Story Archives 2001

Asian American Journalists Respond

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongTHE ASIAN AMERICAN JOURNALISTS’ ASSOCIATION ADVISES ON COVERAGE OF ARAB AMERICANS/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p p(San Francisco) - As we cover the horrific events of Sept. 11, the Asianbr / American Journalists Association urges the nation's news media to continuebr / the responsible reporting on our nation's Arab American communities thatbr / has marked coverage so far. /p pOur profession has the opportunity and the responsibility to inform thebr / public about the many facets of this national tragedy. At the same time, webr / can help ensure that the devastating events in New York, Washington / and Pennsylvania do not lead to further injustices against other / Arab Americans, along with all of us, are victims of this attack. /p pAlready, there is much concern within Arab American communities in ourbr / nation about the backlash that might result from Tuesday's attacks. Thesebr / fears are fueled by reports that link these attacks to Arab or Islamicbr / terrorists./p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

The US. Government Caused me to become homeless #5

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongPt 5 in a Series/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/488/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Judith Hansel/p pI was deported for the fourth time from Canada on November 25, 1998. My journey began in 1988 when I purchased property that had been in the Title 7 USCS CFR 1955.116 homeownership program. The fraudulent implementation of this program allowed unrepaired houses to be sold to citizens whose attorneys also participated in the fraud. I attempted to force the US government into admitting the fraud. I finally obtained three mortgages from Union State Bank in Wautoma, Wi., that totaled $23,000. I paid $24,500 in cash when I purchased the property. After a Black Hills Vision Quest, I stopped making mortgage payments in order to get the fraud before a jury. This scheme backfired when the Courts proved as corrupt as the private attorneys, the realtors, the banks and the appointed officials of the USDA. Also in collusion with the fraud were the US Congress, the State of Wisconsin Courts, the US Federal District Court in Milwaukee, and the US Supreme Court. /p pAfter three arrests and no trials, the Circuit Court ordered me to undergo a Mental Competency Evaluation to be done by the Director of the Winnebago Mental Institution in Oshkosh./p pAt this point I fled to Canada and sought political asylum. Part 4 of this series explained what happened to me in Canada. In 1998 I was threatened with a criminal charge if I returned to Canada again./p pI arrived in San Francisco on December 3, 1998. On January 3, 1999 I became part of the homeless population when I secured a bed at the Episcopal Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is a warehouse that was re-modeled into 6 X 8 cubicles that contain a bunk bed, two hooks for clothes, a wall light, and a chair. Small lockers are available for valuables./p pEvery time I walk into the Sanctuary I recall one of the first scenes in “Amadeus,”; specifically the scene where the priest enter the asylum to visit Salieri./p pI complained to the UN about the money-saving policy since clients have to purchase Money Orders and give them to their Case Managers as proof of money saved. These Money Orders are kept in the Case Managers’ offices. My complaint was based on the facts that the Sanctuary is not licensed as a bank, does not pay interest, deprives people of their money without due process, and demands that clients participate in this program or lose their beds./p pOn January 21, 1999, I moved to the Marian Residence for Women, an agency of St. Anthony Foundation. The Foundation has no connection to the Catholic Church; it is a private foundation./p pStaff at Marian Residence for Women (MRW), as at the Sanctuary, scream and shout at clients. The overall climate is punitive at both places although the MRW excels at belittling women and throwing them back out on the street for small infractions of the rules. Clients at the MRW shelter are under 24-hour surveillance from monitors in an office that overlooks the dormitory. Men work in the office and when I lived there, men patrolled the dorm at night while women slept./p pMy alimony ended in 1999. In late May, I applied for welfare and Food Stamps at the Department of Human Services. DHS employees encourage clients to apply for Social Security disability payments so The City won't have to pay welfare to them. Four social workers at four different agencies suggested that I apply for Social