Story Archives 2000

June Jordan's Legacy Lives. Being Black, American and male still a 90/10 Death Sentence.

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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All I want is to outlive
america's deadly bullshit.

Black Males and Females still
walk tight ropes way of life...

We've survived, thrived ameri's
worst of Mr. and Ms.Ameri's tricks.

Too many know her smiling
skulls darkside.

by Joe B.

June Jordan’s Legacies Live.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003 in U.C. Berkeley’s Barrow’s Hall people gather for a special night of celebration as youthful wordsmiths gather in strength and force guided by June Jordan.

June Jordan.

She was a Professor of African American Studies at the University of California at Berkeley where she directed the enormously popular Poetry For the People program. Poetry For the Peoplereceived a Chancellor's Recognition for Community Partnership on September 19, 2000.

Jordan, an award-winning poet, professor and activist, are mourning her loss.

After battling cancer since the 1970s, Jordan died Friday at age 65.

She is an award-winning poet, professor and activist, novelist, essayist.

It'll take more pages to list all that she is an has done and lives change both personally and through her powerful, lyrical works. Italics mine.

As a professor of African American studies at UC Berkeley, Jordan founded and directed "Poetry For The People," a course in which 150 undergraduates participate in marathon poetry readings
before large audiences.

They also study the poetry of African Americans, Arabs and Arab Americans and many other groups Jordan considered generally overlooked in the classroom.

Jordan is survived by her son, Christopher Meyer.

"Though the master has moved on," said Reed, "the Jordan school of poetry, I suspect, will be with us for a long time. This is her legacy,"

Thanks to: Ms. Kathleen Maclay, Media Relations.
(Taken from the June 17, 2002.

Jordan’s Legacy Continues.
From 1973 to 2003 30 years of evolving spoken word power.

As usual I here bits of news about it but its peripherally a micro dot way in the real of this near empty brain pan.

It’s on a Wednesday.

(wouldn’t you know it my day off after doing yoga practice in S.F.’s City College and getting a healthy African descended woman using a hacksaw to break my own lock, seems I locked the key in locker.

After that bit dodo brain wit I race home to shower and wear clean clothes, no lunch.

I’m looking forward to one on one with someone in Berkeley after the KPFA radio program.

Called and called no answer only to find out later that she and her sister were going to a baby shower later that day.

After the show wrapped close to 5 pm. called again mostly forgot that a Poor M’s intern is one of the poet’s speaking in Barrow’s Hall in U.C. Berkeley.

I decide to stay until 6 pm. Lost of youth helped setting up sound systems, food, and chairs some by the poets themselves.

I wait, get a seat and save a few for guests who said they were coming.

So many heart searing emotional/physical pain of women from family, culture, men, women, plus rumor and speculation of strangers.

One guy did a sensuous, deliriously, delicious tome on eating fruit that made the young and older women swoon and I never looking or eating fruit as just an ordinary undertaking ever again.

(I should’ve learned that from tongue lashing strawberry ice cream cones on Market and Polk Streets).

The event is worth missing some delayed physical pleasure in the night.

Only one guest shows the other is sick waiting in the car.

I wanted to stay but before leaving kissed her hand, hugged, praising Christina for her work using action instead of words conveying how her words said to me.

A place I always passe as a kid but never went in was open where people danced slow, steady, and close won’t try to pronounce the name buts in Berkeley far from my friends home as I find out by walking.

After three dances and being whipped about by a young, strong, pregnant woman (I swear she has the strength of Hera, an angry, jealous Greek Goddess, wife of Zeus who couldn't keep his godhead under his robes).

Called a last time then left Super Mother to be walking into the night toward a good time and maybe afterwards sleep.

Christina’s words came to me as I near Berkeley High School.

As shadowy figures appear I keep my hands swinging empty knowing that sudden movements, jerks, can mean bullets or a blade in my gut.

