La span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="importancia" data-scaytid="113"importancia/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="115"este/span mural no span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="131"es/spannbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="153"solamente/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="157"su/span valor span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="artístico" data-scaytid="163"artiacute;stico/span y cultural,nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="165"si/span no span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="también" data-scaytid="167"tambieacute;n/span el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="mensaje" data-scaytid="175"mensaje/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="21"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="proclama" data-scaytid="181"proclama/span con span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="183"sus/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imágenes" data-scaytid="185"imaacute;genes/span tan span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="vívidas" data-scaytid="187"viacute;vidas/span e span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="impactantes" data-scaytid="189"impactantes/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="133"es/span un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="vehículo" data-scaytid="193"vehiacute;culo/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="195"para/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="denunciar" data-scaytid="209"denunciar/spannbsp; lo span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="difícil" data-scaytid="211"difiacute;cil/spannbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="23"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="135"es/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="197"para/span los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="213"inmigrantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="llegar" data-scaytid="229"llegar/span a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="117"este/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="país" data-scaytid="231"paiacute;s/span.nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Este" data-scaytid="233"Este/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Proyecto" data-scaytid="237"Proyecto/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fue" data-scaytid="239"fue/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="creado" data-scaytid="245"creado/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="247"por/span el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="muralista" data-scaytid="253"muralista/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Pancho" data-scaytid="255"Pancho/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Pescador" data-scaytid="259"Pescador/span y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fue" data-scaytid="241"fue/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="263"una/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="colaboración" data-scaytid="283"colaboracioacute;n/span con el ldquo;Community Rejuvenation Projectrdquo;nbsp; y un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="grupo" data-scaytid="285"grupo/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estudiantes" data-scaytid="291"estudiantes/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="25"que/span se span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="hace" data-scaytid="301"hace/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="llamar" data-scaytid="303"llamar/spannbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="algunos" data-scaytid="305"algunos/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="309"ellos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="indocumentados" data-scaytid="313"indocumentados/span y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="27"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fueron" data-scaytid="317"fueron/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="parte" data-scaytid="323"parte/span vital de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="119"este/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="proyecto" data-scaytid="329"proyecto/span, de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="donde" data-scaytid="333"donde/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="nació" data-scaytid="335"nacioacute;/span la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inspiración" data-scaytid="337"inspiracioacute;n/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="199"para/span el mural, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="339"ya/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="29"que/span en el mural se span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ven" data-scaytid="343"ven/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="reflejadas" data-scaytid="351"reflejadas/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="93"las/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="luchas" data-scaytid="353"luchas/spannbsp; de los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="215"inmigrantes/span y el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="mensaje" data-scaytid="177"mensaje/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="escrito" data-scaytid="355"escrito/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="137"es/spannbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="claro" data-scaytid="357"claro/span; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="“Ningun" data-scaytid="359"ldquo;Ningun/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ser" data-scaytid="361"ser/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="humano" data-scaytid="365"humano/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="139"es/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ilegal”" data-scaytid="369"ilegalrdquo;/spannbsp; y el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="nombre" data-scaytid="371"nombre/span de 67 span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Sueños" data-scaytid="375"Suentilde;os/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="31"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="141"es/span un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="grupo" data-scaytid="287"grupo/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estudiantes" data-scaytid="293"estudiantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="indocumentados" data-scaytid="315"indocumentados/span y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="33"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fueron" data-scaytid="319"fueron/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="parte" data-scaytid="325"parte/span vital de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="121"este/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="proyecto" data-scaytid="331"proyecto/span./p p span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Organicé" data-scaytid="383"Organiceacute;/spannbsp; a un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="grupo" data-scaytid="289"grupo/span de mujeres span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="transLatinas" data-scaytid="385"transLatinas/span con la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="intención" data-scaytid="387"intencioacute;n/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="dar" data-scaytid="389"dar/spannbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="visibilidad" data-scaytid="391"visibilidad/span a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="79"esta/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="comunidad" data-scaytid="393"comunidad/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="35"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="también" data-scaytid="169"tambieacute;n/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="tiene" data-scaytid="395"tiene/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="95"las/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="mismas" data-scaytid="401"mismas/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="experiencias" data-scaytid="403"experiencias/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="37"que/span los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="217"inmigrantes/span ynbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="algunos" data-scaytid="307"algunos/span de los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estudiantes" data-scaytid="295"estudiantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="también" data-scaytid="171"tambieacute;n/span.nbsp; La span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Ceremonia" data-scaytid="405"Ceremonia/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estuvo" data-scaytid="407"estuvo/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="amenizada" data-scaytid="409"amenizada/span con span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="comida" data-scaytid="411"comida/span, la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="venta" data-scaytid="413"venta/span denbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="playeras" data-scaytid="415"playeras/span con la insignia de ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, y la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="presentación" data-scaytid="417"presentacioacute;n/span del video tan span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="conmovedor" data-scaytid="419"conmovedor/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="39"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="hicieron" data-scaytid="421"hicieron/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="unas" data-scaytid="423"unas/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estudiantes" data-scaytid="297"estudiantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="41"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="relata" data-scaytid="425"relata/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="159"su/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="situación" data-scaytid="427"situacioacute;n/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="429"como/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estudiantes" data-scaytid="299"estudiantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="indocumentadas" data-scaytid="431"indocumentadas/span./p p El mural span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="está" data-scaytid="433"estaacute;/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="encabezado" data-scaytid="435"encabezado/span del span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="lado" data-scaytid="437"lado/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="izquierdo" data-scaytid="445"izquierdo/span con la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="frase" data-scaytid="447"frase/span ldquo; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Ningún" data-scaytid="449"Ninguacute;n/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ser" data-scaytid="363"ser/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="humano" data-scaytid="367"humano/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="143"es/span Ilegalrdquo;; y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="tiene" data-scaytid="397"tiene/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imagenes" data-scaytid="451"imagenes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="43"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="expresan" data-scaytid="459"expresan/spannbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="culturas" data-scaytid="461"culturas/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ancestrales" data-scaytid="465"ancestrales/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="tiene" data-scaytid="399"tiene/span la span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imagen" data-scaytid="467"imagen/span de un jaguar, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="mirando" data-scaytid="469"mirando/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="hacia" data-scaytid="471"hacia/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="265"una/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="cabeza" data-scaytid="473"cabeza/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Olmeca" data-scaytid="475"Olmeca/span, y un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="colibrí" data-scaytid="477"colibriacute;/span,nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="encima" data-scaytid="479"encima/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="unos" data-scaytid="481"unos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="sembradìos" data-scaytid="485"sembradigrave;os/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="maíz" data-scaytid="487"maiacute;z/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="todos" data-scaytid="489"todos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="497"estos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="símbolos" data-scaytid="505"siacute;mbolos/span denbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="culturas" data-scaytid="463"culturas/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="índigenas" data-scaytid="507"iacute;ndigenas/span. