Male Complexity Pt.2, More.

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Just listen and stop

Only Women can give birth...

Only They can bare such physical

Give men a chance and we'll be equal
to the ultimate challange of giving birth.

by Joe B.

Male Complexity Pt. 2

I left off at women not listening to men as we are always and for good reason accused of not listening to women.

How more stress, smoking, cancer, and or job burnout or nervous breakdowns plus a few deaths forced women to being hearing what men said even if we said it in our limited seemingly eternal cave man ways.

But in "Nature" and USA Today Women’s assured supposed superior sex may not have crumbled it does sport hairline cracks.

Why males exist?

The Human Genome Project has sequenced all genes on the Y chromosome, providing the first clear view of the male genetic landscape.

Excerpt USA TODAY’s: Study makes sense of Y chromosomes by Tim Friend, June 18, 2003 By.

I’ve paraphrased some of his words, the point men are as complex if not more than women its was just hidden deeper in men’s genes, we are as complex as women.

Not forgetting giving birth will always be their ace unless men figure they too can give birth and withstand the pain.

[It has been said men have lower pain thresholds than women].I don’t know if it’s a fact but if so I’ll be in line when both sexes can switch each genes for the best of each others advantages and none of the worst like living shorter, cardiac arrest, osteoporosis, testosterone/estrogen driven rages, diseases from male or female genes, or female pattern balding.

I’m wondering if men enable themselves to do that then does meaning women changes if that ultimate power was a shared ability?

Girls, Women, Ladies, you know guys have minute estrogen in them as gals have minute amounts of testosterone in you.

The real men don’t eat - - you know the rest goes out the window if tough guys like Jar Heads (Marines, Navy Seals, MI 5-6, OSI-NSA or other military or quasi military/covert black ops.

The type folks who handle mental physical stress – eat it, churn it, spit it out like candy.

Women, I ask you if it was couched as secret, reckless, or uniquely deadly dangerous venture to these shadowy grey men who are sworn to secrecy to live and died as part of their solemn fealty oath.

Because it is dangerous every time a woman gives birth and routine just means women around the globe are having babies some stillborn, premature, or mentally, physically, or genetically challenged.

You know few men would take this particular mission but a few would and those few are the breed would save our race.

Besides think of the bragging rights.

"Yeah, had a kid; pain like holy hell, don’t ever tell me women are wimps, weak, or any of that bullcake."

After that ordinary guys will do it and before you know the lowest 90 pound could do and women wouldn’t could never see themselves as having any advantage of being female because their biggest trump card birth can be accomplished by any man.

I don’t know how women would react probably "Kill the slut-male and what in his belly, bash their scrotum in so they can’t reproduce."

I can see women overreacting or saying "This is great for the race we can survive anything now."

It may sound like fantasy so was every invention in the last century or so, we’re human and for us if the mind can conceive it can be achieved it may take a little more time; ah, but do we have enough time? End of Pt.2

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