Wary, I walk slow smiling to young and old men walking or standing on the street, near bars, and bus stops.

I cannot forget for a second I’m a black man, male in America and can be killed either by accident of identity, by police or rival gang’s even a group of women can take unfocused rage out on me if I give the wrong signal while on their path.

Finally after reading R. I. P.’s on a stop sign at one the safety zones to slow down traffic I go up the door aware of two police officers male and female both white as I pass them my hands out slowly swinging.

The car is there after three knocks I leave then turn to knock one a last time. (why am I out here in the pitch black of 10:07 pm because of a chance of flesh on flesh, head knocking bed-board, high energy dehydrating rock solid body rocking soul meshing, brain numbing pleasure.)

You know the answer people.

I pass the cops seeing them, hands in pockets not looking at them as if there invisible.

‘Damn, its still a dangerous for black men in America and I’m a timid guy not basher of women or anyone else just a regular mortal man ‘walkin with blood veined swelling refusing to ease up.

Walked to bart and down on bench a small white woman.

("Don’t go sit near her, it’s late at night, she’s alone, don’t know what’s she thinking how she’ll react just stand and wait for the Colma/Daily City train).

Another white woman sits by the first and I wasn’t going to sit by them no matter how tired my feet are and besides my helmet head is still vibrating
up/down, back and forward twitching, pressing urgently this wasn’t a before bed, bathroom urge, or morning urination urge but the primal only a woman’s primal secreted flesh and juicy slick wet can help calm down but not tonight just full arousal frustration.

I’m gonna let it deflate on its own and let it/me suffer as a lesson to not do stupid things that can get me killed.

Still some things are worth missing besides it would take me and hour or so to release and sleep was beating us both.

Helmet lost the fight and the bigger brain learns to control its smaller reptile one.
Ladies, Women, Youthful Adults.

I’ve been accused of writing porn.

Please tell me if that is true and how can I avoid it if I do. Bye.

Please send donations to

Poor Magazine or in C/0

Ask Joe at 1448 Pine Street,

San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

For Joe only my snail mail:

1230 Market St.

PO Box #645

San Francisco, CA 94102



OH Nooo, Fan's?

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Wow after years of colunm

An Org. Wants me to read,hear me...?

Then,remember the root the word FAN...

Its short for Fanatic.

by Joseph Bolden


For Six or more I’ve written my Ask/Tell Joe Columns in the humble knowledge that even though supposedly online that no one’s really reading.

I think the same on radio in the Castro District and Noe Valley.

Haven’t been on air for awhile and have forgotten call letters, numbers I’m bad remembering names, dates, address, and areas on maps.

So,in Poor Magazine’s early days I got lost a lot lucky the women interns didn’t mind my gross sense of direction especially when

I’d say "I know where we are I’ve been lost here before."

Now Alexander Book Co. on 50 Second Street good luck to me finding a place I’ve never been to before.

I’ve been known to get lost at places that I have visited before how Darwin Award Winning is that!

What will I read, say, something short and to the point then listen to others while I eat.

As for pornographic work I only did stuff on my experience in dance bars, strip joints or and if I expressed an impossible dream of being in a porn film or a few.

That doesn’t hurt anyone but me or the female actress under me or I’m under.

As most dreams go its something I can at least accomplish because one has to have either a great face or banging body.

I don’t have either but endurance for the act itself while ignoring camera and people around me seems doable.

Some of those guys on film look awfulall I need is an eye patch and few months as a gym rat and concentrated bodywork.

It may never happen so what it’s a worthwhile goal and being writer could also help me write scripts, direct, produce, or have a distribution/marketing company and don’t forget the many friends (mostly women) especially director/ producer, actress-writer ones.

So what to say to my readers.

First my apologies to you all for my atrocious written works of bad syntax, spellings, and sentence structure but hope you understood a few of the applied science delved into.

Why should the very rich have extended lives when all our lives are equally if not as important.

