09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Everyday somewhere all across the world men, women and children are violently abused in someway and/or raped. It is a life altering ordeal that haunts you everyday for the endurance of your life, you're fearful that it'll happen again but when and where the next time, afraid to live, afraid to be happy, afraid the sleep and afraid to stay awake. It is a hell that you constantly live in, I know I've been there most of my life since I was 14 years old and now I'm 45. Every time a woman gets raped in a movie I cringe because it is as if it happened yesterday, everything comes back, when I hear on the news or read it in the paper that a woman has been raped I know how she feels, how she questions herself what did I do to deserve this, I know that feeling of being in the shower trying to wash it away even though you know you can't. I've been there, lived that and still living with it.

    When it happened to me there weren't any help groups that I could attend, there wasn't anybody I could turn too and there was no need going public with it or telling police because you the victim would somehow become the culprit and in most cases that rings true today. If you go to the police their first question is: What did you do to make them do that to you? The second question is: What were you wearing that made them want to attack you? The third question is: Why were you alone, where were you going? The fourth question is: What were you doing out that time of night anyway? And without fail the final and most damning statement is: Well maybe you brought it on yourself....

    What the hell? Are you serious? I have to be interrogated and I'm the victim made out to be the culprit? What a backwards ass society we live in.

    You hear about it everyday somewhere and you shake your head at the things human beings do to other human beings and you start to think what is really going on? Just as recent as yesterday a story was published in the Examiner of yet another rape taken place in the Mission District of San Francisco after last months string of rapes. I have to ask you what are you doing to rectify the problem that's going on in your neighborhood, your community? Are you thinking because it's not you that you shouldn't do anything? If so let me tell you, if a person can get by with something they keep doing it it until they get caught. But think about the people who are affected by these animals.

    So it wasn't you today but it might be you tomorrow or the next day or the next month or next year, it might not be you it might be your child, mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, friend. 

    It doesn't just happen to females it also happens to males as well, the point is it doesn't matter who it happens to what matters the most is that it happens. It is a crime and should be handled as such harshly....

    Laws have to change but in order for that to happen we have to get involved. Responsible men and women have to advocate for those that can't, we have to police our own neighborhoods and communities to make sure this doesn't continue to happen.

    When is enough enough???

    After reading this article hopefully it will tug at your heart and make you want to make a difference. Maybe you're wondering what can I do to make sure that some man, woman and child are safe from this savage way of harming another person? Maybe you yourself are a victim of this vicious act and you need help to move past this horrible event that has changed the outlook of your life, your world.

    I want you to know that there is help for you and there is a way that you can make a difference in your community, it's called getting involved because when you've had enough then change can and will come.

    I would like give you information on how you can help and how to get the help you need.

    The Community Initiatives Program
    at San Francisco Women Against Rape
    offers FREE educational presentations to the community
    Call today to schedule a presentation for your organization church or school.
    The number to call is (415) 861-2024
    website is: www.sfwar.org
    There is also a RAPE crisis hotline at (415) 647-7273
    This center deals with topics such as:
    Sexual Assault & Rape Prevention
    Sexual Harassment
    Healthy Dating
    Information Tables
    Gender Roles
    Peer Education
    Self-Defense Workshops
    Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
    Internet & Technology based Violence
    Domestic Violence
    These services are provided for youths and adults.

    There is also a need for Rape Crisis Counselors and there is training available. If you are interested call (415) 861-2024 ext. 312
    Upcoming training January 24, 2013- March 2, 2013
    This is a 77 hour training class.
    There are also Volunteer Opportunities available for:

    Medical Accompaniment
    Peer Counseling
    Community Outreach

    Stipends are available for Language Advocates
    if you are bi-lingual that is a plus and men are encouraged to get involved.
    You can download the applications at:
    www.sfwar.org/volunteers HTML
    or call the above number for more information
    Make a difference or don't complain if it happens to you.

  • Papa Bear, elder, disabled, panhandler reporter for POOR magazine Monthly Street Report

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Papa Bear, a panhandler and hard worker is being screwed over and abused by the country he fought for in wars so that we can live in "freedom" if that's what you wanna call it.


    Papa Bear is one of the gentilest men I have ever met, a soft spoken and polite person who will talk to anybody who will listen to to him.

    This gentle man has had to resort to living on the street because America doesn't give a damn about the condition of those that leave their families and their own lives to travel to other countries that cry out for our help, yet don't want our help.

    This country in other parts of the world are labeled as "bullies", yet we keep sending our sons and daughters to fight and for what, so they too can come back to what so many others have come back too?...NOTHING.

    The streets are littered with veterans who have gone to war whole and come back less than half of a person. They return to a life that they are unable to resume as if nothing happened yet a lot has happened. These men and women see things they ought not see, hear what they shouldn't have to hear and are forced to do what they thought they would never have to do....that's the end result of WAR!

    War is no longer what they go to or what they engage in, War becomes them. From the inside out everyday. If you thought coming back to Amerikkka mamed and disoriented and having  horrendous nightmares over and over again...what "we" have labeled as "shell shock", flashbacks of war where you see your comrades blown to pieces, where you are forced to drop bombs on innocent people and as Malcolm X stated so eloquently in one of his many speeches "bombs don't have eyes so they don't see the women, men and children/babies these bombs are dismembering killing and maming for life". Bombs don't know the impact it has on the remnants left behind in the aftermath of it's target yet that's what our soldiers do when they go into combat. But what do they come home too? Some don't have a family to greet them when they get back most times years later. Some come back to nothing.


    Being houseless is bad enough but if you thought that was all houseless people had to be concerned about well think again, cause now the new thing which is not really new it's just in your face. That's how the devil is, does it's dirty work on the down low and then when he through man thinks he's got it in the bag he becomes brazen. So Papa Bear's story on Genocide in the 21st Century in 2013 came by newsroom to let us know that something is going on in the city. I have to agree with him on that one. There's an old saying, "what you don't know wont kill you". That's a lie, cause it will. I went on a tour of the city called THE INJUSTICE TOUR I was shocked at what I saw and heard. All I will say is please go you will be enlightened for sure.

     Don't think for one moment that the people in power in this city cares one bit about you cause I can tell you they don't. If you ain't making them richer by the second you don't matter and you need to be exterminated!

    That's the bottom line.


    Papa Bear told us that in the month of January alone "4 people I know in the TL died, not because they were shot, stabbed or overdosed on drugs but because they mysteriously became sick and died from the illness that comes out of nowhere". "It's scary because their symtoms are like mine". "They are really trying to get rid of us". He wasn't able to talk to us for long because the cough was persistant and would not allow him to talk much more.


    Makes you wonder who's next, where will it (whatever "it" is) strike next? We know the air quality is toxic, we know parts of the water and soil in the city are toxic and we even know the food with all this GMO attached to it is toxic. The medicine that they claim will fix you is toxic but what would make 4 people in an isolated area of the city die so abruptly without warning or little warning? GENOCIDE on poor peoples of every ethnicity. They don't want you in the city so if they can't lure you into leaving, if they can't encourage you to leave, if they can't make you leave with a law then they'll resort to killing you, either way you're gonna leave whether it's voluntarily or by force, by any means necessary.

