by Richard G. Hall, Jr./PNN prison Correspondent
Recently I turned on my TV to participate in my favorite show on the boob tube, "Jeopardy." Much to my dismay, it had been postponed due to a charity fundraiser. At least as far as I was concerned, it was well worth it, particularly with the holidays approaching, and old man winter sparing no blows, with countless numbers of homeless men, women, and children at the mercy of the elements, on America's often degrading and dangerous streets.
I noticed a few large barrels in the background, placed there obviously in the hopes of encouraging the American public to "Stand United", as it had been proclaimed they were after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. "Wanted: Donated Food, Toys, Clothing and of course Cash." And, true to American form, there were those who did not hesitate in rushing to the aid of their fellow Americans and children in desperate need.
Suddenly, one of the promoters of the fundraiser announced that one of the main goals of the function was to acquire six hundred turkeys so that the homeless could be provided with a good meal on the day Jesus was supposed to be Born. It was obvious that since they, the homeless, had no place to call home, they had no place to erect Christmas trees. So, Santa Claus was not going to bless them with a visit, let alone gifts.
Once more one of the promoters made an announcement. He said that they had just received a donated turkey, as he proudly held the frozen gobbler up for countless viewers and participants to behold. Taking away nothing from the wonderful Americans who rose to the occasion, and gave from the heart to those down on their luck, I was still hit with an awful moment of clarity!
After the horrific attacks of September 11, almost immediately following the tragic catastrophe, America was pronounced to "Stand United," for once in its long racial and class divided history. Billions of tax-dollars were reallocated in a matter of days, without the usual political tug-o-war, for the alleged purpose of disaster relief, and a proposed long and extended war against "The Global Terrorist Network", except here in America's own backyard, obviously.
As the weeks passed, and pied piped public ultra patriotism responded to the prompted tune of ambiguity, Anthrax suddenly covered the national news, and the public fear spread like the Snow Storm of the Century, from sea to shining sea.
While the American public's paranoia rose sky high, U.S. planes took to the air over Afghanistan—a country of poverty, devastation, and utter destitution, and utter desolation—to drop billions of dollars worth of bombs, and supplies of dollars worth of food and supplies on a poor people America had both vicious contempt and empathy for. It was later discovered that hundreds of New Yorkers dropped false death claims in the mailbox, and several American companies sold fake Anthrax tests.
The over sensationalized plot thickened as "God Bless America" became the national theme song, for a nation that appeared to be plagued with disaster at every turn. This tune was prompted by a cabal of "Seize The Moment" politicians on the nations capital steps. As the choir sung, thousands lay crushed under tons of sky scrappers, hellish heat and smoke. How appropriate to sing such a contrary song at such an instance. American Flag manufacturers didn't waste any time brandishing their "Free Enterprising American Spirit" either, by raising the Stars and Stripes... in price. Some even invented an unheard of "God Bless America Flag," to show their true colors.
Yet, as reflections of the September 11 disaster are rubbed, like salt, on the open wounds of this nation by the print and electronic media, American's are starting to seriously wonder, what really happened, and what is really going on? Just recently New York disaster victims finally received the relief they deserved. Prior to that, they were put on a back burner because they were not "Heroic Public Servants" like New York's firemen and police. You've yet to see anyone
wearing a baseball cap in memory of the everyday citizens who lost their lives in greater numbers. This in itself shows that the "American Spirit" is still selective when empathy is at stake.
Long before September 11, 2001, and the names Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, or the Taliban were ever heard of, Americans suffered extremely, from various tragedies, which were, and are to this day, nothing short of terror. Too often these matters which affect, and threaten more Americans than any terrorist from Middle Eastern lands, or anywhere else on earth, are facts of minimal national focus, and back page scoop. These are tragedies that worsen each and everyday, with no massive American resources and public ultra intervention to bring a significant end to them. One of which is Homelessness, which millions of poverty-stricken American's suffer from.
The fundraiser I began speaking of, ended as a smash success, as far as the promoters were concerned. Tons of can goods, clothing, and the 600 frozen gobblers had been acquired and 7,000 dollars in cash donations from millions of better of "United American" who at least showed what they were truly made of. Nevertheless, when you expand this picture, it doesn't look too good. Particularly when you consider that American society just sanctioned spending billions of tax-dollars for the purpose of revenge and mass destruction. How many bombs missed their targets?
How many millions of dollars went down the drain in vain? One thing is for certain, we could have fed all of America's homeless and then some for the price of the bombs that missed their targets. Yet, Americans must beg other Americans in order to acquire basic essentials. While at the same time, billions of dollars are given in aid to other nations, with the same social ills to uplift their people.
Maybe one of these days the TV network moguls will sponsor a "Homeless Month" on America's countless game shows. Then many homeless contestants could instantly win thousands of dollars and other costly prizes in thirty minutes.
Not only would that help many get on their feet, they could spread their wealth with other Homeless Americans, to uplift them as well. Who knows, many of them could even win one of those "Keep America Rolling" cars, with zero down and approved credit to sleep in it with their families.
That would save millions in the tax-dollars spent to lock them up in jail for sleeping on the cold, degrading, and often dangerous streets. There would be extra money to buy all the turkeys and canned goods next holiday season, to feed them, so that neither they nor anyone else will have to beg
You can write to R.G. Hall C-07278
P.O. Box 70S-LB 339
Soledad, Ca 93960-0705