Story Archives 2000

Santana from Havana

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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How one man, unable to get his mental illness acknowledged, has been cast as a pariah within the shelter system.

by Gordon Hilgers/PNN Texas Correspondent (Endless Choices)

It wasn't all that difficult to see that sooner or later Santana from Havana, as he called himself, was going to get into trouble with the people who ran the homeless shelter where he lived. It couldn't have been more than a week from the time that I met this wide-smiled, homeless man that I first noticed the problems he was causing. I really hadn't noticed that there was all that much wrong with the guy.

Of course, I treasure my eccentric acquaintances. It doesn't bother me if one of my friends seems a little off the rim, or seems to be operating a couple of French fries short of a Happy Meal; mainly because some of the most accomplished people I know—artists and poets in Dallas' burgeoning creative community—could, with a push and a shove, look quite a bit like Santana from Havana at his very best. Or worst. Judgments like these depend upon how you look at these human aspects of God's own best judgment.

Like many who suffer from depression, I have trouble sleeping soundly. Sometimes I'll wake up in darkness, fully awake. But if I'm patient with my own behavior, I know I can relax and let the once-disorderly aberration of the norm slip by as I slide back into oblivion. This particular night, however, the night Santana's disease revealed itself to me, I rose up off my cot, wended my way through a literal sea of sleeping men and pulled up a chair in the shelter's smoking area. It was there that I found Santana from Havana, holding court, if you will.

Since it was late, and dark, most others at the huge round table sat quietly, half-asleep, the majority sucking on roll-up cigarettes, each one alone with his own aching thoughts. But Santana was neither smoking nor keeping to himself. Instead, as he fractiously sorted through hundreds of wrinkled and dog-eared papers, he seemed to be acting. Indeed, Santana was conducting a private theatre of the absurd and talking louder than necessary, doing his stand-up routine from a sitting position. If he caught you listening, he'd start gesticulating more eloquently than the conductor of the New York Philharmonic would.

"What's up, Santana? Besides you?" I asked.

"Man! I was thinking of that monster movie on TV tonight. I used to just love them monster movies. I used to watch monster movies all the time when I was a kid in Los Angeles. I'd get so scared I left the room. But I always came back," he answered.

"Me, too," I replied. "I used to sit in the front row at the Casa Linda Theater, and when the monsters came on the screen, I'd get so scared I'd scrunch way down in the seat. Sometimes I was so scrunched up I could barely see the movie. But at least those monsters couldn't get me."

All of this seemed pretty normal as far as conversations go. Aside from Santana's loud voice, I neither saw nor heard anything out of the ordinary about it. At least until Santana got up out of his seat and began acting out Frankenstein. Not just one movie scene. The entire movie.

But out of his seat Santana was, walking stiff-legged across the floor, his sticklike arms flailing left and right, his face contorted, and his mouth yammering a mile a minute, a sort of play-by-play summary of the film's classic climactic scenes. As something like 250 men slept like corpses around us—tired men, frustrated men, simple men who rarely seem to understand episodes of stark individuality or abnormal behavior other than as an affront—Santana began bellowing as if he'd been set on fire. It was an apt scene. Some of the men at the table seemed to me to be just the kind of man eager to persecute those different from themselves. In fact, I had almost no problem at all imagining these men marching up a mountain to torch an outcast's home. And Santana was the outcast du jour. A pariah. An idiot.

If it wasn't the monster noises that were grabbing the attention and ire of the others at the table, it was Santana's exaggerated and abnormal movements and expressions that, for whatever reason, seemed to be literally rocking the worlds of men who seem to like to cultivate reputations of callousness, hardness, imperviousness to the circumstances they don't like. Several at the table, however, were amused. They rolled their eyes. Others laughed silently to themselves. The unspoken verdict at the table that night was that Santana was crazy as a loon. There were no accusations of narrow-mindedness or intolerance among the members of this self-appointed judge and jury, either. But what's important were the reactions among the ignorant and uneducated to aberrant behavior. Everyone knew Santana was due any day to be accused of being disorderly. Everyone knew what happens in emergency shelters when people are so branded.

One of the shelter's longtime characters—a really together guy who'd been living on the shelter's dole for three years going on four—spoke up, "Why don't you shut up, you—." And, no, the man's language was not nice. But it didn't deter Santana at all. For the next several evenings, or so it seemed to me, Santana went out of his way to annoy and undermine the man who'd collared him that night. Aside from his bizarre behavior, Santana was angry. And hurt. Anyone could see that.

Santana is like many homeless people who suffer from mental illness. He simply appeared at the shelter's door one day. Soon, once Santana learned that his exploits weren't considered acceptable—especially to the emergency shelter's longtime victims of long-term and extended stay emergency—he began a campaign of instigation. The more he was called on his behavior, the more he caused trouble for the shelter's rulemakers and enforcers.

Of course, Santana wasn't really a troublemaker. He was, and is, mentally ill. Sure. It seemed at times that he was intentionally making himself unwelcome. But could it have been that he was drawing attention to himself to get someone to notice that he was asking for help? What really bugged me came in the form of other questions. How many situations like this had Santana already endured? How many towns had he gone through? How many shelters kicked him out?

More worrisome to me, however, was how casually the shelter's supervisors handled Santana's disorderly conduct. When he was kicked out, he was kicked out as if he was any other personally responsible and supposedly adult troublemaker: drunk, stoned, violent, whatever. Despite admonitions that Santana see a doctor and adhere to treatment plans and regimens of medicine, when the time came to give Santana the boot, the shelter's supervisors treated him as if he were suddenly normal. No other steps were taken to help him. He wasn't referred to a clinic. He wasn't taken to Dallas' Parkland Hospital for observation or treatment. He wasn't interviewed by mental health caseworkers who might have been able to agree that the streets are no place for mentally ill men like

When I asked one of the shelter's security staffers why such a thing had been allowed to happen in a supposedly Christian institution—and many area shelters are quite vocal about their faith-based mission and moral diligence—I was told the directors simply don't believe it's their responsibility to go any further than offering residents a bed, a bath, and a meal for the night. Everything else is considered the responsibility of the inmate—I mean, resident. While most of the shelter's residents agree that the streets are no place for mentally ill men like Santana, many simply don't see the glaring misconnection between punishing normal people for rule violations and punishing the mentally ill for behavior they just can't control.

