Unwritten Law

Original Author
Original Body

This poem was written and performed by poverty and race scholar and po' poet Dee Allen on October 22nd in honor of Stop Police Brutality Day.

by Dee Allen/PNN

"Unwritten Law" was created with the corruption and brutality of New York City, Philadelphia and most of all New Orleans cops in mind. In late 1994, nine New Orleans cops were busted/indicted for illegal firearms sales, drug trafficking and a long history of brutality inflicted upon New Orleans' local African and Asian communities. Before this instance of police corruption/brutality became national news, one woman from the N.O.P.D.'s Internal Affairs Division uncovered it and, as a result, paid with her life.

Law enforcement officers tend to not follow their own protocol. Instead, they obey and enforce a policy that's not written in the law books. A law stemming from hatred and greed.


The only good cop that lives is

A bad cop who keeps his mouth shut.

Thrown to the wall

& handcuffed

W/ insurmountable force

You question the

Physical harshness

Used against you-----

Swung club to the spine

Swung fist to the eye

& random pounds & kicks

Were the only response-----

Curbside justice

Badge & a gun

Eyes full of hatred

5 on 1

Unwarranted search

Unwilling pawn

In a game of pinata

Where in lieu of a paper beast,

A human ribcage gets smashed


Domineering, depraved


Gunrunning, drugselling slave

Protector-----Uniformed fool

Aggressor-----Rich man's tool

Which of these portrayals best fit

He who circumvents the Law

He's sworn to uphold, the

Policeman or Sheriff?


Somewhere tonight, the unwritten

law of brutality & hate is being

carried out on unarmed innocents.

Arrogance, fascist grace

Under a red-blue red-blue

red-blue red-blue

squadcar lightglow.

The only good cop that lives is

A bad cop who keeps his mouth shut.

-----Or so they say.

For Stan "The Man" Finchem.
