Story Archives 2008

Hot Zone Tiny ...?

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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First I accidently erased
all my columns.

Darwin Award Winner #4

Now,4 letters to me(Tell Joe).

That and another topic on another day.

by Joseph Bolden

SAmple Test Column of Tell Joe.

I said its only a sample.


H O T ! to me and the new Gayell
word - by now.

(I'll do a W.T.M.I.) column on this day.

Write to

Because I still cannot find my columns yet on Poor to respond.

Finally I get to respond to what little fan base I have:)


Imaginese Si Ese Era Usted

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Imagine if that was you. One migrant mama's analysis of the forced separation of migration/immigration/boarder facism

Imagine if that was you. One migrant mama's analysis of the forced separation of migration/immigration/boarder facism


by Patricia Morales/PNN Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia

For English scroll down

La perspectiva de una Mama Migratoria hacia la separación de familias migratorias debido a el criminalizacion de inmigrantes/migrantes en E.E.U.U.

Por Patricia

¿“Imagine si ésos eran Uds., uno de los niños separados de sus padres? Qué harían Uds. sin mí?” Les pregunto a mis niños cuando vemos y oímos en las noticias sobre muchas de las deportaciones. Toman a los padres de sus hogares y los separan de sus niños y de los niños estan sin familia. Mi hijo de 12 años me contesta y dice, “No pueden hacernos eso a nosotros.” Como una madre, inmigrante, combatiente, y ser humana, me siento rota cada vez que oigo hablar de la separacion de más familias. Tengo cinco niños que nacieron en este país. No sé como viviría si seria separada de ellos. Mis niños creen que esto nunca podría sucedernos, peor la realidad es que si pudiera. Si fuera deportada, mis niños no tendrían donde ir, y a nadie para cuidar de ellos.

Este país trata a inmigrantes indocumentados y a sus familias como criminales. En Taylor, Tejas, el Centro de Residencial de Don T. Ponga Hutto, un centro de detencion tiene aproximadamente trecientos y ochenta gente indocumentada. Entre los presos están dos cientos niños. El centro no se le llama una prisión, pero las condiciones en el interior son como si fuera uno. Julie Johnson de la Nueva Media de América (New AMerica Media, en ingles) escribió sobre el centro de la detención, “Todos, incluyendo los niños, deben usar los uniformes publicados por la prisión. Si no contenido en la misma celda, un padre no puede confortar a su niño gritando por la noche a menos que una guardia le de permiso.” Johnson cito a Michele Brané, director del Programa de Detención y Asilo para la Comisión de las Mujeres para las Mujeres y los Niños Refugiados (Detention and Asylum Program for the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children, en ingles) que dijo, “Esta gente que no ha cometido ningún crimen estan siendo tratados peor que como tratamos a criminales.” En Hutto los niños y sus padres viven como criminales. Algunas familias han tenido que permanecer en el centro de la detención por más de dos años.

Entrevisté a un Sacerdote de una iglesia local que dijo, “Nos preocupamos de las incursiones que están haciendo porque están separando a familias y eso no es justo.” Los que permanecen también sufren porque no tienen su familia y la ayuda que ellos necesitan. El Sacerdote dijo que él sabía que algunas Iglesias van a abrir sus puertas como santuarios para los inmigrantes indocumentados.

El hecho del no tener papeles, de ser indocumentado en los Estados Unidos no significa que no tenemos derechos. El departamento de la inmigración es cruel e inhumano. Como una madre, combatiente, inmigrante, y ser humano que no deseo ver a inmigrantes indocumentados separados de sus familias o encarcelados en prisiones. Tenemos que parar de vivir en miedo y continuar a luchar para los derechos de todos los inmigrantes. ....................................

“Imagine if that was you, if you were one of the children separated from their parents? What would you do without me?” I ask my children when we see and hear about the many deportations in the news. Parents are taken from their homes and separated from their children and children are left without family. My 12 year-old son answers me and says, “They can’t do this to us.” As a mother, immigrant, fighter, and human being, I feel torn apart every time I hear of more families being separated.

I have five children who were born in this country. I don’t know how I would live if I were to be separated from them. My children believe this could never happen to us, the reality is it could. If I were deported, my children would have nowhere to go, and no one to care for them.

