• Silence Is Violence !!

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    PNN attends a youth rally against The War Abroad and the War on Youth at Home

    by Ace Tafoya/PoorNewsNetwork Community Journalist

    Tiffic is a 16 year old African-American high school student living in the Bay Area. As he took the stage at the "Silence Is Violence – Youth Rally Against The War Abroad…And The War On Youth At Home" at the Oakland Civic Center/Frank Ogawa Plaza this past Saturday, September 14th to tell his story of being racially profiled by police, I had an uneasiness feeling. I thought about Mumia Abu-Jamal being locked up in a federal prison for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Racial profiling by people with badges is really common for people of color.

    "I was harassed by police while walking home from school," Tiffic announced on stage as a cool breeze mixed with a warm sunshine surrounded downtown Oakland. The diverse crowd, estimated at 500 fell silent and listened to him tell us what it feels like to be stopped and questioned and handcuffed by police.

    Mario Yedidia, Alicia Yang and Betsy Merzenich of Global Exchange hoped for a positive turnout of the program being sponsored in part by Salesforce.com/Foundation. Spoken Word, dancing, DJ’s, hip hop, activism and unity were all a part of the show. "It’s an event against the war on youth at home domestically, specific issues of police brutality and concerns of the extra added 100 police cops on the streets of Oakland," Mario Yedidia related to me before the event started. He is concerned about Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown’s initiative Measure FF being passed on the ballot this election year, as well as foreign policy, "The people who are dying around the world, whether it be here in Oakland, whether it be in Kabul, or it be in Baghdad are usually young people and people with darker skin pigmentation," he voiced to me with great concern.

    Local spoken word artist Candice Wicks performed her self penned "Still a Strange Fruit" a very moving piece incorporating such songs as "Killing Me Softly (With His Song)", "Get Here", and "Strange Fruit". "Curve" was performed by San Francisco spoken word artist Badru Akim with special pride and imagination. Dancers Without Boarders, a dance group used drum, dance and voice to music to perform "Somebody…Else. Hate Crimes and Survival as Seen Through The Bodies of Women".

    "This is beautiful," The Opposite from ‘Greens’, the hip-hop artists, told the crowd before leading them all to raise their hands up and give a piece sign. "This is what it’s all about!" Samantha and Venus from ‘Pueblo’ urged all to vote no on Measure FF. "We need jobs now, not more police," Samantha shouted to the lively crowd. And among others, Colored Ink performed a skit relating to schools and how bad the educational system is here.

    This rally was meant to provoke meaning and understanding of young people from all backgrounds to listen to messages surrounding harassment, racial profiling, discrimination, and other important issues that our government deals out on a daily basis.
    We were encouraged to speak out, get active and be heard! Tyren McElwee, 24, a spoken word artist/performer agreed with most others when he said, "This rally is very important…The public is saying we don’t want to go to war with Iraq, we don’t want to be in Afghanistan."

    I, along with Monty Williams who is a Vietnam Veteran were extremely impressed by these young artists view on life during wartime. "I think it’s good that the kids are speaking out, getting their voices heard. It reminds me of the times when young people were protesting the Vietnam war during the 60’s," Williams, 47, said while listening to a performance by Deuce Eclipse.

    I kept thinking all along that BART ride back into the foggy city how talented and special these young people are. All of the acts that performed that crystal clear afternoon, and there were over 20 of them, knew their position on the world today and how injustices are and how it’s unfair of politicians using young people to win votes. Even Mayor Jerry Brown tried to throw off the crowd with a sidewalk appearance. But too bad, Mr. Mayor. These kids were ahead of the game and they didn’t let you stop them from getting their message heard! Power to the People! Especially the young people.


    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    An Opinion Editorial

    by TJ Johnston

    For the past month and a half, I have been dreading the one-year anniversary of September 11. The corporate media had been building up the commemoration so much, I resolved to stay away from the televised one year post mortem. The SF Chronicle devoted front-page features on "life after 9/11." I was in a funk. Then, when version 2002 of Sept. 11 passed, my depression lifted.

    It was just like Christmas.

    The same phenomenon recurs each holiday season (apparently starting earlier each year). It usually takes me a movie and a Chinese dinner to while away Christmas. Plus, I have to be mindful of the other December holidays. Now with successive September 11's (deemed Patriot Day by W), a new set of holiday blues is born (accompanied by reds and whites).

    That's just how the powers that be would like it. Just think: nothing happens in August in the US. There's no federal holiday or unofficial three-day weekends. The film industry would have already released their summer blockbusters. Back-to-school sales are significant only for students and parents. The only thing memorable about Labor Day is that it's the last day where wearing white is acceptable.

    But Patriot Day can tap a market of 280 million. Retailers and wholesalers can escape their "dog days" and cash in. You won't see any more markdowns on American flags after Independence Day. Everything about Stars and Stripes has got go!

    The automotive industry would be the first to exploit. "In remembrance of our departed, our new models are available with zero per cent financing."

    The health care industry can now expect end-of summer booms. Depressives can now pinpoint their disorders on this newly fashioned occasion. Over the counter, prescription and illicit drug sales would spike. Some suicides might occur, but there are always trade-offs.

    Political campaigns also would gain a month-long head start thanks to the 9/11 season. With the legislatures in recess, officeholders and seekers can campaign even more aggressively.

    Television and radio outlets could also jumpstart the new season, meaning a new month of "must-see" programming. Advertising is bound to go through the roof. Did somebody say "August sweeps"?

    Most of all, this would be boomtime for all things security: guns, burglar alarms, and everything else to continue our lives yet remain vigilant. How ever did we live without these late summer tidings?

  • The Crimes of CPS

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    A PNN letter to the Editor

    by Delores Wellwood

    The CPS is well known for their abuses and crimes as well as all departments connected to family courts and the juvenile courts!

    About 6 years ago the San Francisco Chronicle and /or Examiner, did a story on the CPS, I believe the reporter was a woman whose last name was Kornblum or Kornblat, or something like that. The title of the article was "The Eighteenth (18) month clock". This story reported how well meaning young psychology majors fresh out of college became social workers and joined Social Services, CPS.

    The story recounted how they tried to care for and help people, families, but by the time they were inducted into the CPS and put through their "training", 18 months, these well meaning young women were turned into "Dragon ladies", mean and un-caring, robots whose only care was keeping their jobs and doing whatever their superiors wanted them to do, which was fill up those shelters and bring in that big payday for each child to the county and city! (my emphasis).

    Those young women who would'nt comply either left Social Services/CPS or they were moved to another department of the huge mega-structure known as the Octopus or what the public would know them by, as California Health and Human Services Sacremento, the parent branch of all Social Services departments in California!

    Another feature of Social Services is their Foster Parent/child division. Their are some fine people as Foster Parents who do great things for some kids. They are not all in it to recieve a large second income, although many are.

    However, there are some who abuse these kids, even still get away with rape against some of the little and not so little girls, as what happend to my daughter in a foster home. Those attrocities still occur and are still covered up. But what happens the most in Foster homes is the practice of "CHURNING", that is where you routinely rotate these kids, like cattle , from one home to another, Some of the good foster parents have complained about this for years!. They don't understand why kids are moved when everything was going so good for everyone, including the child!.

    But they don't know, at least most don't know, that Social Services collects 20 thousand dollars per child, per move. I've heard that another state has uncovered this but like here nothing will happen, and you won't read about it in your local newspaper!

    Next is your SHELTERS, there is the true meaning of Hell on Earth!

    Beatings by other kids in the shelters, by some of the staff and by even the Police, all happen in these nightmare places.Rape, Sodomy, occur frequently. Overdoses', when the on-site doctor or nurse over medicate a child to shut them up when they won't stop crying all night to go home and the staff and other kids can't bear it anymore, Ridelin is administered like candy, making these kids like zombies, suicide is usually the choice of many of our children who grow up in shelters. many kids who won't sibmit or vow to "tell on them", end up in "EPS", EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES", thats a rubber room at your local community hospital, like ours in San Jose, Valley Medical Hospital on Bascom avenue. Sometimes "problem" children are removed fom the state and never heard from again, confidentiality, the systems greatest tool for secrecy!