  • Happy Birthday Uncle Al!

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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  • Django Decolonized- PNN ReViewsFortheReVoluTion

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    The current wite-man production Django Unchained opens with the camera’s "gaze" focused on the scarred backs of our Afrikan ancestors walking, shirtless, in a moonlit night. The scars are a cheap cinematic device meant as a visual reference to the violence of chattel slavery. This was a mere Tarantino footnote barely intended for a fleeting glance by the distracted movie goer. But these kinds of images cut my heart in half with a sharp edge razor. With each scar moving in the filmic moonlight I heard the songs, tears, cries, screams, flesh and blood of so many unseen, always remembered, victims, survivors and spirits of the horror story known as chattel slavery in Amerikkka. Which is why Tarantino had no business making this movie.


    The horrible image of their scarred flesh had another unintended impact, as a metaphor for the media and media-makers who exploit the descendents of slavery in movies like Django. Considering Tarantino was assuming a stance of hipster alternative meets spaghetti western Tarantino style - where almost anything is supposedly possible the truly “alternative” opening shot would have been with a camera gaze resting on the backs of a shirt-less, whip-scarred witeman- the backs upon whom the legacy of torture and the profit of chattel  slavery and its sickness should be held-with reparations, anger and action- but this was a rich wite man produced movie and so the Afrikan man held the burden once again.


     After  the opening credits, we see these are enslaved ancestors in leg irons walking shoeless through a desert. Within minutes, an eccentric wite-man, Christopher Waltz shows up to "save" the day, calling upon the embodiment of centuries of settlement workers/social workers/non-profiteer saviors who arrive in an empire/capitalist created setting of oppression and profit to "save" the very people they have been complicit in the destruction of.


    Through the agenda of the eccentric, German settler/colonizer played by Christopher Waltz, one of our tortured and brutally enslaved ancestors played by Jamie Foxx, is "freed" by agreeing to a  “deal” which is to murder people for hire. Without so much as a moment, the desperation of his and his families’ enslavement as a backdrop for the values he holds that might not jibe with murdering people, the Jamie Foxx character agrees, kill or be killed, seems to be the “deal”. Bringing up years of the prison industrial complex “deals” where a plea bargain is “offered” to a wite-supremacy defined “criminal” for their freedom. This saving also emulates the many social workers and agents  of the non-profit industrial complex who provide service to peoples they profit from.

    In a few more scenes we meet the cartoon character of “Stephan” Samuel l jackson. Played to comic perfection, complete with black-face make-up, Uncle Ben side-hair, and code-switching brilliance, his character is the personification of Amerikkkan hegemony. The genocidal power of hegemonies destruction of human compassion and agency is alive in Stephan, the father of the security guard industrial complex, the doorman, the probation officer, the warden, and the cop, he the recipient of so much genocidal hegemony as to make him the powerful defender of the system to which he is “owned”. Being called a wite-man’s property while he is actually runs the entire plantation and protects the brutality perpetrated on him and his brothers and sisters.


    His character was played without nuance, one dimensionally horrible, reminding me of the security guard of color who might earn a whopping $8.00 per hour and yet believes that it is his proud duty to arrest and incarcerate one of his brothers or sisters if he is caught stealing a loaf of bread or the police officer of color who participates in the slaughter of young men and women if they happen to be walking, running, standing or living while black or brown in Amerikkka.


    I believe in some ways his character was the most fleshed out because that kind of two-faced, duplicit evil is the backbone of the Hollywood plantation system. Rife with wite-supremacy, overt racism, rape, molestation, pedophilia, substance use, patriarchy and fetishization for hire. This is the world that killed Whitney, Marilyn and Corey Feldman, witened Michael Jackson and Jennifer Lopez and endlessly uses and throws away thousands of children and adults who you never see and never will hear from.  It is the world you must live in and pretend to love, if you are Quentin Tarantino, Samuel  Jackson and Jamie Foxx. I was born and raised there, was houseless and po’ there, mama was racialized and hated there and thank Creator, we barely got out, alive.


    It must be said, that all the critiques about this movie are right- from an Afroc-centric perspective this movie is so wrong for so many reasons, but from a Hollywood, wite-supremacist entrenched and informed perspective, making any movie about slavery in Hollywood is not easy.


    Quentin Tarantino is an artist, in that wite-man, shock for shock sake, nothing is sacred way that many of his ilk come from.. Believing his own hipster-mythos that he is “conscious” just because he hires people of color, and makes movies on subjects like Django, without even so much as a hint of reparations discussed. If he was truly “conscious” as he believes himself to be, he would have done all the phone calling, booshie lunch-having, pitch-making, and thought pimping necessary to do a movie centered on the issue of slavery in a wite-supremacist plantation system like Hollywood and then given it to a black film producer and director to make the movie. But he is not. And so we have, to paraphrase the writer Ishmael Reed, a film about wite-people who run the system reflected off of Afrikan people’s suffering.

    Finally, in my humble opinion, beyond all else, what is wrong about this movie is the desecration of the spirit. The spirit of our sacred stories, our pain, our suffering and our resistance. When Spike Lee said it was disrespectful of our ancestors, he is right, these stories are our stories, this pain and this herstory is our pain,  they do not belong to some spaghetti Western hipster interpretation, and to truly free our broken, exploited backs we must continue to resist the re-telling, re-writing, hipster conscious revisioning of our herstories,


    After witnessing and living through as much pain as this mixed race daughter of a strong black Indian mama has, I have come to understand the depth of colonization and its disrespect of not only our collective backs, our hands, our stories and our lands, but most of all our spirits. That these colonizers whether they be the banksters, sheriffs, po’lice, the politricksters, the media-makers or the saviours, they ultimately use us and confuse us so that we don’t’ understand the crucial aspect of our own sacred. And that in that holding and protecting of our sacred is our healing and our teaching and our liberation. That our ancestors stories and lives and resistance efforts cannot be bought and sold and traded and lost through the endless exploitation they receive, that we must hold these stories to our chests, we must write these books and film these movies ourselves, and no arty, self-absorbed hipster wite-man can take them away from us. And the media colonization will continue only as long as we allow it.

  • SuperKKKop Comes to Oakland

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Editors Note: After a marathon meeting on January 22nd,  that saw an attendance of more than 500 Oakland residents and nearly 4 hours of public testimony, the Oakland City Council voted in the early hours of Wednesday morning to move forward with spending $250,000 on a contract to hire controversial police consultant William Bratton. As well, POOR Magazine believes that not only should there be no Bratton, but that we as poor peoples of color in resistance we should Never engage with any Po'Lice/plantation forces.