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Junto" data-scaytid="509"Junto/span a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="499"estos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="símbolicos" data-scaytid="511"siacute;mbolicos/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="caracteres" data-scaytid="513"caracteres/span, se span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ven" data-scaytid="345"ven/span dos span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="figuras" data-scaytid="515"figuras/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="masculinas" data-scaytid="519"masculinas/span de dos span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="219"inmigrantes/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="aparentemente" data-scaytid="521"aparentemente/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="caminando" data-scaytid="525"caminando/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="249"por/span el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="campo" data-scaytid="527"campo/span, y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="arriba" data-scaytid="531"arriba/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="uno" data-scaytid="535"uno/span denbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="311"ellos/span, se puede leer, ldquo; Nos sacan de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="97"las/span escuelasrdquo; y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="arriba" data-scaytid="533"arriba/span del otro inmigrante se lee; ldquo;Los medios nos ignoranrdquo;, aplaudo span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="501"estos/span mensajes en el mural, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="341"ya/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="45"que/span denuncian la injusticia contra los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="221"inmigrantes/span.nbsp;nbsp; Tambieacute;n, interesantemente, se span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ven" data-scaytid="347"ven/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imagenes" data-scaytid="453"imagenes/span de un indviduo, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="aparentemente" data-scaytid="523"aparentemente/span de descendencia indigena y con un altavoz del cual salen span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="unos" data-scaytid="483"unos/span escritos tal vez describiendo span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="267"una/span lengua indigena, y al mismo tiempo, dando luz a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="269"una/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="99"las/span barreras span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="47"que/span muchos span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="223"inmigrantes/span afrontan en span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="123"este/span pais, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="49"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="145"es/spannbsp; la diferencia del idioma./p p Lo maacute;s impresionante del mural span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="201"para/span mi, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fue" data-scaytid="243"fue/span le conjunto de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imagenes" data-scaytid="455"imagenes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="51"que/span hay en el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="lado" data-scaytid="439"lado/span derecho de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="125"este/span, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="53"que/span son muy span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="impactantes" data-scaytid="191"impactantes/span y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="55"que/span nos cuentan span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="101"las/span muchas historias de tantos span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="225"inmigrantes/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="57"que/span cruzan la line sin documentacioacute;n.nbsp; Se ve a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="271"una/span nintilde;a, con span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="161"su/span muntilde;eca a un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="lado" data-scaytid="441"lado/span, bajo span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="273"una/span serpiente dragon, en un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="campo" data-scaytid="529"campo/span lleno de cruces de madera con nombres de personas en ellas.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="ven" data-scaytid="349"ven/span un par de botas, con span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="275"una/span tarjeta verde a un span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="lado" data-scaytid="443"lado/span.nbsp; Aparentemente la nintilde;a ha sido abandonada y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="81"esta/span espantada ynbsp; estas span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="imagenes" data-scaytid="457"imagenes/spannbsp; claramente demuestran span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="59"que/span no span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="155"solamente/spannbsp; todas logran alcanzar el ldquo;Norterdquo; y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="61"que/span no solo personas adultas cruzan la frontera, sino span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="también" data-scaytid="173"tambieacute;n/span nintilde;os y nintilde;as, hombres y mujeres.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se ve, de espaldas, a un oficial de ICE poniendole span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="103"las/span esposas a un inmigrante indocumentado, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="277"una/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="105"las/span realidades span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="63"que/span enferentan muchos y muchas de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="503"estos/span hombres y mujeres./p p span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Este" data-scaytid="235"Este/span mural span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="147"es/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="uno" data-scaytid="537"uno/span de los trabajos denbsp; mas hermosos span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="65"que/span he visto en San Francisco y el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="mensaje" data-scaytid="179"mensaje/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="149"es/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="279"una/span denuncia directa contra el racismo y la injusticia span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="67"que/span son span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="parte" data-scaytid="327"parte/span de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="127"este/span sistema capitalista en el span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="69"que/span vivimos.nbsp; Y Mientras no haya span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="281"una/span reforma inmigratoria, seguiraacute;n llegando los span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="inmigrantes" data-scaytid="227"inmigrantes/span sin documentacioacute;n y descubriraacute;n span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="71"que/span el ldquo;Suentilde;o Americanordquo;, no span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="151"es/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="203"para/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="todos" data-scaytid="491"todos/span.nbsp; Espero el impacto de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="129"este/span mural en span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="107"las/span demaacute;s comunidades, sea span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="205"para/span bien y span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="207"para/spannbsp; hacer conciencia, de span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="73"que/span nuestra gentenbsp; seguiraacute;nbsp; luchando span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="251"por/span nuestro lugar en estas tierras span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="75"que/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fueron" data-scaytid="321"fueron/span de nuestros ancestros.nbsp;nbsp; Que span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="todos" data-scaytid="493"todos/span nosotros,nbsp; con documentos o sin documentos, span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="todos" data-scaytid="495"todos/span,nbsp; somos iguales./p p strongEngles sigue/strong/p p I really enjoyed participating in the official unveiling of the new mural located in an empty lot next to the Quaker House Building on 65 9th Street (between Market and Mission Streets).nbsp; The importance of this mural is not only relevant for its artistic and cultural content, but it is also because of the message that its images proclaim.nbsp; These images are vivid and impacting, as they are a vehicle to denounce the hardship many immigrants have to go through to get to the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1"U.S/span.nbsp; This project was created by the talented muralist span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Pancho" data-scaytid="257"Pancho/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Pescador" data-scaytid="261"Pescador/span in collaboration with with the Community Rejuvenation Project, andnbsp;a group of students called ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, some of them undocumented. From where it was inspired, as the mural shows,nbsp;are images of the many battles immigrants fight and there is also a message that is loud and clear: ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;./p p I organized a group of transgender Latina women with the intention of giving visibility tonbsp; our community, as I feel we also have experienced the same hardships and battles as many immigrants have and some of these students as well.nbsp; The unveiling ceremony provided some food, and the sale of some T-shirts with the logo ofnbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, and the presentation of a shocking video made by some of these students narratingnbsp; their situation as undocumented students in the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="3"U.S/span./p p The Mural has on the top left the powerful phrase ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;; and it has images of some cultural ancestors, a jaguar looking toward an Olmec head stone and a colorful hummingbird, flying over a corn field, all these, symbols of indigenous origin.nbsp; Next to these symbolic characters, one can see two men, apparently two immigrants crossing the border through some fields, and right above them, it reads, ldquo;Are pushed out of High Schoolrdquo;, and above the other man, it reads, ldquo;The media ignore usrdquo;.nbsp; I applaud these statements, as it denounces some the injustice committed against immigrants.nbsp; Interestingly, there is also an indigenous looking character holding a blow horn that has some kind of writing in an ancient language, giving light to the voices of many, and also to be interpreted as one of the many barriers many immigrants face when they arrive here, the difference in language./p p What impacted me most about this mural is the series of images on the right side, they tell many stories of many immigrants that crossed the border undocumented.nbsp; There#39;s a little girl sitting down on a field with her toy doll on a field with many wooden crosses with names on them, a serpent dragon above her, a pair of boots with what seems to be a ldquo;green cardrdquo; next to them. Apparently, this little girl has been left abandoned in the desert and she#39;snbsp; very scared.nbsp; These images tell exactly what happens to many when crossing the border undocumented, not all of them make it to ldquo;El Norterdquo;, not only adults cross the border undocumented, there are children, men, and women.nbsp; Also, in a corner, with their backs, there#39;s an ICE officer putting the handcuffsnbsp;on an immigrant, one of the realities immigrants will confront while trying to cross the border without documentation./p p This mural is to me one of the must beautiful I have seen so far in the city, but it is the message it sends that makes it an important work: the condemnationnbsp;it makes against racism and injustice, which are part of this capitalist system we live in.nbsp; As long as there is no immigration reform, many more undocumented immigrants will come and discover that ldquo;The American Dreamrdquo; is not for all.nbsp; I hope the impact of this mural is to create awareness that our people will keep on fighting for our right to stay on these lands that belonged to our ancestors.nbsp; That all of us,nbsp; documented or undocumented ,nbsp;are allnbsp;created equal./p p nbsp;/p