Security disability payments during the first month I was in San Francisco. I refused simply because I am not disabled./p pI grew tired of the harassment by DHS employees and in February, 2000, applied for my Social Security retirement. I receive $90 a month less than I would receive if I had waited to apply at age 65. This seems like a large penalty to pay and I wonder about the legal justice of the policy./p pWho are the homeless? There is a stereotype that portrays the homeless as dirty, lazy, addicted, and obnoxious---Willie Brown's view. The homeless are people in wheelchairs. The homeless are the poorly educated and those who do not have the capability to absorb an education. The homeless are veterans who are abandoned by the US government. (Take note zealous patriots). The homeless are those down-sized out the door. The homeless are seniors---the elders of our village./p pNo one in the rich USA asks why so many US citizens are homeless. The San Francisco newspapers and broadcast media attack the homeless on almost a daily basis deliberately creating fear and disgust in the general population./p pAs a homeless person who can pass as an 'ordinary' citizen, people make comments to me about the homeless. These comments are hate-filled./p pAllowing homelessness to continue in a hate crime perpetrated by all levels of government against the homeless. Agencies that pretend to fight for the homeless are merely large bureaucracies dedicated to the status quo. How many social workers, shelter administrators and monitors, case managers, cooks, and maintenance people would lose their jobs if homelessness disappeared?/p pIf agencies like Glide, St. Anthony's, Episcopal Community Services and the Coalition on Homelessness, along with smaller social service agencies did not exist, how long would the homeless allow themselves to die on the street? These organizations collude with the local, state, and federal governments to give the appearance of helping the homeless when what they are actually doing is aiding the governments in keeping the homeless oppressed./p pI am homeless because the US government is corrupt. Since the World Trade Center event, I have learned that the US government is also incompetent./p pBoth the Episcopal Sanctuary and the Marian Residence for Women allow smoking in their shelters when the San Francisco City and County Health Code prohibit smoking in non-profit institutions. The Health Department and City Attorney refuse to prosecute these violations of law./p pAt MRW, cloths that are used as washcloths are machine- washed, not sterilized as required by the Health Code, and then are used as kitchen and bathroom cleaning cloths. Monitors inspect clients’ drawers at the MRW. Based on the right to privacy, I filed a complaint against drawer inspection with the Human Rights Commission. The Commission refused to act./p pMy individual problems created by homelessness include attempts to detain me by the SFPD whenever Clinton or Gore was in town. In one incident, St. Patrick's priests called the police as I sat in church. An undercover agent approached me and ascertained that I lived at MRW and was on no psychiatric drug. I immediately left the church and caught a #14 Muni. I saw from the bus, a SFPD car patrolling Mission Street from eighth Street to Seventh Street, making a U-turn, and patrolling the other side of Mission. On another occasion, I fled from a Muni bus to a BART train. One stop after I got on, a SFPD officer commandeered the train and ordered the train to remain in the station, while he searched the train. This guy was so enraged that he walked right past me hiding behind a newspaper. /p pThe MRW finally decided that I was making no effort to end my homelessness. St. Anthony’s ‘Dear Judy’ letter told me I had to leave the shelter on November 1. The 'Dear Judy' letter stated that the MRW program failed me. Hey, if St. Anthony's assumes responsibility for failing me, who am I to argue?/p pI am back at the Sanctuary and I am one of the few clients allowed to use a financial institution savings account. I am mid-way through my third 90-day stay. The rules at the Sanctuary are circumvented on a daily basis. Clients who arrive under the a influence of drugs or alcohol are allowed to sleep the effects off when the policy demands that these persons be denied beds for the night. Monitors “look the other way” when favorite clients abuse the rules. Bathrooms remain in filthy and unhealthy conditions because cleaning bathrooms are not part of the staffs’ job descriptions./p pThe way to stay sane at any shelter is to arrive late (right before curfew), wear ear plugs, stay in the cubicle, and avoid other clients. Sometimes that is difficult to do especially when your “Bunkie” is 6 feet two inches tall, has two breasts and a penis. At the MRW the dormitory is an open room with 30 beds arranged in groups of four. There is absolutely no privacy at the Marian Residence./p pHomelessness is a violation of Article 25 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights: “All people have the right to food, shelter, and medical care.” No wonder that the United Nations voted the US off the Human Rights Commission! /p pThe solution to homelessness? Housing./p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Our Mission as Writers and Artists

