Review of 67 Suenos Mural

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p Me span data-scayt_word="dió" data-scaytid="3"dioacute;/span span data-scayt_word="tanto" data-scaytid="4"tanto/span gusto span data-scayt_word="haber" data-scaytid="5"haber/span span data-scayt_word="estado" data-scaytid="6"estado/span span data-scayt_word="presente" data-scaytid="7"presente/span en lanbsp; span data-scayt_word="inauguración" data-scaytid="8"inauguracioacute;n/span del span data-scayt_word="nuevo" data-scaytid="9"nuevo/spannbsp; mural span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="10"que/span span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="39"esta/span span data-scayt_word="localizado" data-scaytid="42"localizado/span en la pared de un span data-scayt_word="lote" data-scaytid="43"lote/span span data-scayt_word="baldío" data-scaytid="44"baldiacute;o/span span data-scayt_word="adyacente" data-scaytid="45"adyacente/span a span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="46"las/span span data-scayt_word="oficinas" data-scaytid="55"oficinas/span de Quaker House, en el 65 9th Street (span data-scayt_word="entre" data-scaytid="56"entre/span Market y Mission).nbsp; La span data-scayt_word="importancia" data-scaytid="57"importancia/span de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="58"este/span mural no span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="66"es/spannbsp; span data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="77"solamente/span span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="155"su/span valor span data-scayt_word="artístico" data-scaytid="158"artiacute;stico/span y cultural,nbsp; si no tambieacute;n el mensaje span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="11"que/span proclama con sus imaacute;genes tan viacute;vidas e impactantes, span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="67"es/span un vehiacute;culo para denunciarnbsp; lo difiacute;cilnbsp; span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="12"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="68"es/span para los inmigrantes llegar a span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="59"este/span paiacute;s.nbsp; Este Proyecto fue creado por el muralista Pancho Pescador y fue una colaboracioacute;n con el ldquo;Community Rejuvenation Projectrdquo;nbsp; y un grupo de estudiantes, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="13"que/span se hace llamarnbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, algunos de ellos indocumentados y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="14"que/span fueron parte vital de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="60"este/span proyecto, de donde nacioacute; la inspiracioacute;n para el mural, ya span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="15"que/span en el mural se ven reflejadas span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="47"las/span luchasnbsp; de los inmigrantes y el mensaje escrito span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="69"es/spannbsp; claro; ldquo;Ningun ser humano span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="70"es/span ilegalrdquo;nbsp; y el nombre de 67 Suentilde;os, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="16"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="71"es/span un grupo de estudiantes indocumentados y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="17"que/span fueron parte vital de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="61"este/span / br / Organiceacute;nbsp; a un grupo de mujeres transLatinas con la intencioacute;n de darnbsp; visibilidad a span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="40"esta/span comunidad, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="18"que/span tambieacute;n tiene span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="48"las/span mismas experiencias span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="19"que/span los inmigrantes ynbsp; algunos de los estudiantes tambieacute;n.nbsp; La Ceremonia estuvo amenizada con comida, la venta denbsp; playeras con la insignia de ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, y la presentacioacute;n del video tan conmovedor span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="20"que/span hicieron unas estudiantes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="21"que/span relata span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="156"su/span situacioacute;n como estudiantes / br / El mural estaacute; encabezado del lado izquierdo con la frase ldquo; Ninguacute;n ser humano span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="72"es/span Ilegalrdquo;; y tiene imagenes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="22"que/span expresannbsp; culturas ancestrales, tiene la imagen de un jaguar, mirando hacia una cabeza Olmeca, y un colibriacute;,nbsp; encima de unos sembradigrave;os de maiacute;z, todos estos siacute;mbolos denbsp; culturas iacute;ndigenas. Junto a estos siacute;mbolicos caracteres, se ven dos figuras masculinas de dos inmigrantes, aparentemente caminando por el campo, y arriba de uno denbsp; ellos, se puede leer, ldquo; Nos sacan de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="49"las/span escuelasrdquo; y arriba del otro inmigrante se lee; ldquo;Los medios nos ignoranrdquo;, aplaudo estos mensajes en el mural, ya span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="23"que/span denuncian la injusticia contra los inmigrantes.nbsp;nbsp; Tambieacute;n, interesantemente, se ven imagenes de un indviduo, aparentemente de descendencia indigena y con un altavoz del cual salen unos escritos tal vez describiendo una lengua indigena, y al mismo tiempo, dando luz a una de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="50"las/span barreras span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="24"que/span muchos inmigrantes afrontan en span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="62"este/span pais, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="25"que/span span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="73"es/spannbsp; la diferencia del / br / Lo maacute;s impresionante del mural para mi, fue le conjunto de imagenes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="26"que/span hay en el lado derecho de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="63"este/span, span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="27"que/span son muy impactantes y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="28"que/span nos cuentan span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="51"las/span muchas historias de tantos inmigrantes span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="29"que/span cruzan la line sin documentacioacute;n.nbsp; Se ve a una nintilde;a, con span data-scayt_word="su" data-scaytid="157"su/span muntilde;eca a un lado, bajo una serpiente dragon, en un campo lleno de cruces de madera con nombres de personas en ellas.