  • Speaking as a Recycler Myself

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body
    p Speaking as a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="recycler" data-scaytid="3"recycler/span myself, I must say something about the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="criminalization" data-scaytid="13"criminalization/span and incarceration thatnbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="“houseless”" data-scaytid="15"ldquo;houselessrdquo;/span or independent recyclers constantly face.nbsp;/p p Throughout San Francisco, the Bay area--and even most of the country--people look downnbsp;onnbsp;those in poverty as ifnbsp;they were something disgusting. I was watching anbsp;morning newscast,nbsp; trying to wake up, when I heard people being interviewed in Castro Valley. They were telling reporters that the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="“houseless”" data-scaytid="17"ldquo;houselessrdquo;/span need to findnbsp;a job instead of ldquo;going through trash bins looking for junkrdquo;, as one neighbor put it. But to put it that way is, for lack of a better word, ignorant. First you must understand what I mean by the more dignified term ldquo;independent span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="recycler”" data-scaytid="19"recyclerrdquo;/span. To be an independent span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="recycler" data-scaytid="7"recycler/span, you must first label yourself as an independent span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="recycler" data-scaytid="9"recycler/span. To do that, you havenbsp;consciously resistednbsp;tonbsp;label yourself as ldquo;bumrdquo;, or ldquo;hobordquo;./p p class="MsoNormal" I would like to once again bring up a proposal that was brought up by my colleagues at POOR Magazine--a proposal that would, instead of criminalizing and persecuting a subject--would be hailed as a simple man/woman who chose to recycle as a job because it was available for capitalism. What I was taught in school is that to capitalize on a specific object, for example paper, it must be in demand. People write books, music scores, and many other things, so it is profitable by demand./p p class="MsoNormal" The officials at the top want to focus on jobs. nbsp;I say that they are blowing out their backsides. If they wanted more jobs there would be more. The only reason they donrsquo;t think about independent recyclers as subcontractors is because they believe that it does not bring in a significant amount of profit./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-family: 'times new roman bold'"bPOOR Magazinersquo;s Independent Recycling Proposal :/b/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-family: 'times new roman italic'"ildquo;Independent Recyclers as Subcontractorsrdquo;/i/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-family: 'times new roman italic'"iAll independent recyclers should hold the same rights as all the major recycling companies. Independent recycling should be decriminalized, recognized and appreciated for the meticulous work it is. POOR#39;s proposal for independent contractors should include not only decriminalization but remuneration and benefits for the independent contractors. This could be accomplished in many different ways. One proposal is if the recyclers were able to obtain vendor cards that would allow them to acquire their recyclable products without being harassed. One option is vendor cards could be made available to them for no charge. These cards do not need to be too complex, just a simple card with their name, address and photo should be sufficient. Two cross streets could be used as a valid address if the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="recycler" data-scaytid="11"recycler/span is span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="houseless" data-scaytid="20"houseless/span. The cards should also provide free medical care for the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="holder.”" data-scaytid="1"holder.rdquo;/span/i/span/p p class="MsoNormal" So to all the people in Castro Valley, we can make this work if we can change our perception of what is acceptable in society and what needs more attention than others. We donrsquo;t need to criminalize these independent recyclers, we need to give them the jobs that they seek. You talk about how they need to get a job, well this is the job that they do. In no manner am I belittling the recycling unions that do a lot of hard work--I just want to let them know that we still appreciate all the hard work that they do./p p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 0.5in" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 0.5in" Sincerely, Phillip Standing Bearspannbsp; /span/p p class="MsoNormal" spannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /span/p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" spannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; /span/p
  • How 'Bout Drug Tests for CEO's??? - Poor Parents on welfare in Florida Pass Drug Tests

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body
    p strongThe Florida law to drug test welfare applicants deconstructed By Tiny , daughter of Dee, poverty span data-scayt_word="skolar" data-scaytid="3"skolar/span, co-editor span data-scayt_word="PoorNewsNetwork" data-scaytid="4"PoorNewsNetwork/span /strong/p p When I heard about Floridarsquo;s new requirement of drug testing to qualify for the meager cash crumb known as welfare and the test results that were just released today--indicating thatnbsp;over em98%/em of folks on welfare passed the tests--I reflected on my childhood and young adult-hood in and out of span data-scayt_word="houselessness" data-scaytid="5"houselessness/span and extreme poverty./p p My mama and i sometimes made enough money for rent, food, toilet paper--and if we were lucky, toothpaste--in our underground micro-business--selling art on the street, unlicensed.nbsp;nbsp;Much of the time we didnrsquo;t. When weather or span data-scayt_word="po'lice" data-scaytid="6"po#39;lice/span harassed, making it impossible to sell our products, welfare was our last option./p p emYou must be on drugs, how much cash do you have in your pocket?rdquo; /em/p p One of many disdainful welfare case workers wrapped her teeth around each word, creating spittle-filled bullets directed at me as she went over the 45th page of the welfare evaluation form I had to complete to determine whether I qualified for a $239.00 dollar a month cash grant which wouldnrsquo;t get us a room but might buy us some gas for our car to sleep in, do our wash, buy a few pairs of socks and a little food. ldquo;Two dollars and 10 cents,rdquo; I replied./p p ldquo;Do you own any assets, car, boat, house?rdquo; she shot at me./p p ldquo;Does a hand truck count?rdquo;/p p ldquo;Nordquo;/p p ldquo;Do you have any CDrsquo;s, span data-scayt_word="401k’s" data-scaytid="7"401krsquo;s/span, Savings accounts, or trust funds?rdquo;/p p ldquo;I have a $ 1.00 lottery ticket./p p emldquo;I bet you spend all of your money on drugs,rdquo;/em/p p She didnrsquo;t look up from the form as she made this final ldquo;assessmentrdquo; of my life. ldquo;I donrsquo;t use any drugs or alcohol, I never have,rdquo; ldquo;Right. Ok so your next appointment is in two weeks.nbsp; You need to bring back a letter from your landlord, three more proofs of residence, birth certificate, social security card, a valid picture ID, a utility bill and a letter from your case manager at the last shelter you were at--I cant help you with anything until you bring me these documents. Good-bye Ms Garcia. rdquo; ldquo;But I have no money for food or soap or toothpaste orhellip; renthellip;rdquo; But she was gone by this time, her heals making a deep span data-scayt_word="clickety" data-scaytid="9"clickety/span clack on the stone floors beneath her feet./p p Who deserves a drug test? I remember those not-so distant days of hate and assumptions by welfare workers of me and my mama when I heard about the new law signed by Florida governor Rick Scott requiring drug testing for parents before they can qualify for welfare--drug testing that folks will have to pay for themselves--a test that runs approximately $42.00 dollars that will only be reimbursed once they pass the test, more money than we could have afforded even though we would have ldquo;passed the testrdquo;./p p So who really deserves a drug test? Many of the expensively dressed ldquo;executivesrdquo; I delivered cutesy art products to in San Francisco#39;s financial district had chronic and serious drug or alcohol problems. Many had ldquo;barsrdquo; in their offices. Many were high while on the job. But why didnrsquo;t they have to pass a drug test before they received their multi-million dollar pay checks, span data-scayt_word="401k’s" data-scaytid="8"401krsquo;s/span, trusts, pensions and retirement packages? Because, you are saying, they worked for their money and they got their jobs from ldquo;hard workrdquo; really? Really? The hard work of having race, gender, and/or class privilege? The hard work of having connections, people who know people, who know other people, who get you into good schools where you meet more people who have ldquo;start-uprdquo; money for new ideas and concepts and businesses and the latest, coolest social network start-ups?/p p emThere is no Free Money /em/p p To receive that little bit of budget crumb, which was originally ours--the indigenous peoples, African peoples, poor workers, migrant workers, span data-scayt_word="etc.--in" data-scaytid="1"etc.--in/span addition to the work of parenting which is a full-time job--all welfare recipients MUST work. We do bus cleaning, street cleaning, administration work, and food-serving to name a few of the jobs people on welfare do at below minimum wage to receive their cash grant check./p p And unlike the work of corporations, we donrsquo;t hurt people, animals, land or air with our work, we donrsquo;t fund wars that kill innocent children in Afghanistan, Libya, or Haiti. We donrsquo;t sell or steal the seeds and plants of small farmers, we donrsquo;t promote fat-filled, unhealthy food on poor communities of color, we donrsquo;t poison the air and oceans and rivers with chemicals and toxins and we donrsquo;t steal water and land and try to sell it back to the indigenous people who have always stewarded and cared for it.nbsp;/p p Deserving Vs Undeserving Poor. As I reflect on the violence of poverty in span data-scayt_word="Amerikkka" data-scaytid="10"Amerikkka/span for poor people, families, children and elders, through acts of budget genocide like the virtual stoppage of the welfare crumbs in many cities like Oakland, Minneapolis and Portland, the upcoming proposed 700 million in federal cuts to welfare and span data-scayt_word="hellthcare" data-scaytid="12"hellthcare/span or the deep hate that informs the increasing span data-scayt_word="criminalization" data-scaytid="13"criminalization/span of poor parents through laws like the one implemented in Florida, I am reminded about the deserving versus un-deserving poor span data-scayt_word="herstory" data-scaytid="14"herstory/span in span data-scayt_word="Amerikkka" data-scaytid="11"Amerikkka/span, how welfare, medical and services were never meant for people like me and my single parent mama of color. Welfare codes and so-called scarcity model crumbs called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (span data-scayt_word="TANF" data-scaytid="15"TANF/span) were supposed to be only for widowed, white women of war heroes who because of the deep white supremacy that informs Everything in the US, were considered the ldquo;deserving poorrdquo;./p p What people Should Have A Drug Test ?nbsp;nbsp;I have a new proposal.nbsp; Now most of us allegedly drug-addicted bums/ aka parents in poverty trying to raise our children on subsistence crumbs, have passed the enforced drug tests.nbsp; Maybe we could start requiring the people who are earning millions of dollars to destroy mother earth, steal our resources and /or sell us things we can#39;t afford or don#39;t need to take drug tests, span data-scayt_word="i.e" data-scaytid="2"i.e/span., require drug testing for CEOrsquo;s of Google, Chevron, Apple,Verizon, Comcast, Bechtel, Halliburton and beyond. It could be a condition of promotion and included in the drug test should be a humiliating evaluation appointment with the drug tester subjects the span data-scayt_word="testee" data-scaytid="16"testee/span to a questionnaire about what they do and what they have done to society in the name of their job, the results of which would be released publicly.nbsp; Perhaps society will thennbsp;begin to realize who the real criminals, bums, lazy, drug users in our society really are./p
