• Tips for Letter Writing

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongGet Your Anti-War Voices Heard!/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pFrom: People for the American Way/p p URGE OUR LEADERS TO CAREFULLY CONSIDER RESPONSES TO TERRORISM/p pLike all Americans, we continue to struggle with the aftermathbr / of the September 11 terrorist attacks. We grieve for thebr / victims and their families and we salute the courage and heroismbr / that so many people have shown. We applaud the efforts ofbr / political leaders at all levels who have sought to bring thebr / nation together. /p pLegislation is now being drafted at the state and federalbr / levels aimed at bringing the perpetrators of these attacks tobr / justice and at preventing such acts of terror from occurring inbr / the future./p pWe, too, are committed to these goals. At the same time, webr / remain committed to protecting the fundamental civil libertiesbr / of all Americans. In order to do so, we ask that you take thebr / following action./p pACTION:/p pCall or write the president and your federal and localbr / legislators and tell them that now, more than ever, it isbr / crucial that they protect the fundamental civil liberties of allbr / Americans./p pACTION PLAN:/p pOver the past week we have become increasingly alarmed by thebr / willingness of some of our elected officials to supportbr / legislation that would erode the liberties and freedoms that arebr / at the core of American life. In many states and in Congress,br / sweeping legislation has been proposed -- and, in a fewbr / instances, already passed -- that could severely limit ourbr / liberties and freedoms. More may be on the way. Publicbr / hearings must be held to guarantee that good intentions do notbr / yield unintended consequences. Only then should votes be held./p pPassage of the federal hate crimes legislation now pending inbr / Congress is essential to prosecuting those who would perpetratebr / these crimes./p pHelp defend the civil liberties that are fundamental to ourbr / democracy. Write to President Bush, to members of Congress andbr / to your local legislators. Implore them to slow down, to fullybr / examine all legislation with public hearings, to guard yourbr / civil liberties and to pass hate crimes legislation./p pFor a list of your elected officials with complete contactbr / information, visit Project Vote Smart:br / br /a href="http://www.vote-smart.org/index.phtml" title="http://www.vote-smart.org/index.phtml"http://www.vote-smart.org/index.phtml/a/p pPresident George W. Bushbr /br / The White Housebr /br / Washington, D.C. 20500/p p Senatorbr /br / United States Senatebr /br / Washington, D.C 20510/p pRepresentativebr /br / United States House of Representativesbr /br / Washington, D.C. 20515/p p***TALKING POINTS ***/p pInclude the following points in your letter:/p p1. All decisions should be made in a manner consistentbr / with: the Constitution and Bill of Rights; principles of abr / democratic society and an accountable government./p p2. Individuals should not be targeted solely based upon theirbr / race, religion, ethnic background or religion. We supportbr / passage of the strengthened federal hate crimes legislation nowbr / pending in Congress./p p3. Though perhaps unintended, sweeping legislation that isbr / enacted quickly often has far-reaching and damagingbr / consequences. In this case, these consequences could severelybr / damage our rights and liberties. We support full publicbr / hearings at which proposals are carefully considered./p p4. We cannot allow this terrorist attack to erode the libertiesbr / and freedoms that are at the core of the American Way of life,br / and that have been a model of democracy for the world./p pABOUT PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY / SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION/p pPeople For the American Way organizes and mobilizes Americansbr / to fight for fairness, justice, civil rights and the freedomsbr / guaranteed by the Constitution. PFAW monitors the Religiousbr / Right at the local, state and national levels, lobbies forbr / progressive legislation, and helps build communities ofbr / activists./p pPeople For the American Waybr /br / 2000 M Street, NW Suite 400 br /Washington, DC 20036br /br / a href="http://www.pfaw.org" title="http://www.pfaw.org"http://www.pfaw.org/abr /a href="mailto:pfaw@pfaw.org"pfaw@pfaw.org/a br /br / 1-800-326-PFAW br / 202/467-4999br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Global Immortals

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongWar can be a possitive good ifbr / quickened science and technologybr / helps not hinder Human evolution./strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pMonday, Oct. 1, 7:30 am. should the "Mess on Market Street resume?" Like everyone else I've felt a change, differing directions, though uncertain how to proceed./p p'Select President Bush has shown in a time a crisis he can rise to the occasion and be President to All the people in the U.S., however the u"If your not with us your against us"/utalk or Att. General J. Ashcroft's Roving Wire Tapping legislations smacks of bbr / u'Thought Control'/u/b u["Watch what 'ya say,/u even if your joking someone can easily by accident earnestly doing their job take coversations out of context and build cases of anti-American activities - when it's only one or more citizen's private views.]br / "Then don't use the phone lady - fella, kid." /p pWhich slowly begins fissures of erosion our rights to speak out freely./p pIs in beginning, am I already one of the odd individuals to be under "observation" during this time of crisis?/p pIf so record this: The Taliban blew up religious statues of Buddha, because of their intolerance to other spiritual ideas, then World Trade Center's by a terrorist group. /p pLet's develope Nano/AI 'tech b[Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence]/b to not only rebuild the WTA but improve it so every meter rebuilds itself night and day, so it can never be taken out again also those statues also can be rebuilt never to be destroyed by natural erosion and if destroyed reconstiutes itself. /p pHow would Talibanian's deal with that?br / Also soldiers, citizens should benefit from the same technology in medical sciences plus theraputic cloning of exterior-interior body parts./p pIsn't time for us to really show the world that human life is worth more than b"missle fodder"/b for death dealing machines./p pWhile I'm thinking of it, let's work on quantum computers./p pHopefully, there will be no war but if their is raise the human stakes for healthier, longer lives, defences, not better ways of slaughtering more humans on the planet./p pOne more thing, if America really wants to show its worth; embark on a public and private program of b"Manhatten Project Part II and III"/b which would be Life Extension, to eventual Immortality as a global human birthrite for everyone just as the Genome Project is./p pThis would include Cryobiology, Suspended Animation, sciences, and the International Space Station plus scientist's, researcher's world wide working, solving different parts of the puzzle./p pBeyond war, the above can be an ongoing peace effort, no short term, goal oriented beat the other country - that's over: we either share in the boom times or have nothing 'comin./p pAs for religious zealots, fanatics, both here and abroad - if they chose not to join the new world to come in its mist they don't have to partake as long as their citizen's have a voice and choice in the matter./p pLogic dictates that we are near the next stage in our evolution from Homo-Longivous or longer living to Humanous-Eternus or Eternal Humanity. /p pOk, my syntax, Latin roots of the words are linguistically and scientificly suspect or wrong; folks you know what I'm saying and what I mean. /p pRemember the old Chinese probverb or curse "May You Live In Interesting Times"br / br / We're There, let's take this oportunity to warp-forward, skip generations of errors now and be a better, humane country and civilization. Bye./p pbr /Please send donations on tobr / br /POOR Magazine a href="http://www.poormaga" title="www.poormaga"www.poormaga/a zine.org or C/O br /Ask Joe at 299 9th.br / br /Street, San Francisco, Ca. 94103 USAbr / br /For Joe only snail malebr / P.O. Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St. San Francisco, Ca.94102br / br /Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br / org/p p /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong pbIt happens, Perfect itbr / ain't me. I'm in a process ofbr / fixing my work./b /p pbSometimes I cannot getbr / to them. So Look and knowbr / errors will occur, you getbr / the main point./b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pI make mistake, never admit to perfection. But you get the jist of my meanings./p pThis is a bad time to be either a gung-ho, super patriot, pacifist, or questioner of America's right or wrong sentiments.br / Logic, understanding, and controlled directed fury may help us find the real 'perps./p pLives have already been lost in the service of our country. In this dire time we must not repeat history pointing fingers at American's not looking, acting as everyone else - We American's are the ultimate Hibrid selfmade experiment and what may wipe some of us out will not kill us all./p pLet not our true strength, diversity of thought, ideals, ideas, and people be our ruin./p pEvolution and the Lord has made it possible that dispised, hated, lucky, and many called cursed amalgum of people as we.br / Forerunners of a new futuristic society. /p pLike it or not we are like those comicbook X-factor humans bMUTANTS/bbr / to be precise./p pI believe America and other countries like ours are the living enbodiment of the future.b[Normal Mutations is normally a slow process taking aeon or millions of years.]/b America may be if not the first then a modern version of natural selection by humans themselves when they came from all the old world to us the new and the experiment is still in a process of flux. If any readers came from other lands or are born here in the USA, you're already part of this grand X-Periment and even if you move back to your mother country if you are not first generation the genetic dice from generations past has been thrown - inside you are a hibrid, no longer of pure stock, 'um-sorry about that./p pSo American's mutations all. U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, England and France with their rights, also South Africa, Brazil, and others not named are also part of this changling family./p pWe made mistakes this could be the bill to be paid. But we've aged, matured by a quickening because of this, may this begin a true dawming of a new age so America and no other emergin nation go through this. Bye./p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Leroy F. Moore, Jr.

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong*Peace/ Warbr //strong/p p*Do Unto Others/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pbPEACE/bbr //p p/pp"Georgia Georgia on my mind Just an old song"br / br /Bouncing off cream plaster wallsbr / br /Yellow beamin throughbr / br /Toasting my skinbr / br /Po,po,pop sizzling baconbr / br /On a hot greasy skilletbr / br /Sidewalks in ovensbr / br /Beneath the humid city/p pbWAR/b/p pPop, pop sizzling baconbr / br /Turns into boom, boom bombsbr / br /Interupt Ray Charlesbr / br /Late breaking newsbr / br /Sunday church colorsbr / br /Turns to White, White, White/p pbr /White reportersbr / br /White Congresspersonsbr / br /Want my Black, Brown Yellowbr / br /Brothers sistersbr / br /Crips on sidewalksbr / br /Protecting the hood from Uncle Sam/p pbr /Snatching our youthbr / br /For his dirty deedsbr / br /Like a boomerangbr / br /It comes back to hit youbr / br /Unannouce and no warningbr / br /Force to stand behind the manbr / br /Presenting an united force/p p*** /ppbDO UNTO OTHERS/bbr //p pDecades of internal bleedingbr /br / The US has been force feedingbr /br / Imperialist ideals and apple pie overseas/p pClosed our bordersbr /br / Following Uncle Sam’s ordersbr /br / On foreign lands/p pThinking we’re almighty br /br / Don’t need to listenbr /br / No need for elections/p pLike an eggbr /br / The Red White Bluebr /br / Has been cracked open/p pSmelling the rotten yolkbr /br / That lies insidebr /br / Window dressing is not a scab/p pThere is no band-aidbr /br / Big enough to hidebr /br / Our self-inflicted wounds /p pAn external forcebr /br / Have penetratedbr /br / US’s utopian shield/p pRevealing the stench and bloodbr /br / We can’t and wont learnbr /br / Like the Crips and Bloods, US looking for revenge/p pProtecting our turfbr /br / Trading in justice forbr /br / An eye for an eye/p pThe Twin Towersbr /br / Holding economic powerbr /br / While people stand on each others' shoulders/p pTrying to escape the jaws of povertybr /br / All come tumbling down br /br / Next to the Statue of Liberty/p pSeptember eleventhbr /br / The US woke upbr /br / With no utopian makeup/p pStars Stripesbr /br / Have returned homebr /br / To find terror in its own suitcase/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Our National Pride Still A Freshly Cut, Gaping, Wound. Slowly We Are Healing.

