Story Archives 2014

Ellis Act Eviction Alert

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Ellis Act Eviction Alert

Another San Francisco elder falling prey to the Ellis Act by Eviction by Landlord and Speculators using State law to undermine rent Control.


Another San Francisco senior is being evicted from his long-term rent controlled flat courtesy the state’s predatory Ellis Act.  Benito Santigo is a disabled elder and teacher with the San Francisco Unified School District.  Mr. Santiago has lived in his Duboce Street flat since 1977.  He became disabled due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident in 1980.  Despite his physical limitations, he has devoted his time to teaching music to young people with developmental disabilities.  In a rental market that has seen a 170% increase in Ellis Act evictions and 38% increase in all evictions in the last 3 years, seniors are particularly vulnerable.  Many seniors are long term tenants in rent controlled housing, and, in the case of a high publicized eviction involving the Lee family in the city’s North Beach neighborhood, are evicted by real estate speculators looking to turn a profit by purchasing buildings and flipping them into tenancy in commons’ (TIC’s) in which each unit is sold as a separate mortgage.  The other motivation is to convert the units into condominiums.   

San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar hosted a recent town hall meeting on the issue of evictions in the District he represents—the Richmond District—District 1.  Mr. Santiago spoke at the meeting, along with other long term residents who told of being served eviction notices after their buildings were sold.  Many of the speculators that purchase rent controlled buildings are outside of San Francisco, some are located in other states.  One senior told of losing his housing and is now homeless, “couch surfing” while trying to navigate a housing situation that sees market rate housing reaching an average of over $3,200 a month for a one bedroom apartment.

Mr. Santiago is a valuable part of the community, as he is a teacher and has volunteered as a music instructor at the I-Hotel Manilatown Center, which is the heart of the tenant rights movement in San Francisco.  “Benito Santiago’s eviction shows the need to protect not only elders and those with disabilities in San Francisco from greedy landlords, but teachers too” said Tony Robles, Manilatown Heritage Foundation board member.  A San Francisco Bay Guardian article reports that 35% of teachers hired since July live outside the city.

Elders are being preyed upon by speculators and have been hard hit by evictions—especially in working communities and communities of color.  We call upon both local and state leaders to pay attention to the eviction epidemic that is hitting seniors extremely hard.  Ellis Act evictions have had catastrophic effects on the lives of thousands and those effects are being felt in places outside of the Bay Area.









Mentally Lynched by the Kangaroo KKKourts

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Bad News Bruce
Original Body

It was New Year's Eve, 2008. My friends had invited me to go out with them to a huge hotel party, but instead I decided to go out alone and have a drink to celebrate obtaining my real estate license.

As I was driving down Mission between 16th and 17th street I heard an E-40 song playing nearby at Blondie's bar and grill, so I went inside to check it out. The bar was filled to capacity as I made my way to the front to order myself a drink. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, so I joined in on the festivities. I began dancing with a few people, including a Caucasian lady who sealed my fate when she accused me of touching her behind. Even though I did not touch this female in any disrespectful manner, she told her partner that I had done so. When he learned of this, he and his friends attacked me. I was punched and knocked to the ground. I tried to defend myself, but I was overwhelmed by the kicks and punches I received by them until I lost consciousness.

When I came to, the men still proceeded on with their assault against me. I had thrown a bottle in self defense, but it just bounced off the wall. The fight continued on outside until the bouncer broke it up. When the police arrived, reports were made for both sides and I was given a ticket. I went home, barely able to walk. I laid in bed for a couple of days, immobilized by unbearable pain. Eventually, with a struggle, I went to the hospital to get checked out.

When I had recovered from my injuries, I went to 850 Bryant Street to take care of the citation. The clerk at the district attorney's office told me that the ticket had been dismissed. Then a few months later I was pulled over by the police. I was arrested because my citation pertaining to the fight at the bar had escalated to a warrant. All this, after I had been told it was dismissed.

            I couldn't comprehend the injustice of this incident. I was one man that was brutally beaten by three white males who I later found out were skinheads, and yet I was the one being charged with sexual assault, battery and mayhem. After being bailed out of jail by a relative, I began fighting my case from the streets. I was appointed a former district attorney to represent my case. He had no hope that I would receive any kind of justice. One of the men in the attack had a father who was an attorney and several times I would see him, the DA, my attorney and the judge leaving the chambers confident that I would lose the case. I didn't understand why I was the only one involved in the incident who had to face charges in court. Why didn't the girl who accused me of this crime, and the men who assaulted me ever had to show up in court? These questions fell upon deaf ears.

After getting a new attorney and contacting two of the witnesses that would help my case, I was denied a chance to have my case go to trial. When I had contacted the bouncer that was there and witnessed my attack, he had agreed to testify on my behalf. The court then slapped me with a stay-away order for harassment, and in the quest for justice, I had lost my freedom.

