• A Paper Fist!!

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    By A. Faye Hicks

    by Staff Writer

    A Dreaming Dreams So Surreal

    To majestically climb to the tops

    The peaks of humanity,

    Like mountain tops

    Shrouded in dark clouds

    To put some fiery, sizzling hot compassion

    within inhuman natures

    with my dynamic words

    Into their bleak selfish worldly existence

    Surrounding their Spiritual Beings

    With the glory of Starlight

    That no longer shine

    On their High Towering Wealth!

    Starlight Shimmering

    To convey, There is more than Plenty

    For some to not have Any!

    Land, Food, Water for all Humanity

    If not for Destruction and Greed

    Taught from the cradle

    At Ma and Pop’s knee

    Who set themselves up as Tyrants and Kings!

    Universal Poverty is the root of all Evil!

    Not Gold!

    The One with the biggest stick,

    Will always use Brute Force!

    Therefore, to Create a Paper Fist

    With Powerful Words

    Is My Soul’s Journey!

  • The Proper Systems Model

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Original Body

    SF Redevelopment Commission Grinds Rebuilding of the
    Plaza Hotel to a Halt

    by Gretchen Hildebran/PoorNewsNetwork

    I was relieved to see the sky and breathe the soft
    afternoon air. As I left the imposing gray building a
    man from the Mayor's Office on Homelessness caught up
    with me. He looked puzzled. "So you think homeless
    people should be allowed to own the sidewalk they live
    on?" I tried to disengage from the conversation
    quickly, as I wanted to get on with my Saturday and
    felt I had done what I could to advocate respect for
    all residents in the path of the Redevelopment's (SFRA)
    "revitalizing" reach. And I had hoped that the
    mayor's bureaucrat for the homeless would understand
    the concept on his own.

    Unfortunately, most mayoral appointees tend to
    disappoint. Most recently, the commissioners of the
    SFRA , in charge of reviewing and approving development
    in their Project Areas, have been stuck in a political
    deadlock that has effectively stopped crucial SRO
    construction in its tracks. At a SFRA hearing on
    October 30, 2001 plans to rebuild the Plaza Hotel, which
    would create a desperately needed 115 units of
    low-income housing at 6th and Mission, were crashed by
    the swing vote of recently appointed commissioner
    Michael Settles. Despite the outraged reaction of 300
    area residents who showed up to support the project,
    the commissioner rejected the plans, claiming that
    they didn't follow the proper "systems model."

    Teresa Yanga, Housing Development Coordinator at
    Tenant and Owners Development Corporation (TODCO),
    expressed that group’s disappointment that the project
    has been indefinitely stalled, and called the issue a
    political football. The Plaza Hotel property was
    purchased early this year by the Redevelopment Agency
    and TODCO was the only housing developer to place a
    bid on the rebuilding contract. After a thorough
    review process, TODCO was recommended to develop the
    property by the staff of the SFRA.

    "We are a qualified applicant who followed the
    protocol," said Ms. Yanga, "This project had community
    support and would have been something positive in the
    area." The plans for the hotel also included
    street-level space for Bindlestiff Studio and a
    Filipino-American cultural arts center.

    With the
    refusal to grant the contract to TODCO, the slim
    majority of SFRA commissioners turned its back on
    community support and their own staff’s
    recommendation. The commissioners who voted against
    the project also ignored the fact that the Plaza Hotel
    units would finally replace the SRO units destroyed in
    the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, one of the SFRA’s
    original goals of the Project Area.

    The vote represents an attempt to shift the policies
    of the Redevelopment Agency in the city, beginning
    with breaking off the Agency’s long-standing
    relationship with non-profit housing developers. The
    source of this shift can be traced back to Willie
    Brown’s most recent "State of the City" address, when
    the mayor suggested that the SFRA should not just fund
    affordable housing in the city, but should also take
    over the development and management of these projects.

    Certain commissioners, led by president Benny Yee,
    have taken this suggestion as a directive for ending
    relationships with organizations like TODCO, who has
    historically developed many of the Agency’s low-income
    projects. TODCO currently has several other projects
    in development, such as the Delta Hotel on 6th and
    Mission, which are threatened by the Commissioners’

    Why the mayor and certain SFRA commissioners have
    taken this direction is a mystery to activists and
    non-profit developers, says Quentin Mecke of the South
    of Market Anti-Displacement Coalition (SOMAD). "The
    pie is getting smaller," Lee said when I spoke with
    him, suggesting that the economy may be a factor.
    However, the activist does not think that for-profit
    developers will get in on the low-income housing
    market, simply because it is impossible to clear a
    huge profit margin.

    It is a concern, however, that the agency would
    attempt to partner with for-profit developers like Joe
    O’Donohue in creating more "mixed-income" housing.
    This idea is ominously familiar to those of us who
    attended the same PAC meetings on the Mid-Market area,
    where profit-driven developers were insistent about
    the "impossibility" of dedicated low-income housing
    (See "Lost Between the Lines" Parts 1&2). "Many
    people speak of the ‘unghettoization’ of 6th Street,"
    remarked Mecke, "Instead of working on so-called
    ’mixed-income’ projects, they need to look towards
    successful models of SROs, such as the Rose Hotel,
    which counter stereotypes about SROs."

    Fortunately, there are indications that the new
    directive will fail. The SFRA staff is preparing an
    assessment of the Agency’s ability to develop and
    manage its own properties and should present the
    findings as early as December 18th, but the idea is
    not popular. Several commissioners have stood up for
    the important role of non-profit housing developers,
    although this split has meant that the Agency’s work
    has ground to a halt.

    "No one will trust the commission enough to bring them
    a plan now," commented Mecke. "It is profoundly
    embarrassing to see them at work, to see how much they
    hate each other." The SFRA is the biggest funder of
    low-income development in the city and for tenants and
    poor folks in need of truly affordable housing, this
    is an enormous political glitch that could leave us
    all out in the cold.

    "The community needs to take a stand," Mecke insisted.
    Only public pressure and embarrassment could cause a
    behind the scenes shifting of commissioners to bring
    projects back online. SOMAD is holding workshops to
    inform tenants of the situation and give them the
    technical capacity to represent their communities in
    front of the commission. "This is a fund of public
    money and the commission needs to be accountable,"
    said Mecke. "It is a classic example of systemic
    power. They don’t want people to be able to speak

    Learning of this debacle reminded me of my frustration
    at the Mid-Market PAC meetings this fall. The more I
    advocated for a plan that would address actual needs
    in the neighborhood, the more I was told how
    "unrealistic" that idea was. The massive political
    forces behind city appointments, funding and
    development at the Redevelopment Commission has left
    the Agency little room to get anything done. But
    these commissioners don’t work for the mayor, they
    work for us, and right now they need a giant reminder.

    The SF Redevelopment Agency Commissioners meet

    Tuesday afternoons at 4pm in City Hall Room 416.

    Their agenda is posted on their website at

    www.ci.sf.ca.us/sfra and the meetings are broadcast on

    KPOO, 89.5 FM.

  • Incarceration

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
  • Global Gasp

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Original Body

    Whew! Made it to '02 finally.

    What a long near end
    fiasco that was, glad its over.

    by Joe B.

    Is it me or did the world experience a global "glad this year's over, let's move on" feel to the end of 2001?

    The two good things are 'Select President G.W. Bush showed grit over the bombing but between Mr. Att. Gen. Ashcroft's "Patriot Bill" for our alphebet law enforment to overdose on wiretapping every phone in "free america" and controlling the CyberNet virtual world.

    A Global Gasp eminated is heard from America and all countries affected had a harsh wake up call we're still reeling from.

    People wanted to so leave 2001 because of Sept. 11th that we may forget what prompted the tragedy in the first place and that the danger is still waiting. Vice 'Prez D. Cheney, could be in some high- tech hospital hidden bunker, getting a pacer upgrade or replaced with a better model.

    Our 80's-90's-00 rocket-to-future, breakneck, quick, planned obsolete speed-of Life andE-Business etiquette has slowed because of that imfamous date making us pause, think, reflect, and for many take stock of our harried lives. I hope we continue thinking and re-
    flect and not move on too quickly.

    I hope 2002 is the Year Of S-L-O-W. That is resting up from last years upheaval at least for a few weeks.

    That's it, no heavy messages, nothing dire, or pressing for now even though there are still problems to solve, people to help, and memes dead, dying, or reformed and reborn.

    I don't know about you readers out there but I am weary so I'll let you gripe and moan for a bit.

    Tell me what's happened last year or what you want to happen this year apon us. Take care, be safe, and think... Bye.

    Please donate what can to
    Poor Magazine or

    C/0 Ask

    Joe at 255 9th St.

    Street , San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail

    mail: PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St. San Francisco,

    CA. 94102

    E-mail: ask joe@poormagazine. org

  • Would Brother Martin Want ME Out here Today?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Original Body

    PNN Ask JOE columnist walks in the march on Martin Luther King Jr Day – reluctantly…

    by Joe Bolden

    A light drizzle comes down on a gray misty, near cloudless sunless day, Monday, Jan. 21, 2002 - Martin Luther King's Birthday/Holiday.

    (When I get the assignment from POOR Magazine to march with the parade on MLK day, I get a knee-jerk feeling of working on a holiday especially his, I don't like it).

    Doesn't set right being that it is a legal holiday and wouldn't Brother Martin want me free enough to do what I want to even if it means honoring his sacrifice by enjoying the day?

    You see, I planned to do nothing today, as my personal form of freedom, celebrating the Honorable Reverend Martin Luther King's holiday. I'm told one march is to begin at Powell Street going down Market Street ending at the Bill Graham Auditorium.

    I am given one disposable PO’ color camera with a flash and along with my trusty tape recorder, I begin the MLK assignment…

    I overhear, "A neighbor told me it was supposed to rain last night." I think, ok, rain will happen sometime today, that's just ducky. White sky, gray sad clouds and chilly with a little wind thrown in.

    [Oh, yeah, I'm 'lovin this 'walkin in a soon-to-be rainy, protest, rally there's nothing better that to jumpstart my day.]

    I'm also supposed to be one the folks representin’ POOR Magazine/ PNN with, complete with signage, both covering and being part of the news..

    By 11:11 am. I'm in my SRO's community kitchen looking out of a large picture window onto Market Street in San Francisco. The wet red brick, black tar and white crosswalk has a few people walking but not much is going on. By 11:13 am its time to check out Powell Street.

    Powell Street is nearly bone dry of people, no march/ protest gathering here. I don't want to walk to 3rd Street for the San Francisco Labor Council, AFL-CIO but I guess I must!

    At Yerba Buena or 3rd. Street I see a multitude of people waiting patiently in line as organizers from Glide Memorial Church, Local Warehouse(ILWU) members, and other both familiar and unfamiliar folks. I check the mixed crowds of old and young people some with signs, some not, a few shivering.

    I am still unable to find any other POOR Magazine folks out and about. (I excuse my editor, Tiny, as I know she is sick, otherwise she'd be here, she is one of the most dedicated marchers I have ever seen). A green Banner in yellow letters reads Junior ROTC San Francisco Leadership Excellence. Full of now and future activist youth, so culturally diverse, though mostly Asian and Pacific Islanders, I'll only say a rainbow of nations stood there.

    There's always a few false starts before any march begins in earnest; Nervousness, tensions, trembling from excitement, fear, wind, rain, and cold or a combination of all of this. Especially at this time post September 11, 2001 - Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Enron, and all that other stuff, I guess it all comes to a head and this is one of the days reminding us that there was a different life-time and we can get back to it.

    I interview one person who's part of Glide Memorial Church, but I wasn't able to get his name. So I call him "The Glide Man" (TGM) he is a tall black man wearing a yellow band over an orange traffic vest.