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong pbHow do we tell honest, loyal,br / innocent Middle Eastern American'sbr / hurting and angry as most American'sbr / are from others fermenting, chaosbr / and death?/bbr / br / /p pbWho are these sleepers,br / moles, and living weapons primedbr / for self sacrifice forbr / Allah,br / The One True God?/b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe B./p pSoon it will be October but the September 11th. Tragedy is still to close to America, some of us draw back, want to know more, or want to move on. /p pOur Flag is no longer at half mast, which means as an entity our government is getting on with the business of running itself, but for families friends, and many individual citizens there is still a grieving, emotive turmoil, and months, years to reflect, to work through a heart rending, physical process and children of varying ages losing of one or both parents, or friends in a sudden flash of explosive fire, smoke, concrete, metal, and glass. /p pGetting through it should be the main goal, simply getting over it should not./p pThe latter is a mistake of emotional overload./p pWe can step back, have a breath slowly distance ourselves, but not too quickly because if we do, like any mentally ill patient this nation will relive that moment over and over as a deep memory scars that never completely heals echo's onto other generations after us will suffer for what they had no part of and also carry this wound./p pThe nation will heal both slow and quick letting it go as time rubs smooth rough edges, aches of national pain./p pYes, America suffered greatly but this is an international wound as other countries lost leaders, friends, and loved ones ñ it will take time, so let's not get over this one too quick./p pI went about my business at work rewriting letters, mailing some, making coffee, and thinking "what a mundane, ordinary job I've got." But after hearing and seeing the World Trade Center Twin Towers rammed into by three American commercial Jet planes by suicidal bomber with captive American citizens on board instantly whatever I was doing is not worth thinking about./p pImages of New York streets, falling human debris, burning building, loss of firemen, police, and rescue workers trying to save survivors, - being buried by the second tower building falling on them killing many of them at once. /p pPrivately one tends to reprioritized or at least stop and rethink about how frail we human's are in the face of on-going death that couldn't be avoided or imagined by government defenders./p pTrue closure will take many years of inner reflection, self doubt, survivor guilt, triggering different job/career changes, and/or directions people until now have never thought of or imagined./p pThe Market Street Mess Series is still important as working poor, homeless are again pushed aside as this horrifying human event continues unfolding. /p pTime, for me was skewed, out of synchronization since 9-11-2001 and like multitudes I'm reassessing my future, present, and past clearer than I otherwise would. /p pMy thinking while being homelessness, living in a shelter, and now with a regular job is quiet panic. b[ONLY WORKING AT POOR MAGAZINE KEEPS THAT REALITY AWAY]./b/p pI dislike - the personal/political ideology even if it its a logical endpoint of politics. I can think of multiple solutions: br /1) For homeless people, working poor-single or families, many minds acting together, or Critical Brain Mass saving our money to buy cooperative housing, also properties near or around housing is imperative.br / br /2) Join A Collective, b["RESISTANCE IS FUTILE"]/b I couldn't resist - no pun intended. This collective, as I've said before pool their monies together to invest, and reinvest in domestic, national, and international taking 5 to 10 percent for, financial or other needs the rest reinvested by dollar-cost-investing -b [getting more stocks with the same amount or choosing to sell or invest in other items like real estate properties buying them from owners, paying off mortgagees, or resale.]/b/p pI believe real estate or land is whatís needed for weíre always having our rental space bought out from under us because of land speculation, greedy business persons, land owner/developers profit motives./p pbWe Must Co-op, keep our neighborhoods from rampant speculation reselling homes and other properties to each other.br / /bbr / Business people do it all the time among themselves - its our turn now./p pOnly with economic clout can our words and action be heard over the din of cash registers and automatic money counting machines. /p pWe should also get those too, so weíll know exactly how to long we can fight off getri-monied, legal land buying, 21st. Century fat cat, robber barons./p pIf readers have any other ideas of how this can be accomplished inform me please because is seems money speaks to money and ignores human need for human greed. Bye./p pPlease send donations tobr / Poor Magazine or in C/0br / Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br / orgbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Jewnbug

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongbroken arrow n bowbr /br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pbreakin down crystal coated greenbr /br / turmoil of temperment cellsbr /br / evened out on vega leaf or sweet brown paperbr /br / fire burnin smokin risin tickle spotsbr /br / mind states chaos locked away in alienationbr /br / tunes spill from lady day’s gardeniabr /br / when did it beginbr /br / when did it end/p psips grape juice slowlybr /br / forever lickin salty oceans waves puritybr /br / arms spread wingsbr /br / Ho Chi Min knows strategy wellbr /br / u gotta know strategybr /br / in a socratic way 2 survive...2 manifestbr /br / wit out it’s a tragedybr /br / on da battlefield of life n death/p pu r @ sum kind of war everydaybr /br / emotions draw swordsbr /br / thoughts trample soulbr /br / dividin...conquerin... br /br / gainin...losin...refusinbr /br / preparin fo attacks reacts of behaviorbr /br / mapped programmed plannedbr /br / constant ambulancebr /br / policebr /br / helicoptersbr /br / shoutin addicts! br /br / illusioned... wit chemicalsbr /br / we feel ease da pain. br //p pfire trucks rush down gravelbr /br / off 2 save like Jesusbr /br / military of USAbr /br / travels wit preyed on folksbr /br / 2 suit up uni form 2 stormbr /br / tellin dem 2 defendbr /br / a legislationbr /br / a masonic demonic politicianbr /br / World Tradin Center...Pentagon...got bombedbr /br / durin a mornin of comfortin consolin/p pnewz casts u parts 2 playbr /br / panic attacksbr /br / fosterin discriminationbr /br / hate toward Arab Muslimsbr /br / its fucked up Jackbr /br / how Uncle Sam fucks ubr /br / so u know how 2 fuck us good. br //p psymbolisms of capitalism burnbr /br / in mi heart I yearn git excitedbr /br / yet hurt fo da many countless non-expendable livesbr /br / leaks blood thru steel iron pipebr /br / fuel box cutters rumorsbr /br / who did wut n how/p pNew World Order cum 2 mi lipsbr /br / when I speak on da recent explosion in Americabr /br / where da disillusioned thinkbr /br / we r free safe not @ warbr /br / how tricked dey r wit a treat of luxury @ constant Halloweenbr /br / Patriots thro da flag out n upbr /br / az if dey r XIV LNS CRIP SURTRECE BLOODSbr /br / Patriots representing a lie a holocaustbr /br / threaded in stripes stars./p pPeople war iz constant consistentbr /br / can u # WWI WWII WWIIIbr /br / question markbr /br / da world has been @ war since da beginning/p pgive me peace or I’ll git it miself wit da helpbr /br / of many birds freed from a cage of bondagebr /br / in pain madnessbr /br / who ain’t afraid 2 revolt!/p pShowdown!br /br / Wut u gonna Throwdown? /p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Interview with Congresswoman Barbara Lee