Worse, shelter directors—and, as personal experience shows, every shelter in Dallas misbehaves like this—rationalizing their often misbegotten decisions in order to protect the bottom line, tend to wash their hands of the matter in unconscious imitations of Pontius Pilate.

Santana, of course, isn't alone on the streets of downtown. There are plenty of pariahs just like him—men and women who were not rational enough to obey rules they probably couldn't comprehend anyway. Many, like Santana, live on the streets. They've been kicked out of all the shelters. They've been oppressed by tough policies that were never designed to accommodate them.

But this is how the homeless/industrial complex actually operates. While there's plenty of talk about creating a continuum of care that links troubled shelter residents with effective treatments and appropriate care—plenty of compassionate prattle about the victimhood of the homeless—the proof is in the pudding. Nearly every homeless man and woman with an obvious behavioral problem—these are the people we see living on the streets every day—more than likely has been thrown out of shelters simply because they are mentally ill. No one can deny this. Where does the responsibility for this actually lie?


"Treat us... don't beat us!!.."

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Protestors shut down the Health Commission hearing over lack of mental health services for homeless San Franciscans

by Kaponda

Vibrations from raging thumps on the cold, smooth, glassy surface of the anterior of the Rose Hotel rattled in my ears. Expressive vibrations sent in earnest to rail against the refusal by the international community to recognize and respond to a growing phenomenon -- mental illness. I craned my neck to see the grim face and blustery mouth of a woman the hands of whom were strewing the entrance of the building with litter.

As another tenant of the recently renovated Rose, a tenderloin district Single Room Occupancy Hotel, used his card to access the building, the woman wriggled through the crevice like an escapee slithering through the portals of the gulag. The antics of the woman intensified in the waiting area of the building. A shrill zoomed through every keyhole in the building, unlocking the emotional vaults of the hearts and minds of its tenants. Before the woman had completely taken her hand off the fire alarm, it seemed as if every firefighter in San Francisco were in front of the Rose building. The police fastened the wrists of the woman with handcuffs and herded her to jail, where she was incarcerated for two days. While the members of the Fire Department displayed the confidence at the scene, the police were completely unprepared to handle a person displaying severe signs of mental illness.

The inexperience of police officers in recognizing people such as the woman at the Rose, whom I later interviewed and discovered goes by the name Staarr, arises in large part, out of a failure by the San Francisco Police Department to implement the Police Crisis Intervention, a carefully planned training program for police on how to respond to people with mental illnesses. In a telephone interview with the Director of Training for the San Francisco Police Department, Captain Daniel Lawson, I posed the obvious question, in asking why has the San Francisco Police Department neglected to use the Police Intervention Crisis, a project that had had the blessings of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in the amount of $180,000? "It is difficult to get officers off the street for 40 hours," stated Captain Lawson, referring to the curriculum developed by community members which would train one police officer on every shift at every precinct on how to respond to calls which were coded as "individuals acting bizarrely."

The sky above the Department of Public Health was garbed with two strati clouds, which gave not a scintilla of a threat of spoiling the action, "Hundreds 'Die-In' Protest Over Criminalization of Mental Illness," in which scores of health care providers, advocates and consumers gathered came to participate. Across the street on the grounds of Civic Center Plaza, between the Christmas tree on the thick green lawn and the single row of poinsettias in 10 cement encasements near City Hall, the crowd watched as a cast of people from the Coalition on Homelessness illustrated the fatal consequences which follow from a law enforcement community that is not able to determine the symptoms of mental illness at the scene of an incident. Training that would probably have determined that Staarr had been diagnosed with a bipolar affective disorder, according to information that she provided me, and people like Staarr whose mental illnesses are varied. They would have diverted Staarr, and others like her, from jails and prisons to treatment centers where they would have a reasonable chance to get help.

I caught up with one of the key players and intricate components of the rearguard action against the health care status-quo in San Francisco, Jennifer Friedenbach of the Coalition on Homelessness. I asked Jennifer, who heads the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Workgroup (SAMH), to speak to the response by Captain Lawson regarding the difficulty to get police officers off the streets for 40 hours, and the counterproposal by the Police Department of 20 hours. "Twenty hours are not enough. Other police departments around the country have been able to do it. This department is no different than the five or six other police departments around the country whose trainings are over 40 hours," stated Jennifer.

The moisture around her eyes was consumed by the warm rays from the bright sun that had scattered the two clouds above, as Tiny, co-editor of PNN, delivered a gut-wrenching piece written by the late Johnny Martinez, a victim of a lack of mental health treatment in San Francisco. In addition to her piece, poverty scholar and POOR staff writer Ken Moshesh, and the author of a newly released book titled, Black Disabled Man With a Big Mouth and a High IQ, Leroy Moore, Jr., illuminated the crowd with their spoken words of brilliance on that Tuesday, December 12, 2000.

The San Francisco Public Health Strategic Plan, "Leading the Way to a Healthier Community 2000," that was being heard by the San Francisco Health Commission on the third floor of the Department of Public Health, was abruptly preempted as the action moved from the Civic Center Plaza into the presence of the commissioners. A large delegation of community health care advocates, with Jennifer Friedenbach leading the way, marched into the room accompanied by a chant, entitled, "The Twelve Days of Christmas." After the 12th Day of Christmas was done, the quiet in the room on the third floor of the Department of Public Health was like the contentment produced by the salve of tranquillity.

"We demand Police Crisis Intervention, No Expansion of Forced Treatment, Protection of Human and Civil Rights of those Living on the Streets, and Consumer Directed Mental Health Treatment on Demand...." These demands were rattled off by a member of the Coalition on Homelessness as several members of the protestors abruptly fell to the floor of the commission.

I asked Jennifer Friedenbach what was the purpose of the intrusion? "We brought to them in a very forceful way a critical issue that they would hear, as they have previously refused to do. I think they did listen to us. I think we brought an issue that has been ignored about a community that is disenfranchised."

There is no doubt on my mind that each commissioner heard each word in the Four-Point Plan brought by the community on that day. I attempted to get a comment from Roma Guy, the President of the Commission, during the reading of the demands. She told me that she could not comment because "I am trying to listen to what they are saying."