Once in a while there are neuron misfires in my brain and it turns to life, sex, the eternal not necessarily in that order.

My dislike of technology isn’t fear its seeing it bundle up remember the clock/radio? Well, that’s what going on now.

Texting in cell phones, pics on pc’s is not person is virtual and virtual isn’t real.

It's why I love sex skin to skin not screen to screen one is undeniably real while the other always pails in comparison.

No porn alone, have fems and men and share it.

Send mail to and or to for feed back (I might get some this time).



09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Noemi Martinez is a chicana/boriqua queer single mami to 2 living in deep deep south texas. We are 4 miles away from the border and seeing the border patrol on the way to the kids school is common, but still takes my breath. I was raised by a single mami, we were six, and travelling that line of poor, working poor, almost making it and then sometimes not. And then I am here again with my kids.

by Noemi Martinez

dear jesus

why can’t the govt

give me some $

for the clunker in the

it’ll die soon

and I need to get to
work &*

get the kids to school

don’t ask me to

buy some $14k ride

thats just crazy

come on, be real

let me buy another one

to last a few more

so i can keep going to

paying rent, (going

& telling lies)and
shit like that.

& lets see about

getting some good

care for my dad

who only sees

shadows, and blue
lights & i wonder

(why is he blind now &

i don’t take his calls)

who’s taking him to

get groceries

cuz I cant (I remember
the hidden food but
can’t remember if its
real or not)

& can u see

about getting my
hermano into a good
rehab after this last
stint becuz he’ll be
dropped out at a bus
station, and I can’t
invite him here and

he'll sleep at
shelters & then he
(don’t say he’s

gotta be saved,

we are all lost

& fucked

& if he can’t ask

i’m asking for him)

I'll find old friends

& then

he'll see its

all useless & so i
dont blame him

because we all look
for release

see, but i can't

have him here (we all
want guns) &

he dreamed the address
of his kids

in that little cell,
made cafe in the
shower but i wonder

if dreams get spiked

with memories

or the other way
around who can

tell the difference

he dreamed them, their
address, their house

and sent them letters

& i found them on

& it looks like they
have that

that thing

too, that companion
that follows us

& any day now, any day
right right right

things will change

& why’d you give us


i’m asking



Official RE-action

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Drastic Racial and Economic cleansing in San Francisco's UN Plaza

by Chance Martin

As part of the latest wave of human rights abuses directed at poor and
homeless people in San Francisco, Food Not Bombs(FNB) had their 5:30 food servingto homeless people in UN Plaza disrupted by San Francisco Police Department.

This is following the midnight removal of the plaza's benches Saturday,
April 28th in supposed "official reaction" to an investigative report on the
Hearst Corporation's KRON that aired on the previous evening's news. The
KRON newscast was slanted to portray all of UN Plaza's homeless residents as
violent drug addicts.

Subsequent FOIA requests made by the the Coalition on Homelessness revealed
that Mayor Willie Brown's office has been planning the benches' removal
since October, 2000 -- in callous and cynical disregard of the valid needs
and reasonable accommodations for disabled and senior citizens, homeless or

FNB'ers at risk of arrest relocated the serving across Market St. from the
plaza, regrouped, then decided collectively to return to their regular
serving spot in the plaza. Two cops on bikes advised FNBers that they were
in violation of a court order and would be arrested if they did not stop
serving. They did not stop serving and the cops called it in.

Lt. McDonough, SFPD arrived shortly with court order in hand and simply
pointed and arbitrarily said, "you're arrested" to FNB servers and
organizers present. Soon after there were at least 8 police cars, a police
van, and 6 more bicycle cops.

A total of four FNBers were cited, two were cited and released, and two weretaken into custody for lack of proper identification.


There Will be a press conference at 5:00pm




It's time to end human rights abuses in the United States.

It's time to end ONGOING human rights abuses within spitting distance of a
monument to the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.