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong p Davey D writes the FNV Newsletter. The following is an interview he did with Congresswoman Barbara Lee./p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pYesterday, Monday, September 17th we had an opportunity to catch up withbr / Congresswoman Barbara Lee and talk to her about her decision to castbr / the only vote opposing President Bush's war resolution. Not even herbr / fellow colleagues from the Congressional Black Caucus voted with herbr / on this one. That includes such notable people like Maxine Waters,br / Charles Rengel, Jesse Jackson Jr., Cynthia McKinney to name a few.br / What is this all about?/p pIs Congresswoman Lee out of step with reality and the rest of thebr / country? Or is she ahead of her time? Some people are saying she isbr / unpatriotic for not supporting Bush on this one. They are angry withbr / her to the point that she now needs police protection. Others arebr / saying she did the right thing by not only following her conscience,br / but also bringing to the floor and public discussions, an alternativebr / viewpoint that has been all but locked out of this past week'sbr / conversations. Many are claiming something is wrong with you if youbr / are not advocating war. Here's what Congresswoman had to say...Let usbr / know what you think./p p /pPDAVEY D: They took this vote in Congress about what should be thebr / response to the tragedy this week...and elected to take militarybr / action. In a vote 420 to 1 you were the lone dissenting voice thatbr / said no, we should not go to war./p pBARBARA LEE: First, our nation is in grieving, we're all mourning,br / we're angry; there are a range of emotions taking place. Myselfbr / personally, I am also grieving and I believe fully and firmly that thebr / Congress of the United States is the only legislative body that canbr / say, "Let's pause for a moment...and let's look at using somebr / restraint before we rush to action." Because military action can leadbr / to an escalation and spiral out of control. So, why I voted no, wasbr / one, the president already has the authority to execute a militarybr / action. He doesn't need Congress; under the War Powers Act he hasbr / that authority. But Congress is the people's house, and the Congressbr / is responsible for providing checks and balances, and you cannot justbr / allow the administration to run ahead with a strategy withoutbr / reporting back and without having some oversight./p pNow we must bring the perpetrators to justice. Internationalbr / terrorism is upon us—this is a new world and we cannot make anybr / mistakes in dealing with it. We do not want to see our reaction leadbr / to another reaction which could allow this to spiral out of control.br / So while we grieve and while we provide assistance—and I did votebr / to provide assistance for the families and communities that have beenbr / devastated and also providing funding for anti-terrorist activitiesbr / for securing our own country—we've got to conduct a fullbr / investigation and be really deliberate about how we move forwardbr / militarily. We cannot make any mistake about this, this is anbr / unconventional war and we have to fight it in an unconventional way. /p pDAVEY D: We're talking about the nature of terrorism and whether itbr / could be a tit-for-tat type of scenario if we go out and retaliate andbr / hit the wrong targets or capture the wrong people, the next thing youbr / know we could be involved in a situation where a can of worms has beenbr / opened that we just can't close it up. /p pBARBARA LEE: We don't know the real nature of terrorism in the truebr / sense of the word. We have not invested in combating terrorism thebr / way we should have, which involves many issues. It involves ourbr / foreign policy, it involves multinational cooperation, it involvesbr / diplomatic efforts. It involves pulling all of these verybr / multifaceted areas together to come up with a real way to deal withbr / terrorism. I don't believe we have faced the fact that terrorism isbr / the new war that this country is going to have to fight. We'rebr / looking at putting up billions of dollars for national missilebr / defense. Well, anti-ballistic missiles—that would not have savedbr / the lives or prevented the horrible morning that we saw last Tuesday,br / it just wouldn't have done it. So, we're looking at putting militarybr / money into the wrong areas. We need to look at what this means inbr / terms of securing our country, securing our world, and how to use ourbr / tax dollars toward that purpose. I am convinced that military actionbr / alone will not prevent further terrorist attacks./p pDAVEY D: One of things I'm concerned about is the number of people ofbr / color who will be on these front lines. A third of the army is madebr / up of people of color, because of the economic conditions we're in.br / If we have to go out there and fight a war, how is this going tobr / impact our communities disproportionately—and are we going to havebr / some dire effects that will be with us for generations? /p pBARBARA LEE:Certainly, that's always the case—our communities arebr / always disproportionately represented in the military and we'll bebr / called to serve and fight. Whenever that happens, whomever it is, webr / have to be very careful. We don't want our young men and women put inbr / harm's way. I am a very patriotic person, and I support the Unitedbr / States and our government. And I believe that my support for ourbr / country and for our people dictates that I be prudent, that I not rushbr / to judgment on any decisions, and that we step back for a minute andbr / realize any impact that this could have on young men and women ofbr / color, and all young Americans as we move forward. Fighting abr / terrorist war...I'm not sure our young people are prepared for that,br / and we've got to stamp out terrorism in the world but it's verybr / complicated./p pDAVEY D: I've got the sense that people think that this will be overbr / in a hurry, almost like you're playing a game, and I'm trying to tellbr / people, that this is real stuff. You've got people that havebr / committed themselves to dying, and that's kind of scary. /p pBARBARA LEE: We're all in trauma right now, in a state of disbeliefbr / and mourning. A member of my staff had a family member killed in onebr / of the planes. This catastrophe has touched the lives of so manybr / people. Going back to why I said "No, let's use restraint,"—it'sbr / for that reason. My professional training is as a social worker, andbr / I understand the human psyche, and the community psyche, and ourbr / country's psyche. Right not, were dealing with recovery, and we'rebr / dealing with mourning, and there's no way until we settle in, shouldbr / we deal with decisions that could escalate violence and spiral out ofbr / control. We just all must be reasoned and reasonable about this.br / When we bring these terrorists to justice, we have to be pointed andbr / know what we're doing. The world is a dangerous place. /p pDAVEY D: With all the money that we pay in tax dollars directed towardbr / intelligence gathering, the CIA, the FBI, the racial profiling atbr / airports and the like, how could we have someone come in to thisbr / country, learn to fly from our own schools, and fly an airplane forbr / 20, 30 minutes and not be detected? Was this a breakdown in thebr / intelligence community? /p pBARBARA LEE: Obviously, that money has not been spent properly and Ibr / think that one of the reasons I did vote for the $40 billion is thatbr / there's money in there to really look at how we increase the publicbr / safety of our people in this country, within the confines of civilbr / liberties. We have to find that balance. Protecting the public,br / protecting the country, and not allowing our civil liberties to bebr / eroded. That's where we need to put the funding and resources, andbr / that's why I did support that money. But something went terriblybr / wrong, and we'll see how these investigations go. But we have tobr / insist on a full and thorough investigation. /p pDAVEY D: Do you think with all the concern right now, we will bebr / finding our civil liberties actually taken off the paper altogether inbr / the name of national security? Will people be pulled over, profiled,br / searched more? If I'm a part of an organization that says "Peace notbr / war," will they label me a potential terrorist?/p pBARBARA LEE: Certainly we have to fight against that trend. There arebr / those who would like to see that happen. They will overreact to abr / tragedy and use this opportunity to do just what you said. That'sbr / part of the danger in rushing to judgment. As a branch of thebr / government that's responsible to the people, it's up to Congress tobr / execute our Constitutional responsibilities to ensure that there'sbr / checks on policies that could be put in place under the name ofbr / national security. This is very serious. /p pDAVEY D: You've come from an era of the Black Panthers, from thebr / Vietnam era, when there were a lot of groups that found themselvesbr / subjected to the Cointel policies of the FBI. They were harassed bybr / the various government agencies, from the local police to the CIA,br / their patriotism was questioned. If we don't keep that in mind, dobr / you think it might lead to us just falling in line and maybe notbr / questioning government when we have a right to do so?/p pBARBARA LEE: We better understand the history, and I'm very on top ofbr / my own history with these agencies and I know what can happen. So webr / must be vigilant right now, because under the cloak of nationalbr / security, many of our civil liberties could be just wiped off thebr / floor. There are those of us who are going to fight to make surebr / that's not going to happen, but we're also going to fight to make surebr / justice is served by making sure that the people and organizations whobr / did this are brought to justice. We also have to begin to look at ourbr / foreign policy, our diplomatic efforts, and some of the reasons why webr / don't engage in dialogue with certain countries and individuals andbr / organizations. This is a very complex issue in the US, and we shouldbr / be right now leading the world in showing our children how in the facebr / of adversity we respond and minimize the loss of life. We don't wantbr / to see any more people lose their lives. We cannot tolerate anotherbr / terrorist attack, and we certainly cannot tolerate any loss of lifebr / any more in our country, and anywhere in the world. /p pDAVEY D:Many are painting a picture that, "if you're not with the US,br / you're against us. " They would take a look at your dissenting votebr / and say, "Congresswoman Barbara Lee is not patriotic, she's notbr / supporting the president, she's making it difficult for us to do whatbr / we need to do." How do you respond to that type of criticism? /p pBARBARA LEE:People have said that. And in my response, I tell thembr / that I'm very patriotic. As a citizen, I have the right to representbr / a point of view. That's central to our democracy -- the right tobr / dissent, the right to provide a different point of view that's out inbr / the open, in the full view of the American people. I did not makebr / this decision behind closed doors; I've explained my decision. Ibr / think the beauty of democracy, and one of it's fundamental principles,br / is the right to free speech and the right to disagree. I support thebr / administration in their actions; that's not the point. Their role isbr / this, they're moving forward. What we have to understand, is that thebr / Congress is a body that represents the people in our country. It's upbr / to us to step back and say, "Okay, now we have an additionalbr / responsibility." We must make sure that the president reports to us,br / so that we can report back to our constituents what's going on. Youbr / donut want to not know, do you? /p pCongress has a very critical role in this. So if I am going to bebr / patriotic, and I am, and if I am going to be a good American, which Ibr / know I am, I am going to make sure that our democracy works and I'mbr / going to hold it accountable, and make sure that it works not only forbr / my constituents, but for the whole country. You don't want to rush tobr / judgment while we're depressed and angry and frustrated. That's likebr / herding cattle in one direction. You want people who are thinkingbr / clearly, who are working with the president, and giving them differentbr / ideas and insights. I'm an African-American woman, I'm on thebr / International Relations committee. I have a point of view...as anbr / American...that may be useful when we talk about internationalbr / terrorism. There are many people who have different points ofbr / view...that's America. So to those people who say those things, theybr / better check their own credentials. They may need to become morebr / participatory in our democracy. /p pDAVEY D: That's a key word—participatory. I come across a lot ofbr / people who are waving the flag, but aren't registered to vote. Allbr / this information about foreign policy and our government's role hasbr / been out there, but a lot of people have ignored it until now. All ofbr / a sudden, they're out for blood, and don't even understand wherebr / Afghanistan is and what it would take to defeat it. This is a countrybr / that beat back Russia, a couple of times. It's not going to be anbr / easy haul, and I'm afraid people aren't really thinking long term. /p pBARBARA LEE: Being patriotic at this moment in our history meansbr / participating in decisions about the future of our world. It meansbr / participating in decisions that will hopefully bring us to peace, andbr / ensure that these terrorists are brought to justice and that no man,br / woman, or child, ever gets killed in such brutal assaults ever againbr / That's what participatory democracy is about at this moment. Peoplebr / should feel understand and feel empowered that it's through theirbr / members of Congress that represent them, that they can make theirbr / voice be heard. Not just react, but engage./p pDAVEY D: People would question, would you acting on behalf of Barbarabr / Lee or were you acting on behalf of the Berkeley-Oakland district youbr / represent when you decided to be that lone dissenting vote againstbr / Bush's resolution for war? /p pBARBARA LEE: First of all, this was not a poll-driven vote. This wasbr / the most painful vote I have taken in Congress, really in all 12 yearsbr / that I've been in elected office. It was a grueling experience forbr / me. I have been in many briefings, classified and unclassified. Ibr / have been in so many meetings. I was in the Capitol when the planebr / went into the Pentagon, and we had to evacuate. It's been abr / nightmare. I went through the intellectual process, through thebr / fact-gathering, through the policy analysis, looking through thebr / foreign policy and intelligence and military implications of our move.br / It weighed heavily on me. I was not going to the National Cathedralbr / for the prayer service..because I wanted to continue in mybr / discussions, and reflect on the resolution that was coming up. But atbr / the last minute, I decided to go, that I had to pray over this. Ibr / realized I had to settle down and say some prayers, to try to get somebr / strength to help me through the rest of the week. /p pIt was a very powerful, very beautiful prayer service, very painful.br / I listened to the prayers, and prayed, and listened to the commentsbr / and the sermons. One of the clergy, very eloquently said, in hisbr / prayer, "As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore, " Andbr / at that moment, I knew what the right vote was, and what I had to do.br / So it was a combination of factors that brought me to that place.br / There are very few times when there are votes of conscience that yourbr / moral compass must guide you, very few times that there's some bottombr / lines. And this was one of those times. I talked to my colleagues,br / and believe me, there are many members of Congress who feel as I feel,br / who are raising questions about not having the President report backbr / on military action. People are concerned. I think my votebr / represented my week of deliberations, my discussions, my thoughts, mybr / analysis, and my conscience, and I voted 'no.' I believe it was thebr / right vote. I still say, and I said on the floor that night, "We mustbr / step back." We must allow time for the grieving, and the mourning.br / Congress has got to be the body that says, "Let's use some restraint,br / lets make sure that our actions lead to what we want to accomplish,br / and that's to make sure their are no more attacks on our people and onbr / our country" We've got to make the most deliberate strategies that webr / can that are going to be effective./p pDAVEY D: There's been a number of attacks throughout our country onbr / our Arab brothers and sisters...even on those who look like they mightbr / be Arab. Sadly, some of this abuse has come at the hands of black andbr / brown folks, who have gotten caught up in the wave of patriotism thatbr / has swept the country. What are your thoughts on this?/p pBARBARA LEE: This is very a serious problem. We passed a resolutionbr / on that same night that condemned attacks on Arab-Americans andbr / Muslims and all those who could be under attack as a result of this.br / What we see now is an environment of fear. The worst is coming out inbr / people. We've never had a war on our land before -- other countriesbr / have, the US hasn't. Were vulnerable. When people react in fear,br / what do they do? They turn on each other. The person who looks thebr / wrong way receives the brunt of your anger and fear. So I'm urgingbr / and encouraging young people to please understand that when thesebr / planes crashed into the towers, they killed people of all colors,br / ages, races. creeds. It was an equal opportunity destroyer./p pDAVEY D: It just seems a shame that people who have been persecuted,br / especially blacks and Latinos, who have been the brunt of abuse by thebr / military, are turning around and attacking people in our ownbr / communities. Once upon time Latinos in LA were attacked by US Sailorsbr / in what is now known as the Zoot suit riots. African Americans werebr / at the short end of the stick in numerous situations and scenarios. /p pBARBARA LEE: We've got to pause and understand the moment that we'rebr / in. Moving forward, whether it's on a political level, or in ourbr / communities, against each other, there's some serious implications ofbr / this. If we donut understand that were grieving, we're baffled, we'rebr / afraid, this behavior is going to escalate. I'm trying to help youngbr / people understand who their enemy is and who it is not. In thisbr / moment of all moments, we should be embracing each other. Mybr / constituents are as conflicted and upset in California as people arebr / all over the East Coast and the country. /p pDAVEY D: Do you think when you get back to Bay Area, you'll have somebr / kind of a town hall so that those people that voted you into officebr / can come on down and build with you?/p pBARBARA LEE:We' re definitely going to be holding events in ourbr / community to try and help sort though this grieving process. In termsbr / of future direction, we want to bring some clarity and understandingbr / as to how the Congress should function when we're in a vulnerablebr / state, when we've been attacked and what our role is in terms ofbr / checks and balances. I want to do some education and forums and basicbr / discussions with young people about their fears. I know children arebr / scared about what they're seeing on TV But the way our countrybr / responds to it will ensure as they grow up that they are able to dealbr / with their problems in a way that is appropriate. It's important thatbr / they see that rage and war gets out of control and leads to morebr / violence. We have to be very measured in our response as we go afterbr / the perpetrators of this horror, and make sure that our children knowbr / that in the face of adversity, America can rise up and be the greatbr / democracy that it is, and deal with all these problems immediately. /p pDAVEY D: Have you heard from any high ranking officials about yourbr / vote. Also, Bush has two daughters who are college age...do you thinkbr / that they would be on the front line? How do you think it willbr / perceived if 19 and 20 year olds are being asked to serve this countrybr / and his daughters are still making headlines getting drunk at ratbr / parties?? /p pBARBARA LEE: That poses the kind of questions and dilemmas before us.br / There are many questions that have to be asked..the kind of terrainbr / ahead of us in a country we don t know, how much collateral lossbr / will we be inflicting in terms of innocent women and children? Lossbr / of life is loss of life. The Congress needs to ask these questions,br / force the administration to answer these questions. That does notbr / mean that we, and I, are not unified. I'm sure I will hear from thebr / administration, I'm on the foreign affairs committee. I see Secretarybr / Powell fairly frequently. I haven't talked to him. Hess been fairlybr / measured in his response, I think Hess trying to bring some balance tobr / the policy. But in terms of supporting the President, that Congressbr / has to make sure that he is successful, that any reaction to thisbr / horrible attack does not come back in terms of any spiraling out ofbr / control. If you have nobody to check that, it could be very scary./p pDAVEY D:Congresswoman Lee thank you so much for taking time out ofbr / your day to break it down for us. /p pTo reach Barbara Lee call her at 510-763-0370br / Send comments, questions and concerns tobr / a href="mailto:misterdaveyd@aol.com" title="mailto:misterdaveyd@aol.com"mailto:misterdaveyd@aol.com/abr / a href="mailto:mrdaveyd@aol.com" title="mailto:mrdaveyd@aol.com"mailto:mrdaveyd@aol.com/abr / The FNV Newsletter is written by Davey Dbr / a href="http://www.daveyd.com" title="http://www.daveyd.com"http://www.daveyd.com/abr / a href="http://www.rapstation.com" title="http://www.rapstation.com"http://www.rapstation.com/abr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Dharma