My eight month incarceration had an immense impact on not only my life, but my family's lives. I was forced to be separated from my children, the youngest child being only 6 months old. Everything I had worked hard for was taken away from me because of an age-old tale of being accused of assaulting a white woman. It’s a crime that, guilty or not, was sure to cost a black man his life in Amerikkka. This accusation cost me my real estate license, time away from my children and my freedom.

Going out to celebrate that New Years' night really messed up my life. The corrupt criminal “justice” system did nothing to promote real justice or healing. I may have been physically beaten by skinheads, but I was mentally lynched by the kangaroo courts. Like my favorite MC of all time, KRS-ONE said- "THE SYSTEM GOTCHA!"


La Reforma Migratoria es solo un Cuento / The Immigration Reform is only a Story

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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(Scroll Down for English)

La Reforma Migratoria es solo un Cuento

Desde hace mucho tiempo suena en mis oidos la reforma migratoria el cual es un sonido que me tortura. El año pasado dijeron en las noticias que iba suceder una reforma migratoria para mas de 11 millones de idocumentados. Haci fueron pasando los dias los meses hasta que termino el año. Yo se que Barack Obama no es quien decida, pero si el presionara al congreso, estoy segura que se logrria una reforma migratoria.

Pero el tampoco hace algo para lograr que el congreso se ponga de acuerdo

yo sinceramente estaba emocionada desde que inicio el año  pues crei en lo que decian en la televicion y los noticieros.

Hoy permanesco decepcionada de todo y de todos. Ya entendi que  a los gobernantes de este pais no les importa nada y menos la vida de nosotros los indocumentados. Pues como ellos duermen calientitos y tienen a su familia a su lado, no les importa la vida de los demas.

Yo se que nadie nos pidio venir a este pais, pero nos venimos por la pobreza que  existe en nuestro pais nativo el cual es por causa de los estados unidos. Otros venemos por sufrir violencia domestica, por ejemplo yo, por esa razon me vine: para salvar mi vida. Hoy veo que no valio la pena porque despues de 10 años  e perdido la mitad de mi vida al ver que perdi el cariño de mis hijos y eso si que no tiene precio. Todo sucedio por el miedo de regresar a mi pais. Por ser atenida, creia que las iguanas volarian.

Pues hoy yo pienso mejor me voy de aqui, pero hay posibilidad que mi ex esposo me mate cuando regrese a Guatemala. Y por ese miedo sigo esperanzada en que llegue la Reforma Migratoria.

Ya basta de mentiras! Digan la verdad! Ya estamos cansados de que nos tengan como bebes con el chupon en la boca, y no nos dan nada!

Esta semana escuche rumores de que este año si van a hacer la reforma, pero yo ya no quiero creer. Me da coraje y ganas de llorar porque los del govierno no se dan cuenta que nosotros los latinos trabajamos como burros. Lo que quiero decir con esto es que no nos quejamos de los trabajos pesados que la poblacion Estado Unidense no quiere hacer. En los restaurantes, quienes trabajan? En los hotels lavando los cochinos baños? Quienes cuidan a los viejitos y a los niños por un precio justo? Nosotros somos los que pagamos el precio de mantener a nuestras familias sea en este pais ajeno o en el propio. Comoquiera somos nosotros los que trabajamos tiempo y doble para poder pagar los biles de cada mes. Por esa misma razon estamos cansados de que no nos tomen en cuenta. Ya basta de esta injusticia! Nosotros tambien merecemos vivir sin miedo de ser deportados. Es tiempo de que reconoscan que nosotros tambien tenemos el derecho de vivir comodamente al lado de nuestros seres queridos y que contribuimos grandiosamente en este pais.

Ya ponganse de acuaerdo! Veran que este pais se va a enriqueser si nos dan papeles porque podemos contribuir sin miedo.


The Immigration Reform is only a Story

For a while now, the words immigration reform sound in my ears. This is a sound that tortures me. Last year it was broadcasted over the television that there would take a place an immigration reform for over 11 million undocumented individuals. Likely, the days passed, so did the weeks and months up until the year was over. I know that Barrack Obama has no say in what the decision is, but if he does use his ability to pressure congress, I am sure that migratory reform would take place.

Either way, he has not done anything so that congress makes the right decision. I sincerely felt excited from the beginning of the year being that I believed that was being said on air in both the radio news and the television.

Today I remain disappointed in everything and everyone. I now understand that the people governing this country don’t mind the situation or lives those of us undocumented people are living. While they remain safe and sound alongside their families, the blinds on the rest of us are shut.

I know that we were not asked to migrate to this country, but we came because of the poverty that exists in our native countries-poverty due to the United states. Others come because they suffer domestic violence as I did. I came because of that reason, I saved my own life. Today I see that it was not worth it because after ten years now I have lost half of my life: I lost the priceless love of my children. All of this was caused because of the fear I have in returning to my natal country. For over thinking and considering every possibility, I actually did believe that pigs would fly.

Today, I constantly think that I will leave here. Still there remains the possibility that my ex-husband will kill me upon my return to Guatemala. Because of that fear, I remain where I am waiting for the immigration reform.