This country treats undocumented immigrants and their families as criminals. In Taylor, Texas, The T. Don Hutto Residential Center, a private detention center holds approximately three hundred and eighty undocumented people. Among the prisoners are two hundred children. The center is not called a prison, but the conditions inside are as if it were one.

Julie Johnson from the New America Media wrote about the detention center, “Everybody, including children, must wear prison-issued uniforms. If not housed in the same cell, a parent can't comfort their crying child at night unless a guard gives permission.” Johnson went on to cite Michele Brané, director of the Detention and Asylum Program for the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children who said, "These people who have committed no crime are being treated worse than we treat criminals." In Hutto, children and their parents live like criminals. Some families have had to stay in the detention center for over two years.

I read an interview with a Priest of a local church who said, “We are worried about the raids they are doing because they are separating families and that is not just.” Those who remain also suffer greatly because they do not have their family and the support they need. The Priest said he knew some churches that are going to open their doors as sanctuaries for undocumented immigrants.

The fact of not having papers, of being undocumented in the United States does not mean that we do not have rights. The department of immigration is cruel and inhumane and they do not have any right to steal the dreams of families who wish to live together and share their lives. As a mother, fighter, immigrant, and human being I do not want to see undocumented immigrants separated from their families or locked in prisons. We have to stop living in fear and continue to fight for rights for all immigrants.


Rob DA Noize and the SugarHill Gang

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Leroy Moore interviews Rob DA Noize about his upcoming tour in Europe with the SugarHill Gang

by Leroy Moore/PNN

Tell us what is your relationship to Sugar Hill
Gang and others on the tour.

Well my brother Diamond has been a member of the Sugarhill Gang for 15 years, and Wonder Mike is my cousin. This is my first time working with Kurtis Blow and Melle Mel. I am working on their new CD.

Where are you going in Europe?

We will going to Italy, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Poland, France, The Netherlands and The UK. The U.S. tour starts in May and goes through June [we will visit] 21 cities.

As a disabled artist what do you bring to the

Well I composed the theme song for Visit one of the major sponsors. I also have a couple of
on their new CD The Big 3. I'll be assisting my brother Diamond who is the DJ, perhaps a bit of live keyboards
and because of my background in the martial arts a little security as well.

Your brother has a disability. Explain.

No, Diamond is not disabled.

What do you think about the Krip-Hop Project?

It is one of the most innovative moves made in the music industry. We are the unheard voices in the industry.[There is] so much vanity in the music industry. I thank God for Leroy Moore's vision, and I am behind him 123% [Its time] to get our message out there. It's out time to shine, it is Divine law.

You will be hanging out with the fathers of Hip-Hop but you have been around too. Give us your background in the music world.

I've been producing records since 1980. I was the first artist signed to Jive Records as a member of the group Conway & Temple. I have been playing in live bands since 1968. I have had a few number 1 dance hits and spent 9 weeks on the Billboard charts. I produce in multiple genres from Gospel to Hip Hop and own my own record label Solid Noize Records. I have been an ASCAP publisher for over 20 years with a publishing catalog of 7,000 songs.

What is your advice to disabled hip-hop artists?

First believe in yourself, study your craft and the biz. Create your own buzz, the music industry has changed you can put out your own music on the internet. Although it would be nice to have a major record deal, you don’t have to wait for a deal or hear record execs tell you to come back when you're better, or we can't market you, do your thing.

What do you want to see coming out of this tour?

The opportunity for a disabled artist to be involved in a major tour. The chance to work with living legends who were not afraid to give me that chance. To go on the road and produce and write tracks for them they respect me as an artist. To be able to continue spread the news about Krip Hop

What do you see in your future?

Krip Hop Volume 3. Making more records. The Temple Dynasty Tour for our new releases, we are currently # 1 on the Dance charts with Keep Rising on Deep Haven Music, He'll Give You Shelter on Rapture Trax and Lose Control or Fuzion Records. This year has been very productive with UK remixes of Beyonce, Chaka Khan, Mary J Blige, Keisha Cole, P Diddy and R Kelly, all out there in Europe at the same time. People will be surprised that all this was done by a disabled artist, [it will be] a Mystery.