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongDestruction and Warbr /br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p p/pPWar is loss how many morebr /br / The Civil War, World Wars one and twobr /br / Korean Conflict and Viet Nambr /br / How many! br /br / Will we need to see/p pU.S. Soliders swimming in their own bloodbr /br / I have seen enough killings to last for a life timebr /br / Yes, right here in the streetsbr /br / When people are murderedbr /br / by bullets that havebr /br / your name ……… /p pnever an attack on u.s. soilbr /br / human lives were lostbr /br / on domestic landbr /br / but not on our terms/p phere we hold the cause and effects/p pNow we hold the blood stained bannerbr /br / Now for miles in each directionbr /br / Bodies, bones arms, legs, heads, br /br / Hair, teeth of the persons br /br / In the rubblebr /br / Of the world trade centerbr //p pThe twin towersbr /br / Under donebr /br / Fire, fry , flamesbr //p pPeace my brotherbr /br / Rest in peacebr /br / Peace go withbr /br / You my brotherbr //p pHave not we seen enoughbr /br / War in our city streets?br /br / Mother’s has already lostbr /br / her child to the street crime br /br / And prisonbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • News Briefs

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongLocal and global news related to 9-11-01 from alternative media and grassroots organizations and affilitates of PNN/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pbSTOCKS TRADED ON AIRLINES AND WORLD TRADE CENTER BUSINESSES THREE DAYS PRIOR TO CRISIS/b/p p The Chicago Board Options Exchange, the World's largest options market, has joined a widening probe of bearish trades in airline, insurance and brokerage stocks prior to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon./p p Officials with the exchange said Tuesday that they are investigating an unusually high volume of sales "put" options on stocks such as UAL Corp. and AMR Corp. parent companies of United Airlines and American Airlines in the days before their jets were used to destroy the World Trade Center./p pbDANGEROUS CHANGES IN IMMIGRATION LAWS/b/p pThe Bush Administration announced changes in Justice Dept Guidelines that will allow the government to detain indefintely legal immigrants suspected of crimes during a "national emergency" without bringing charges against them. Previously, the Justice Department could detain immigrants for only 24 hours unless they were charged with a crime or held on Visa violatons. /p pbINFORMATION ALERT: ISRAELI ARMY KILLS 11 PALESTINIANS/b/p pISRAEL ATTEMPTS TO USE ATTACKS IN USA TO JUSTIFY INCREASING AGGRESSION AGAINST PALESTINIANS/p pThe Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghousebr / br /12 September 2001/p pWith world attention focused on the shocking situation in the United States,br / Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilian areas have already escalated inbr / severity, with Palestinian groups also fearful that certain Israeli attemptsbr / to exploit the tragedy in America to dehumanize the Palestinians will bebr / used to justify expanding the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land andbr / peoples./p pJenin and its environs in particular are under sustained and serious attack,br / with the death toll from here alone reaching eight. At 2 in the morning, the Israeli army invaded Jenin, and has now placed it under siege, with tanks positioned strategically on hill tops circling the area./p pIsraeli forces are currently shelling the city and refugee camp. Thebr / villages of Qabatiya, Tammoun, and Toubas have come under heavy attack, andbr / it has just been reported that the Israeli army has attempted to stormbr / Tammoun./p pAttacks on the Araba area of Jenin blasted the home of Asad Adaqa, killingbr / him immediately, as well as Waíil Multaq Isaf, and a small girl, Balqisbr / Arda. In Libqaya, shelling from tanks and helicopters killed Tawfiq Abu Sharar,br / Thair Mahdawiy and Shahr Bani Audeh. Israeli tank shelling in Jenin Refugee Camp killed Iyad Al Masri and Ibrahim al Fayd. Three more Palestinians also were killed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip./p pThe Israeli attacks have wounded over one hundred Palestinians, the woundedbr / are in serious threat as the continuous bombardment prevents medical teamsbr / and ambulances from reaching them. The siege on Jenin, isolating itbr / completely from surrounding villages, also means that the injured are unablebr / to reach Jenin hospital for urgently required medical care./p pThe situation is likely to deteriorate: Israeli military troops and tanksbr / already surround Nablus, and there is widespread fear of what moves thebr / Israeli army will make in the next few hours. With attention deflected tobr / the United States, Israel is trying to act with carte blanche in thebr / Occupied Palestinian Territories./p pFor more information, contact Mustafa Barghouthi, 059-254-218, and seebr / www.palestinemonitor.org/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • A. Faye

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong*A Peaceful Warbr /br / *Boot Camp......Melting Pot!br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pbA Peaceful War/b/p pI a Sojournerbr /br / Traveling through the Sierra Mountainsbr /br / Awed by Tree filled skylinesbr /br / Pearly Cloudsbr /br / Along the Truckee River! br /br / Meanderingbr /br / Flowingbr /br / The Highway of Life!/p pThe Greyhound Bus wheels churning! br /br / Going Bumpy Bump de Bump. br /br / Silence! br /br / All the Passengers Relaxed, Peaceful! br /br / Their sounds drowned outbr /br / By the Beauty of the Scenery engulfing us!/p pNothing moving outsidebr /br / Except a Whispery Windbr /br / Flowing silently through the Treesbr /br / The Water of Life/p pSilence! br /br / The Animal Kingdom no longer roam Here! br /br / Deer, Antelope, Beaver, Bears, Wolvesbr /br / Shot downbr /br / Destroyed, by Huntersbr /br / For Profit Pleasurebr /br / The Greedy Search for gold./p pChildren have Perished Here! br /br / Consumed by Devilsbr /br / Demons with a Cannibalistic Nature! br /br / Demons with Blood-Stained Hands/p pWhich brings out the Warbr /br / From within my Nature! br /br / Battling against an Unknown Foe. br /br / My Gray Sidebr /br / My inner Shadow is my Eternal Woe!/p pI am a Warrior Woman! br /br / Running along a Treacheous Riverbr /br / Protecting my Innocence Soulbr /br / Battling against a Demonic Beast!/p pReady to bring out the Blood-Lust in mebr /br / To Protect my Child, Like a Lioness protects her Cubbr /br / Then a Magical shield surrounds me. br /br / Wonder Woman, br /br / All the forces of good evil comes to my Rescue!/p pRescuing me against my invisible Foe! br /br / Truth with my Golden Lasso./p pTraders and or World Traitors and or Investorsbr /br / World Bossesbr /br / Speak out on World Issues! br /br / The Truth is being forced down the World’s Throat! br /br / The Gold Standard!/p pThe People are Dying and Starving World-Widebr /br / For Profit! Stock dividend!/p pRiches Pleasures over Pain, Suffering Sorrowsbr /br / Staying Power in a War Zonebr /br / Biological war-farebr /br / Forced Child Laborbr /br / Argricutural Slavery! br /br / Diamond Fields Wars. br /br / Human Lives mean nothing/p pNo Peacebr /br / For the Animal Kingdombr /br / On land or sea. br /br / No Peacebr /br / For humankindbr /br / Eitherbr /br / On land , air, or sea!/p p***************/p pbBoot Camp......Melting Pot!/b/p pWe all the same color now! Ya hear! br /br / The Political Bosses shout at the Top of their voices. br /br / Radio Americabr /br / Put off your homeless ragsbr /br / Put on the uniforms of your Country. Dog-tag-boys. br /br / Tear down your cardboard houses. br /br / Get an Army tent and Marines Rations./p pRally around the Flag Boysbr /br / Where we can all be Men! br /br / Let's win against our Mutual Enemies, br /br / Who are trying to take away our Freedom. br /br / Your Blood has seeped in all Wars. br //p pFrom the Revolutionary war, Civil war, Viet nam, br /br / To the fight for freedom, liberty and justice for all. br /br / Jews, Negroes, Latinos, Whitemen all. br /br / Let freedom ring. Blink, Blink! br /br / What's the Slogan! br /br / We'll hunt 'em down in all their burrows holesbr /br / Smoke 'em out and send them running!/p pYou know your President has spoken, Boy. br /br / You know the one you didn't vote for! br /br / Or at least tried not to vote for. br /br / Rally around the Flag Boys. br /br / Oh, girls too. You know you got Liberated. br /br / You can grab a gun also. br /br / Equal Rights for allbr /br / Stars and stripes forever. br //p pStars on your Backs! br /br / Stripes on your Backs!!br /br / Buy your War Bonds! br /br / Out your Homeless Checks! br /br / We need everybody's support. br /br / We all the same color now./p pOne Nation under One God, br /br / Freedom and equality and injustice for all. br /br / Keep that Liberty Ball ringing. br /br / The pentagon has been Breached! br /br / Get your Homeless Ass down here and Register. br /br / Like you registered to Vote. br //p pWe will give you a good address. br /br / A burial plot wrapped in the Stars Stripes forever. br /br / With a medal! br /br / A fork-tongued metal, that is./p pBoot Camp America,/p pHey Dude, why do you get to ride in the Cherokee Jeep. br /br / I am closer to an Injun than you ever been, br /br / In facto we are Blood brothers. br //p pHey Sarge, you know I need my Lap Top. br /br / I want my designer "Back Pack," this thing weighs a ton./p pHey Bitch you make my bedroll neat! You were my Whore out there, br /br / You still mine in here. I don't care how high they promote you, br /br / Give me a back rub too and make my money./p pLt, sarge, man! My Cell phone is not working right here in Arab Country, call ATT./p pWhat's wrong with you, You nuts, talking about riding a Camelbr /br / I'll smoke one first, I need my Limo! /p pHey SARGE, I need a little Puff (Pfuff) br /br / This sand is "F"ing with my Hooter, br /br / Hey this Dust is Fuckin with my Syringe. br /br / What about my rubbers. br /br / Hey Sarge! Where is my Woman?/p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • From Berkeley's First Amendment Center

