Asian American Journalists Respond

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pstrongTHE ASIAN AMERICAN JOURNALISTS’ ASSOCIATION ADVISES ON COVERAGE OF ARAB AMERICANS/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p p(San Francisco) - As we cover the horrific events of Sept. 11, the Asianbr / American Journalists Association urges the nation's news media to continuebr / the responsible reporting on our nation's Arab American communities thatbr / has marked coverage so far. /p pOur profession has the opportunity and the responsibility to inform thebr / public about the many facets of this national tragedy. At the same time, webr / can help ensure that the devastating events in New York, Washington / and Pennsylvania do not lead to further injustices against other / Arab Americans, along with all of us, are victims of this attack. /p pAlready, there is much concern within Arab American communities in ourbr / nation about the backlash that might result from Tuesday's attacks. Thesebr / fears are fueled by reports that link these attacks to Arab or Islamicbr / terrorists./p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p