Tell Krip-hop readers more about this tour.

This tour is to create a bridge for the youth today to identify and acknowledge the gifts and contributions of the originators of Hip Hop It will feature The Big 3 The Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Melle Mel and Kurtis Blow. The tour's major sponsor is Visit This tour will have European and U.S. concert dates. It is both an education in Hip Hop and a historical event as well. With a live band to also be incorporated and I'll be on the keyboards, a first in Hip Hop.


Mentors in Heaven and Political Office

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Casper Banjo & Governor David Patterson

by Leroy Moore/PNN

On February 23rd 2006 the following statement from then State Senator David Patterson who was running to be Lt. Governor in New York appeared in a local New York City newspaper

He (Patterson) has introduced a bill in the State Senate of New York that would require Police Officers to shoot suspects in the arm or leg to disable instead of shooting for center of mass.

The author of the piece called Senator Patterson now Governor Patterson a Moron. As I go to bed tonight on March 25, 2008, after attending a candle light vigil for a friend, Casper Banjo, who was also Black and disabled, (Patterson is Black and blind) an artist and an elder I read the New York article and think that Casper Banjo would still be alive if Governor Patterson’s bill was signed into law and replicated here in Oakland, CA. Although I know that Casper was not a suspect but a person looking for help on the night of March 14th, 2008, if we just replace the word “suspect” with “person in need,” Governor Patterson’s proposed state legislation still applies.

The candle lights were still flickering as we, Wanda Sabir of the San Francisco Bayview Newspaper, I and a friend drove away from the vigil on 73rd Ave and Garfield Ave in East Oakland. I felt renewed knowing I have another elder guiding my way in heaven and another mentor in political office across the country, Governor David Patterson who continues to fight with and for people like Casper Banjo in NY and else where.


Derramando mas sangre inocente/Shedding More Innocent Blood

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Tres Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia al 5to aniversario de la ocupacion de Iraq

Three Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia respond to the 5th anniversary of the Iraq occupation

Tres Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia al 5to aniversario de la ocupacion de Iraq

Three Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia respond to the 5th anniversary of the Iraq occupation


by Angela Pena, Patricia Morales, Gloria Esteva/Prensa POBRE

For English, scroll down

Por Patricia Morales

Mi nombre es Patricia y soy reportera con la revista POBRE y creo que hay muchas injusticias en este pas. Uno cual es la guerra en Iraq. No creo que es correcto que los Estados Unidos ordene la matanza de tanta gente, muchas de quienes son gente totalmente inocente, como los ninos. Para demostrar mi oposición a la guerra, el jueves atendí a la protesta anti-guerra en San Francisco.

Allí realicé que hay mucha gente que no están de acuerdo con la guerra y, al contrario, quisieran que las tropas regresen a casa y paren el derramar de más sangre inocente. Estaba muy contenta ver a tanta gente en la marcha. Había cerca de 10.000 personas protestando en contra la guerra. Muchos llevaban las fotos de parientes que habían sido matados o luchaban en la guerra. Me sorprendió ver a tantos policías muchos presentes para mantener la paz. Espero que estas marchas ayuden a poner un fin a la guerra para que las tropas puedan venir a casa. ...............................................

Por Gloria Esteva

La guerra en Iraq es una oportunidad de segar la abundancia que los trabajadores producen. En este país tenemos muchos problemas que necesiten ser solucionados. Creo que en vez de usar la energía de nuestra comunidad para luchar en la guerra en Iraq, podríamos utilizar esa energía para construir y para organizar mejor la abundancia de este país, a donde tanta gente ha tenido que venir trabajar y vivir. Esta gente ha tenido que huir el mismo sistema de represión aquí tal como en sus propios países. Debemos de parar esta represión y estas infiltraciones y no producir más guerras en el mundo. Todavía tenemos tiempo para cambiar, defender la vida, creatividad y reconstruir el mundo. Por que si continuamos a permitir esta guerra injusta en Iraq, enfrentaremos a consecuencias graves. ...............................................