    "Are you part of this right here? I ask him, "I'm Joseph, of POOR Magazine"

    (TGM)"We're trying to keep to one side, you-know so people can walk through."

    "Ok, in what capacity are you in?"

    "I'm with Glide."

    "Glide Memorial?"

    "Glide Memorial, yes."

    I see you’re wearing a red and yellow 'kind of knit patch..."

    "This is a vest-Identification vest."

    "I will take one picture of you."

    "I won't be smiling in this weather."

    I certainly understood that. After snapping a close up of the man I thanked him before moving on, I didn't get his name because of other loud voices in the crowd.

    Everything is orderly and controlled thanks to people like the Glide Man overseeing the march along with another group in the same capacity.

    11:38 People are calm as more people late to the King march get in line and other people spontaneously join in.

    I crisscross between Yerba Buena Center and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art trying to find where best to begin shooting film.

    At this point I have given up being part of the Martin Luther King Birthday/Celebration March because I couldn't take shots and be a part of it. It feels too much like practicing astro project- tion being in-out of bed confusing the self until the subtle second body frees itself.

    One more person I run into is someone campaigning for Mr. Steve Phillips (D) who's running for the 13th Assembly District.

    We exchanged information - that is, he gave me the orange paper with e-mail on the bottom and I give my PM card with my info on it. And again though I took a picture there is no name. This is precisely why reporting and I go like drinking battery acid. The March did began so did the rain as people and I marched up to and on Market Street.

    Its a slow, sloggy, liquidy, joyous occasion as cars, trucks, busses honked, children in strollers protected in their plastic canopy, toddlers walking or carried by parents and every age walking in the rain shouting songs, rhetoric, call-back lines.
    And as the rain became a downpour and the sky grayer it only boosted our spirits more. Ok, not every spirit as I passed by my cosy, warm, apartment building.

    My end of the March ends at the Bill Graham Auditorium with three Muni buses waiting for the Freedom Rider's to Sacramento and Maybe Washington. Well, I again missed a free serving or two at Saint Anthony's but sometimes one must serve a higher cause - this was mine.

    Martin Luther King's Dream will come true because there are too many people, Spiritual son's and daughter's if you will, that will not give up on this country, until it lives up to everyone of MLK’s ideals…

    As I carry my soggy body back to the POOR Magazine office to file my report, I decide that Brother Martin probably would’ve wanted me out here – even today.

  • Keep the poor poor

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Strategy No. 3: “Kiss My Assets!”

    by Donna L. Anderson

    The Insiders’ Instruction Manual

    Part three in a series of satirical policy explanations for government and private social service providers. The prevalence of hypocritical practices in social services leads PNN Texas correspondent Donna Anderson to conclude that there must be an interagency conspiracy to keep the poor poor. The scenarios and statements presented here are based on her actual experiences during 12 years in social services.

    Donna L. Anderson

    Tuesday, ----, 2001:

    Policy Statement: Keep the Poor Poor

    Strategy No. 3: “Kiss My Assets!”

    This is the third strategy in the domestic policy for government, quasi-governmental and non-profit institutions in support of our nation’s necessary evil, poverty. It addresses the problematic issue of the poor having a net worth. Though the illusion of “getting ahead” keeps the poor from being too disquieted, we must assure that for every one step forward, there are two steps back.

    The premise behind this strategy is that poor people should not be allowed to have or acquire anything of financial worth if they are going to seek assistance from the government. The poor must be made to utilize their assets before accessing the taxpayer dollar or even the charitable dollar. Many poor mistakenly believe that help might be available in time of need, layoff, unemployment, disability or even old age, to prevent them from getting so far behind that financial stability is not within reach.

    On the contrary, the social services safety net is a net of last resort, not the net on top of their personal safety net. We serve poverty from the bottom up, giving aid first to those most in need first. Not only is it logical, it appears humanitarian to the public. And because of insufficient funding to really address the problem of poverty, serving from the bottom up ensures that people on the verge of becoming poor or homeless must “bottom out” to reach the safety net, rather than being able to access assistance at a less critical point. This whirlpool action has an ancillary mental castigating effect that prevents the poor from trying too hard to build assets again in the future.

    For our purposes, assets are defined as IRA’s, 401K’s, cash-value life insurance policies, checking and savings accounts, automobiles and pawnable items such as stereos, televisions, bicycles, jewelry, and in some cases, gold teeth. Though a house is normally considered an asset in calculating net worth, we exclude houses in this definition because they cannot be quickly and easily liquidated for cash to meet immediate needs like food, utilities and rent. A poor person’s house could not possibly be worth much anyway, or he/she could not afford to pay the mortgage, insurance and property taxes.

    How is it that the poor ever build a net worth in the first place? There are the unlikely windfall assets such as lottery winnings, gifts or inheritances. More often though, the poor build assets by working for large corporations and businesses that offer benefit packages. The benefits inadvertently assist the poor, though they are actually directed toward professional staff. Due to the almost socialist nature of current human resource practices, lower-paid employees benefit from 401K and IRA plans as well. Therefore, the stable, low-paid worker can “get ahead,” even if solely through employer contributions.

    Preventing unnecessary asset build-ups is, of course, the ideal. Whereas many large concerns are too well scrutinized by unions and are easy prey for legal action, smaller businesses can employ shrewd tactics to avoid asset-building benefits and even raising salaries. One brilliant tactic worth sharing comes from the cotton industry in Texas. Every three years, Company X is sold, maintaining everything the same, except the name. (We don’t know who buys Company X, but the profits stay in the family.) Though the flow of work is uninterrupted, every employee is “new” to the company, starting at ground zero for benefits and salary increases. Employee retirement plans fold unvested. Only employees of longer than six years would even notice the pattern. Those longer-term employees are likely too complacent or intimidated to agitate for change.

    Where asset-building prevention efforts in private industry fail, our systems can intervene. Some poor who have managed to build assets will fall again on hard times. This is our opportunity to liberate them of their assets, allowing them to live unencumbered, one day at a time, without regard to the future.

    In terms of procedural steps to carrying out this strategy, the process of applying for aid should always be riddled with paperwork. Make the applicant prove his financial situation by providing supporting documentation such as the three most current IRA, checking, savings and 401K statements. This should be done even if the applicant’s assets exceed the limits for receiving aid. The waiting encourages the applicant to liquidate tangible assets at that noteworthy and time-honored institution, the pawnshop.

    A minimal level of assets is permissible, usually up to $2000 per household. It is no great threat for a man to own a car, for instance a 1989 or earlier model, or keep a small savings or IRA in his name. For people with disabilities, the limits are lower, but pertain to cash assets, like checking and savings accounts. After all, if a person with disabilities manages to accumulate more than $999 in cash, he can’t be that disabled now, can he?

    Once the applicant has supplied documentation showing assets in excess of the limit, no further human interaction is necessary if the agency has a form rejection letter in place. Simply notify the applicant by mail and state the reason succinctly, “Assets exceed limits.”

    An enterprising poor person will know what this means. Time to cash in that IRA, penalties and all. Time to trade in that ’95 Explorer that he bought before the layoffs, for a more economical ’82 Monte Carlo. Time to return that rented furniture. Time to sell the washer and dryer to the neighbor who has been working steadily at the ice factory for six months. And time to pawn anything that is not nailed to the floor.

    When all he has left of value is his gold tooth, he can return to apply for aid, which should be grudgingly granted him after he has completed the application process again in full. Finally, warn the applicant that his continued aid is contingent on remaining asset free. Random asset tests can be conducted using the consumer’s social security number and FBI and CIA databases.

    We certainly do not want the poor to become miserable enough to revolt. Therefore, the occasional “rags to riches” story is useful to keep hope alive among the masses. But we must take measures and be ever cautious to contain class shifting thereby preserving the social order and our American way of life.

    Stay tuned for the next strategy in the Keep the Poor Poor Policy, “Useless Life Skills: Learn them again and again.”

  • We all have The right to a Roof!!

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Housing Reality Tour Promotes Affordable Housing
    Bill, Takes Action In Vacant 6th Street Building.

    by Gretchen Hildebran/PoorNewsNetwork

    The crowd shouted wildly as it approached the corner
    of 6th and Howard in the early evening darkness.
    Laughs, songs and cheers washed over the frustrated
    honks of the nearby commuters like a fresh and
    exuberant wind. As we approached the intersection, a
    cluster of waving people appeared in the second story
    rooms of the giant empty building on the corner
    that used to house hundreds of people and families.
    Two Banners unfurled from the windows welcoming us and
    echoing our cheers, they read: "Aqui estamos y no nos vamos! and
    Everyone has a right to a roof!"

    Last Wednesday's march and Housing Reality Tour was
    organized by the National Affordable Housing Trust
    Fund Campaign, a coalition of local and national housing rights
    groups, tenants, poor people, homeless folks and
    families. While the US spends approximately one
    billion dollars a day to fight a war in Afghanistan,
    poor people and activists are organizing this campaign
    to make the government put its resources into fighting
    poverty at home. The Affordable Housing Trust, which
    could be funded for one year by the last week of
    government military spending alone, would build 1.5
    million affordable homes in the United States over the
    next ten years.

    The protest began with a group of several hundred people
    gathering in the late afternoon shadow of City Hall.
    Families, SRO tenants and homeless folks held up
    placards reading Housing for All! and Housing for
    the Homeless! to passing cars as local gospel group
    Bay City Love sang Down By the Riverside. Krea
    Gomez of the Homeless Prenatal Program, one of the
    campaign organizers, started things up by
    reminding the crowd that we all struggle with the need
    for affordable housing, and that this everyday reality
    cannot be ignored anymore.

    James Tracy from Right 2 A Roof explained next that
    this day was designated as the National Day of
    Housing Action. This protest was a national one,
    happening simultaneously in 20 cities across the US,
    and advocating to Congress the importance of the bill,
    to be voted on early next year. Maria Orsonio and Cindy Weisner
    from POWER (People Organized to Win
    Employment Rights) added that economic justice must also
    be part of any affordable housing program. Living
    wage jobs are just as important as affordable
    housing, so that people can keep and care for their

    The crowd had swelled to over a hundred as night fell
    and I picked up a sign as the march began. ìHousing
    is Hope. Hope did pick up momentum, even as we made
    our way to various sites in the Tenderloin and South
    of Market that represented the greed, ignorance and
    misrepresentation that perpetuate the current lack of
    housing for so many. With the revving engines of
    police motorcycles surrounding us, we walked to the
    offices of Housing and Urban Development. There
    speakers addressed the government policy which has
    pulled back financing of subsidized housing over the
    last 20 years. Someone in the crowd yelled, We need
    a NEW new deal! and cheering erupted.

    At the Page Hotel, our next stop, a SRO resident spoke
    in Cantonese about how SROs are often the only
    available housing to the most vulnerable people ñ
    especially families and recent immigrants. Tenants at
    this SRO have organized against the managementís
    racist and illegal eviction procedures. Miguel Barrera
    of Hogares Sin Barreras then made the point, ìWe all
    should be able to demand housing no matter our

    Next was the former Empress Hotel, an SRO that was
    shut down by the city for health reasons in 1981. The
    owners of the building recently invested millions in
    the hotel in order to illegally reopen it as the now
    tourist-only West Cork Hotel. Meanwhile these same
    landlords have left their other SRO hotels (most
    notoriously the Alder Hotel on 6th St.) in disrepair.
    An SRO resident spoke about the need of owners and
    government to respect peopleís needs and the laws,
    reminding them, don't forget about the people who
    were here before you.

