About Victor Ochoa

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About Victor Ochoa

By Ziair Hughes


Victor Ochoa is a proud Raza man and revolutionary artist/muralist. As a youth, Victor migrated from Tijuana to the U.S. Victor's mom was scared of deportation so she made sure Victor spoke English and not Spanish but that wasn't enough. In an interview, Victor described how some guys with big coats and gangster hats came to his door and told his parents they had only a couple days to leave the U.S. So after that, they went to Tijuana but Victor stayed with his grandmother while away from his parents. 


Victor was constantly on the move. He had moved in with his aunt so he could be closer to his parents but he had to work. So, he got a job at a silk screen shop “This is when i started to get into civil rights,” said Victor. 


This is when his form was shaped. He was becoming the great Ochoa. Victor was always supposed to be an artist, “I started early. I was doing (drawing) hats and fingers while other kids were doing stick figures,” said Victor. 


Victor Ochoa is also the soul of Chicano Park. He has a nice amount of murals in Chicano Park. Currently, Victor is working on a Chicano museum. 


Fortunately I got the chance to interview Mr. Ochoa with my school, Deecolonize Academy. He gave us a lot of knowledge on art and community.


Victor is also the founder of Centro Cultural De La Raza in Balboa Park. He also was one of the artists who did the mural for Balboa Park in 2015.


In conclusion, one thing I learned from Mr Ochoa is that art is different. It may not be drawing, but for me it's basketball. His art was destined and I feel like my art is too. 