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrong piWe writers and artists of POOR Magazine, as very poor adults and youth, are always fighting our own personal, family, and community based battles just to stay alive and housed, attain healthcare, food, and basic services—one of our ways of surviving these assaults is to heal, grieve, and resist through the creation of words and images, poetry, and art. In honor of this moment we have created a series of work we call Peace... not war. (which will be available in its’ entirety by clicking on the Po’ Poets button on the front page of PNN)/i The following is a poem exerpted from the works of Po’ Poet Leroy Moore./p p/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pPEACEbr / br /"Georgia Georgia on my mind Just an old song"br / br /Bouncing off cream plaster wallsbr / br /Yellow beamin throughbr / br /Toasting my skinbr / br /Po,po,pop sizzling baconbr / br /On a hot greasy skilletbr / br /Sidewalks in ovensbr / br /Beneath the humid city/p pWARbr / br /Pop, pop sizzling baconbr / br /Turns into boom, boom bombsbr / br /Interupt Ray Charlesbr / br /Late breaking newsbr / br /Sunday church colorsbr / br /Turns to White, White, White/p pbr /White reportersbr / br /White Congresspersonsbr / br /Want my Black, Brown Yellowbr / br /Brothers sistersbr / br /Crips on sidewalksbr / br /Protecting the hood from Uncle Sam/p pbr /Snatching our youthbr / br /For his dirty deedsbr / br /Like a boomerangbr / br /It comes back to hit youbr / br /Unannouce and no warningbr / br /Force to stand behind the manbr / br /Presenting an united forcebr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Talk Radio

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongBy Dee, Co-Editor, POOR Magazine; Co-Director, New Media Studies Program at POOR/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pCall-in Talk Radio shows have been concerned exclusively with the tragedy and crisis that began September 11th. Rather than providing open forums for discussion and debate, many radio personalities wish only to fan the flames of fevered patriotism. Despite what we are encouraged to believe, there are those of us who hesitate to wave our flags in a war of vengeance, who cannot make sense of this horror by turning it into a simple game of Good Guys vs. Bad Guys./p pSome examples:br / (All quotes are paraphrased-not exact)/p pbKGO/b disallows dissention from listeners! I was personally cut off on the bJon Rothman/b show-/p pMe: I would not want to live like Israel, in a continuous state of war... (I was going to add "in my backyard," but Jon cut me off, then turned me off...)/p pJ.R.: i(swiftly interrupting)/i We bARE/b in a war, etc. etc. etc./p pOn another show, bPete Wilson/b cannot understand why the political voices that say the U.S. is to blame for what happened are heard only in San Francisco, referring to statements by made by clergy at Monday's Remembrance in San Francisco./p pWhat I would like to know is why Pete Wilson lives in San Francisco, and not Orange County!?!/p pAnd on another show, bBill Wattenberg/b, sitting in for Ron Owens. A caller suggested that our need for oil is the cause of our problems in the Middle East, and that he knew of a battery to use in electric cars that might be a way to solve this issue./p pBill became so impatient and annoyed with the caller for even suggesting such an iinane thing/i. He huffily explained that batteries use fossil fuel in order to be recharged and that the caller, like any "bunghole," should know / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

An Urban Shaman's Prayers

