Stinkin' Prop 98, An Oozing Unpleasent Truth.

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Dislike doin's this stuff.

Poly message-to-folks crap.

Just read and Please No Poly

Letters on What is this bull pucky.

Info is enclosec for all.

by Joseph Bolden

Stinkin'& Sneaky 98 or Or Rich Measure Move-Out

"We Want All You ‘Po, workin’class,single mother/father family and single’s out-a-here."

They, Proposition 98 sounds, feels like to me.

Myself and many more deserving than I were recently honored last week while this crock-a-crud like some gaseous manure stew simmers,boils,is stirred up until the aroma stinks to hi heaven.

This is what is known about Prop. 98 Called devastating one-two punch for renters.
Besides ending rent control, it also ends "just cause" eviction protections, including prohibitions on eviction senior & disabled tenants.

Landlords will be able to evict tenants just so they can raise the rent. Prop 98 also ends affordable housing requirements for developers and many environmental protections, including habitat & wetlands preservation laws. That’s 98.

Now to Prop. 99 It will save rent control.

It is simple eminent domain reform, without, any hidden agenda.

It prohibits taking someone’s home via eminent domain and transferring it to a private developer.

Plus it contains language which will reverse Prop 98’s attack on rent control, renters, senior and the environment.

A Yes on 99 couldn’t hurt will help
(Most of the above info gleaned from printed flyer handouts waring people of what to expect in a few months.)

How do I know all this fascinating political stuff?

I help canvass a neighborhood of a former employer.

[Its Friday, just got tell Joe column back online, called

Dan –The-Man-Web-Wizard


hold up in a some secret lair working online miracles after I accidentally sent my site into "Where The Frak Is It Land"

I call Dan, thanked him profusely promising him never to delete or hide anything ever again!

In Poor Magazine’s peopled space ready to go home for bed Tiny intrepid, former co owner, now owner, published author of

She before leaving "Joe, Saturday, 10 to 11am. Canvassing for prop 98." I in my fading ZZZZZ half rem dream state said yes will be there, even set my alarm watch (dislike when I do that) so as not to be early.
(I’ve been known to flake also known as a flake)

I get there meet folks, Bruce is there to help me.

Later I find out Bruce left for home because of a bad back so in this rare instance there is no getting lost or being late.

All I can say Transplanted S.F.(ians) and S.F. born residents please be out, spread the word from now until June 3, voting day to defeat prop. 98 and get 99 passed.

Look what rent control looks like now and what will surely happen once its lost forever.

The Spawns of Loki work hard to get PROPOSITION 98 PASSED AS LAW.

Let’s not take this up our (*&(*$#@!!) without a fight.

For info or email or call (415) 282-5525

I’ve done my bit now the rest is up to you.

This is Dire, San Franciscans!! GET MOTIVATED AND MOBLLIZED