Por Angela Pena

Soy una mujer inmigrante, activista, colaborador de las causas nobles y reportera para la revista POBRE. Creo que la guerra en Iraq ha traído muchas desventajas a este país y ha debilitado grandemente la economía. Hay mucha gente que se opone a la guerra y para expresar sus emociones al gobierno ellas protestan y marchan juntas. Éste es el quinto año de esta guerra despiadada, así es que gente a través del país están recolectando para marchar contra esta guerra injusta.

Por la tarde alrededor de la 5:00 P.M. en la plaza de la NU. y el centro cívico de San Francisco el jueves, 19 de marzo, diez milésimos de gente se recolectó para protestar la guerra en Iraq. La gente llevaba muestras que expresaban sus opiniones. Las muestras leían, “No queremos que la guerra continué�? y “No deseamos la muerte de la gente inocente.�? Una coalición de organizaciones esta presente y la voz del pueblo se oiga. Aunque hay mucha policía deteniendo a gente, no intimidan a los manifestantes.

Creo que si el gobierno tomara el consejo del pueblo esta guerra terminaría. La gente está llamando para que paren el abuso mundial contra las familias.

By Patricia Morales

My name is Patricia and I am reporter with POOR Magazine and I believe that there are many injustices in this country. One of which is the war in Iraq. I do not believe that it is right for the United States to order the killing of so many people, many of whom are entirely innocent people, such as children. To show my opposition to the war, I attended the anti-war protest Thursday in San Francisco.

There I realized that there are a lot of people who are not in agreement with the war and instead want the troops to come home and to stop the shedding of more innocent blood. I was very pleased to see so many people in the march. There were about 10,000 people protesting against the war. Many were carrying the photos of relatives who had been killed or were fighting in the war. I was surprised to see so many police officers present to “keep the peace.�? I hope that these marches help to put an end to the war so the troops can come home. ...............................................

By Gloria Esteva

The War in Iraq is an opportunity to reap the wealth that workers produce. In this country we have many problems that need to be solved. I believe that instead of using our community's energy to fight the war in Iraq, we could use that energy to build and better organize the wealth of this country, where so many people have had to come to work and live. These people have been forced to flee the same system of repression here as in their own countries. We must stop this repression and these infiltrations and produce no more wars in the world. We still have time to change, to defend life, creativity and reconstruct the world. For if we continue to allow this unjust war in Iraq, we will face grave consequences. ...............................................

By Angela Pena

I am an immigrant woman, activist, collaborator of noble causes and reporter for POOR Magazine. I believe that the war in Iraq has brought many disadvantages to this country and has greatly weakened the economy. There are many people who are opposed to the war and to express their emotions to the government they protest and march together. This is the fifth year of this ruthless war, so people all across the country are gathering to march against this unjust war.

In the evening around 5:00 p.m. in the UN Plaza and Civic Center of San Francisco on Thursday March 19th, ten thousand people gathered to protest the war in Iraq. The people carried signs expressing their opinions. The signs read, "We do not want the war to continue" and "we do not want the death of innocent people." A coalition of organizations is present and the voice of the people is heard. Although there are many police officers present arresting people, the protesters are not intimidated.

I believe that if the government took the peoples' advice this war would be over. The people are calling for the abuse against families worldwide to stop.


Building a Racially Just School System

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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One mother's struggle with the lack of racial justice in her son's school and the discovery of a racial justice report card on our education policy-makers

by Michelle Williams/PoorNewsNetwork

"What now?" I thought. I was getting three to four calls a month from the school my youngest son attended. Ricky was talking in class, him and another student were playing around or having some words. Rickey was late to class. It was always something, no matter how small, I always seemed to receive a phone call. The calls would inevitably lead to suspensions of my son from school. I always felt that many of these situations could have been dealt with another way.

After doing some research online I found the series of Racial Justice Report Cards on education policy-makers released by Justice Matters, a non-profit policy institute that addresses inequity in education. After reviewing the report cards I started recognizing that these calls and suspensions stemmed from an institutionalized practice of targeting children of color in our education system.

The Racial Justice Report Cards, which include a grade on the Governors council on education excellence and the state superintendent of instruction's recommendations, critique the current polices and how these policies are not addressing the racism that exists in our schools.

"Our future success requires us to close the achievement gap that exists between our white students and our students of color, as well as gaps with our English learners, poor students, and students with disabilities," said State Superintendent of Instruction Jack O'Connell in a recent address on the state of education in California. O'Connell's recommendations received a C- report card.