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongSpiritual Centers of New York: Momma Donna and the WTC/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pbUrban Shaman's Prayer/bbr /br / By Donna Henes/p pMore than a week after the blasts there are still immense clouds of smokebr / coming from lower Manhattan. I keep looking for the towers which I used to bebr / able to see from my window. I cannot compute that they are not there. Lastbr / night the sky was crystal blue, the buildings were lit with thousands ofbr / twinkling lights and backlit with a billowing mass of white smoke. It wasbr / breathtakingly (can I say?) beautiful. What happens when so many souls leavebr / their bodies at once? The glow from their combined spirits was / May it purify our intentions and power our resolve for peace./p p/pPbTowering Eternal/bbr /br / by Donna Henes, Urban Shaman/p pI have had a very long ritual relationship with the World Trade Center. Forbr / more than two decades it has served as my own personal/public shrine, anbr / urban Stonehenge for an urban shaman./p pThe Port Authority of New York and New Jersey along with the Lower Manhattanbr / Cultural Council have sponsored 18 of my 26 Vernal Equinox celebrations, Eggsbr / on End: Standing on Ceremony. Tens of thousands of people, a great many ofbr / them from the offices upstairs, and many more who were tourists frombr / everywhere coming to get a bird's eye view of America, participated in thesebr / cosmic rituals./p pOn each of those occasions the crowd has stood up 360 eggs on the blackbr / marble circular shrine in the center of the Trade Center's vast circularbr / plaza. Altogether we have balanced 6480 eggs in the shadow of those twobr / towering spires, close to the number of the presumed dead./p pI wonder about the fates of all of the building staff people whose names Ibr / never knew who have helped to set up and facilitate our public seasonalbr / ceremonies over the years the guards, the sound guys, the helpers withbr / ladders and brooms, the woman with the key to the bathroom. I pray that theybr / are all safe. And I pray for the thousands of people in those buildings whobr / have added their soulful energy to our celebrations over the years. /p pI bless them all, I bless us all, alive and dead, ancestor and antecedent,br / with eggs, with seeds, with sanctity, and with solemn promises that theirbr / tragic loss will propel us to build the sort of world where people don't blowbr / each other up. Shall we do this in their names./p pThe last event at the World Trade Center was Keeping the Fires Burning Forbr / Peace: A Summer Solstice Sunrise to Sunset Vigil for Peace on the Planet,br / 1999. An intrepid few souls showed up in the rain for the 5:07 AM Dawnbr / Dedication. /p pWe laid out concentric circles of mirrors on the paved ground. In the center,br / sat the same large circular mirror that serves as our altar at drummingbr / circles. It stood for the year. Surrounding it were 8 medium-sized mirrorsbr / which marked the equinox, solstice, cross-quarter day spokes of the annualbr / wheel. Then smaller and smaller mirrors represented the 13 moonths of thebr / year, and its 365 days. The outermost ring was a collection of 2001 dime-sizebr / crystals in anticipation of the new millennium. This modern medicine wheelbr / stayed in place all day, reflecting and absorbing the potent solar energy ofbr / the longest day of the year. /p pAnother group gathered 3:49 AM to chant for peace and inscribe their messagesbr / of hope on my day-glo orange Streams of Conscience. A crowd gathered for thebr / Sunset Ceremony at 8:25 PM when once again we joined together to chant forbr / peace. At the end of the day, everyone took home one of the small crystals asbr / a sun-filled talisman to help remember the light when times are dark. I carrybr / one in my amulet bag./p pOn several occasions we celebrated the Winter Solstice on the urban beachbr / which was created from the gravel, dirt and sand that had been blasted andbr / dug out from the Manhattan bedrock to create the foundations for the Worldbr / Trade Center. On the bank of the Hudson River, we built our fire and playedbr / our drums on the guts of the Twins that towered over our heads as we chantedbr / and danced. /p pThe 1986 Reverence to Her Winter Solstice Ceremony was broadcast live viabr / satellite as part of an international radio solstice simulcast. Thebr / aborigines of Australia began the ritual around the world with a chant thatbr / traveled westward with live feeds from India, Africa, Europe, the Unitedbr / States and Hawaii, making a circle of earth spirit song around the globe. Webr / were the east coast U.S. representatives to this communion of rejoicing. /p pAbout 250 of us gathered beneath the Twin Towers in the middle of the nightbr / to Chant for Peace. WNYC Radio had a mobile satellite dish there at the / It recorded our chant, sent the feed straight down Chambers Street to thebr / Municipal Building and up to the roof where a golden angel sits on high. Shebr / is the satellite up-link for New York City./p pThis civic guardian seraphim sent our songs, our drums for peace out intobr / orbit. They have been circling Earth and trancemitting signals for peace everbr / since. Chants