    Our prisons are filled with these children, (mostly boys), who grew up in these war like conditions, that is where they grew their anger and learned their violence, the girls come out either oversexed or drug addicted or both, only a few move on to something of a productive live and only a rare few will talk about it.

    Well my good friends at Poor magazine that is Social Services dirty little secret in a nut shell, there is more, much, much more and I feel you have found out a little yourselves and you WILL here more and more from many other parents, not just women, this was a half a trillon dollar budget (industry) only 2 short years ago, there down to 350 billion dollars a year, but they'll bounce back and get more, more kids, more families, more lives, more shelters, more prisons, more graveyards filled.

    Now you know Americas greatest secret, harvesting children and families for billions and billions of dollars, everyone gets a cut of the pie to keep their mouth shut, Congress, they will never hold hearings publicly televized about THIS, the F.B.I., knows, but they'll never issue an arrest or launch a criminal investigation. All government branches including the department of justice know this but they will not openly or otherwise discuss this anymore, their web site has been restricted in certain areas and they will meet with no one of real consequence anymore, believe me they listened for years, gathering information from all groups and individuals who contacted them about this "business of raising YOUR child".

    Yes our state and federal government is guilty of their own rule of law concerning organized crime. R.I.C.O., they are raqueteering our children, our families and all of our futures for billions of dollars in their pockets today!

  • Isabel goes to Columbia University and leaves us and her mother in San Francisco..

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    A POOR Magazine Community gathering....

    by PNN staff

    Last week the POOR staff honored Youth in the media intern Isabel Estrada’s departure to Columbia Univ with a poem, statement or song and community dinner;

    This gathering was part of POOR’s Intentional Community Project which is a key part of surviving poverty and racism

  • Women, Men, As The Noble Sex Is Crud.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Sprinkle dry urine
    and call it salt.

    We're cruel, mean 'n'
    deadly, our soft and hard weapons
    can be blunted instead of ...

    constantly sharpened.

    by Joe B.

    The Noble Sex of Men or Wymin is Crud.

    Let’s get something… excuse the expression "straight."

    Between men, wymin there isn’t a better sex.

    Better exceptional individuals of each sex (or sexes) within the society but not society as a whole.

    There are many reasons why both sexes stumble they include parallel inhumane treatment of each other, using physical and threat of physical violence towards each other.

    The true problem with the human species is we don’t understand each other.

    Think back to when we were all kids and I mean for every generation reading this.

    We have a patriarchal, reactionary, slow-to-improve system but who keeps this system in check?

    We do because most of us do conform-to-the-norm as a survival tactic.

    Being, thinking, different has always been difficult in most societies and continues to be.
    Its how its been though change does happen slowly.

    Why do men pick the easy wymin, and wymin pick rock-brained men?

    The quiet, studious, sensitive, guys and girls, men and women going their own way.

    These quiet rebels in their own right had the most trouble with girls and guys.

    Tough guys play beat down maybe girls too.

    Girls that may like them have to put on an act when part an in-group.

    The brainy girls or ones with bodies, too tall, short, strong, athletic, or physically imposing have the same problems.

    Young people in high schools all over America try to be different by conforming to what is commercially in fashion.

    Yet true independent trend setters and individuals are set apart, called, losers, and for being true originals.

    Early they and most young people learn not to be too different but just enough to fit in with the rest of their friends.

    What kind of message is that?

    Wymin supposedly mature earlier than men both physically and mentally.

    Physically yes, psychologically, I don’t think so.

    They may know how to use pre-adolescent to adolescent fem wilds on
    boys or young men.

    If they really knew the psychology of the opposite sex from their so-called "Sisterhood" the same errors wouldn’t be made every generation it’s the same with our so-called "Brotherhood" the same errors about how to treat wymin.

    Men are not the beasts, dogs, animals of the species just as Wymin are not the pure, gentle, emotional, species of this world.

    If as parent’s, friends, sisters, brothers, aunts, and uncles, wives and husbands told the younger folks the unvarnished truth.

    More would know how to defend, protect, love, and honor each other there wouldn’t be so much confusion about our ever changing sex roles.

    Why do men look at other wymin or wymin at other men because we like and enjoy it.

    But there is a difference between a look and stare.

    Mother’s and Father’s and single parents either don’t instruct or believe it’s a known fact between the two.

    Is it no wonder that black folks were accused, beaten up, even killed for the notion of Eyeball Rape: where one’s eyes to the opposite sex seem like x-rays through their clothes.

    Men experience few talk of it; it’s the whole wymin-can’t-rape-men argument.

    They can and do but our society has a cultural blinders on.

    Yes, most rapes are male on female a tragic flaw in men.

    I guess if we are ever going to be equal-boys and young men may have go through the psychological traum and ridicule wymin have have endured for centures

    A cosmic balence if you will.

    Some wymin are saying "Not my son, brother, husband, nephew, boyfriend."

    At this point the way my Karma's running I'll be a boy again and just in time to be set apon by girls or older wymin for rape.

    Not a prospect I'd want to experience at all though hard fems will say men are way past due.

    We cannot hear don’t or won’t listen to each other then blame the other on being insensitive.

    There are lots of non maternal wymin with children and men with more maternal instincts than their lactating wives.

    If both sexes were intelligent why does one good to "boob bars and the other under the surgeon’s knife for breast enlargements.

    Men don’t have to go into "Gentlemen’s Clubs" and wymin don’t have to make fake watermelon, basketball floatation devices of themselves.

    If they as part of society didn’t turn both her and his bodies in to an economic asset to be watched, touched, and leased out for public consumption.

    Male escorts, Gigolo’s, as sex objects is as disgraceful for men.

    Though many men would love to try it out for a day or two because this male dominated society says it great to be a paid, kept man or "human dildo" to a bored, housewife, female scion, maybe independently wealthy widow, business lady.

    I’ll never know but for those that do I’ll bet like their counterparts the call girl or pavement queen it tends to drain and age you quicker then there’s the health issues.

    Heaven forbid either a jealous boyfriend, husband, is after you or as sometimes happens the client truly falls in love wanting the stud for herself alone or stud in love for a strictly pay-for-lay on the job customer.

    It would be less complex if the sexes just let the game drop, talked truth, and not listen to media droning on about what one should do with their limited life span an money.

    You, me are all part of society we don’t have to adhere to the seller-consumer dictum.

    Oh, as for the Gigolo example, I never experienced the life only read of it but if others who have been in that life, have gotten out or are still a part of it … explain.

    The psychological and physical tolls inflicted on you and clients or customers.

    As for patrons of this personal form of adult entertainment don’t reveal who you are.

    I don’t need or want to know especially if there are emotional problems stemming from the experience.

    But if would further help me explain why this is one of the results of not following our own muse or visa versa.

    If this is what is-was wanted how has it changed for you what you first thought about ‘Gi Men?

    If letters arrive fine, if not that’s ok to, this is a micro forum for this discussion.

    Are Gigolo's the equivalent of human vibrating, dildo's to the women renting their services? I'd just like to know their views, honestly.

    I’m probably way behind and there’s already a web site, chat-room for retired
    ‘Gi, Escort folks, their former clients on the web.

    If not me then go on-line where you can and discuss the topics; but probably few are reading this.. Bye.

