Original Post Date
2001-10-01 11:00 PM
Original Body
pbHow will our lives changebr /
when tiny nudges of Life Extensionbr /
gives us more time?/b/p
pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/462/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD
pby Joe. B/p
pAs mere Mortals, death is our friend and foe but what if we become more resilient with self repairing broken bones or if brain tumors is another non lethal concern?/p
pHow would any of us feel if by science and technology in the service of extending the quality and quantity of our human life span gave us a bonus to strive for to live and take better care of ourselves? /p
pSome weird though logical situations begin to happen, it can be compared to quantum mechanics scaled up to gross human form, here are a few examples. /p
pWe already have grandparents in their mid 40’s and 50’s that’s simple their children are having children at younger ages./p
pBut in our near futures those same grandparents or children with advantages of medical science may start a new family, temporarily divorce and remarry. Think of Florida with an increasingly healthy, horny popu-lation as the demographic of A.I.D.S. hits the randy elders with more time to spare./p
pThe father’s tradition of getting beaten in basketball, football, or other sports by his son or son’s. /p
pWhat happens when "old dad" maintains and improves vim and vigor while his wife doesn’t want "second youth" for herself or visa versa? Maybe both chose a "Second Youth serum, pill, or combinations of what Gerontology Mega Pharmaceutical firms offer./p
pSon’s still have youth, quickness, speed, endurance, and stamina.br /
But after awhile it slowly fades while ‘dear old dad’ and mom keep "busy"br /
‘doin the dirty daily’ for even grown up children the visual idea is a[disgusting, distasteful, visions come to mind]. /p
pBut the old guy regains all he’s had before plus his own unique experience?/p
pIt becomes difficult for sons to beat their de-aging, ever youth-ening fathers especially for selfish vain ones – it will be up to fathers willing to suffer some humiliations on behalf of their son’s psychological will being./p
pSome weird though logical situations begin to happen, it can be compared to quantum mechanics scaled up to gross human forms here are a few more examples. /p
pMother’s and daughter’s dynamic change as mother’s, grandmother’s look, act, feel younger compete on equal footing (did I say equal) more like unequal with experience daughter’s has yet to live through./p
pThe ratio of Widow’s to Widower’s shift as men finally take better care of themselves. The ‘Women live longer and higher libido at 40’ no longer applies and is less of an advantage or burden as men not only maintain sexual vitality but may be resented by women as men spend time both marrying, playing the field, or going back to school, learning new skills, for careers they never thought they’d live long enough to enjoy./p
pBeing young means nothing when women and men in their 60’s to 80’s compete and win any endeavor that requires regained youth./p
pIn love and sex youth is alluring at first but over time experience, seasoned romance of mature age makes sex an infinite game where age is an asset, advantage and not a hindrance. Grown Daughters must now make sure their mates do not see to much of their mother or she’ll become baby sitter for her own mother’s and young father in-law./p
pIf a woman in her 60’s has the hormones, figure, and looks of a 20 year old her biological age belies her chronological years. /p
pYoung women in their late teens or early 20’s are at a disadvantage because age is no longer a relevant criteria. /p
pA vivacious, vibrant, sexy senior in her 60’s has learned much that a new young women won’t know as they vainly try looking older or lying about how young they really are./p
pChildren of today see their elders not acting their age and hope they’re as full of life when they as old.b(not)/bbr /
Few relate. Two seniors playing video games is no longer a tv joke but becoming a serious reality./p
pImagine: You who are generation X, Y, or Next, its 2057, are now in your early to mid 40’s or 50’s taking youth-ening treatments, pills, serums, and other medications to keep you fit and strong./p
pIts no joke now, you love life extended ‘tech, aren’t you lucky the WW2 and the 60’s generation cracked the genetic code, true and artificial gene therapy-insertion put your life youthful overdrive but some young 2020 Geezers want to stop this and now you know what your great grandparents went through and there still alive, vital, helping you x, y, and next gen’s rebel against a dying government, state system./p
pMarried or single Woman or Man you go about your business enjoying your retirement keeping yourself fit with a not to strenuous regiment which is varied enough not to bore you./p
pYou jog, swim or lift weights and one day you find you have a constant partner male or female and they are much younger than you./p
pThey want you in the best way – you’re married that’s too bad but if you are single then life gets more interesting as young squirts be they boys or girls are after your old, strong, muscular fit female or male form. What do you do have fun, keep it platonic, stay lonely?/p
pIt will be a world where age is no longer a bar or factor the only danger is not changing as the youth-then-ing process changes us all./p
pAll this is the start of life extension and later true immortality may be another 40, 50 years or more away. If we can make it through this interim process then immortality will be an easier undertaking./p
pAs we know there will always be some saying longer life and fooling with certain biological constructs is against God and Nature remember the Stem Cell/Embryo debates?/p
pThis is the time to support Life Extension, Anti-Aging, clinics around the country this could be the vanguard of the ultimate ‘Human Race" to see which country or nation state really can keep and maintain their citizens health./p
pMay the winning nation get the honors and the people – Prolonged life glory while loser prepare notes to see if they can achieve better results./p
pWe’ve know how to kill ourselves, lets learn how to heal, prevent death, and when possible bring people back from death or the brink of it.br /
This does not sound radical to me, all we need do is place on a ballot a permanent on-going Anti-Aging, Life Extension, to Immortality Project./p
pIt will make both the Manhattan Project , Human Genome, and Stem Cell controversy moot by comparison. It would show humanity moving toward a life centered mindset rather death centered one./p
pAnd if politicians can’t see this as an intermediate state: Prolonged –Extended Life Span to eventual Immortality then Guilds of Futurists,
/ppScientist’s, Researcher’s Science Minded Citizen’s, Artist’s, and Creative people from all over the world will take it on./p
pHow will our lives change when tiny nudges of Life Extension has given a lucky few of us more time?/p
pStill mortal, death our friend and foe but we’re more resilient with self-repairing broken bones, brain tumors are another non-lethal concern./p
pHow would any of us feel if by science and technologies in the service of extending the quality and quantity of the human life span was give to us as any more./p
pThat could be why America is watching China,b [it’s not all about war]./bJapan, and other cultures where aging is grace and not a drag on the population. /p
pI don’t know what our future as "young oldsters" or "Boomer Geezers" will be but it must be confronted now or suffer some sort of elder/youth generational war like the ‘1960’s only this time youth will be outnumbered by if not rich but, creative, crafty, experienced campaigners using their vast energies and experience to shut down "minority youth" rebellion./p
pWhat do you readers think? How long before a Geritol Generation holds sway over politics, power, privilege, technological innovation and birth control?/p
pThis not pie-in-the-blue-sky wishful thinking its happening now!/p
pLet’s get off our death cycle and ride a new life cycle. /p
pIt will be terrifying at first but this time we as individuals can choose when to get off./p
pSo form groups, get together, brain storm, Let’s bC.B.M. this Now!br /
C R I T I C A L B R A I N M A S S. This Process NOW!br /
pI know. "He’s a flake." Then get my milk and sugar and don't forget the corn./p
pEverybody dies, It’s up to you./p
pI made my pitch, tell me what you think? Bye.br /
br /Please send donations to br /Poor Magazinebr /
br /C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9thbr /
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