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All A-holes Lose Out

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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You know of whom I speak.

The brave folks not wanting to change.

Who kill so that idea(s)may also die.

It takes time but eventually...

They fall by the wayside,the A-Holes.

by Joseph Bolden

All A-holes Eventually Lose

Well the day has come and gone and new nights begin.

As I await hell on earth,people drifting up into sky,giant monsters munching on still living humans,and Sodom and Gammora Named by the so called rightious folk ever since San Francisco became a fledgling then fully incorporated city.

Why not only the sin of gambling,wanton women, rakish men and wildness born of change it seems fitting to comment on todays goings on.

Gay Men,Lesbian Women are showing their love by doing so ordinary a duty honoring their commitment to loved ones
by way of traditional marriage.

Problem is as Mr. Korrel has stated last night on KGO they’ve never had the chance until now.

Four year past Mayor Gavin Newsome was in City Hall as people
were married only to be cruely overturned.

Now the Supreme Court has sanctioned same sex marriages.

The old view was “Were All Going To Hell While The City Gets Biblically Atom Bombed or Nuked into Ash.

Look up the account of the death visited upon the two doomed neighboring kingdoms or cities.

The new view is:Its about time people get out of other people personal lives,mind their own business.

That this is a healthy sign of human advancement and for those who have problems they can move elsewhere away from all the fuss.

I use to think these marriages will spawn so much middle class stuff among Gayells and Homosexuals women
and men that the annual Gay Pride Parade
dies off from lack of participation.

I’d be wrong, this day may just reset G.P.P. to June 16,as their date of true liberated freedom!

Black/Gay Pride Freedom Day?

Sounds clunky but so what I think it’ll be all figured out within the next decade.

Think of it we’ve had his/her storical happenings a weird Presidential Gender/Sex+ Race Primary Race,Legalized Homosexual Marriages,
Fertilization of Female Eggs Without Sperm!

I put the last one in just to place applied science rounding out real changes fast breaking theses days.

Me,I’m joining the freeze,wait,reanimate club for return-after-death cryonics and preparing
for things to come which has an awfully familiar ring to me.

Yes,I can wait to see what's in store for us.

Too bad their isn’t a few brilliant unknown wizards, daredevil researchers/scientists that can pull if off with 11 cryo-pods.

One for the intrepid volunteer (me)ten for the other researchers/ scientists much braver than the
volunteer knowing what might go wrong.

The probability of me being contacted by such a people and as a free experiment is as remote as my rediscovering the fabled Philosopher’s Stone!

Have I mentioned I’m really rotten at math but willing to be taught in private to learn basic math up to chemistry?

We know both men and women gay and gayell also have biological clocks and are
able to have children so MANKIND won’t die out from gay marrying each other.

But how about divorces, child custody, adultery, what if a one gayell woman strays into intimate love with a male it does happen.

Or the same with gay men with women and men?

Courts, custody, dividing of property, or who get alimony?

I’ll let all that go for all of you readers to ponder.

It Is A Brave New World Indeed

I’m already looking for the next multi racial rainbow female
Presidential Candidate she’s around somewhere preparing for when its her turn.

Who know’s it may one you reading this,or someone yet unborn.

The world in changing for the better…

Lets all keep it going this way,no steps back, rapid if not fast forward in to the present -it’s the only way into our ffuture.

Send comments to ask or


Shifty Grifters

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Lola Bean

Yo shifty eyes be lookin side to side

Trying to find those lines and those rhymes

That yo sham hand can’t write

That yo sham life denies

You can’t spit nothin but lies

You can’t tell the dark from the light

You stand there while we do the fightin

Like you a baby in diapers

Youngster ain’t nobody buyin it

Why you even tryin?

Hand the mic over and sit silent

Wait what? You think you got something to say?

Cuz you read up on some book and downloaded nwa?

You think you can tell me the truth like you know the way?

Like you ain’t no fake?

Like you a general and I’m just tryin to keep pace?

Like you been there enuf times to know which road to take?