    William Bratton is not the best choice for Oakland in terms of Law Enforcement and crime reduction strategies. His “stop and frisk” law enforcement strategy targets poor people and people of color in the United States and in other countries. Bratton is a consultant with the private international security firm, Altegrity Risk International, serving as a Chairman of a new division where he consults with security for police departments worldwide. Bratton states that racial tensions and distrust of the police are hindrances to reducing crime.  Many are concerned with racial tensions, police brutality, racial profiling, and distrust of the police. Like most people of color, I reject Bratton.
    On Tuesday, January 15, 2013, the Oakland City Council chamber was filled to capacity.  It was a "Special Public Safety Committee" hearing to discuss the possible hiring of William Bratton as consultant to the distrusted and embattled Oakland Police Department. 
    If Bratton is hired by the City of Oakland, Oakland Police Department could implement his selective discriminatory policy against Black and Brown, people of color, and minorities.
    Masses of people gathered outside Oakland City Hall giving speeches and protesting against the hiring of Chief Bratton. The public got fired up and the room was standing room only for item 4 on the agenda.
    Item 4 was a recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing Oakland's City Administrator to amend the contract with Strategic Policy Partnership, LLC in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) to hire a consultant to put in place a much needed short-term crime fighting strategy and a citywide reduction and Community Safety Plan (12-0231).
    Why does Oakland need an antagonist racist like William Bratton, to conceive a public safety plan coordinating a multi-agency programmatic and law enforcement approach to violence and crime prevention?
    According to Critical Resistance.Org, Bratton is a “tough cop”. Bratton "relies heavily on the controversial Compstat crime tracking system which has been used to manipulate data to justify repressive police strategies. Bratton favors gang injunctions, curfews, anti-loitering ordinances, stop-and-frisk, aggressive ticketing and harassment as policing tools which disproportionately target young people, people of color, and poor people. He recommends breaking up policing jurisdictions and decentralizing the police chain of command. Bratton's zero tolerance policing relies on racial profiling. Stop-and-frisk not only relies on racial profiling, but has also resulted in complaints against cops for harassment, brutality and other misconduct which have skyrocketed. In early January 2013, a Federal Judge found that stop-and-frisk violated Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. Gang injunctions destabilize neighborhoods, compromise people's civil liberties, give police overly broad authority to label people as gang members, and have no proven track record of stopping the kinds of harm they claim to.
    Who is William Bratton? From the LAPD website I was able to find this information. "...He led the development of CompStat, the internationally acclaimed computerized crime mapping system developed by the NYPD in the 1990s and now used by police departments nationwide. By bringing all crime and arrest data together by category and by neighborhood, CompStat revolutionized policing, enabling officers to focus their efforts in problem areas, armed with real-time information, accurate intelligence, rapid deployment of resources, individual accountability, and relentless follow-up..." (LAPDonline.org). Does Bratton's law enforcement strategy reduces crime by repressing Blacks and Brown people of color?
    I do not stand with Police repression. Although POOR Magazine has a solid No Po'Lice engagement ever policy, I agree that societies need Police, but police MUST be good police force; men and women in uniform with morals and integrity to serve communities public safety needs. Law enforcement is extremely necessary, but Police abuse is not necessary. I reject Police tactics that violate people's Constitutional rights, freedom, privacy, civil liberties, civil rights, and human rights. My experience was never too extreme. However, I had good and bad experiences with the Police. In all instances I was the victim. Police can be biased and negligent, particularly when dealing with a person of color, primarily, a Black man, African, or people with accent foreign to them. Some Police might think I am dumb and do not know my rights, those police officers are wrong and underestimating me. I heard so many stories from immigrants who had negative experiences with the police, and they fear police, in most instances. I prefer not to quote anyone as they do not permit me to do so.
    If you have the characteristics I described above relating to accent and appearance of being an immigrant and person of color, police usually tend to profile you and may label you as dumb; someone who doesn’t know anything and you might end up be treated any kind of way. I went to college here in the United States, studied the California Penal Code, Constitutional Law, earning a degree in Criminal Justice. If a Police officer or anyone underestimates me and may think I'm a foul or stupid, they are wrong and heading to an unpleasant surprise because I know my rights and do all I can to the best of my abilities to not break the law, either intentionally or unintentionally. I was feeling it in Oakland.
    Why Oakland Chief of Police, Howard Jordan, needs some old white man to travel from far way to come to Oakland to tell Jordan what to do? Chief Jordan got heckled. That guy, Jordan is pathetic. Chief Oakland’s City Council is going to adopt something to fight crime eventually, but who knows what that will be?
    I witnessed firsthand what democracy is all about.  I saw what people's power is supposed to mean--an overwhelming rejection of racist William Bratton's law enforcement policy, his destructive comprehensive crime reduction strategy that ultimately will target Black and Brown young men in the City of Oakland if implemented. Bratton's crime reduction tactics is backed by uncle tom Chief of Oakland Police, Howard Jordan. "Do you prefer a tough on crime policy that increases violence and death in the streets by shooting, and so on, or do you prefer restorative justice?" asked one speaker.
    A speaker who chose to be anonymous, told me, "it would be nice to see Oakland PD planting trees in Oakland to help the environment than to harassment Black men in the streets of Oakland with Stop and Frisk. The community would love the police if they start doing things like helping the community, not killing Black and Brown kids! They, most of the COPS, do not even live in Oakland. White racist supremacist rednecks---fuck them COPS, she continues! We do not want fucking William Bratton here in Oakland! Shit... look at what he did in New York and Los Angeles to the Black community, it did not improve crime situation. He will make crime go even higher if they hire this racist son of bitch here in Oakland. Why should the taxpayers pay one quarter of a million dollars for this guy to come up in here to commit injustice against Black and Brown folks?" She asks.
    Another speaker had completed his 2 minutes for public speaking, and he said that he was going to use the time of Oscar Grant killed by OPD officer. The speaker also said that he was going to use time of others who got killed by the COPS.
    There were as many as 83 speaker cards. Many speakers shared their time with other speakers who did not have enough time to finish his or her statement. Many of them were having similar concerns: "racial profiling by the Police may increase, don't hire Bratton; Oakland does not need more consultants to make OPD more effective. Stop the mass arrest of Black and Brown for the prison industrial complex, stop harassing, killing of Brown and Black young men. Stop police brutality. Use the money to benefit the community by investing in our children and other social programs, jobs, education, etc. We hate killer Police fuck you OPD!" Speakers were saying.
    The debate has not ended.  It was approved unanimously to send the matter to the full Council to discuss and vote on Recommendation was to adopt a resolution authorizing The City Administrator to amend The contract with Strategic Policy Partnership, LLC In The Amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). BUT, there was no agreement on staffing, meaning who To Hire As Consultant to Put In Place was not decided at January 15, 2013' meeting. There was an outpouring of disagreement and discontent among members of the public regarding bringing in William Bratton to Oakland. Many people attending the meeting were insulted that the City of Oakland even considered Bratton in the first place.  
    Should Oakland’s City Council Adopt the BrattonWasserman Oakland Police Department Proposal?
    I  interviewed a person identifying herself as CAT from Onyx Organizing Community. She told me that 15 murders in Oakland in two days, 250 k for William Bratton is not okay. She said there is no data that more COPS reduce crime because we live in a culture of violence. Instead of expending money promoting more injustice for Black and Brown, we should invest in education, jobs, etc.
    Chief Howard Jordan wrote a letter to the Community on Tuesday, January 15.  He writes: "Much needed and public conversation has recently occurred regarding crime reduction strategies and best law enforcement practices. Given the seriousness of crime in Oakland, my efforts to increase safety through prevention, intervention and enforcement are needed and expected. It is my obligation to use lawful tools, respectfully and professionally, to police within our communities. This is why it is important for me to address the issue of "Stop and Frisk," a concept that is often mischaracterized or poorly explained..." (Howard A. Jordan Chief of Police).
    "...Furthermore, as Chief of Police, I am committed to police practices that build community relationships and trust; I firmly believe that every police contact is an opportunity to create understanding and worth in the eyes of the community. "Zero-tolerance" policing is not a strategy I employ or find valuable to these ends. Strategies and enforcement developed from objective evidence, intelligence and data should focus on those individuals or groups deserving of law enforcement’s attention, and not on community members who happen to be proximate..." (Howard A. Jordan Chief of Police).

