by Joseph Bolden
Email/Phone Woes
I’m no early adapter my ancestors may have seen the bad side of trying and failing to spear a rhino,roping a horse,or pulling cow utters for milk.
Problem is seeing the negative failures of missing rhino and the luckless guy or guys getting gored up their anus’s,neck,belly,
or loosing pieces, half,or all their scrotum dying or living in agony of that fateful day.
I’m a slow to no adapter from a long line of wait and see folk.
Getting kicked, stomped in places with varying thresholds of pain and beyond.
Cow’s to giving their share of head,toe,to low blows to those too slow or unwary.
You know them as ”Darwin Award Winners”
Those most likely not to succeed in reproduce.
A few of my illustrious ancestors decided not to participate so actively.
Millennia’s come and go I think by the time of slaves many of my people house or field slaves decided to exist, survive, and thrive secretly learning to read, write, and white-red-yellow-black-and brown women side/back door men reproducing using wits and opportunity keeping our mouths shut as other of our kind bragged or were bragged apon.
Found them selves at the height of embarrassment running naked through the streets while mobs of sexually repressed white folk played “PICKNIC” which could have been [excuse the term readers]pick-a-nigger to kill for the fun watching him, her,young,old,scream, ooze blood and die.
That notthe end.
Then dig up the cadaver,string it up,and watch it burn again.
Fun Times!
A hunted people with no protection in a then foreign land learns fast, survivors, passing knowledge on to descendents or the whole race dies in genocidal acts of defiance.
Obviously it took time for many of our people to learn many are still recipients of these 'Darwin Awards', butnot as many as before.
In the computer or pc age some of us have yet to adapt.
Dot Matrix,Laser Printers,Laptops,PDA’s, Cell Phones,Mp3’s,GPS, Xbox,game boys, Sidekicks,I-pods,and now I-Phones.
Its dizzying how teched up we’ve become from the mid 1970’s to the early 21st century with nearly no way of turning back.
Most of us had to a little adapting even if some of us have slosky’s turtle genes keeping us from lemming ourselves over a cliff.
My problem to date is email:Its fast, efficient,and sending is a easy unless you write something hurtful neglecting to press delete instead on send and no way to take what said in haste and anger back.
Right now I’ve got a chance for a dream job where you can literally sit on your rusty dusty, look at cable,troll the net except for porn but look a movies download some all from the comfort of someone else’s house.
That’s right House-sitting.
Pet-sit while watching a house one job seeming like two but really not.
Since pets are part of households you show them respect as you would the owners children.
Here’s what’s egging me.
I’ve had a land phone but haven’t paid for in months or years (I forget which?)
I can use the desk clerk phone incase someone calls me for a potential job,a message phone,same thing, or my mom’s phone in another city,and recently a cell phone which I’m not use to but bought from someone else.
(yes,job related but said phone re-charger is left at her house so I cannot re-charge it)
I said I’m a slow to no adapter from a long line of wait and see folk.
With all these optional phone numbers you’d think I could use an alternative one…
BUT NNOOOOOooooooo.” I understand not being able to use mama’s from another city.
But I have three viable numbers unless that message phone is still on the blink?
I get online,join this house sit as an independent contractor, get a debit credit card so money can taken from card (out of my saving/checking account?) but they list my non working number but since its inactive I cannot get and neither can they send/receive emails of housesit jobs.
General place of homes,pets,but no exact address.
Yes,understand protection of client/housesit from fraud or criminal harm.
But how to conduct business with email phone crud fudging it all up?
When one email won’t work we set up another account how come our phone system isn’t as nimble.
Mama offers to pay phone bill.
Well that gets me out of land phone purgatory.
Now,if I can get a few hundred business cards together that helps loads.
No online print shop tried it once,sent money, waited,never received and cards or money back.
When you get burned like that you tend not do the same thing again so its back to a physical print shop I can walk to.
As for debit card its strictly for the house sit business,maybe health care products like vitamins,Q-10 and omega fish oil or stuff to cleanse your system of excess toxins and waste products built over time.
I’m already in debt don’t need anymore do my American thing.
Now if the smart genius set can figure a way having printers built into pc’s and laptops we wouldn’t need to by so much toner,black or color ink also the pc would tell us when more ink is needed.
Maybe its way past time to make pc-printer combo.
If the tv and other devices can be hooked up why not this combo as well?
Reminds to by VCR/DVD combo for slightly used bigger screen tv.
See why I’m a slow adapter?
I adapt but like having choices.
Choosing from bad to worse does not sound like a choice to me.