    By the time we made it to the Examiner building to
    protest that newspaper's smear campaigns against the
    poor and homeless of the city, we were informed that
    local housing activists were already occupying a
    nearby vacant building and needed our support.
    In a phone interview from inside the infamous
    "defenestration" building at 6th and Howard, Ted
    Gullickson of the San Francisco Tenant's Union
    explained why the activists had chosen to occupy this
    building. "Notorious landlord, David Patel evicted the
    building's tenants about twelve years ago, and now is
    asking the city to pay an inflated $2 million to buy
    it. While this building's 75 apartments would be an
    important first step towards addressing the need for
    low-income housing in the city, real estate
    speculation and government inaction have left it

    Alison Lum of Homes Not Jails, also occupying the
    building, said that the group planned to not only.
    house over a hundred people at this location but to
    also employ them in fixing up their future homes.
    Local activists are determined to not just campaign
    for the government to recognize the housing needs of
    our communities, but to also take an immediate stand
    against the city's unwillingness to create low-income
    housing. As Alison stated, We will not let
    people suffer while buildings stand vacant!

    The following day after the police forcibly removed the protestors only the voices of resistance remained, whistling through the now-empty building, "Aqui Estamos Y no Nos Vamos, Everyone has a Right to a Roof"

  • 24 hr. Warning...To be Continued.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
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    by TJ Johnston and PNN Staff

    It didn’t exactly surprise fellow POOR Magazine supportive reporter, Laurie McElroy, or me when the Board of Supervisors once again put off deciding on important legislation: to have Department of Public Works give 24 hours notice before removing a person’s belongings. This legislation has a serious impact on the lives of San Francisco’s homeless citizens.

    But before we could set foot on City Hall to view this legislative inertia, the building was evacuated because of a bomb scare, putting the regularly scheduled meeting on hold for about one half-hour.

    In the interim, we strategized on street-level lobbying to get the DPW to place 24-hour tags on a person’s stuff. We even rehearsed a reworded Rolling Stones classic: “I Can’t Get No Notice Action” (we never got the chance to sing it). Then the bomb squad determined the infernal device to be a dud in this latest development of the five-year effort by several economic justice organizations, including the Coalition on Homelessness (COH).

    The proposal cites, above all, the need to protect the homeless, a population historically at the short end of the stick. Kathleen Gray, a homeless woman and COH member, sees current practices as a catch-22. “When you have systems which gives people blankets and medicines, then turn around and take them away, (it) is not only wasteful of resources, it is also very debilitating.”

    Gray emphasizes, “This legislation is about permitting people to own things, to accumulate things, to go beyond collecting bottles in a cart, to have some nice clothes to enable them to work a job.” Currently, this civil right (not to mention one’s possessions) is at risk.

    “That right is self-empowering,” continues Gray, “and those who are self-empowered improve their lives. When their lives are improved, the neighborhood is improved.”

    While the Supes listened to Falun Gong advocates, who were there in numbers, we visited the offices of five Board members including Sophie Maxwell and Leland Yee (initially, they supported the 24-hour advance warning, but have since backpedaled). We delivered a letter addressed to each supervisor thanking them “for their continued support” (fully realizing the irony of this phrasing).

    Some of us even placed orange stickers of our cause on the doors. At the urging of the COH’s Mara Radar, we removed them immediately. Supervisor Tony Hall of the Rules Committee himself returned one of our stickers. He didn’t seem too pleased about it!

    After tabling a resolution condemning Chinese persecution of the Falun Gong and deciding on other measures, the Board eventually kicked our locally based proposal back to the Rules Committee. This hearing is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 18.

    In order for the measure to be adopted, six out of eleven Supervisors must vote yes; to override a likely mayoral veto, eight “yea” votes are required. Curiously, this body, one of the most progressive ones this city has seen, has just as much trouble arriving at a decision as previous Boards. After five years, where many have navigated mazes in often-futile efforts to retrieve their possessions, such a decision is long overdue.

    (For more about this policy, see “Where’s My Stuff?” by Clive Whistle, on POOR News Network, 7/10/01.)

  • The Eagle Is Not Down

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    (Con respecto- I wrote this for Cesar's funeral in 1993 )

    by Phil Goldvarg

    The eagle is not down,

    he's in a different sky,

    wings still moving

    against the currents of injustice,

    there is no death for this peaceful warrior,

    he looks down on us,

    his quiet fire eyes say,

    tu eres mi otro yo,

    you are me,

    I am you,

    somos juntos

    en la tristeza de la noche,

    en la felicidad

    del dia,

    the eagle is not down,

    he's in a different sky

    y los chuecos,

    the greedy growers,

    the legislators

    who legislatre los farmworkers

    and their ninos to death

    are shaking in fear,

    they know there's going to be

    some serious huelgas

    in heaven and hell,

    sabes que, hermano,

    the eagle is not down,

    he's in a different sky,

    there is no death

    for this peaceful warrior.

    Para Cesar 4/26/93


  • Alucard's 'Bro's Of Light

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Pagan Holyday.
    On this day of Darkness

    Whom, are both
    Son's of Light
    and Brother's to Evil.

    by Joe B.

    It Holloween, time for children to dress as their favorite alter ego's.

    These day's its soldier's, American Flag, Uncle Sam, Mr. and Ms. America, nurses, doctor's, or other patriotic themes.

    Traditional evil are seen like Wolfman, Frankenstien's Monster, the mummy, or ghouls and ghosts. The Darkest, traditional yet always new is Drakule, or real life prince of Transilvania of Romanian legend. Are descendants still living their or abroad?

    While waiting to tape POOR Magazine's near last day of the month show there was a show about old 'Drak being sexy, sensual with female and male aspect mirroring each other sex roles. - The effeminate, gentle, emotional, trusting, Hypnotic, sensuous blood-sex driven male. A strong, dangerous, powerful, take-charge, hypnotic emotional, protective, blood-sex driven female.

    Dark, sensuous, prematurely fatal male/female beauties cursed/blessed buy God or mortal to walk eternal night sleep in coffins with soil from their birthlands.

    Something was said about Vampyre's [using ancient spelling] on an interview about they being the dark side of God.

    I was thinking they may have forgotten God's other children of good, not angels but more earthly but as transcending of natural law as the vampyre. Now what or whom can transcend natural laws of time, life, have weaknesses, and yet be just as hypnotic to mortals and be anything but evil?

    To me the natural sister's and brother's of dark powers and also related to God's are Alchemists. They too seek powers beyond their mortal kin, live lonely, cloistered lives, forsaking riches for an oath of poverty. Yet in their wanderings these little know precursors to modern chemists were seen as fakes, holy fools, or kings, merchant princes tortured them trying wrest secrets from them though most are deemed not worth knowing.

    Except what if a few thousand or less did rediscover ancient secrets of Alchemy from Arabia, Africa, China, Greece, or other lands buried or destroyed by natural and manmade cataclysms?
    Those who supposedly found the secret have arcane rules, formulas, check astrological signs, latter someone shorten the process.

    The fabulous "Philosopher's Stone legend like the vampyre refuses to die.

    Turning lead into gold was only a test not make one rich. The real test was medicinal in nature of the Stone to make men young, woman prolific-that is young and fertile. It is suppose to give to its maker not only rejuvenated youth, 1,000 years of life but also forever illuminate her/his brain, spiritualize the body and place one in touch with the mind of God and the Cosmos along with powers undreamed of and we are only just realizing now.

    But Alchemists once achieving "the great work" must vanish to work in secret for the betterment of Mankind. Imagine a forever young male/fem meeting others of their kind or on a lonely trek.

    They are forbidden to reveal their true natures just as Actor's David Heddison, of the original "The Fly" movie send a cat in a primitive teleport devise and hearing the eary sound of his cats meowing as its molucules disipates or Brian Donlevy, with quick aging fly genes
    [never understood that since the son in the first was born long before his scientist father began the experiment?]

    Jeff Goldblum and as his son Eric Stoltz who in the then new "The Fly-2" is able to seperate and recombine his fly dna with the human father figure scientist willing to let him die as he(Stoltz) works on his dead father's invention.

    All this to say that when all the preperations are done nothing should be in the room when the experiments takes place or more than the experimenter will be affected.

    Alchemists seem to be spiritual sons of God, brother's of the Holy Spirit and supernaturally a light or polar opposite to the Vampyr's
    supernatural dark powers.

    Both can be very sexy, sensuous and for the alchemist though he/she can walk in day or dark must heed moral laws vampyr's skirt easily.

    In one thousand years how much can an illuminated mind, spiritualized body learn, what is the limits of such an awakened being, would they traverse multi-universes, meet other beings, and what do we still sleeping mean to them?

    When and if one partakes of this red swirlling world reflected in an elixir does it make the user more human now that mortality, fear, and death are removed.

    To bad I cannot interview, travel, learn, lessons from two of such beings either father and daughter, mother and son, siblings or a woman tired of voyaging spaceways of time and parallel universes to teach a hapless mortal some bit of knowledge before she travels beyond or shores forever - For any out there here is a student.

    Like that will happen in my brief lifetime, at least I gave it a shot.

    Have a safe, spooky pagan holiday night, and stay out of graveyards at night. Bye.

    Please donate what can to
    Poor Magazine or

    C/0 Ask

    Joe at 255 9th St. Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail

    mail:PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St.San Francisco,

    CA 94102

    Email:askjoe@poormagazine. org.

  • Pesky Cloning In The News, Folks it Ain't 'Goin Away.

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Enjoyed my Turkey and Pie
    eating vacation - did you?

    The battle between
    Religious Wrong:Shadow People
    and Spiritual Godlight Continues.

    by Joe B.

    Did most of you have a safe, gut filling Thanksgiving? As many may know the Indians at Plymouth Rock got a rotten reward for helping the Pilgrims survive that harsh winter way back When.

    They [Pilgrims] thought of the Indians as wild, crude, uncivilized, and walking around half bare gave their women an eyeful of another type of male physique.

    It didn't matter, most of them if not all would have perished from starvation, few even saw the Indigenous people living in natural grace but only as heathens shut off from divine love of their Lord.

    Questions have been bubbling up ever since about historical fact, fiction, and lies through the ages.

    Were elderly Women, strikingly beautiful mature woman, young or middle aged in the same , plus having midwife skills other healing skills from herbs, medicinal tincture to heal wounds, brake fever's and restore health must have seemed "Devil's Work" indeed to a Patriarchal controlled society.

    What happened when a few over aged [25-40] year old spinsters who don't look their age, a normal or hyperactive sexdrive, and able to lure young or older men to them and even give birth?

    The older men and young or middle-age women jealous that and their own men's straying their way was test-to-embarrass and/or kill these odd women who seem to the defy time and nature.

    Imagine Lena Horn, and Elizabeth Taylor with their legendary beauty in those times. Both through no fault of their own could be tortured, called witches, and be put to death for the sin of "Being too sensual and alluring, otherworldly, sinful, not simply, mortal beauty. "They made a bargain with Satan." is their rant.

    Madonna [1980's Material Girl] had the same problem: the powers that be-first said she'd be a flash in the pan, would not be a success, or her talent and fame wouldn't last.

    Obviously Madonna herself and fans believed in her too - so much that the powers that be tried to overide entertainment and marketing forces when the young girl, woman, lady, broke through, and continued to change and evolved into the Megastar she is now.

    It shows that one person with a will, intelligence, and talent can always move elasticity no matter what others may think and say.

    I'm not even getting into Rap and Hip-Hop which again shows the power of the individual can still sway hearts and minds and change lives.

    Back to post Turkey Day. The family had a nice dinner, though eggnog is a nemesis I had some pie Ala mode, and cheese cake.
    My mother didn't buy, prepare, or cook a turkey this year and she won't do it ever again. "We don't have to have a turkey." she said Wednesday night - microwaved turkey bits or turkey-pot-pies is fine by her.

    Years ago my Mother's boyfriends bought already to eat turkey tails. They are already golden brown, buttery with fat dripping on to the bottom of an aluminum covered blue and white speckled turkey pot. It was the best Thanksgiving ever without the bird.

    I do understand nearly destroying a bird myself, but if one starts early like weeks in advance you can order a full turkey dinner with most or all of the trimmings 'n fixings from a supermarket.

