Original Post Date
2001-07-29 11:00 PM
Original Body
pbbr /Do ‘You think new lifebr /
saving medical science willbr /
suddenly be in vogue or stoppedbr /
by the Fundamentalist Religious Rightbr /
now in office?/bbr /
pby Joe. B/p
pIndependence Day is over, America’s in a slight recession, br /soldiers die in mock war games, air and ground accidents, or friendly fire. /p
pThey are the best trained troops, who at a moments notice from raw recruit, private to second lieutenant can take over leadership roles in crisis situations. /p
pOn the homefront people lose jobs as employerbr / loyalty to employee at most places of employment are “bottom line” issues creating job quakes all over the country./p
pThe good side is employees do not have to stay glued to low wage - dead end, soul shrinkingbr /emotion numbing work we’re free to follow other paths otherbr / than company/corporate mandates and rules./p
pAmerica has had a few hard knocks but we’re rough, tough and can take it - however the b“The Unknown Country”/bcalls us and its hard to realize that we may knowbr / the true meaning is making that unknown country easier to choose./p
pLast Monday a “The AbioCor” b[Mechanical Heart]/bwas implanted in some 50ish middle aged guy who's heart is about to pump its last mile in his chest.
/pp Titanium ‘n steel, plastic and wireless with non of Barney Clark’s long, painful, suspended death./p
p The Seattle Dentist 112 days with the implanted Jarvic-7 artificial heart on Dec. 2, 1982./p
pThere are other recipients living longer than Mr. Clark but I remember seeing the J-7 heart pumping even after Clark had died./p
pThen I’m thinking ‘Cardiac Cheney’ supposedly in rude health afterbr / the pacemaker [defibrillator] with its jolting shocks in case br /“Titanium Dick’s” heart races too high or low./p
pIsn’t it good to know that our technology marches on to keepbr / our strong, determined, feline-smiling, tough, indestructible, selected Vice ‘Prez alive and healthy?br /
br /Wait! having a mechanical thing no matter how perfect can never replace the original red/blue veined human pump of life.br /
br / Though stem cells can be used to create a younger, healthier, heart br /that have no rejection problems since its a clone br /of the original and errors that made his original heart prone br / to attacks are corrected so ‘Chompin Cheney” will be able to speed through his duties./p
pBut if Vice ‘Prez Cheney knew for sure his flesh heart would
/pp fail in a few months while a new gleaming one of Titanium br /and plastic would keep him alive for another 30 - 40 years would he take the chance, would we?/p
pWhy is it that black folks are in bBlock TV/b br /that is like Monday, Thursday, and Sunday UPN - WB prime times shows./p
pI like some of the shows but it seems networks place br /black or “ethnic” shows not spread among other shows but br / so close to each other that to me it looks to be br /planned in such a way that if one show gets canceled thebr / block of shows before, after, or in the middle suffer./p
pIf I sound paranoid, look at the WB-Channel 20 or UPN-Channel 44./p
pI’d like a diversity rainbow through out the networksbr / not this white or block of shows segregated./p
pAn how about sitcom and drama stars from widely divergent series./p
pFor example Ice-T of Homicide and Jeri Ryan-7 of 9 [Voyager] switch showsbr /br /
by accidental time/dimensional rift as both Ryan and T br /switch sets for while then return./p
pIt could be the new “Switch Blade” br /and “Enterprise” with past and future merging on each others show./p
p Get what I’m saying, more unexpected changes,br /shake up the networks and ourselves out of their normal phasebr /when its get dull do it again until all the networks play the game./p
pPlease donate what can to Poor Magazine orbr /
br / C/0 br /Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br /
br /San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p
pbr /For Joe only my snail mail:br /
br /PO Box 1230 #645br /
br /Market St. Sanbr /
br /Francisco, CA 94102br /
br /Emailbr /
a href="mailto:askjoe@poormagazine.org"askjoe@poormagazine.org/abr /