Story Archives 2001

Black Block TV, Cardiac Cheney, and Gleaming Titanium implanted Hearts.

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrong pbbr /Do ‘You think new lifebr / saving medical science willbr / suddenly be in vogue or stoppedbr / by the Fundamentalist Religious Rightbr / now in office?/bbr / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B/p pIndependence Day is over, America’s in a slight recession, br /soldiers die in mock war games, air and ground accidents, or friendly fire. /p pThey are the best trained troops, who at a moments notice from raw recruit, private to second lieutenant can take over leadership roles in crisis situations. /p pOn the homefront people lose jobs as employerbr / loyalty to employee at most places of employment are “bottom line” issues creating job quakes all over the country./p pThe good side is employees do not have to stay glued to low wage - dead end, soul shrinkingbr /emotion numbing work we’re free to follow other paths otherbr / than company/corporate mandates and rules./p pAmerica has had a few hard knocks but we’re rough, tough and can take it - however the b“The Unknown Country”/bcalls us and its hard to realize that we may knowbr / the true meaning is making that unknown country easier to choose./p pLast Monday a “The AbioCor” b[Mechanical Heart]/bwas implanted in some 50ish middle aged guy who's heart is about to pump its last mile in his chest. /pp Titanium ‘n steel, plastic and wireless with non of Barney Clark’s long, painful, suspended death./p p The Seattle Dentist 112 days with the implanted Jarvic-7 artificial heart on Dec. 2, 1982./p pThere are other recipients living longer than Mr. Clark but I remember seeing the J-7 heart pumping even after Clark had died./p pThen I’m thinking ‘Cardiac Cheney’ supposedly in rude health afterbr / the pacemaker [defibrillator] with its jolting shocks in case br /“Titanium Dick’s” heart races too high or low./p pIsn’t it good to know that our technology marches on to keepbr / our strong, determined, feline-smiling, tough, indestructible, selected Vice ‘Prez alive and healthy?br / br /Wait! having a mechanical thing no matter how perfect can never replace the original red/blue veined human pump of / br / Though stem cells can be used to create a younger, healthier, heart br /that have no rejection problems since its a clone br /of the original and errors that made his original heart prone br / to attacks are corrected so ‘Chompin Cheney” will be able to speed through his duties./p pBut if Vice ‘Prez Cheney knew for sure his flesh heart would /pp fail in a few months while a new gleaming one of Titanium br /and plastic would keep him alive for another 30 - 40 years would he take the chance, would we?/p pWhy is it that black folks are in bBlock TV/b br /that is like Monday, Thursday, and Sunday UPN - WB prime times shows./p pI like some of the shows but it seems networks place br /black or “ethnic” shows not spread among other shows but br / so close to each other that to me it looks to be br /planned in such a way that if one show gets canceled thebr / block of shows before, after, or in the middle suffer./p pIf I sound paranoid, look at the WB-Channel 20 or UPN-Channel 44./p pI’d like a diversity rainbow through out the networksbr / not this white or block of shows segregated./p pAn how about sitcom and drama stars from widely divergent series./p pFor example Ice-T of Homicide and Jeri Ryan-7 of 9 [Voyager] switch showsbr /br / by accidental time/dimensional rift as both Ryan and T br /switch sets for while then return./p pIt could be the new “Switch Blade” br /and “Enterprise” with past and future merging on each others show./p p Get what I’m saying, more unexpected changes,br /shake up the networks and ourselves out of their normal phasebr /when its get dull do it again until all the networks play the game./p pPlease donate what can to Poor Magazine orbr / br / C/0 br /Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / br /San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pbr /For Joe only my snail mail:br / br /PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St. Sanbr / br /Francisco, CA 94102br / br /Emailbr / a href="" / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

The Myth on Market Street

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongThe newest form economic and racial cleansing in San Francisco is promoted by the mainstream media./strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/401/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Tiny (aka Lisa Gray-Garcia)/p p“Hey Tiny …Wassup – how ya Doin?” I was walking down Market Street from Eighth Street. The sun was peeking out from its delicate veil of semi-tropical clouds. Bits of its yellow sheen glistened on the newly washed cement of the wide sidewalk. When I heard that distinctive singsong rasp I knew it had to be Jonny Martinez, a homeless vet and staff writer for POOR Magazine who was sitting at a outdoor deli café drinking his morning latte, all $2.00 of it./p p“Hey Wassup Jonny? I’m great, how are you?- ”I answered. /p p“Oh you know me and my demons… the usual”…he paused to look down “but it is a beeeeuuutiful morning – isn’t it?”/p p“Fo Sho ..Fo Sho…” I replied using my favorite language, “So Jonny, are we gonna see you at the newsroom this week…I sure hope so”/p pBefore he could answer me Mohammed Mihoo* came out of his deli/café and brought Jonny a toasted bagel” “Thank-you Mohammed, you are the best COOK!!” Jonny squealed in delight/p pMohammed chuckled and went back in to his store./p p“I’ll leave you to your breakfast -bye for now jonny”/p p“Bye – and yes you’ll see me this week” he assured me./p p“Hey gurrrlll wassup” – a young African-American man in the best do-rags and FUBU gear was winking at a passing girlfriend- /p p I decided to stop by and say hi to my friend who lived in The San Cristina Hotel – a Single Room Occupancy Hotel run by Community Housing Partnership right in the heart of the Mid-Market area. I walked carefully past an elderly Asian man who was meticulously sweeping the entrance – pausing to repeat one section until it was spotless and dustless./p pAs I walked out of the building a few hours later it had become “day” in its fullest form- people filled every corner of my horizon. This was my community; old, young, disabled, Asian, African-American, White, Native American, Latino, homeless and yuppie – walking places- walking nowhere, hanging out, flirting, sparechanging, dealing, talking yelling, this was life- life without borders – filled with pathology, sadness, joy, vice, sex, sounds, colors, voices, in essence, LIFE, in all its incarnations- my life – my hood, the T.L.(Tenderloin) –one of the last remaining ungentrified eight blocks of San Francisco. /p pFor the last three months The San Francisco Examiner has been running a series on its front page entitled;bThe Mess on Market Street /b–which referred to the Mid-Market neighborhood of San Francisco. The series is part of a well-crafted propaganda campaign in support of the upcoming gentrification-Sweep- New York Style that the Mid-Market Redevelopment Project Area Committee is planning, modeled after the newest embodiment of economic and racial cleansing in the U.S.; The Business Improvement Districts (B.I.D.’s) The BIDs were established over the last ten years by a collective of corporate and private business interests whose main aim is to “sweep” panhandlers, vendors, artists, street newspaper vendors and other micro-businesses owners out of downtown business districts across the US by bypassing the police departments and hiring private security firms to “patrol” these districts.The BIDS are hailed as a triumphant success by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani./p pI was warned once by a respected mentor and veteran of the “American Sweep Wars” that whenever a hygienic metaphor is used to describe human beings you need to watch out, because that means they are saying that the only way to deal with the “MESS” is to get rid of it – i.e., that the unsightly humans are in fact the “Mess” and that the SWEEP notion must be employed. Once the “Mess” is established the “clean-up crew” must be called in, in the form of increased police, and/or more private security forces such as the ones hired by the BIDS in Times Square in New York and Union Square in San Francisco, arresting homeless people, calling young folks “loiterers” and issuing tickets, hot dog vendors and street artists being cited, and shut down, outdoor activities such as chess, Congo drums and other street performers, cited and arrested. Sex shops closed and all small business owners getting 100-200% increases in their rent and losing their leases./p pHow was this culture of “cleanliness” established in the US? The notion that if anything is not like the GAP model – it is not CLEAN- it is not desirable- it is part of something we have to get rid of./p pThis week in the Examiner series we were introduced to the person who single-handedly “cleaned up” TIMES SQUARE under the mantle of New York’s Business Improvement District – and as she sat there in all her middle class GAP-like glory – she even conceded that some of the “Life” was gone from Times Square after her clean-up efforts, but oh well…. That’s part of improvement –/p pBe warned as you read these mainstream media “exposes” folks – life is a multitude of things and beauty comes in many incarnations and just cause you push all the last remaining poor folks out of sight – we won’t go away, our problems won’t be solved and in the end, you the citizens, walking through all the “cleaned” streets won’t be happy, cause you will realize you are bored out of your mind – and if you wanted CLEAN you could have gone to Disneyland /p pbSTOP THE MID-MARKET B.I.D.!! For more information call POOR at (415) 863-6306/bbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