    Folo Santome is a graduate of POOR Magazine's PeopleSkool/Escuela de la gente in revolutonary journalism and an Afrikan brother in Diaspora

  • Tricia and Raul: Forever Seeking Justice*

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Eldership and Home
    I was born and raised in Bernal Heights in a nice, big family house. I’m the youngest of six siblings. When we grew up, all of my siblings got married and moved on. I stayed at the house with my husband, Raul, and our three children. For 25 years, I paid rent, maintained the house, paid the bills. I helped take care of my elderly Mother and the children. I used to work for the airlines, and the federal government. I supported the whole house because I could. I didn’t even blink. I supported my Mother and my brother (when he lived there) because I could, paying rent and bills for over 25 years.
    Pushed Out
    After my brother moved back in, a different brother started getting jealous thinking that if my Mom died I would inherit the house. The housing market had boomed and the house was starting to be very valuable. He started telling the other family members that I wanted to steal the house from their Mom. My siblings made a plan to get me out. 
    First, they wanted me to sign a month to month rental agreement. That was insulting. I had a verbal agreement with my Mom, and had paid rent every month for 25 years. I was deeply hurt and offended they wanted me to sign this. I just wanted the respect and acknowledgement that I could be trusted to continue paying rent like I had every month for the past 25 years. I told my siblings ‘I’m not gonna sign that’ and I never did.
    At the time, my rent was $600. In February, I wrote a check for $450. My Mother, who was also the landlord, cashed the check on February 5th. I was going to pay the rest of the $150 as soon as I could. 
    Under rent control in California, if you make a payment of any amount- partial rent- you can’t get sued that month. I was protected under Rent Control. My family sued me for non-payment of February rent. They gave me a 3 day notice for $600. I only owed $150 on February rent and I had the cancelled check to prove it.
    They took me to court. I knew that I had the cancelled check to prove that I had made a partial payment on February rent and that I didn’t owe $600.  I had a clear cut case, so I decided to represent myself. I asked for a dismissal. I didn’t want to waste the court’s time. The law was on my side.
    They hired a lawyer. Judge Suzanne Bolanos presided over the case. She was the head appellate Judge. 
    I said, “Your Honor, I don’t want to waste your time or the jury’s time. I have proof that there is no basis for their case.” She ignored what I was saying. She never mentioned the cancelled check. She denied my motion to dismiss. 
    The jury deliberates based on a verdict form. All the questions for the verdict form were based on the rental agreement, and I didn’t even sign it.
    I said, “Excuse me, You Honor, I object to that, I didn’t even sign that.”
    She ignored me.
    It’s amazing how I lost. The case was based on slander. No due process. No fair trial at all. I was sued for non payment of rent and I had proof of rent.
    I was evicted from my house of 30 years.
    Appealing for Justice
    I got a lawyer to appeal the case. When I went in to tell him about the case, I said don’t judge me, it’s a case with my family. He said “I’m not judging you, I’d sue my father if I had to.” He was one of those die hard lawyers. 
    He took the case pro bono. Now, 90% of appeals are settled out of court. They never go to trial. He took the case because he saw ‘ca-ching ca-ching’ - because I had the law on my side. If I got a settlement, he would be paid out of that money. But I wasn’t in it for the money. I wanted respect. I wanted justice. I wanted the case to be dismissed.
    The Judge didn’t believe we were that kind of people, not in it for the money. She said you gotta ask for money, you gotta do this out of court.
    The case wasn’t dismissed. 3 judges affirmed the first decision.
    When I got the verdict I was crying. I said “How could this happen? Are these judges just protecting each other?” The lawyer said “Sure they are, they aren’t gonna go against each other.”
    Why didn’t somebody tell me? Why did I have to learn that the hard way?
    My lawyer was pissed off because we hadn’t tried to get settlement money. I guess because of lawyers ethics he couldn’t tell me beforehand that, even though the law was on our side, the Judges were protecting each other and they wouldn’t go against the first ruling.
    My rights were violated. I was kicked out of my home. My lawyer just said, “Yeah, well look at all the work i did for you and I didn’t get anything.”
    The same lawyer represented us for the second appeal, pro bono. He and his partner filed a brief that just stated the law. They made the point really delicately - not blaming the judges.  They said that the judge had made an error.
    Everyone’s scared of fucking judges. This was not error. The judge maliciously over and over broke the law. there is nothing about how she treated me in the whole case that was an error. I said, “Excuse me, You Honor, this evidence is pertinent to the case. And she said (paraphrasing) “well, you asked for a jury and they voted.” 
    The second appeal took one month. The decision was affirmed again. 
    Bolanos is the head judge for the appellate court. The other judges work under her - they are not going to rule against her.
    The 4 judges that upheld her decision are just as guilty as her for breaking the law and covering it up. For violating my rights.
    Because of these decisions, my life was destroyed. I was living on the street in a uhaul truck with my 3 kids. I was treated like an animal in San Francisco. 6 months in the shelter in a little tiny room with the kids, treated like animals. 
    My family stole everything out of my pockets. My credit got ruined. I lost my car and i’m still making payments even though it got booted for tickets.
    Still Seeking Justice
    My life has been violated, my kids rights have been violated. This corruption has to stop. This is not just for me personally - this is not only about us this is about other people’s rights too.
    It was my son’s birthday four days after we got thrown on the street. I have pictures: we’re unloading a truck after being evicted from the home we lived in our entire lives. My childrens lives have been destroyed too. Money can not pay for the time and hurt we’ve suffered. My whole life has been swept into a tornado and the tornado hasn’t ended yet, its still spinning.
    We will never give up. We are on a mission because we need to expose the corruption in the government, not only for us, but for other people. other peoples rights are being violated. We’ll never stop looking for justice.
    *all quotations in this piece are paraphrased
  • Chairman Fred Hampton Assaulted by Emeryville Po'Lice

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Apparently the State is not happy with the fact that Chairman Fred Hampton of the P.O.C.C. and B.P.P.C is building bridges and doing work in Oakland with like-minded community organizations dedicated to improving life conditions for oppressed, repressed and terrorized citizens in the city of Oakland and beyond.