    Take it from mama "Buy it, get it delivered, and eat." Seems simple to me, it cuts out the worry of cooking.

    I wonder it you could order a few bottles of Champagne, eggnog, cakes, pies, along with a New Year's Goose, chicken, or turkey again.

    It would eliminate some fatal drunk driving accidents, adultery, and a new marketing scheme-ugh, tool-umm, traditional-yeah that's it a new tradition can begin.

    Almost forgot the big cloning news about Massachusetts Scientist creating the world's first cloned human embryo's. I saw and heard this on CNN Headline news when half awake and bleary eyed and on the Bart train reading the San Francisco Chronicle going towards S.F. Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester. [I must write down and remember firms with similar names and endeavors, it might save me or a friends life someday soon.]
    So the breakthrough cells are grown only a few hours enough to form microscopic balls containing only four to six cells each.

    From single cellular fusion of a skin cell and a human egg a potential embryo-to-humanlike being could form. I say humanlike because this early they are still cells yet to become human though formed an resembling one.

    What did Right-To-Life people think? That after September 11th. this research would be stop cold, no way while the war rages in Afghanistan science, research and development goes on.

    When soldiers, police, or anyone in other dangerous occupations are wounded severely, maybe a finger, leg, hand, spinalcord severing accident happens this fearful, revolutionary, potential life preserving-saving, cellular technology will seem not so Frankenstine-like.

    Banning a technology is as silly and serious as banning The Waltz, Classical Music, Ragtime, Jazz, The Big Bands Bluegrass and Country, Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Rap/Hip-Hop, or music from foreign lands.

    It can be slowed, delayed, but it cannot be stopped. Be it Human Cloning, Tissue regeneration-rejuvenation-age reversal It will happen-will it spread global-yes- is it an evil technology?

    Technology by itself is not evil, we humans have to take the fall for the choices we make with them.

    You see the same fear of the new and unknown? Remember these are the descendants of Wicken [wise women killers, burners of printing press's, people with new ideas, erodes human rights, and biblically-death-bound-life-fearing dangerous, mind-poisoning Moral Majority/Rigid Religious Right Fundamentalists.

    Think of The Honorable, Billy Graham Jr. and what he said about the whole Islamic Religion and then apologized for spewing his poison. But he got his words out didn't he?

    Sounds like an X-Files show "Apology As Policy" Both Rev's. P. Robertson and J. Falwell spoke their true belief's then take their words back after the sludge has been jettisoned by radio and televised around the globe now its B. Graham Jr.'s turn and he does the same.

    These are the death-prone who've always hated, despised, science unless it benefited them. With Cell Tissue Technologies we all may really have the chance to learn, do, be, and instruct others how to live richer, longer lives.

    The Devil is not in technology but in our dual personalities.

    A new frontier opens up for all of us and the bleak dead-futured cannot see it which is sad and understandable but when they chose to encase us all in their dim, flickering shadow light...

    We cannot because the two other kinds of people are the ones with blinders off that can feel, see, touch the future and the ones on the fence waying which way to go - stay with what's known or jump forward into the unknown. I do not belong to group 1 or 2 stumbling blindly between both is my group-3 and I'm leaning toward cell research even if experts say it premature.

    I know, Joe is certfiable. That could be true, but are you going to take chances with the Darkside of The God Squad to safeguard or delay, or keep Cell Tissue Technologies for themselves or destroy it?

    Think about it... Which World Do You Want Live in Light or Shadow? Bye.

    Please donate what can to
    Poor Magazine or

    C/0 Ask

    Joe at 255 9th St.

    Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail

    mail:PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St.San Francisco,

    CA 94102

    Email:askjoe@poormagazine. org

  • In The Mess Cont...

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Not much to say these days but
    here's a what's happened in

    The Mess... So Far.

    by Joe B.

    I'm walking, watching tourists slowly jog and walk down Market Street.

    Its a typical day in the Market-hood.

    At a new bus stop on 7th and Market Street is a rider alert it says "Starting Thursday, Nov. 1st. 2001, The 19 Polk to Fisherman's Wharf Board Here."

    Another sunny day in San Francisco begins.

    Though it Friday, Nov. 2, 2001 here's what happened last night, its so clear I couldn't forget it today.

    Last night, where I live on the 4th Floor just around the corner there was a disturbance and I had to go the bathroom anyway but I usually don't get into dusputes bypassing disputes trying to avoid all type of confrontation.

    But when the bladder calls one must go and relieve it.

    Being curious I passed the bathroom just a little bit because there was someone's leg on the floor with stains of red on them and more on the floor.

    Then a large, healthy, blue uniformed, blond gray or blue eyed fem-cop looking at me, I see her.

    Our eyes didn't lock because mine slid away from her's as I backed up going into the bathroom - her eyes seemed to be saying to me "None of your business, get back" in a firm, stern look of a professional police officer.

    An empty bladder later the cop is gone and I asked a fellow tenant what happened.

    "There was a fight and one of them was really got pounded bloody so somebody else called the cops, no big deal. Said a prayer for the blood pulped up guy, had a Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia icecream, then went to bed.

    9:13 am. morning most of the fog has burned off in the early morning is now mist floating in patches near the tops of buildings.

    A patrol car flits by, Market Street sidewalk's red brick are wet from either rain, due, or Department of Sanitation's bug like green machines wetting and sweeping the sidewalk clean of dust, pigeon droppings, human urine, and other human waste.

    Please donate what can to
    Poor Magazine or

    C/0 Ask

    Joe at 255 9th St.

    Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

    For Joe only my snail

    mail:PO Box 1230 #645

    Market St.San Francisco,

    CA 94102

    Email:askjoe@poormagazine. org.

  • For Rent: One Stretch of Concrete

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Tenants and advocates protest a new proposal that would remove one of the few protections that exist for tenants in Oakland

    by Isabel Estrada/PoorNewsNetwork Youth in the media intern (title by Barbara Jameson)

    The evening light dimmed as I waited in Frank H. Ogawa Plaza in Oakland. I noticed a contrast in the people who passed me. Many caught my attention with the brightness in their eyes and then nodded as their lips curled upward into a
    half moon. Sometimes they said "hello" or "how you doing". Then there were
    the others. They walked briskly, tight-jawed, chin leading the way. Their
    pointed shoes invaded the soft air. One hand clutched at a bunch of papers
    while the other swings back and forward with superfluous determination on the
    other side. They didn't smile at anyone and as far as I could see, had no
    brightness to their eyes.

    Those gathered on the steps of Oakland City Hall on Wednesday, November 5th at 5 p.m. were of the former group. We were all there to protest a new proposal
    from the Rent Board Task Force that would remove the 3% cap on annual rent
    increases which is currently the law, though often evaded, in Oakland.
    Instead rents would have to coincide with the Consumer Price Index or CPI.
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor
    defines its Index as "a measure of the average change over time in the prices
    paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services."
    As an answer to the question of whether CPI measures each individual's
    experience with price change, the Bureau writes: "Not necessarily. It is
    important to understand that BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] bases the
    market baskets and pricing procedures for the CPI-U and CPI-W on the
    experience of the relevant average household, not on any specific family or
    individual. It is unlikely that your experience will correspond precisely
    with either the national indexes or those for specific cities or regions."
    Simply in meeting CPI standards, the annual rent increase in Oakland could
    rise to 6.3%. Then, to make matters worse, through Banked Rent Increases,
    which allow landlords who have not increased the rent annually for three
    years to make up the difference in one year, rents could increase by more
    than eighteen per cent from one year to the next.

    The proposal was first brought up in a City Council meeting held by Oakland
    council member Dick Spees on March 25th 2001. The Task force is made up of
    three landlords and Rick Phillips with the Rental Housing Association, three
    Realtors, some Oakland City Officials, a lobbyist for the Oakland Realtors
    Association (ORA), and James Vann of the Oakland Tenants Union. The proposal
    will be discussed in the city council meeting at 7 p.m. on December 11th.
    Anyone can speak on the issue but must arrive early and sign up. The actual
    vote will take place at the city council meeting on December 18th at 7 p.m.
    If approved, the bill will go into effect January 1st of 2002.

    Any possible reason why this index should indicate rental prices in Oakland,
    California completely eludes me, especially considering the following
    limitations that the Bureau itself admits. "The CPI is subject to both
    limitations in application and limitations in measurement‚ CPI does not
    produce official estimates for the rate of inflation experienced by subgroups
    of the population, such as the elderly or the poor".
    The CPI cannot be used as a measure of total change in living costs because
    changes in these costs are affected by changes (such as social and
    environmental changes and changes in income taxes) that are beyond the
    definitional scope of the CPI and so are excluded."

    The first person to smile at me and ask if I was waiting for the rally was
    Ms. Scott, a radiant, formerly homeless woman who became a permanent member
    of Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) in 1997, working as a
    community builder and activist. BOSS was founded over thirty years ago by
    boona cheema to facilitate the transition of homeless and formerly homeless
    people into permanent housing. Scott tells me that BOSS provides such
    services as transitional housing, shelters, resources, referrals as well as
    mental health, alcohol and drug outreach. If the three per cent cap on rent
    increases were to be removed it would be virtually impossible for BOSS to do
    its work. BOSS generally serves people whose annual income is around 15,000
    per year - barely enough to cover current Oakland rents and certainly not
    enough to cover an eighteen per cent rent increase.

    Kendra Wilson, also a member of BOSS knows all about greedy landlords and
    corrupt politicians. As she speaks I am caught by her large, expressive
    eyes. A native of East Oakland, Kendra has lived there all her 27 years.
    She is currently involved in a court case against her former landlord, Jerry
    Curtis, the Deputy Attorney General for the state of California. The tenants
    in her former apartment building had been complaining to Curtis about
    problems with the roof for months before it actually flew off of the building
    in October of 2000. It was only after it had blown off completely that
    Curtis sent in the roofers to fix the problem. As it was the rainy season,
    the tenants' belongings were ruined during the time that they had no roof.
    The city of Oakland said that it was dangerous for the tenants to live under
    such conditions and so ordered them to move out until the roof was fixed.
    All the tenants complied. However once the roof was fixed Curtis changed the
    locks, raised the prices and rented out the rooms to new tenants, making all
    the legal tenants homeless. This is only one example of the illegal actions
    constantly performed by Oakland landlords.

    As the rally begins I see a man step into the circle holding a sign that
    reads, "The American Dream is not exclusive, everyone deserves housing." One
    speaker is mayoral candidate Wilson Riles Jr. He calls the proposals of the
    Rent Board Task Force, "socio-economic cleansing." He speaks of how those
    who make Oakland unique, the students and low-income folks, are going to be
    the ones "pushed out." Rob Rooke, a member of City Council went on to talk
    of the hypocrisy of our government. While it doesn't want to provide $18
    million for affordable housing, it gladly gives a $572 million dollar bailout
    to the gasoline company Chevron. He asks why the government is pouring
    billions into bombing Afghanistan, supposedly to "protect freedom" and yet
    can't even feed the 1 in 5 children that go hungry in the United States.

    Geneve Allison, a doctor at Highland Hospital in Oakland wrote up a petition
    in favor of keeping the 3% rent cap that was then signed by 14 other doctors
    and health care workers. An excerpt from the petition reads, "As
    professional members of the community, we see the effects of high rents upon
    an economically vulnerable population of workers, children, elderly, and
    disabled people. On a daily basis we witness the crisis in health that
    people experience when their housing situation is unstable. Lack of
    affordable housing can become an insurmountable barrier to maintaining basic
    health, while the stress of a personal housing crisis can greatly exacerbate
    chronic medical conditions."