The Fourth as I Knew It

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrong /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/403/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Andres Hernandez /p pHere we are once again celebrating the Fourth of July and I am in receipt of a letter from my representative, Rod Blagojevich (D-IL). I wrote him recently about an amendment that passed in the 106th Congress that protects the U. S. flag from desecration, one I oppose from the viewpoints of both a veteran and citizen. Of course, the Congressman wrote how ìthousands upon thousands put their lives at risk to protect our freedomsÖthis is one way that their sacrifice should be honored.î/p pHow shocking, I thought, and how inappropriate that given the July 4th celebration I am lectured about the ìrespect and reverence for the Constitution.î Imagine today if Paine, Jefferson or Madison were alive how they would be treated as ìenemies of the stateî for speaking about individual rights, respect for the law, the need to agitate for change. Was this what they had envisioned centuries ago, that we would reduce ourselves to such narrow-sighted arguments?/p pWhat do many of our elected officials know about sacrifice? They inherited a political system of privilege won by a group of white, wealthy men from a privileged class who fought an unpopular civil war against a monarchy that wanted them to share the cost of protecting their privilege from enemies. In short, this minority won the right not to tax themselves by having the less privileged fight their bloody battles./p pAs time moved along, many were duped into taking up arms for the privileged elite in this country, to wipe out the people from the Indigenous Nations who were fighting off a foreign invasion, to protect a system of slavery, to keep down slave rebellions, union strikes and popular protests. At times they were called to duty to harass socialists, immigrants, leftists, anarchists, communists, community activists and labor and civil rights organizers. Others were called to duty to fight unjust wars of aggression and imperialism. These are the proud thousands who made the sacrifice. And I was one little cog in the big wheel of the military machinery./p pMy sacrifice was not intentional. It was not by choice. It was because I had no other options, like many thousands upon thousands. Many were conscripted, recruited forcefully, or made their way into the ranks through the poverty draft, as was my case. Many went because they were duped into believing we were fighting for god, country and flag, only to learn the truth after the fact. Many went because they were duped into believing that veterans would reap great benefits and the system would take care of us. /p pHonoring veterans has been a choice slogan for the power elite, a sound bite that echoes from the Halls of Monteczuma to the shores of Tripoli. How does our country honor its veterans? We build monuments, malls, statues and memorials. We rewrite history to rally the masses. We celebrate movies that show the heroics of movie stars who never even served in the armed forces. We have parades honoring veterans who make their way in wheelchairs and on crutches while we give our thanks./p pOf course, we simply debate increased military expenditures and the pros and cons of flag desecration. While politicians carry on the facade of democratic debate, thousands upon thousands of veterans are homeless, unemployed or undereducated. They suffer from drug and alcohol abuse and medical and physical ailments, all related to their service. Think for a moment of the thousands upon thousands who suffer from afflictions directly related to our use of weapons of mass destruction from nukes and mines to Agent Orange and DU armaments. Some were used indiscriminately against the ìenemyî while endangering civilian populations and our own troops, whom we were told to support by flag waving and tying yellow ribbons. /p pAnd what freedoms have we fought to protect? The freedom for corporations to have free reign both nationally and internationally? After all, it was once said, ìthe business of America is business.î Have we fought for a system of political privilege in the genre of Soviet bureaucratic capitalist cronies? A system in which there is no divergent choice for political opinions? Did we fight to preserve our right to bully other nations when we disagree with them? Did we not make sacrifices so that we could cherish the right to freedom of speech, press and opinion, whether the written word, the song lyrics or the act of defiance expresses it? /p pAnd what of the flag? It is but a mere piece of cloth, probably made in China nowadays, whose colors and symbolism represents just another worldwide gang fighting for money, power and territory. I use one as a jean patch that covers my ass. I have another hanging on my wall that is covered in protest stickers and buttons. Occasionally, they serve as a great way to fire up the grill on Fourth of July. It is my choice what I choose to do with my flag because I was one of thousands upon thousands who made a sacrifice. And what for?/p pIt was not my military service that liberated me. It was my exposure to new thinking thanks to political activists, leftist magazines and intellectuals and the thought provoking arguments from independent thinkers, writers, musicians and artists. It was these experiences which moved me in ways to exercise my rights and to fight for their protection./p pOn this Independence Day, I wish we would exercise independent thinking. Thousands upon thousands did not make the sacrifice. We were sacrificed by a system that left us out in the trenches and then abandoned us after it was done with us. No one listens to us. But everyone watches when you burn a flag. Go ahead, burn one, and hope that they listen, but more importantly that they understand. For we burn the Constitution and what it represents, if we allow the system to silence our right to desecrate the / .br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

The End Of A Lost Weekend Plus One Day.