. As the Project Coordinator of the Civil Rights Division of the Coalition on Homelessness, Mara Radar knew from extensive research that the claim; "Hundreds 'Die-In' Protest Over Criminalization of Mental Illness" was right. Therefore, she and her comrades sat defiantly on the floor before the commissioners in solidarity for cause. After the police had waited them out, a representative from the police asked Mara if they would leave or face the alternative? The response of Mara Raider was analogous to the grand finale of any venue of combat. "The reason that we are here is to lock them out of the [strategic planning] process."

Everyone in the room, including the commissioners, exited to the chant of "Shut It Down, Shut It Down, Shut It Down, Shut It Down, Shut It Down."

I asked Mara how she felt during those tense moments before the commissioners decided to acquiesce and table the process, especially faced with the possibility of being incarcerated? "We had a purpose there," stated Mara as she continued. "It was to stop them from meeting the way they had previously stopped us from being a part of their meetings. Our purpose was to make sure that this health department really is `responding to the needs of poor people. We were going to stay there as long as we needed to in order to get our message across."


Good/Bad Alchemist's Cont. I'm Expressing My Freedom Of Speach.

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Joe, do 'ya think
you have too much time
on your hands?

No, not nearly enough...

But it beats being Mesmerized
by TV, Oil War.

by Joe B.

Where was I? Oh, yes-good or bad Alchemists.

Before and during Easter and Spring Break vacation besides the Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection it also got me thinking about exact opposites of good and evil.

As children most of us were told and literally scared into believing that both God, Satan, Saints, and Angels existed and an eternal battle for our priceless human souls and not to sell or barter it at all but if we did be aware once sold rarely will we get it back!

On those lines a thought pops into my brain.

If minions of demons are Satan’s to command then Alchemist’s are under spiritual command of God.

If a few demons wish to be good then why not the same hold true for accomplished enlightened Alchemist’s who’ve achieved the great work.

If demons or mythical Vampires fighting their evil side and brethren, sister’s wouldn’t alchemist with dark sides also turn?

Yes, avoiding so called war talk, a macabre empty victory dance over in Iraq’s blood soaked oil and sand while scientist’s, researchers, brightest students around this globe find hydrogen and other alternative renewable energy sources beyond dead decomposed dinosaurs.

Back to God’s few but powerful soldiers.

I know most Alchemist’s were long suffering men and women seeking portents or signs in astrology, numerology, even the Cabala. Some use pure primitive science.

For the majority death by explosion or suffocation from mercury gases or other fumes.

Those surviving, testing the, lead/brass into gold and succeeding found after taking a terrifying drink of what could’ve been poison gagged a little and found them selves not only alive but changing in ways they never imagined!

Their minds afire with there own past lives confronting them, everything they ever saw, felt, heard, learned, supposedly forgotten, all the joys, hurts, pains, physical/mental flash immediate all clear crisp as their whole being expands.

Not only that but voices of living or long dead friends, lovers, surround them, other alchemists, and cutting through it all God’s voice and vision both female/male telling you "Careful Child; Sit, Rest, Do Nothing But Relax - The Changes Will Take A Few Moments And Only When I Say Its Time Explore Your Being."

What does on do when hearing God’s command for one to rest, relax, pause, as your body, mind, spirit changes?

You do as the Lord says as you change from mortal to a being if not eternal but closer to immortality than most mortals will ever be.

Days, hours, months, or years however long it takes you rest as commanded as your powers are slowly revealed to you.

After this long rest where you might have to isolate from others the real adventures begin as death is less an adversary more an annoyance there are plan: long range plans you have to rethink everything because your life span is so long you cannot see its end which is still disconcerting if not downright frightening.

The mysterious alchemist Fulcanellie and Nandita (Mohuya Mellamphy) comes to mind.From www.alchymie. net/english_version/critiques/fucanelli_uk_.htm. You folks will find a title there too.

If they both drank from it a man’s virility is restored and for women besides youth they become prolific who knows how may children came from them or if they decided to stay a physical loving twosome without progeny.

After a long rest what happens? That’s another thought for another day… Bye.

Please send donations to

Poor Magazine or in C/0

Ask Joe at 1448 Pine Street,

San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

For Joe only my snail mail:

1230 Market St.

PO Box #645

San Francisco, CA 94102



Dawn Denison (Dine')

09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Boys and Girls Club of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Dawn Deniison

age 18

Slam Bio





A Locked up snake who cant get

Out of the system

My community is an unknowned

I live in Ignacio

I live in Ignacio

And I have 6 brothers and im the only girl

I struggle with my past and what happened to me


In the house of iron doors

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Michael Glynn

in the house of iron
doors and concrete

reside the whores in

you have no friend,
every one will bend,


liquid loyalty ,
without end.

man, woman, and child,


morality buck- wild

no code of ethics, no
rules to the game

it's all the same,


and at the same time,
how i made my name.

these dopehouse blues
are mine,

you can see it in my

look past the pain and
past the time,

to the house of dope
and lies.

Come on in, the air is


Neo-liberalism or Neo-Poverty

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Neoliberalism Needs Death Squads in Colombia




by Hans Bennett/reprinted from

In her new book Blood & Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia, author Jasmin Hristov writes: For roughly forty years, the Colombian state has been playing a double game: prohibiting the formation of paramilitary groups with one law and facilitating their existence with another; condemning their barbarities and at the same time assisting their operations; promising to bring perpetrators of crime to justice, while opening the door to perpetual immunity; convicting them of narco-trafficking, yet profiting from their drug deals; announcing to the world the government's persecution of paramilitary organizations, even though in reality these illegal armed groups have been carrying out the dirty work unseemly for a state that claims to be democratic and worthy of billions of dollars in US military aid.

As the largest recipient of US military aid in the hemisphere, Colombia has long been the US's most important ally in Latin America. Simultaneously, Colombia has also become the hemispheres worst human rights violator, with Colombia's numerous paramilitary organizations recently taking center stage, as they've gradually become directly responsible for more human rights atrocities than the formal military and police. In the name of fighting narco-terrorism, poor people and dissidents are massacred, assassinated, tortured, and disappeared, among other atrocities done to eliminate particular individuals and to set an example by intimidating others in the community. 97 percent of human rights abuses remain unpunished.