This week I heard rumors that this year the reform would happen, but I no longer want to believe that. I gain anger and tears because the people of the government cannot even imagine the conditions or how my people are working. What I want to say with this is that we do not complain of our strenuous jobs or the manual labor we do that the rest of the U.S. citizens do not want to pick up. Who are the ones that work in restaurants? Who washes the dirty restrooms in hotels? Who are those that take care of the elderly and kids for a just price? We are the ones that pay the price of maintaining our families in this country or thousands of miles away in another. Regardless of the location, we are the ones that work time and a half to be able to pay the bills that we are charged every month. Because of that same reason, we are tired of not being considered. It is time to stop this injustice! We too want to live without the fear of being deported. It is time for them to recognize that we also have the right to live comfortably alongside our loved ones and those of us greatly contribute to this country.

It is time to make the decision! You will see that this country will be enriched if we are given our papers because we can contribute without fear.


Free Leonard in 2014::Challenge to Amerikkkan In-justice System

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Bad News Bruce
Original Body

The POOR magazine' Indigenous News-making Circle/ Community Newsroom was really fierce last week when a man came and talked about the injustice committed against his relative, Leonard Peltier. As a young African-American woman I have been born and bred on corporate media and until i came to POOR's People Skool I hadn't even heard of Leonard Peltier, which, sadly is similar to many of my peers,

Peltier was wrongly imprisoned for over thirty seven years. It was painful to hear about yet another political prisoner, most of whom never get out of prison, and are treated terribly because they speak consciousness and go against injustice done by the government. I was holding back my tears while listening to this DJ/musician talk about his relative who has been locked up for so long and is still fighting for his freedom.

The Feds accused Leonard Peltier of killing two cops on a reservation during a shoot-out. The main thing that struck me was how the press published articles in the paper saying that people on the reservation were not the victims but the swat team was. People have had misinterpretations of what happened because the FBI even paid the press to not include facts of how the feds set him up. Before the shoot out (on Pine Ridge reservation) the cops were dressed down and didn’t want to reveal their identity. During the shoot-out, many children from the Jumping Bull Ranch had to run through fire bullets. Angry agents shot up the Jumping Bull home, leaving bullet riddled family portraits in their wake. The police allegedly said they went onto the reservation because one of the Native Americans stole a pair of cowboy boots! The feds make up the stupidest things as an excuse to kill and harass people. Mass destruction and trauma on indigenous land for shoes?! Members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) were camping on the property at the time. They had been invited there by the Jumping Bull elders, seeking protection from the extreme violence on the reservation.

In the days following the shoot-out, FBI agents in SWAT gear and carrying assault rifles also terrorized other Pine Ridge residents through a series of warrantless no-knock assaults on their homes. After the Feds started investigating they had a selective prosecution. They charged Leonard Peltier for the killings of the two cops. There were two other members from the native land present during the shoot-out, but charges against them were dropped. Certain members of AIM bragged about killing the cops in the shootout but again they were never imprisoned. Charges against a fourth man, Jimmy Eagle (a non-AIM member), were later dropped. (Prosecutors admitted during Peltier's trial that Jimmy Eagle had not even been on the reservation on the day of the shoot-out.).

Media manipulation is a tactic used against Leonard Peltier even today. During Peltier's 1993-2001 bid for an award of clemency the FBI again put out false information about him. The FBI media had a plan to tear this man down. At POOR magazine we go straight to the root of the story and talk to the victims and not the monsters from other corporations.

After hearing this story, many of us Po' migrante, houseless and in-struggle folks in the news room at POOR magazine were quiet. We didn’t have anything to say but encouraging words reminding him to keep his head up no matter what. We agreed to tell his side of the story which is the REAL TRUTH. “DJ FreeLeonard” is a website so people can donate whatever they can to help this innocent man be free. Although the corruptness of the system has been discouraging and frustrating, Peltier’s family wants to involve president Obama because no one else will listen to them and believe them. After more than thirty-seven years, Peltier and his relatives are still fighting for justice.


Below is a press release from the Intl Indian Treaty Council



CONTACT: Alyssa Macy

IITC Communications Specialist

c: (414) 748-0220



United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, makes historic visit to American Indian Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier


San Francisco, Jan. 24, 2014:  Today James Anaya, United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, made a historic visit to American Indian political prisoner Leonard Peltier, Turtle Mountain Ojibway, in the United States (US) Federal Penitentiary in Coleman, Florida.  He was accompanied by Leonard “Lenny" Foster, member of the Board of Directors of the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) and representative of the National Native American Prisoners Rights Coalition.   


Leonard Peltier was convicted in 1977 for “aiding and abetting” in the deaths of two FBI agents during a fire fight on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota in 1975.  Two other defendants were acquitted based on self-defense. Although the US courts as well as Amnesty International have acknowledged government misconduct, including forcing witnesses to lie and hiding ballistics evidence indicating his innocence, Mr. Peltier was denied a new trial on a legal technicality.  The late Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, 55 Members of the US Congress, the National Congress of American Indians, Assembly of First Nations, the US Human Rights Network and many others -- including a judge who sat as a member of the Court in two of Mr. Peltier’s appeals -- have called for his release. 