The PO' Scholar Fund

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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POOR Magazine Scholarship Fund for youth and adult journalists in poverty

POOR Magazine Scholarship Fund for Low-income youth and adult journalists of color and in poverty


by PNN Staff

The Po’ Scholar fund needs your help to sponsor very low-income media makers get their voices heard in print, on-line and radio media

POOR’s New Journalism/Media Studies Program has been teaching very low-income poets, writers, and journalists how to investigate, research and write a story on issues related to poverty and racism that impact their communities and families. While they train in a classroom setting, they also get field training as "Community Journalists", for PoorNewsNetwork (PNN) and The San Francisco Bayview reporting on serious issues such as police brutality, race and class based profiling, homelessness, youth justice, disability, immigration, welfare reform and many more issues facing all of us as a community.

Please help POOR Magazine empower these new scholars with a Voice – so they can be heard to make change. Due to the position of people in poverty they are unable to attend training without your financial help. Any donation helps!!!!

Sponsor Program

100% of your donations go to the cost to train each intern and to a stipend that is given to the Community Journalists – the stipends are $450.00 per month for 6 months. Their tuition is $600.00 for the entire semester program at POOR Magazine

Donor Levels:
Full Sponsor (sponsors the full tuition and stipend of an intern for six months)
Partial Sponsor ( sponsors the stipend of an intern for 6 months)
$ 2,700.00
Sponsor-Lite; One month’s of an interns stipend
Sponsor-Sliding Scale- Anything you can give!!!!!! From $10-to $100.00

All donations are tax deductible – no donation is too small. Please send check or money order to POOR Magazine 2940 16th street #301 -Make checks out to POOR Magazine (note Po Scholar fund on your envelope) or call us at (415) 863-6306 for more info


Thank-you Cassandra Yazzie

09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A Digital Smoke Signal....

by Mari V/PNN Indigenous Peoples Media Project

"I hope I get another opportunity to do this again with you guys. Cuz all of you are great."

There I was writing thank you notes to the sponsors of Boys and Girls Club of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe's Native Hip-Hop Workshop. I finished one note, and then opened another to write one to Cassandra Yazzie. Then Robert Ortiz from the tribal newspaper, the Southern Ute Drum came into my office and told me he needed to talk to me about Cassandra Yazzie.

I first met Cassandra at my homie Klee Benally's wedding. I asked if I could sit at their table. Little did I know that even though I was on the Navajo Nation, that whole table was around from where I live. I noticed her kids, and her husband Jason Hotchkiss told me all about their organization Four Rivers Institute. It was all about teaching Native American youth about the outdoors and getting job experience. I thought it was a much needed program here in this tribal community.

A week or two went by and I thought about Cassandra again. I was planning this media workshop called Native Hip-Hop Workshop and was looking for a photographer. We had music and writing covered, but just needed photo. I talked to Jason again, and he thought it was a great idea. He then gave me Cassandra's number and I gave her a call to ask her to be a photographer for a project  I was organizing media classes that I called Native Hip-Hop Workshop. She told me that was a great idea, but that film was better for the youth. I remember her contacting me by chatting or calling and her wanting to do a film workshop with the youth, and then I remember telling her I couldn't fund-raise anymore money for a third presenter. I remember how shocked I was by her answer, "Don't worry Mari, I'm local. I just want to start doing film workshops with youth. Don't fund-raise for me." Cassandra and I started to form a organizing friendship centered around the youth in the Southern Ute Tribal Community.

I believe Cassandra's spirit knew she had to do a Native Hip-Hop Workshop before she left this world. She had this determination about doing the film even when I was still thinking about photography. It was her first workshop for youth, and she was so excited. She stated, "Like Mari said, um I'm here  with Four Rivers Institute as part of their media connection. This was just a little something I wanted to do, and it was my first time connecting a workshop with some young people. I am very fortunate to be here with all these good people, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone of you who participated in the workshops and to the ones that allowed myself and my little film makers, my lil' peeps to interview you because I know it takes alot of courage to step up and say I'll be interviewed." I remember when she met me and Ras (music presenter) at the casino, she had the biggest smile on her face while networking about the film.

