The PO' Scholar Fund

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POOR Magazine Scholarship Fund for youth and adult journalists in poverty

POOR Magazine Scholarship Fund for Low-income youth and adult journalists of color and in poverty


by PNN Staff

The Po’ Scholar fund needs your help to sponsor very low-income media makers get their voices heard in print, on-line and radio media

POOR’s New Journalism/Media Studies Program has been teaching very low-income poets, writers, and journalists how to investigate, research and write a story on issues related to poverty and racism that impact their communities and families. While they train in a classroom setting, they also get field training as "Community Journalists", for PoorNewsNetwork (PNN) and The San Francisco Bayview reporting on serious issues such as police brutality, race and class based profiling, homelessness, youth justice, disability, immigration, welfare reform and many more issues facing all of us as a community.

Please help POOR Magazine empower these new scholars with a Voice – so they can be heard to make change. Due to the position of people in poverty they are unable to attend training without your financial help. Any donation helps!!!!

Sponsor Program

100% of your donations go to the cost to train each intern and to a stipend that is given to the Community Journalists – the stipends are $450.00 per month for 6 months. Their tuition is $600.00 for the entire semester program at POOR Magazine

Donor Levels:
Full Sponsor (sponsors the full tuition and stipend of an intern for six months)
Partial Sponsor ( sponsors the stipend of an intern for 6 months)
$ 2,700.00
Sponsor-Lite; One month’s of an interns stipend
Sponsor-Sliding Scale- Anything you can give!!!!!! From $10-to $100.00

All donations are tax deductible – no donation is too small. Please send check or money order to POOR Magazine 2940 16th street #301 -Make checks out to POOR Magazine (note Po Scholar fund on your envelope) or call us at (415) 863-6306 for more info