Lenny Foster confirmed that “the visit today by Special Rapporteur James Anaya to Leonard Peltier in prison is very significant and historic for us and we thank him for working with IITC to make this possible.  This will support efforts for Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier and promote reconciliation and justice in this case.”     


In April and May 2012, UN Special Rapporteur Anaya carried out an official visit to the US to examine the human rights situation of Indigenous Peoples in this country.  After visiting and hearing testimony from Indigenous Nations, Peoples, organizations and communities around the US he issued a report “The situation of indigenous peoples in the United States of America” [A/HRC/21/47/Add.1].  It was presented to the UN Human Rights Council in September 2012 and contained observations regarding the case of Leonard Peltier:       


“A more recent incident that continues to spark feelings of injustice among indigenous peoples around the United States is the well-known case of Leonard Peltier… After a trial that has been criticized by many as involving numerous due process problems, Mr. Peltier was sentenced to two life sentences for murder, and has been denied parole on various occasions.  Pleas for presidential consideration of clemency by notable individuals and institutions have not borne fruit.  This further depletes the already diminished faith in the criminal justice system felt by many indigenous peoples throughout the country.”


Special Rapporteur Anaya’s recommendations to the US government included the following: 


“Other measures of reconciliation should include efforts to identify and heal particular sources of open wounds. And hence, for example, promised reparations should be provided to the descendants of the Sand Creek massacre, and new or renewed consideration should be given to clemency for Leonard Peltier.”


For more information about the case of Leonard Peltier and the current campaign for Executive Clemency contact the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee: or (505) 301-5423.





The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) is an organization of Indigenous Peoples from North, Central, South America, the Caribbean and the Pacific working for the Sovereignty and Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of Indigenous Rights, Treaties, Traditional Cultures and Sacred Lands. 


El Consejo Internacional de Tratados Indios (CITI) es una organización de Pueblos Indígenas del Sur, Centro y Norteamérica, el Caribe y el Pacífico, que trabaja por la soberanía y la libre determinación de los Pueblos Indígenas, así como el reconocimiento y protección de los derechos indígenas, tratados, culturas tradicionales y tierras sagradas.






Brown Bag Lunch with Christopher Columbus

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body







Some guys, you

Don’t know where

They come from


They walk and form

Words and, in general,

Look like they came from

An airplane catalogue


Such was the case of

A guy who had worked

At an insurance company

To which I was indentured to


He was hired to resurrect

The company, which was

In a slump, and he rode in

And sought to resurrect us all


And I’d see him in

Elevators and in passing,

Going from one important

Meeting to another


And I’d head to my

Desk and wait

For the phone to ring


(And I wouldn’t have too wait long)


And the man hired to resurrect

Us announced to the company

That he would have brown bag

Lunch sessions with employees who

Wanted to help out in the company



It was called

Brown bagging with…


And one day the

Company was called

To a meeting for a

State of the company

Address with the company



And I sat among

My fellow employees,

Many of whom were black

And brown


And the guy who was

Sent to resurrect us told

Us that we were, as a company,

Embarking on an adventure


Such as when

Christopher Columbus

Set sail in search of the

New world


And his words sailed towards

The faces and bodies of

Folks whose descendants

Inhabited the third world


And I looked at an

African American woman

Who worked on another floor


We sat through his presentation

And all the Christopher

Columbus bullshit


No need for

A brown bag


This son of a

Bitch was already

Out to lunch



© 2014 Tony Robles


(Note: image from )


The Rich Ride for Free- The Po' Get Po'Liced

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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(Photo of SF Po'Lice Officer Carrasco issuing a citation for fare evasion after a sweep of MUNI at Geary & Van Ness)

(reprinted from

Po'Lice and Fare Inspectors harass MUNI passengers on Mayors Orders

“People are evading their fares, we are only here because the Mayor wants to cut down on all the crime on MUNI.” SF Po'Lice Officer Carrasco barked at me, while issuing a citation for alleged fare evasion to a young African-Descendent student on his way to school. This young brother was one of over 25 people caught in a “sweep” read  invasion of a MUNI bus, who were pulled off the bus so citations could be issued.


They were there like locusts, 15 deep between fare inspectors and Po’Lice officers swarming the MUNI bus stop at Van Ness & Geary. The bus was loaded to the gills as it often is and people were getting on the back like we always do if there is no room at the front. For this insane class-based “crime” we were cited.  As the Po’ Lice were following orders from Mayor Lee and harassing us Po’ mamaz, youth, elders, working people and disabled houseless folks over an alleged two dollar crime,  a monolithic, two story, steel-gray, Mercedes “bus”  pulled up to the same stop, the door glided open softly like a digital chariot and three people, heads deep in-1phone-love, rushed in. On the giant bus was an LED sign stating its corporate affiliation, APPLE Shuttle.