    Please send donations to

    Poor Magazine or in C/0

    Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,

    San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail mail:
    PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

    415- 626-4405

    Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org

  • Dr. Chang/Dr. Armando Chang (a poem in tribute to Isabel)

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By Dee

    by PNN staff

    My dentist was born in Cuba

    Dr. Chang

    A Chinese Guy

    (Chorus) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    I am deathly

    Afraid of Dr. chang

    (Chorus) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    I was supposed to see Dr. chang Friday –

    I wished someone else could go to Dr. chang in my place

    (Chorus) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    to get a root canal

    because a filling came out along with a piece

    of tooth

    (Chorus) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…


    I did not see

    Dr. Chang

    (Chorus- Very LOUD) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    On Friday

    Born in Cuba

    Because I was afraid

    Dr. Chang would

    Do something to

    My tooth

    (Chorus- Softly) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    that would cause me to not do the send-off for


    Who unlike Dr. Chang

    (Chorus-LOUDLY) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    wants to live in Cuba

    and has just returned from Cuba


    (Chorus-LOUDLY) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…
    (Chorus-Softly) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    Men;(Chorus-LOUDLY) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    Women: (Chorus-LOUDLY) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    Men and Women; (Chorus-softly) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    All together (Chorus- louder) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    All together (Chorus-louder still) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    All together (Chorus-Softly) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    All together ((Chorus –still softer) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

    All together ((Chorus- a Whisper) Dr. Chang/Dr Armando Chang…

  • Taboo Columns Or Joe Goes Too Far.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    It's True, sometimes
    my wandering gets the better of me.

    There's a Party in The City
    more than 2 decades old its about to...


    by Joe B.

    If anyone recently read my long column "Inside Track" and have been looking for it.

    It has been deposted because I may have written out of bounds because of the subject matter and sponsers
    that may not like the content.

    For those that did read, snicker, were made angry, or had a good laugh I am glad you did see what I was tryng to say about sexual polictics and hoarding of secrets of personal natures.

    All I was doing (maybe to graphically) was expressing in logical terms how such a secret if it is can be broken.

    I warned my editor to look at the column and if need be take it off or talk to me about it.

    In newsrooms things get hectic quicker than wet dirt turning to mud.

    She didn't get to see my work and me thinking she did I posted it on the web.

    Oh well, someone didn't like me talking so graphically about the doings of shall we say same sex genders and a supposed secret "Inside Track" supposedly had.

    I just used some knowledge, insight, and lots of imagination, plus what I've seen on certain "Entertainment" films on how to peek through velvet curtains.

    I've learned my lesson to
    not be as explicit in writing.

    However this does not stop readers who've read my columns or time to say something in writing.

    I know my stuff is kinda warped and weird but that's how my noggin works, I also know I'm not the only one.
    So send card, letters, cash
    (money orders) I cannot ask for anything else that would be lewd and distasteful.

    As for the S.F. Party I can only say its for the more adventurous of our citizen's.

    I haven't had the pleasure time or money to check out the ultimate October party and I'll like to check it out just to comment on it but a few fem furies have decreed that I should be banned from the S.F. E.E.B.

    Maybe I do not need to see or experience this annual ultimate show.
    I'll as those who have been to it to tell me what they did or did not do at this function in years past or years present.

    A few letters, photo's if they can be leg go of can be sent either snail or email
    (snail is slower but safer).

    Whatever happens all the readers should always link up, chat, staying connected and webbed. Bye.

  • To Isabell Estrada,

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    by Joe B.

    To you lovely one.

    For luminous Isabell Estrada.

    May you be helped and protected by angels,

    Succeed in all your endeavors.

    May your Best Destiny always

    be known and controlled by you.

    By Joseph Bolden

  • 30th Century Folk

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    I'm going to try
    and stick around.

    9 More centuries to
    live through but I don't think
    life will be a drag.

    by Joe B.

    My last column was an apology about writing a little too creatively and descriptive about other lifestyles I have no inkling of.

    It's on preview and off the web.

    While waiting for some kid in a town called Smallville to save lives and keep his secret.

    I'm 'thinkin when will he'll disobey his dead father's (Kal's) "Don't break the time barrier" to meet other super powered youngsters like himself?

    That could be another show with poor Clark on 2 back to back series.

    Thing is for us mortals not from Krypton or brainiac's inventing time bubbles it will take a few lifetimes to see 3-0-0-0 or the 30th century.

    I was thinking off hand if an immortal woman or man had to go through the centuries how would they do it without seeming strange to those without the gift or curse?

    If I had the burden my way would be to tackle all those things I'm afraid of; not that I have a death wish to be fearless but only to continue to learn, live, and enjoy a long life thrust upon me.

    My worst fear is dancing, I use to dance but haven't since the late 1970's.

    I'd hope to relearn all kinds of dancing from the current away from body, to tap or earlier dance and everything in between.

    All kinds of mental, physical, self defense, hand to hand along with weapons, how to create, maintain, and use all kinds of offensive - defensive devices in other than what was designed for. Jobs, careers, hobbies, as actor, make up artist, stunt person, technical person, and of course learning much more than ever though possible about the opposite sex.

    Being friend, rescuer, lover, father, great grand father through decades will constantly change staid attitudes of what lifestyles is good or bad.
    Jewel thief, diamond smuggler, A Mormon practicing polygamy and actually able to take care of many wives economic, psychological, and physical needs without taxing ones self.

    Immortal woman with many husbands or husband with wives would seem perfect if the love, companionship though perfectly match in youth will drastically change as husbands, wives, and children age and die off will have definite negative impact unless one is prepared for it.

    Travel, inventing, instructing, learning to kill efficiently without anger, still having a passion for life and people.
    Being a person of so much past, present, knowledge, and seeming to shed them, keeping the best of both kinds of knowing.

    Improving your genome ever so carefully while tracking good mutation erasing bad increasing the survival of positive mutations.

    Would I be the same man-woman, person after 500 years? What if one had time enough to study the Karma Sutra, learn the old ways of Chinese Kick Boxing, and all other kinds of combat by choice?

    If one discovered that certain genes also contributes to cosmetic beauty and I rearranged both stature and features how would anyone recognized me even those few with the same gift of longevity I have.

    What kind of humanity would one be after all these years?

    I was thinking off this because… Life now is so iffy, short, dangerous, and few people are lucky enough to find one another and maybe my soul mate has died, is to old, too young, about be reborn or married to someone else.

    I don't have any idea if immortality is in the cards for humankind in general but it is something to think of.

    Who knows, a few readers out there or not just might be one of lucky or cursed folks to see and live through the 20th and 21st century and up the far 30th and 31st centuries.

    So stay healthy, live well and be careful what you wish for… you may get it. Bye.

  • P.O.W.E.R. to the PEOPLE !!!

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    People Organized To Win Employment Rights (POWER) Celebrates its 5th Birthday of Resistance

    by Joe B./PNN staff writer

    On Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2002 Power People Organized To Win Employment Rights (POWER) held their 5th year anniversary celebration, which also acted as a POWER-ful fundraiser for the cause, held in the Women’s building at 18th and Valencia in the Mission.

    From its start in 1998 to 2002 Power has pissed off many a politician; the rich and powerful embarrassed and made to give a damn about poor folks and growing problems that are created from rabid business models’ blockhead, bloodless, bottom line ethic.

    In their five short years members from all walks of life have joined including a few individuals with money, in control of their own hearts and minds.

    POOR's editor, a former welfare recipient and myself are both former POWER members and alumni, knowing the truth the people of POWER speak.

    I had lunch earlier and would not have eaten, until I saw long lines forming for the excellent meal they provided to the capacity crowd of over a 150 people.

    There were powerful speeches by Steve Williams, Cindy Weisner and more. There was also a very-corporate-ish slide show of P O W E R’s history, written and narrated by Ed Willard and Libby, as well as a well-done financial requisition by Van Jones and others.

    Poetry, music, dancing and freedom fighter award presentations were among the many parts of a party to celebrate the ultimate power poor folks have if they band together in the common cause of need of resistance and survival.

    I am glad as a humble office manager and columnist of P O O R, to be part of this cavalcade of brave, courageous, savvy men, women and children in this honored organization.

    When people have worked so hard, so long, for almost no recognition, at first laughed at and then taken seriously; well its long past due for a party.

    POWER made up for it this night before heading back to work to give those so called powers-that-be more headaches by exposing their crass, greed obsessed money grubbing ways of cheating honest working people out of their hard earned pay.