Baby, you wouldn’t know truth if it walked right up to you

Shone light in yo eyes and pulled blessings right through you

You aint’t got a taste for the struggle cuz it’s teeth haven’t bit you

Cuz when I’m out on the streets you at home sippin yoo-hoo

And when you had yo lunches saran-wrapped and packed by yo mama

I was tryin to make papers takin my top off

Or makin that drop off or getting those rocks off and scrubin that shit

But look at you - yo life’s been so soft

I came up takin fists

And you was handled just so soft

I climbed out suckin dicks

But yo path was just so soft

I can’t sleep cuz I’ll get bit

But yo pillow looks so soft

I got scars all over and shit

But yo skin it’s just so soft

And I got me a twitch

But yo steps they just so soft

Fool you can take them soft feet and just step the fuck right off

Cuz the shit yo be spittin is straight toxic its so off

Taking the truth then makin a spin-off

Wearin a sag tryin to hide that yo dicks small

Turnin hip-hop to grift-hop you lyrical jack-off

I’m comin hard baby so you best just back off

And keep on walkin til you right the fuck out our way

And let someone with truth get up on the stage

Someone with stories to show us the way

Someone with sight to grant us some grace

Someone in the struggle that ain’t so two faced

Awww, did that one cut? Am I crampin yo style?

This bastard girl unowned and run wild

Fist in the air fightin for survival

Ya I guess I’m a headache cuz you just small minded

We fight to survive while you just sit there bitchin

Bout how all that stress is just to much fo yo melon

Ya I bet yo dome be splittin

Damn , sweetie, I bet yo brains be illin

We burn full blaze while you barely flickerin

We walkin timebombs and you aint even tickin

You tappin yo feet but you aint tryin to feel it

You was just lookin for our stories to be stealin

For our worries to be pimpin

For our glories to be reapin

Pimp, you ain’t got nothing worth feelin

You can stop with that shit - I ain’t tryin to hear it

I aint got time for this bullshit

I’m fightin the fronlines you just out there frontin

I’m bringin up soldiers you aint bringin up nothin

I’m protecting the light you lettin the dark in

I’m crawling my way out and you tryin to get in

I roll deep in the struggle you don’t know where to begin

I’m tellin my story - you lyin with yo pen

You got caught and I’m tellin my kin

You ain’t one of us – you one of them.


20 Minutes In Cali

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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So, Prez Select Bush honors Governor Davis with his presence, giving him 20 minutes of the precious time. Time that Bush can spend away from the international affairs that lie heavy
on his chiseled brow is almost non-existent.

BULL CHIPS, HORSE WATER, and SHEEP DIP! California’s crisis will take more than a 20 minute photo op. Give Me A 'Friggin Break!

by Joseph Bolden

Californians are going through rough times while Texans are living easy. But I don't blame Texans; that's not right, fair, or the American way.

Cali's been called the Fruit 'N Nut state since I don't know when. Mr. Dennis Tito is excluded from any criticism, afterall, he knew the risks of space travel, but knew that is could be done. Any Texans goin' to the Moon or Mars? Yes, our Fruit 'N Nut status began way before San Francisco became the state's painted lady. Like gruff multimillionaire doers and dreamers, like Texans, we have our pride. We do things up different; we're not as big a state as you, but we are as unique.

Yes, we fell off our high horse in a canyon where no one hears our calls for help. Think this affects only "those pussyfooted, lily-livered, granola eatin', holly-weird, strangely dressed, crazy idea folk up in Northern California? Think again.

Imagine, if the shoe were on the other foot. Prez Clinton is in Texas for a 20-minute talk about oil and gas with Governor G.W. Bush. Texas is feeling pressured to buy oil at ever-inflated prices from Arab oil cartels and is being gouged with higher electric bills by California's P.U.C. companies who are constantly upping heating oil prices.

Clinton says, "Keep conserving, drill along the pan handle or in the Alamo historical site, because of the rich crude oil deposits found there; transport wild horses and buffalo from their grazing grounds." He doesn't mention renewable, alternative energies. He says, "Conserve and keep paying Cali and Arkansas."

We love whales and dolphins, just as you love horses, buffalo, and the great God's country. We are different people in different situations, but we share the same country. The same situation could happen to you. Just think on it awhile. Wouldn't you feel offended at so little time being spent on problems looming so large in your state? We got twenty minutes for an energy crisis that is slowly spreading across this country.

Texas and the legendary Texans have shown what independence means. You can to do it again by developing alternative renewable energies. You are the Giants of oil, gas, and electricity. You can show our President Bush that it's time to move ahead not drift backwards.

That's enough from a transplanted New Yorker in the Flake State, but please heed my warning—alternative and renewable energy is coming quick. California is hurting now but once we're free of the national grid I don't want to hear that Texas is experiencing rolling brown and blackouts:


I hope I don't sound like a lone radical anus but it might be what we have to do. Tell me if I sound like a complete idiot.