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongCoordinator John Vance offers information, insight, and reading recommendations /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pMEMORANDUM: ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTRY JUNE 8, 1967br / br /Date: June 8, 1997br / br /From: Admiral Thomas H. Moorer/p pI have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a casebr / of mistaken identity. That is ridiculous. I have flown over thebr / Atlantic and Pacific oceans, thousands of hours, searching for shipsbr / and identifying all types of ships at sea.br / The Liberty was the ugliest, strangest looking ship in the U.S. Navy. As a communications intelligence ship, it was sprouting every kind of antenna. It lookedbr / like a lobster with all those projections moving every which way.br / Israel knew perfectly well that the ship was American. After all, thebr / Liberty's American flag and markings were in full view in perfectbr / visibility for the Israeli aircraft that overflew the ship eightbr / times over a period of nearly eight hours prior to the attack.br / I am confident that Israel knew the Liberty could intercept radio messagesbr / from all parties and potential parties to the ongoing war, then inbr / its fourth day, and that Israel was preparing to seize the Golanbr / Heights from Syria despite President Johnson's known opposition tobr / such a move. I think they realized that if we learned in advance ofbr / their plan, there would be a tremendous amount of negotiating betweenbr / Tel Aviv and Washington. And I believe Moshe Dayan concluded that he could prevent Washington from becoming aware of what Israel was up tobr / by destroying the primary source of acquiring that information thebr / USS Liberty. The result was a wanton sneak attack that left 34br / American sailors dead and 171 seriously injured.br / What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they could kill as manybr / Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperatebr / in quelling any public outcry. I have to conclude that it wasbr / Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors asbr / possible. Up to the point where the torpedo boats were sent in, youbr / could speculate on that point. You have to remember that the Libertybr / was an intelligence ship, not a fighting ship, and its only defensivebr / weapons were a pair of 50-caliber machine guns both aft and on thebr / forecastle. There was little the men could do to fight off the airbr / assault from Israeli jets that pounded the Liberty with bombs,br / rockets, napalm and machine gun fire for 25 minutes. With the Libertybr / riddled with holes, fires burning, and scores of casualties, threebr / Israeli torpedo boats closed in for the kill. The second of threebr / torpedoes ripped through a compartment at amidships, drowning 25 ofbr / the men in that section. Then the torpedo boats closed to within 100br / feet of the Liberty to continue the attack with cannons and machinebr / guns, resulting in further casualties. It is telling, with respect tobr / whether total annihilation was the intent, that the Liberty crew hasbr / reported that the torpedo boats' machine guns also were turned onbr / life rafts that were deployed into the Mediterranean as well as thosebr / few on deck that had escaped damage. As we know now, if the rescuebr / aircraft from U.S. carriers had not been recalled, they would havebr / arrived at the Liberty before the torpedo attack, reducing the deathbr / toll by 25. The torpedo boat commanders could not be certain thatbr / Sixth Fleet aircraft were not on the way and this might have led tobr / their breaking off the attack after 40 minutes rather than remainingbr / to send the Liberty and its crew of 294 to the bottom. Congress tobr / this day has failed to hold formal hearings for the record on thebr / Liberty affair. This is unprecedented and a national disgrace. Ibr / spent hours on the Hill giving testimony after the USS Pueblo, abr / sister ship to the Liberty, was seized by North Korea. I was askedbr / every imaginable question, including why a carrier in the area failedbr / to dispatch aircraft to aid the Pueblo. In the Liberty case, fightersbr / were put in the air not once, but twice. They were ordered to standbr / down by Secretary of Defense McNamara and President Johnson forbr / reasons the American public deserves to know. The captain and crew ofbr / the Liberty, rather than being widely acclaimed as the heroes theybr / most certainly are, have been silenced, ignored, honored belatedlybr / and away from the cameras, and denied a history that accuratelybr / reflects their ordeal. I was appalled that six of the dead from thebr / Liberty lay under a tombstone at Arlington Cemetery that describedbr / them as having "died in the eastern Mediterranean," as if diseasebr / rather than Israeli intent had caused their deaths. The Naval Academybr / failed to record the name of Lt. Stephen Toth in Memorial Hall on thebr / grounds that he had not been killed in battle. I intervened and wasbr / able to reverse the apparent idea that dying in a cowardly, one-sidedbr / attack by a supposed ally is somehow not the same as being killed bybr / an avowed enemy. Commander McGonagle's story is the stuff of navalbr / tradition. Badly wounded in the first air attack, lying on the deckbr / and losing blood, he refused any treatment that would take him frombr / his battle station on the bridge. He continued to direct the ship'sbr / defense, the control of flooding and fire, and by his own examplebr / inspired the survivors to heroic efforts to save the ship. He did notbr / relinquish his post until hours later, after having directed thebr / crippled ship's navigation to a rendezvous with a U.S. destroyer andbr / final arrival in Malta. I must have gone to the White House 15 timesbr / or more to watch the President personally award the Congressionalbr / Medal of Honor to Americans of special valor. So it irked the hellbr / out of me when McGonagle's ceremony was relegated to the obscurity ofbr / the Washington Navy Yard and the medal was presented by the Secretarybr / of the Navy. This was a back-handed slap. Everyone else receivedbr / their medal at the White House. President Johnson must have beenbr / concerned about the reaction of the Israeli lobby. The Libertybr / Veterans Association deserves the encouragement of everyone who wantsbr / the facts of the Liberty incident revealed and proper homage paid tobr / the men who lost their lives, to their families, and to thebr / survivors. I have attended many of their reunions and am alwaysbr / impressed with the cohesion of the Liberty family. They arrive inbr / town with their whole entourage grandmas, grandpas, grandchildren.br / They promote the memory of the boys who were killed and I respectbr / them for that. They are mostly from small country towns, probably abr / lot like Eufaula, Alabama, where I grew up, and they represent thebr / basic core of America that has enabled us to be a superpower for sobr / long. These are the kind of people who will make certain that ourbr / liberty and freedom survive if fighting is what it takes./p pBR /POSTSCRIPT BY JOHN VANCE, COORDINATOR OF A FIRST AMENDMENT CENTER/p pi have submitted this information because i am very disturbed butbr / not completely surprised by its revelations. i cannot vouch withbr / complete authority for the complete veracity of this revealing newsbr / but as an individual seeking the truth, i am convinced that thebr / facts contained herein that i have read about the USS Liberty are,br / in my own personal opinion, very highly probable.br / i would say that i would support a Congressional investigation ofbr / this attack on the USS Liberty that has been and is continuing to bebr / called for by the survivors of the USS Liberty attack. i would urgebr / my readers very strongly to visit the USS Liberty website at:br / a href="" title="" pJust as i am horrified and saddened at what has happened on the eastbr / coast to all of the innocent people that have been killed, i ambr / just as horrified and saddened about what i have been learning aboutbr / this equally despicable action. Just as we should seek justice forbr / those whose lives have been taken on September 11, 2001 on the eastbr / coast, so should we seek equal justice for those who may have been sobr / brutally murdered on June 8, 1967./p pno peace without justice,/p pjohn vance, Coordinatorbr / a href="http://www.freezepeach.cjb.net" title="http://www.freezepeach.cjb.net"http://www.freezepeach.cjb.net/a/p p/pPP.P.S.There is also an excellent book that was just written by Jamesbr / Bamford, "Body of Secrets" , that also speaks of this despicable act.br / The specific title of that chapter in the book is "BLOOD" - pgs. 185-br / 239./p p /pPThe cover of the book reads "A no-holds-barred examination of thebr / National Security Agency --- packed with the startling secrets aboutbr / its past, newsbreaking revelations about its present-day activities,br / and chilling predictions about its future powers and reach./p p /pPThe NSA is the largest, most secretive, and most powerfulbr / intelligence agency in the world. With a staff of thirty-eightbr / thousand people, it dwarfs the CIA in budget, manpower andbr / influence. Recent headlines have linked it to economic espionagebr / throughout Europe and to the ongoing hunt for the terrorist leader,br / Osama bin Laden./p p/pPJames Bamford first penetrated the wall of silence surronding thebr / NSA in 1982, with the much-talked-about bestseller "The Puzzlebr / Palace". In "Body of Secrets", he offers shocking new details aboutbr / the inner workings of the agency, gathered through unique access tobr / thousands of internal documents and interviews with current andbr / former officials. Unveiling extremely sensitive information for thebr / first time, Bamford exposes the role the NSA played in numerousbr / Soviet bloc Cold War conflicts and discusses its undercoverbr / involvement in the Vietnam War. His investigation into the NSA'sbr / technological advances during the last fifteen years brings to lightbr / a network of global surveillance ranging from on-line listening postsbr / to sophisticated intelligence-gathering satellites. In a hard-br / hitting conclusion, he warns that the NSA is a two-edged sword.br / While its worldwide eavesdropping activities offer the potential forbr / tracking down terrorists and uncovering nuclear weapons deals, itbr / also has the capability to listen in on global personalbr / communications.br / /pPLike the breakout bestsellers on Cold War espionage "The Sword andbr / the Shield" and the "Shield and Blind Man's Bluff", "Body of Secrets"br / is must-reading for people fascinated by the intrigues of a shadowybr / underworld. As one of the most important works of investigativebr / journalism to come out of Washington in years, it should be read bybr / everyone concerned about the inevitability of Orwells' "Big Brother""./p p/pPJAMES BAMFORD is the author of "Puzzle Palace", a national bestsellerbr / when it was first published and now regarded as a classic. He wasbr / until recently Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World Newsbr / Tonight with Peter Jennings and has written investigative coverbr / stories for the New York Times Magazine, the Washington Post Magazinebr / and the Los Angeles Times Magazine. He lives in Washington, DC./p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Mari

    09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongPeace inside the warbr / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pBoom! Boom! Boom! Ahhhh! pop,pop,pop. HELP! HELP! br /br / Mad terror, all over the world. br /br / FEAR in our cities, br /br / Kaos in our homes, br /br / Buildings that once stood tall, br /br / are now just rubble. br //p pPeople dying, People crying. br /br / Gunshots, Bombing, screaming, fighting, wanting this nightmare to be over! br /br / Digging through the rubble to find my sisters and brothers! br /br / Feeling the dusty, polluted, grimy air go through my body. br /br / No more tastes of happiness, I can just taste sadness. br /br / Praying that this terror will end soon, before I am the next victim under the rubble waitng to found./p pwarm ivory marble walls, br /br / yellow rose curtains, br /br / clear splashing water, br /br / the smell of strawberry fields, br /br / sounds of waves moving back and forth, br /br / cool relaxing water running through my hands, br /br / breathing in, breathing out, br /br / an end to my sorrows.br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Hitting Cop, Dumb.