    Gerald Burton also spoke, while his son stood quietly next to him. They live
    in Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. Their bed is hard concrete, in the middle of a
    cluster of benches. Burton recounted how he was recently hit by an AC
    transit bus. Because he is homeless and poor, the lawyer for AC Transit
    denied that he even had a case. He used to live in an SRO until he was
    kicked out. Now he will be able to get a welfare check for disability, but
    even with that he will never even have a chance of acquiring permanent
    housing if landlords are going to be allowed to raise their rents eighteen
    per cent in one year. The eight pins in Gerald's hip make sleeping on the
    concrete on a cold winter night in Oakland practically impossible. But for
    someone like Gerald, the impossible is the only choice. Almost every night
    Gerald is approached by a police woman who asks him and his son to leave
    saying, "The mayor don't like you staying here."

    While I wait for the Bart train at Oakland City Center I look up at a
    billboard for "Spectacular Waterfront Apartments at Jack London Square." The
    apartments are freshly painted, and the ultra-blue water of the community
    pool sparkles like squeaky-clean glass. There are even a few scenic palm
    trees sprinkled among the buildings. The sun lights up the bright scene.
    But these aren't destined to house Gerald, Kendra, Ms. Scott or any other
    renter in Oakland who doesn't have $1440 to pay for a one bedroom studio, or
    $2495 for a two bedroom. Until the CPI/less shelter formula is overthrown
    there will be no peace for Oakland renters. Please come and show your
    opposition to the CPI/less shelter proposal at the city council meetings on
    the eleventh and eighteenth of December.

  • Take These Empty Streets

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    The Fantasy Behind the Mid-Market PAC- (Lost Between the Lines Pt 2)

    by Gretchen Hildebran/PoorNewsNetwork

    The clean-cut men sitting at the table in the corner seemed friendly enough, introducing themselves and peering at my nametag to determine my affiliation. Upon seeing that I was with POOR Magazine they started throwing out sound bites. The man sitting next to me stated awkwardly that he was here to be part of the “consensus building process.” They were representing AIG management, a property development firm who owns lots in the Mid-market Project Area. The area, which extends from Market and Mission streets between 5th and 9th, is being targeted by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for “revitalization.” This past Saturday, for the second time, I was spending my morning in a community feedback session with the Mid-Market Project Area Committee (PAC) about their plans to redevelop.

    Not in Our Vacant Lots

    My conversation with the developers at my table was a stark reminder of the difference between this meeting and the last one, where I sat with Tenderloin residents and POOR magazine staff, joking and stressing about the scariest elements of the PAC’s plan. This time around my table mates were pointing at the lots designated as “vacant or parking” and insisting that their projects wouldn’t cause displacement because “no one is living there.” I looked around the room and recognized the people from the SFRA and PAC but few of the residents and advocates from the last meeting were in the room. The smaller room and preponderance of white men in polo shirts made my stomach cramp and my replies became tense in my throat. It worried me to be the representative from Poor at this final meeting for community input on the plan. I needed to bring up issues that developers and neighborhood “improvement” councils wouldn’t be interested in talking about.

    The official event started with a recap of the PAC plan and agenda. José once again ran us through the goals of the plan. At this point it occurred to me that the plan had not changed at all since the last meeting. I thumbed through to the Housing and Neighborhood section of the plan and noted that the goals we had rewritten in the last meeting were also unchanged. All of our feedback and suggestions were instead written up in packets labeled “raw notes” and summarized as a list of questions: “What is affordable? To whom? Must redefine who residents are – people who live there? People who sleep there?” Some of the items, such as the enthusiastic “Movies!” (topping the list of goals and objectives) were a complete surprise. The notes were confusing and diluted the strength of community statements made in the previous meeting into a bunch of question marks.

    How Low Can You Go?

    The “question” of affordability and “to whom?” were indeed the crucial issues at hand in this meeting. Fewer neighborhood folks were present to raise specific issues from a resident’s perspective, and we listened to a for-profit developer, Eric Tao, one of the guys at my table, and a non-profit developer, Craig Adelman of the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, talk about possible projects for the area.

    Mr. Tao spoke about the need to build a great many market rate units in order to make low-income units profitable and developers simply wouldn’t build if they couldn’t get the figures to “pencil out.” Mr. Adelman deepened the economic view by explaining the limitations of the official label of “low-income.” According to a governmental chart listing “2001 Income Limits and Affordable Rents For Housing Programs” for the SF Bay area, a yearly salary of $47,600 (for one person) qualifies as low-income. In addition, anyone surviving on less than 20% of the chart’s average median income (AMI), $11,214, isn’t considered “reachable” by low-income housing availability. For-profit developers wouldn’t even consider building housing for people at this income level.

    There was no chart available to define the AMI of the Mid-Market area but it seemed clear that the great numbers of low and no-income residents of the area are not even being discussed when developers use the word “low-income.” The TNDC serves people at about 17% AMI, but Craig added that traditional types of financing are not possible for these projects. His suggestion that rent subsidies were a good alternative for ensuring financing for such development provoked grumbling from the crowd. Rent subsidies aren’t popular, but this was the only suggestion offered to building below low-income housing. The PAC has no apparent strategy to overcome financing problems for these very low-income developments.

    Who Lives There Anyway?

    With these grim facts in mind I made my way to the “Housing Mix” breakout group. We were given a sheet of questions to frame our debate, which were culled from the previous meeting, but didn’t seem to address what was on people’s minds. A solid looking blond man from the Civic Center Improvement Group spoke up immediately about the “potential” in this area, and how he wasn’t worried about displacement because “there aren’t a lot of people in the area.” This sentiment was also shared by an architect in the group who noted that Mid-Market was general an “empty” area. This was an odd echo of the developers telling me earlier that they wouldn’t be displacing anyone because their lots were already empty. Or maybe it reminded me again of all the low and no-income folks who below the sights of official definition.

    While they assured me that they were only interested in increasing resident density, it was important to immediately answer the first question on the list: “How do we define ‘residents’ of Mid-Market?” While the question seemed redundant to some in the group, this topic occupied us for most of the next hour. If you pay rent, receive mail or if you list a certain address on your voter registration – even a street corner - everyone agreed this qualifies you as a resident. It was even agreed that homeless people should be considered residents, although what rights that guaranteed them was more nebulous.

    Should homeless people be protected from displacement as well as businesses, homeowners and tenants? Should they have the right to the sidewalk where they sleep and live? Police sweeps and “renewal” in other parts of the city displaced most of the homeless people into the Mid-Market area to begin with. These folks need to be protected getting moved out again. This idea was confusing to some members of our group, who reacted with phrases about “entitlements” and “imbalance of rights.” The developers dropped into the background at this topic, the dollar signs in their eyes fading as boredom set in. It took some work to get the idea of homeless rights written down on the official note pad. In the final summary it will surely get written up as yet another question: “Should homeless people be entitled to the right of protection against displacement?” Sadly there was not one homeless person to explain this basic human right to the developers and bureaucrats at the meeting.

    A Nightmare to Some

    It is easy to get swept up in the idea of urban planning, to go over figures and statistics and become romantic about concepts like beautification and revitalization. These plans are simply a fantasy for people struggling from day to day. These plans become a nightmare that may finally brush them into the void where folks go when they lose their housing, services and neighborhood. Sometimes when you don’t have roots or connection with a place and you can only dream of what might be there instead of appreciating and supporting what already exists.

    The PAC has gone out its way to list “preserve economic and social diversity” as its “primary goal.” Is a governmental agency able to come in from above and set an agenda that will work for the folks in SROs and on the street? That should the first question on the PAC’s list. The questions they have on their list should be developed into directives that counter our city’s treatment of low-income and homeless people and demands their rights before those of investors and developers.

    There are other questions the PAC needs to ask, such as: How can SFRA funds be used to create more housing for folks for who don’t even register on the income scale? How can equity be ensured for very poor renters and homeless folks? How can for-profit developers be prohibited from jamming the neighborhood with market rate and luxury housing? Many ideas have been proposed during the two community meetings to deal with these questions. They include using rental subsidies to guarantee financing for supportive housing, allowing SRO residents and homeless folks to buy their rooms or piece of sidewalk, and mandating a minimum of 20% affordable housing in all new development (housing as well as parking structures). In addition to adding these components to their plan, the PAC needs to define affordable and low-income according to the actual incomes that are currently earned by Mid-Market residents. Until they do this, any inclusive desire they have to protect the current diversity of the neighborhood is a deceptive daydream.

    Like it or not, the PAC is making a plan for the Mid-Market area (just as the South of Market PAC is doing the same for 6th Street). This meeting was the last time for official community input into the Mid-Market plan but all PAC meeting are open to the public. The Mid-Market PAC meets every Monday at the Flood Building on the 4th or the 8th floor. To form a plan that recognizes, respects and supports very low and no-income folks we need to show up to these meetings and remind them that they can’t build their fantasies on top of someone else’s home and neighborhood.

  • I can't do no movin' or packin'

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Tenant Advocates protest the attempted eviction of an 84 year old disabled elder

    by Lani Kent/PoorNewsNetwork

    "I'm sick and these old joints have cracked," spoke the 84-year-old Grace Wells as we relaxed into her worn-in sofa, "I can't do no movin' and packin'." Her soft voice and soft skin tensed from behind her neck-brace when asked where she would go if her landlord succeeds in evicting her: "Oh darlin, I don't know...to the park?"

    When constant harassment did not intimidate the intrepid Grace, the new property owners at 908 Page St evicted her under the state Ellis Act. Claiming to want to turn the three separate units into a single-family home, they found loopholes around the numerous laws that prohibit evictions of seniors, the disabled, or the catastrophically ill. Grace suffers from arthritis, diabetes and a heart condition.

    "86% of evicted people are forced out of the city," said Ted Gullicksen of the SF Tenants Union. A move out of her apartment would not only strip her of the community she knows and loves; she would have to find a new doctor that she trusts, an honest social worker to help her, and good neighbors to look in on her. All rare and hard to come by, that Grace already has at 908 Page St..

    As we continued our conversation, and Grace recounted her move from New Orleans to San Francisco back in 1942, Gullicksen led shouting protesters in a picket in front of her house. With the help of Grace's lawyer, Dean Preston, the picket attracted local TV networks and radio stations. "Since owning this building, they have operated it like Grace does not live here," we heard Preston explain to the crowd of reporters outside her front door. "They have threatened to turn her water off, they switched the garbage service around and confused her, and started construction upstairs." This 3-unit building is supposedly being turned into a large mansion-like home. The event was noisy with her personal information and Grace was full of heavy sighs.

    "Darlin', what time is it?" she asked with her eyes cast down, watching the dusky shade creep into her living room. Daylight savings had not yet made its way into her spotless sitting room, so all the clocks were an hour off. She hadn't seemed to notice. "Well, I suppose I should take my pills before...." and her voice disappeared into the tumultuous energy rattling through her front windows.

    The picket had just hit an all-time "loud" and Grace forgot her pills and instead reached for her walking cane. Picketers chanted "housing for people, not for profit," "stop senior evictions," and "housing is a human right." Grace carried herself to the porch and onto the steps where dusk met her with a small shiver. Reporters met her with big cameras and fancy suits. I followed her into the noise and hoped she would remember her pills after all the lights went away.

    "I appreciate this, I think it's nice," Grace said to the camera. She spoke simply and pleasantly, as if appreciating a good home-cooked meal. With elderly elegance, she explained: "Been in this neighborhood a long time and now the new owners have asked me to leave. And I just donít know why."

    "How ya doin? Miss Grace?" a neighbor interrupted from across the street. A second neighbor, Diane Mosely, added: "Miss grace is the matriarch on this street." Sadness passed over her eyes and she ran to Graceís side, congratulating her on the successful picket and acknowledging her courage. "This can happen to anyone," said a third worried neighbor, Mary Woods. Watching a sweet 84-year-old disabled woman (possibly) get evicted from her home has sent chills down the spine of this community.