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrong pbThis is Wedding Zone, Part / Here’s an end to it,br /br / Thank Heaven./bbr / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pI’m worried about how my new suit, tie, shoe’s, socks, and shirt fitbr /the pants fit below not above the belt whichbr / I neglect thinking of at the time br / it rides up the crotch making me slightly uncomfortable. /p pAl’s wife told me how to adjust it with Al, br /Solomon, his fiance, and my mother looking on their bemused faces and./p pThe time is miscalculated for the wedding, mama’s, beautifully dressed in br /a Sari or Sarong of br /pastel green, and blue designbr / made especially for the occasion./p pWe are not late but an hour early. br /It makes me more nervous as I searched for a new belt and couldn’t find it! br / I only lost my nervousness with the universally known black folks code: W.F.I.T./p pb"Well Fuck It Then."br / /b This said under my breath so friends, bride and groom, andbr / especially my mother wouldn't hear./p pAs I said before the wedding began, ended without a hitch except for br /an unforeseen medical emergency. /p p Mama and I are again taking the br /trip back, we take the wrong way out of Nevada where homes are under construction and the highway blocked, dissected by bright yellow electricbr / arrows signs and large bright orange cones marking the way as we head towards Idaho or Ohio./p pAfter stopping for gas we found we are again br / profoundly lost. /p pCut a few hours nearing midnight, both of us br /sleep deprived tired, roaming through nightmare landscapes crossing Nevada, Mojave Desert / Is a br /dangerous numbing exhausting experience no one should go through./p pI’m ready to take over driving even if I do not have br /a license but mama says "If police stop us out here, br /with you driving in this rented, toy of a car, we’ll be held up while they check.; and you knowbr / br / they’ll take their own sweet time checking what we say."/p p"You can sleep if you want to" mama says her eyes just as bleary./p p"I don’t think so, I can stay up, br /this was said with the road in our headlights br /phasing in and out of existence!/p pI see eyes looking at me, hear disembodied gentle voices whisper seductivelybr / br /"shut your eyes for a while… sleep"./p pIts worse for mama, she’s driving with little cat naps at the wheel!/p pEventually dawn come and once again we’re in the Mojave Desert./p pWe parked on the side of the road to rest but asbr / trucks rush br /by they honk their horns angry./p pThey're not beeping to warn or stopping to help usbr / br /but because our car is in their resting space and they are angrybr / we’re in their truck-only space./p pToo bad, we didn’t heed them being dropbr / dead tired./p pMore trucks roared by we take a 90 minute nap before leaving./p pWe missed a rest stop and three in a row were not inbr / br /use and by the time we finally reached rest area sleep br /had us but now we are in Bakersfield. br /We actually read the map correctly to follow interstate 5 and turnoff at br /Junction 12 all the way that for us is a br /little known long br /winding back road to Fairfield; I believe it was there long before the Fairfield sprouted up in front of it./p pOn the way we stop at Rio Vista,br / a quiet little gated community asking for directions./p pWe aren’t sure of the map but an elderly br /though spry female security guard pointed out the way./p pI ask mama hypothetically if "I made lots of money from writing;br /would she mind living in Rio Vista?"/p p"Oh-no, its a nice looking place, but Isolated and br /I don’t like bars; where I have to show my driver’s license or ID, I like to going anywhere I want to."br / br /We are home by 7pm. it is dark, both of our eyes are heavy with 24 hours of staying awake. /p pThe spare room with a fold-up bed calls to / br /After mama’s finished in the bathroom I have a quick wash with br /clean washcloth, soap, brush my teeth, hair, then strip to shorts making br /sure mama’s in the living room warring an triple extra large sweatshirt./p pMaking sure the front door and windows are closed and locked securelybr / before stumbling tiredly to blissful, weary sleep pulling at me./p pThat was an adventure I don’t ever want to repeat and I’m thinking aboutbr / driving again but next time I might have a camper or van with a bed and bathroom inside./p pOn the positive side I really know how to read abr / br /map and know what interstate and junction signs meanbr / I’ll probably do this trip again just so I won’t have a psychologicalbr / br /fear of it I just don’t know when I’ll do / br /What kind of weird, strange, harrowing road trip(s) have any of you had and br /what did you learn about it and yourself?/p pPlease send donations to /ppPoor Magazine C/0 Ask Joe /ppat 255 9th St. Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103br / USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / br /PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St.San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email:br / br /a href="" / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

No One Else Gets Arrested for this...