    As long as there are fools bleeding silver, gold or green out of their asses, POWER will ride their backs and minds like the ax-swinging fighters they are,
    like barbarians gone berserk.

    Happy 5th P O W E R, may you pick up more speed, members, and honors as the years roll on. Bye.

  • Get Up, Get Down, Theres a Houzin' Crisis in This Town

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    PNN re-ports and Sup-ports on a tenants protest of The Rental Housing Assoc a.k.a. the landlords, who are against Measure EE, the Just Cause legislation in

    by Michael Vizcarra/PoorNewsNetwork Community Journalist

    Oakland, one of the most ethnically and economically diverse city in the
    nation, doesn't care about its tenants. Even with the rising costs of
    housing, landlords have the ability to use no-cause evictions to get higher
    rent and push out long time residents of color, families with children, and
    seniors to make more of a profit. Evictions and rising housing costs have
    already pushed thousands of residents, especially African Americans, out of
    Oakland. In other words, landlords do not have to give tenants any reason
    to evict them. They just can. Measure EE, proposed by Just Cause Oakland,
    requires landlords to have a valid reason if they want to force a tenant to
    leave their home.

    On Thursday night, October 17, 2000 Just Cause staged one of their
    best protest and rally to date, to Re-port and Sup-port for
    PoorNewsNetwork(PNN), I was a part of it. Over 70 of us took a rented bus
    from the Just Cause headquarters on 16th and Telegraph to 4700 Lincoln
    Avenue where Measure EE's strongest opponents, The Rental Housing
    Association of Northern Alameda County (RHANAC), were having their monthly
    meeting. Once we arrived chants of, "Get up, get down, there's a housing
    crisis in this town," came from the enthusiastic crowd and echoed through
    the still night air. The landlords were not expecting this.

    "Since 1998, the eviction rate [in Oakland] has gone up 300%," says
    Margaret Solle, a volunteer on the media committee for Just Cause Oakland.
    "75% are people of color, 50% are African-American, and about 20 to 25% are
    seniors with disabilities," she added. "We need to get the message out

    The landlords didn't want to hear any of it. As soon as they heard
    the chants and saw us outside their meeting place they quickly closed the
    blinds of their windows; once again turning a blind eye from the people
    they house. We couldn't enter the meeting, but a few Just Cause organizers
    had secretly "infiltrated" the meeting before we arrived. Adam Gold was
    one of them.

    "They talked about different Measures," he says, "but the emphasis
    was on Measure EE.

    "It's great because right when they were talking about EE, Just
    Cause came and started the protest. It was perfect timing," says Gold.

    It was amazing to see such a diverse group at a protest. We
    consisted of activists, tenants, homeowners, and even landlords. The ages
    ranged from the very young to seniors. There were also many different
    ethnicities that made up the protestors. And there were several who spoke
    about their experiences of being a victim to no-cause eviction.

    There was Doris, an elderly African-American woman, who was evicted
    for no reason after 36 years of living at the same location. There was a
    young woman, pregnant of 7 months, African-American, who was also evicted
    for no reason. There was Kevin and there was Sue. And the list goes on.
    To the landlords, these people are like the names on this page: faceless
    and part of a statistic.

    "They say we're acting like children out here and the adults are in
    there," yells Doris, who was at the meeting a few moments before.

    "These swines in here care nothing except for money," says Ron,
    from Campaign for Renters' Rights. "Many people are homeless because of

    One example of that is of Meika Johnson. Meika was evicted twice
    because of no-cause eviction practice. The first time was in 1999. Meika
    and her husband and son were renting a two-bedroom apartment in Oakland for
    $660/month. One night they arrived home to find an eviction notice. They
    had 30 days to move out. They tried to fight the eviction or at least get
    more time to move, but the landlord would not have it. She knew the
    landlord just wanted to rent to someone else for higher rent but she could
    not prove it. Therein lies the problem with the current laws in Oakland:
    without having to give a cause, the burden of proof is on the tenant that
    the eviction occurred to raise the rent or in retaliation. The vast
    majority of tenants do not fight a no-cause eviction primarily because it
    is too overwhelming - knowing that in 30 days they will be homeless - and
    the legal costs.

    Meika had to spend 6 months with relatives until she finally found
    a home in Newark in 2000. She was pushed out of Oakland because of the
    rising cost of housing. But just when she thought she finally could get
    back on track, once again she was served with eviction papers 18 months
    later. And once again she had 30 days to move out. No reason, no-cause.
    She asked the landlord why she was being evicted but he explained, "By law
    I'm not obligated to give a reason." Meika had to move in with relatives
    again until she could find another place to live.

    By December 2001, Meika found a home in Hayward. She now pays
    $1200/month for her apartment but also has another son to take care of.
    Her husband has been recently laid-off from his job and she fears that soon
    they will have to move again to find cheaper housing. Her bills have been
    piling up and she is, for the first time, late on her rent.

    "You can't even begin to catch up [on bills]," she says. "You have
    to start from scratch each time you move. There's the first month's rent
    and a deposit. I'm afraid I won't be able to find another place because of
    my eviction record. The eviction record doesn't show why you're evicted."

    This is an endless cycle, one that can lead to homelessness. Who
    knows what would have happened to them, if Meika and her family were not
    able to move in with relatives? They have already been displaced from
    Oakland, having to move further away to find housing they could afford.
    This is typical of what's happening to thousands of people in Oakland.

    I also spoke with an African-American landlord, who wished to
    remain anonymous, who attended the RHANAC meeting. Asked his reaction to
    the protest, he replied, "We hardly even noticed. It didn't bother us."

    I inquired why he was against Measure EE. He stated that the
    Measure lets a tenant sublet his apartment without letting the landlord
    screen the new applicant, e.g., through an interview or a credit check.
    Therefore, he says, the quality of life goes down if the new tenant is not
    screened properly and starts creating problems. He also said that there is
    already a current law does the same thing Measure EE calls for.

    Andrea Cousins, Media Coordinator for Just Cause Oakland, says
    that's not true. "The existing laws are poorly constructed. They have
    nothing to do with eviction protection," she says.

    "Measure EE does not take away landlords' rights to screen
    applicants. The clause in the Measure is for replacing a roommate, not for
    subletting an apartment," says Andrea. "It closes the loopholes in
    existing housing laws. It keeps tenants in their apartments."

    The protest ended as the meeting came to a close. "Boo's" and
    "hisses" came from the protestors as the landlords hurriedly made their way
    out of the building. Police officers were on guard in case something
    happened. One woman asked a police officer to take the protesters away.
    The officer replied, "These people are really passionate about what they're
    saying and doing."

    As I rode the bus back to Just Cause headquarters, I couldn't help
    but think how much of an impact we were making. Back in June, Just Cause
    needed 19,200 signatures to qualify the initiative; they got 36,000
    signatures. Recent polls show that 66% of voters would vote "yes" for
    Measure EE. Some estimates show that up to 70% would vote "yes." The
    people want Measure EE to pass. The people need Measure EE to pass. I can
    still hear the chants on the way home. "Aqui estamos. Y no nos vamos!"
    I'm glad I was a part of it.

  • Ameri's Destiny, How have American's, The World Changed Since 9/11/01?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    All our rights are not
    gone but certain fractions keep
    chipping away at them.

    Are we a better people, will we remember
    this day and forever change for the better?

    by Joe B.

    Two days from America’s waking Technicolor 3 dimensional nightmare reality caught on tape, two day for family, friends of all nations to again morn citizen’s and rescuers as the two World Trade Centers Twin Towers fell.

    The War on Terrorism is still on, in anger, frustration, fear, and revenge "The Patriot Act" quickly passes into law as "Home Land Security" is formed.

    at airports a bomber with hidden explosives in his shoes, and a child’s brightly colored toy gun in confiscated as "possible weapon"

    Also native and foreign born American’s are profiled as always forgetting their own home grown terrorists like the KKK, extreme Evangelical Right; those that bomb abortion clinics, or target doctor’s, nurses, and staff in clinics on a popular if not infamous web-sites.