    Tonight, at approximately 4 pm, the Chairman and three of his comrades were trailed by police into the Target shopping center in Emeryville, just outside of West Oakland. Initially, they were stopped by two Oakland Police vehicles (IN EMERYVILLE). The police flashed their lights and ordered the passengers to both put their hands up and roll down the windows. As this was occurring, another 10-12 police cars arrived and blocked off the entire parking lot.

    The passengers were separated and one of the sisters in the vehicle was pulled from the car, slammed against a Police SUV and her arm twisted. Her arm was so badly injured that an ambulance later took her to a nearby hospital. BEFORE THE COP HAD EVEN OPENED THE CHAIRMAN'S WALLET, HE SAID "Are you still at the same address in Chicago?" THEY KNEW WHO HE WAS BEFORE THEY PULLED HIM OVER. THIS IS A CLEAR INDICATION OF HARASSMENT IN RESPONSE TO POLITICAL ACTIVITY.

    When asked why they were being pulled over, it was explained to them that a robbery had occurred in which a cell phone was stolen and the phone had been tracked to the Target parking lot. NOT THEIR CAR BUT THE PARKING LOT. The Chairman pointed out that there were some 300 additional cars in the lot and so why their car but received no answer.

    The police then brought the supposed 'victim' of the robbery to the scene and paraded each one of the passengers in the Chairman's vehicle in front of a bright light for the 'victim' to look at. S/he identified no one.

    Following this, the police attempted to just walk away as if nothing had happened. The Chairman and additional passengers requested and received the Sergeants name and are planning to file a formal complaint.

    It should not be overlooked that last month, the Chairman sat on a panel examining the MXGM report "Every 36 Hours" that focused on the execution of Black men, women and children by police, security guards and vigilantes every 36 hours in Amerikkka. Additionally, last week the Chairman joined hundreds of community members in speaking out against the hiring of William Bratton as a consultant to the OPD at a City Council Public Safety meeting. It should also not be overlooked that a follow up City Council meeting to address the Bratton issue was to scheduled to be held the following day

  • Journalism Can’t Teach Friendships (Thank you for all the interviews throughout the years.)

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Journalism Can’t Teach Friendships (Thank you for all the interviews throughout the years.)

    This is not a Q&A
    More like conversation
    Building relations
    Having fun in the creation

    No unequal balance of power
    Respecting each other
    Throw out objectivity out of the water
    Intelligent questions brings us closer

    You guide me
    And vice versa
    I listen you speak
    And vice versa
    Give & take

    Going there not pushing u over
    Revealing things that's been hush hush
    We both feel comfortable there's no rush rush
    Exchange numbers when it comes out I'll call u up

    In your own words no journalistic filters

    Deep conversations
    Should be the basis of journalism
    Can't teach that in classroom academic education
    It must be already in you as a person

    Sometimes we must unlearn what we learned
    To have conversations beyond I
    That turns an interview
    Into see the person eye to eye

    This poem is for all
    The interviewees that enriched me
    With their conversations
    That led to deeper friendships

    Leroy Moore Jr.

  • Police Abuse in Berkeley: One Indigenous Man's Experience with Police Abuse of Authority

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    “I’m innocent,” said Tekpatl (aka Albert Haedinger). As poverty scholar at Poor
    Magazine, I met Tekpatl on October 2nd 2012 in Poor Magazine’s Community Newsroom. I was shocked to hear about his violent experience with UC Berkeley Police. Therefore, after I was assigned the story I began to research the case. Albert Haedinger alleges that he was legitimately on campus when he was beaten by two police officers. According to Mr. Haedinger, the officers violated his civil rights, and violently attacked him.

    At the Newsroom, Mr. Haedinger handed me a flyer that reads "UC Berkeley Police Abuse of Authority" on one side. In that flyer I could see a lot of blood on his legs and on his T-shirt. Also, it appears that Mr. Haedinger was handcuffed. The other side was titled "Brutalized Twice: Police Beat Native Man and Now Want to Give Him Three Strikes!"

    Mr. Haedinger told me that everything happened in the Spring Semester of year 2012, on March 3rd to be exact, between 3:30-4:00am, when UC Berkeley Campus Police brutalized him. According to Haedinger he was volunteering his time to teach Berkeley students about their culture and traditions. Haedinger told me that he got up to gargle his mouth in the communal bathroom because of a throat infection, and someone had probably called police because the person(s) thought he was a homeless person trespassing the premises. The UCPD officers targeted him while he was in a bathroom stall; when they requested his ID, he returned to the room he'd been staying in, and attempted to communicate this to the officers. The officers ran after him, and as he entered the room, one officer held him down while the other beat his shins with a baton multiple times inside the dorm room. I was skeptical of the police story.

    I contacted the University of California Berkeley for verification. I received contradictory statements. One, from UCB's Office of Public Affairs, said, “Mr. Haedinger was not a guest on campus…” Another, the UC Police Department's Community Relations, stated “...received a call from a staff regarding suspicious person on site. Two officers responded… the suspect was uncooperative and started punching at the officers. The suspect did not identify himself as being a guest on campus.” Furthermore, UC Campus Police alleged “the officers did not target the suspect in a random search, the officers were called to the scene by a campus staff. The suspect was arrested. UC Campus Police say that the suspect may had been a guest on campus, but he did not let the officers know about it.” Community Relations of UCPD told me that a Police Review Board concluded there was no misconduct based on their own internal investigation.

    I requested to see a copy of the police report and the UC police refused. My understanding is that Haedinger is currently being charged with resisting arrest, serious bodily injury to an officer, disturbing the peace, and obstruction of justice. Recently, the accusation of serious bodily injury was added, in exchange for battery of a police officer.

    I wonder, if Mr. Haedinger was handcuffed, and if there are no witnesses to Haedinger laying a hand on anyone, how can the police report be consistent? Did the police who alleged being seriously injured walk around like nothing happened to him? Because the prosecution is also bringing up an 18 year old case from North Carolina, can it reinforce readers' understanding that the whole story is not credible? Mr. Haedinger told me that he was wrongfully convicted in North Carolina, and the District Attorney is trying to use it to prosecute him under the "famous three strikes" law, thus threatening him with life in prison.

    In California's 2012 election, Proposition 36 was approved by the voters and made a change in the "Three Strikes Law." It revises the three strikes law to impose life sentence only when the new felony conviction is "serious or violent..." (http://ballotpedia.org/).

    I received several letters in support of Albert Haedinger during the course of writing this article.