for Peace * Chance for Peace was and still is to my knowledgebr / the only peace message in space. /p pIn loving memory of those two mythic megaliths and in the names of all whobr / died, of all who suffered, of all who helped, of all who continue to heal,br / let us chant for peace./p pxxMama Donnabr /br / Mama Donna's Tea Garden Healing Haven/p pDear Mama Donna,/p pYou do not know me but last year at 20 March I was visiting my sister in Newbr / York and I saw your egg ceremony at the World Trade Center. I still thinkbr / about it very often and I realize reading your book that I would also love tobr / do the same in Holland at the 2o March next year. But I do not know what thebr / times are of the equinox and now I have to go about prayer! Whether you havebr / a special prayer or just wait on the will of heaven!! I hope you have thebr / time to send some information. Thank you so very much for giving me newbr / thoughts about life. /p pBig hug, br /br / Ilona van der Veit/p pDear Mama Donna,/p pEvery time I eat an artificial tic tac I think of your egg ceremony at thebr / World Trade Center and smile. May Allah bless you and your / En sha' a-llah. If it please Allah./p pIsi Ali Musawwir Muhammad/p pContact:/p pMama Donna's Tea Garden Healing Havenbr / PO Box 380403br /br / Exotic Brooklyn, NY 11238-0403br /br / phone/fax 718-857-2247br /br / email a href="" /br / web a href="" title="" (under construction)br /br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Tips for Letter Writing

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongGet Your Anti-War Voices Heard!/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pFrom: People for the American Way/p p URGE OUR LEADERS TO CAREFULLY CONSIDER RESPONSES TO TERRORISM/p pLike all Americans, we continue to struggle with the aftermathbr / of the September 11 terrorist attacks. We grieve for thebr / victims and their families and we salute the courage and heroismbr / that so many people have shown. We applaud the efforts ofbr / political leaders at all levels who have sought to bring thebr / nation together. /p pLegislation is now being drafted at the state and federalbr / levels aimed at bringing the perpetrators of these attacks tobr / justice and at preventing such acts of terror from occurring inbr / the future./p pWe, too, are committed to these goals. At the same time, webr / remain committed to protecting the fundamental civil libertiesbr / of all Americans. In order to do so, we ask that you take thebr / following action./p pACTION:/p pCall or write the president and your federal and localbr / legislators and tell them that now, more than ever, it isbr / crucial that they protect the fundamental civil liberties of allbr / Americans./p pACTION PLAN:/p pOver the past week we have become increasingly alarmed by thebr / willingness of some of our elected officials to supportbr / legislation that would erode the liberties and freedoms that arebr / at the core of American life. In many states and in Congress,br / sweeping legislation has been proposed -- and, in a fewbr / instances, already passed -- that could severely limit ourbr / liberties and freedoms. More may be on the way. Publicbr / hearings must be held to guarantee that good intentions do notbr / yield unintended consequences. Only then should votes be held./p pPassage of the federal hate crimes legislation now pending inbr / Congress is essential to prosecuting those who would perpetratebr / these crimes./p pHelp defend the civil liberties that are fundamental to ourbr / democracy. Write to President Bush, to members of Congress andbr / to your local legislators. Implore them to slow down, to fullybr / examine all legislation with public hearings, to guard yourbr / civil liberties and to pass hate crimes legislation./p pFor a list of your elected officials with complete contactbr / information, visit Project Vote Smart:br / br /a href="" title="" pPresident George W. Bushbr /br / The White Housebr /br / Washington, D.C. 20500/p p Senatorbr /br / United States Senatebr /br / Washington, D.C 20510/p pRepresentativebr /br / United States House of Representativesbr /br / Washington, D.C. 20515/p p***TALKING POINTS ***/p pInclude the following points in your letter:/p p1. All decisions should be made in a manner consistentbr / with: the Constitution and Bill of Rights; principles of abr / democratic society and an accountable government./p p2. Individuals should not be targeted solely based upon theirbr / race, religion, ethnic background or religion. We supportbr / passage of the strengthened federal hate crimes legislation nowbr / pending in Congress./p p3. Though perhaps unintended, sweeping legislation that isbr / enacted quickly often has far-reaching