    I just they’re not on an invisible site bouncing signals off servers and satellites to stay hidden yet remaining open for that deadly business.

    We find that indeed in the 2000 elections there may have been purposeful disenfranchisement of more than 90,000 og Florida’s overwhelmingly of African decent, most of whom would’ve voted democratic.

    More and more American’s of all nationalities are speaking out, showing proof of America’s peculiar "back to the good old days" syndrome and how it effects today’s generation.

    The good is more of us are learning about the world and that we are just a part even as a "Super Power."

    We too can still be wounded by others willing to give their lives to hurt us badly."

    I’m waiting for all the new and old patriotic songs, on VHS, DVD, CD’s, video’s and/or books to be on sale.

    I can buy them all at once.

    Between the Enron scandal Vice Pres. Cheney and President G. W. Bush Jr’s involvement’s in it and Bush’s hard-on for continued bombing of Iraq.

    Whew, what a year of tears ‘n’ fears as all of us redefine what being an American is.

    Besides parades, parties, waving Old Glory and honoring both the dead and stars and stripes what else will mark this national day of both morning and celebration?

    My choice is after going to church to visit the South of Market’s Museum of Modern Art and again be silent and as I did in church hold or let go tears in prayer for the many souls lost on September, 11th 2001.

    I wore no patriotic shirt last year to show my patriotism maybe now I can do it because inside and out beside being a African descended I’m an American, no matter my personal love-hate with this country has been in nightmare and pleasant dreams I will where the symbol on my shirt on 9/11 and 12/02.

    But don’t expect a radical change in my views because above all American’s are freedom lovers not just for themselves but for all people’s as all freedom nations naturally are.

    I’d like to visit other countries, live abroad for a time expanding my knowledge of the world maybe have duel citizen- ship.

    Someday I may and I’d like to be alive and healthy for another two centuries to see how America has changed and what September, 11th 2001 did to alter her/him.

    That’s another thing Amber’s do dream, scheme seemingly impossible things but with our many people’s hunger what is seemingly impossible takes a bit longer we’ve been doing impossible things for over 200 and some odd years and will continue to do so or until a huge asteroid hits our world…

    Even that is preventable if we can destroy it, mine it, make it an observation base, or a floating platform for training astronauts.

    Other nations did dream those dreams, have fabulous thoughts but American’s might be the only folks crazy, bold, gutsy, and maybe smart enough to actually do it.

    How has this year in America affected us and other people from foreign lands visiting or in their own lands?

    And how all of us of every nation changed?

    Don’t know what I’ll be saying on 9/11/2002 but I know what I’ll be doing. To everyone celebrate, pray, be aware of living, being alive, it all can go in a blink of an eye… Bye

    Please send donations to

    Poor Magazine or in C/0

    Ask Joe at 255 9th St.
    Street, San Francisco, CA.

    94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail

    PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

    415- 626-4405

    Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org

  • Male Complexity Pt.2, More.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Just listen and stop

    Only Women can give birth...

    Only They can bare such physical

    Give men a chance and we'll be equal
    to the ultimate challange of giving birth.

    by Joe B.

    Male Complexity Pt. 2

    I left off at women not listening to men as we are always and for good reason accused of not listening to women.

    How more stress, smoking, cancer, and or job burnout or nervous breakdowns plus a few deaths forced women to being hearing what men said even if we said it in our limited seemingly eternal cave man ways.

    But in "Nature" and USA Today Women’s assured supposed superior sex may not have crumbled it does sport hairline cracks.

    Why males exist?

    The Human Genome Project has sequenced all genes on the Y chromosome, providing the first clear view of the male genetic landscape.

    Excerpt USA TODAY’s: Study makes sense of Y chromosomes by Tim Friend, June 18, 2003 By.

    I’ve paraphrased some of his words, the point men are as complex if not more than women its was just hidden deeper in men’s genes, we are as complex as women.

    Not forgetting giving birth will always be their ace unless men figure they too can give birth and withstand the pain.

    [It has been said men have lower pain thresholds than women].I don’t know if it’s a fact but if so I’ll be in line when both sexes can switch each genes for the best of each others advantages and none of the worst like living shorter, cardiac arrest, osteoporosis, testosterone/estrogen driven rages, diseases from male or female genes, or female pattern balding.

    I’m wondering if men enable themselves to do that then does meaning women changes if that ultimate power was a shared ability?

    Girls, Women, Ladies, you know guys have minute estrogen in them as gals have minute amounts of testosterone in you.

    The real men don’t eat - - you know the rest goes out the window if tough guys like Jar Heads (Marines, Navy Seals, MI 5-6, OSI-NSA or other military or quasi military/covert black ops.

    The type folks who handle mental physical stress – eat it, churn it, spit it out like candy.

    Women, I ask you if it was couched as secret, reckless, or uniquely deadly dangerous venture to these shadowy grey men who are sworn to secrecy to live and died as part of their solemn fealty oath.

    Because it is dangerous every time a woman gives birth and routine just means women around the globe are having babies some stillborn, premature, or mentally, physically, or genetically challenged.

    You know few men would take this particular mission but a few would and those few are the breed would save our race.

    Besides think of the bragging rights.

    "Yeah, had a kid; pain like holy hell, don’t ever tell me women are wimps, weak, or any of that bullcake."

    After that ordinary guys will do it and before you know the lowest 90 pound could do and women wouldn’t could never see themselves as having any advantage of being female because their biggest trump card birth can be accomplished by any man.

    I don’t know how women would react probably "Kill the slut-male and what in his belly, bash their scrotum in so they can’t reproduce."

    I can see women overreacting or saying "This is great for the race we can survive anything now."

    It may sound like fantasy so was every invention in the last century or so, we’re human and for us if the mind can conceive it can be achieved it may take a little more time; ah, but do we have enough time? End of Pt.2

    Donations C/0 Poor Magazine

    1448 Pine Street #205

    San Francisco, CA 94103

  • The Bishop's Bed (Isabels first essay at Columbia)

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By Isabel Estrada/Youth in the Media Intern

    by PNN staff

    When I am at my best I make people laugh until they cry. I am the
    first up to dance and I drag all the rest of my friends out onto
    the floor with me. I decide in an instant where we will go next,
    and pick the perfect place. I am the one who calls all my friends
    and spills interesting stories into their ears. At these times I
    live with a winning smile on my face. At these times I'm all my
    friends' best friend.

    But some days I have to drag myself out of bed in order to get up.
    These are times when nothing I put on looks good. I'm even
    embarrassed to go dancing because I'm afraid of awkward dance
    movements that look as though I'm trying to get the music off my
    body instead of dance to it. These are times when I don't call
    anyone and feel alienated when no one calls me. This is when I
    feel that I don't have anything to say to anybody, when looking at
    the paintings on my walls becomes oppressive because they seem to
    be caving in on me to prevent me from leaving my room. At these
    times the only thing I have the courage to do is lie on the
    Bishop's Bed in my living room and watch the movie Woman On The
    Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown over and over again. These times
    welcome Bessie Smith's scratchy voice as she sings, "It's mighty
    strange that nobody knows you when you're down and out."

    It does seem that many friends are only around when there is fun to
    be had, but once their help is needed, they stay away so as not to
    be sucked into my depression. However in my case, my extended
    family, whether they are related to me or not are the ones that act
    as my friends when I feel that I have none.

    When I'm depressed, I can always depend on my editor Dee's voice
    leaving ten minute messages on my voicemail telling me to get it
    together and get my next story started. I can depend on my
    mother, my roomate and their friends converging after their days at
    work. Even though I sulk and say I don‚t feel like talking they
    refuse to close their mouths and continue probing me with questions
    and trying to make me laugh. They fill the house with warm smells
    of lamb curry or lemon and garlic salmon. They pass out the wine
    and pile on top of the bishop's bed, with me squeezed in the
    middle, to drown out the movie with their talk about men, Turkey,
    museums, Cuba, politics, pending trips, food and on and on and on
    until my bad mood finally gives up.

