Original Post Date
2001-10-15 11:00 PM
Original Body
piWe writers and artists of POOR Magazine, as very poor adults and youth, are always fighting our own personal, family, and community based battles just to stay alive and housed, attain healthcare, food, and basic services—one of our ways of surviving these assaults is to heal, grieve, and resist through the creation of words and images, poetry, and art. In honor of this moment we have created a series of work we call Peace... not war. (which will be available in its’ entirety by clicking on the Po’ Poets button on the front page of PNN)/i The following is a poem exerpted from the works of Po’ Poet Leroy Moore./p
pby PNN Staff/p
pPEACEbr /
br /"Georgia Georgia on my mind Just an old song"br /
br /Bouncing off cream plaster wallsbr /
br /Yellow beamin throughbr /
br /Toasting my skinbr /
br /Po,po,pop sizzling baconbr /
br /On a hot greasy skilletbr /
br /Sidewalks in ovensbr /
br /Beneath the humid city/p
pWARbr /
br /Pop, pop sizzling baconbr /
br /Turns into boom, boom bombsbr /
br /Interupt Ray Charlesbr /
br /Late breaking newsbr /
br /Sunday church colorsbr /
br /Turns to White, White, White/p
pbr /White reportersbr /
br /White Congresspersonsbr /
br /Want my Black, Brown Yellowbr /
br /Brothers sistersbr /
br /Crips on sidewalksbr /
br /Protecting the hood from Uncle Sam/p
pbr /Snatching our youthbr /
br /For his dirty deedsbr /
br /Like a boomerangbr /
br /It comes back to hit youbr /
br /Unannouce and no warningbr /
br /Force to stand behind the manbr /
br /Presenting an united forcebr /