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongStaff writer Ken Moshesh Wins a precedent setting ruling for Homeless citizens/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/407/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Fiona Gow and Ken Moshesh/PNN /p p Activists and advocates from Berkeley's Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency,(BOSS) the Homeless Action Center, and POOR Magazine gathered at the Berkeley Municipal Court last Thursday hoping to witness a long-awaited ruling. They were there to see if California Code 647(j), the law that makes "lodging" on property without the owner's permission illegal, would be found unconstitutional./p pJudge Brosnahan ruled that in Ken Moshesh's case, use of Code 647(j) was unconstitutional and that it could not be applied to him. She stated that she, "did not find the code facially invalid, but that it was sufficiently ambiguous and as it applied to Ken's conduct, the statute was not constitutional. ì/p pIt had been no short battle for Moshesh to get to the point where his case was actually being heard. In October, 2000 Moshesh was issued a citation for sleeping outside, which police said violated Code 647(j). On January 18, 2001 he was arrested because his citation had gone to warrant. He decided to petition for a revocation of probation and to challenge the constitutionality of the code. /p pCivil Rights attorney Osha Neuman, of Community Defense Incorporated, said this is a very exciting ruling. ìSince this law is only applied to homeless people, it means that it canít be used to criminalize them.î He went on to say that, ìIf the prosecution appeals the case and the decision is upheld in appeals then the decision would apply throughout Berkeley, Oakland, and Alameda and could set a precedent for the state.î If the decision is appealed, it would also be an opportunity for the defense to argue the constitutionality of the code./p pSyren said he didnít think the DA would appeal the decision, since the judge did not rule that the code was unconstitutional on its face, which would have had more resounding consequences. But, in effect it will make it illegal for police to cite any homeless people for violating Code 647(j). According to Syren, ìThere was nothing unusual in its application in Ken's case, and therefore others who are in similar situations will find protection from the ruling in Mosheshís case. "Though the judge didnít technically say this in her ruling, Syren said another reason for the judgment was the question of equal protection for homeless people, since, "No one else gets arrested for this."/p pMoshesh's case was originally placed on the Consent Calendar for cases to be heard on April 17, 2001, but was continued. In response to the postponement 100 homeless people and advocates stormed the Berkeley City Council, demanding that Berkeley deprioritize enforcing Code 647(j). Ken, along with Lisa Gray-Garcia of POOR Magazine, led the fight that resulted in the courts deprioritizing the enforcement of Code 647(j). Since this ruling, Syren said that he had noticed a dramatic decline in the number of people booked and charged with violating 647(j). He was not willing to say if this was a direct cause of the deprioritization decision, but he said it could well be./p pSyren's arguments in Kenís defense included an impassioned statement criticizing Code 647(j). Syren argued that the law was vague facially and on application, because it was unclear what the term "lodging" really meant. He asked, "Did the legislature really mean putting a sleeping bag down for one night was 'lodging' or did they mean something more permanent?" He made the comment that if they did mean one night of resting your body, then the literary legend Jack Kerouc would have found himself in violation of the code on many occasions. He said such a code makes homelessness and poverty a crime./p pDeputy District Attorney Lance Kubo then made his very professional argument in defense of Code 647(j). He claimed that the law had been on the books since 1872 and was not written with the intent of invidiously going after homeless people. He went on to say that the fact that this law was impacting homeless people was incidental. The judge contradicted him strongly on this last point. /p pKubo continued his defense of code 647(j) by saying that if its constitutionality was to be questioned, then it would have to go through the strict process of being challenged either as it was applied or facially. It could not be challenged as applied he said, because there had to be a conviction first. A facial challenge would rest on examining the text of the statute according to previous or current authority. The judge did not seem swayed by Kubo's arguments and challenged him on several occasions, displaying an obvious interest in seeing that the DA defended his opinions./p pUnfortunately, the judge, in her decision stated that there were other options for prosecuting cases like Ken's. Code 602(l) is a law which states that if a person goes onto property that is clearly marked with a "No Trespassing" sign then it would constitute a violation. Syren said the thing to be on the lookout for now would be increased bookings of people under the 602(l) trespassing law. /p pThe judge's ruling was a great success for Ken and all of his supporters and opens the doors for further challenging laws that unfairly target homeless people. ìWhat this case shows us is that the challenge was worthy of a decision, either way.î When asked if he thought he was a visionary, Ken Moshesh replied, No, this has always been the vision of people who have come to this country, all of whom were homeless.