    Some might recall a chilling story that occurred last year around this time, when Poor News Network reported and supported the fight to save Lola McKay's home of 40 years. Like Grace, Lola received an Ellis eviction at the age of 84, and with no family to support her struggle, she decided not to fight it. She settled with the landlords and was allowed to live one more year in her home of 40 years. Within months of this lethal settlement she died of "natural cause," despite her pre-Ellis perfect health. Grace Well has no family or children to help her through this ordeal; she is alone and already in poor health.

    Grace told her neighbors to give her a call after 7pm, after she rested a bit and was up for more talking. She then sat on her porch, seeing the picket to its conclusion and hoping for the best. The event lost steam as the sky grew darker. Grace grew more tired. I think I even heard non-stop-Gullicksen's voice crack a few times as he concluded: "Eviction by wealthy wealthy wealthy scumlords, don't care who they leave in the wake...put an 84 year old lady out so they can have a mansion." TV Anchors went back to their vans and Grace went back inside her house, locking the door and turning off the lights. She was wiped out by the afternoon and I didn't get a chance to thank her for the company, and the fruit, and all of her wonderful stories.

    Just two hours of talking and 84 year old Grace proved too exhausted to lift a bone and wave goodbye. She's right, her old joints have cracked. She can't do "no movin and packin." She just can't.

  • The Answer is?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    City Government and Mainstream Media continues to blame houseless, Disabled San Franciscans for being houseless and disabled

    by Leroy Moore

    Last month San Francisco was hit hard by disabled troops that came from all over the country. The troops, members of a national-wide organization, ADAPT demanded answers from the Mayor and other local political leaders. They wanted to know why San Francisco has the largest institution, Lugunda Hunda, in the country that is receiving millions of dollars for renovations when there is a lack of low-income accessible housing in the community. The answer is? According to a member that attended the meeting with Mayor, Willie Brown the answer was nothing but anger and disgust at the demonstrations that brought downtown traffic to a stand still for two days. When the demonstrators laid out their demands they were met by responds that ìmany of you are not even from the Bay Area.î The meeting got so heated that the Mayor rudely shouted ìshut upî to one of the speaker from ADAPT. The end result was that the Mayor disagreed on every demand ADAPT had even a task force to study the amount of low-income accessible housing compare to the cost of living in Lugunda Handa. ADAPT even received the cold shoulder from Gov. Gray Davis. Who said the voters had already voted on this issue!

    Sunday November 4th the San Francisco Chronicle had a Special Report on people who are homeless in San Francisco. Like a Jerry Lewis Telethon, the Chronicle provided their own answers by using people with mental illness and other people with disabilities to pull on the readers moral heart strings and to paint a face of hopelessness and worthless. The story of Mark Shotley, a physically disabled man who according to the Chronicle is a burden to the city because of his medical cost was the theme that repeated itself throughout the four page long special report. The cost, the dirty streets and decrease of tourists all points to the non-responsive, difficult and the criminal behaviors of homeless addicts many who are mentally ill. T he titles of each section of the special report was degrading i.e. ëComatose bodies, debris, human wasteí.

    The San Francisco Chronicleís answer to the homeless situation in San Francisco is to follow what New York is doing i.e. more cops, more shelters and more penalties against people who live in poverty i.e. lodging outside. However the article contradicts itself when it said that most shelters donít accompanied people who are mentally ill which make up over 80% of the homeless population. Do we, San Franciscans, have to take a page from Giulianiís book on locking up the homeless for crimes of poverty? We, all known that people with mental illness and cops donít mix check out the article entitled, Gun Crazy: BART cop shoots naked man- why? in the October 17th San Francisco Bay Guardian.

    Throughout the special report I notice that many voices were missing, i.e. advocates, grassroots organizations and even the homeless people that the Chronicle interviewed had only a few quotes. You might understand why the political arena in this city has no formula to help eliminate the elements that lead to homelessness i.e. lack of low income housing, decent job creation, helping to keep families together and access to culturally sensitive social services, mental health care etc., after you find out what the head of the Mayorís Office on Homelessness thinks. He thinks that the 'new homeless people' are flocking to San Francisco from other counties that are less generous or tolerant than San Francisco. Basically he and the political arena is pointing the finger to other counties for the reason why San Francisco homeless population has increase. This kind of tactic will not solve anything.

    It seems to me the answer that the City and the San Francisco Chronicle is proposing in the above two cases is more money to lock people with disabilities up, more cops, more shelters, finger pointing, and if they get around to it and have money left over then theyíll try supportive housing.

  • Does Activist=Terrorist?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Green Party activist detained at airport, falls victim
    to party politics

    by Gretchen Hildebran/PoorNewsNetwork

    The news these days is pretty bad and some days I can't
    make myself pay attention to it at all. Beyond the
    tragedy of 9/11 is the daily horror of the war on
    terrorism waged by the US government against the
    people of Afghanistan as well as any US resident who
    opposes their military and economic agenda. The FBI's
    unconstitutional detention of over a thousand
    "suspected terrorists" based on ethnicity alone hasn't
    exactly inspired riots or impeachment hearings. Many
    people of color in this country are familiar to this
    form of blanket targeting and reprisal by police and
    the feds. White activists such as myself are also
    discovering their freedom of dissent is no longer
    guaranteed. As "nice (middle-class) white people" we
    have rarely experienced the targeting and arbitrary
    punishment that historically has been reserved for
    people of color and the poor in this country. In
    times of war, however, even privileged white people
    are expected to prove their allegiance or receive the
    treatment of a "suspected terrorist."

    Nancy Oden, a member of the Green Party USA national
    coordinating committee who was detained and denied her
    right to travel by National Guardsmen at a Maine
    airport. Oden, who is a 60-year old white activist
    and organic farmer, was intending to travel to a Green
    Party convention from Portland, ME on November 1st.
    She was targeted upon check-in, when an American
    Airlines employee wrote an "S" on her ticket at the
    check-in counter. This employee designated her for
    being searched without checking her ID and informed
    her, "You were in there (the computer) to be searched
    no matter what."

    When Oden arrived at the gate, she was pulled aside to
    be searched by two National Guardsmen. According to
    Oden, "They knew my face, my politics, and I was the
    only one whose baggage was searched.î When one of the
    Guardsmen grabbed her arm and began yelling his
    pro-war views in her face, she responded by
    withdrawing her arm and saying "Don't touch me."

    Although the search of her baggage and person produced
    nothing illegal, when she attempted to board the plane
    she was informed that she had not "cooperated" with
    the search and would not be allowed to fly.

    Evidently her passive protection of her body and
    political views provoked a group of six armed National
    Guardsmen to detain her. Says Oden, "They were
    planning to arrest me, until I pointed out that I had
    not done anything." While this logic did keep her
    from being arrested, Oden was told she wouldnít be
    allowed on any flight out of Portland that day and
    that her name had been passed on to all other airlines
    at the airport.

    "White people don't want to believe that a respectable
    white middle class woman who holds dissident political
    views would be targeted this way," Oden said in a
    phone interview at her Jonesboro, Maine home last
    week. "People call me on the phone and ask me, What
    were you wearing? What do you look like?" She
    believes this treatment was not due to her appearance
    but her anti-war political beliefs. Her views against
    the war were published the week before a Bangor
    newspaper and she has worked in the environmental,
    feminist and anti-war movements since the seventies.
    The detention has been treated with a virtual news
    black-out. National coverage has been minimal,
    getting only a mention in the New York Times and other
    national papers. No federal agency is willing to take
    responsibility for the activist's detention. The FBI
    has acknowledged the existence of a list of domestic
    "suspects," but they refuse to say who is on the list
    or why. Oden has been told that the FBI never heard
    of her. She finds this hard to believe given her
    history of radical politics and replies, ìWhat are the
    going to say? That they are targeting me for my last
    two decades of political work?

    The FAA also admits that they are using a computer profile to target
    people for searches in airports but will not discuss
    the criteria of this profile, beyond asserting that it
    is not based on gender, race or age. In a Bangor
    Daily News article, a FAA spokesperson claimed that
    travelers who bought tickets on the same day with cash
    were the mostly likely targets of the profile. What
    the article neglected to add is that Oden bought her
    ticket online with a credit card six weeks earlier.
    The article also quoted National Guardsmen claiming
    that Oden was detained because she resisted being
    searched, a charge that Oden categorically denies.

    An outpouring of outrage and disbelief over this
    incident has kept the activist on the phone non-stop
    for the last two weeks. Many people who share her
    political beliefs have never received this kind of
    treatment by the government. Meanwhile the Internet
    has filled with right-wingnut postings about Odenís
    and the Green Partyís ìterrorist affiliations.î But
    truly surprising has been the response by certain
    members from her own political party.

    A press release dated November 4th written by the
    Green Party United States stated, Recent press
    reports on the incident contained incorrect
    information about the affiliation of the Green Party
    member, stating that Nancy Oden is a coordinating
    committee member of the Green Party of the United
    States. Ms. Oden is not a member of the party's
    Coordinating Committee (which consists of delegates
    from affiliated states), but of a different

    What the press release neglects to further explain
    that there are currently two Green Parties in the US
    which have very similar names, the Green Party of the
    United States of America (GP/USA) and the Green Party
    of the United States (GP-US). While Nancy Oden is not
    affiliated with the GP-US, she is on the National
    Coordinating Committee of the GP/USA.

    This disavowal of Oden was followed up by internet
    articles by members of the GP-US which leveled
    personal attacks on her character, claiming She was
    not targeted at the airport because she was a leader
    of the G/GPUSA. She was targeted because she was rude
    to the security officers,and We risk delegitimizing
    ourselves by defending Nancy Oden's hysterical account
    of airport security. Another posting by Starlene
    Rankin, a GP-US media representative, claimed that
    Oden had made a big fuss about it These attacks
    also insisted that the GP-US be recognized as ìthe
    national Green Party.

    What is going on here? The Green Party, which in the
    last presidential election provided me with an option
    for expressing my dissent, was choosing to smear one
    of its own activists rather than denounce the
    abrogation of her civil liberties? And what about
    these two Green Parties that have virtually the same

    According to Oden, the GP-US party is a splinter group
    that came into being this summer at the GP/USA
    national convention. She explains the rift as
    ideological: These people want a seat at the table
    of power. Their final goal is electoral participation
    and recognition as an electoral body.î The goals of
    the GP/USA, on the other hand, is to build a
    grassroots movement, with activism coming before
    electoral politics. Says Oden of the difference, "If
    you want to build a movement, you won't change your
    ideology to get elected."

    Part of the GP-US agenda is to deny the existence of
    the GP/USA, as they expressed in their press release:
    The Green Party of the United States is the only
    Green political organization organized nationally as a
    party, in which at least 31 states are represented
    (with other states' memberships pending). Oden
    claims that certain members of the GP-US are using
    this incident to further discredit her and the
    grassroots goals of the GP/USA: This is called
    selling out your allies, collaborating with your

    This strategy has evidently worked for the GP-US, who
    on November 8th of this year was officially recognized
    by the Federal Elections Committee as the National
    Committee of the Green Party, allowing them to accept
    up to $20,000 in individual donations. According to
    their own press release, this makes them a serious
    contender on the political landscape.

    Whatever the original schism within the Greens or the
    goals of each individual party, it is clear that while
    the GP-US has not stood up for the rights of activists
    who dissent in wartime. While the GP-US demands that
    the US government ìprotect civil liberties and our
    constitutional rights of dissent, free assembly,
    privacy, due process, and mobility, they are also
    actively discrediting an activist who has been
    targeted for voicing her dissent.

    Despite this treatment, Oden claims she is not
    dwelling on the response of the GP-US, but considers
    it the actions of a few within a positive
    organization. Oden says she is a big admirer of
    Medea Benjamin, the San Francisco Green activist whose
    party is affiliated with GP-US. Oden explained that,
    differences at the party level don't hold true at the
    activist level. All Greens who abide by the 10 key
    values (founding values of the Green Party) can work
    together upon the issues we agree on.

