Our National Pride Still A Freshly Cut, Gaping, Wound. Slowly We Are Healing.

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pstrong pbHow do we tell honest, loyal,br / innocent Middle Eastern American'sbr / hurting and angry as most American'sbr / are from others fermenting, chaosbr / and death?/bbr / br / /p pbWho are these sleepers,br / moles, and living weapons primedbr / for self sacrifice forbr / Allah,br / The One True God?/b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe B./p pSoon it will be October but the September 11th. Tragedy is still to close to America, some of us draw back, want to know more, or want to move on. /p pOur Flag is no longer at half mast, which means as an entity our government is getting on with the business of running itself, but for families friends, and many individual citizens there is still a grieving, emotive turmoil, and months, years to reflect, to work through a heart rending, physical process and children of varying ages losing of one or both parents, or friends in a sudden flash of explosive fire, smoke, concrete, metal, and glass. /p pGetting through it should be the main goal, simply getting over it should not./p pThe latter is a mistake of emotional overload./p pWe can step back, have a breath slowly distance ourselves, but not too quickly because if we do, like any mentally ill patient this nation will relive that moment over and over as a deep memory scars that never completely heals echo's onto other generations after us will suffer for what they had no part of and also carry this wound./p pThe nation will heal both slow and quick letting it go as time rubs smooth rough edges, aches of national pain./p pYes, America suffered greatly but this is an international wound as other countries lost leaders, friends, and loved ones ñ it will take time, so let's not get over this one too quick./p pI went about my business at work rewriting letters, mailing some, making coffee, and thinking "what a mundane, ordinary job I've got." But after hearing and seeing the World Trade Center Twin Towers rammed into by three American commercial Jet planes by suicidal bomber with captive American citizens on board instantly whatever I was doing is not worth thinking about./p pImages of New York streets, falling human debris, burning building, loss of firemen, police, and rescue workers trying to save survivors, - being buried by the second tower building falling on them killing many of them at once. /p pPrivately one tends to reprioritized or at least stop and rethink about how frail we human's are in the face of on-going death that couldn't be avoided or imagined by government defenders./p pTrue closure will take many years of inner reflection, self doubt, survivor guilt, triggering different job/career changes, and/or directions people until now have never thought of or imagined./p pThe Market Street Mess Series is still important as working poor, homeless are again pushed aside as this horrifying human event continues unfolding. /p pTime, for me was skewed, out of synchronization since 9-11-2001 and like multitudes I'm reassessing my future, present, and past clearer than I otherwise would. /p pMy thinking while being homelessness, living in a shelter, and now with a regular job is quiet panic. b[ONLY WORKING AT POOR MAGAZINE KEEPS THAT REALITY AWAY]./b/p pI dislike - the personal/political ideology even if it its a logical endpoint of politics. I can think of multiple solutions: br /1) For homeless people, working poor-single or families, many minds acting together, or Critical Brain Mass saving our money to buy cooperative housing, also properties near or around housing is imperative.br / br /2) Join A Collective, b["RESISTANCE IS FUTILE"]/b I couldn't resist - no pun intended. This collective, as I've said before pool their monies together to invest, and reinvest in domestic, national, and international taking 5 to 10 percent for, financial or other needs the rest reinvested by dollar-cost-investing -b [getting more stocks with the same amount or choosing to sell or invest in other items like real estate properties buying them from owners, paying off mortgagees, or resale.]/b/p pI believe real estate or land is whatís needed for weíre always having our rental space bought out from under us because of land speculation, greedy business persons, land owner/developers profit motives./p pbWe Must Co-op, keep our neighborhoods from rampant speculation reselling homes and other properties to each other.br / /bbr / Business people do it all the time among themselves - its our turn now./p pOnly with economic clout can our words and action be heard over the din of cash registers and automatic money counting machines. /p pWe should also get those too, so weíll know exactly how to long we can fight off getri-monied, legal land buying, 21st. Century fat cat, robber barons./p pIf readers have any other ideas of how this can be accomplished inform me please because is seems money speaks to money and ignores human need for human greed. Bye./p pPlease send donations tobr / Poor Magazine or in C/0br / Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br / orgbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p