î His main hope is that this decision will, ìhelp other homeless people to live with themselves and their situation to the point where they are able to protest and have expectations./p pbDECRIMINALIZING HOMELESSNESSbr / br /BY KEN MOSHESH/b/p pON THE F0URTH OF JULY 2001, THE NATION WENT THROUGH ITS USUAL RITUALS CELEBRATING ITS NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE DAY --BARBECUE PICNICS, FIREWORKS, BASEBALL AND OTHER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES. /p pWE HOMELESS PERSONS ALSO PERFORMED OUR USUAL HOLIDAY RITES OF LOOKING FOR REPLACEMENT SERVICES [(ESPECIALLY FOOD), SINCE OUR USUAL PROVIDERS OFTEN CLOSE FOR THE OCCASION] BEFORE THE NIGHTLY SEARCH FOR A PLACE TO SLEEP OUTSIDE, AMIDST THE FESTIVITIES./p pAN UNCONFIRMED RUMOR THAT A MEAL WILL BE SERVED AT PEOPLES PARK IN BERKELEY REMINDS ME THAT I COULDN’T ATTEND ANYWAY BECAUSE OF MY STAYAWAY ORDER FROM ALL UC PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF MY ARREST FOR SLEEPING HOMELESSLY OUTSIDE ON CAMPUS AT NIGHT./p pTHE RUMOR ALSO SERVES TO EMPHASIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF SERVING MORE JAILTIME (45 DAYS FOR PROBATION VIOLATION) FOR BEING CITED AGAIN FOR SLEEPING HOMELESSLY OUTSIDE, IF MY CHALLENGE TO THE 647J LODGING LAW UNDER WHICH I WAS ARRESTED IS DENIED./p pON THE 12TH OF JULY, HAVING ENDURED ANOTHER "HOLLOWDAY ‘, I AM THE FIRST TO ARRIVE UPSTAIRS IN FRONT OF DEPT 201, BERKELEY COURTHOUSE TO LEARN THE FATE OF MY REVOCATION OF PROBATION PETITION AND CHALLENGE TO THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 647J LODGING LAW (FOR WHICH I WAS PLACED ON PROBATION FOR VIOLATING BY SLEEPING OUTSIDE)./p pMY NOW ACCUSTOMED ( OFTEN DESIRED) ALONENESS IS PIERCED BY A SALUTATION FROM A NEWLY ASSIGNED FELLOW POOR MAGAZINE REPORTER IN THE MIDST OF OTHER SUMMONED SEMI-VISIBLE PERSONS THERE TO LEARN THEIR COURTROOM FATES./p pWE ARE JOINED BY MANY OF THE CONCERNED PERSONS WHO HAD ENDURED THE COURT PROCEDINGS AND CONTINUATIONS FROM FEBRUARY 21, PRESIDED OVER BY THE HONORABLE JUDGE CAROL BROSNAHAN AND ADVOCATED ON MY BEHALF BY ALAMEDA COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER, GREGORY A. SYREN. THEY INCLUDED MICHAEL DIEHL AND DARREN NOY OF BOSS, PATRICIA WALL OF HAC, ALDO ARTURO DELLA MAGGIORA,VIDEOGRAPHER AND OTHERS. /p pIN THE COURTROOM, AFTER QUICKLY AND QUIETLY RELATING THE PREVIOUS ACTIONS AND CURRENT ISSUES TO MY NEW POOR MAGAZINE COLLEAGUE, FIONA GOW, THE QUICK DISPOSTION OF THE CASES AHEAD OF OURS BEGINS TO SLOWLY REMOVE THE LEARNED EXPECTANCY OF YET ANOTHER CONTINUANCE./p pTHE SCHIZOPRENIA OF THE SITUATION SURREALLY EMERGES AS JOURNALISTIC THOUGHTS AND WORDS SUBMERGE INTO INCARCERATION POSSIBILITIES FOR HOMELESS NECESITIES AS THE JUDGE CALLS FOR "THE MATTER OF KEN MOSHESH"...FOR HAVING TO SLEEP OUTSIDE../p pINSIDE, AS THE DAPPER D.A. PROFESSIONALLY PRESSES THE POLICE POSITION TO FURTHER INCARCERATE ME, THE EIGHT YEARS OF HOMELESS DICHOTOMIES MINGLE WITH A PERSISTENT AWKWARD REALIZATION: THE POLICE DEPARTMENT SHOULD NOT BE ERRONEOUSLY CALLED UPON TO SOLVE HOMELESS MATTERS IN THE FIRST PLACE./p pTHIS INCREASINGLY AMERICAN OVER DEPENDENCE ON FUTILE, EXACERBATING INCARCERATION PROCEDURES SHOULD ACTUALLY BE REPLACED BY JOINT RESOLUTIONS BY THE PARTIES MOST DIRECTLYAND ADVERSARILY INVOLVED, HOMELESS AND POLICE COMMUNITIES (WHOSE SOLITARY PATHS OFTEN CROSS DURING THE UNCERTAINTIES OF NIGHT)./p pTHEY SHOULD BOTH BE REDIRECTING HOMELESS COMPLAINTS BY THE BUSINESS AND PROPERTY OWNING/ DWELLING COMMUNITY TO THE GOVERNING COMMUNITY OF THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TO CREATE SUFFICIENT AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND/OR LIVEABLE WAGES FOR "ALL THE PEOPLE"...THERBY MAKING LODGING LAWS MOOT./p pIN FACT, AS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL LEADER OF THE FREE DEMOCRATIC WORLD WE SHOULD BE ENGAGED IN MODELING THE EFFICACY AND SINCERITY OF OUR STATED WAY OF LIFE FOR" ALL THE PEOPLE" BY EMBARKING UPON A CONSTITUTIONAL, TIME- DESIGNATED PLAN FOR ELIMINATING POVERTY(AND ITS RELATED ABUSES) FROM THE LAND, RATHER THAN "BAND-AIDING" ICE-BERGISH MANIFESTATIONS, LIKE CRIMINALIZING HOMELESSNESS. /p pTHE ELOQUENCE AND SINCERITY OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER’S PRESENTATION QUELLS ALL IN SUSPENDED SILENCE AS "THE MATTER OF KEN MOSHESH", ALLEGED HOMELESS LODGER, PERMEATES THE COURTROOM AND INVADES THE OVERLY MATERIALIZED SOUL OF AMERICA, AND THE HOMELESSLY ALMOST- NUMBED SOUL OF MINE./p pbTHE FINAL DECISION, METICULOUSLY AND THOUGHTFULLY DELIVERED BY THE CHARISMATIC PRESIDING JUDGE, WAS ESSENTIALLY AS FOLLOWS: THE 647J LODGING WAS FOUND TO BE CONSTITUTIONAL FACIALLY, BUT IT WAS FOUND TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS TO ITS APPLICATION (SPECIFICALLY TO HOMELESS FOLKS), SO MY REVOCATION OF PROBATION CHARGED WAS DISMISSED./b/p pALTHOUGH APPEALS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES ARE PROBABLY LIKELY FROM BOTH SIDES, AND THERE ARE OTHER LESS VAGUE STATUES BEING USED TO REMOVE THE HOMELESS), THE 647J METHOD OF CRIMINALLY CITING AND ARRESTING HOMELESS PERSONS FOR JUST SLEEPING IS NOW NULL AND VOID IN BERKELEY./p pMORE IMPORTANTLY, A PRECEDENT HAS BEEN SET TO LEGALLY DETERMINE AND POLITICALLY QUESTION THE NATURE OF ACTIVITIES DESIGNED TO REMOVE THE HOMELESS THAT OSCILLATES FAR BEYOND BERKELEY, AS MOST THINGS ORGINATING HERE USUALLY / IT MOVES US CLOSER TO NATIONALLY ACCEPTING THE SERIOUSNESS AND PREVALENCE OF HOMELESSNESS, AND DEVELOPING A PLAN FOR ITS RESOLUTION, AS WE HOPEFULLY MOVE TOWARDS ELIMINATING POVERTY ITSELF./p pMOST IMPORTANTLY, HOMELESS CITIZENS HAVE BEEN GIVEN ANOTHER ( THE APRIL 24 BERKELEY CITY COUNCIL DEPRIORITIZATION OF HOMELESS ARRESTS IS ANOTHER) REASON NOT TO GIVE UP ON THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF THEIR CURRENTLY DEPRESSINGLY DESIGNED HOMELESS EXISTENCE. /p pTHERE IS POSSIBILITY AND HOPE FOR SOMETHING BETTER AS WE CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE WITH A PLACE TO SLEEP EACH NIGHT. /p pA PLACE TO HOME/p pOH SAY CAN YOU SEEbr / br /SPARKLESbr / br /FLARESbr / br /BOMBS BURSTING AT NIGHT/p pGLEAMS OF GLEEbr / br /BUT NONE INSIDE FOR ME/p pSTARING UPbr / br /PRICED OUT.......SIDEbr / br /SCARRED BY STARLIGHTbr / br /SEARCHED BY FLASHLIGHTbr / br /ARRESTED SLEEPbr / br /DETAINEDbr / br /DEFAMEDbr / br /CLAIMS TO FREEDOMSbr / br /TO BLAME?/p pJUDGE CALLS MY NAMEbr / br /LAWYERS REFRAINbr / br /VERBIAGE RAINSbr / br /ON MY SLEEP- SEEKING BAGbr / br /ALREADY WET, WITH YEARS OF TEARSbr / br /OF STRUGGLEbr / br /FOR PLACES TO GObr / br /NOT INSANEbr / br /BUT INSIDEbr / br / OR AT LEAST NOT IN VIEWbr / br /JUST TO SLEEP/p pJUDGE DISMISSES THIER CLAIMbr / br /PERHAPS, NO MOREbr / br /MAYBE SOONbr / br /A PLACE TO HOME/p pKEN MOSHESH 7/01br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