    Oden's activist skills have been further inspired by
    this incident. She is encouraging people she
    communicates with to join a Bill of Rights Defense
    Committee, a non-partisan group that will act as a
    clearinghouse for incidents of civil liberties
    violations, share information about how to resist such
    incidents and demand that our politicians "get some
    guts and speak up!" To contact this organization go
    to: www.billofrightsdefense.net, or send email to:

    When asked why she thought she was nearly arrested at
    the airport, Oden said, "That guardsman wanted to get
    even with me for resisting him, he was trying to
    criminalize me. This is how communities that live in
    resistance to the government are treated once they
    are arrested for a small incident and in the system
    they are forced to live in fear and under the thumb of
    the authorities."

    The denial of the right to travel experienced by Nancy
    Oden is clearly not as catastrophic as the bombed
    destruction of Afghanistan or the indefinate illegal
    incarceration of "suspects" here in the US. But it is
    important to note that the application of the term
    "terrorist" now justifies every kind of surveillance
    and militarization of our communities. This term will
    also be applied to anyone arguing to retain the civil
    rights we have learned to take for granted. The state
    of the world makes you worry the next time you fly,
    but will you worry as well the next time you go to
    protest? Talk on the telephone? Publish an article?
    (For Nancy Oden's account of the incident, look for it
    at www.wartimeliberty.com)

  • The Great Conspiracy?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    by Husayn Sayfuddiyn

    The attack on the WTC has created a national bloodlust unsurpassed in modern American history. What is remarkable about this bloodlust is that there is no defined enemy. Moreover, the identities of the alleged hijackers are in serious question. The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK has stated on BBC that seven of the alleged hijackers are alive and well in Saudi Arabia. In its haste to make war with a vague, undefined, and shadowy enemy, the Bush administration has raised fears in the Islamic World that this is a war upon Islam.

    Minutes after the attack, CNN began broadcasting video alleging that the Palestinians were dancing in the streets, celebrating the US tragedy. It was a week later before it was noticed that the video was file footage from their reaction to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Was this a deliberate attempt to inflame public opinion against Arabs and Islam? If not, then how could it have been an honest mistake? Even the time zones were wrong in the video and as Muslims point out, so was the event they were celebrating.

    That some Palestinians celebrated shouldn't have been surprising given the circumstances and terms of their humiliating existence, and the role they see the USA playing in its perpetuation. The USA has not only acted like the backer of Israeli aggression, but has sided with Israel and intervened on its behalf in its aggression. When the Israeli's invaded Lebanon, they bombed and shelled Lebanese civilians indiscriminately. The toll upon the civilian population and infrastructure was horrendous. Then Israeli Commander in Chief Ariel Sharon ordered the massacre of the Palestinian women and children by its Christian Falangist allies in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps where they had fled after being driven from their homeland. Few should believe that Palestinians decided to flee to refugee camps after selling their land and property to Israeli settlers.

    How many people have forgotten the ravaging of Beirut and the United States and French Brigades who intervened to assist in Israeli pacification? Many forget the mass arrests of innocent Lebanese Arabs and Muslims, their tortures and the Lebanese resistance ignited by these events.

    The Lebanese of South Lebanon initially welcomed the Israelis who drove out the PLO factions that had virtually become a state within a state. Yet Israel's anti-Islamic and racist policies created the forces that spelled its imminent defeat on the battlefield in a guerrilla war, Amal and Hizbullah. The defeat resulted from the seizure and occupation of South Lebanon as a buffer zone.

    This was the same rationale used by the Israelis for their continued occupation of the Golan Heights where they have placed illegal settlements, in violation of UN declarations. When forced to withdraw by the Hizbullah insurgents, Israel has perpetuated the hostilities by retaining Shaba Farms, a portion of seized Lebanese territory that the Lebanese government demands returned to it. Only in a grim, merciless struggle, Israel was forced to withdraw.

    Who remembers the shooting of worshipper's in the Al Aqsa Masjid in Jerusalem? Was this terrorism? Many Muslims, and not just Arab Muslims, see Ariel Sharon as a War Criminal guilty of war crimes, torture, and genocide. A man, who even the Israeli government relieved from duty to disassociate itself from his crimes, is now PM of Israel and again US ally. To say that US policies in the Mid East were biased is a gross understatement.

    So how could the USA in all reality, set up itself as a broker for peace in the Middle East that is based upon any principles of justice for the Palestinian people? Many Muslims, and not a few Americans, are arriving at the conclusion that perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye, since Taliban is the creation of the CIA. Usama Ibn Laden was privy to the massive funding and flood of equipment the CIA poured into the fray of Afghanistan. This flood of equipment added to the considerable stockpile already inherited from the Soviet conflict and even included Stinger and TOW missiles from CIA stores that gave the Mujahideen enough punch to inflict heavy damage upon the heavily armored Soviet forces and Hinds gun ships.

    After the defeat of the Soviet Forces, the USA switched sides again and began to give its surreptitious support to Ibn Ladin and Taliban when the Soviet Union dissolved and the oil rich, newly independent states of the former Soviet Union in Muslim Central Asia signed contracts with Western oil companies. The Western oil cartels that were seeking a pipeline to ship oil to the West, wanted to avoid running pipelines through either Russia or Iran. They decided on a route through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean.

    However, political conditions were not feasible in Afghanistan because the Afghan Mujahideen were not able to form a stable government and inter-tribal warfare became the norm and was the direct result of Pakistani agitation, at the CIA's instigation, of the Pashtu warlords and mullah's against other ethnic and religious minorities. The Western oil cartels reasoned that their huge capital investment needed a stable and submissive Afghani government and many elements of the Rabbani coalition government were fiercely independent and not inclined to toe the Oil Cartels line.

    So with the connivance of Pakistan whose government and elites stood to gain billions in revenues and baksheesh, millions of US tax dollars went into helping Taliban fight its way to power. Even then, Shaykh Omar headed Taliban and Usamah Ibn Ladin's Al Qaiydah group assisted in recruitment of volunteers in the Muslim world. Pakistan's role was even more inflammatory because with US encouragement and funding it fanned the flames of extreme Sunni Wahabbi-like fundamentalism in Pakistan to achieve the destabilization of the Rabbani government, that the USA itself had recognized, bringing utter destruction of the Afghani infrastructure and a halt to any economy. Saudi Arabia also contributed funding to Taliban until it discovered Usamah Ibn Ladin's presence.

    Pakistan and the Gulf Sheikdoms fostered and funded the training camps of Taliban that were expanded to train not only the covert CIA-oil cartel operation in Afghanistan to overthrow the Rabbani government with the ultimate aim of reinstalling the ousted King Zahir Shah to the throne, but Taliban also began training cadres of other Muslim and Third world organizations still fighting post-colonial oppression. This included the Kashmiris who were fighting against India in that predominantly Muslims state (which explains India's interest) and the Palestinian struggle for a homeland.

    Naturally this was not according to the CIA - Oil Cartel script. That script also reflected the anti-Shia posture of the West who were still licking the wounds from their Shia encounters in Lebanon, as well as the Arab and Muslim elitists anti-Shia aggression in both the Arab world and Pakistan because the Shia sect is based upon Islamic Statism, something the secular Muslim States and elitists want to limit proliferation of in the face of Shia Islam's revolutionary forces that condemned their very existence and legality under Islamic law. So Pakistan encouraged and allowed anti-Shia pogroms by Sunni extremists and massacres of Shias occurred in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    It was Pakistan, with US encouragement that fanned the flames of radical Islam in its predominately Sunni, Pashtu regions. Ten members of the Iranian diplomatic staff were killed by Taliban soldiers and in Pakistan, an Iranian Shia scholar and diplomat was assassinated as he walked along the streets of Peshewar. Even Sunni scholars who denied Taliban's radical, un-Islamic fatwas or rulings were assassinated in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    A subsequent trial of the perpetrators in the Iranian Scholar's murder in Pakistan saw the murderers freed with a not guilty verdict. Iran, in its own defense, then began to arm and ally itself for the growing storm it saw on its horizon. Just as the USA had encouraged, helped finance, and equip Saddam Hussein to invade Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, Iran saw the USA again mobilizing forces against it. Iran saw the storm clouds long before US citizens were rudely awakened to the terror of its own government's making.

    The announcement and subsequent plans to attack the nation of Afghanistan in a self-proclaimed war against terrorism by the Bush administration is facetious for the aforesaid and many other reasons. The USA has maintained for decades that many resistance groups and nations are terrorist, or State sponsors of terrorism. This includes Iran, Syria, Libya, and Iraq. All Muslims nations and all embroiled in the struggle against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian homeland. But this list also includes Hizbullah and Hamas.

    Thus, because of the ill-defined enemy and the vague declaration of war, the Bush administration is seeking a blank check to wage war upon anyone it views as a terrorist organization and sponsors of terrorism both domestically and internationally. Many fears are raised by this possibility because it means that Iran, Syrian, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, Lebanon, the Palestinian Organizations and people, Hizbullah, the Albanians, Macedonian Muslims, the Moros of the Philippines, Chechnya's, all Balkan Islamic Groups and the nation of Afghanistan could be classified as terrorist by the grand crusading declaration.

    Did the USA consider its previous support of Taliban with weaponry, funding and intelligence an act of State Sponsored Terrorism against a government it itself recognized as legitimate? And who will add the USA to the list of states who sponsor terrorism? Or Israel? But the chronology of USA sponsored terrorism is far greater and far exceeds the lifetimes of both the Burhanuddeen Rabbani government (which is now the Northern Alliance) or Ibn Ladin and Al Qaiydah. Who will forget Greneda, El Salvador, Chile, Guatemala, Chiapas, or Nicaragua and the Contras? Who forgets the training camps for death squads at Ft. Benning, Georgia? Or the Mary Knoll nuns and priests killed by the very same trained and equipped in USA terrorists unleashed upon Latin Americans?

    And who can forget the death squads that killed JFK and MLK Jr.? Surely they weren't trained in Afghanistan, nor are graduates of the madrassas that spawned Taliban. Because the domestic Death Squads were able to not only assassinate three of the USA's most prominent leaders, and one a President, and then accomplish pithy and grossly defective cover-ups of their crimes, who can deny that the USA is indeed governed by a shadow government? Americans like to maintain their self-deluding pantomime of freedom, and as long as they're able to vote in sham elections they maintain those delusions.

    That the Nato countries are declaring a War without seeking the participation of the UN Security Council is strong evidence to support the conclusion arrived at by many Muslims, that this war is against Islam. Everywhere, Islam is under attack, the Balkans, Chechnya, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Middle East, etc. And now Islam is being attacked within the USA. Moreover, its declaration or war has no legal basis or evidence that it has provided to that international body. "Where is the missing link?" That is the question most Muslim nations have called for in their tentative positions to join this war against the accused Taliban and Ibn Ladin. Indeed, Taliban has already offered to surrender Ibn Ladin to a Muslim country for trial if provided with such evidence.

    Few forget the manufactured attack in the Gulf of Tonkin by the US military that sparked US aggression against Viet Nam and the subsequent false White Paper used by the Johnson administration to justify its aggressions. They forget the sinking of the Maine, and allowing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor to accomplish the corporate objectives. US history gives good evidence that its government will sacrifice the lives of any of its citizens to accomplish the corporate goals and gain the baksheesh resultant for achieving its objectives. Chaney's $20 million severance bonus from the oil companies could have been a prime example of a down payment upon suppressing the liberties and lives of both Americans and the world's people to maintain the Western Corporate stranglehold on the world's resources.