At this point I turned to the army of Po’Lice and wanna be po’Lice aka Fare harassers and said, why do the rich get to ride for free? How is that not a crime? Why don’t you give them a citation for fare evasion? They looked at me blankly, deep in their hegemonic story of “crimes” and who does them.


Notwithstanding the mayors fallacious claims of so-called “crimes” by us Po and working folks on MUNI, the trillion dollar tech-based corporations, Google, Twitter, Apple, Genentech, EBAY and many more are stealing this City blind and the Mayor has enabled, signed off and/or crafted the giant theft in his attempt to continue the Manhattenization of this increasingly rich-wites-only city.


While at the same time launching an all out class war to evict, destroy, beat down and eventually incarcerate anyone who isn’t part of their Tech Colonizer kingdom. But please don’t be mistaken this did NOT begin with Rich-people-loving Mayor Lee.  Us Po’ folks have been fighting the increases of MUNI for minute.


Since the increase in MUNI fares in 2011 to 2.00 which several activists fought against, the fare inspectors and Po’Lice started trolling the bus stops in poor communities of color like the Mission, Bayview and Tenderloin. They have been swarming the stops, getting on buses and incessantly harassing folks who are just trying to get to and fro.


All of these profiled so-called fare evasion crimes on us folks, especially youth of color, Po’ mamaz, houseless folks and disabled elders culminated in the brutal assassination by Po’Lice of Kenny Harding Jrover a 2.00 transfer on July 16, 2011.


Recently, like the gentriFUKation, Ellis Act evictions and Sit-lie citations of houseless folks the “fare –sweeps” po’lice harassment has increased and according to Officer Carrasco, the mayor has launched a new harassment/profiling campaign. Funny, I didn’t get that memo.


Tony Robles, co-editor of POOR Magazine reported a disabled elder being tackled to the ground last week by two Po’Lice officers for so-called fare evasion.Myself and Jewnbug of POOR Magazine have been harassed multiple times with all of the Family Project children and Queenandi, of POOR has witnessed multiple times the harassment, abuse, profiling and citing of recyclers and houseless elders


The Tech industry has earned more than 37 trillion dollars this year.. From the New Machine Age…


So as the trillion dollar tech industry rides on, in their shiny buses, completely for free, paying nothing, taking more and more real jobs away from real people, giving fewer and fewer people more and more dollars to hoard, while also giving our real, union-paid jobs to robots and technology,  evicting more and more of us working folks to make way for the rich elite to live, the message is crystal clear, our poor bodies, our children’s bodies, our mama bodies, our elder bodies, our disabled bodies must pay, must leave, or we will  all be incarcerated.


Change Won’t Come from a Savior , a Pimp or an Institution – Change will only come from a Poor People-led Revolution… tiny, Po Poets Project 2010 


Ticket to Work

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Bad News Bruce
Original Body

A majority  of the people on SSI and Social Security, including this poverty scholar, want to pay back the community by working regular jobs, and pay back into the tax system and pay back the debt I owe the society.

When I got the post card that said “Ticket to work” it was like a chance to eat a filet mignon stake. This was on the post card, “Go to work.” I immediately picked up my phone, set up an appointment, and went to the meeting two weeks later. I went to One South Van Ness, third floor. When I got into the room it was half empty. They had about 100 chairs out. I felt I was cherry picked. Other low income people in my building did not get this post card. As soon as I got into the place where they were having the lecture I got cookies and coffee, and said to myself, "at least I am getting some food out of this experience." I looked around the place; it was half empty. That’s where my thoughts came that this is a cherry picked operation. As they explained it, this is a new program by Social Security and SSI. The person talked and said, “Your benefits will not be attacked if you get a job for two years.” I looked around the place again. My curiosity just hit the roof. Let me tell you why I think its a cherry picked operation: Most of the people looked like they were eligible to work, because a majority of the questions were logical and sensible that the audience asked. Except for one person that fell through the cracks, the rest were wiling to work. This is sponsored by three agencies. They are the State Department of Rehabilitation, San Francisco’s Workforce Development and Tool Works.

Then we were broken into small groups, taken outside into another courtyard. That’s where we were assigned to a caseworker at Toolworks, a non-profit organization. The first caseworker they assigned me to was overloaded, so they reassigned me to another caseworker whose first name is Alison. She started out by handing me the usual dummy jobs  then she started talking to me. At our next meeting she gave me jobs that required a Masters Degree. I was shocked because in school system I was sent to special education due to my displexia and called retarded. I have to be groomed for the interview so they will be sending me to clothes school and interview training.

These jobs come to me as a shock. As a simple high school graduate to be qualified for a job in fields that I did not realize that I qualify for. If so, what the hell are they teaching kids in school? 

I will give you updates as it continues.

Thank you for reading this article.