  • Sueno o Realidad?: El acta de los suenos en California/Dream or Reality?: The California Dream Act

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body
    p class="MsoNormal" strongScroll Down for English/strong/p p class="MsoNormal" Mi span data-scayt_word="pregunta" data-scaytid="3"pregunta/span sera span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="4"este/span el primer span data-scayt_word="paso" data-scaytid="7"paso/span span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="9"para/span los span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="19"jovenes/spanspannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="inducumentados" data-scaytid="31"inducumentados/span?/p p class="MsoNormal" span data-scayt_word="Hace" data-scaytid="32"Hace/span span data-scayt_word="unas" data-scaytid="33"unas/span span data-scayt_word="semanas" data-scaytid="34"semanas/span el span data-scayt_word="governador" data-scaytid="35"governador/span de California Jerry Brownspannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="firmo" data-scaytid="36"firmo/span la span data-scayt_word="propuesta" data-scaytid="37"propuesta/span de span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="39"ley/span span data-scayt_word="AB130" data-scaytid="50"AB130/span span data-scayt_word="conocida" data-scaytid="52"conocida/span span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="53"como/span ldquo;el span data-scayt_word="acta" data-scaytid="59"acta/span de los span data-scayt_word="sueños”" data-scaytid="61"suentilde;osrdquo;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" En span data-scayt_word="verdad" data-scaytid="63"verdad/span span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="65"ya/span sespannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="71"porque/span le span data-scayt_word="dicen" data-scaytid="77"dicen/span el span data-scayt_word="acta" data-scaytid="60"acta/span de los span data-scayt_word="sueños" data-scaytid="78"suentilde;os/span, span data-scayt_word="pues" data-scaytid="80"pues/span span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="83"si/span, solospannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="sueños" data-scaytid="79"suentilde;os/span span data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="72"porque/span sin la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="40"ley/span AB 131 los span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="20"jovenes/span no span data-scayt_word="podran" data-scaytid="93"podran/span span data-scayt_word="obtener" data-scaytid="95"obtener/spanspannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="beneficios" data-scaytid="96"beneficios/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="97"que/span span data-scayt_word="realmente" data-scaytid="141"realmente/span span data-scayt_word="necesitan" data-scaytid="142"necesitan/span , y span data-scayt_word="seguiran" data-scaytid="145"seguiran/span en lo span data-scayt_word="mismo" data-scaytid="146"mismo/span , span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="147"pero/span lospannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="bueno" data-scaytid="153"bueno/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="155"es/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="98"que/span la span data-scayt_word="noche" data-scaytid="163"noche/span span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="66"ya/span span data-scayt_word="paso" data-scaytid="8"paso/span.spannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="Ya" data-scaytid="164"Ya/span span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="165"esta/spanspannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="amaneciendo" data-scaytid="172"amaneciendo/span span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="10"para/span los span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="21"jovenes/spanspannbsp; /spancon la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="41"ley/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="99"que/span span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="67"ya/span span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="166"esta/span span data-scayt_word="firmada" data-scaytid="173"firmada/span, span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="148"pero/span span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="11"para/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="100"que/span sea span data-scayt_word="completamente" data-scaytid="174"completamente/span span data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="175"una/span span data-scayt_word="realidad" data-scaytid="177"realidad/span span data-scayt_word="necesitamos" data-scaytid="179"necesitamos/span la span data-scayt_word="otra" data-scaytid="181"otra/span span data-scayt_word="mitad" data-scaytid="183"mitad/spanspannbsp; /spande la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="42"ley/span. span data-scayt_word="Entonces" data-scaytid="185"Entonces/span span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="68"ya/span no sera un span data-scayt_word="sueno" data-scaytid="186"sueno/span span data-scayt_word="sino" data-scaytid="187"sino/span span data-scayt_word="una" data-scaytid="176"una/span span data-scayt_word="realidad" data-scaytid="178"realidad/span span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="12"para/span span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="188"ellos/span. span data-scayt_word="Pero" data-scaytid="195"Pero/span span data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="198"estos/span span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="22"jovenes/span span data-scayt_word="necesitan" data-scaytid="143"necesitan/span el Apollo de span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="202"sus/span padres y span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="84"si/span span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="189"ellos/span span data-scayt_word="estan" data-scaytid="208"estan/span span data-scayt_word="atados" data-scaytid="211"atados/span de span data-scayt_word="manos" data-scaytid="212"manos/span span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="214"por/span no span data-scayt_word="tener" data-scaytid="223"tener/span span data-scayt_word="papeles" data-scaytid="224"papeles/span. deverian enpesar con darles span data-scayt_word="papeles" data-scaytid="225"papeles/span a los padres./p p class="MsoNormal" Bueno span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="149"pero/span span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="215"por/span algo se span data-scayt_word="enpiesa.Yo" data-scaytid="1"enpiesa.Yo/span agradesco al sentilde;or Gil Cedillo. Pues el fue quien presento enspan /spanla asamblea estatal la span data-scayt_word="propuesta" data-scaytid="38"propuesta/span de span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="43"ley/span AB 130/p p class="MsoNormal" Que span data-scayt_word="bueno" data-scaytid="154"bueno/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="101"que/span tengamos a Cedillo en California y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="102"que/span siempre trata de alludar a los inmigrantesspannbsp; /spanparese span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="103"que/span span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="85"si/span le importa el futuro de los span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="23"jovenes/span y despannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="5"este/span pais.spannbsp; /spanTabien agradesco a el sentilde;or gobernador span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="216"por/span aber firmadospannbsp; /spanla span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="44"ley/span span data-scayt_word="AB130" data-scaytid="51"AB130/span/p p class="MsoNormal" Con lo cual la juventud indocumentados span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="54"como/span quien dise span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="69"ya/span pueden enpesar a caminar con span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="167"esta/span primera parte de la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="45"ley/span span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="150"pero/span span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="13"para/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="104"que/span puedan caminar vienspannbsp; /spannesesitan los dos pies no solo span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="156"es/span isquierdo no solo el span data-scayt_word="derecho.Asi" data-scaytid="2"derecho.Asi/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="157"es/span sentilde;or gobernador span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="105"que/span piense en el futuro de span data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="199"estos/span span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="24"jovenes/span span data-scayt_word="pues" data-scaytid="81"pues/span span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="190"ellos/span son los del mantilde;ana .Quizas span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="191"ellos/span pueden lograr cosas buenas span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="106"que/span span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="6"este/span pais necesita y alcanzar metas span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="107"que/span la guente hoy no lo a logrado realizar. span data-scayt_word="Pero" data-scaytid="196"Pero/span nesecitan el apollo de las personas span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="108"que/span hoy span data-scayt_word="estan" data-scaytid="209"estan/span y tienen el poder de hacer leyes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="109"que/span span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="86"si/span veneficien no solo a la gente, span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="87"si/span no a el pais completo. Por eso usted quien tiene en span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="203"sus/span span data-scayt_word="manos" data-scaytid="213"manos/span la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="46"ley/span sentilde;or gobernador, le pidimos span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="110"que/span lo span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="111"que/span span data-scayt_word="ya" data-scaytid="70"ya/span empezo no lo deje a medias y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="112"que/span firme la span data-scayt_word="otra" data-scaytid="182"otra/span span data-scayt_word="mitad" data-scaytid="184"mitad/span de la span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="47"ley/span, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="113"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="158"es/span la AB131 span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="14"para/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="114"que/span haci podamos decir span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="115"que/span span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="88"si/span se a cumplido el ldquo;acta de los span data-scayt_word="sueños”" data-scaytid="62"suentilde;osrdquo;/span y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="116"que/span nuestros span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="25"jovenes/span no encuentren piedras en su camino y tropiecen su carrera span data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="73"porque/span hay muchos span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="26"jovenes/span con demaciado talento span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="151"pero/span no lo pueden ejerser span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="217"por/span esa barrera span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="117"que/span existe, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="118"que/span son los span data-scayt_word="papeles" data-scaytid="226"papeles/span y luego span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="218"por/span esto muchos span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="27"jovenes/span prefieren hacer otras cosas span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="119"que/span no usan su talento span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="219"por/span