In recent years, a variety of human rights organizations, as well as mainstream academics and journalists have found it impossible to ignore the astronomical human rights violations. However, even though these groups have accurately reported on the actual atrocities, Jasmin Hristov argues that in their reports, the atrocities are largely de-contextualized from the powerful forces in Colombia and the US that directly benefit from this repression. According to Hristov, this mainstream presentation serves to mask the fact that US and Colombian elites directly support (via funding, training, supervising, and providing legal immunity for) state repression carried out by the police and military, as well as illegal paramilitary groups that are unofficially sanctioned by the government. Whether it is murdering labor organizers or displacing an indigenous community because a US corporation wants to drill for oil on their land, Hristov passionately asserts that death squad violence is purposefully directed towards sectors of society that stand in the way of the ruling class efforts to maintain economic dominance and acquire more resources to make even more profit.

In her book, Hristov does make a convincing argument that Colombias notorious death squads are inherently linked to maintenance of the countrys extreme economic inequality. Particularly since the neoliberal reforms of the 1990s that have increased poverty, Colombias poor continue to resist their oppression in many different ways. In response, state repression on a variety of levels is needed to terrorize unarmed social movements and other community groups and activists.

Throughout Blood & Capital, Hristov seeks to expose the rational motivations behind state violence for capitalisms economic elites in the US and Colombia. In meticulous detail, Hristov shows how the super-rich benefit from state repression and how the violators of human rights have essentially become immune from any consequences for their actions. If death squads are truly to be abolished in Colombia, we must look honestly at how and why they exist today. Hristovs new book is a powerful tool for exposing who truly calls the shots.

Neoliberalism or Neopoverty?

Hristov asserts that it is not a mere coincidence that during the era of accelerated neoliberal restructuring, the deterioration in the living conditions of the working majority has been accompanied by an increase in the capabilities and activities of military, police, and paramilitary groups, as well as the portrayal of social movements as forces that must be monitored, silenced, and eventually dismantled. The scandalous epidemic of poverty in Colombia is key to understanding Colombian politics, and why the upper classes so fear political organizing among the poor, who could mount a formidable opposition to the status quo if allowed to organize unrestrained by state repression.

When neoliberal policies were adopted by the Colombian government in the 1990s, it dramatically increased poverty, and made an already terrible situation worse. Hristov writes that the essential components of neo-liberalism are trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation, and austerity. Trade liberalization entails the removal of any trade barriers, such as tariffs and quotas. Privatization requires the sale of public enterprises and assets to private owners. Through the removal of government restrictions and interventions on capital, deregulation allows market forces to act as a self-regulating mechanism Austerity requires the drastic reduction or elimination of expenditures for social programs and services.

She argues that the main cause that led to the official adoption of neoliberal policies by the developing countries in Latin America and elsewhere was the pressure to service their external debts in the late 1970s. In order to receive loans from the World Bank (WB), or the International Monetary Fund (IMF), nations had to agree to a program of structural adjustment that included drastically reducing public spending in health, education, and welfare, and much more.

Because Colombia had less debt than other Latin American countries, major neoliberal restructuring did not begin until 1990, under President Cesar Gaviria Trujillo (1990-94), when the country began to receive massive amounts of US military aid In addition to the significant social damage wrought by these policies, by the mid-1990s Colombia had to almost double its borrowing from the IMF because of the economic crisis brought on by the market liberalization, writes Hristov.

These drastic reforms have intensified since current President Alvaro Uribe came to power in 2002. After the IMF loaned $2.1 billion in 2003 on the condition that the reforms be accelerated, Uribe privatized one of the countrys largest banks (BANCAFE), restructured the pension program, and reduced the number of public-sector workers in order to cut budget deficits, as required by the international lending institution. Uribe also closed down some of the countrys biggest public hospitals, eliminating over four thousand medical jobs, and denationalized companies in the telecommunications, oil, and mining sectors, reports Hristov.

These are a few of the statistics compiled by Hristov, who writes that in a country of 45 million, around 11 million people are unable to afford even one nutritious meal a day. According to statistics from 2005, 65 percent of Colombians are unable to regularly satisfy basic subsistence needs. In rural areas, the poverty rate is as high as 85 percent In 2000 it was estimated that half a million children suffer from malnutrition and close to 2.5 million children between the ages of six and seventeen are forced to work. Furthermore, there has been a notable decline in school attendance, literacy, and life expectancy as well as access to child care and education over the past couple of years.

Blood, Capital, and the State Coercive Apparatus

Throughout Blood & Capital, Hristov details many horrifying ways in which the rich are empowered by violence from what she identifies as the states coercive apparatus (SCA). She argues that two intertwining motifs run throughout Colombias history: (1) social relations marked by inequality, exploitation, and exclusion and (2) violence employed by those with economic and political power over the working majority and the poor in order to acquire control over resources, forcibly recruit labor, and suppress or eliminate dissent.

Dating back to the European conquest of the Americas, Hristov asserts that violence has been central to the creation of modern-day Colombias government and economy. She writes that starting in the late 1500s, the conquerors began clearing the indigenous population from territories with desirable characteristics mineral deposits, fertile soil, access to water, transportation routes, and so on. The separation of the indigenous from their means of subsistence allowed the formation of a local colonial elite who transformed what used to be the native inhabitants communal lands into large estates or haciendas. The creation of landless peasants facilitated the supply of labor for the Spaniards ventures, such as mining and agriculture.

State violence supporting the economic elite continued, but became much worse in the 1960s under the direction of the US military. Alfredo Vasquez Carrizosa, President of the Colombian Permanent Committee for Human Rights reports that in the 1960s, during the Kennedy administration, the US took great pains to transform our regular armies into counterinsurgency brigades, accepting the new strategy of the death squads. This ushered in what is known in Latin America as the National Security Doctrine not defense against an external enemy, but a way to make the military establishment the masters of the game the right to combat the internal enemy this could mean anyone, including human rights activists such as myself.

As Edward Herman, co-author of The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism explained in a previous interview with Upside Down World, US support for repressive governments in Colombia and throughout Latin America was, and still is, part of a general policy towards third world populations. Focusing largely on US support for the Latin American National Security States, Herman and co-author Noam Chomsky argue that U.S. corporations purposefully support (and in many instances create) fascist terror states in order to create a favorable investment climate. In exchange for a cut of the action, local military police-states brutally repress their population when it attempts to assert basic human rights.