Please send donations to Poor Magazine C/0 Ask Joe
at 255 9th St. Street,
San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA

For Joe only my snail mail:
PO Box 1230 #645 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102


Crime: Dying While Latino

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Alex Cuff/PNN News Brief Editor

For over a year the body of Armando Chapal Ramirez lay forgotten, by hospital staff, and decaying in the morgue at Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center in Hawthorne. Armando’s family had certainly not forgotten him. The hospital, "had him there the whole time down there. Meanwhile, we were suffering day and night, waiting for the worst," said Ramirez’s father, Jesus, 45, a stock clerk in Gardena.

After a family barbecue on September 30, 2001, Ramirez who had an addiction and would go on binges for two or three days every month or so, slipped out of the house unnoticed. When he didn’t return, his parents began driving around the neighborhood inquiring with several area hospitals, store owners, friends, and neighbors. Jesus then filed a missing-person report with the police.

Ramirez was brought into the emergency room at Robert F. Kennedy Medical Center on October 1, 2001. He had pneumonia in his right lung and suffered kidney and liver failure. He was reported dead on October 9th and his body moved to the hospital morgue. Standard operating procedure is to call a law enforcement agency and ask them to take a death report which then generates a report to the coroner’s office. This was never done in Ramirez’s case.

Douglas Shaffer, the family’s attorney described the event as "the height of incompetence and neglect." When the family first got the call, they thought Armando had just died. They had been searching desperately for 11 months. "It was a great horror," his mother cried, "I’d never expect that a hospital would just keep a young man all alone like that."


Just What?/Justo que?

09/24/2021 - 11:45 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Extending “Just Cause” Eviction Rights to All Renters/

Ampliación de una “causa justa” de los derechos de desalojo a todos los inquilinos

by Muteado Silencio/PNN Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia

Espanol debajo

“The wealthy landowners that came to today’s hearing are worried that developers will not want to invest in San Francisco real estate because there will be more restrictions if this law passes, shows how little they care about the people that keep them in business, tenants! This legislation is not about developers it is about renting families!”, this comment was said by person wanting to remain anonymous who I met at Monday’s Just Cause Eviction hearing in San Francisco

He concluded, “I say f**k them!, they want to turn the City into a place only for rich people who can afford to buy a condo”

At Monday’s hearing by the San Francisco City Council’s Land Use Committee tenants packed the hearing room. POOR magazine was there in solidarity with advocates wanting to protect tenants from unjust evictions, along with tenants rights organizations throughout San Francisco, including: Senior Action Network, Community Housing Partnership, SF Tenants Union, Eviction Defense Collaborative, Chinatown Community Development Corp, Housing Rights Committee of SF, Tenants Together, Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center and St. Peter’s Housing Committee.

This legislation, sponsored by Supervisor John Avalos, will extend “just cause” protections to tenants living in properties built after 1979, thus extending the SF Rent Ordinance to cover all buildings from unjust evictions.

In addition to tenants and their advocates, the hearing room was full of people in suits, property owners, elders from all walks of life and class, all wanting to be part of the hearing and to voice their opinions and concerns.

Tammy Hung, senior community organizer spoke in favor of the amendment to the ordinance, asking members of Chinatown Community development Center the organization she was representing, to stand up in support, thus showing a strong presence in support to this legislation.

After the hearing, I interviewed Sara Shortt from Housing Rights Committee on camera to ask her more details on the legislation.

As I finished this article today I learned that Mayor Gavin Newsom is planning to veto the legislation that was approved at Monday’s hearing because it would make it tougher for landlords to evict tenants living in an estimated 20,000 rental units in The City.

Call the Mayors office in San Francisco (415) 554-7111 to express your opinions on his proposed veto of the Just Cause ordinance AND and Supervisor Bevan Dufty (415) 554-6968 for his support on this veto

Espanol Sigue

“Los ricos propietarios que estuvieron presente están preocupados que la gente no quiera ‘invertir’ en San Francisco por las restricciones que habrá si esta ley pasa, enseña lo poco que les importa la gente que les da para comer, los inquilinos”, este comentario fue dicho por una persona que quiere mantenerse anónimo quien conocí en la audiencia sobre el desalojo de Causa Justa que hubo en San Francisco el lunes.