falta de oportunidades o vecas. Ellos no sacan aflote span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="204"sus/span brillantes ideas y talentos ./p p class="MsoNormal" Y decimos span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="120"que/span Estados Unidos span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="159"es/span el pais mas rico del mundo, no puede ser span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="121"que/span sea en otras cosas menos en oportunidades span data-scayt_word="verdad" data-scaytid="64"verdad/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="122"que/span no? span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="220"por/span eso yo le pido a Dios span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="123"que/span el gobernador firme span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="168"esta/span span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="48"ley/span AB131 span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="15"para/span poder pulir estas piedras presiosas span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="124"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="160"es/span la juventud span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="125"que/spanspannbsp; /spanspan data-scayt_word="necesitan" data-scaytid="144"necesitan/span becas y asistensia financiera estatal o de otros fondos./p p class="MsoNormal" spannbsp;/spanSi no, jamas veremos span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="126"que/span span data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="200"estos/span span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="28"jovenes/span no span data-scayt_word="podran" data-scaytid="94"podran/span hacer nada span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="16"para/span span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="169"esta/span gran nacion, Por eso goviernos yo les pido span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="127"que/span span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="221"por/span favor apollen a span data-scayt_word="estos" data-scaytid="201"estos/span span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="29"jovenes/span y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="128"que/span span data-scayt_word="por" data-scaytid="222"por/span span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="192"ellos/span se abran puertas span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="17"para/span los padres span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="129"que/span bastante lo span data-scayt_word="necesitamos" data-scaytid="180"necesitamos/span span data-scayt_word="pues" data-scaytid="82"pues/span span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="55"como/span dize un dicho ldquo;nadie span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="161"es/span rey en su propia tierrardquo; y span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="89"si/span los span data-scayt_word="jovenes" data-scaytid="30"jovenes/span pueden span data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="74"porque/span negarles la oportunidad de span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="130"que/span span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="193"ellos/span crescan en saviduria./p div class="im" p class="MsoNormal" Aunque hay gente span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="131"que/span no span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="170"esta/span deacuerdo con span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="171"esta/span span data-scayt_word="ley" data-scaytid="49"ley/span, gente span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="132"que/span critica y dicespannbsp; /spancosas span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="56"como/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="133"que/span solamente esto sirve span data-scayt_word="para" data-scaytid="18"para/span alentar mas inmigracion illegal/p p class="MsoNormal" no span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="162"es/span sierto span data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="75"porque/span hay mucha gente span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="134"que/span aun tiene miedo y no se decide agarrar ningun beneficio. Que Dios los vendiga y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="135"que/span ayude a span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="205"sus/span padres span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="136"que/span span data-scayt_word="estan" data-scaytid="210"estan/span travajando. Porque hay muchos de span data-scayt_word="ellos" data-scaytid="194"ellos/span span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="137"que/span paga span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="206"sus/span inpuestos y eso span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="90"si/span no lo ve nadie y no lo qruitican, span data-scayt_word="pero" data-scaytid="152"pero/span span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="91"si/span el govierno queire ayudar eso span data-scayt_word="si" data-scaytid="92"si/span lo ven mal span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="57"como/span./p p class="MsoNormal" Yo me pregunto, span data-scayt_word="porque" data-scaytid="76"porque/span lo ven tan mal? Luego piensan mal encontra de nosotros los indocumentados. Cuando hay mucha gente span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="138"que/span de los cheques span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="139"que/span ganan, les quitan la cuarta parte y jamas se lo devuelven auque paguen span data-scayt_word="sus" data-scaytid="207"sus/span inpuestos./p /div p class="MsoNormal" span data-scayt_word="Pero" data-scaytid="197"Pero/span span data-scayt_word="como" data-scaytid="58"como/span no tienen span data-scayt_word="papeles" data-scaytid="227"papeles/span jamas se lo debueblen y quien se queda con ese dinero? Preguntence esto ustedes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="140"que/span piensan lo contrario, y hasta se enojan y nos critican./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" strongEngles/strong strongSigue/strong/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"Is this the first step for the undocumented youth?/span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"nbsp;A few weeks ago the Governor of California Jerry Brown signed into law AB 130, known as the ldquo;The Dream Actrdquo;. I know why they call it that--it is because without AB 131mdash;the other half of the bill--the youth will not be able to acquire the financial assistance that they really need to realize their dreams of higher education. Unless this happens they will continue on the same path.spannbsp; /spanBut good news comes and the night fall has passed. Now the sun is rising for the migrant youth with the passing of AB 130mdash;which would make undocumented immigrant college students eligible for financial aid access to California Community Colleges, state colleges and public universities. But in order for the dream act to be fully realized, the other half of the bill must be passedmdash;AB 131--then it will not just be a dream but a reality. /span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"The youth need the support of their parents--whose hands are tied for lack of documentation.spannbsp; /spanA good start would be to give documentation to the parents. But assembly bills 130 and 131 is a start. I thank Gil Cedillo (California Assemblyman, 45supth/sup District) who was the gentle man that presented the AB 130 proposal. I am happy that we have people like Cedillo in California for always helping migrants. He cares about the future of our youth in this country. /span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"I also want to thank the Governor for signing AB 130, in which the undocumented youth, one would say, can walk on a straight path; but without the other part they will be missing a foot--and you need both feet to walk.spannbsp; /spanAB 131 would allow undocumented students access to Cal Grantsmdash;the state financial aidmdash;and allow undocumented college students to qualify for board of governors fee waivers for community colleges which allows low income students to have their tuition waived.spannbsp; /spanIt would also allow students at the University of California system to be eligible for university grants. spannbsp;/spanAnd so governor, please think of the future of these youth because they are the people of tomorrow. /span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"nbsp;/span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"Maybe it is possible to achieve the good things that this country needs to accomplish--the goals that people have not yet completed. That is why, Governor, it is in your hands. We ask that you finish what you started and that you sign the other half of this bill, AB 131 so that we can say that the ldquo;act of dreamsrdquo; is completed--so that our youth have no bumps and falls on their journey to begin their careers. Many youth with amazing talents cannot attain further education because of the barriers that exists--which is documentation--and it is for the same reason that they do jobs that do not develop their talents. They never chase their career dreams. /span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"nbsp;/span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"And we say that the United States is the richest country in the world. It canrsquo;t be that it is the richest in other things except opportunities, right? I pray to God that the Governor signs the AB 131 to help these precious youth that need grants and financial state assistance and other resources. If not, we will never see these youth do something great for this nation. Governor, I ask that you please support these youth and that the doors become open for the parents that desperately need it. Just like that saying goes, ldquo;Nobody is king in his own landrdquo;, and if the youth can have this why not give them the opportunity to grow wiser./span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"nbsp;/span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"Even though there are people that are against this law, like people that criticize and say that laws like this only work to increase illegal immigration. This is not true, because a lot of people are scared and they decide not to take any benefits. May god bless and help all those parents that keep working hard.nbsp; A lot of those parents pay their taxes but when the government wants to help anyone that is seen negatively and as a bad thing./span/p p style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white; margin: 0in 0in 16.2pt;" span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(42, 42, 42);"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;" font face="Calibri" size="3"nbsp;/font/p p br / nbsp;/p
  • The Laughing Heart