Cambiando El Amor por los Dolores/Trading in The Love for Pain

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
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(Scroll Down for English)

Cambiando El Amor por los Dolores

El sol está al centro del cielo azul y blanco. Regreso de la escuela cuando de pronto inicia el sonido de tambores con diferentes ritmos y a cada paso el sonido aumentaba, y al mirar al otro lado de una malla oxidada, allí eta en el patio un joven rodeado de ollas de diferentes tamaños se miraba como una batería de una banda Rock.

Quien será este loco, pienso y al estar más cerca estoy frente a mi amigo David que fabrico este artefacto pues suena, y sueña des ser un músico que suene como los Beatles.

El tiempo paso y después David con su pelo largo hasta el hombro y su chaqueta del múrciela de Sololá, formo una banda que tocaba música de los Beatles en fiestas y clubs nocturnos. Por el día trabajaba como contador para luchar por la familia que formo.

David, muy fiel siempre con su vieja, con ella a todas partes y con la motocicleta que le quedaba un poco pequeña para su gran espíritu luchador.

David toca y danza al son que le toquen pues la sobrevivencia lo hizo cambiar su ritmo y una noche lo encontré en una fiesta por el trébol tocando salsa o cumbia y con una indumentaria tropical.

Escuche muchos conciertos de mi hermano y amigo David su banda llamada Yesterday. Tocaba en conciertos gratis para la banda pobre y proletaria. Música o covers de bandas gringas y también música de su inspiración y creación, entre los nombres de sus grupos recuerdo, el denominado Dona Locha y sus benditos, gravo un de Álbum pero grammy’s nunca se enteraron de su trabajo artístico musical en contra de todos los vientos.

Esta historia es la realidad de países pobres donde la cultura no es importante, como decía El filosofo Lencho Patas Planas “existen lugares donde la cultura es peste” no se le da el valor que merece al artista nacional, el talento y la cultura se pierde cada día que pasa.

La Garra Chapina fue una serie de conciertos de bandas musicales de Rock en español que con un estilo propio y talento, compartieron el arte con canciones originales, historias de amor,  esperanza, un ejemplo de músicos que salieron al ruedo a demostrar que si se puede, y el publico jóven les apoyo.

Todo marchaba bien

La poca visión y el amor al dinero hicieron que empresarios guatemaltecos no apoyaran a esta creciente expresión de música y también la violencia hizo su parte Ricardo Andrade, un músico guatemalteco en lo mejor de su carrera fue asesinado por una bala asesina.

Encontrando y escuchado sus voces

Puedes encontrar una canción que expresa y refleja lo que pasa en los que llaman países pobres. Nos han puesto en un hoyo que para salir las personas se ven empujadas a cambiar el amor por el dolor de dejar a sus seres queridos por los dólares.

El Norte es la canción que narra las perdidas. Puedes encontrar la cancion en internet, es muy buena cantada, y creada por Ricardo Andrade.

Bohemia Suburbana grupo de rock guatemalteco en español nació en 1992 que después de haber sonado y grabado su música, 20 años después un programa de TV les dio la oportunidad de incluirlos en su espacio este dato marca historia como los medios de comunicación apoyan al arte y los artistas.

Son muchos los héroes que forman grupos musicales que escuchan y comparten sus voces, en próximo articulo mencionaré a todos, los de la eterna primavera y les recomiendo Alux Nahual con la esperanza y la lucha que en Guatemala se haga un alto al fuego, corrupción, balas y la muerte. Hagamos el amor y no la guerra entre hermanos y paisanos.

Que puede decir el ministerio de cultura de su política cultural.

Cuéntale a tod@s  que nadie quede callado. 


Julio Sabio 2013 Diciembre


Trading in The love for Pain

The sun is the center of the blue and white sky. From school the sound of drums with different rates and suddenly increase, and looking across a rusty mesh. There, on the patio, surrounded by a young pots of different sizes looked like a drummer in a rock band.

Who is this crazy person, I think. I look closer and I’m facing my friend David. He manufactures this appliance into sounds, and dreams of being a musician like the Beatles.

Time passed and after David, with his shoulder-length hair and jacket Solola coat, formed a band playing Beatles music at parties and nightclub. By day he worked as an accountant to fight for the family he formed.

David, always very faithful to his wife, moved around with her everywhere with his crappy motorcycle with a great fighting spirit.

David plays and dances to whatever sounds that are around. Survival made him change his pace and I found him one night at a party by playing salsa or cumbia with tropical attire.

Listening to gigs of my brother and David’s band called Yesterday. He played free concerts for the poor and proletarian. Music or musical covers of gringas bands and music from inspiration to creation, from the names of their memory groups, the so-called Dona Locha and Blessed, recorded one album but grammy 's never heard your music artwork against all winds.

This story is the reality of poor countries where the culture is not important, as the philosopher said Lencho (Flat Feet) Patas Planas "there are places where the culture is fever" is not given the value it deserves, the national artist, the talent and culture is lost each passing day.

The Chapin Claw was a series of band concerts of Rock in Spanish with a unique style and talent, shared art with original songs , stories of love, hope , an example of musicians who came into the ring to show that if you can and the public will support young.