Cassandra's selfless spirit was felt by the kids in her film class. I remember how she was a person of her word, and how she kept her promises to the youth. Many times we forget about what we tell our youth, and don't hold ourselves accountable. I remember her emailing me to talk to one of her students because she promised him a clip of the video, and since he couldn't get the video yet, she asked me to talk to him. Her students shared her passion of film, and it showed in their creative media art and investigative journalism.

So there I was at my desk, about to write her a letter, and Robert Ortiz walked in my office. He asked me if I knew what happened to Cassandra. I thought he was going to tell me the film tapes from Native Hip-Hop Workshop were destroyed or maybe that she got the cold or flu. He told me she got in a car crash, and died right away. Three of her and her partner's five kids were in the car. Tears started to drop from my face, and I couldn't believe she was gone. I mean I just talked to her yesterday morning, and we were supposed to meet that morning to go over the film at her house. She told me how she needed to go on a hike on the Animas trail and that she would come to Boys and Girls Club that afternoon so we could look over the film. She never showed up, because she left to the spirit world. Currently, those three children are recovering in the hospital. I still shed tears about Cassandra.

The next day, one of her students asked, "Mari, is Cassandra dead or alive? Just tell me." Her students are proud of the film-making process they created, and Cassandra committed to a ongoing relationship to teaching film at our Southern Ute Boys and Girls Club. She was going to teach claymation, and have the kids tell thier stories through that art form. Amada Hotckiss, one of their children and participant in the film class stated, "What I liked about the film is when we all got together and we said what we liked to do. I like to do art, and I hope we can do this workshop again." Amada gave me one of the toughest interviews I have ever seen. She is currently in the hospital healing from her injuries.

Many people believe that kids are are not capable of creating media much less getting published. Cassandra held the vision that Native Hip-Hop Workshop should have young peoples as media producers and recognized them as her 'lil peeps', which in the hip-hop world means a very close friend. Cassandra wanted to be a part of creating a world where kids were using film as indigenized storytelling.

"As I went through each of these (film) clips I got to see and feel alot of your stories come alive and it was really, really good to see and I got to know each of you in a way, in a more personal way because of your words, because of your music. It was really beautiful to see and I hope I get another opportunity to do this again with you guys. Cuz all of you are great" stated Cassandra Yazzie.

It is in this spirit of Native Hip Hop Workshop, I am sending
you a digital smoke signal that is filled with the same creative, passionate, indigenous energy you used to create your world everyday.

Rest In Power Cassandra Yazzie.

You will always live through Native Hp-Hop Workshop.


Cholo Style

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Angel Garcia

My name is Angel Garcia, a.k.a. Sad Boy, a former gang-banger from the San Francisco Mission District and staff writer for POOR Magazine/Prensa Pobre, who is dealing with my own poverty, racism and disability struggle.

On April 17, 2009, I had the pleasure of attending an amazing prison art exhibit presented by Cholo Style, called Homeboys Behind Barsa at the Pier 5 Law Offices in San Francisco. It was also a book release of Cholo Style, Homies, Homegirls and La Raza by Cholo Style and Mi Vida Loca Magazine author Reynaldo Berrios.

That night, I interviewed Reynaldo about his book. When I introduced myself, he looked at me and asked me where I was from. It was weird, because I felt like he wanted to know which barrio I was from. It is important in this culture for one another to know where you represent from. I told him that I was from Guatemala and grew up in San Francisco. He quietly nodded and respectfully acknowledged me, though I know he probably saw my tattoos.

