All A-holes Lose Out

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You know of whom I speak.

The brave folks not wanting to change.

Who kill so that idea(s)may also die.

It takes time but eventually...

They fall by the wayside,the A-Holes.

by Joseph Bolden

All A-holes Eventually Lose

Well the day has come and gone and new nights begin.

As I await hell on earth,people drifting up into sky,giant monsters munching on still living humans,and Sodom and Gammora Named by the so called rightious folk ever since San Francisco became a fledgling then fully incorporated city.

Why not only the sin of gambling,wanton women, rakish men and wildness born of change it seems fitting to comment on todays goings on.

Gay Men,Lesbian Women are showing their love by doing so ordinary a duty honoring their commitment to loved ones
by way of traditional marriage.

Problem is as Mr. Korrel has stated last night on KGO they’ve never had the chance until now.

Four year past Mayor Gavin Newsome was in City Hall as people
were married only to be cruely overturned.

Now the Supreme Court has sanctioned same sex marriages.

The old view was “Were All Going To Hell While The City Gets Biblically Atom Bombed or Nuked into Ash.

Look up the account of the death visited upon the two doomed neighboring kingdoms or cities.

The new view is:Its about time people get out of other people personal lives,mind their own business.

That this is a healthy sign of human advancement and for those who have problems they can move elsewhere away from all the fuss.

I use to think these marriages will spawn so much middle class stuff among Gayells and Homosexuals women
and men that the annual Gay Pride Parade
dies off from lack of participation.

I’d be wrong, this day may just reset G.P.P. to June 16,as their date of true liberated freedom!

Black/Gay Pride Freedom Day?

Sounds clunky but so what I think it’ll be all figured out within the next decade.

Think of it we’ve had his/her storical happenings a weird Presidential Gender/Sex+ Race Primary Race,Legalized Homosexual Marriages,
Fertilization of Female Eggs Without Sperm!

I put the last one in just to place applied science rounding out real changes fast breaking theses days.

Me,I’m joining the freeze,wait,reanimate club for return-after-death cryonics and preparing
for things to come which has an awfully familiar ring to me.

Yes,I can wait to see what's in store for us.

Too bad their isn’t a few brilliant unknown wizards, daredevil researchers/scientists that can pull if off with 11 cryo-pods.

One for the intrepid volunteer (me)ten for the other researchers/ scientists much braver than the
volunteer knowing what might go wrong.

The probability of me being contacted by such a people and as a free experiment is as remote as my rediscovering the fabled Philosopher’s Stone!

Have I mentioned I’m really rotten at math but willing to be taught in private to learn basic math up to chemistry?

We know both men and women gay and gayell also have biological clocks and are
able to have children so MANKIND won’t die out from gay marrying each other.

But how about divorces, child custody, adultery, what if a one gayell woman strays into intimate love with a male it does happen.

Or the same with gay men with women and men?

Courts, custody, dividing of property, or who get alimony?

I’ll let all that go for all of you readers to ponder.

It Is A Brave New World Indeed

I’m already looking for the next multi racial rainbow female
Presidential Candidate she’s around somewhere preparing for when its her turn.

Who know’s it may one you reading this,or someone yet unborn.

The world in changing for the better…

Lets all keep it going this way,no steps back, rapid if not fast forward in to the present -it’s the only way into our ffuture.

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