and damagingbr / consequences. In this case, these consequences could severelybr / damage our rights and liberties. We support full publicbr / hearings at which proposals are carefully considered./p p4. We cannot allow this terrorist attack to erode the libertiesbr / and freedoms that are at the core of the American Way of life,br / and that have been a model of democracy for the world./p pABOUT PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY / SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION/p pPeople For the American Way organizes and mobilizes Americansbr / to fight for fairness, justice, civil rights and the freedomsbr / guaranteed by the Constitution. PFAW monitors the Religiousbr / Right at the local, state and national levels, lobbies forbr / progressive legislation, and helps build communities ofbr / activists./p pPeople For the American Waybr /br / 2000 M Street, NW Suite 400 br /Washington, DC 20036br /br / a href="" title="" /a href="" br /br / 1-800-326-PFAW br / 202/467-4999br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Global Immortals

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongWar can be a possitive good ifbr / quickened science and technologybr / helps not hinder Human evolution./strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pMonday, Oct. 1, 7:30 am. should the "Mess on Market Street resume?" Like everyone else I've felt a change, differing directions, though uncertain how to proceed./p p'Select President Bush has shown in a time a crisis he can rise to the occasion and be President to All the people in the U.S., however the u"If your not with us your against us"/utalk or Att. General J. Ashcroft's Roving Wire Tapping legislations smacks of bbr / u'Thought Control'/u/b u["Watch what 'ya say,/u even if your joking someone can easily by accident earnestly doing their job take coversations out of context and build cases of anti-American activities - when it's only one or more citizen's private views.]br / "Then don't use the phone lady - fella, kid." /p pWhich slowly begins fissures of erosion our rights to speak out freely./p pIs in beginning, am I already one of the odd individuals to be under "observation" during this time of crisis?/p pIf so record this: The Taliban blew up religious statues of Buddha, because of their intolerance to other spiritual ideas, then World Trade Center's by a terrorist group. /p pLet's develope Nano/AI 'tech b[Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence]/b to not only rebuild the WTA but improve it so every meter rebuilds itself night and day, so it can never be taken out again also those statues also can be rebuilt never to be destroyed by natural erosion and if destroyed reconstiutes itself. /p pHow would Talibanian's deal with that?br / Also soldiers, citizens should benefit from the same technology in medical sciences plus theraputic cloning of exterior-interior body parts./p pIsn't time for us to really show the world that human life is worth more than b"missle fodder"/b for death dealing machines./p pWhile I'm thinking of it, let's work on quantum computers./p pHopefully, there will be no war but if their is raise the human stakes for healthier, longer lives, defences, not better ways of slaughtering more humans on the planet./p pOne more thing, if America really wants to show its worth; embark on a public and private program of b"Manhatten Project Part II and III"/b which would be Life Extension, to eventual Immortality as a global human birthrite for everyone just as the Genome Project is./p pThis would include Cryobiology, Suspended Animation, sciences, and the International Space Station plus scientist's, researcher's world wide working, solving different parts of the puzzle./p pBeyond war, the above can be an ongoing peace effort, no short term, goal oriented beat the other country - that's over: we either share in the boom times or have nothing 'comin./p pAs for religious zealots, fanatics, both here and abroad - if they chose not to join the new world to come in its mist they don't have to partake as long as their citizen's have a voice and choice in the matter./p pLogic dictates that we are near the next stage in our evolution from Homo-Longivous or longer living to Humanous-Eternus or Eternal Humanity. /p pOk, my syntax, Latin roots of the words are linguistically and scientificly suspect or wrong; folks you know what I'm saying and what I mean. /p pRemember the old Chinese probverb or curse "May You Live In Interesting Times"br / br / We're There, let's take this oportunity to warp-forward, skip generations of errors now and be a better, humane country and civilization. Bye./p pbr /Please send donations on tobr / br /POOR Magazine a href="http://www.poormaga" title="www.poormaga"www.poormaga/a or C/O br /Ask Joe at 299 / br /Street, San Francisco, Ca. 94103 USAbr / br /For Joe only snail malebr / P.O. Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St. San Francisco, Ca.94102br / br / / org/p p /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p