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong pI'm no journalist./p pIts this "Hit A cop,br / Pay The Price Storybr / that made me write this. /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pA person goes “Tilt” on sixth and Market Street. /p pWednesday, August, 15, 2001. I was returning from Henry George School of Social Science at 55 New Montgomery.br / br /Guess its the wrong day or the classes met earier, I don’t know./p pWhile walking back up Market Street toward my home there is another protest about mistreatmentbr / of women in Columbia./p p A yellow flyer is given to me while walking. /p pSoon as my Apartment buildingbr / looms near my eyes br /silently record images, sights, sounds in a rapid jumble./p pTwo people on the ground under my building one lay unmoving in the street.br / br /A third person in the street roughly assisted into a police van, as police sirens scream past the area where the incident happened coming from every direction. /p pI don’t know if its a shooting or a traffic accident?/p pPolice in controlled panic on foot, in cars not exactly blocking people’s way but br /their strong presence make me pause./p pCops swarm like angry hornets hovering over and near one of their own. /p pMumblings, loud, low talk, whispers, and traffic jams in a frenetic mix of concern, constination, awe, anger, curiosity, and fear. /p pI hear from br /a bystander or street folk and on what happened.br / br /B:“HE WALKED UP TO HER AND PUNCHED HER!”br / br /POOR Magazine:“WHAT?”br / B:“He walked up there and just punched her.”br / br /PM:”Nothing-just...” br /br / B:“Nothin’, that’s what all these cops are here for, that’s what’s this is about?” br /br / B:“NO REASON.”br / br /PM:“You mean he went off-just nuts?br / br /B:“And That’s a Woman Too, They (police) was running people with those sticks. (police baton’s, or night stick)./p pA few black women talk about the incident have lots to say until a young, blond cop in his blue uniform asked br /“Did you see or hear what happened, because you were talking about it a lot.”/p pThe women clam up moving away as the cop goes back to fellow officers. Meanwhile in this socalled reporters on words “I’m tryin’to git home but the cop asking the two black women what they’ve seen or heard changed that./p pI take this as a signal crossing the street then rethink ”Typing this up is what should be done even if I don’t have all the facts. /p pPM:I don’t know what happened yet. br /All I know is somebody hit a cop and the cops went nuts,br / or someone hit a lady, br /then hit a cop, and the cops went nuts. /p pbAll I know is... br /looks like a lot-a’ cops went nuts./b/p pWhile waiting for a bus to write up this story another person looking like a tourist, or an a born ‘n raised San Franciscan spoke up. /p pbr /T/SF:“It was a lady cop, some guy on the street hit her.br / br /PM:"A lady cop.”br / T/SF:“Yeah, and her partner, a guy had a billybr / br / club or night stick and and beat him down.” br //p pPM:“That’s why the cops went nuts - one of their own... ok.br /” T/SF: “Exactly, did you see ‘em they all went right past here, they didn’tbr / stop right here, fifteen cop cars came zooming by.”br / br /PM:“Well, thank you." I said to the man as I got on the bus heading to Ninth and Mission Street to file this report./p pIn POOR Magazine’s office turned on the radio to a KCBS news to hear about a female police officer punched in the face was being taken to General Hospital. /p pPolice have arrested a suspect in the attack.br / She is said to have suffered facial and nasal injuries./p pI know its a jumble of mistakes but it’ll be on the web before br / midnight I just hope other folks on the web who were at the scene can supply POOR Magazine with all the missingbr / bits and beware other law enforcement entities are probably webchecking too./p pI couldn’t think for a few minutes letting it sink in. Random, irrational violence on a police officer. The fact the officer is female makes no difference except by a marginal nuance. /p pIf this person hates both police and woman and had a misogynist two-for one punch out this could seen as a larger problem. /p pThe random brutality is a question that must be dealt with and thisbr / doesn’t mean lock ‘em up-throw-away-key if that happens this could be the tip of br /an angry melting iceburg of more random acts of violence./p pThen again I'm John Shmoo public, what do I know?/p pThis is one confused, tired socalled reporter sayingbr / stay alert, be safe and keep your soft and wetware fluidic. good night./p pPlease donate what can to Poor Magazine orbr / C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St.br / San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email: a href="mailto:askjoe@poormagazine.org"askjoe@poormagazine.org/abr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Shelter Beat

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongPart #3 An Apology of Sorts /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/461/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Michael Lea Morgan/PNN shelter beat reporter/p pLast week’s installment of “Shelter Beat” came out of chaos and created chaos. But not bad chaos. It was good chaos. Good and bad chaos? Man, that is chaotic thinking. But it’s true, there are different kinds of turmoil and confusion. So maybe I should use those words instead, as chaos has come to be a very deep kind of word, even gaining scientific useage (as in Chaos Theory). Okay, so I put some ideas into a folder on the POOR computer (oh, poor little computer, it works so hard) and, because I was really late in getting over to Poor to write last week’s article, POOR’s copyeditors put together an article from those writings and chaos (oh yes, I’m not using that word) resulted. It’s all the copyeditor’s fault!! I never wrote that. Well, maybe I wrote some of it. Okay, I wrote it. But, they put it together and caused all the trouble. Okay, I caused the trouble. And now I feel like journalism is too hard for me; I’m just a simple Louisiana boy. Boy? Yea, right./p pWhat happened was that someone I wrote about last week in the PAES office at DHS read the article, printed it, and showed it to me Then another PAES person came out and talked to me about my characterization of the PAES program. So, I had my first experience of having to be accountable for my writings—being confronted by someone I had writen about in a less than flattering fashion./p pWhat I learned from the experience of having made a written statement of opinion was that no subject or issue is completely black or white, nor can we perfectly present our own viewpoint. So, I will always be careful when putting into writing an opinion which effects the life of another person./p pAn employee of PAES told me that their program is manned by people who care (which, in my opinion is generally true), as though I had written a piece putting PAES in a bad light, which I did not. A GA worker of mine told me she was involved with the design of a new program called PAES and, when I heard what the program entailed, and her high hopes for its success in providing people with access to jobs, training, and housing, I was impressed./p pJust for the record, my PAES specialist apologized for having gotten angry with me; she is a person working under the constraints of DHS guidelines and pressure from clients./p pThere is always a negative side to being positive, because both forces are necessary in a universe based on polarity, like the Milky Way; people working for a utopian world are probably conjuring memories from a universe they recently came from where “It’s all one.” But here there is good and bad in everyone, and that includes not only politicians but also activists and people who claim to be on the side of the poor./p pThe results of publishing last week’s opening lines is a great example of my point: when I went in to see my PAES specialist, she had a print-out of my piece #2 which started out saying that she, “ yelled the words ‘you have no choice, you have no choice,’" at me. A positive became a negative for her when I took a positive action and published her words, and this became a negative for me when a man in a suit came out to talk to me about journalists who make blanket assesments of programs based on the actions of one or two employees (my specialist, by the way, apologized to me later and is, in fact, normally a very polite person). This conversation then became a positive when he went on to reveal to me the positive intentions of the PAES workers who just work under the negatives of guidelines and restrictions placed on them. /p pI agree with him and so had mixed feelings (positive and negative) about the piece I wrote. Not that I had in any way misconstrued the facts, which I did not. Nor were there any overt blanket statements about the PAES program. But I had mixed feelings because of the nature of this universe and how a simple positive action can be turned into a complex negative reaction by bureaucrats seeking only to avoid negative publicity (which means that they want to maintain a positive iimage [whether their programs are truly positive or not])br / /i/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/298/photo_2_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Husayn Sayfuddiyn/p p I am Love Supreme, of everyone I claim. The rich and famousbr / br / - and those of no name – I dog ‘em all the same. I call and they br / come crawling to me on all foursbr / br / Death and Pain’s my front and back doorsbr / br / Cuz’ Cocaine, is my Name, and I pop a cold game. Got no timebr / br / For formality – when you rush to my rush of immortality from a br / figment of lost reality -==Flowing from the mountains of Columbiabr / br / Or Peru – on the Reagan Express –=from CIA - to you!br / br / The things that I’ll do to you will take all the shame from youbr / br / Till all you got coming - is the blame for you. So whatcha’ gonna do?br / br / Cuz’, I have proved myself, Created millions and improved the gamebr / br / Dead gangstas line my Hall of Fool’s fame –br / Come try play around my turf – and suffer the terrible effects of My Murph –br / Like a mad hatter chasing a ghost in my marathon –br / til’ your loot is gone – br / in My Death dealing traps set up in your mind –=by my psychology – br / bending ya’ to my methodology. The world acknowledges my terminology - sobr / br / Doubt me and the things about me – will waste you when my power tastes you - br / Make ya’ kill your brother or clown him into a Sad Sack,br / br / Dis’ your sisters to the gang bang – and down ‘em to the dog br / track..br / br / Cocaine, is my Name, of ill fame coming at cha with a cold game.br / br /br / br / I’ll starve your children to feed my greed, cuz’ I’ll refuse all your otherbr / needs –br / br / I’ll pluck your nerves, and make you bow to me,br / br / Cuz’ I must be served - nothing else but me.br / br / Cuz I’m your mother and father, daughter and son,br / br / Your sunrise desire and sunset, when the rush is done.br / br / You’ll wake up in the morning From your dreams of me.br / br / And before your eyes are open, you will think of me.br / br / Your desire to possess me, will possess you.br / br / And when I’m beyond your possession, what’s left is no longer you!br / br / Cause I’ve got millions of lovers, craving me. =figments of their br / imaginationsbr / br / Enslaved by me – on death’s merry go round – that comes crashing down -br / In my tragicomedy – when you discover that your soul’s my feebr / br / You pay me - you see? With all your life’s energybr / br / In a bone yard ghetto - That don’t have to be!br / br / If you stop your tribute to me Cuzbr / br / I am Cocaine – of ill fame and I run your cold game.br / br / I am Death and Destruction – so listen to life’s instruction about me.br / br / Don’t come trying your luck with me –br / br / Cuz wise men don’t come and try n' fuck with me!br / br / All my followers are dead or dying – children lost and mothers crying –br / br / I am Prince of Thieves Master of Whores,br / br / Mind Bandit – any man’s Lost Cause -br / br / My Name is Fire raging through the ghetto burning soulsbr / br / Leaving your neglected and traumatized children - to pay the br / price of my toll –br / br / Or with the dishonor of your body, and then your heartbr / br / That fails ya’ when the going gets tough ya’ see?br / br / Or a stroke to croak ya’br / br / And earth to cloak ya’ – when you’ve had too much of me Cuzbr / br / Cocaine, is my Name of ill fame; I run a cold game.br / br / I am the Widow Maker – Undertaker of all Ice Men –br / br / The Dung You Attacker – Body Snatcher when you peek inbr / br / My parlors =with your tribute dollars - =Fools who pay mebr / br / And then say slay me – on the altar of my Ice – or say play br / me – for the essence of his life –br / br / My name is Cocaine, of ill fame, and I run a cold game.br / br / Cocaine!br / br /br / br / Husayn Sayfuddiyn/p pHUSAYN SAYFUDDIYNbr / br / a href="mailto:THEQUILOMBO@AOL.COM"THEQUILOMBO@AOL.COM/abr / br / Copyright 1999br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • A Living Evolving Revolution