    The Sacramento Native American Health Center writes that Mr. Haedinger has been “extremely active in his community.” This letter reads that Mr. Haedinger has been a mentor to many men and women in the Warrior Down reentry support program. Warrior Down is a peer-to-peer support group that helps secure employment, provides educational opportunities, and helps people connect with emotional, mental, physical, cultural and spiritual resources. Mr. Haedinger has been a model for other members in our community. Mr. Haedinger is an outstanding father to his daughter and son to his parents.

    Mr. Haedinger’s daughter wrote another letter: “…He showed them (the police) his ID, but they beat him anyway. It was painful for my dad to walk. He didn't deserve it. My dad also told me if he got locked up he would lose his job. I would never want my father to loose his job, or anybody else. My father also participates in my one sport - soccer. My dad also takes part in my schoolwork, too. He comes to the parent conferences, and if I need help with any homework he takes his time to help me. He also takes me to my dentist appointments, which is very caring. My dad pays for my phone….I love my dad and I would never want anything bad to happen to him. I really care about my dad.”

    A third letter of four pages is from Albert Haedinger' parents. They write that Mr. Haedinger is a very caring and devoted son who helps them immensely considering his dad is 97 years old and his mom is 83 years old. They said they depend on Mr. Haedinger for a lot of assistance. They also said they know that Mr. Haedinger helps out in the Native community.

    Mr. Haedinger informed me that he has carried a 4.0 grade average since 1999 till the present. He has received honors certificates over the years, and his most prestigious certificate was awarded in 2010, in Business Law. Mr. Haedinger said he has been employed by the State of California for 5 years now, with excellent progress reports from his supervisor.

    Mr. Haedinger also said he has not had any police contact since he was released from probation.

    If you would like to help Mr. Haedinger, please join him at his upcoming court date:
    January 28th, 2013. Time: 8:45a.m. Location: Alameda County Courthouse, Wiley W. Manuel, 661 Washington Street, Oakland, CA 94607. To express your opinions on this case, call Alameda County Deputy District Attorney John Creighton, direct line 510-268-7500, reception 510-272-6222. Tell him to drop all charges against Albert Haedinger.

  • PRESS RELEASE Krip-Hop Nation Mini-Concert/ Honoring Blind Joe, The Joe Capers Legacy Feb 14-17/13

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    When: February 2013 Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Feb 14-17/2013)
    Where/Venues: SF Main Library-The Latino Room, Mental Health Consumers Concerns (Concord), The Living Room Project (West Oakland) & Eastside Arts Alliance (East Oakland)
    Feb 14th Mental Health Consumers Concerns (Concord, CA) Time TBA
    Feb 15th SF Main Library-The Latino Room 1-4pm & Eastside Arts Alliance (East Oakland) 7-9pm
    Feb 17th The Living Room Project (West Oakland) 7:30-10:30pm

    What: Musicians and poets with disabilities come together as a coalition named Krip-Hop Nation, for a Bay Area Mini-Concert and to honor the late Blind Joe Capers. The concert will feature a mixture of music from Punk, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Spoken Word to Rock. A panel of speakers will explain Krip-Hop and talk about why Krip-Hop Nation is important. Musicians and poets will tell their stories about dealing with the entertainment industry underground and living in the community as an artist. A sneak preview of an upcoming documentary about the late Joe Capers aka Blind Joe who worked with Oakland CA Hip-Hop artists like MC Hammer, Tony Tone Toni and more, along with a multi-media presentation with audio interviews and a slide show of over one hundred pictures of Krip-Hop artists from around the world will round out the program. This event is about more than music. It will be an arena for advocacy, education, building cultural activism through artistic expression and coming together.

    Fezo Madone – Lives Boston, MA & Sacramento, CA.USA and is a hip hop artist/activist determined to use his mic and his feet, to turn the hip hop community and the perception of his disability upside down. Jones is the President and CEO of SoulTouchin’ Experiences. His farewell offering, Vocal Tai Chi will be out soon.

    Joy Elan is from Oakland and Berkeley, CA. She received her undergraduate degree in African American Studies at UC Berkeley and her graduate degree in Education at Stanford University. She is currently working with urban youth and raising her daughter in the San Francisco Bay Area and is an author of, Signs of Life: Past, Present and Future and a well-known Bay Area Black Hard of Hearing poet.

    Lateef McLeod – Lateef McLeod is a phenomenal black poet with cerebral palsy who just published his first poetry book entitled A Declaration Of A Body Of Love this year. He is also in process of writing a novel tentatively called The Third Eye Is Crying. He was also a cast member of the 2007 Sins Invalid performance and the 2011 artist-in-residence Sins Invalid performance entitled Resident Alien.

    Lee Williams – Lee Williams is a disabled African American activist, artist, poet, songwriter, singer, athlete and father. Lee performed with the late Celeste White. He played Porgy in George Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess at the Black Repertory Theater in Berkeley, CA and has appeared on the big screen in, Made in American that featured Whoopie Goldberg and Ted Danson. His CD of spoken word & music, Phase V, came out in 2006. Lee Williams lives in Antioch, CA.

    Enajita Pela Enajite Loicy Pela is a disabled queer woman of color musician, poet, writer and activist. She has been playing music in the bay for 8 years, and has finally landed like-minded musicians. Eni writes lyrics and composes songs through blues, jazz, and soul rock all mixed up with the facts of life as a disabled, queer, woman of color.

    Vivi T - a Bay Area-based poet with POOR Magazine's and Advocate with the Homeless Action Center in Berkeley, has been slappin' rhymes since her early days as a recording artist in the U.K. and today, performing with POOR Magazine's Po' Poets Project throughout the Bay Area and beyond with what she describes her poetic style as 'floetic', a droppin' n' poppin' poetry style, speaking on struggle and truth.

    Leroy F. Moore Jr. is a Black writer, poet, hip-hop\music lover, community activist and feminist with a physical disability. He has been sharing his perspective on identity, race & disability for the last thirteen years or so. He is also the creator of Krip-Hop Nation (Hip-Hop artists with disabilities and other disabled musicians from around the world) and produced Krip-Hop Mixtape Series. Leroy is currently writing a Krip-Hop book on musicians with disabilities from the Blues to Hip-Hop .

    Contact: Leroy Moore kriphopproject@gmail.com (510) 649-8438

  • Peligros en la Frontera / Dangers On the Border

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Espanol sigue/ Scroll down for English

    Por lo Amarillo del cielo, pienso que eran las seis de la tarde cuando nos reunimos en una casa hermosa. Aproximadamente eramos 50 personas mujeres hombres y niños , No podíamos dormir porque  los coyotess  nos dijeron que velaremos pues nuestra vida corría peligro, en cualquier momento se aparecen los narcos  y si  se duerme lo matan nos dijeron los coyotes.

    Todos le pedimos a Dios  que  nos cuidara de los hombres  malos  y de los animales que nos quisieran hacer daño.

    Aunque de todos modos  el ingambre de zancudos , Nos tenían en alerta por  los sumbidos en nuestros oídoss.