  • Cool with a Capital C (a poem in tribute to Isabel)

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    By A. Faye Hicks

    by PNN staff

    Isabella, She is off to see the Wizards!

    The Wizards of Columbia "U"

    Where minds are formed

    Intelligence not scorned

    Creativity born

    She is Four kinds of Cool, Our fair Isabella!



    Considerate & Courageous

    Secure in this knowledge

    She is travelling Columbia "U"

    Yeah, with a Capital "C"

    Yeah she is a Cutie

    She helps people who are in a "Sea of Despair’

    GOT a whole Lot of Wisdom up there!

    She writes with an excitable Curve!

    She got a whole lot of Nerve!

    So congratulations with a Capital "C"

    It’s a Celebration

    Fare "de" Well!

    Fair Isabell

    A. Faye Hicks

    August 2002

  • Outstanding Rating????

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Original Body

    The legacy of Racial Redlining in low-income communities of color
    Pt. 1

    by Michael Vizcarra/PoorNewsNetwork Community Journalist

    Redlining. I had never heard of this term before I received this
    assignment to write an article regarding the practice of redlining in San
    Francisco and the Bay Area, even though as a Filipino-American, my community has experienced this type of economic profiling for many years.

    Broadly defined, racial redlining is the direct refusal of banks and lenders to lend money in minority and low-income neighborhoods. It is the practice where banks and lenders figuratively draw a red line around communities of color and low-income neighborhoods and refuse to make loans available inside the red lined area. Redlining is practiced by all banks and is against the law.

    The Community Reinvestment Act was enacted by Congress in 1977
    and is intended to “encourage depository institutions to help meet the
    credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and
    moderate income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking
    operations.” (www.ffiec.gov/cra/history.htm
    ) But even after searching through
    this website I did not find any details as to the criteria the four federal
    bank supervisory agencies, the Office of the Controller of the Currency
    (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), Office of
    Thrift Supervision, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) used to
    rate banks in their database.

    What is disturbing to note is the ratings these agencies gave to
    banks here in the Bay Area regarding their fair lending practices as
    described by the Community Reinvestment Act to low- and moderate-income
    families. Bank of America, who the city of San Francisco banks with,
    received an “Outstanding” rating, despite Bank of America’s horrific lending
    practices. Bay View Bank received a “Satisfactory” rating. This data might
    look good on paper and to the casual observer, but this does not reflect
    what is really happening to everyday people of low-income who are in the
    day-to-day struggle. For us, the reality is much different. Also, there
    are ways for banks to get around the parameters set by the CRA. While Bay
    View Bank may have received that “Satisfactory” rating, in reality they have
    a redlining policy that does not allow them to make business loans of less
    than $500,000. In low-income neighborhoods, asking for a loan of that
    amount would be ridiculous. Most stores and businesses in these
    neighborhoods would not be able to borrow that much money nor would they
    want to.

    Banks can also relocate to another part of a city as a way to get around the
    CRA. A few years ago, Wells Fargo Bank moved out of their Bay View/Hunter’s
    Point location taking with it 20 million dollars in assets to an affluent
    downtown location. The main depositors were senior citizens and homeowners
    in the Bay View/Hunter’s Point district with a steady flow of income that
    not only relied on the bank’s location for its convenience but also for its
    personal/human customer service. But this did not matter to Wells Fargo
    Bank. As a result of this move, Safeway, on Williams off 3rd Street, also
    moved out, which left a void in the community. This leads to a problem
    called “retail leakage” where very few of the industries within a
    neighborhood consist of retail good. Thus, basic needs such as food,
    supplies and clothing are not available since businesses go elsewhere. But
    Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Bay View Bank are indifferent to
    merchants. Small businesses in low-income neighborhoods cannot sustain
    themselves when banks practice racial redlining.

    Such is the case with Willie Ratcliff and the San Francisco Bay View
    Newspaper, a Bay View Bank customer for many years. He and his newspaper
    were declined a line of credit for $50,000 to cover expenses while they
    waited for money from advertisements. He was given a $5,000 overdraft
    protection while the paperwork went through. But nothing happened for
    several months. The San Francisco Bay View Newspaper almost went out of
    business two weeks ago had it not been for donations and private loans from
    the community. Bay View Bank did not do anything for its community or for
    Willie Ratcliff. All they did was raise his overdraft protection another
    $5,000. That’s all.

    I spoke with Kevin Williams, Senior Contracts Compliance Officer
    for Human Rights Committee for the city of San Francisco. Mr. Williams is
    not new to racial redlining. He has worked many years for the city fighting
    for equal lending practices for minorities and people of low-income. “San
    Francisco is diverse, cultural, and has many different lifestyles, but it is
    very conservative in regards to lending,” he says, “and poor neighborhoods
    are the targets.” There are three criteria you must meet known as the 3
    C’s: credit, collateral and character. Most small businesses
    (predominantly African-Americans) are denied loans because they are
    considered a high risk for not meeting all three criteria. One negative
    credit “glitch” will get you denied, Williams says.

    Williams was also a co-founder of the former Greenlining Coalition. This
    coalition, made up of a diverse group of people (African-Americans, Latinos,
    Asians, Women’s groups), worked to agitate banks into recognizing their
    illegal practice of racial redlining. Their grassroots tactics of
    protesting made a difference and had some small success. They would file
    documents opposing bank mergers and raise issues of minority inclusion in
    lending decisions (since there were no people of color who had
    decision-making power within the banking system; the people who had that
    power were predominantly white males). Some banks agreed to “broad”
    greenlining agreements in which they had to make a long-term commitment to
    invest in minority communities. But in reality, the money would not reach
    the small businesses that needed the chance.

    Racial redlining has a deeper effect than just affecting businesses. It
    contributes to joblessness and to homelessness. Redlining stops businesses
    owned by people of color from hiring employees. Thus, young folks do not get
    the chance to work. Also, in direct economic terms, racial redlining reduces
    housing finance options for borrowers in minority neighborhoods and weakens
    competition in the mortgage market. This often results in higher mortgage
    costs and less favorable mortgage loan terms. More subtly, racial redlining
    discourages minorities from pursuing home ownership opportunities and in the
    broadest sense further entrenches the debilitating sociological effects of
    racial discrimination

    This is the first in a PNN/Bayview series on racial redlining. If you have
    experienced or have a story you would like to report regarding racial redlining please contact us at POOR Magazine (415) 863-6306

  • The Master Animals........

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    PNN looks at the oppression of our fellow species aka the "Master" animals at the circus

    by Andrew DellaRocca/PNN Community Journalist

    "Where hunting was the way of life, the master animal was revered. Salmon,
    buffalo, lion, bear, whale, antelope - all these master animals represented
    a sacred, informing presence to those societies for whom they were also the
    master source of food. The relationship between human beings and these
    master animals was not simply one of predator and prey, for in traditional
    hunting societies it was believed that the animal appeared and offered
    itself willingly. By killing it, the hunter assisted the spiritual journey
    of the animal so it could once again return to become nourishment for
    humankind. This was the sacred covenant between a divine presence that died
    and was resurrected, and humanity, which partook of its body and blood - a
    covenant strengthened by the traditional sentiment that there was ultimately
    only one Life, though expressed in myriad forms. In other words, the life
    of the hunter and that of the animal were not separate but alternate
    reflections of the same life source. And because the master animals were
    seen to travel so regularly between the world of the living and the world of
    the spirit, they were venerated as 'bridges' between these two worlds, to be
    used by shamans and priests who ventured into the realm of the spirit for
    the health and well-being of individuals and the group.".... excerpt from The Hero with an African Face by Clyde W. Ford

    It was the duality of the atmosphere that struck me most on Saturday
    afternoon. The parking lot of Cow Palace was practically barren of life,
    save for a few souls wandering for whatever reasons between the empty cars
    that dotted the asphalt. I had arrived later than expected, having not
    taken into account the vastness of the territory covered by the No. 9 San
    Bruno. The circus had already begun, everybody was inside, and I was
    greeted only by a torn piece of paper that blew against my foot pleadingly.
    Memories of a circus long past, when I was a child and went to see the
    Moscow Circus at the Knickerbaker Arena in Albany, New York, invaded my
    mind, and I held onto a vision of bright lights and ringing sounds, men and
    women flying and somersaulting through the air, exotic animals, and cotton
    candy. I could not reconcile the contrast of that memory with where I
    stood, amidst the industrial gray exterior decor of the Cow Palace, with its
    soldiers in equally gray blazers, there to ensure that nobody snuck into the
    show through a side door, or hopped over one of the fences to see the
    animals who awaited their turn in the ring.