All was well

The low vision and the love of money made Guatemalan businessmen did not support this increased expression of music and violence did his part Ricardo Andrade, a Guatemalan musician best of his career was killed by an assassin's bullet.

Finding their voices heard

You can find a song that expresses and reflects what happens in the so-called poor countries. We have put in a hole to exit people are pushed to change the love for the pain of leaving your loved ones for dollars.

The North is the song that tells all that is lost. You can find the song on the internet, is very good singing, and created by Ricardo Andrade.

Suburban Bohemia, a Guatemalan rock group born in 1992 after having recorded music, 20 years after a TV program gave them the opportunity to include their work in a space that supports media art and artists.

Many heroes are apart of bands who listen and share their voices. In an upcoming article I will mention them all, those of the eternal spring and recommend Alux Nahual with hope, struggle, the reality of the bullets, fire, and an end to the corruption that is made in Guatemala. Make love not war between brothers and countrymen.

Can you tell the ministry of culture of its cultural policy.

Tell everyone that no one is silent.

Wise Julio July 2013 December


Street Cred: Advertising for the People

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Bad News Bruce
Original Body

About Street Cred

Street Cred is a project of Bay Area Art Queers Unleashing Power (BAAQUP).  BAAQUP s a loose collective of arts activists with a long history of liberating public spaces and creating images to challenge the control of our lives by corporations, government and the assumptions promoted by mass media.  Our use of “unleashing power” is a homage to ACT UP – the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, a powerful direct action movement which many of us participated in during the late eighties and early nineties.
Street Cred’s public art campaigns disturb the status quo by shaking up people’s consciousness.  Our goal is to raise all of our spirits through creative resistance.  We are always looking to hook up with other groups of artists and activists, so that together we may blossom into a full-fledged force for social change.
Subcomandante Marcos, the voice of the Zapatista revolution, speaks of a project that “globalizes rebellion, hope, creativity, intelligence, imagination, life, memory and building a world where many worlds fit.”  That is the project our work strives to mirror and be part of.
We are Advertising for the People.  We challenge the hegemony of corporate messaging and reclaim advertising spaces to create unmediated dialogue with our community.
Where art is possible, change is possible.  If we can change the images on our streets, we can change our reality as well.
Focus:  Justice For Palestine
Street Cred works on a wide range of issues, including immigrant rights, economic equality and queer liberation.  The struggle of Palestinians for justice is particularly important to all of us.  Some of us have lived there; many of us are Arab and/or Jewish and feel personal connections to the issue.  Primarily, we focus much of our work on the Palestinian struggle to amplify the ongoing creative resistance of the Palestinian people.  As the Soweto uprising in 1976 sparked a worldwide movement that finally dismantled South African apartheid after 40 years, so the Second Intifada, which began in 2000, has made the Palestinian struggle the iconic social justice movement of this century so far.  Palestinians have steadfastly resisted colonization for over 100 years.  The time for their freedom is now.
Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions
The 2005 Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel has given social justice proponents around the world a powerful set of tools to pressure the Israeli government and our own (the United States sends more than $14 million a day of our tax money to the Israeli state, most of it for weapons) to end apartheid and land theft.  The BDS movement has been the catalyst for a dynamic outpouring of energy by tens of thousands of activists in hundreds of communities in every corner of the world.  We seek to honor and promote that work, and are propel it forward.
Consumer Boycott
The consumer boycott brings BDS to street level.  When a boycott catches fire, like the grape boycott organized by the United Farm Workers in the 1970s, the boycott of Barclays, Bank of America and other banks funding apartheid in the 1980s, or the boycott of the West Bank settlement product SodaStream, in the last year, it confronts each individual with the choice: am I for justice or will I close my eyes for the sake of comfort and convenience?  Though the economic impact of most consumer boycotts is small, its political power is enormous because of its ability to involve masses of people sending a clear message to governments and corporations.
The Swedish clothing manufacturer H&M opened its first two stores in Israel in 2010, despite pressure from the active Swedish Palestine solidarity movement to live up to its corporate responsibility rhetoric.  Swedish activists launched a massive campaign involving flash mobs, alternative price tags, fashion shows, op-eds, petitions, and many other forms of outreach and pressure.  We had just heard about the Swedish campaign when we started seeing these H&M ads all over town, and decided they were ripe for remaking.
Hewlett Packard (HP), a multinational corporation based in Palo Alto, manufactures the “Basel System” technology utilized by the Israeli army at checkpoints in the West Bank and the entrances to besieged Gaza.  The checkpoints restrict Palestinian freedom of movement; they keep students from getting to school and workers from reaching their jobs, restrict farmers’ access to their land, enforce separations between families, and often make it impossible for Palestinians to access necessary medical care.  The role HP is playing in Israel is very similar to that played by IBM and Polaroid in South Africa, which used their technologies to control the movement of Africans.  As documented in the PBS series, “Have You Heard from Johannesburg,” the boycott and divestment campaign initiated by Polaroid workers was the first major anti-apartheid BDS campaign in the United States.
Academic and Cultural Boycott
The cultural and academic boycott was launched by the Palestinian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel in 2004, building on a 2002 statement by Palestinian academics and intellectuals in the occupied territories and in the Diaspora calling for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions in October 2003.  The cultural boycott of South Africa, epitomized by the “Don’t Play Sun City” campaign, was one of the most widely recognized elements of the movement which ended South African Apartheid.
This is one of the fastest-growing aspects of the current BDS movement.  In San Francisco, one of the most active cultural boycott campaigns has targeted the Frameline film festival, which is one of the world’s oldest and largest LGBT cultural institutions.  The Israeli government aggressively promotes queer Israeli films, which would be great if they were truly interested in queer liberation.  Instead, the Israeli government is using its queer-friendly veneer to distract from its oppression of all non-Jewish residents regardless of sexuality and gender identity.  Street Cred/BAAQUP helped to popularize the term “pinkwashing” (with apologies to Breast Cancer Action) to describe this disinformation.
In 2010, the three Palestinian queer organizations issued a call for international queer institutions to stop partnering with the Israeli state and its institutions.
A member of Al Qaws For Sexual and Gender Diversity in Palestine writes, “Pinkwashing strips away our voices, history and agency, telling the world that Israel knows what is best for us. By targeting pinkwashing we are reclaiming our agency, history, voices and bodies, telling the world what we want and how to support us.”
We Encourage You To Take To The Streets!!
We can’t be that specific about all the techniques we use, but we can tell you all it takes is determination and friends.  
For more information, please visit our website:
Facebook:  Street Cred