    A las  cuatro de la mañana emprendimos el viaje caminamos entre milpas  y pastos.  El rosillo de  la mañana  nos mojo la ropa cuando la oscuridad desapareció nosotros estábamos  en la orilla de un rio el coyote nos dio una bolsa plástica a cada uno para que metieramos nuestra ropa, Todos en coro le dijimos "que dices nos vamos a quitar toda la ropa? Porque y para que ?"

    El dijo, "es una orden quieren vivir o morir que no saben que la ropa mojada pesa y es fácil que el río los arrastre o se hundan en el"  dijo el coyote

    Yo no me la quería quitar por vergüenza de que toda esa gente  viera mi cuerpo. Pero desde Guatemala yo traía un justan o fondo como le llaman otros  como pude me lo puse mientras me quitaba el pantalón cuando el coyote me vio  me gritóo yee guerra quitate eso o no pasas dijo y como yo muchas mujeres llorando se quitaban la ropa , El volteo sin medir consecuencias, pero el agua me cubrió asta el cuello y en ese momento me asuste cuando el coyote y la gente gritaron "porque lo hiciste estupida que no ves que tengo que medir el agua primero con esta vara para ver su profundidad" dijo el coyote pero yo ya no podía salir entonces todos como rebaño de vacas cruzamos el rio bravo.

    Al estar en el otro lado dijo el coyote "ya estamos en Estados Unidos, Pero tu guerra tienes que esperar mis órdenes no hagas estupideces si quieres llegar a San Francisco  mira lo que acabas de hacer fue un milagro que no te hundiste te hubieses matado sola ,por algo soy el guia" dijo el muy enojado.

    Yo aprendi la leccion cuando el dio la orden que corrieramos entre los espinales estaban los carros esperándonos.

    Ami me metieron en una cajuela con cuatro hombres más yo sentía como si todo mi cuerpo estaba amarrada con lazos por lo apretados que íbamos pero en mi mente estaban mis hijitos pues no quería que se quedaran sin mamá o sea sin mi.

    Después de un largo rato nos metieron en la una ventana  de una casa rodante donde había como 80 a 100 personas el vano parecía un chiquero  estaba sucio como un drenaje  pues había de todo desde pipi asta vómitos.

    Y se imaginan el olor que se sentía parecíamos pollos en granja.

    Gracias a Dios y a mi hermano Edgar que mandó el dinero y esa misma noche salimos de alli lo malo es que  uno de ellos dijo alguien viene y nos escondimos por unos 15 minutos masomenos.

    Y la luna se perdió entre las nubes negras.

    Todos afligidos caminamos porque la luna era la unica guia que traiamos pues el coyote dijo nosotros vamos al lado contrario de la luna y no se veía nada caminamos sin dirección  toda la noche y el día siguiente y otra vez la noche yo sentía que mis piernas estaban dormidas por tanta fuerza en el pantano y el dia siguiente mis fuerzas se fueron deteriorando porque no había comido dos noches y un dia todo ese tiempo sin comer porque como dije antes  un hombre de Veracruz me ofreció su ayuda pero a cambio de sexo pero como yo no quise le puso sudor saliva y moco alas tortillas y me las dio  por eso yo no comí  se las regrese por la cara.

    Cuando la noche llegó nos reunimos con  el otro grupo  que salió la noche siguiente pues ellos no se perdieron como nosotros , Ellos llegaron antes y estaban sentados y con sonrisas , Yo quize hacer lo mismo pero ese momento todos empezaron a caminar me sentí quebrada porque no pude pense descansar.

    Seguí  caminando y llorando mi cuerpo se estaba deshidratando mas y mas  pero  me corazon sonrio cuando a lo lejos vimos una luz tan pequeña como la de una luciérnaga pensabanos que estábamos cerca de la ciudad

    pero el coyote dijo si no se apuran no llegaremos antes de las 5 de la mañana  dijo y apenas eran como las ocho de la noche pero esa luz nos motivo a seguir pues entre mas avanzamos mas grande se veía  la luz sabemos que nos estábamos acercando pero como a la una de la mañana mis piernas ya no me respondieron empeze  a pedir ayuda como cuando un niño empieza a caminar y nadie me ayudo no pude levantar los pies sentía como si hubiese pegamento en la tierra mis pies se sentían  tan pesadas como un quintal de papas en cada pie cada vez más pesado hasta que caí como un árbol por la tormenta allí tirada segui pidiendo ayuda y nadie me ayudaba eran como 60 personas y de todas ellas nadi Ni si quiera el coyote que estaba ganando como cuatro mil dolares me ayudo el dijo lo siento pero por ti no voy a perder todo que te coman los animales hasta aqui llegastes dijo y se dio la vuelta y se fue.

    Ese momento mis ojos se bañaron en un mar de lágrimas saben lo que llego a mi mente mis hijos  mi mamá llore si claro que llore mas cuando escuche los lobos a lo lejos. Intenté levantarmee pero no podía pues la gente ya había caminado sobre mi como si hubiese sido un objeto o un papel que no sirve pero en ese momento llego a mi mente el nombre del ser más poderoso del mundo Dios llorando le dije padre perdoname se que te e fallado pero te amo y te necesito , Levante la mirada al cielo y en la luna llena vi una cara y escuché una voz que me dijo levántate seguí llorando y le pedi perdon por confiar en los hombres y no en El y le dije si tu me ayudes a llegar a aquel lugar  yo te prometo servirte hablar de lo que tu hiciste en mi vida y de nuevo escuche la voz diciendo levántate y van hacia la derecha sentí una mano sobando la cabeza  me levante  y no me dolía a nada corri  y los alcance cuando estaba enfrente del coyote el me grito que haces aqui tu estas muerta dijo  yo le dije fijate que no porque Dios mi padre me ayudó después de eso  llegue Huston  pero aun allíi estaba en peligro estuvimos encerrados en una casa por una semana parecíamos puercos de engorda porque nos daban comida por montones para engordarlos luego las que venimos para california nos separaron y nos llevaron a otra casa allí nos estaban obligando a tener sexo con unos hombres que les decían los gordos y el flaco fue traumante todo esto  pero aun no se compara con lo difícil que es hablar con Obama y convencerlo que de una amnistía para todos parece que el es mas dificil que todas estas cosas que tuve que pasar al cruzar el Rio Bravo.


    Ingles Sigue/English Follows

    The  sky was yellow and it was six in the evening when we met in a house about 50 people, men, women and children, could not sleep because we were told by the coyotes our life was in danger  meaning in whatever moment if a drug trafficker showed up we could be killed.

    We all asked  God to take care of us from bad guys and the animals that to wanted to hurt us.

    At four o'clock we started our journey we walked through the fields and pastures in the morning we wet our clothes when we were on a river shore the coyote gave us a plastic bag  and told everyone to take off our clothes, or if we wanted to die he said didn’t we know that wet clothes weighed and we could easily be arrested since it could slow us down. 