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se ven un par de botas, con una tarjeta verde a un lado.nbsp; Aparentemente la nintilde;a ha sido abandonada y span data-scayt_word="esta" data-scaytid="41"esta/span espantada ynbsp; estas imagenesnbsp; claramente demuestran span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="30"que/span no span data-scayt_word="solamente" data-scaytid="78"solamente/spannbsp; todas logran alcanzar el ldquo;Norterdquo; y span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="31"que/span no solo personas adultas cruzan la frontera, sino tambieacute;n nintilde;os y nintilde;as, hombres y mujeres.nbsp; Tambieacute;n se ve, de espaldas, a un oficial de ICE poniendole span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="52"las/span esposas a un inmigrante indocumentado, una de span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="53"las/span realidades span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="32"que/span enferentan muchos y muchas de estos hombres y / br / Este mural span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="74"es/span uno de los trabajos denbsp; mas hermosos span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="33"que/span he visto en San Francisco y el mensaje span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="75"es/span una denuncia directa contra el racismo y la injusticia span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="34"que/span son parte de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="64"este/span sistema capitalista en el span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="35"que/span vivimos.nbsp; Y Mientras no haya una reforma inmigratoria, seguiraacute;n llegando los inmigrantes sin documentacioacute;n y descubriraacute;n span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="36"que/span el ldquo;Suentilde;o Americanordquo;, no span data-scayt_word="es" data-scaytid="76"es/span para todos.nbsp; Espero el impacto de span data-scayt_word="este" data-scaytid="65"este/span mural en span data-scayt_word="las" data-scaytid="54"las/span demaacute;s comunidades, sea para bien y paranbsp; hacer conciencia, de span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="37"que/span nuestra gentenbsp; seguiraacute;nbsp; luchando por nuestro lugar en estas tierras span data-scayt_word="que" data-scaytid="38"que/span fueron de nuestros ancestros.nbsp;nbsp; Que todos nosotros,nbsp; con documentos o sin documentos, todos,nbsp; somos / br / I really enjoyed to participate in the official unveiling of the new mural located in an empty lot next to the Quaker House Building on 65 9th Street (between Market and Mission Streets).nbsp; The importance of this mural is not only relevant for its artistic and cultural contents, but it is also because of the message that its images proclaim.nbsp; These images are vivid and impacting, as they are a vehicle to denounce the hardship many immigrants have to go through to get to the span data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="1"U.S/span.nbsp; This project was created by the talented muralist Pancho Pescador in collaboration with with the Community Rejuvenation Project, andnbsp; a group of students called ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, some of them undocumented,nbsp; from where it was inspired, as the mural shows some images of the many battles immigrants have to fight an there is also a message that is loud and clear; ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;.br / br / I organized a group of transgender Latina women with the intention of giving visibility tonbsp; our community, as I feel we also have experienced the same hardships and battles as many immigrants have and some of these students as well.nbsp; The unveiling ceremony provided some food, and the sale of some T-shirts with the logo ofnbsp; ldquo;67 Suentilde;osrdquo;, and the presentation of a shocking video made by some of these students narratingnbsp; their situation as undocumented students in the span data-scayt_word="U.S" data-scaytid="2"U.S/ / br / The Mural has on the top left the powerful phrase ldquo;No human being is illegalrdquo;; and it has images of some cultural ancestors, a jaguar looking toward an Olmec head stone and a colorful hummingbird, flying over a corn field, all these, symbols of indigenous origin.nbsp; Next to these symbolic characters, one can see two men, apparently two immigrants crossing the border through some fields, and right above them, it reads, ldquo;Are pushed out of High Schoolrdquo;, and above the other man, it reads, ldquo;The media ignore usrdquo;.nbsp; I myself applaud these statements, as it denounces some the injustice committed against immigrants.nbsp; Interestingly, there is also an indigenous looking character holding a blow horn that has some kind of writing in an ancient language, giving light to the voices of many, and also to be interpreted as one of the many barriers many immigrants face when they arrive here, the difference in / br / What impacted me most about this mural is the series of images on the right side, they tell so many stories of many immigrants that crossed the border undocumented.nbsp; There#39;s a little girl sitting down on a field with her toy doll next to her on a field with many wooden crosses with names on them, and serpent dragon above her, a pair of boots with what seems to be a ldquo;green cardrdquo; next to them. Apparently, this little girl has been left abandoned in the desert and she#39;snbsp; very scared.nbsp; These images tell exactly what happens to many when crossing the border undocumented, not all of them make it to ldquo;El Norterdquo;, not only adults cross the border undocumented, there are children, men, and women.nbsp; Also, in a corner, with their backs, there#39;s an ICE officer putting the handcuffs to an immigrant, one the realities these immigrants will confront while trying to cross the border without / br / This mural is to me one of the must beautiful I have seen so far in the city, but it is the message it sends out that makes it an important piece of work.nbsp; The denounce it makes against racism and injustice, which are part of this capitalist system we live in.nbsp; And as long as there isn#39;t an immigration reform, many more undocumented immigrants will come and discover that ldquo;The American Dreamrdquo; is not for all.nbsp; I hope the impact of this mural is to create awareness that our people will keep on fighting for our right to stay on these lands that belonged to our ancestors.nbsp; That all of us,nbsp; documented or undocumented , we all are created equal./p