Au Revoir

09/24/2021 - 08:44 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Bad News Bruce
Original Body


The Property Clerk Office attendant upends a manila envelope, spilling its contents onto a table and then stepping back. As beads of sweat appear on his forehead he begins to tap the envelope against his leg, in rhythm with an unheard tune. After a few moments he brings the empty envelope up to eye level, inspecting it with an apparent deep fascination before resuming the nervous tapping.
A young man shifts his field of vision from the attendant to his personal effects, then back to the attendant who seems unaware of the mans existence. Eventually he turns to the items, inspecting them dispassionately. Wallet, car keys. cell phone. Drawing closer,  fury begins to build inside him. The wallet was a Christmas present from his mother. How dare these people touch things his mother had touched. Turning on his heel, the young man strides for the double doors  just as three women are entering. Visible from the rear are six blood-encrusted bullet holes,  four in his back and one each in his neck and head.
The attendant’s agitated tapping abruptly ceases, his demeanor no longer one of unease. Tonelessly he mumbles “Sorry for your loss” in the direction of the women.
Three women sit closely together in the dimly lit hallway. All share the same heavily-lidded eyes and high cheekbones – features also shared by a young man they have just identified, a young man now resting in the freezer room directly behind them. The older woman nods her head and rises, her daughters rising dutifully alongside. One of the young women fusses at her mother’s face with a crumpled kleenex, further smearing her makeup. The woman’s dignity remains intact.
Entering the Property Clerk’s Office as the attendant makes his utterance, both daughters are startled as their mother suddenly pulls away from them, whispering her son’s name. “Did he just pass by?” She looks with ghastly hope at each daughter. “I think I felt him, just for a moment“. Each looks at her with deep compassion and pain.
Oh mama, mama“.
Gazing at her daughters, the corners of her lips twitch in an attempt at a smile. As the tears flow the Mother’s eyes begin to lose focus. “I just want to see him for a minute. That’s all, just a minute. Just a minute to say goodbye, to let him be on his way…’s cold in there, he always hated to be cold. I don’t think my baby knows what’s happened to him, I don’t think he knows”. She falls silent. Turning towards the hallway, she whispers his name once more. “My baby, my poor baby, my baby boy, Sweet Jesus he don’t know. I love you my sweet baby, why did they take my baby boy I want him back. I want him back I want my baby back oh God I want my baby oh God oh God oh God oh God OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!”
Shrieking her sons name, the Mother sinks to her knees as her daughters enfold her.
Flashing red lights rhythmically illuminate a vehicle parked along a frontage road adjacent to a copse of birch trees. Inside sits a young man, heavily lidded eyes glancing into the rear view mirror at the police cruiser, wondering what the police will do to him, puzzled by how long he has been there. Periodically he is instructed to exit the vehicle and place his hands atop his head, at which point he is riddled with bullets. Presently he will be back inside the vehicle, glancing again into its rear view mirror and once more wondering what the police are going to do to him.
The Mother dreams of a large crow standing beside a frontage road, blood encrusted bullet holes scarring it’s back, driving away other birds before returning to strut in the roadway.
As she now does each morning, the Mother eats breakfast outside, a second place setting untouched beside her.  Sipping tea, she observes a crow as it alights nearby, a little closer today. Recently it has begun allowing sparrows to cluster within the birch trees. Soon she will dream of her son. He will come to her, and reach for her hand, and together they will rise above the clouds. Will she return afterwards? She will find out.
John 14:2  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.