    I did not want to expose my body and have everyone see it. But from Guatemala I brought a joust or background as they call it and as I could while I took off my pants. many women were crying at they took off their clothing.

    We crossed the Rio Grande and upon arriving on the other side the coyote said we were in the U.S. The Coyote told me to not do any stupidities if I wanted to get to San Francisco.

    I was put in a trunk with four men but I felt like my whole body was tied with rope so tight.

    After a while we got went through  a window of a mobile home we were about 80 to 100 people and the place was a  pigsty it smelled of urine and vomit. I felt like I was in a chicken coop.

    Thank God my brother Edgar actually deposited money that  night which allowed us to leave that horrid place. 

    All walked afflicted because the moon was the our only guide and it had disappeared in the grey clouds. We walked all night and the next day I felt that my legs were asleep due to the fact that for the past two days I had not eaten. A man from Veracruz offered me food but for sex in return, but i put sweat, saliva, and mucus on the tortillas he handed me which he just ended up giving me but I did not and threw them at his face. 

    I felt broken because I thought I could not rest I kept walking and my body was crying and become weaker more and more but my heart also smiled when we saw a light far but small and

    thought we were close to the city. The coyote said we would not  arrive before 5 in morning and it was just eight in the evening but that light motivated us.  At about one o'clock in the morning my legs felt like they were stuck, like glue was stuck. And I kept asking for help but no one would help me. The coyote came to me and said he was sorry but he was not going to rin all of this for me. He told me the animals were going to eat me, and with that he left. That’s when my eyes were bathed in a sea of tears I started crying and crying and in my mind came my children my mother . I called on the name of the most powerful in the world, God. Weeping I asked the father to forgive me and I love you and missed you I apologized for trusting men and not him and said if you allow me to reach my goal place and I promise to serve you in my life and the I heard  a voice say you get up and go as I felt a hand rubbing my head. Sudenly I was able to get up and run. I ran and caught up with the group and the coyote told me I should've been dead and I told him that God thad helped me. 

    We came to Houston but still there was in danger being locked in a house for a week like pigs being fattened. We then came to California separated us and took us to another house. There we were forced to have sex with men they called the fatty and skinny. But all this was traumatizing but does not compare to what it it to talk with Obama and convince him of an amnesty and it seems very difficult harder than anything i have gone through and i have crossed the Rio Bravo. 

  • PNN-TV: Youth Skolaz R IdleNoMore @ Flashmob in SF Mall

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    The yells in my ears ring my eardrums like an alarm clock (kkkkh).  Get our!  Get out!  I hear the sound of the hegemony security guards of the Westfield mall in San Francisco trying to get us out of the place on their big bullhorns. 

    My brother Luta Candelaria keeps on singing.  I like that guy,  As we are pushed out on the bare Market Street.  I hear the chants of idle no more and I hear the voices of the security guards behind us with their arms out saying, “Get out of our property!” 

    Since we had a protest in Sacramento on Saturday January 26th well…I was not there but I heard some of the junior wanna be cops talk about how we should all be in Sacramento right now. 

    The  idle no more chants are still in my ears so I start to chant too, fists up.  Everybody together,, we are a family, all the familiar faces, some I don’t know, but we all stand as a native community by the time we are out on the urine filled sidewalk. 

    We started to dance.  It wasn’t a round dance actually we were not all dancing.  Only one person was dancing.  We stayed there for about a minute or so then we crossed the street so we could have a bigger dance. 

    Tiburcio- 9 years old,, Prensa POBRE/PNN

  • Audio interview with Damon Lamar Fordham, "Samuel Smalls: The Forgotten Man Behind ‘Porgy & Bess.’”

    09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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    Leroy interviews Damon Lamar Fordham, author and professor about the story of Samuel Smalls aka Porgy in his book, True Stories of Black South Carolina,where he talked to the family of Samuel Smalls at his upcoming talk at U.C. @ Berkeley, CA on Feb 8th 7pm (Details below).  We also talked about his other books and a lack of disability history in African American studies and more.  Come out on Feb 8th/13 @ 7pm on UCB campus, EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">310 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley  Below are more details


    EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">Porgy’s Stories: Race, Disability and Representation A Roundtable
    Friday Feb 8 , 7 pm, 310 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley

    Please join us for food and drink (think crab and other Catfish Row treats) and lively discussion when a group of experts who have fascinating things to say about Porgy and Bess and the histories behind it welcome our guest of honor, Charleston-based author Damon Lamar Fordham. Sponsored by the Disability Studies Program, UC Berkeley.

    Where: 310 Dwinelle
    http://www.berkeley.edu/map/maps/CD34.html (Please read the directions below).


    Damon Lamar Fordham, "Samuel Smalls: The Forgotten Man Behind ‘Porgy & Bess.’”

    Historian Damon Lamar Fordham is the author of multiple books on African American history in South Carolina, including Mr. Potts and Me (Charleston: Evening Post Books, 2012) Voices of Black South Carolina: Legend and Legacy (Charleston: History Press, 2009), and True Stories of Black South Carolina (Charleston: History Press, 2008).

    Todd Carmody, "Porgy and Prehistory: The Port Royal Experiment."

    Todd Carmody is an ACLS New Faculty Fellow in the English Department at UC Berkeley, where he is currently writing a book on disability and the social geography of race in the postbellum United States. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, Callaloo, and Criticism.

    Leroy F. Moore, Jr. “Poetic Porgy in the Reality of Today.”

    Leroy Moore is a Black writer, poet, hip-hop\music lover, community activist and feminist with a physical disability. He is the creator of Krip-Hop Nation (Hip-Hop artists with disabilities and other disabled musicians from around the world) and is currently writing a Krip-Hop book on musicians with disabilities from the Blues to Hip-Hop.

    Anthony Tusler, “Porgy’s Long Journey.”

    Anthony Tusler is a writer, consultant, trainer, and advocate on disability issues and disability culture. Founding director of the Disability Resource Center at Sonoma State University, he helped launch a number of disability-related nonprofits. He has published an article specifically on Porgy, in New Mobility.

    This event is wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, please contact Susan Schweik at sschweik@berkeley.edu, 510-292-0589

    Directions for Dwinelle Hall: Dwinelle Hall is notorious for being hard to navigate. In order to find the room we suggest that you follow the directions below. 1. Enter campus via Sather Gate, which is located near where Telegraph Avenue meets the Berkeley campus. After going through the Gate and crossing the immediately following bridge, the first building on your left will be Dwinelle Hall. Enter through the doors off the big plaza. 2. This entrance to Dwinelle Hall is on Level D. To the right in the main hall, there will be an elevator. Take it to Level F/G. Alternately, you can take the stairwell directly opposite the elevator. 3. Once you have exited the elevator, follow the room numbers to 310. (Dwinelle Hall has two wings, North and South. In the North Wing of Dwinelle, rooms are numbered in the 1000s. You want the South Wing of Dwinelle, where rooms are numbered in the 100s—on this floor, the 300s).


