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Everyday somewhere all across the world men, women and children are violently abused in someway and/or raped. It is a life altering ordeal that haunts you everyday for the endurance of your life, you're fearful that it'll happen again but when and where the next time, afraid to live, afraid to be happy, afraid the sleep and afraid to stay awake. It is a hell that you constantly live in, I know I've been there most of my life since I was 14 years old and now I'm 45. Every time a woman gets raped in a movie I cringe because it is as if it happened yesterday, everything comes back, when I hear on the news or read it in the paper that a woman has been raped I know how she feels, how she questions herself what did I do to deserve this, I know that feeling of being in the shower trying to wash it away even though you know you can't. I've been there, lived that and still living with it.

When it happened to me there weren't any help groups that I could attend, there wasn't anybody I could turn too and there was no need going public with it or telling police because you the victim would somehow become the culprit and in most cases that rings true today. If you go to the police their first question is: What did you do to make them do that to you? The second question is: What were you wearing that made them want to attack you? The third question is: Why were you alone, where were you going? The fourth question is: What were you doing out that time of night anyway? And without fail the final and most damning statement is: Well maybe you brought it on yourself....

What the hell? Are you serious? I have to be interrogated and I'm the victim made out to be the culprit? What a backwards ass society we live in.

You hear about it everyday somewhere and you shake your head at the things human beings do to other human beings and you start to think what is really going on? Just as recent as yesterday a story was published in the Examiner of yet another rape taken place in the Mission District of San Francisco after last months string of rapes. I have to ask you what are you doing to rectify the problem that's going on in your neighborhood, your community? Are you thinking because it's not you that you shouldn't do anything? If so let me tell you, if a person can get by with something they keep doing it it until they get caught. But think about the people who are affected by these animals.

So it wasn't you today but it might be you tomorrow or the next day or the next month or next year, it might not be you it might be your child, mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, friend. 

It doesn't just happen to females it also happens to males as well, the point is it doesn't matter who it happens to what matters the most is that it happens. It is a crime and should be handled as such harshly....

Laws have to change but in order for that to happen we have to get involved. Responsible men and women have to advocate for those that can't, we have to police our own neighborhoods and communities to make sure this doesn't continue to happen.

When is enough enough???

After reading this article hopefully it will tug at your heart and make you want to make a difference. Maybe you're wondering what can I do to make sure that some man, woman and child are safe from this savage way of harming another person? Maybe you yourself are a victim of this vicious act and you need help to move past this horrible event that has changed the outlook of your life, your world.

I want you to know that there is help for you and there is a way that you can make a difference in your community, it's called getting involved because when you've had enough then change can and will come.

I would like give you information on how you can help and how to get the help you need.

The Community Initiatives Program
at San Francisco Women Against Rape
offers FREE educational presentations to the community
Call today to schedule a presentation for your organization church or school.
The number to call is (415) 861-2024
website is:
There is also a RAPE crisis hotline at (415) 647-7273
This center deals with topics such as:
Sexual Assault & Rape Prevention
Sexual Harassment
Healthy Dating
Information Tables
Gender Roles
Peer Education
Self-Defense Workshops
Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault
Internet & Technology based Violence
Domestic Violence
These services are provided for youths and adults.

There is also a need for Rape Crisis Counselors and there is training available. If you are interested call (415) 861-2024 ext. 312
Upcoming training January 24, 2013- March 2, 2013
This is a 77 hour training class.
There are also Volunteer Opportunities available for:

Medical Accompaniment
Peer Counseling
Community Outreach

Stipends are available for Language Advocates
if you are bi-lingual that is a plus and men are encouraged to get involved.
You can download the applications at: HTML
or call the above number for more information
Make a difference or don't complain if it happens to you.