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong pbHow will our lives changebr / when tiny nudges of Life Extensionbr / gives us more time?/b/p p/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/462/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B/p pAs mere Mortals, death is our friend and foe but what if we become more resilient with self repairing broken bones or if brain tumors is another non lethal concern?/p pHow would any of us feel if by science and technology in the service of extending the quality and quantity of our human life span gave us a bonus to strive for to live and take better care of ourselves? /p pSome weird though logical situations begin to happen, it can be compared to quantum mechanics scaled up to gross human form, here are a few examples. /p pWe already have grandparents in their mid 40’s and 50’s that’s simple their children are having children at younger ages./p pBut in our near futures those same grandparents or children with advantages of medical science may start a new family, temporarily divorce and remarry. Think of Florida with an increasingly healthy, horny popu-lation as the demographic of A.I.D.S. hits the randy elders with more time to spare./p pThe father’s tradition of getting beaten in basketball, football, or other sports by his son or son’s. /p pWhat happens when "old dad" maintains and improves vim and vigor while his wife doesn’t want "second youth" for herself or visa versa? Maybe both chose a "Second Youth serum, pill, or combinations of what Gerontology Mega Pharmaceutical firms offer./p pSon’s still have youth, quickness, speed, endurance, and stamina.br / But after awhile it slowly fades while ‘dear old dad’ and mom keep "busy"br / ‘doin the dirty daily’ for even grown up children the visual idea is a[disgusting, distasteful, visions come to mind]. /p pBut the old guy regains all he’s had before plus his own unique experience?/p pIt becomes difficult for sons to beat their de-aging, ever youth-ening fathers especially for selfish vain ones – it will be up to fathers willing to suffer some humiliations on behalf of their son’s psychological will being./p pSome weird though logical situations begin to happen, it can be compared to quantum mechanics scaled up to gross human forms here are a few more examples. /p pMother’s and daughter’s dynamic change as mother’s, grandmother’s look, act, feel younger compete on equal footing (did I say equal) more like unequal with experience daughter’s has yet to live through./p pThe ratio of Widow’s to Widower’s shift as men finally take better care of themselves. The ‘Women live longer and higher libido at 40’ no longer applies and is less of an advantage or burden as men not only maintain sexual vitality but may be resented by women as men spend time both marrying, playing the field, or going back to school, learning new skills, for careers they never thought they’d live long enough to enjoy./p pBeing young means nothing when women and men in their 60’s to 80’s compete and win any endeavor that requires regained youth./p pIn love and sex youth is alluring at first but over time experience, seasoned romance of mature age makes sex an infinite game where age is an asset, advantage and not a hindrance. Grown Daughters must now make sure their mates do not see to much of their mother or she’ll become baby sitter for her own mother’s and young father in-law./p pIf a woman in her 60’s has the hormones, figure, and looks of a 20 year old her biological age belies her chronological years. /p pYoung women in their late teens or early 20’s are at a disadvantage because age is no longer a relevant criteria. /p pA vivacious, vibrant, sexy senior in her 60’s has learned much that a new young women won’t know as they vainly try looking older or lying about how young they really are./p pChildren of today see their elders not acting their age and hope they’re as full of life when they as old.b(not)/bbr / Few relate. Two seniors playing video games is no longer a tv joke but becoming a serious reality./p pImagine: You who are generation X, Y, or Next, its 2057, are now in your early to mid 40’s or 50’s taking youth-ening treatments, pills, serums, and other medications to keep you fit and strong./p pIts no joke now, you love life extended ‘tech, aren’t you lucky the WW2 and the 60’s generation cracked the genetic code, true and artificial gene therapy-insertion put your life youthful overdrive but some young 2020 Geezers want to stop this and now you know what your great grandparents went through and there still alive, vital, helping you x, y, and next gen’s rebel against a dying government, state system./p pMarried or single Woman or Man you go about your business enjoying your retirement keeping yourself fit with a not to strenuous regiment which is varied enough not to bore you./p pYou jog, swim or lift weights and one day you find you have a constant partner male or female and they are much younger than you./p pThey want you in the best way – you’re married that’s too bad but if you are single then life gets more interesting as young squirts be they boys or girls are after your old, strong, muscular fit female or male form. What do you do have fun, keep it platonic, stay lonely?/p pIt will be a world where age is no longer a bar or factor the only danger is not changing as the youth-then-ing process changes us all./p pAll this is the start of life extension and later true immortality may be another 40, 50 years or more away. If we can make it through this interim process then immortality will be an easier undertaking./p pAs we know there will always be some saying longer life and fooling with certain biological constructs is against God and Nature remember the Stem Cell/Embryo debates?/p pThis is the time to support Life Extension, Anti-Aging, clinics around the country this could be the vanguard of the ultimate ‘Human Race" to see which country or nation state really can keep and maintain their citizens health./p pMay the winning nation get the honors and the people – Prolonged life glory while loser prepare notes to see if they can achieve better results./p pWe’ve know how to kill ourselves, lets learn how to heal, prevent death, and when possible bring people back from death or the brink of it.br / This does not sound radical to me, all we need do is place on a ballot a permanent on-going Anti-Aging, Life Extension, to Immortality Project./p pIt will make both the Manhattan Project , Human Genome, and Stem Cell controversy moot by comparison. It would show humanity moving toward a life centered mindset rather death centered one./p pAnd if politicians can’t see this as an intermediate state: Prolonged –Extended Life Span to eventual Immortality then Guilds of Futurists, /ppScientist’s, Researcher’s Science Minded Citizen’s, Artist’s, and Creative people from all over the world will take it on./p pHow will our lives change when tiny nudges of Life Extension has given a lucky few of us more time?/p pStill mortal, death our friend and foe but we’re more resilient with self-repairing broken bones, brain tumors are another non-lethal concern./p pHow would any of us feel if by science and technologies in the service of extending the quality and quantity of the human life span was give to us as any more./p pThat could be why America is watching China,b [it’s not all about war]./bJapan, and other cultures where aging is grace and not a drag on the population. /p pI don’t know what our future as "young oldsters" or "Boomer Geezers" will be but it must be confronted now or suffer some sort of elder/youth generational war like the ‘1960’s only this time youth will be outnumbered by if not rich but, creative, crafty, experienced campaigners using their vast energies and experience to shut down "minority youth" rebellion./p pWhat do you readers think? How long before a Geritol Generation holds sway over politics, power, privilege, technological innovation and birth control?/p pThis not pie-in-the-blue-sky wishful thinking its happening now!/p pLet’s get off our death cycle and ride a new life cycle. /p pIt will be terrifying at first but this time we as individuals can choose when to get off./p pSo form groups, get together, brain storm, Let’s bC.B.M. this Now!br / C R I T I C A L B R A I N M A S S. This Process NOW!br / /b/p pI know. "He’s a flake." Then get my milk and sugar and don't forget the corn./p pEverybody dies, It’s up to you./p pI made my pitch, tell me what you think? Bye.br / br /Please send donations to br /Poor Magazinebr / br /C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9thbr / br /St. Street, Sanbr / br /Francisco, CA. 94103br / br /USAbr / br /For Joe only my snailbr / br /mail:PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St.br / br /San Francisco, CA 94102br / br /Email: br /a href="mailto:askjoe@poormagazine.org"askjoe@poormagazine.org/abr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Immortal Persona