MuMia InsiDe....

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongMUMIA ABU-JAMAL'S 'LEGAL BOMBSHELL'br / Man Confesses to Cop Slaying, says Mumia is innocent. "I have personal knowledge that Mumia Abu-Jamal did not shoot police officer Faulkner..." /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/408/photo_2_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Teishan Latner,International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal /p pRevolutionary journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal is now in his twentieth year on Pennsylvania's death row, fighting for his life despite a mountain of evidence that he was framed for the 1981 killing of a Philadelphia cop. Coerced witnesses, police lies, faulty ballistics evidence, inadequate and conniving legal defense, political card-playing and the denial of basic Constitutional rights are just a few of the ways that Mumia was railroaded to prison, but on May 4, 2001 his new legal team filed five new affidavits in federal court which further elucidate his case. Included are long-awaited statements from Mumia and his brother William Cook and, adding another roller-coaster dimension to the case, the confession of a man who claims he was the real killer of officer Daniel Faulkner, the cop whom Mumia is falsely accused of killing./p pAffidavit of Arnold Beverly: "I shot Faulkner in the face..." /p pWrites Beverly: "I was hired, along with another guy, and paid to shoot and kill Faulkner. I had heard that Faulkner was a problem for the Mob and corrupt policemen because he interfered with the graft and payoffs made to allow illegal activity including prostitution, gambling and drugs without prosecution in the Center City area...I shot Faulkner in the face at close range. Jamal was shot shortly after by a uniformed police officer who arrived on the scene..."/p pBeverly has since passed a lie-detector test administered by eminent polygraph expert Charles Hontson. Beverly has also asked for the opportunity to make a court deposition (confess in court) but the Philadelphia District Attorney's office has opposed it in a virtually unprecedented decision, claiming the confession is "ridiculous." The International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal cannot yet guarantee the validity of Beverly's statement but is continuing its investigation. If admitted in court, the confession will likely be the most powerful evidential weapon yet in the struggle to release Mumia./p pAffidavit of Mumia Abu-Jamal: "I heard what sounded like gunshots..." /p pMumia Abu-Jamal was parked in his cab at 13th and Locust streets filling out his trip sheet when he heard gun shots, he writes in his affidavit. Recognizing his injured brother in the street behind him, he left the cab and ran toward him. "As I came across the street I saw a uniformed cop turn toward me gun in hand, saw a flash and went down to my knees...I had nothing to do with the killing of Faulkner." Mumia also explains his reasons for not issuing this account publicly until now. "At my trial I was denied the right to defend myself. I had no confidence in my court-appointed attorney, who never even asked me what happened that night...since I was denied all my rights at my trial I did not testify. I would not be used to make it look like I had a fair trial..."/p pAffidavit of William Cook: "When I first saw my brother, he was running..." /p pThose clamoring for Mumia's execution have long claimed that his pleas of innocence are undermined by the absence of court testimony from his brother, William Cook. Cook was indeed present at the scene, having just been beaten by officer Faulkner, but his affidavit maintains that Mumia had nothing to do with the shooting. However, Cook's silence until now was apparently motivated by a very legitimate concern: police retaliation. "When they had me in the police station they threatened to kill me and throw me in the river [if I involved myself in Mumia's trial]. I have been afraid for my life ever since that night. I have been afraid to tell anything about what happened" Cook also writes that he wanted to testify at the Post Conviction Relief hearings in 1995 but did not because of conflicting opinions from Mumia's lawyers, and because he did not receive protection from possible police retaliation. He disappeared immediately after and went into hiding, where he remains. /p pAffidavit of Donald Hersing: "I provided monetary payoffs and other considerations to various Philadelphia police officers..." /p pIn 1981 Hersing was an undercover FBI agent who was part of an investigation into the Philadelphia Police Department, the only federal corruption investigation of a police department in U.S. history. Hersing's testimony helped convict five Philadelphia cops of corruption of exactly the nature mentioned by Arnold Beverly in his confession to the Faulkner killing, and during the same time period. Hersing says that while working as an undercover FBI agent, Philadelphia police accepted his payoffs for the purpose of allowing prostitution and other activities to flourish in the Center City area. Hersing's testimony corroborates Beverly's claim of police corruption, something many in Philadelphia today say was "common knowledge" at the time. /p pAffidavit of Linn Washington: "The first thing that struck me was the absolute absence of any police"/p pCurrently a professor of journalism at Temple University in Philadelphia and an outspoken voice against police injustice, Linn Washington is also a former journalist colleague and personal friend of Mumia's. Washington says he inspected the scene of the shootings shortly after the incident and found it completely unguarded, enabling any bystander or cop to meddle with sensitive evidence. It was a circumstance he found "highly unusual," although not unprecedented: Washington had observed that Philadelphia police also suspiciously demolished the scene of the August 8, 1978 police attack on the MOVE organization, making investigations into the shooting death of a police officer there impossible, a killing that MOVE members were charged with. /p pThe affidavits are extremely compelling reading and should be reviewed by anyone concerned with the outcome of the struggle for Mumia's freedom. They are viewable on-line at a href="" title="", or by calling the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal at 215-476-5416. Organizations are encouraged to begin mobilizing now for the December 8, 2001 demonstration for Mumia in Philadelphia, as well as other actions. Contact the ICFFMAJ for more / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Legalized Terrorism