La persona anónima, concluyo diciendo, “que se jodan! Quieren convertir la cuidad en condominios y solo para la gente rica que tiene el dinero para comprarlos.”

En la audiencia que ocurrió el lunes por el comité del Uso de Tierra por el Cónsul de la cuidad de San Francisco había muchos inquilinos en el cuarto. Prensa POBRE estaba ahí en solidaridad con grupos que quieren proteger los inquilinos de desalojos injustos a la par de: Senior Action Network, Community Housing Partnership, SF Tenants Union, Eviction Defense Collaborative, Chinatown Community Development Corp, Housing Rights Committee of Sf, Tenants Together, Bernal Heights Neighrhood Center y St Peters Housing Committee.

Esta legislación propuesta por el Supervisor John Avalos, extenderá la “causa justa” protecciones a inquilinos que vivan en propiedades construidas después de 1979, y con esto extenderá la ordenanza del inquilino de San Francisco para cubrir a los edificios de los desalojos injustos.

Con la adición de los inquilinos el cuarto donde tomo lugar la audiencia estuvo lleno de organizadores comunitarios, gente que la legislación beneficiará, gente en trajes, propietarios, ancianos de diferentes caminos de vida y clases, para tomar parte de la audiencia para opinar.

Tammy Hung, una organizadora comunitaria hablo a favor de la ordenanza y les pidió a sus miembros de Centro de Desarrollo de Chinatown, que se levantaran en apoyo, donde tuvieron una gran presencia en apoyo.

Después de la audiencia entreviste a Sara Shortt de Housing Rights Committee en camara, para preguntarle mas detalles de la legislación.

Me estaba preparando a publicar este articulo cuando me informaron de un articulo en el SF Examiner escrito por Mike Aldax, donde dice “ el alcalde Gavin Newsom botara la legislación que haría mas difícil el desalojamiento de una estimación de 20,000 unidades rentables en la cuidad, según la oficina del Mayor.

Llame la oficina del Alcalde en San Francisco (415) 554-7111 para expresar sus opiniones sobre su negacion de la ordenanza"causa justa" Y el Supervisor Bevan Dufty (415) 554-6968 por apoyar el Alcalde


Matando Nuestros Hij@s/Killing our Children

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Los Cortes del Presupuesto están Afectando la Comunidad Anciana y Discapacitada/Budget Cuts are Affecting the Disabled and Elders
Tercera en la Serie “Las Mentiras del Recorte del Presupuesto” por Prensa POBRE/3rd in a series on 'The lie of the budget cut' by POOR Magazine

Los Cortes del Presupuesto están Afectando la Comunidad Anciana y Discapacitada/Budget Cuts are Affecting the Disabled and Elders
Tercera en la Serie “Las Mentiras del Recorte del Presupuesto” por Prensa POBRE/3rd in a series on 'The lie of the budget cut' by POOR Magazine


by Angel Garcia/PNN Migrant and Poverty Scholar

Scroll Down for English

El plan del Gobernador para “Salvar a California” no tiene ninguna razón valida. El necesita tener corazón y compasión para poder solucionar los problemas del presupuesto y la economía del estado de California. Hay muchas otras maneras de solucionar el problema y dejar el estado en una situación mejor. Yo no estoy de acuerdo con el Gobernador cuando lo oigo decir que va atacar a las personas más vulnerables—las mujeres, niños, ancianos, y discapacitados. Estas comunidades necesitan todos los servicios y recursos que el Gobernador planea cortar. Alguno de estos programas son SSI, Welfare, Medi-Cal, y todos los programas dedicados a los ancianos. Toda la gente depende en estos programas para comer, pagar la renta, cuidar a sus familias y a si mismos. Si todos estos servicios son cortados, muchos de los ancianos y gente discapacitados van a pasar más tiempo encerados en sus casas. También perderían sus servicios de apoyo en casa, que proveía 8 horas de apoyo en casa; recientemente el Gobernador corto las horas a 4 horas durante el día. Mucha de esta gente, se mantienen en silla de rueda y necesitan de apoyo para bañarse, hacer la limpieza, lavar, y/o cocinar. Yo me pregunto, adonde esta la compasión del Gobernador de California. Yo pienso que no es justo que se trate de esta manera a nuestros ancianos, niños, y gente discapacitada. Si solo se les ofrece 4 horas de apoyo, ell@s no tendrán las mismas libertades, y derechos de vivir libremente, porque sus servicios serian limitados debido a los cortes. También, estarían en riesgo de tener un accidente en sus casas. Los cortes del presupuesto están matando nuestras comunidades y nuestros niños. Nuestros niños son nuestro futuro; son los líderes de las próximas generaciones. El Gobernador está limitando las posibilidades del futuro de nuestra nación. No puedo creer que este país sea el más grande y rico en el mundo, y se protege más a las plantas y animales, que a su propia gente.