    A year into the 21st Century sees the human race confronted with global warming, polar ice caps melting, rain forests denuded, atmospheric pollution and damage, massive ecological pollution, and the culprit, hydrocarbon emissions and waste products. It would seem that the human life threatening conditions would force world governments not to escalate fossil fuel usage. But on the contrary, the Bush Administration, the same administration which ripped off Californians in the so-called energy crisis for Texas based utilities, the same administration that oversaw the disappearance of the surplus Clinton urged be used to repay the social security benefits fund for the monies Congress has traditionally utilized to shore up its balance of payments deficits, has reversed the environmental protective processes and have indeed, scrapped them in favor of continued, indeed increased fossil fuel dependency. This administration has even considered opening up environmentally protected areas for oil exploration and development. For the Arab and Muslim elitists like the Saudis, Kuwaitis and Emirates and oil company and industrial corporate shareholders, this policy is the outcome of their own creation. Resistant even to human survival.

    Most Islamic nations, uneasy at the ill-defined declaration of war by the NATO countries, await the terms and objectives of this vague, almost vigilantesque declaration. It is obvious that the USA desires to kill one of its Prometheuses again, just as it is busy pretending that it wants to remove Saddam Hussein who, during Desert Storm, US President Bush Senior allowed to remain in power by announcing the destruction of the elite Iraqi Republican Guard Divisions, and then called for the uprising of the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam, and when they did, called an end to hostilities. This allowed the unscathed Elite Republican Guard divisions to massacre the opposition in Iraq, and Saddam to maintain his destructive influence over the Iraqi people who the West and Arab elites wanted to remain in power to counter balance Iran's growing power in the region.

    The USA played the same treacherous card Stalin played against the Polish Jews of Warsaw. And guess who was the General who ordered the truce and caused US troops to celebrate its victory and become un-innocent bystanders while Saddam massacred his Kurdish and Muslim opponents? Colin Powell. The bitter irony to the entire human tragedy which saw tens of thousands of Muslim and Arab people killed and still being slaughtered was the fact that the US Ambassador to Iraq created the war by encouraging Saddam to invade Kuwait and informing him the USA would turn its back.

    The USA thereby was able to destroy the Iraqi war machine, and also indebt Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to the tune of trillions of dollars, as well as making them client states, dependent on maintaining US protective forces in the region, It must be remembered that US jets bombed the Kuwaiti oil fields, although the US Military alleged initially, that the Iraqis sabotaged them. There were too many Kuwaiti witnesses to maintain that lie.

    One man's terrorist is the other man's freedom fighter. The USA has sponsored both international and domestic terrorism. Who forgets Ruby Ridge, Move, the Panthers, or Waco? This was an assault on domestic dissent and the invasions of nations because they sought in their self-determination, their own economic systems and forms of government. As many Muslim nations are now rejoining, "Sure let's have a war on terrorism, but let us first define terrorism."

    Is Hizbullah a terrorist organization? And if so, why?" It has fought mainly against Israeli defense forces and its Arab mercenaries, and attacked military targets in a well-defined war zone in a war they themselves have not declared, but had imposed upon them. What is the difference between dropping bombs upon civilians, cities and villages and rocketing urban neighborhoods and a car bomb placed near a haunt of military personnel or a suicide bomber? The only difference is the delivery system. It is the same war and strategy fought by the Revolutionary American forces against superior British forces and firepower. War by stealth and ambush.

    State terrorism is much more insidious because its weapons of mass destruction give it greater killing power and the result is a war of genocide and the decimation of the alleged enemy population and infrastructure. For State Terrorists, the lop sided ratio of killed and wounded to its credit is dismissed as legitimate while the small numbers of killed and wounded that they suffer is used as the basis of justification for their aggressions against largely civilian, disenfranchised, poor and refugee populations and their identification as being terrorist. .

    A good example was the Apartheid regime of the Union of South Africa and the racist terrorism and social enslavement inflicted upon the South African people with the full support and connivance of the US government, and its designation of the freedom fighting ANC as a terrorist group. Moreover, the discovery in USA intelligence and Criminal Justice archives of Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence Program) of the FBI under the cloak of "national security" evidences the US government's own domestic genocidal operations as is extant in Israel and much of the Muslim, African and Latin American world.

    Americans do not see the dissolution of their Bill of Rights seeking security in world oppression and the repression of its own citizens. The constitutional guarantees Americans have denied minorities in the USA have now come home to roost in the curtailment of their own civil liberties. The legislative and criminal justice systems of the US have already set the precedents for the complete take over by the shadow government.

    The protective shield of the separation of powers is shattered when the Legislative Branch can abridge the Bill of Rights without a Constitutional challenge. Not even for one minute. The Supreme Court's concession and acceptance of this right by its failure to challenge this unconstitutional procedure that requires in all actuality, a constitutional amendment, is a de facto concession by default of America's Civil Liberties. Now they are seeking unlimited expansion of wiretaps, legalized racial profiling, and the ability to arrest people and hold them without the right of habeas corpus, all at the stroke of the legislative pen. Utilizing fear to expand its enthrallment over America, and bring Big Brother out of the closet.

    Most Americans think, its against the terrorists and not God fearing Americans, forgetting the mockery its elected officials have already made of civil rights, and anti-trust laws allowing the concentration of both capital and power. Americans do not see the dangers of destabilizing the South Asia Region. And few care, believing the catalysts and sources of that destabilization to be found in the regional leadership or flaws in their cultures. Yet the hand of Western colonialism is found in every area of regional conflict. So we are confronted with the fait accompli presented to the Afghan people, "dismantle your government and install the doddering, 84 year old puppet King Zahir Shah…" to complete the US Oil Cartel's great conspiracy to acquire the oil from the Central Asian States. And yep, you guessed it; the pipeline will run through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean.

    Oh yes, an after thought! It must be remembered that Afghanistan was the source of 80 percent of the world's opium. That is, until Taliban banned the future cultivation of opium poppies. The ban and the subsequent diminishment of supply and production has caused the price of heroin and its derivatives to skyrocket in Western Markets. Despite the Taliban ban, opium stockpiles enriched the Afghani smugglers and cultivators, as it did Taliban who, nevertheless, through its taxes, received 30 percent of the profits. Whoever replaces Taliban will also inherit control over the drug trade of the Golden Crescent.

    Husayn Sayfuddiyn THEQUILOMBO@AOL,COM
    1955 San Pablo Avenue 301
    Oakland, CA. 94612 510-268-1441

  • Youth Justice or Juvenile Injustice?

    09/24/2021 - 11:22 by Anonymous (not verified)
    Original Author
    Original Body

    Youth Justice hearing in San Francisco

    by Mari, PNN Youth in the Media Intern

    I walked into The San Francisco City Hall like I have done
    for the last two years, but as I gave my bag to the security
    guard so they could check and make sure there wasn't
    something like anthrax in it, today felt different.
    The dome that topped City Hall seemed repulsive, it actually
    made me sick. I was thinking about the young
    womyn and men sitting inside the Youth Guidance
    Center (YGC), San Francisco's Juvenile Hall. So while I looked at the
    golden, marble floors inside City Hall, I was thinking
    about the dirty, yellowish earwax looking floor of
    the cafeteria at YGC, all the gold that
    surrounds city hall, and all the dirty grimy concrete
    that surrounds YGC.

    Today was the day that the Youth Justice Hearing
    between the San Francisco Youth Commission's Youth Justice Committee and
    the San Francisco's Board of Supervisors Rules
    Committee was going to be held on the San Francisco's juvenile justice intake process for youth and alternatives to detention for them.

    Right now there is not a central intake process for youth; there is two ways they can enter the system, one is through YGC or Community Assessment Referral Center (CARC). I have talked to my friends who have gone through YGC, and the ones who gone through CARC. All I hear from my friends who have gone through YGC, is that you don't even get treated like a human being, and what I hear from my friends who have gone through CARC is that the staff there listens to you, and that the staff actually wants to help you out.

    I myself have never been through YGC. But, when I was 17, I lived in Texas, and over there when you turn 17 if you get in trouble with the law, you go straight to the adult criminal justice system. I was arrested for shoplifting clothes. I was lucky, I shoplifted clothes worth under $50.00, because if I stole more I would have committed a class B misdemeanor, because I would have gone to county jail instead of city jail. I remember signing a paper that if I admitted to stealing , I would most likely be able to go. So of course, I signed it. Well, the store still called the police on me. I was handcuffed, and put in a cop car. Then I was processed and put in a jail cell. I remember how scared I was, how humiliated I felt, and how I wanted to get the hell out of there. It would have nice if someone in that system sat me down and asked me "Why did I shoplift?" Then they would have found out I was dirt poor, and I was living in abusive household, and I was not given money to buy new clothes, for the clothes that my body rapidly growing out of, which usually happens at 17. This event lead me to my major, which is Criminal Justice, and also lead me to work on this issue, so that not another youth ever has to go what I went through.

    I am a San Francisco Youth Commissioner, and I have been working on getting
    this hearing to happen since March. This hearing is
    the first of many hearings talking about the Juvenile
    Justice system intake process, and alternatives to
    detention for youth. This hearing would also be the
    only hearing that the San Francisco Youth Commission's Youth Justice Committee and the San Francisco's Board of Supervisors
    Rules Committee would co-sponsor together. This
    hearing would be the only hearing where youth would be
    sitting on the panel, and facilitate the hearing. Today
    is the day where youth get to question the
    stakeholders who make decisions of youth's lives, for
    example, Chief Probation officer Jesse Willams. Today
    would be a historic day in the San Francisco Youth
    Justice Movement.

    So, walked into the Legislative Chambers inside City
    Hall, and I was so nervous. So many questions were
    running through my head. What if not enough youth
    speak at public comment? What if one of the speakers
    doesn't show up? What if there is a piece of food in
    my teeth? I then said a silent prayer. This hearing
    was in the Creator's hands now. Then, Supervisor Matt
    Gonzales called the meeting to order. The Rules
    Committee had a few items to deal with before the
    Youth Justice Hearing was officially called to order.

    Then the hearing was called to order by Youth
    Commissioner Millicent Olawale. The first speaker was
    up and it was Chief Probation officer Jesse Willams.
    He was asked a series of questions. One thing he said
    stuck out to me is that today there is 96 youth who
    are in YGC. I was thinking 96 youth who have to
    sleep, eat, and live in YGC today. The next speaker
    was Gary Beiringer, who is the director of CARC.
    He and his staff talked about the intake process for a youth who goes
    through CARC, and what crimes youth commit who get
    sent to CARC. Then there was James Bell, who is from
    the Youth Law Center, and he talked about the
    evaluation report that was done on the San Francisco
    Juvenile Justice System.

    Next, was public comment. Youth from different organizations, such as Youth Making A Change (YMAC) and Experiment in Diversity, got up and spoke on
    how they feel about the intake process and about
    alternatives to detention. One youth pointed out there is more money spent on prisons than education. Then Kathy Weinstien, from
    Mayor's Criminal Justice Council (MCJC), talked about
    their evaluation report about CARC. Then, there was
    public comment again. Parents, youth, and adults spoke
    on the intake process and about alternatives to

    Public comment was over. Then, my mind wandered off for a few seconds, I gazed around at the brown stained walls, the nice comfy leather feeling seat I was sitting on. Then the Chair asked for closing comments from the Youth Commissioners, and Supervisors. I said that one of the things the Youth Commission will be doing is taking information from this hearing and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, and department heads that deal with the Youth Justice system. Then I as I heard the gavel hit, I thought of the statement I had said earlier in the hearing, "We need to make sure our Youth Justice system is not a system of Juvenile Injustice!"

    To get involved in San Francisco's youth justice movement contact the San Francisco Youth Commission's Youth Justice Committee at 415-554-6446 or email youth_com@ci.sf.ca.us, also for just more general info can go to www.sfgov.org/youth_commission