In the 1960s, the US and Colombian governments launched Plan Lazo, designed to target the internal enemy. Hristov writes that the military aid that was part of Plan Lazo (and all subsequent programs, including those in place today, such as the Patriot Plan) were given on the condition that Colombian forces would use terror and violence, since these formed a legitimate part of the overall anticommunist offensive. In 1966 the field manual US Army Counterinsurgency Forces specified that while antiguerrilla should not employ mass terror, selective terror against civilians was acceptable and was justified as a necessary response to the alleged terrorism committed by rebel forces.

Hristov asserts that while the US handled the financial and ideological aspects of building and strengthening the SCA, locally the Colombian elites also played a key role. It implemented many of the policies suggested by the US counterinsurgency manual in order to discipline the civilian population through measures such as press censorship, the suspension of civil rights (to permit arrest on mere suspicion), and the forced relocation of entire villages. President Guillermo Leon Valencia (1962-66) boosted the anticommunist campaign by declaring a state of siege whereby judicial and political powers were transferred to the military while the latter was freed from accountability to civilian authorities for its conduct.

With US financing and supervision, the Colombian armed forces have since become one of the most renowned human rights violators in the world. This despicable conduct eventually created significant local and international opposition, and under this pressure the SCA has been forced to adjust. In response, the responsibility for repression has shifted more towards paramilitaries, whose activities are officially independent of the government. In this situation, when paramilitaries target the internal enemy, the same goal is accomplished as if the government itself did it, yet the government cannot be officially linked to the violence.

The Paramilitarization of Colombia

The size and strength of paramilitary death squads in Colombia has steadily increased since they were first established in the 1960s. According to Hristov, the paramilitaries are now responsible for about 80 percent of human rights violations in Colombia, compared to 16 percent by the rebel guerrillas. The paramilitaries evolution, Hristov argues, is the result of perhaps the most creative and intelligent effort by an elite-dominated state to counteract revolutionary processes The Colombian parastatal system represents neither a traditional centralized authoritarian regime, as those that existed in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil, nor merely a collection of autonomous armed bands dispersed over rural areas, each ruling locally, as in Mexico. What we see in Colombia is a mutated SCA that has assumed a nonstate appearance.

The function of the paramilitaries in Colombia was explained well by Captain Gilberto Cardenas, former captain of the national police and former director of the Judicial Police Investigative and Intelligence Unit in the Uraba region. In 2002, testifying against the commander of the Seventeenth Brigade of the Colombian armed forces, Cardenas told representatives of the United Nations and Colombian authorities that The paramilitaries were created by the Colombian government itself to do the dirty work, in other words, in order to kill all individuals who, according to the state and the police, are guerrillas. But in order to do that, the [the government] had to create illegal groups so that no one would suspect the government of Colombia and its military forces members of the army and the police even patrol side by side with the paramilitaries.

The paramilitary system first began in the mid-1960s when the Colombian government passed legislation that authorized citizens to carry arms and assist the military in repression. Hristov argues that paramilitary forces entered the scene to perform two main functions. The first was to participate in combat at a local level, as described by the 1966 US Army Counterinsurgency Forces field manual, which stated: paramilitary units can support the national army in the conduct of counterinsurgency operations when the latter are being conducted in their own province or political subdivision. Second, Hristov writes that paramilitaries were intended to monitor and gather intelligence on the rebels, their civilian supporters, and social organizations by establishing networks throughout the country.

While these early paramilitaries did play some role in state repression, it would not be until the 1980s that they really began to increase in size and influence. Hristov writes that the 1980s were the golden age of paramilitary development, as many new groups formed, expanded, and rapidly acquired financial and military strength...This second wave of creation enacted by large-scale landowners, cattle ranchers, mining entrepreneurs (particularly those in the emerald business) and narco-lords took place in a particular context, characterized by five main features: a shift in the states (unofficial) policy toward the partial privatization of coercion; the states fusion with the elite; a legal framework that had set the ground for the design, training, equipping, and administration by the state military of armed bodies outside its institution; a prevailing anticommunist ideology; and militarized patches of the country that served as models to emulate.

This second wave was given another boost in 1994 with the creation of the Community Rural Surveillance Associations (CONVIVIR) by current President Alvaro Uribe Velez, who was the governor of the department of Antioquia at that time. Hristov writes that Uribe made CONVIVIR into a replica of the original paramilitary bodies designed in the 1960s. As it had thirty years ago, now the civilian counterpart of the SCA was to take on a central role in the Dirty War under a legal mantle. By the time CONVIVIR was outlawed, in 1999, most of the numerous paramilitary self defense bodies had united, attaining an organizational and military capacity unsurpassed by paramilitary forces in any other Latin American country.

In August, 1998, just before the legislation supporting CONVIVIR was abolished, hundreds of members publicly announced that they would be joining the AUC paramilitary network, which became the most prominent paramilitary network in Colombia. The AUC had been created in 1997, mostly under the leadership of Carlos Castano and his paramilitary group, the ACCU, which became the largest group in the AUC federation. Others that operated in this loose confederation of paramilitary groups included Bloque Cacique Nutibara, the Bloque Central Bolivar, and the Bloque de Magdalena Medio.

Following official peace negotiations between the AUC and the Colombian government which began in 2002 with an official AUC ceasefire agreement, the AUC officially disbanded in February 2006, as part of an overall public disarmament of many paramilitaries throughout Colombia. However Hristov argues that there are many factors challenging the legitimacy of the peace process. First, during the entire period of the cease-fire announced by the AUC, its groups regularly engaged in military actions against civilians, thereby committing human rights violations (and such activities continue to take place). Second, often those who claimed to be demobilizing were not the real paramilitary combatants but hired criminals, or drug dealers who had bought the AUC franchise. Third, large quantities of arms that should have been turned over were not. Fourth, fighters who are officially considered demobilized are in reality already active militarily in new organizations, where their skills of terrorizing the civilian population for economic gains are necessary and valued.

Since 2006, there have been several government initiatives that give the formal appearance of the Colombian government working to combat paramilitaries. Hristov explains that early in 2007 the Supreme Court began investigating numerous connections between paramilitaries and important state actors, such as senators, representatives, deputies, councilors, and mayors. As time went by, the public learned of more and more cases in which the legal (state officials with their political authority and legitimacy) and the illegal (paramilitary groups with their economic and military power) had entered into alliances to advance their mutual interests. Through mid-2008, 38 percent of members of Congress have been implicated in this parapolitica scandal.