    I had never before explored the issues surrounding animal rights, and was
    unsure of whether or not it truly was a story for POOR magazine, an
    organization that focuses primarily on issues of poverty and race. Ringling
    Brothers and Barnum and Bailey's Circus. The greatest show on Earth.
    Distraught elephants. Where does it fit?

    I crossed through the parking lot, angry that I had missed the
    demonstrations, but eager to speak with one of the activists. A man in a
    tiger costume with the head removed walked toward me. He carried a picket
    sign, and dragged his feet wearily. Again, the contrasts were unavoidable.
    I thought of my cousin, who at one point in her adolescence worked in a
    restaurant as the restaurant's mascot. She had to wear a bear costume, and
    would play with the children as they walked through the door. The tiger
    before me, on the other hand, did not wear a costume to entertain children,
    or to play. He wore his costume as an act of resistance.

    "Excuse me, have you been out here demonstrating?" I asked him. He told me
    yes, and that they were taking a break while the show was on. I told him
    that I was press, and asked him who it would be best to interview. He
    pointed me to his colleague.

    Pat Cuviello, from Citizens for Cruelty Free Circuses, walked toward me,
    with a slight grin on his face and eager to talk. We stood by a fence. The
    trees surrounding it blocked the wind from my tape recorder. I asked him
    why he demonstrated against the circus's treatment of its animals.

    "The conditions that the animals are living in and are trained in are
    conditions of deprivation and infliction," said Pat. "What happens is that
    the animals tend to check out, they go crazy. You'll see them bobbing their
    head or swaying back and forth, the tigers you'll see them pacing back and
    forth, because it's so frustrating in these conditions. So that's the main
    reason we don't like it... these animals become a grotesque version of who
    they really are."

    I asked Pat why, in his opinion, animal acts continue to draw spectators.
    He told me, "I think that we are taught to look at animals in a certain way,
    growing up in our culture here. We're taught to look at them as objects,
    and something to be used. We really don't know much about animals, we've
    just been learning about them in the last forty to fifty years."

    He continued by speaking about Jane Goodall and Diane Fossey, two famous
    researchers who studied the behavior of gorillas and chimpanzees. Before
    their work in the jungles, the only things known about gorillas were what
    had been learned in the zoos and in the circuses.

    "They'd throw water on them and jab them so that they'd be upset. So Dian
    Fossey and Jane Goodall go out there, and now we know who these animals are.
    We now think of gorillas as gentle giants. You'd never see them in the
    circus anymore. Now that people know who they are, they don't want to see
    them in these conditions. So, the more we're learning about them,
    especially now with nature films and stuff, people are more and more finding
    this distasteful, which I'm glad about."

    "What I'm advocating is respect, respect for everyone," continued Pat.
    "Just because they're a different species, doesn't mean we shouldn't respect
    them. Just because someone is a different race, or has different eyes or
    hair or whatever, doesn't mean I shouldn't respect them. I think it's a
    whole inclusive thing. The environmental movement is also about that,
    respecting the planet. It's who we are, it's where we come from, it's why
    we're here."

    After Pat's interview, I tried desperately to get a look at the animals in
    their living conditions. I was denied access, not having the sufficient
    funds to get through the gate. But I did catch a few of the animals coming
    out of the circus and heading towards their cages. It was a brief glimpse.
    The area where they were kept was shut off by fencing, which was covered by
    colorful Barnum and Bailey banners. Lamas passed, and horses, and then the
    elephants. The elephants' feet lethargically pounded the pavement in unison
    as they passed. Their trunks grasped the tails of the preceding elephants,
    and they moved forward bound together like a chain gang, heads drooping,
    their eyes wandering. The circus employees escorted these "master" animals
    into their cages, and that was the last I saw.

  • 9-11 AGAIN

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by Joe B.

    Originally begun on September, 11th 2002. But because of PC and server problems folks get it today on the 12th.

    However I’ll place another piece here if time permits so folks will have a two for one deal just to be fair.

    Sept. 11, 2002. One Year Later.

    3:43 am September, 11, 2002 the day before at10 pmt.

    I was enjoying an action packed show about good vs. evil and evil is having a ball.

    Someone tells me about lost pet ads and one ad in particular taped to a poll saying "Have you seen my lost pet?

    Next to the words is a photo insert with no photo inside.

    Below said photo is the breed of animal whether dog, cat, bird, fish, or other animals then sex-age, color, and date posted, also a contact phone number in case pets are found.

    It comes to mind that if one values their pet’s life; a photo or freeze frame video either black and white or color should be in the empty photo insert along with a description.

    The dog, cat, bird composite shadows is only a representation but real pictures are what’s needed.

    Its as dopey as having parks without water fountains and bathrooms in them.

    That’s as serious as I want to be about an obvious mistake in logical thinking then my phone rings an at 10:43 pmt answering is dead last on my thing-to-do-list.

    The phone which I don’t answer most of the time but felt just in case its important pick it up.

    Well this ruins my TV viewing for the night as an invitation to The Mayor of San Francisco’s, New York’s Memorial, Book Signing in City Hall to write our names in a commemorating 9-11-2001.

    It will be happening throughout the day.

    I’m thinking from now on every Sept. 11th that day will be honored globally.

    But I hope the anger is balanced with mercy and wisdom, to think long why it happened as home grown American domestic terrorism happened in our past and present.

    Waking up earlier than I should the first thing to do is gather up clothes, toiletries before taking a thorough hot shower, drying, oiling, wiping off excess, then checking nails on hands, feet before flossing and brushing teeth, warring clean clothes for this special anniversary.

    Hurriedly I called the person to wake them up its 3:46 am after fumbling a bit I quickly walk to a neighbor’s apartment.

    Other folks also have their early morning errands.

    "Everything cool ‘bro., buddy."

    Across the street a youngster walks parallel to me, a transvestite fun-one watches or waits.

    Probably this early in the morning I look very suspicious walking, talking in a tape recorder like a nark, 5-0, or a guy on a mission.
    [Narcotic Undercover Cop, or Drug Addict]

    There are lots of people out today some legitimate as I some not - I’ve no time worrying which is which; if not for a kindhearted friend I’d still be in sand-land z-ing out [A favor, to participate in book writing memorial 5 am or sometime later today]

    "To early" I’m told by my still sleepy friend.

    I wait as sleep took hold again on both of us.

    Both of us are out the door by 5:08 am.

    The early day has a chill to it glad someone told to ware a coat.

    In bed clothes still bleary with sleep my friend grumbled about the hour as I try to explain about a 3-hour difference we both have bad feelings this tragic occasion.

    See low floating fog maybe the sun will burn most of it as daylight begins.

    But the anniversary maybe cloud cover is needed, something somber, quiet, cloudy, misty, and shrouded.

    My friend and I hear Scottish Bagpipes and dread weighs heavy on our shoulders.

    Police in their best dressed blues, Fireman and the same for every citizen inside City Hall.

    I’m glad I am clean smelling.

    As I placed items in plastic trays and stood for the now normal pat down procedures I knew my friend is getting more agitated by the second.

    As for me I did want to write in the book going to New York but compared to someone else’s feeling it becomes a non priority.

    The biggest flag we’ve ever seen streaming in the middle of City Hall surrounded by all sorts of officials.

    Mayor Willie Brown eloquent, dignified, solemn, pledge of allegiance, Pat Austin singing. Its all a blur being pulled into an elevator going to the second floor didn’t help me at all.