O'Connell's words struck a chord in me considering that my son and most of the kids of color at the school he used to attend, were racially targeted and ultimately were deprived of their education.

At El Camino High School where my sone attended school, there were no African-American teachers that I was aware of. Many educators fail to address the importance of cultural understanding and their students' backgrounds. Discrimination against students of color as well as a lack of cultural awareness set up a pattern of failure. As Justice Matters says, "Until we develop an accountability system that measures student learning in ways that support high quality teaching methods that are effective with students of color, we limit how far we can go in building a racially just school system."

In the Justice Matters Report Cards they specifically cite the lack of recruitment of teachers from demographic backgrounds that reflect the diversity of their students community. Had this recruitment existed and had there been teachers of color I’m quite sure most these calls and suspensions would not have been made and that my son would have been dealt with differently.

Every call I received from the school I looked on not as a sign of the school's concern for my son’s education but only to further remove him from being a successful student. These calls made to myself and other parents were recorded in the students' files. As this continued to happen, I became uncomfortable with my son being there. Sadly I expected and waited for the next ring to come. What would be next, a suspension for disrupting the class, a dispute gone bad, police intervention of some kind or an expulsion from high school that might totally ruin his chances of later attending college if he chose to.

I can say honestly that I am not the kind of person who upholds wrong doing of any sort but I know my son and I know that he has no been doing nothing more or less like the average teenager who needs to be acknowledged by his peers. The schools say they have a zero tolerance policy but tell me who can walk a straight and narrow path without trial and error. This is unrealistic for anyone, let alone children who are still growing and learning. What has happened to the school districts, our children's home away from home?

Perhaps our local and state education policy makers need to read their report cards and institute racially just education policies for students of color and their families in California.

To view all of the Racial Justice Report Cards on Education Policy-Makers released by Justice Matters go on-line to

Michele Williams, a Parent,Race and Disability Scholar, just graduated from POOR Magazine's Race, Poverty and Media Justice Institute's Poverty Scholars in Media Program and will graduate from Skyline College this year with an AA degree

Her 27 year old son graduated high school and is working in real estate and her 17 year old son is graduating in June from Independence High. He has been able to excel in the independent study model of education.


Young Black Disabled Male Abused by Police

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Yolanda Neals/The Micah Project


On or about December 27, 2007 at Battle Creek Central Field house, 19 yr old African-American paralyzed male named Dawan Gordon was attending a basketball game. Gordon, a Battle Creek, Michigan resident, was paralyzed after being shot twice in his back in April of 2006. At this holiday basketball tournament in Battle Creek Gordon was given permission by Michael Whittaker, a security guard at the game, to stand on or by the players on courtside as a result of his disability. Officer Hancock of the Battle Creek Police Department approached Gordon and others and told them to move or leave. Gordon told the officer he had security permission to stand there because of his disability. The officer insisted that Gordon either move or leave. Gordon told the officer that he would leave. Gordon started walking away on crutches complaining about the officer's insensitivity. He requested the officer get the handicap lift. The officer grabbed Gordon causing Gordon's crutches to fall. Gordon informed the officer that he could not walk. Gordon alleges that Hancock arrested him for exercising his federally protected right to free speech.

Gordon grabbed the rail with both hands to keep from falling due to the fact that he has no lower body support from his legs. Officer Hancock grabbed Gordon's right arm and handcuffed him all the while complaining to Gordon to quit resisting. Gordon responded to Officer Hancock that he was not resisting but trying to keep from falling. Hancock ordered Gordon to "let go or I will mace you. Stop resisting." Gordon scared of being maced, let go of the rail and gave his left hand to Officer Hancock which caused Gordon's body to fall forward. Security guard Whittaker arrived to catch Gordon from falling to the ground. Whittaker told Officer Hancock Gordon could not walk. Gordon asked Officer Hancock to provide him with the handicap lift once again and Hancock refused. Officer Hancock then proceeded to drag Gordon down the set of stairs. Gordon saw Mrs. Stephanie Moore (who is a young African-American female City Commissioner in the neighboring city of Kalamazoo, Michigan) at the bottom of the stairs with her cell phone. Gordon asked Moore to video the incident. At the time Gordon ran into Moore both his hands were already in handcuffs and he was being dragged away by the officer. Officer Hancock dragged Gordon by his arms down a flight of stairs with Gordon's legs falling behind him lifelessly hitting every step. Gordon told the officer that he still had a bullet in his back and that the officer's actions might cause the bullet to move.