Engles Sigue

The plan of the Governor to save California does not make any sense. He needs  to have a heart and some consience about how he wants to deal with the budget problems of the State of  California. There are many other ways to deal with the issue and to get the state back to the way it was. I do not agree with the Govenor when I  hear him say he is going to start targeting  the most vulnerable people of  the state of  california—our elders, women, children and  disabled people. These communities need all the services and   programs  that this man is planning to cut. Some of  these  services and programs are SSI, welfare, medical and all the senior  programs that our seniors need  during their  daily activities. All these people depend on all the programs to eat, pay rent and take care of  their families and themselves.

If all these services get cut, most seniors and disabled people are going to spend more time at home. They would also lose their in-home support  services, which consists of 8 hours of in-home support; the governor of California recently cut it  to 4  hours a day. Most of the people that use  these services are in wheel chairs and they need   help  to take showers, get in the bath or do the laundry and their cooking. I ask myself where is the compassion of the Governor of California.

I think it’s unfair to do this to the elderly, children and disabled because if they only get their services cut to 4 hours they will not have the same liberties, because their support is limited because of the budget  cuts. They are at risk of having a home accident among other things.

These budget cuts are killing our comunities and our children. Our children are our future; they are the upcoming leaders of our next generation. The govenor is limiting the future possibilities of our nation. I cannot believe that this is the biggest and greatest nation in the world and they care and protect their animals and  plants more than our human beings.



09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Marlon Crump, QUeennandi, RAM /PNN

I am tired of being a slave. A slave that has to work with a broken body that’s sacrificed

Just to put food on the table.

A slave who had to lay to rest a demised family, disrespected by tha world

Gone forever without justice.

I am tired of being a slave to the kourt Sssystem, where my terrible cries for help falls upon deaf ears

Life tampered with and tortured before leaving out, laughed at and ridiculed.

As my rights are stripped from me easily, like a loose fitting garment.

If I can’t protect myself and my family, WHAT AM I? WHO AM I? Nothing but a empty shell existing for profit, robbed of something that takes a LIFETIME to restore-


Don’t I sound like a female slave, captured centuries ago??? And they said HERSTORY doesn’t repeat itself…

I am tired of being a slave, who at 7 months pregnant was beaten by officers Miller and Shea…

If there were no witnesses, I’d be dead in my grave.


Shot dead was my unarmed neighbor just the other day. Now Oscar Grant lies beside him in a King’s marked grave…

But… ALL THE UNJUST SPIRITS SHALL RISE!!! To tell their stories through US!

POSSESS MY VESSEL!!! I am tired of being a slave… I just want to be!!!



The Contrary Show

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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PNN Voices From the InSiDe Series

by Richard G. Hall, Jr./PNN prison Correspondent

Recently I turned on my TV to participate in my favorite show on the boob tube, "Jeopardy." Much to my dismay, it had been postponed due to a charity fundraiser. At least as far as I was concerned, it was well worth it, particularly with the holidays approaching, and old man winter sparing no blows, with countless numbers of homeless men, women, and children at the mercy of the elements, on America's often degrading and dangerous streets.

I noticed a few large barrels in the background, placed there obviously in the hopes of encouraging the American public to "Stand United", as it had been proclaimed they were after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. "Wanted: Donated Food, Toys, Clothing and of course Cash." And, true to American form, there were those who did not hesitate in rushing to the aid of their fellow Americans and children in desperate need.

Suddenly, one of the promoters of the fundraiser announced that one of the main goals of the function was to acquire six hundred turkeys so that the homeless could be provided with a good meal on the day Jesus was supposed to be Born. It was obvious that since they, the homeless, had no place to call home, they had no place to erect Christmas trees. So, Santa Claus was not going to bless them with a visit, let alone gifts.

Once more one of the promoters made an announcement. He said that they had just received a donated turkey, as he proudly held the frozen gobbler up for countless viewers and participants to behold. Taking away nothing from the wonderful Americans who rose to the occasion, and gave from the heart to those down on their luck, I was still hit with an awful moment of clarity!