While Hristov recognizes some importance in these recent investigations, she feels that their real impact has been extremely limited. She argues that despite all the cases that have been exposed, parapolitica is not likely to be eradicated from the Colombian political system. On the contrary, the flood of revelations about politicians connections to the paramilitary actually allows serious crimes, such as complicity in massacres, to get buried under waves of minor offenses, and eventually the entire issue becomes just another corruption scandal.

In their 2009 report on Colombia, Human Rights Watch concluded that there are many threats to accountability for paramilitaries accomplices, reporting that the Uribe administration has repeatedly taken actions that could sabotage the investigations. Administration officials have issued public personal attacks on the Supreme Court and its members, in some cases making accusations that have turned out to be baseless, in what increasingly looks like a campaign to discredit the court. In mid-2008 the administration proposed a series of constitutional amendments that would have removed what are known as the parapolitics investigations from the Supreme Court's jurisdiction, but it withdrew the proposal in November. The administration also blocked what is known as the empty chair bill, which would have reformed the Congress to sanction parties that had backed politicians linked to paramilitaries.

Hristov concludes that the centrality of paramilitaries to Colombian politics will not be disappearing anytime soon, mostly because repression has been necessary to enforce the countrys stark social/political/economic injustice. Hristov argues that the paramilitaries have become an essential tool of repression, and because Colombias poor majority will continue to resist this outrageous poverty, the paramilitaries repression will continue. Seen in this context, the recent demobilization process is only a tactical restructuring of paramilitaries and the SCA, similar to their restructurings in the 1980s and 1990s. Hristov sees this restructuring as an adaptation response to assure its future survival in the face of the reality of resistance and opposition by numerous sectors of society against further dispossession, with the states ultimate goal being the institutionalization of paramilitarism and the legalization of capital accumulation through violence.

War on Narco-terrorists?

Since the official end of the Cold War in 1989, US rhetorical justification for allying itself with and providing military aid to the Colombian government has shifted from fighting communism to fighting narco-terrorism. Hristov argues that official rhetoric may have changed but its still easy to expose this fraudulent war on narco-terrorism as actually being a war against poor people. Concerning the so-called war on terrorism, how can the hemispheres worst human rights violator fight terrorism? Then, similar to the absurd notion of a terrorist fighting terrorism, how can a government heavily complicit in the drug trade claim that it is fighting a war on drugs?

The Colombian government's multi-faceted complicity in drug trafficking extends all the way to current President Uribe, who was listed by the Pentagon itself, as one of the most wanted international drug traffickers. A declassified National Security Archives report dated September 23, 1991, explicitly accused Uribe of being a collaborator of the Medellin cartel and a personal friend of Pablo Escobar. This report states further that Uribe was one of the more important Colombian narco-terrorists contracted by the Colombian narcotics cartels for security, transportation, distribution, collection, and enforcement of narcotics operations in both the US and Colombia. These individuals are also contracted as HIT MEN to assassinate individuals targeted by the extraditables, or individual narcotic leaders, and to perform terrorist acts against Colombian officials, other government officials, law enforcement agencies, and groups of other political persuasions.

It's not just the Colombian government! Hristov argues that the US government's Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has in reality been converted largely to an instrument of drug traffickers and paramilitaries. To support this assertion, she cites a 2004 memorandum issued by a lawyer at the US Department of Justice named Thomas M. Kent, which accused the DEA of extreme misconduct. Kent states that strong evidence of misconduct is routinely ignored by the control agencies of the Department of Justice. Hristov summarizes key points made in Kent's memorandum, including to supplement their $7,000 monthly salary, some DEA agents have managed to negotiate with Colombian drug dealers .DEA personnel have been implicated in the killing of informants. Members of the AUC [paramilitaries] have been assisted by DEA agents in money laundering. DEA agents have participated in the extortion of drug traffickers awaiting extradition.

On another note, Hristov makes the important point that drug trafficking and the rise of paramilitaries have both fed each other in two key ways. First, the groups involved in trafficking needed to protect their laboratories, illegal cultivation, and clandestine airstrips in rural areas stimulated the emergence of local armed groups outside the state. Second, many drug dealers had begun to invest their capital in millions of hectares of the best agricultural land in the country and they needed armed forces to protect their lands. Hristov adds further that the preexisting concentration of land ownership in the hands of the elite and the displacement of impoverished peasants was aggravated dramatically by this trend.

To further expose this fraudulent war on drugs, it should be noted that the US government has a long history of complicity in drug trafficking, particularly in Latin America. While author William Blum has written the definitive short article on the topic, Alfred McCoy has written the most comprehensive book, titled The Politics of Heroin, documenting the CIA's relationships with drug traffickers around the world, including in France, Italy, China, Laos, Afghanistan, Haiti, and throughout Latin America. In 1989, a Senatorial Committee chaired by Senator John Kerry documented that during the 1980s, while working with the anti-Sandinista Contras, the CIA and other branches of the US government were complicit in trafficking cocaine into the US from Latin America. The Kerry Committee concluded a three year investigation by stating in their report that there was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zones on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots, mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters throughout the region. US officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war efforts against Nicaragua. In each case, one or another agency of the US government had information regarding the involvement either while it was occurring, or immediately thereafter.

The Kerry Committee's report and the story behind it has been analyzed well by authors Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall in their book Cocaine Politics. In 1996, investigative journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles for the San Jose Mercury News (later expanded and made into a book in 1999) which directly tied Contra cocaine traffickers Danilo Blandon and Norwin Meneses (both protected by the US government) to Los Angeles drug kingpin Freeway Rick Ross, who played a key role in starting the crack-cocaine epidemic of the 1980s. The mainstream media launched a smear campaign attacking Webb's story that eventually caused even the Mercury News to denounce Webb. However, several prominent journalists came to Webb's defense and challenged the mainstream media's smear campaign, including Norman Solomon, Robert Parry, and Counterpunch co-editors Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.

Unmasking The Unholy Alliance

The relationship between the US and Colombian elite is truly an unholy alliance. With US President Barack Obama praising the Colombian government and attempting to build several new military bases in Colombia, it is more important than ever to expose the truth about who supports death squads and why. Hopefully Blood & Capital will receive the attention that it deserves, and Hristov's meticulous research can be used to truly disarm the state coercive apparatus in Colombia.