Gordon was not taken to the hospital while he was in police custody even though he was in excruciating pain. Gordon went to the hospital after he was released from jail. Gordon's back was injured and aggravated during the incident as a result of being dragged down the stairs by the officer. Gordon indicated that he could not believe what was happening to him and did not know why the officer arrested him. He was complying with the officer's request to move or leave the basketball game and Gordon had decided to leave.

Officer Hancock dragged Gordon outside to his squad car. He ordered Gordon to stand so that Gordon could be searched. Gordon told the officer he could not stand because he was paralyzed. The officer stood Gordon up against the police car and kept insisting, "stand yo ass up," which caused Gordon to fall harshly to the ground and sustain further injury to his back. Hancock picked Gordon up and placed Gordon in the police car. Gordon was told he was under arrest for resisting arrest and for being loud and boisterous and for yelling at the officer -- telling him that he could not walk. Someone brought Gordon's crutches to the police car. Hancock placed the crutches in the trunk. In the police car Officer Hancock apologetically told Gordon he thought Gordon was, "bullshitting him because he get's bullshitted everyday," regarding Gordon’s claim that he could not stand up or walk. Gordon was taken to jail and he was booked and placed into custody overnight until he was arraigned the next day. Gordon got out of jail on bond and went to the hospital to be treated for the injuries he sustained.

A witch hunt has ensued over Kalamazoo City Commissioner Stephanie Moore who did in fact video tape this incident and has since been brought up on felony charges of resisting, obstructing, and interfering during this excessive and abusive arrest of Dawan Gordon. Click on this link to learn more about how Commissioner Moore has come under severe attack in both Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, Michigan for being concerned about the abuse she witness this young black male endure at the hands of a police officer. - A young black male in Detroit has created a website and rap song detailing the obvious retaliation against Kalamazoo Commissioner Stephanie Moore. Mrs. Moore has received very racially driven death threats and everything since her involvement of witnessing this arrest was made public.

Please help us find good legal representation for this disabled young black male as well as national exposure for what is going on in the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo, Michigan area. Kalamazoo City Commissioner Stephanie Moore recently participated in a "Know Your Rights" forum. She was approached by police in Battle Creek Michigan on Monday, February 25, 2008 at Macedonia Baptist Church at 5:30pm. She is under attack because she cares about serving and educating the urban community.

Continued blessings,

Yolanda Neals

The Micah Project

The Micah Project (TMP) was formed under the inspiration of the Prophet Micah in his charge that we are to love mercy, seek justice, and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8).

The Micah Project will walk with man before God to seek justice. Providing support services to individuals seeking justice when their civil rights have been violated.


Ask/Tell Joe Question(s)

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A bit confusing I know.

Its because to me Ask seemed like.

the answer man.

He Don't Know,tail end of Ask Joe.

Tell Joe sounded better,you tell me

stuff I don't know,write me.

by Joseph Bolden

This Thursday,March,27th 2008 I was and a few others were honored with plaques from friends,co workers for being tough blokes in
keeping or homes which isn't easy when after being on a streets,in shelters, couch surfing,or bouncing
from relatives places weeks or months at a time.

I didn't mention that friends,interns of Poor Magazine also helped me.

Besides the late (still-hovering-Dee Grey Garcia,daughter Lisa Grey-Garcia)

As Editor/Co Editor of Poor Magazine they took a change me.

Jewnbug and later Mari, Villaluna both with tremenous odds against them showed me what quiet and (Noisy courage is by deeds of action)

Mari told once "Words are nothing,action I trust."

This from her many lives lived on the street as a youth, what many evils

adults are capable of but also survive and thrive what she herself was also capable of.

No way can I ever judge anyone doing their utmost to survive,live,then pass on school-of-hardknocks
lessons so others can avoid or sidestep pitfalls that almost took their.

To be called a trusted, friend,is an honor I strive to look up to.

