by Joseph Bolden
Ok,a column about as Mr. Will Smith would say on "Hotness"
Everyone has their unique definition on this subject because Ms. Tiny aka Lisa also hales from Los Angeles there’s a "Hollywood Glam factor added.
Being hot has expanded for so many people, from so many places that’s its difficult to pin it down so I won’t.
When one works for and is friend any person for a period of time one observes many facets of an individual.
Tiny is a genuienly multifacited individual whether it be in her work as Co to publisher of Poor Magazine, instructor of interns in the ways of media capture, in the Daily PNN brain center P-M central reinterpretation/recasting news or "The News That Doesn’t Fit into mainstreams bottom line.
AS poet, interviewer/ee on PNN and KPFA’s morning show (bottom half (7:30am) hour near or on the last day of each month.
Finally, when she lets her hair down, don’s party clothes and lets loose on the dance floor tranforming into diva surpreme sizzling, burning up dance floors where ever she goes. It is a mighty sexy sight to behold!
However for the four letters emailed to me about how hot she is… Well, this does not immedietly occure to me.
We first met before even the concept of Poor Magazine gleamed in Mama Dee’s or Lisa’s minds.
A few years later in a cramp place the nucleus began as their join dream-process radical in scope, inconcievable in its objective: For regular Poor People to have a voice, break into media with solutions they know because of living, surviving through poverties harsh lessons.
Giving technical access to those most in need and denied as automatically unworthy.
Its still an uphill hazzardous battle.
Someone with that much going against her from her youth with her mother guiding her and then Tiny returning the feirce love infinitely back is profoundly, deep, being grounded in reality gives on the power to let loose when the need arrises and Tiny was and is in need of release at times from the work she’s constantly does.
Me, it had not occurred to me to even dream of my former boss and friend in this light.
Call me naieve we were way to serious and both of us had our own private housing, rent, food, and dating concerns.
Honestly she was not my type though pretty with yellow-red hair,
her endomorphicLook it up folks dancer-fit-figure isn’t what I go for and besides being my boss she’d could’ve been the harraser not I.
Have I mentioned she was into kick boxing at the time?
While my rusty Tai Kwon Do would be to slow the best I could do is block the faster hands and dash away sprinting at top speed.
For the four people who’ve sent the letters to me about getting with HOT TINY, sorry to say she’s taken by an equally if not more Hotty Guy eye candy.
That’s what other people call him though he does have movie star looks, he too has faced challenges, dedicated to
‘Po folks access and fixing the social/political inequities.
I guess that makes him a tripple hottie in Tiny’s eyes.
At this time another person arrived who’s youthful misteps, slight errors in judgement due to both inexperience and experience has some family members write her off as lost to the streets.
Few keow if they’ed only gave her a chance to explain some of her dire actions.
As a world traveler with her family and later on her on she lived on the street,
surving as best she could helped and was helped by friends she’s grown up with in San Francisco.
There are too many accomplishments to go into all I can say at one point she could’ve been killed by an abusive adult or boyfriend(s).
As one of many youth commissioner encouraged by Jewnbug another struggling youth and mother-to-be Ms.
Mari Villaluna has met challenges many other youths may have fallen never to be heard from again.
After surving harrowing experiences this veteran
yes, she’s also a veteran peiced her life together
Part of it was working with Poor Magazine while a Youth Commissioner at City Hall in San Francisco, attending City College of San Francisco, and later as graduate of Mills Women’s College in Oakland.
The young woman had a lot to accomplish because she felt she missed so much.
Parts of precious, irreplaceable childhood gone which she suffer from still.
At one time this dyamic dynamo of a feminine strength and super,no hyperhuman willpower at one time thought herself not worthy of Mills College!
This is why I feel privilidged and proud to be one her many friends.
In a small way I was able to help her see that
she is errily,scary, smart,to take advantage of higher education and not worry about her family, or what some friends may say its your life and you must live it!
Yes, I admit to dreaming of her at times.
(I’m a normal guy) she’s a young adult looking younger than her hard years would tell guess being a vegetarian help slow aging process a little.
We didn’t go on dates but sometimes needed to be accompanied to bars because after days or weeks of difficult legislation drawn up, fought over, changed, win, lose, or draw Mari had get her dance on!
Yes, Ive danced a bit,nowhere near as sexy, spicey, as she but have my ways. "Joe, You Can Move!"
"I close my eyes, let the rythms move me."
Have to day "Damn, the girl, uh young woman either gained or lost weight from Taiwan visit always has a cute curvy figure and a back that most black and brown guys drool over.
And thick too, I admit to admiring both front and backside platonic friend or not she's that bomb sexy even waring glasses she sex bomb!been wanting say that but it would frighten her but now I can say it and she's to far away to kill me.
I think she calls me Uncle even when I don’t think uncle thoughts about her.
Because of her past, present, the way she survived, surpassed everyones expectations, and what she still suffers from as a young woman of mixed heritage which includes Iroqoui/Ph-Fillipina/Spanish and S.F. born.
All the above makes her extremely (HOT–SEXY in my view and to my eyes.
Years past, don’t know the event someone is elected for somehing Mari and I go into a bar, a Lesbian or Gayelle
1. adj. Adv. Feminine form of gay meaning homosexual.
2. Noun Gay and Female member of a group or movement that prefers to called Gayelle rather than Lesbial (for more info on this go to:
In this bar I’m cool, writing stuff while petite Mari who’s a girly girl (attractive feminine )kind of woman is also attracting Gayelles just being her femmy self she has a few friends she wanted to see.
I’m about to play some pool, didn’t have money to buy any beer. Mari wants leave.
Just as I’m about to play a woman I don’t know if she had substantial rack or not but she being gayelle won’t distract me though I’d enjoy the veiw.
(I repeat I’m a guy if any woman is stretching her sweater or has deep cleavage from bra or braless showing I’m peeking that’s just me.
There lots of striking, heart stop beautiful gayelles just because I cannot touch don’t mean I won’t look they know that.
Beauty is beauty I’m only human!
Some gayelles are so freaky beautiful can make any straight guys heart leap. some wym's are just that way truth be told.
Problem is my gayelle radar is faulty, I can easily fall for either bi wym/s or gayelles.
At the time it funny that gayelles were drooling over this hot girly girl straight femmy and couldn’t have a taste, maybe she experimented in high school/college and that was it for her.
For me that’s the ultimate compliment, to be wanted by her own sex and finding a no-deal situation.
It soothes me a down a lot after years of tourching for her,
(sorry I lied about that)
seeking other women to block her out my mind.
She’s still a very sensuous, sensual, sexy, femmy dynamo who’s radar makes her choosy about with men sometimes it's faulty too.
she’ll let some into her life either for fun, long short relationships or soul mate for life.
The Longest Walk continues and I pray for her and people on the walk to stay safe and comfort each other and that from whatever harm.
Mari is healing from personal hurts, I’ll always have her back as she’s had mine.
Again pray she returns to Washington safe, sound, reinvigorarted.
The four letter writers to me sorry but I have say Ms.Villaluna is SMOLDERING HOT!
To Mari, my deepest apologies, unless you get lots of dates from this especially if a few of your Hot friends date healthy elder goats like me.
I gave it a shot, I’m a horny, elder straight guy.
Just as Tiny is in her own way is very hot I think of a few other women just as HOT
keeping that to myself.
Thanks for writing to me.