--Hans Bennett is an independent multi-media journalist whose website is This article was first published at on September 3, 2009.




Harry Jones and the H.O.M.E.T.E.A.M. (Part Two)

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The second part of the story of a very poor San Franciscan who died on the streets after being subjected to abuse in the shelters and harassment by a new branch of the San Francisco Police Department.

by Vlad Pogorelov and Harry Jones

When Harry finally made it to a shelter he saw a long line of people standing outside the building. Harry recognized the familiar faces of his ex-neighbors from his last stay under the 101 Freeway. A few people said, Hello, to Harry, but he was barely able to greet them back. At one point he collapsed onto the sidewalk. Out of the corner of his eye Harry saw a fashionably dressed yuppie couple hurrying towards a fancy nightclub a block away. There was an expression of disgust and fear on their clean, white faces. For a second Harry felt ashamed of something, he wasn't sure what. He should have hated them for what they were but strangely he didnt feel much animosity towards them.

As Harry was lying on the steps of the shelter, his eye caught sight of dozens of rough army boots, cheap dirty sneakers, and skinny white legs dressed in silver pantyhose and red, shiny high-heeled shoesósize 7 1/2ówalking away. Harry thought of his own family, and how he was not able to support them because of his broken back. He also felt some regret for not telling them of his present situation. Maybe if they knew how bad I was, they would accept me, he thought. But somehow, he felt that it was too late, that he had lost his chance and the circumstances were against him.

Fellow homeless in the shelter line, seeing how weak Harry was, let him go ahead of them. Shaking, Harry approached the clerk. He was asked for his Social Security card. Harry searched through his pockets but couldnít find his wallet. He could not show any ID to the clerk. Harry was asked to wait until his Social Security number could be verified. There was no place to sit down so Harry had to sit on the cold cement floor. Harry felt dead tired but he couldnít just close his eyes and take a napóa terrible pain in his back prevented him from sleeping.

After almost two hours his status was verified and he was let into a room filled with rows of wooden seats. Harry was given a dirty blanket and shown a chair. He tried to tell someone that he needed to lie down, that he needed a real bed, but no one was listening to him. Within a few minutes the lights went out and the doors were shut. Harry tried to make himself comfortable, but it was impossible. A hard, wooden seat was pressing against Harryís hurting back. Harry felt betrayed by the whole world. He felt that his pain was only his and no one in the world would help him.

At times, being in the total darkness, surrounded by the hardñsmelling, sobbing, and snoring people Harry started hallucinating. Memories of his childhood came back to him. He saw his deceased parents. They were levitating above the 101 Freeway and calling Harry to join them, ìCome with us Harry, we miss you.ÖÓ Harry tried to touch them. He reached for his mother but suddenly he felt as if he were falling down. When he became more alert, he realized that he was on the floor and the neighbors were yelling at him and telling him to be quiet. With difficulties, Harry got back into his ìbedÓ and covered himself with a thin stale blanket.

No matter how hard he tried to get some rest it was not possible. Harryís desperation reached a point where he could no longer remain in the rough, wooden chair that was supposed to be his ìbedÓ. Still very weak and quite disoriented, Harry left the building and went towards the China Basin area. He crossed Mission Rock Road, slipped through an opening in the fence along an industrial area beside the Bay, and entered through a hole in the cement floor of an abandoned dock. It was dark in there, and as he was lying on the mix of gravel and sand he could hear the water splashing on the shore and the distant sound of an ambulance. They must be coming here to help me, he thought. They must be coming for me. as he was slipping into unconsciousness. Before complete darkness descended upon him, Harry saw flashlights and police officers, who were ordering him to, ìFreeze.Ó

ìShit, this bum is dead,Ó said one of the officers to another after checking his pulse.

ìYep, thatís how all of those hobos are going to end up,Ó replied another policemen. Shortly, an ambulance arrived and Harry Jones, a 53-year-old homeless resident of San Francisco, was pronounced dead.

As the sun was rising above the horizon a group of disheveled men with red sleepless eyes were exiting a ìMenís ShelterÓ. Somehow, they survived another day of their miserable existence, but for Harry Jones it was all over. Harryís name joined hundreds of othersí on the Homeless Death List of San Francisco. Yet, I hope that Harryís case will not just become statistic. Harryís voice deserves to be heard even after his tragic and untimely death.

There are thousands of homeless residents in this city who are facing the grim prospect of standing in long lines leading into overcrowded shelters, where they are forced to sleep on rough, wooden chairs. Or they have the option of sleeping outside and facing the risk of being criminalized by Southern Station's Gestapo UnitóH.O.M.E.T.E.A.M., as well as being exposed to the elements, the risk of serious diseases, and frequently, death.

I am urging all of you, who are now aware of what happened to Harry Jones, to contact the mayor and your elected officials to demand the abolition of H.O.M.E.T.E.A.M. and to demand better conditions in San Francisco shelters before itís too late for another Harry Jones.

To read Harry Jones and the HOMETEAM part I-
go to;


A New Ooze, Red, White, and True Blue... Is He?

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body

Green, gray, or clear whatever.

Is Mr. Sup.Gavin Newsome the flavor
of 2004 ..

The latest prepackage version of
what's the word that rhymes with time,
crime, grime or lime it begins with an
S but I forgot.

by Joe B.

Who is Mr. Gavin Newsom?

Where does he come from?
Who or whom are his friends, business contacts, former girlfriends?

And why is it so important for him to be mayor in 2004?
Why the rush of his "Cash Not Care" on the ballot?

I really don’t know about him, don’t care all that much but if he’s gonna improve or muck up my or other people’s lives then a few things should be known about him.

Handsome, charismatic, from a powerful dynasty and that’s it.

Some of you folks know the real dope on the guy as he’s send out feelers, trial balloons for a possible run for City Hall’s top spot the same should be for him.

There is more of you readers out there that know bits and pieces of his life talk to each other tie them together and the whole story will be known long before the day of election.

Good, guy, bad guy, dull, or mundane either way it is only fair we know about him as he assumes he knows about the houseless, working poor families, or individuals.

That’s a fair deal and it seems more than Sup. Gavin Newson is doing.

My next column will be on how this Newsom guy can really help if his plan was more innovative, creative, and imaginative than what he’s borrowed from Alpha City.

