A PNN letter to the Editor
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by Delores Wellwood The CPS is well known for their abuses and crimes as well as all departments connected to family courts and the juvenile courts! About 6 years ago the San Francisco Chronicle and /or Examiner, did a story on the CPS, I believe the reporter was a woman whose last name was Kornblum or Kornblat, or something like that. The title of the article was "The Eighteenth (18) month clock". This story reported how well meaning young psychology majors fresh out of college became social workers and joined Social Services, CPS. The story recounted how they tried to care for and help people, families, but by the time they were inducted into the CPS and put through their "training", 18 months, these well meaning young women were turned into "Dragon ladies", mean and un-caring, robots whose only care was keeping their jobs and doing whatever their superiors wanted them to do, which was fill up those shelters and bring in that big payday for each child to the county and city! (my emphasis). Those young women who would'nt comply either left Social Services/CPS or they were moved to another department of the huge mega-structure known as the Octopus or what the public would know them by, as California Health and Human Services Sacremento, the parent branch of all Social Services departments in California! Another feature of Social Services is their Foster Parent/child division. Their are some fine people as Foster Parents who do great things for some kids. They are not all in it to recieve a large second income, although many are. However, there are some who abuse these kids, even still get away with rape against some of the little and not so little girls, as what happend to my daughter in a foster home. Those attrocities still occur and are still covered up. But what happens the most in Foster homes is the practice of "CHURNING", that is where you routinely rotate these kids, like cattle , from one home to another, Some of the good foster parents have complained about this for years!. They don't understand why kids are moved when everything was going so good for everyone, including the child!. But they don't know, at least most don't know, that Social Services collects 20 thousand dollars per child, per move. I've heard that another state has uncovered this but like here nothing will happen, and you won't read about it in your local newspaper! Next is your SHELTERS, there is the true meaning of Hell on Earth! Beatings by other kids in the shelters, by some of the staff and by even the Police, all happen in these nightmare places.Rape, Sodomy, occur frequently. Overdoses', when the on-site doctor or nurse over medicate a child to shut them up when they won't stop crying all night to go home and the staff and other kids can't bear it anymore, Ridelin is administered like candy, making these kids like zombies, suicide is usually the choice of many of our children who grow up in shelters. many kids who won't sibmit or vow to "tell on them", end up in "EPS", EMERGENCY PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES", thats a rubber room at your local community hospital, like ours in San Jose, Valley Medical Hospital on Bascom avenue. Sometimes "problem" children are removed fom the state and never heard from again, confidentiality, the systems greatest tool for secrecy!
Our prisons are filled with these children, (mostly boys), who grew up in these war like conditions, that is where they grew their anger and learned their violence, the girls come out either oversexed or drug addicted or both, only a few move on to something of a productive live and only a rare few will talk about it. Well my good friends at Poor magazine that is Social Services dirty little secret in a nut shell, there is more, much, much more and I feel you have found out a little yourselves and you WILL here more and more from many other parents, not just women, this was a half a trillon dollar budget (industry) only 2 short years ago, there down to 350 billion dollars a year, but they'll bounce back and get more, more kids, more families, more lives, more shelters, more prisons, more graveyards filled. Now you know Americas greatest secret, harvesting children and families for billions and billions of dollars, everyone gets a cut of the pie to keep their mouth shut, Congress, they will never hold hearings publicly televized about THIS, the F.B.I., knows, but they'll never issue an arrest or launch a criminal investigation. All government branches including the department of justice know this but they will not openly or otherwise discuss this anymore, their web site has been restricted in certain areas and they will meet with no one of real consequence anymore, believe me they listened for years, gathering information from all groups and individuals who contacted them about this "business of raising YOUR child". Yes our state and federal government is guilty of their own rule of law concerning organized crime. R.I.C.O., they are raqueteering our children, our families and all of our futures for billions of dollars in their pockets today! |