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p One of the annoyances about going to the movies is the advertisements one is forced to endure while waiting for the feature to begin.nbsp; It is not enough that our old theatersmdash;majestic and elegantmdash;have been demolished and converted into health clubs or latte standsmdash;but the movie-going experience has become an assault on our senses, a corporate design intent on appealing to our every impulsemdash;be it killing via the US Army or videogamemdash;or by foods that hasten the onset of obesity, diabetes and/or high blood pressure before the age of 30./p p nbsp;/p p I recently saw a movie called ldquo;Horrible bossesrdquo; at the span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Metreon" data-scaytid="3"Metreon/span Theater in San Francisco.nbsp; The storyline follows 3 men whose lives are being made miserable by their respective bosses.nbsp; Prior to the movie were various commercialsmdash;selling automobiles, the virtues of the US Army and a new sitcom that looks as bad--if not worse--than the onersquo;s that are currently seen by millions.nbsp; I sit through this imposition, hoping it passes quickly.nbsp; I then see an admdash;this time for Levis.nbsp; The ad shows youths moving about in various situationsmdash;protests, walking about, pulling up a pant leg, and floating on what looks like some sort of raftmdash;images flashing by as a narrator speaks.nbsp; As I listened to the words, I realized it was a poem written by Charles span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="5"Bukowski/span called: The Laughing Heart.nbsp; I sat as the images of the youngmdash;fist pumping, raging against the powers that bemdash;flashed across the screen, flirting with the impending image of the Levirsquo;s corporate logo.nbsp; I donrsquo;t own a pair of Levis.nbsp; The commercial ended and ldquo;Horrible Bossesrdquo; began./p p nbsp;/p p ldquo;Horrible Bossesrdquo; is a comedy but for Charles span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="7"Bukowski/span it was cinema span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="verite" data-scaytid="35"verite/span minus the screen.nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="9"Bukowski/span has been called the poet laureate of skid row.nbsp; His poems focus on loneliness, despair, isolation, drinking, women, the race track (whichnbsp;he saw asnbsp;a metaphor for living and writing saying, Younbsp;can#39;t win if you don#39;t gamble)nbsp;and the hopes of working class people.nbsp; He had a disdain for precious or delicate poets saying:/p p nbsp;/p p emI hate precious poets/em/p p emI hate precious audiences too/em/p p nbsp;/p p Henry Charles span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="11"Bukowski/span span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Jr" data-scaytid="37"Jr/span. was born in 1920 in span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Andernach" data-scaytid="39"Andernach/span, Germany to an American father and German mother.nbsp; The elder span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="13"Bukowski/span moved the family to LA after the war.nbsp; The younger span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="15"Bukowski/span learned early in life what being an outsider wasmdash;being made fun of because of his slight German accentmdash;and the fact that his parents were poorer than others in the neighborhoodmdash;a fact that the elder span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="17"Bukowski/span tried desperately to hide.nbsp; The younger span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="19"Bukowski/span was afflicted with a horrible skin condition called acne span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="vulgaris" data-scaytid="41"vulgaris/spanmdash;covering him with boilsmdash;resulting in ridicule from schoolmates.nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p In his memoir ldquo;Ham on Ryerdquo;, he recalls going to the hospital for his condition.nbsp; He recalled being looked over by the doctors, hearing their insensitive remarks as he stood before themmdash;as if he were part of a circus freak show.nbsp; He recalled their commentsmdash;said aloudmdash;to which he thought, ldquo;Donrsquo;t these span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="dumbfucks" data-scaytid="43"dumbfucks/span realize I can hear them?rdquo;nbsp; It was then that the medical profession became #1 on his span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="shitlist" data-scaytid="45"shitlist/span.nbsp; His father believed in the American/capitalist dream.nbsp; He rode his son at what he perceived was his lack of ldquo;Get up and gordquo;.nbsp; He derided his sonrsquo;s dream of becoming a writer, insisting that he become an engineer.nbsp; He once found a drawer full of manuscripts and became so disgusted that he threw the storiesmdash;and the typewritermdash;out the window.nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p The father beat his son for various infractionsmdash;including but not limited tomdash;mowing the lawn.nbsp; He insisted that his son cut every blade of grasshellip;that not a single hair of grass be left sticking uphellip;emnot a single hair!nbsp; /emHe was routinely beaten with a razor strop.nbsp; The beatings caused him to become withdrawn and sarcastic.nbsp; Through a school friend he was introduced to alcohol, which emboldened him to stand up to his fathermdash; recalled in his poem, ldquo;The Ratrdquo;./p p nbsp;/p p emWith one punch at the age of 16 frac12;/em/p p emI knocked out my father/em/p p emA cruel shiny bastard with bad breath/em/p p emAnd I didnrsquo;t go home for some time; only now and then/em/p p emTo try to get a dollar fromnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/em/p p emDear mama/em/p p nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p From school he went from job to jobmdash;where he encountered bossesmdash;ldquo;Strange paper-faced menrdquo; who pissed all over his hours.nbsp; He observed his coworkers, many of his parentrsquo;s generation.nbsp; He was unimpressed with their lack of life, lack of fire.nbsp; He saw the 8 hour work day as slaverymdash;a soul draining machine meant to beat the individual into submission, with no escape. It was a system he could never accept. nbsp;He was fired frequently, spending his time in the barsmdash;resulting in hospitalization for internal bleeding that nearly killed him.nbsp; He rode the barstools, trains, greyhound span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="buses" data-scaytid="47"buses/span, park benches.nbsp; He was arrested for not going into the army during WWII.nbsp; Through these experiences he learned humanity and found his literary voice.nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p His voice was that of the outsidermdash;the worker not paid enough to live on, the woman who couldnrsquo;t afford to send her sick child to the hospital, the person dying alone in a lonely room, the man working the factories with broken lives, broken feelings, broken spirits.nbsp; He saw the whole of society as a set of institutions intent on breaking the spirit.nbsp;nbsp;From the poem Genius of the Crowd/p p nbsp;/p p emThere is enough treachery hatred violence absurdity in the average/em/p p emHuman being to supply any given army on any given daynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/em/p p emAnd the best at murder are those who preach against it/em/p p emAnd the best at hate are those preach love/em/p p emAnd the best at war finally are those who preach peace/em/p p emnbsp;/em/p p I was introduced to span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski’s" data-scaytid="49"Bukowskirsquo;s/span poetry by my uncle, the poet Al Robles.nbsp; It was during a time when I was trying to find my own voice as a poet.nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="21"Bukowski/span helped me find that voice through the honesty and humor of his writing.nbsp; It helped me get through work and the senseless games and dehumanization that is so prevalent in the day to day grind of the workplace.nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p The first book by span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="23"Bukowski/span that I owned was ldquo;Septuagenarian Stewrdquo;mdash;a gift from my uncle.nbsp; I recall the humor of the poem ldquo;Yeahrdquo;mdash;about that great work hero, Farmer John./p p nbsp;/p p emJust heard a commercial/em/p p emWhich told me/em/p p emFarmer John smokes his own/em/p p emBacon/em/p p emNow, therersquo;s one tough/em/p p emSon of a/em/p p emBitch/em/p p nbsp;/p p Through span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="25"Bukowski/span I realized that my life was not my job, that earning a living had very little to do with living./p p nbsp;/p p Which bring me back to the commercial before the movie ldquo;Horrible Bossesrdquo;nbsp;nbsp; In it a voice recites span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski’s" data-scaytid="51"Bukowskirsquo;s/span poem, ldquo;The Laughing Heartrdquo;.nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p emyour life is your lifebr / donrsquo;t let it be clubbed into dank submission.br / be on the watch.br / there are ways out.br / there is a light somewhere.br / it may not be much light butbr / it beats the darkness.br / be on the watch.br / the gods will offer you chances.br / know them.br / take them.br / you canrsquo;t beat death butbr / you can beat death in life, sometimes.br / and the more often you learn to do it,br / the more light there will be.br / your life is your life.br / know it while you have it.br / you are marvelousbr / the gods wait to delightbr / in you./em/p p nbsp;/p p The narrator wasnrsquo;t span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="27"Bukowski/span (who died in 1994).nbsp; The voice was fairly capable, mustering a passion reminiscent of Peter Coyote (I would have preferred Charlie Sheenmdash;sorry Martin).nbsp; The voiceover accompanied images of young people with the requisite age appropriate energy and angstmdash;an angst that seemed more to do with their pants than anything else./p p nbsp;/p p emldquo;You are marveloushellip;the gods wait to delight in yourdquo;.nbsp; /emThat is, of course, provided you wear the right pair of pants with the correct corporate logo.nbsp; I sat through this bad commercial, a commercial that takes the manrsquo;s wordsmdash;his poem, his lifemdash;out of context, as most commercials do.nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="29"Bukowski/span didnrsquo;t like TV or movies, didnrsquo;t like the canned laughter, the canned lives portrayed.nbsp; The realness of span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="bukowski" data-scaytid="55"bukowski/span doesnrsquo;t lie in a pair of jeansmdash;it is in his poetry.nbsp; The young folks portrayed in the commercial appear span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="self-satisifed" data-scaytid="57"self-satisifed/span. nbsp;nbsp;ldquo;You are marvelousrdquo; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="31"Bukowski/span says, but he also said that many of the young he observed were ldquo;terribly youngrdquo; and ldquo;mirrors without reflectionrdquo;.nbsp; span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski" data-scaytid="33"Bukowski/span saw this self-satisfaction and comfort as deathmdash;death of the soul, of feeling, of spiritmdash;of life./p p nbsp;/p p I donrsquo;t know if span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski’s" data-scaytid="53"Bukowskirsquo;s/span widow or publisher sold the rights to the poem.nbsp; But he deserves to be honored in a much better manner than as part of a commercial selling blue jeans./p p (Editor#39;s note: Poor Magazine published another span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Bukowski-related" data-scaytid="59"Bukowski-related/span piece about ROTC.nbsp; See: a href="http://www.poormagazine.org/node/2943"http://span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="www.poormagazine.org" data-scaytid="1"www.poormagazine.org/span/node/2943/a)/p
  • Terry Baum Visits Community Newsroom @ POOR Magazine

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p Terry Baum who is running for Mayor of San Francisco Visited POOR Magazine#39;s Indigenous News-making Circle- Community Newsroom./p p Community Newsroom at POOR Magazine is open to ALL candidates who would like to speak to the youth, adults and elders in poverty who are part of our family. POOR Magazine doesn#39;t endorse ANY candidate running for office in span data-scayt_word="Amerikkka" data-scaytid="1"Amerikkka/span/p
  • August Autism Celebration Discrimination (For Neli Mr. G)

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Two young men with autism/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Have shaped the month of August/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Mothers were/are the key figures/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" They pulled me in now Irsquo;m at awe/p p nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Yesterday I celebrated my brother#39;s Birthday/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Mr. G, a kid with autism now is a young man/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Today I#39;m fighting for the release of a young man/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" with autism, span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="1"Neli/span in Richmond, Virginia/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" August Autism Celebration Discrimination day to day/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Eating birthday cake/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Pleading on span data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="6"Nelirsquo;s/span sake/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Mr. G living in the community/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="2"Neli/span locked up in the penitentiary/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Going down memory lane/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Telling the story/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" How Mr. G I were pulled over/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Black man with White youth/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" My mind snap to span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="3"Neli/span/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Picked up from sitting on the lawn of the library/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Profiling from California to Virginia/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" How attitudes never change/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Haven#39;t met span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="4"Neli/span but some how I feel I have/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Watched Mr. G grow into a man/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Mixed feelings celebration discrimination on annbsp; August night/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Happy for my brother, Mr. G/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Sad for my new friend, span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="5"Neli/span/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Yesterday was all cake ice cream/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Today I can feel span data-scayt_word="Neli’s" data-scaytid="7"Nelirsquo;s/span family supporters screaming/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" I also think about my girlfriendrsquo;s son/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Who also has autism and faced discrimination/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" The struggle is societal span data-scayt_word="isms" data-scaytid="8"isms/span/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" The day when that is erase will be the real celebration/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" nbsp;/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" Leroy Moore/p p style="margin: 0.1pt 0in;" 8/15/11/p