After the horrific attacks of September 11, almost immediately following the tragic catastrophe, America was pronounced to "Stand United," for once in its long racial and class divided history. Billions of tax-dollars were reallocated in a matter of days, without the usual political tug-o-war, for the alleged purpose of disaster relief, and a proposed long and extended war against "The Global Terrorist Network", except here in America's own backyard, obviously.

As the weeks passed, and pied piped public ultra patriotism responded to the prompted tune of ambiguity, Anthrax suddenly covered the national news, and the public fear spread like the Snow Storm of the Century, from sea to shining sea.

While the American public's paranoia rose sky high, U.S. planes took to the air over Afghanistan—a country of poverty, devastation, and utter destitution, and utter desolation—to drop billions of dollars worth of bombs, and supplies of dollars worth of food and supplies on a poor people America had both vicious contempt and empathy for. It was later discovered that hundreds of New Yorkers dropped false death claims in the mailbox, and several American companies sold fake Anthrax tests.

The over sensationalized plot thickened as "God Bless America" became the national theme song, for a nation that appeared to be plagued with disaster at every turn. This tune was prompted by a cabal of "Seize The Moment" politicians on the nations capital steps. As the choir sung, thousands lay crushed under tons of sky scrappers, hellish heat and smoke. How appropriate to sing such a contrary song at such an instance. American Flag manufacturers didn't waste any time brandishing their "Free Enterprising American Spirit" either, by raising the Stars and Stripes... in price. Some even invented an unheard of "God Bless America Flag," to show their true colors.

Yet, as reflections of the September 11 disaster are rubbed, like salt, on the open wounds of this nation by the print and electronic media, American's are starting to seriously wonder, what really happened, and what is really going on? Just recently New York disaster victims finally received the relief they deserved. Prior to that, they were put on a back burner because they were not "Heroic Public Servants" like New York's firemen and police. You've yet to see anyone
wearing a baseball cap in memory of the everyday citizens who lost their lives in greater numbers. This in itself shows that the "American Spirit" is still selective when empathy is at stake.

Long before September 11, 2001, and the names Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, or the Taliban were ever heard of, Americans suffered extremely, from various tragedies, which were, and are to this day, nothing short of terror. Too often these matters which affect, and threaten more Americans than any terrorist from Middle Eastern lands, or anywhere else on earth, are facts of minimal national focus, and back page scoop. These are tragedies that worsen each and everyday, with no massive American resources and public ultra intervention to bring a significant end to them. One of which is Homelessness, which millions of poverty-stricken American's suffer from.

The fundraiser I began speaking of, ended as a smash success, as far as the promoters were concerned. Tons of can goods, clothing, and the 600 frozen gobblers had been acquired and 7,000 dollars in cash donations from millions of better of "United American" who at least showed what they were truly made of. Nevertheless, when you expand this picture, it doesn't look too good. Particularly when you consider that American society just sanctioned spending billions of tax-dollars for the purpose of revenge and mass destruction. How many bombs missed their targets?

How many millions of dollars went down the drain in vain? One thing is for certain, we could have fed all of America's homeless and then some for the price of the bombs that missed their targets. Yet, Americans must beg other Americans in order to acquire basic essentials. While at the same time, billions of dollars are given in aid to other nations, with the same social ills to uplift their people.

Maybe one of these days the TV network moguls will sponsor a "Homeless Month" on America's countless game shows. Then many homeless contestants could instantly win thousands of dollars and other costly prizes in thirty minutes.
Not only would that help many get on their feet, they could spread their wealth with other Homeless Americans, to uplift them as well. Who knows, many of them could even win one of those "Keep America Rolling" cars, with zero down and approved credit to sleep in it with their families.

That would save millions in the tax-dollars spent to lock them up in jail for sleeping on the cold, degrading, and often dangerous streets. There would be extra money to buy all the turkeys and canned goods next holiday season, to feed them, so that neither they nor anyone else will have to beg

You can write to R.G. Hall C-07278

P.O. Box 70S-LB 339

Soledad, Ca 93960-0705


FCC's 1-VOICE RADIO, 1Thought, 1Vision, 1Unified Way.

09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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with an anglo accent?

Could it be travel time
outside of good 'ole "A"is what what first world
Citizens need to relearn what freedom really means?

by Staff Writer


Almost got away but a rare assignment is given to me.
Cover FCC’s [Federal Communication Commission]

On Thursday, Sept. 4,2003.