09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongbroken arrow n bowbr /br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pbreakin down crystal coated greenbr /br / turmoil of temperment cellsbr /br / evened out on vega leaf or sweet brown paperbr /br / fire burnin smokin risin tickle spotsbr /br / mind states chaos locked away in alienationbr /br / tunes spill from lady day’s gardeniabr /br / when did it beginbr /br / when did it end/p psips grape juice slowlybr /br / forever lickin salty oceans waves puritybr /br / arms spread wingsbr /br / Ho Chi Min knows strategy wellbr /br / u gotta know strategybr /br / in a socratic way 2 survive...2 manifestbr /br / wit out it’s a tragedybr /br / on da battlefield of life n death/p pu r @ sum kind of war everydaybr /br / emotions draw swordsbr /br / thoughts trample soulbr /br / dividin...conquerin... br /br / gainin...losin...refusinbr /br / preparin fo attacks reacts of behaviorbr /br / mapped programmed plannedbr /br / constant ambulancebr /br / policebr /br / helicoptersbr /br / shoutin addicts! br /br / illusioned... wit chemicalsbr /br / we feel ease da pain. br //p pfire trucks rush down gravelbr /br / off 2 save like Jesusbr /br / military of USAbr /br / travels wit preyed on folksbr /br / 2 suit up uni form 2 stormbr /br / tellin dem 2 defendbr /br / a legislationbr /br / a masonic demonic politicianbr /br / World Tradin bombedbr /br / durin a mornin of comfortin consolin/p pnewz casts u parts 2 playbr /br / panic attacksbr /br / fosterin discriminationbr /br / hate toward Arab Muslimsbr /br / its fucked up Jackbr /br / how Uncle Sam fucks ubr /br / so u know how 2 fuck us good. br //p psymbolisms of capitalism burnbr /br / in mi heart I yearn git excitedbr /br / yet hurt fo da many countless non-expendable livesbr /br / leaks blood thru steel iron pipebr /br / fuel box cutters rumorsbr /br / who did wut n how/p pNew World Order cum 2 mi lipsbr /br / when I speak on da recent explosion in Americabr /br / where da disillusioned thinkbr /br / we r free safe not @ warbr /br / how tricked dey r wit a treat of luxury @ constant Halloweenbr /br / Patriots thro da flag out n upbr /br / az if dey r XIV LNS CRIP SURTRECE BLOODSbr /br / Patriots representing a lie a holocaustbr /br / threaded in stripes stars./p pPeople war iz constant consistentbr /br / can u # WWI WWII WWIIIbr /br / question markbr /br / da world has been @ war since da beginning/p pgive me peace or I’ll git it miself wit da helpbr /br / of many birds freed from a cage of bondagebr /br / in pain madnessbr /br / who ain’t afraid 2 revolt!/p pShowdown!br /br / Wut u gonna Throwdown? /p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p


09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongDestruction and Warbr /br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p p/pPWar is loss how many morebr /br / The Civil War, World Wars one and twobr /br / Korean Conflict and Viet Nambr /br / How many! br /br / Will we need to see/p pU.S. Soliders swimming in their own bloodbr /br / I have seen enough killings to last for a life timebr /br / Yes, right here in the streetsbr /br / When people are murderedbr /br / by bullets that havebr /br / your name ……… /p pnever an attack on u.s. soilbr /br / human lives were lostbr /br / on domestic landbr /br / but not on our terms/p phere we hold the cause and effects/p pNow we hold the blood stained bannerbr /br / Now for miles in each directionbr /br / Bodies, bones arms, legs, heads, br /br / Hair, teeth of the persons br /br / In the rubblebr /br / Of the world trade centerbr //p pThe twin towersbr /br / Under donebr /br / Fire, fry , flamesbr //p pPeace my brotherbr /br / Rest in peacebr /br / Peace go withbr /br / You my brotherbr //p pHave not we seen enoughbr /br / War in our city streets?br /br / Mother’s has already lostbr /br / her child to the street crime br /br / And prisonbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

A. Faye

09/24/2021 - 11:35 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body