  • Please donate to the Lehman Brightman Healing Fund

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p As many of you are aware, Indigenous Scholar, Korean War Veteran, Professional Football Player, Resistance Leader: Lehman L. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="11"Brightman/span suffered a stroke this past July 22, 2011 and is currently recoverispan class="text_exposed_show"spanng in the hospital. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanDr. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman's" data-scaytid="31"Brightman#39;s/span bio: Lehman L. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="13"Brightman/span is a Sioux and Creek Indian who was born on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. Professor span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="15"Brightman/span is the founder and National President of United Native Americans, Inc. an Indian organization formed in 1968, to promote the progress and general welfare of American Indians. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanIn his capacity as President of span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="UNA" data-scaytid="33"UNA/span, Mr. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="17"Brightman/span has testified in two span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1"U.S/span Senate Hearings on the deplorable conditions of Indian boarding schools and hospitals on reservations. He led investigations of seven Indian boarding schools and three Indian hospitals due to the poor service and abusive treatment of Indian people. He is a former football and track star at Oklahoma State University where he earned a span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="B.A" data-scaytid="3"B.A/span. degree, and he has an span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="M.A" data-scaytid="5"M.A/span. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Mr. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="19"Brightman/span is an ex-Marine and served one year in the Korean conflict where he was wounded in action. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanProfessor span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="21"Brightman/span established and coordinated the first Native American Studies Program in the United States at span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="UC" data-scaytid="35"UC/span Berkeley in 1969, and has since taught at the University of California in San Diego, Sacramento State University, D-Q University, and Contra Costa College in San Pablo, California. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="23"Brightman/span is the author of numerous articles on the history of Indian education and federal boarding schools. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanHe is the former editor of the first International Indian newspaper called Warpath, and was involved in the occupation of Alcatraz, and the takeover of Wounded Knee, and led the takeover and occupation of Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota in 1970. He was one of the national coordinators of the Longest Walk in 1978, and the Long Walk for Survival in 1980. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanAt the present time, Mr. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="25"Brightman/span is writing a book on the history of the Indian Civil Rights Movement from the 1960#39;s to the present. Dr. span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="27"Brightman/span is in need of financial assistance in paying his medical expenses, back taxes, and his mortgage. Any monetary gift is generous and is greatly appreciated. Kindly mail your donation to: United Native Americans, Inc. 2434 span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Faria" data-scaytid="37"Faria/span Avenue span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Pinole" data-scaytid="39"Pinole/span, California 94564. /span/span/p p span class="text_exposed_show"spanThe entire span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="U.N.A" data-scaytid="7"U.N.A/span. family would like to personally thank you for assisting us in helping Lehman span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="Brightman" data-scaytid="29"Brightman/span during this difficult time. Your continued prayers for his health and welfare are greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact unitednativeamericansinc@gmail/spanwbr.com or (510)672-7187 Sincerely, United Native Americans, Inc.span _fck_bookmark="1" style="display: none"nbsp;/span/wbr/span/p
  • Thank you to the Cleaning Ladies

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p Thank you to the cleaning ladies, the ladies that lug vacuums and buckets with cleaning aids.nbsp; Thank you for coming in, even when yoursquo;re tired and sick and sick and tired; thank you for being humble yet strong.nbsp; I sit at my desk at this apartment complex--a seemingly innocuous, colorless concierge--polishing the marble counter top that covers everything but my face.nbsp; I canrsquo;t hide my brown face from the mirror of your face when you walk through the door.nbsp; Your face is brown too.nbsp; Your indigenous face is the landscape that the man cannot strip.nbsp; In your face I see the history of this land.nbsp; In your indigenous face I see the journey of a better life, a dream cradled like a thousand bursting suns.nbsp; Thank you for your journey.nbsp; Thank you for the journals written in your hands, your face.nbsp; I sit and write in my journal.nbsp; I write what I see when I see your face.nbsp; The pages are a landscape etched in fire, barbed wire, fences, wallsmdash;struggle; yet the landscape is reborn day to day bearing your presence.nbsp; I say thank you for your heart, your bravery, your tenderness, your laughter.nbsp; Thank you for holding it together when it comes apart.nbsp; Thank you for mending and soothing the creases of our hearts.nbsp; Thank you for planting the seeds which grow in our minds.nbsp; Thank you for smiling when you feel like crying.nbsp; Thank you for your fight, your struggle.nbsp; Thank you./p
  • I hear voices, see faces, of people I killed- We-Search on the Military Industrial Complex

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p Editors Note: emspan data-scayt_word="PNN's" data-scaytid="1"PNN#39;s/spannbsp; span data-scayt_word="WeSearch" data-scaytid="2"WeSearch/span is people-led (rather than institution led)nbsp; research and media created by the people who are impacted by the issue we do the research on. in this series we focused on the Military Industrial Complex and its impact on young people in poverty across span data-scayt_word="Amerikkka" data-scaytid="3"Amerikkka/span./em/p p emThis span data-scayt_word="Wesearch" data-scaytid="4"Wesearch/span focus produced one written narrative and a video documentary- the Findings are embedded in both:/em/p p nbsp;/p p strongFrom Papa Bear, Disabled/span data-scayt_word="Houseless" data-scaytid="5"Houseless/span Vietnam Vet/strong/p p nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" People call me Papa Bear. I am span data-scayt_word="houseless" data-scaytid="6"houseless/span. They used to call me Bear, but I help out other folks on the street. If I get something, I share it. I look out for people and help them get what they need. So they started calling me Papa Bear./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I have a Masters in Psychology from Ohio State, and I have Post Traumatic Stress span data-scayt_word="Sydrome" data-scaytid="7"Sydrome/span (PTSD)spannbsp; /spanfrom my years in the war in Vietnam./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I killed over 200 people in Vietnam. When you are in that situation, taking life, you lose touch with reality. Anytime you take a life it#39;s traumatic. I started to enjoy it. That is sick. Taking someonersquo;s existence started to make me feel like a god. That is also sick./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" Irsquo;m on the highest dose of medication for PTSD and Irsquo;m scared because itrsquo;s starting to not be enough. I hear voices, see faces, of people I killed. Theyrsquo;re dead. I want to tell them to stay dead, donrsquo;t talk to me and donrsquo;t let me see your face./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I want to get off these streets. I want the government to do what its supposed to do. I volunteered to serve my country, I wasnrsquo;t drafted. And they donrsquo;t even give me a penny to live on./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I am proud that I was born here, but Irsquo;m totally dissatisfied with this country. I went and got my masters degree. What happened to our ancestors did not happen to us. If you want to do something in this country, you do it. So I volunteered to serve. Now, I am on the streets because of George Bushrsquo;s program to re-evaluate Vietnam vets./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I have a file of medical records and documentation that is 37 inches high. A yard is only 36 inches. This is over 3 feet tall. I did not need to be re-evaluated./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" I am open to passing on what I learned, but you cannot force another human being to take your opinion if you donrsquo;t want to. I tried talking to young people and they said you donrsquo;t know what yoursquo;re talking about, Irsquo;m still going to do what Irsquo;m going to do. I am very willing to talk about it if people want to listen./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p class="MsoNormal" But not the specifics. You canrsquo;t talk about what happened, because talking about it brings up the memories and those are memories most of us are trying to forget. I donrsquo;t watch movies about the war. span data-scayt_word="Vietmam" data-scaytid="8"Vietmam/span was not something to brag about. Too bloody. Too sad./p p class="MsoNormal" nbsp;/p p em(this series is dedicated to Philip SB)/em/p
  • Old Face

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p In elementary School he was/p p The guy with the/p p Old face/p p nbsp;/p p Thatrsquo;s what we/p p Called him,/p p emOld face/em/p p nbsp;/p p He was 11 or 12/p p But looked/p p About 70/p p nbsp;/p p He was a Chinese kid/p p that resembled an innocent/p p bystander in a kung span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fu" data-scaytid="1"fu/span movie who was/p p humble and industriousnbsp;but got his/p p ass kicked by the local king pin#39;s/p p boys/p p nbsp;/p p He barely spoke/p p And when he did/p p It was usually inaudible/p p nbsp;/p p He dressed like an old/p p Man, pants that looked/p p Like pajama bottoms and shoes/p p That looked like slippers/p p nbsp;/p p But in reality/p p he was not that far/p p removed from diapers/p p nbsp;/p p Wersquo;d call him old face/p p And bully him in/p p Little ways like killing him/p p In four square/p p nbsp;/p p He spoke with his eyes that/p p Said he wanted to kill us/p p With a sharp object or plant/p p A nicely executed kung span class="scayt-misspell" data-scayt_word="fu" data-scaytid="3"fu/span kick/p p Into our asses/p p nbsp;/p p The years went by and/p p Now wersquo;re heading towards/p p 50 and when I looked up from/p p The bus stop the other day I/p p Saw a face/p p nbsp;/p p It was/p p Him/p p nbsp;/p p same pants that looked/p p like pajama bottoms,/p p same slippers/p p nbsp;/p p Same/p p Eyes/p p nbsp;/p p new/p p facenbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p nbsp;/p p copy; 2011 Tony Robles/p
  • The Real Reason for WAR in Libya?