Folks, roving around media giants isn’t my cup ‘o Java however a Ms. Tejel a new intern was also to be there learn the who, what, when, why, and how at this "STOP MEDIA MONOPOLY – 9/4 NAT’L DAY OF ACTIONS.

After going in the wrong direction by bus, correcting it making it to 855 Battery Street at Broadway located Down town where KPIX-TV(5), KGO-TV, Fox News, and Alice 97.3.

With my wrong way mind-map corrected I quickly walked down side by side with a woman wearing black slacks and a black T shirt and pink lettering its peace/women’s symbol mix I hadn’t noticed.

Independent media’s Network Against Dis-information, CodePink, Media Alliance, Poor Magazine, Global Exchange, along with other Organizations in this joint effort.

I’m wondering if I could figure out ways to leave the Americas visit Cuba, The Amazon, The Yucatan, Egypt, Ireland, Cancun, or other places I have never been before.
Those are dreams for another lets resume to media.

Its only a few minutes later. An energy being in young women’s clothes showed up minutes after I arrived ready for things to start.

Where is everyone?" Ms. Tajel asked me looking around her up, down, and across the street.

"There surrounded, I say to her talking about all the alternative media compared to mainstream media who’s vans and people are about with mikes, camera, and satellite hookups.

Angela Boffa,(?) a man named Jeff had some chants after Tajel took some photo’s and began furiously jotting down notes.

"Half A Story, half a lie, Fox ignores the People Die."
"Disney, You Don’t speak for me deregulation…" I forget the rest, and Fox News, should feel shame, War Is Not A Video Game." There's more but I don’t write fast and walking slows me down more but Ms. Angela B’s voice is breaking.

We walked to ABC, you know the one owned by a 3 foot rat which is what I tell Tajel which really scares children when confronted with the sight.

We leave, I’m slightly lost that’s ok except Tajel, this energized mite threatens me with bodily harm if I cannot find BART for her. Did I hear Klingon in her voice?

Finding Battery Street bart is found at Montgomery. Entering the train station her ridges recedes back to a normal forehead on second thought I didn’t see that is all in my tired enfeebled brain.

Taking a bus towards 7 & 6th streets my jobs done, I’m

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1448 Pine Street #205

San Francisco, CA 94103




09/24/2021 - 11:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body


During a Just Cause Eviction meeting, I, Hands, had the misfortune of
meeting a Puppy... A Shameless Puppy.

This pup felt so comfortable in his surroundings that he exposed all
his parts to anyone looking his way. Iwanted to scratch him and teach
him a lesson. For this shameless behavior, he got the most attention from
everyone in the room; way more than me, I might add.

Not only was he shameless; he was happy about his indecent behavior,
and everything else as well.

Happy to be on the couch, happy to be in the room, happy to be alive.

The night I had to see him was the first night he was in this place,
the place where they had the eviction meeting.

One of the occupants had bought him from a guy pushing a shopping cart.

Apparently the little pup had been riding around on this guy’s shopping
cart for some time, and I guess that’s why he would easily fall asleep
in odd places.

The occupant that bought him felt very proud of himself because he had
"saved this poor pup from a hellish existence riding around on a shopping
cart", he said. And everyone at the meeting was happy as well that this
happy pup was saved from such a dire existence.

Of course, I could see this pup’s future: loved and admired by all.
Hand-fed delicious morsels from the plates of the occupants. Bathed in
special soaps and perfumes.

I wasn’t envious. I had my own happy life to go back to. And I thought
maybe this pup would learn some manners from these people that saved him
from his shopping cart owner, and not have to shamelessly expose himself
all night in front of everyone again.

So, being curious as I am, I listened to the conversation the next day
of the gals I live with. I found out that the occupant who had saved this
pup from the horrible existence of a shopping cart home had taken the
pup to the pound. The occupant decided the pup would be lonely when the
occupant went to work.

Besides, it would just be too much trouble to care for the pup; therefore,
he said he would do the humane thing and take the pup to the pound, and
maybe someone would adopt him; and if not, he’d be put out of his
misery by the pound.

What luck, for this shameless pup to be rescued by such a caring person
as this occupant. Just think what a terrible life it could’ve been
for this pup; to ride around, alive and cared for, in a shopping cart,
for the rest of his life.