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrong pbLife Exstension will lead tobr / Immortality someday soon./b/p pbDo We Have an IMMORTAL PERSONAbr / TO COPE WITH IT?/b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pMany of us as young boys and girls either, heard on radio, read comic books, saw movies, tv shows, on the concepts of immortality. /p pIn all kinds of tales from Greece, holy texts of many religions to the Summarian Epic of Gilgamesh, a legendary demi-God King searching the world for immortality./p p The end is wrenching for the mighty hero as he loses Enkidu, a true friend br /equal to him in strengh, courage, daring and fighting prowess. /p pGilgamesh, finds Utnapishtim, an Immortal and living witness to the great flood. /p pUtnapishtim is living proor that Immortality is possible - that if br /one mortal can achieve it others can./p pHe tells Gilgamesh where to find the fruit from the tree of life. /ppThe Demi God King found then loses immortality and must contend with aging and death as ordinary mortals do./p pA modern story teller Harold Robbins B.1912-D.1997br / in what for us humans call a long span he (Robbins)br / wrote about the foibles of the rich, hollywood’s seemy side, struggling men and women escaping poverty anyway they can./p p In his 1984 bestsellerbr / b‘DESCENT FROM XANADU'.br / /bbr / A son of a rich man using his vast inherited and br /br / self-made wealth for life exstenion. /p pBecause of a deep psychological pain he experienced in youth he usesbr / state of the br /art science and technology to keep him young, creates a cloned infant, and in a fight forbr / his life, lover’s, and child learns thatbr / just as it's possible for him tobr / live longer than humankind ever dared dreamed he discovers br /br / true, soul searing, shaking, shattering, life affirming love br /walking away br /br / trading in a longer life span for mortal love and family./p pI read the book twice and felt cheated that this powerfull individualbr / with all the applied science at his disposal gave up potential br / eternity for a cloned infant and love a good woman when he and the love his life could both live longer lives./p pI guess when his psychological block was broken he has br /no reason to feel or use power by 'youthening himself,/p pAll this is to say that I have though about the meaning of life in lots of ways sometimes, fatalist, futile, br /or desperate andbr / bord, or excited that I’m still alive./p pI’ve wondered at our capacity to go through lifes processes knowing that in the end we’ll die young, old, or middle age frombr / accidents, illness, war, or any number life snuffing possibility. /p pWe have learned to deal with death by not seeing it as it looms near./p pBut this time of applied science, blending ofbr / technologies extending our lives gets easier and it does one had to thing of how to use the extra time./p pWe know of suicidal personalities, depressed indivduals, and adrenaline junkies who want to live by doing death defying stunts, feats,br / of weirdness like eating glass, jumping off or across 10 to 20 story buildings with parashute or glider either standard or a specially madebr / “flying squirrel” suits./p pIs there a “IMMORTAL PERSONALITY” I mean minds that see in decades not years? There will be a time not to far off br / when an extended life span will become normal./p p How do people use extra time living by months and years change tobr /thinking, seeing by decades or maybe centuries?/p pI do not think it takes special mental facilities some of us do it now but have to bebr / carefull to stay in the present.br / It will be a gradual mindset. /p pAn immortal or pre-immortal mindset will be like anyone elses they need, want, longer lives not because they have so little time to br /do things its just the principle of getting use to breathing and being alive as long as possible just because they want to. /p pAll of us mortals know that death is our due but a few of us refuse to stick with the norm./p p Be we fat, thin, old, young, smart, slow, creative, or dim bulb it dosen’tbr / matter if we want to live 2-3-15,or 50 decades longer some will do whatever legal, illegal, or quazi legalbr / to get thosebr / extra years on great health./p p They are not daredevils, megalomaniacs, psycotic, or sociopaths,br / br / there part of the mix too./p p The basic Immortality profile might be in all of us but as for the natural death br /folks needing to feel that everyone will die sooner or later an immortal or life exstended br /individual will resist the death process seeing a litteral dead end./p p When the time comes for how one wants to live there will be opposition to stepping into this unknown and at first the long livers will be br /snickered at, made fun of, or even killed as freak chosing long life or short death./p pBut the cosmic joke is those chosing long life will multiply while the death-moded br /dies off as their memes (ideas) fade. /p pSimple evolution the meek may inherit the earth because they want to live apon it using all their knowledge to improve their lot./p pSelfish Altruism enables more people to live longer, lead healthier br /lives so death-wardly moble people cannot overrun the world with only their small worms-eye-view./p pThis could be a long socialogical study on the effects of an emerging life lengtheningbr / culture emerging from a death centered one. /p pIt’s all so vague and sketchy now but it is what is coming a battle of idealogical change andbr / frightened, angry status quo. /p pAs for me if death is a blessing andbr / unending life a curse give me a long, healthy, life br /of complexity and let the blessed stay undisturbed slumbering underground or ashes blowing where theybr / wish to be spread. /p pHow about you?/p pAnd on a weird notebr / The process of embryo creation forbr / infertile couples or lesbian woman wantingbr / children is/was a problem with solutions conservatives don't want to see. /p pthink about it. untold trillions of these embrotic cells were destroyed in clinics all over the country in Fertility Centers by dropping them in medical waste bins, set aside to die naturally, or if frozenbr / are taken out to thaw for 3 or 4 days to die./p pPro and Con, for and against life groups didn't know about these cells dying and now both groups are out to either usedbr / them to help people living or let die because these Stem Cells represent potential lives. /p pDoctor's say "Its unrealistic to expect technology to improve, preserve the lives of early-stage embryos. /p pHuman reproduction is a very ineficent process." Dr.br / Marcelle Cedars, at the UCSF clinic. /p pShades of Mr. Spock, Tuvok,7-of-9, and Q./p pHuman sex ineficent yes, but not expecting technology to improve over time isbr / an illogical br /assumption andbr / short sighted but does notbr / br /take into account todays rapid technical change. /p pIf people don't see ideological mindquakes ahead will then agree with the good doctorbr / at your peril. Some of the above information from by S.F. Chronicle Mon. Aug. 20, 2001 /p pPS. I've only scratched the surface of Life Extention-Immortality bof the ordinary average John Q-shmoo. /b/p pDon't throw junk genes away, we've got spares for a reason folks. bThink On That!/b/p pPlease send donations to Poor Magazinebr /br / C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br /br / San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p p For Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email: a href="mailto:askjoe@poormagazine.org"askjoe@poormagazine.org/abr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongb pOUTSIDE JOB WITH INSIDE HELP?/p/b/strong/p pbMY "MESS ON MARKET ST."br / IS POSPONED BY NEW YORK'S TWINbr / TOWER BUILDINGS BOMBED BY 3br / HIJACKED COMMERCIAL PLANESbr / SUICIDE CRASHES INTO THEM./bbr / /p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/463/photo_1_feature.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pIts crowded, people have a sluggish look or it's just me being sluggish and looking at it through tired eyes./p pSept. 11, 2001, 7:10 am. don't have time, gonna check out something at City Hall about Section 8 housing where 30 percent of my rent money is paid by the Housing Authority allowing one to save parts of your money for whatever extra stuff I may need which in my case us books, clothes, and essential toilettries hurried with washing up, brushing teeth and hair to be at City Hall before 8am. to get a Section 8 application that was given out Monday on September 10th. /p pI hadn't thought of moving but afterwards it seems this would be a good chance of moving into a if not newer building, maybe another area yet still be in San Francisco./p pCrossing Market Street is a blur, I didn't see any people so focused am I on this Section 8 lottery turning of at Jones and Mc Allister./p pI'm thinking efficientcy studio or apartment with a kitchen, bathroom I might have my own room with a view even if its on the 1st. Floor. /p pWhen reaching City Hall by 7:25./p pUsually I pay my rent on time now that I do have a regular job, unless their are unforseen circumstances. /ppIf I get picked that would be great maybe because I don't drink, smoke, or sell any drugs, and play my tv and music low it could help./p pPolice in cars, two or three cops in light tan uniforms blocking the front door turning people away because of some happening in New York./p pAn asian quazi religous group advertizing for followers but I'm walking too fast to see their name. /ppI go back home to call the job and get my message then to 450 Phillip Burton, Federal Court House building./p pThrough automatic revolving glass doors there more police telling me Housing Authority is closed. /ppI'm about to give up when I see 440 San Francisco Housing Authority building near by. /p pAfter picking up an application someone informed me what happended./p p"Why are the Federal Buildings closed?" I asked really getting frustrated and confused. "They blew up the Twin Towers in New York"/p p"What, What-time?"br / "Around about 6am here, A plane man, I was 'lookin at a big old commercial plane hit the building" "Sounds like its on purpose"br / "There a terrorist group...br / "SHIT"br / "Then the Pentagon-one hit that"br / "So it was... a coordinated plan"br / "Yeah"br / "No wonder they closed up, well thank you much because I wouldn't of known."/p p"America's a mother fucker"br / "I think America's behind it"br / "America's got too many people with their war planes and we got to many poor people our days on the streets..."/p p"They spend their money on bombs"br / "Its rediculous."br / "I'm going home to check the news, thanks."/p pAt home I turned on the tv and saw a commercial plane crashing into the World Trade Building and then another crash - slowly both buildings fall one after the other. /p pIt looked like some special effects you see in the movies but this is absolutly REAL./p p I have relatives all over Manhattan, the Bronx, and Long Island, not telling where they'd be going in their everyday lives./p pLooks like Select President Bush and friends can now spend up Social Security for a hugh long or short term war chest./p pI don't know if Marshal law will be considered in New York, San Francisco or other states affected by this terrible horrific chaotic catastrophe. We've been attacked but will we in turn find the true terrorists with the help of Military Intelligence, Interpol, or combined Secret Service Agencies from other allies creating a united front (no pun intended) because if America can be attacked so can other nations./p pIts like some weird comicbook scenario only in real life there is no gathering of superhero's, heroines, real flesh'n blood mortal men and females heroe's will emerge without superpowers doing their best to solve this humanity killing crime./p pI and hope many Pray for all the innocent lives taken in this well coordinated, timed, inside-outside American and foreign aided death stroke. /p pLet's spend cash on artificial intelligence systems that intantly scan for air/land/sea threats and invisible eletromagnetic force field or shields for buildings and personal force shields for individuals or small devices high in the atmosphere changing chemical poisons into clean air while searching for toxins or smart bombs or I.C.B.M.'sbr / b[Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles change them to non nuclear threats and also converting their molecules into harmless water and oxygen./b/p pOh, Dear, God I hope Tuesday, Sept. 11, 8:50 - 9:04 - 9:38, and 10:20am. crashes all over the country./p pHope this isn't a prelude to the Sept. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor-Day of Infamy and Act Of War Scriptl, this is not 1941 all over again... is it?/p pAnd money spent on more bombs, planes, or jell explosives are 'primo investments./p pAny Ideas People Inform because I don't know... What The Hell's Going On? Bye./p pbr /Poor Magazine orbr / br /C/0 Ask /ppJoe at 255br / br /9th St.Street, Sanbr / br /Francisco, CA.94103 USA/p pbr /For Joe only my snailbr / br /mail:PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St.San Francisco, br /CA 94102br / br /Email:askjoe@poormaga zine.org/p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p
  • Bio

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Vlad Pogorelov/p pVLAD’S BIO/p pBorn in the USSR 30 years ago, jumped into the stream and went with a flow of life until landed in the USA. Studied medicine before realized where my true inspiration lied. Worked with the sick and the poor. Edited "Siren’s Silence"—a literary explosion in Philadelphia. Now, live in San Francisco where I defy the insane rents and local ordinances by cruising in the motorhome named "Calipso" together with my dog Marina. Wrote a lot about the human condition, our alienation from being sincere (books of poetry "Derelict" and "Decadent"), and my searching for the extreme love and universal truth. Haven’t found those yet but in the process have met with "Poor Poets." And while my search for the greater and ultimate still continues at full speed, I have discovered that unless we change life around us the way we want it, we’re doomed as humans and artists.br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

    09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    pstrongReViewsForTheReVoLution for all your literary, visual,and audio art needs. /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/467/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby George Tirado/p pI can't tell you how excited I was when I heardbr / that Peter Plate wrote the last book in the Mission Quartet,br / iAngels of Catastrophe/i. What a treat it is to seebr / another angle on such a diverse place, whenbr / "most Americans pay taxes, vote, and think of death asbr / a slice of reality-television they can turn off whenbr / they want to." But not here, not in the Missionbr / District, and most of all, not here in Peter Plate'sbr / Mission./p pThe story is simple—a cop is killed, a pettybr / thief street hustler named Ricky Durrutti is the onebr / the cops are after. Now, put this problem in thebr / middle of the Mission District, add in just the rightbr / amount of Salvadoran gangs, drag queen dealers,br / junkies, hookers and Jewish gangsters and what do youbr / get—Angels of Catastrophe./p pThis book is fast-paced. Not only does Peter Platebr / follow in that great line of noir writers likebr / Dashell Hammett, but he follows a tradition deeply intrigued withbr / San Francisco's seedy darker side. /p piOn the street is another story, every dollar bill is marker, everybr / killing has a witness, and nobody gets away withbr / anything.i/i/i/p p This is a story which is played outbr / everyday in a world where most will never venture, in abr / place which is slowly dying. The killer here isbr / not a person, but it could be it's gentrification andbr / progress. When this is all gone and the Mission hasbr / been replaced by more cop stations and GAP outlets,br / and god-forbid, Niketowns, and the only ones allowedbr / to live here are millionaires, who will remember? Whobr / will find the poetry in the madness to come? And willbr / they feel the same pride as say Lonely boy in thebr / story when he says, "Who do you think rules Missionbr / St.?" He answers himself, "The motherfuckers willing tobr / die for it."/p pThis book is a great read. I suggest everyone find thisbr / treasure and read it. You will not be disappointed./p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