pstrong*A Peaceful Warbr /br / *Boot Camp......Melting Pot!br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pbA Peaceful War/b/p pI a Sojournerbr /br / Traveling through the Sierra Mountainsbr /br / Awed by Tree filled skylinesbr /br / Pearly Cloudsbr /br / Along the Truckee River! br /br / Meanderingbr /br / Flowingbr /br / The Highway of Life!/p pThe Greyhound Bus wheels churning! br /br / Going Bumpy Bump de Bump. br /br / Silence! br /br / All the Passengers Relaxed, Peaceful! br /br / Their sounds drowned outbr /br / By the Beauty of the Scenery engulfing us!/p pNothing moving outsidebr /br / Except a Whispery Windbr /br / Flowing silently through the Treesbr /br / The Water of Life/p pSilence! br /br / The Animal Kingdom no longer roam Here! br /br / Deer, Antelope, Beaver, Bears, Wolvesbr /br / Shot downbr /br / Destroyed, by Huntersbr /br / For Profit Pleasurebr /br / The Greedy Search for gold./p pChildren have Perished Here! br /br / Consumed by Devilsbr /br / Demons with a Cannibalistic Nature! br /br / Demons with Blood-Stained Hands/p pWhich brings out the Warbr /br / From within my Nature! br /br / Battling against an Unknown Foe. br /br / My Gray Sidebr /br / My inner Shadow is my Eternal Woe!/p pI am a Warrior Woman! br /br / Running along a Treacheous Riverbr /br / Protecting my Innocence Soulbr /br / Battling against a Demonic Beast!/p pReady to bring out the Blood-Lust in mebr /br / To Protect my Child, Like a Lioness protects her Cubbr /br / Then a Magical shield surrounds me. br /br / Wonder Woman, br /br / All the forces of good evil comes to my Rescue!/p pRescuing me against my invisible Foe! br /br / Truth with my Golden Lasso./p pTraders and or World Traitors and or Investorsbr /br / World Bossesbr /br / Speak out on World Issues! br /br / The Truth is being forced down the World’s Throat! br /br / The Gold Standard!/p pThe People are Dying and Starving World-Widebr /br / For Profit! Stock dividend!/p pRiches Pleasures over Pain, Suffering Sorrowsbr /br / Staying Power in a War Zonebr /br / Biological war-farebr /br / Forced Child Laborbr /br / Argricutural Slavery! br /br / Diamond Fields Wars. br /br / Human Lives mean nothing/p pNo Peacebr /br / For the Animal Kingdombr /br / On land or sea. br /br / No Peacebr /br / For humankindbr /br / Eitherbr /br / On land , air, or sea!/p p***************/p pbBoot Camp......Melting Pot!/b/p pWe all the same color now! Ya hear! br /br / The Political Bosses shout at the Top of their voices. br /br / Radio Americabr /br / Put off your homeless ragsbr /br / Put on the uniforms of your Country. Dog-tag-boys. br /br / Tear down your cardboard houses. br /br / Get an Army tent and Marines Rations./p pRally around the Flag Boysbr /br / Where we can all be Men! br /br / Let's win against our Mutual Enemies, br /br / Who are trying to take away our Freedom. br /br / Your Blood has seeped in all Wars. br //p pFrom the Revolutionary war, Civil war, Viet nam, br /br / To the fight for freedom, liberty and justice for all. br /br / Jews, Negroes, Latinos, Whitemen all. br /br / Let freedom ring. Blink, Blink! br /br / What's the Slogan! br /br / We'll hunt 'em down in all their burrows holesbr /br / Smoke 'em out and send them running!/p pYou know your President has spoken, Boy. br /br / You know the one you didn't vote for! br /br / Or at least tried not to vote for. br /br / Rally around the Flag Boys. br /br / Oh, girls too. You know you got Liberated. br /br / You can grab a gun also. br /br / Equal Rights for allbr /br / Stars and stripes forever. br //p pStars on your Backs! br /br / Stripes on your Backs!!br /br / Buy your War Bonds! br /br / Out your Homeless Checks! br /br / We need everybody's support. br /br / We all the same color now./p pOne Nation under One God, br /br / Freedom and equality and injustice for all. br /br / Keep that Liberty Ball ringing. br /br / The pentagon has been Breached! br /br / Get your Homeless Ass down here and Register. br /br / Like you registered to Vote. br //p pWe will give you a good address. br /br / A burial plot wrapped in the Stars Stripes forever. br /br / With a medal! br /br / A fork-tongued metal, that is./p pBoot Camp America,/p pHey Dude, why do you get to ride in the Cherokee Jeep. br /br / I am closer to an Injun than you ever been, br /br / In facto we are Blood brothers. br //p pHey Sarge, you know I need my Lap Top. br /br / I want my designer "Back Pack," this thing weighs a ton./p pHey Bitch you make my bedroll neat! You were my Whore out there, br /br / You still mine in here. I don't care how high they promote you, br /br / Give me a back rub too and make my money./p pLt, sarge, man! My Cell phone is not working right here in Arab Country, call ATT./p pWhat's wrong with you, You nuts, talking about riding a Camelbr /br / I'll smoke one first, I need my Limo! /p pHey SARGE, I need a little Puff (Pfuff) br /br / This sand is "F"ing with my Hooter, br /br / Hey this Dust is Fuckin with my Syringe. br /br / What about my rubbers. br /br / Hey Sarge! Where is my Woman?/p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p