Shape Of Lives, If One Wants To Live Long... Exercise Can Help.

Original Author
Original Body

Enough Joe, You Fake.

Had to face the fact that living
longer has to have more kick to it.

I hope I'm worth the effort I'll
put in to live a few extra decades.

by Joe B.

I’ve been selfish, oh, not about helping people, lending money or having friendly chats with people stressed out, been there myself.

It’s the old body/spirit/mind connection that’s been neglected with all my writing on life extension, living longer healthier lives, and awaiting breakthroughs for those long life therapies to become reality a few already are.

Intellectually I know what must be done implementing them is another thing altogether.

I have to do what I’ve preached which means eating less junk food, redmeat, concentrating on healthy nutritious eating habits until its second nature to me.

Thank God for good genes born to me without them the sugary stuff I’ve eaten over the years would’ve made me diabetic and rotted out all my teeth.

Its time to help my genes until they are improved, replaced, or have super artificial ones.

I haven’t totally been a fraud I do not smoke, drink alcohol, or party crazy.

A slow, sane settled life is my highest goal and of course routine health maintenance.
Good friends, sex, pet(s) not in that order which is the real ultimate love that dosen't speak its name.

To have hobbies for both hands and brain stimulation.

If I have no control of my body [minus anorexia nervosa and bulimia’s negative absolute control].
careful improvement then maintaining its overall health then I am unworthy of life extension and eventual immortality.

What is spooky for me is if I do get myself into shape and what I’ve said comes true some accident, illness, old age comes and death takes anyway is not my worry.

Dying would end the striving and eternal rest is my reward.

However if I become one of the lucky few to become an immortal I’d be a freak to many, hated, and to a few maybe some kind of hero.

I’ll always have learn, relearn new and old technologies.

Move a lot or have central living area as TV and movie stars must when shooting films on location and children in their families must have stable environments to grow up as normal as possible in.

After decades of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking improved gene engineered materials that constantly make us better, stronger, more intelligent humanity… yeah right.

Either way if I don’t want to live longer the best way is to continue as I am overweight, eating unhealthy food, and no exercise.

One thing I won’t worry about is the coed women in the gym.

I have no time to ogle ‘em and if I gain a female partner young or older that’s stronger good I need all the incentive I can get.

I did notice when I was in a gym years ago they [women] were serious and any guy going for a pick up, well; lets say they had to prove themselves.

Meanwhile poor slob guys really trying were being helped and nurtured by these stronger, healthier females.

I don’t know if that’s still true I’ll just have to go in, get started and ignore all the shapely except if they or I ask for each other’s help.

A bunch of sweaty guys and women after awhile is not appealing to either sex.

All I really want is the benefits of exercise but if I'm picked up by an alluring, aggressive, hormonally charged lady with to much energy than she knows what to do with; I won’t question it.

If I’m her object of exercise, desire and release who am I to say that its not also part of the life extension ethic, to give and receive joy to and from others.

I know, yeah right, Joe.

One thing about this ongoing quest of tricking if not beaing death; anyone can enter this personal quest.

We all can give in or face a future where time really is on our side and everyone goes at their own pace there's no in-out group or individual(s) or fashion staying alive, healty, and vital is the ultimate in all the rest is circle jerk crap.

Being alive, the best cool and anyone alive is ultimate hipsters enough.

Well, see in the gym, pool, or yoga class. Bye.

Please send donations to

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Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,

San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645

Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102

415- 626-4405

