Ask/Tell Joe Question(s)

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A bit confusing I know.

Its because to me Ask seemed like.

the answer man.

He Don't Know,tail end of Ask Joe.

Tell Joe sounded better,you tell me

stuff I don't know,write me.

by Joseph Bolden

This Thursday,March,27th 2008 I was and a few others were honored with plaques from friends,co workers for being tough blokes in
keeping or homes which isn't easy when after being on a streets,in shelters, couch surfing,or bouncing
from relatives places weeks or months at a time.

I didn't mention that friends,interns of Poor Magazine also helped me.

Besides the late (still-hovering-Dee Grey Garcia,daughter Lisa Grey-Garcia)

As Editor/Co Editor of Poor Magazine they took a change me.

Jewnbug and later Mari, Villaluna both with tremenous odds against them showed me what quiet and (Noisy courage is by deeds of action)

Mari told once "Words are nothing,action I trust."

This from her many lives lived on the street as a youth, what many evils

adults are capable of but also survive and thrive what she herself was also capable of.

No way can I ever judge anyone doing their utmost to survive,live,then pass on school-of-hardknocks
lessons so others can avoid or sidestep pitfalls that almost took their.

To be called a trusted, friend,is an honor I strive to look up to.

Many people have helped me along the way,some have passed, some remain.

Oh,a last thing.

The long running joke about my having three editors overlooking content of my "weird sex/relationship columns...

Its all too true.

The Backstory stems from the very start of moving in to my home.

Being attacked by two 'bro'with a knife and two brown bro's save me with
"Leave him alone,he ain't got nothin'.

That insident's lasting psychological impact of impressing the brevity of life.

Hense the "joe-horny-goat-liking-wym,fems stff.

If any of the reader's heard of "joe PRI/Jo Bo"on SFLR.Net you know how rauncy it gets on Thursday nights!

Also my venturing into Polyamory maybe Onetaste is for more than flesh connections but also the close associations I've missed when houseless,social skills to relearn,brush up on to feel fully part of social network.

Anyway that's why my writing is so oddbally
facinatingly strange.

If I were less hetero and more gay/gayelle styled it would fit S.F. City and being apolitical really shoots oneself
in-the-nuts to book but that's my cross.

At least I get out more and can express myself on a global format.

I'd like having more sex than be wealthy but if being wealthy leads to more sex guess what I'm goin' for wealth.

Any bored wealthy fems up to drain a guy dry and run a train on him?

Half kidding no way will it ever happen,if it did no one would know because I do believe in being decreet.

Take care folks,email when you can and stay alive have safe dirty sex.

No,its not a contradiction one can be creative for safe dirty sex but its doable.