Many people have helped me along the way,some have passed, some remain.

Oh,a last thing.

The long running joke about my having three editors overlooking content of my "weird sex/relationship columns...

Its all too true.

The Backstory stems from the very start of moving in to my home.

Being attacked by two 'bro'with a knife and two brown bro's save me with
"Leave him alone,he ain't got nothin'.

That insident's lasting psychological impact of impressing the brevity of life.

Hense the "joe-horny-goat-liking-wym,fems stff.

If any of the reader's heard of "joe PRI/Jo Bo"on SFLR.Net you know how rauncy it gets on Thursday nights!

Also my venturing into Polyamory maybe Onetaste is for more than flesh connections but also the close associations I've missed when houseless,social skills to relearn,brush up on to feel fully part of social network.

Anyway that's why my writing is so oddbally
facinatingly strange.

If I were less hetero and more gay/gayelle styled it would fit S.F. City and being apolitical really shoots oneself
in-the-nuts to book but that's my cross.

At least I get out more and can express myself on a global format.

I'd like having more sex than be wealthy but if being wealthy leads to more sex guess what I'm goin' for wealth.

Any bored wealthy fems up to drain a guy dry and run a train on him?

Half kidding no way will it ever happen,if it did no one would know because I do believe in being decreet.

Take care folks,email when you can and stay alive have safe dirty sex.

No,its not a contradiction one can be creative for safe dirty sex but its doable.



Stinkin' Prop 98, An Oozing Unpleasent Truth.

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Dislike doin's this stuff.

Poly message-to-folks crap.

Just read and Please No Poly

Letters on What is this bull pucky.

Info is enclosec for all.

by Joseph Bolden

Stinkin'& Sneaky 98 or Or Rich Measure Move-Out

"We Want All You ‘Po, workin’class,single mother/father family and single’s out-a-here."

They, Proposition 98 sounds, feels like to me.

Myself and many more deserving than I were recently honored last week while this crock-a-crud like some gaseous manure stew simmers,boils,is stirred up until the aroma stinks to hi heaven.

This is what is known about Prop. 98 Called devastating one-two punch for renters.
Besides ending rent control, it also ends "just cause" eviction protections, including prohibitions on eviction senior & disabled tenants.

Landlords will be able to evict tenants just so they can raise the rent. Prop 98 also ends affordable housing requirements for developers and many environmental protections, including habitat & wetlands preservation laws. That’s 98.

Now to Prop. 99 It will save rent control.

It is simple eminent domain reform, without, any hidden agenda.

It prohibits taking someone’s home via eminent domain and transferring it to a private developer.

Plus it contains language which will reverse Prop 98’s attack on rent control, renters, senior and the environment.

A Yes on 99 couldn’t hurt will help
(Most of the above info gleaned from printed flyer handouts waring people of what to expect in a few months.)

How do I know all this fascinating political stuff?

I help canvass a neighborhood of a former employer.

[Its Friday, just got tell Joe column back online, called

Dan –The-Man-Web-Wizard


hold up in a some secret lair working online miracles after I accidentally sent my site into "Where The Frak Is It Land"

I call Dan, thanked him profusely promising him never to delete or hide anything ever again!

In Poor Magazine’s peopled space ready to go home for bed Tiny intrepid, former co owner, now owner, published author of

She before leaving "Joe, Saturday, 10 to 11am. Canvassing for prop 98." I in my fading ZZZZZ half rem dream state said yes will be there, even set my alarm watch (dislike when I do that) so as not to be early.
(I’ve been known to flake also known as a flake)

I get there meet folks, Bruce is there to help me.

Later I find out Bruce left for home because of a bad back so in this rare instance there is no getting lost or being late.

All I can say Transplanted S.F.(ians) and S.F. born residents please be out, spread the word from now until June 3, voting day to defeat prop. 98 and get 99 passed.

Look what rent control looks like now and what will surely happen once its lost forever.

The Spawns of Loki work hard to get PROPOSITION 98 PASSED AS LAW.

Let’s not take this up our (*&(*$#@!!) without a fight.

For info or email or call (415) 282-5525

I’ve done my bit now the rest is up to you.

This is Dire, San Franciscans!! GET MOTIVATED AND MOBLLIZED