During the interview, there was a connection with the things he was doing in writing the book and having the art exhibit. As the interview continued, I asked him what were his motivations and what got him into writing a book about the cholo culture. He said that he was tired of us fighting against each other, that he had been stabbed a couple times and was close to dying. He said that he just wanted la raza to unite and fight for something that was worth it. To me, as a former gang-banger from the Mission, hearing those words was an inspiration for me to keep going in a positive direction with my own life.

He said that he went around the barrios and prisons putting together artwork, photos and written stories by homies from all over. This is when a publishing company approached him and asked him to put a book together and he told them that he could and he did. He wanted to publish a book from this, so that he could give back to his community through its sales while at the same time, educating people about cholo life and culture.

Also in the interview, Reynaldo gave me wisdom that I had not heard in a long time. Due to the fact that as I am a little older now and with all of the things that I went through, I also have the same dreams about getting us all united, going back to school to get educated, instead of hating on each other.

I think that fighting with a pen and putting our thoughts on paper will get us farther than fighting on the streets against one other. I also think about all of the younger generations that I leaving behind and how they could be lawyers, teachers, writers or whatever they want to be in their lives. But to get there, they have to listen to positive words, be given true inspiration and encouragement while reading insightful literature and real life scholarship coming from o.g. homies like Reynaldo Berrios.


No More Stolen Lives

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by RAM

by Queennandi XSheba & RAM

No more stolen lives

Police get a gun and badge

And think they just can thrive

And be full of jive

Wheres the us and the we when they only think about the I

How much more shit must we take

How many constituional rights must they break

On the Bart plaque shooting us in the back

Police reports be lies and the wrong stats

Planted guns and planted sacks

Lying in court about some nicks and nacks

Marching in Oakland on broadway Ave.

Spirits black as panthers putting unjustice on the slab

So many times we took this path

Mothers crying and brothers mad



Afraid of a Name

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Disabled Muslim man profiled and assaulted by airline officials

by Leroy F. Moore, Jr.

I didn’t know it was OK for a person to endure a physically and emotionally painful episode of harassment due to someone’s fear of one’s name! As a Black disabled man I was afraid when David Duke ran for president but I was forced to see and hear him on T.V., radio and in the newspapers. There are many names that bring uneasy feelings to me i.e. Jerry Fallwell, LAPD, Jesse Helms and the man that stole the White House, Mr. George Bush, Jr. But I am forced to swallow my fear, deal with it and go on. Now in this time of war people can be harassed and certain people’s liberties and civil rights can be stepped on because of fear!

On Friday October 5th, 2001 Black Disabled Yahoo listserve had an email entitled “Disabled Muslim Man Faces Airline’s Harassment at San Francisco International Airport.” This man, named Samir, demanded to know why he was taken off two planes and his wheelchair searched by FBI bomb-searching dogs, causing him to miss his flight and have to wait until the following day to catch a plane home to Portland, Oregon. An Alaska Airlines employer said that “the flight attendant didn’t want him there, on the plane. She was basically afraid of his name.” The Alaska Airline’s customer service department called him to apologize and offered him a free ticket. Samir refused to take it and instead asked for a written apology, payment for phone bills he incurred while staying at a hotel as well as the equivalent of one day’s salary (he missed a day of work because of this conflict).

The airline tried to put the reason for the conflict onto the way his wheelchair was packed, not his name. Samir didn’t accept this reason because it happened twice on two different planes, and to have the FBI and everyone check and repack his wheelchair was unacceptable. And when he got home he confirmed that an Alaska Airline employee told him that his name was the reason he could not travel. This statement erases the airline’s excuse — his wheelchair — that caused him to wait eleven hours, putting him in physical distress, just to have the samething happen on a second plane.

Are we Americans going to continue to react to the incident of September 11th without thinking about how our reactions are affecting people of color, people with disabilities of color and the general public? The tragic events of September 11th caused many deaths and much destruction, and now our reactions to September 11th are causing verbal and physical harassment and abuse to our own brothers and sisters of color in our own country. Where is the healing process??

For more information on this case go to read the article written by Samana Siddiqui at
