by Joseph Bolden
Walkin’ The Walk
I just heard about "The Longest Walk" from books by Peter,Birchall,George Meegan,Slavomir,Rawicz,and other authors on the subject.
Info [ -185k– & also you can google it up too.
The 300 mile forced walk of Navajo and Hopi "First Real Americans into exile in New Mexico.
There are long walks all over the country in remember,honor,this occasion.
Also to commeorate The Longest Walk of 1978 from San Francisco to Washington DC., bringing attention to indigenous sacred sites.
I wanted to go on this long journey by foot myself and could have had I known of it earlier.
Being formally houseless,jobless it would’ve been nothing to trudge along the trail with many more for dissimilar backgrounds truth is I couldn’t,not being psychological or mentally healthy state of mind.
Now it I can,except for minor inconveniences of finally having a regular job,pay check,other opportunities literally inviting me to San Diego.
In 2007 last year was the first S.F. to Wash,DC, trek.
Well,cannot go now but doesn’t mean I cannot donate cash,clothes,walk for a few days in this second his/her-storic making march.
A friend who is partly indigenous convinced me to do what I can if I couldn’t walk all way.
So a commitment is made for 2008’s donation to the walk and in 2009 to clear all commitments for this strenuous five month foot journey.
I have a year to cleanse my body of commercially grown toxins,be physically, mentally stronger with a combination of Yoga-Pilates,Tai Chi, swimming,and traditional weight training,lastly because I haven’t a car to walk as much as I can barring overworking myself to exhaustion.
So everyone out their including a certain San Diego couple needing a decent,honest, Housesafegy
I certainly would except the job offered (Do hope they have good,kind, neighbors,and/or friends that will contact them about this column).
If not may they check my slight ad change regarding negotiable prices.
Back to the commitment– this column is basically one long public bulletin for anyone and everyone who can participate physically or like me do what they can even if they’re unable to participate fully as a one of many healthy thousands– yes,I said thousands on this walk.
People,Please Donate what you can in tents, blanket,clothes,lanterns, medical supplies,fireproof matches,fruit,meat,and vegetarian,or other dietary options,lastly some people can be in cars who drive up ahead incase of medical emergencies crop up suddenly.
I for instance control my asthma by walking, some exercise,and pills or an inhaler.
I’m susceptible to extremes of cold and heat especially the cold.
Living on the street has left me vulnerable.
If not flu then flu like symptoms which upsets and acerbates my lungs.
The human body can only bare so much extremes living outside unprotected for many extreme exposure eventually causes the body to shut down and cease to function resulting in morbidity DEATH.
I guess its good not to go in 2008 because of my health but in 2009 might be healthy enough to go out on the trip.
For all of you that can and do go from San Francisco to Washington, DC.
I pray you appreciate both the journey and the marvelous,common miracle, that your healthy body affords you.
It’s the main reason last week I challenged Multi billionaires to place their blood,cells, neurons, bones,ligaments,joints, veins,genes,down to the molecular strands level to create a new birthright for all people-kind A.I. Appropriate Immortality,
an example inapropriate immortalty shown later.
[Along with that other famous A.I. you know?
Add nanotechnology to the mix and what have you got?]
I don't have a clue but I'd have new lungs,body, reworked,improved neural netted brain plus maybe a slight extended lease on my otherwise shorterned life span.
Here is an example of Inapropriate Immortality.
Nightmares of eternal 5 to 12 year old children.
The correct, A.I. is a 25 to 40's 70 to 90 year olds looking,acting younger and who actually are youthful no matter their age.
I’d certainly go for it if the opportunity presented itself to me secretly or publicly.
Wouldn’t mind being the reverse "Ben Richards"
[lookup "The Immortals by James Gunn–and a 1970’s TV movie and series by the same name].
I don’t know short of rediscovering the Philosopher’s Stone my shelf life is shortened by a few decades unless applied science makes its breakthroughs despite this Church ‘n’ State combo where a President and Evangelical Religious Right hold sway.
I do know if all scientists,researchers, students,professors,and business folks running global medical corps.
Globally,if they decide "Let’s Do This." This administration couldn’t impede,delay, retard,slow,or stop the life extending to immortalizing knowledge tsunami tidal wave hitting the world at different points simultaneously or in spurts.
Lets face folks politics is a stop gap eventually all governments fall though people survive.
I say let's all of us make it through,survive, and live,love healthier after long after this current administration is only a bad,sad,weird footnote in history.
People were here long before and will stay long after governments fall but our civilizations must evolve beyond planetary governing.
Guess I kind of got of main topic.
Those who can do the long walk do it! Those who cannot support it as much as possible.