The Story of the Tulsa Race Massacre

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The Story of the Tulsa Race Massacre 

By Ziair Hughes


Underwater Black Island in the U.S. is the story of the Tulsa massacre where a white mob burnt down a Black community to the ground. Other Black towns have been dismantled off the American map but not by burning them but rather, by keeping it a secret. Lake Lanier is a lake in Forsyth County, Georgia where people do ordinary things. Prior to that, there was a place called Oscarville, Georgia.


Oscarville was a strong mostly Black community with a school, homes, and a church until 1911. Then, two bad events went down. First, two Black teenagers were convicted and sentenced to death in one day. Then, a mob of KKK members terrorized and killed all the Black people in the surrounding area.


“People are getting more familiar with the Tulsa race massacre and Black Underwater but it needs to get more known so we can get the justice we deserve and earned for a long time,” said the news reporter. 


In conclusion: Black excellence is hated against and destroyed because of pride. The ones who start the movement get robbed from the movement when they are as smart as the white man is. He is not smart enough to come together and build an empire with us Black and Brown folks so we can create more money, wealth, and all kinds of fortune. 


 “We started it all and can never get any credit,” said the news reporter. 