    On a bench near my friend did not like this setup. "Didn’t you know that this will be with us for a long time."

    We go by the backstairs, an elderly black lady handed us buttons with American Flag with stars and stripes and blue skies.

    We talked as I walked my friend safely home before going to my own.

    I’m still conflicted as a descendent of Africa in America and knowing our history it feels as if America is going backward or trying to and only scaring us into war.

    I’ll ware my flag shirt but it does not make me question my countries sanity at this moment.

    Meanwhile I’m told that a refrigerator will be delivered an I’ll not have to install it to make sure it works.

    That didn’t work, as a regular sized guy came by with a fridge on a flatbed truck.

    The paper I signed said "Only Curbside Delivery Service.

    Up two flights of stairs where it now sits out of its box in a small kitchen.

    Its grand knowing America still has its sense of humor.

    I don’t fix, repair, or install kitchen appliances.

    Please send donations to

    Poor Magazine or in C/0
    Ask Joe at 255 9th St.

    San Francisco, CA.
    94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail mail:
    PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St. San
    Francisco, CA 94102

    415- 626-4405

  • Shape Of Lives, If One Wants To Live Long... Exercise Can Help.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Enough Joe, You Fake.

    Had to face the fact that living
    longer has to have more kick to it.

    I hope I'm worth the effort I'll
    put in to live a few extra decades.

    by Joe B.

    I’ve been selfish, oh, not about helping people, lending money or having friendly chats with people stressed out, been there myself.

    It’s the old body/spirit/mind connection that’s been neglected with all my writing on life extension, living longer healthier lives, and awaiting breakthroughs for those long life therapies to become reality a few already are.

    Intellectually I know what must be done implementing them is another thing altogether.

    I have to do what I’ve preached which means eating less junk food, redmeat, concentrating on healthy nutritious eating habits until its second nature to me.

    Thank God for good genes born to me without them the sugary stuff I’ve eaten over the years would’ve made me diabetic and rotted out all my teeth.

    Its time to help my genes until they are improved, replaced, or have super artificial ones.

    I haven’t totally been a fraud I do not smoke, drink alcohol, or party crazy.

    A slow, sane settled life is my highest goal and of course routine health maintenance.
    Good friends, sex, pet(s) not in that order which is the real ultimate love that dosen't speak its name.

    To have hobbies for both hands and brain stimulation.

    If I have no control of my body [minus anorexia nervosa and bulimia’s negative absolute control].
    careful improvement then maintaining its overall health then I am unworthy of life extension and eventual immortality.

    What is spooky for me is if I do get myself into shape and what I’ve said comes true some accident, illness, old age comes and death takes anyway is not my worry.

    Dying would end the striving and eternal rest is my reward.

    However if I become one of the lucky few to become an immortal I’d be a freak to many, hated, and to a few maybe some kind of hero.

    I’ll always have learn, relearn new and old technologies.

    Move a lot or have central living area as TV and movie stars must when shooting films on location and children in their families must have stable environments to grow up as normal as possible in.

    After decades of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking improved gene engineered materials that constantly make us better, stronger, more intelligent humanity… yeah right.

    Either way if I don’t want to live longer the best way is to continue as I am overweight, eating unhealthy food, and no exercise.

    One thing I won’t worry about is the coed women in the gym.

    I have no time to ogle ‘em and if I gain a female partner young or older that’s stronger good I need all the incentive I can get.

    I did notice when I was in a gym years ago they [women] were serious and any guy going for a pick up, well; lets say they had to prove themselves.

    Meanwhile poor slob guys really trying were being helped and nurtured by these stronger, healthier females.

    I don’t know if that’s still true I’ll just have to go in, get started and ignore all the shapely except if they or I ask for each other’s help.

    A bunch of sweaty guys and women after awhile is not appealing to either sex.

    All I really want is the benefits of exercise but if I'm picked up by an alluring, aggressive, hormonally charged lady with to much energy than she knows what to do with; I won’t question it.

    If I’m her object of exercise, desire and release who am I to say that its not also part of the life extension ethic, to give and receive joy to and from others.

    I know, yeah right, Joe.

    One thing about this ongoing quest of tricking if not beaing death; anyone can enter this personal quest.

    We all can give in or face a future where time really is on our side and everyone goes at their own pace there's no in-out group or individual(s) or fashion staying alive, healty, and vital is the ultimate in all the rest is circle jerk crap.

    Being alive, the best cool and anyone alive is ultimate hipsters enough.

    Well, see in the gym, pool, or yoga class. Bye.

    Please send donations to

    Poor Magazine or in C/0

    Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,

    San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail mail:
    PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

    415- 626-4405

    Email: askjoe@poormagazine.org

  • R is for Relinquishment of Renters Rights

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    PRop R will be very dangerous for San Francisco Renters

    by Connie Lu/ PNN Youth in the media Intern

    The warmth of the sun is unable to penetrate the
    thick, heavy blanket of gray clouds overhead this
    morning. But the intensity of the sun's powerful
    light is still able to permeate past the barrier of
    water vapor, which causes my eyes to squint slightly
    as I sit in front of the Richmond Library to meet the
    other volunteers from the Committee to Save Rent
    Control, part of POOR's effort to not just re-port (the news and other issues related to poverty and racism like rent control and housing advocacy ) but "sup-port" .As I attempt to look for the volunteers,
    anxious thoughts of going door to door to pass out
    information on rent control fill my mind because I am
    not usually comfortable with talking to people that I
    don't know.

    Then I notice a group of about seven people gathered
    on the green grass. I am handed a thick stack of
    lemon yellow pamphlets explaining the dangers of
    Proposition R, which is a drastic measure that will
    convert as many as 85,000 apartments to condominiums.
    Large apartment complexes are subject to this measure
    as well. Proposition R will result in radical rent
    increases and eviction because residents will not be
    able to afford to pay the extreme amount of rent.
    However, the most detrimental effect of Proposition R
    is that it will allow landlords to remove rent control
    completely from entire buildings because state law
    prohibits any form of rent control on almost all

    I am assigned to cover several areas in San Francisco
    and instructed to simply place the pamphlets
    in front of the door, which brought on great relief to
    me since I was worried about having to interact with
    the residents. As I refer to the map I am given today I
    notice a bright pink box that marks my assigned area
    from Balboa to Geary between 4th and 8th Avenue.

    In regards to my lack of good sense of direction, I
    make an extra effort to carefully follow the map.
    However, I soon start to notice the block I was
    walking down had already been littered with the same
    pamphlets that were in my hand. I come across one of
    the other volunteers, who kindly guided me towards the
    right direction, which was of course the opposite way
    that I had initially been walking in.

    Now that I am on the right track, I begin placing the
    pamphlets by the doors of the apartments. Later, I
    came to the realization of a more strategic method of
    placing the pamphlets either with the newspaper or
    placing it through the door handle, which would
    encourage visibility and result in the reality behind
    Proposition R being exposed.

    As I make my way back the Richmond Library after
    handing out the last few pamphlets, I hear a man's
    voice call out, "Excuse me, can I have one?" He was
    an elderly Asian man, who seemed eager to know about
    the information I had been passing around. I didn't
    expect to be asked for a pamphlet, but I was glad he
    did because I had the opportunity to both verbalize
    and give him information about the harsh consequences
    of Proposition R. I think he was able to get the
    basic idea even though we were faced with somewhat of
    a language barrier. But it was only after I had
    finished talking to him when I realized that my
    initial fear of talking to people about this measure
    was somehow forgotten during my conversation with him.

    When I finally made my way back to the library, I was
    completely exhausted but thankful for the cool breeze
    that rewarded the strenuous spreading of information
    about Proposition R, which will help residents become
    more aware of its dangerous and threatening

    For more information on Proposition R or if you want

    to help with getting the word out about this dangerous legislation call SF tenants Union at
    (415) 282-5525 or go on-line to


    For more work from POOR's youth in the media interns go on-line to