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    piframe width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O35_Ai6EsMU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen/iframe/p div id="watch-description-text" p id="eow-description" Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi#39;s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth./p p It#39;s one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret, because as soon as you say you#39;re going to change over from the dollar to something else, you#39;re going to be targeted, says Ministry of Peace founder Dr James Thring. There were two conferences on this, in 1986 and 2000, organized by Gaddafi. Everybody was interested, most countries in Africa were keen./p p Source: a class="yt-uix-redirect-link" dir="ltr" href="http://www.rt.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://www.RT.com"http://www.RT.com/a/p /div
  • Long Ago Today

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Once upon a time/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"I was a sin /span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;" 3/5 of a person/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Something to hide/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Chorus/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Not so long ago/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Blacks couldnrsquo;t marry Whites/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Many of us were sterilized/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"So here we go/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Tick tock some turning back the clock/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Verse 2/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Fighting yesterdaysrsquo; battles/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"All come together in a huddle/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Why r we fighting our own people/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Divide concur the game plan is simple/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Chorus/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Not so long ago/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Blacks couldnrsquo;t marry Whites/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Many of us were sterilized/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"So here we go/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Tick tock some turning back the clock/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Verse 3/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Homosexuals were burn on the cross/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"The same cross use to brainwash/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Burning crosses on lawns/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"The same lawn span data-scayt_word="Neli" data-scaytid="1"Neli/span was profiled on/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Bridge/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Time comes and goes/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Elders die babies r born/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"But do we ever learn/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Same curriculum institutionalize passed around/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"We know what our enemies have done/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"But donrsquo;t know what our ancestors have passed down/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Chorus/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Not so long ago/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Blacks couldnrsquo;t marry Whites/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Many of us were sterilized/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"So here we go/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Tick tock some turning back the clock/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Verse 4/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"We are leaving our footprint/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"However everybody is on the internet/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Black history only for one month/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Just to shut us up/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"2supspan data-scayt_word="nd" data-scaytid="2"nd/span/sup Bridge/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Rolled back affirmative action/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Black man in office no need for actions/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"X-clansman ran for president/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"The nerve to ask for span data-scayt_word="Obomma’s" data-scaytid="3"Obommarsquo;s/span birth certificate/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Verse 5/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Back in the day and today/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"We wear the mask that is cracking/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"No more faking the funk/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Not George Clinton more like Bill Clinton/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"span style=""nbsp;/span/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Chorus/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Not so long ago/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Blacks couldnrsquo;t marry Whites/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Many of us were sterilized/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"So here we go/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Tick tock some turning back the clock/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Outer verse /span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Forward backwards or sidestepping /span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Lost in the crosswalk which way to go/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Talking about the good old days that we donrsquo;t know/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"Long ago seems like today ouch bumping into the new Jim Crow/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"nbsp;/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"By Leroy F. Moore/span/p p class="MsoNormal" span style="font-size: 11pt;"8/21/11/span/p
  • The Pelican Bay Hearings in Sacramento: Scott Kernan Should be Fired

    09/24/2021 - 09:13 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    p When I arrived at Sacramento, Inbsp;witnessed a press conference formed by ldquo;All of Us or Nonerdquo; (Ex- offenders group). Earl Fears started by saying ldquo;I was visiting one of my friends, a black man, in Pelican Bay. He was in the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="3"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span (Secured Housing Unit) for over 30 years. His skin color had lost its span data-scayt_word="pigmentation.”" data-scaytid="1"pigmentation.rdquo;/span This Poverty span data-scayt_word="skolah" data-scaytid="15"skolah/span thinks of the constitution when he thinks of his friend. The constitution states there shall be no cruel and unusual punishment. The span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="4"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span should be abolished. As it was only established after a moratorium was broken in 1968. Those were the days when they put you back into solitary confinement. They found out that prisoners in solitary confinement were prone to being more violent after they were released./p p nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/p p Prisoners of the infamous span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="5"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span are not even allowed to do simple arts and crafts. Scott span data-scayt_word="Kernan" data-scaytid="16"Kernan/span, Under-Secretarynbsp; of Operations of California Department of Corrections(span data-scayt_word="CDCR" data-scaytid="17"CDCR/span) said in the hearing that if they were given colored pencils that they could potentially signal to other gang members as well as create a more complex code in letters, when they canrsquo;t even see or put any body parts outside of the cell. If such gang ldquo;generalsrdquo; were released, these prisoners would not even be able to comprehend thought or give instructions to their subordinates, due to the wasted time in thorough isolation./p p nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/p p Through my own informed sources, I was told that Scott span data-scayt_word="Kernen" data-scaytid="18"Kernen/span was acting very unprofessional. If he was supposed to be the good guy, I would like to meet his nemesis. When Scott was on the podium he talked to his assemblymen like they were idiots, saying ldquo;That he was more intelligent than they were and that he was superior to a span data-scayt_word="judge.”" data-scaytid="2"judge.rdquo;/span Prisoners found out that some of their relatives were killed due to a guardrsquo;s unemotional provocation and no time to grieve. Letters would mysteriously disappear and the prisoners would think that their families were gone./p p nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/p p Scott justifies this as safety for the people. If a guard has a bug up his backside, they can decide whether or not to give you your hygiene products.nbsp; In 2007, a panel came up with recommendations stating that the condition of the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="6"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span should be reformed along with the interrogations of prisoners in the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="7"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span, better known as de-briefings.nbsp; Another thing that could be changed about the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="8"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span is that a prisonerrsquo;s time in there should not be sentenced by prison guards, who are only there to guard./p p nbsp;/p p Another reason that the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="9"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span should at least be reformed is the ldquo;three-point systemrdquo; to be into the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="10"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span. One of the major reasons why most prisoners are sent to the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="11"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span is from informants, and this scores two points. Other points are put against you for tattoos, or gang related clothing.nbsp; Other prisoners would inform on another just to get out of the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="12"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span.nbsp; A six-year sentence is average in the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="13"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span./p p nbsp;/p p Scott span data-scayt_word="Kernen" data-scaytid="19"Kernen/span should visit the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”--then" data-scaytid="20"ldquo;SHUrdquo;--then/span for the first time he would not be the first in charge. He would realize how cruel and unusual the span data-scayt_word="“SHU”" data-scaytid="14"ldquo;SHUrdquo;/span can really be./p