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongHundreds testify at Police Review Commission hearing about the shooting by the police of a young African-American man who suffered from mental illness . /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/409/photo_1_feature.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Kaponda/p pHer tears were hastened away by the gentle winds as warm rays from the sun dried the eyes of a weeping mother. The crowd whose hands were clasped ringed Mesha Monge Irizarry during a moment of silence to observe the senseless death of her beloved son. The spirit of Idriss Stelley had infused the people with the strength to walk into the presence of The Police Commission and demand that the five members stop the cover-up of his death, request an independent criminal investigation, and a top to bottom review of related police policies as well as concrete changes in police practice./p p “My son is having a party with his ancestors and the angels, so I know he is all right,” stated the courageous mother of Idriss Stelley before a standing-room only crowd and the commissioners at The Police Commission hearing. “But this is no longer about my son. I am not doing this for Idriss. I will now be the voice of the voiceless. I am going to do this for the community. I am not afraid,” stated Irizarry of her plans to enlist in the rank and file of activists who regularly protest civil and human rights violations./p pVan Jones, an attorney with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights requested the venue of the hearing be moved because the room lacked the capacity to accommodate the swell of activists from community-based organizations, friends and residents of the Bayview Hunters Point District where Idriss Stelley had resided, and many other concerned citizens of the Bay Area. But his request was immediately rejected by Sidney Chan, the president of The Police Commission because “logistics” makes a change of venue difficult. This verbal interplay between Jones and Chan set the stage for a long and emotional evening at The Police Commission./p p “We are here to put the command staff [of the San Francisco Police Department] on notice that the people here today will be joined by more people in the future [to protest civil and human rights violations by police],” stated Jones as Chan asked him to restrain the clamorous crowd which he led through the doors of the Hall of Justice to the threshold of open rebellion. “The people from the Bay Area community have come here to express outrage at the way Idriss Stelley was brutally murdered by the San Francisco Police Department,” added Jones amid the mean mugs of commissioners, police and activists that expressed the degree of hostility between the crusaders of justice and the San Francisco Police Department./p p “We are talking about the Metreon shooting,” stated a cordial Inspector Sherman Ackerson, Public Information Officer for the San Francisco Police Department, during an in-depth discussion about the death of Idriss Stelley. “Obviously, a very tragic incident, I think we all agree, about a person with some mental illness in a theater. I understand he was with his girlfriend and father-in-law, and, obviously, he was suffering with some sort of emotional problem. I understand he had a history of mental illness,” continued Ackerson./p pInspector Akerson stated that “we had heard [that Idriss Stelley had a history of mental illness] in the media,” when he was asked to explain the source of his information. “I am not releasing it from the San Francisco Police Department. I understand from the media that he had a history of some problems or maybe the family had mentioned it,” stated Inspector Ackerson./p pWhile in a theater on Wednesday, June 13th, Summer Galbreath, the girlfriend of Idriss Stelley called the police because Idriss Stelley had undergone a mental health episode or, as his girlfriend explained to the police dispatcher, a “5150.” Eight police officers arrived at the theater and shot Idriss Stelley to death, as he waved a two-inch knife./p p “The police investigator told me he might have been shot ‘to protect the community,’” stated the mother of Idriss Stelley. “Protect the community from whom?” Is the community in need of protection from a tutor at the San Francisco Day Labor Program, or a AIDS volunteer at San Francisco General Hospital? Is the community in need of protection from a chess instructor who taught kids the game, or a tutor at City College? Is the community in need of a graphic artist at the Fillmore Center or a spiritual teacher?” concluded Mesha Monge Irizarry./p p “I know there has been some talk about the size of the knife. I don’t know how big the knife was,” stated Inspector Ackerson when asked if the response by police officers was unusual when confronted by someone waving a small knife. “I think we should wait until all the facts are in. Wait until we find out exactly how big the knife is. Our officers are trained and it is the policy of the San Francisco Police Department to react when they feel that there is a danger of serious bodily injury or death to themselves or to another person, stated Inspector Ackerson.”/p pBut, opinions about the death of Idriss Stelley have already been formed by officers of the San Francisco Police Department./p p “It was a legitimate knife on a full-blown chain used as a weapon to kill,” stated a sergeant of the San Francisco Police Department who spoke with me on condition of anonymity. “This knife posed a threat to the police officers despite their bullet-proof bullets. I was not at the Metreon and did not see the knife, but I absolutely think that he posed a direct threat,” stated the sergeant./p pNinety two percent of the San Francisco police force are not trained to recognize a mental health episode. In fact, the San Francisco Police Department fought fiercely for years against any notion of a police crisis intervention training. The San Francisco Police Department was never clear on specific reasons why a police crisis intervention training was needed. The Department simply did not think training to recognize mental health episodes was necessary, even though one out of every four persons officers come in contact with a person that suffers with mental illness. In fact, a person who has a mental episode has a better chance of winning the Super Lottery than having a police officer dispatched to the scene of the episode because only 24 police out of 2,200 San Francisco Police Officers have completed the training program which was shoved down the throat of the Department by the Board of Supervisors. /p p “My son was diagnosed with depression and was seeking help. He was in therapy at Mission Health, located in the Portreo District,” stated Irizarry./p pThe value of the impact of the contributions that Idriss Stelley brought to his community may never be measured, since his life was denigrated by the bullets of overzealous police officers. But, the death of Idriss Stelley has already put the importance of recognition of mental illness in the spotlight and has begun to affect decisions of further funding of police crisis intervention training./p p “What I am saying is, Yes. We have problems,” stated Inspector Ackerson. “Every time an officer discharges a weapon. Every time an officer kills someone, that is a tragic incident. It is regrettable that officers have to discharge their weapons when they do. And we certainly don’t take any glee in this,” stated Inspector Ackerson. /p p “There is a pattern of abuse and, in this case, killings of persons with mental disabilities by the San Francisco Police Department. It is a long-standing pattern. We are out here because Our organization for the past four years has been working diligently to try to get the Department to deal differently with people who are mentally distressed. We had s huge uphill battle. We knew that what happened to Idriss Stelley could happen given the way that the San Francisco Police Department responds to people who have mental health issues. They respond with violence. Time after time after time,” stated Van Jones when asked about the attitude of the San Francisco Police Department./p pEven the stolid faces of the commissioners were softened during an emotional spoken-word tribute, titled “It was a Warm Night,” to Idriss Stelley by Lisa Gray-Garcia of POOR Magazine’s Po Poets Project . The commissioners sat on the edge of their seats as they listened to a successive stream of representatives from many, many organizations who testified into the night and reminded them of their duty to provide an impartial investigation into the cover-up by the police department of the death of Idriss Stelley and the brutality that usually characterizes police response to a situation. Thaddeus Bordofsky, a medical doctor at the Alameda County Hospital spoke about victims of police officers after they are brought to him./p p“I’ve personally seen at least two or three patients who I felt were brutally beaten by police and qualified as victims of police brutality,” stated Dr. Bordofsky when asked to be more specific. “In particular, there was one patient that I saw who had been brutalized. He was in the custody of another police officer who stated to the patient, ‘You are lucky that I wasn’t there because you would not be able to speak.’ The persons who I have seen have suffered numerous injuries from police officers, including severe pain and emotionally from the terror,” concluded Dr. Bordofsky./p p “This is legalized terrorism as far as I’m concerned,” stated Mesha Monge Irizarry as she prepared to demand an end to the cover-up of the death of her son./p pThe circumstances of the two-inch knife blade, and the bullet-proof vests worn by the officers of the San Francisco Police Department are sufficient to support the claim by Mesha Monge Irizarry made to the commissioners that her son was “gunned down like a pig.”/p pThe testimony by residents and activists went on and on as the spirit of Idriss Stelley lingered in the room like the swish from a flawless shot that brings the crowd to its feet. The commissioners had finally begun to understand that they were no longer listening to the voices of mere mortal people, but the expressions of victims of years and years of police / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