Yes, readers may have to wait a day or two for what I have to write but all you have to do is read it; its me, the poor boob that has to think and write the stuff up… Bye.

HouseCare-Pro Price range:
$25 per day or 100 a week for
1 bdrm. Apt, small House.
4 to 3 bedrooms, $50 to $100 a week,
$5,000 a week for 20 to 40 rm. Homes.
$25,000 by the week or $100,000 for
50 to 100 rm Mansions
Prices are negotiable.
Non drinker, smoker, drugs (unless its aspirin & vitamins)
Not a party animal, Boredom, works me.

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645
Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102



09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Original Body

by Staff Writer

Even though Eagles always have choices

In the great wide circles

Above and below them

But they never fight the wind!

Out of road bridges, tents and shack-towns

Out of refugee camps and dirty bins

Out of ghost towns

Our ghosts burns inside us with guilt

Out of the neon-glimmer of uptowns

Out of girls become bitches to survive

Out of fear, anger and poisoned hearts

Out of men became killing bastards

Out of the cold shivers of winter nights

Out of fires, floods and lives lost

Out of empty shells, empty lives, and empty beings

Out of traps sprung by the police on foreigners

Out of police trucks ferrying us back to Zimbabwe.

The policeman’s gun is pointing at me

His partner is picking on me

Curious animals sniffing for a bribe

This illegal war against immigrants

Breeds unfettered patriotism of citizens against foreigners.

They want to crack our skulls

They want to burn us alive

Laugh and rejoice around our dead

They want to kill every foreigner

Cut cords from our bellies

Suck blood from our corpses

They want to eat our flesh

They want to rape our women

Step on our babies

They want to dig our graves

And burn our bones

So that we cannot live anymore

Cannot die again

Cut of in our prime.

Our weakness is an affront to them

Always being quantified, measured

And tagged Makwerekwere, Makwerekwere.

Maybe next time they would grind us into flour

Package and distribute us

And I think it would be more-instructive

More efficient, more cost-effective.


Hegemony Central

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Original Body

by Zackary Whitehead

Hegemony--The predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others.

In my last revolutionary worker scholar article entitled, "You Sexy Thing", I wrote about my experiences working as a security guard in a supermarket. In this bad economy, it is the only job I can get. Many people tell me, "You should be thankful you even have a job". Believe me, I am on my knees every night giving thanks to the Gods of private security and loss prevention (LP for short) for allowing me to wear the uniform of 100% polyester, neckline covered in fur and, of course, badge with the security guard company logo.

Something interesting happened during my shift that is worth noting. I was monitoring the activity in the store near the entrance/exit doors. I was in a highly visible position, nestled between stacks of sports drinks and dingdong/hoho (or hoho/dingdong) cakes. I was trying to look alert and attentive but I was in a different place, a different reality. I was daydreaming of getting into the electronic buggy for disabled shoppers and plowing full-speed into the store manager's ass (complete with painted-on bullseye), bumper car style (A la bull goring matador). I imagined doing donuts in the aisles and parking lot and popping wheelies and leaving skidmarks while flapping my arms and making chicken noises. This is the best part of security for me--being able to let the imagination run loose down the aisles while the manager makes announcements over the loudspeakers about various perishables.

As I stood near the dingdong/hoho cakes, a co-security guard whose post is in the parking lot approached me. "Hey", he said, "There was a guy who came in earlier, I think he walked out with a beer". There was a pause. "What you need to do", he continued, "is walk the aisles so you can see what these guys are doing". I gave him my most sincere and confounded look. "I didn't see the guy", I said, "What did he look like?" The guard looked at me and said under his breath, "He was a young black guy. He came in yesterday too". I began to notice a pattern among these supermarket employee folk. I heard them say things like, They're stealing from "us", when referring to shoplifters. Who the hell is "us" i'd whisper to myself silently. I witnessed a Raza store clerk run after a young African descended woman whom she thought was shoplifting. The lady was merely placing her basket down near the entrance doors and obtaining a larger basket on wheels.

I stood in silence feeling as if I had betrayed some secret code of security guards. Here was this guard (an ex mortgage broker, bless his altruistic soul) trying to school me, trying to bring out the empathy that was dormant in my soul for the Budweiser Beer Company that just got beaten for $1.25. Shame overcame me like a flood of florescent light. I felt the need for a bathroom run followed by a drink (Presumably one I'd pay for, 1.25 to be exact). I recalled a conversation I'd had with POOR Magazine co-editor Lisa Gray-Garcia (AKA Tiny) about people like this. They identify with the man to the degree that they start believing that they own what the man owns, said Tiny. What they own is hegemony.

"Follow me", said my security guard comrade. He led me across the aisles past the sodium, fat and high fructose corn syrup laden foodstuffs. We went up a flight of stairs until coming to a door that said, "Manager". We walked inside. The manager sat at a desk strewn with papers and orange rinds. Her hands were folded into a little pyramid. "I heard you have a different outlook than the others", she said, leaning back in her chair. "What outlook is that?" I asked. The manager looked at the other guard, then at me. "You know very well what I'm talking about". She opened her drawer and pulled out a medicine bottle and tablespoon.

She approached me and unscrewed the cap. I looked at the bottle, on it was the word: Hegemony. The other guard grabbed me from behind in a Full Nelson. "Open wide", said the manager, the syrup oozing onto the tablespoon like a disease. "What is that, I asked. "It's good for you", she replied, "We get the stuff by the truckloads, at marked down prices. Open up!" She put the spoon to my lips. I opened my mouth and took the tepid liquid. It burned into my tongue like a freshly lit match. In a flash I spit it out, wanting to expunge the medicine and everything it stood for in the annals of supermarket history. The liquid landed on the manager's face like a frenzied molecular species that had just been let loose from the lab. She screamed like a hyena (which is an insult to that species). The guard shoved me against the wall and landed 2 knees to my groin--the left first, then the right. "Get him the hell outta here!" the manager screamed.

The guard led me down the stairs by the scruff of the neck like a bad little boy who disturbed the class--past the aisles with dog food, floor wax, snack cakes, clothes detergent and frozen fish sticks. He led me through the exit door and out of that market and into the street. The birds were perched on a wire waiting for me. I walked away from that market leaving behind a current opening for a security officer.