The Vehicularily Housed Beat

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongVehicularily housed beat reporter chronicles police harassment, citations and the struggles of people who live in their cars./strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/410/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Vlad Pogorelov/Vehicularily Housed Beat Reporter/p pI woke up this morning to the sound of someone banging on the walls and windows of my house. My dog Marina did not like it, of course, and started barking violently at the intruder. I got dressed and walked outside, ready to face a teenage prankster, a street hoodlum or worse. To my surprise, I saw a policeman in a white motorcycle helmet writing down my license plate number. “How can I help you?” I asked him. /p p“You’ve got to move,” he replied angrily, and proceeded in filling out a “red tag”—a notice informing me I was parked illegally and would have to move or risk a $53 fine as well as having my motorhome towed. /p p“But I just moved here yesterday,” I told him. /p p“Too bad,” said the policeman. “The captain wants everyone out of here. You’ve got to move,” he repeated, marking my tires with yellow chalk. Then he slapped a pink sheet of paper on my windshield, got into his police car and drove away. /p pI had a sour taste in my mouth as I studied the official document issued by Bayview Police Station. Despite beautiful spring weather, my mood was low. I had a new headache now, as I needed to find a new parking space for my 25-foot motorhome./p pTo be clear, I am not a stranger to those “red tags” which can be issued by the Police Department and DPT to any vehicle which, in their opinion, appears abandoned or broken down, or is not moving for an extensive amount of time. /p pHowever, there is another category of vehicles being systematically targeted by police, regardless of how often they move or change parking spots on the streets of San Francisco. These are vehicles that serve as houses. Such are the motorhomes, the RV’s, the school buses, the trailers and other vehicles which have been converted to mobile residences. These types of vehicles are considered enemies by police, and every effort is being made by the city to ticket and tow vehicular houses making it impossible for those who live in them to remain in San Francisco. /p pDespite police efforts to chase the vehicularily housed away, many more such citizens continue to arrive. And it’s not / I am a vehicularily housed resident of San Francisco. I started living in a motorhome about a year ago after being evicted from my home on Potrero Hill by the Sheriff’s Department. Unable to find any suitable living space that I could afford, I had no other way of remaining in San Francisco except living in my car. Since then I have been parking my house mainly in the China Basin area. /p pSince the 1960’s, vehicular housing has been an established tradition in China Basin and Central Basin. According to Joe Ann, a construction worker who has lived in her motorhome in the Dog Patch area of Bayview District for the last 20 years, and raised two daughters on the street, there were hundreds if not thousands of vehicularly housed residents living in that area. Jack, a writer, is another vehicular resident of Dog Patch, there since the late 60’s, had the same opinion. “It was really easy to be here. It was such a funky neighborhood back then!”, he recalls, a nostalgic look in his eyes. /p pBecause of massive gentrification of Potrero Hill, Dog Patch and surrounding light industrial areas of Central Basin, the habitat of vehicularily housed residents is being destroyed. Within the last 2 months I have been “red tagged” more than 10 times, sometimes receiving an official threat of “house expropriation” immediately upon arrival to my new parking spot. /p pThe threat of being towed by the police is not an empty one. On a daily basis I see police towing away motorhomes, school buses, trailers and vans for a variety of bogus charges. Frequently, there is an anonymous complainer from the nearby neighborhood of expensive live-work lofts which sprang-up during the dot-com boom. It seems that the dot-com era has gone by, yet many of those live-work lofts are still under construction. The transformation of a semi-industrial area, which had many streets available for parking of vehicularly housed , into an upscale neighborhood for the rich is progressing at full speed. /p pAnd it’s not just an issue of Bayview Police Station versus vehicularly house residents. Because of increasingly gentrified environment the poor people who live in their run down vehicles end up situated next to the luxury Porsches and Alfa Romeos that belong to new loft residents. As a result, vehicularly housed people are being targeted by those who inhibit expensive lofts as well. /p pRecently a neighbor of mine who lives in his van and works on the ferry which transports people across the San Francisco Bay brought me a big poster which he pulled off a nearby electric poll on 23rd and Indiana. A 2x3 ft sheet of paper stated “Homeless people have more rights than you do!”. And then it accused those of us who live in vehicles in being a nuisance and encouraged everyone to call Bayview Police Station and complain. /p p An aim of such an attack against vehicularly housed is clear—it takes only one anonymous complaint to displace dozens of people from the neighborhood in which many of them lived for years, if not decades, without any due process. The gentrification of Dog Patch and Central Basin area is a clear cause of it. Developers have invested millions of dollars there, and now in order to attract the tenants into the expensive lofts they would like to eradicate the poor from the area. A number of loft buildings were built along 3rd Street and a few more are being built on Indiana, Mississippi Streets, as well as along other streets in that area. /p pIt seems that the opposite process of what is happening in the Mission is taking place. I would call such practices the “Vehicularly Housed Eradication Project”. A division has been drawn and the opposing forces, though completely unequal are facing each other before the final battle. While thinking of this sad situation, I remembered the words which were said by a Russian soldier facing the Nazi tanks during the battle of Moscow, “Russia is big. But we have nowhere to retreat — Moscow is behind us!” To paraphrase it is to say, “The Bay Area is big. But here, we have nowhere to go as we are being pushed over into the Bay.” We have to fight for our right to stay here or to disappear and let the forces global markets defeat us to the point of non-existent”./p p This week, a number of vehicles used as residences were “red-tagged” on 24th Street near Illinois Street. The inhabitants of those vehicles appeared to be very poor with very little resources to gas or a replacement tire which frequently needed in order to move to a new location. It is possible that some of them will not be able to move and will loose their houses to the City Tow which is located only two blocks away./p pRecently, I was driving by one of the lofts in Dog Patch near 3rd Street. I saw a message spray painted on the wall: “Bust the live work racket!” Well, not everyone is passively accepting the current situation, I thought. Some people are ready to fight back. It’s made me hopeful about the future, the fate of those who call our vehicles — home. Our struggles were the inspiration for this new beat report on PNN and column b They towed my home.. /b./p p PS: I would appreciate your feedback, your thoughts, suggestions, questions and stories. The struggle of vehicularly housed people is not limited to San Francisco. So, please e-mail your comments to: a href="" or contact POOR magazine: (415)863-6306. Peace and Love to you all!br / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Youth @ POOR

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrongYouth in The Media Internships at POOR /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TDIMG SRC= "../sites/default/files/arch_img/413/photo_1_supplement.jpg" //td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p p b pYouth in the Media/p/b Program; is an extension of POOR's b Youth Mentoring program/b and bThe Po' Poets Project/b. Each internship includes:br / extensive creative arts, and media training, media activism and advocacy focused on addressing and creating media on issues affecting low and no income youth such as police harassment, racial and economic profiling, gentrification, homelessness, the juvenile justice system, education, family restoration, and poverty. /p pWorking in print, radio, television and on-line media youth are able to voice issues that affect the communities from which they come. As writers, they would lead the discourse on issues of economic and racial justice, with a focus of using the media as an organizing tool to smash stereotypes and gain support and recognition for the expertise of the low income youth writers around issue of poverty and racism. /p pEach mentorship spans 10-16 weeks, and includes three components;.br / Section I; Basic writing, Newswriting, Investigative reporting, Community based Research, Media activism, and Advocacybr / Section II ; poetry /spoken word and live performancebr / Section III: Web based-publishing, print CD and radio productionbr / As well, each internship includes POOR #101 - a comprehensive investigation into the root causes of poverty and racism./p pTUITION; Agency scholarships provided for low income youthbr / Contact POOR for more information/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p

Work Inc./Buy America... For Real!

09/24/2021 - 11:34 by Anonymous (not verified)
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pstrong pbAmerica Love's / bLet's Consume Multi National Corps ofbr / USA by forming the Ultimate Worker Union./b/b/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B/p pIf our grandmother's and mother's can pool money via investor's br / clubs create wealth. Worker's can to with a clear, evolving, economic plans./p pBlue, white, pink, collars, low wage-working poor families, br / homeless people, and hollywood talent, to hi-tech folks... all have something in commonbr / we're all Worker's. br /Some are paid better salaries, hourly, by weekly, or monthly wages but we're all worker's./p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p