Story Archives 2018

A Grieving Mother March 22 2018

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A Greiving Mother ; 3-22-18


aka Sister Save A Soul


I Was Yelling and Cursing .

I was Trying to Make A Point …….

The Message was Important, it is Important and Vital Information ….

You Stare at me with a Glare…….. (yelling) HEY LISTEN ………..


OOOOH NOW i got CHO attention …….

Got DAMN IT listen UP …….

I was yelling and cursing ,,, i was trying to make my point ….these lessons are important ...this message was intense


I Began to cry … DON'T cry moma ….. He SHOT 2 LOVE  BULLETS STRAIGHT to MY HEART

Unconditional Love …..

I now Stare at HIM With a Glare….

Lay Down momma….. NOW Its My Turn to listen ….. He Grabs his FAVORITE Cover…. He THEN covers me up…

I'm FORCED to Comply the roles have SWITCHED…… He's in Total Control and the POWER Has SHIFTED ………, sudenly My MOUTH is Tamed ……


Anticipation …..

Whats NEXT ….going WITH THE FLOW…. I'M Silenced IN HIS LOVE ...a tear trickles Down my face ……

I close My EYES


19th & shotwell are two of those streets /19th y Shotwell son dos de esas calles

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Un Poema Para Luis-A Poem for Luis
(Español debajo)

The Streets have so many colors
the colors have so many memories
memories of streets you are no longer on-
but wish you could be

The color of people who are no longer there
who we wish we could see
because they were removed by people  who were scared
of what they could not contain, incarcerate or bear

19th & shotwell are two of those streets
who meet inside of so much grief
the colors of loss of sounds and hands you no longer see

it was at this corner among peoples like me-those of us struggling with homelessness and poverty
where state sanctioned guns
triggered by fear were called in to take away life
by laws and lies that were dangerously unclear

Red the color of Mayan earth - a Mayan heart- of a father, husband, worker, Sun, remnants that lived under hard-working fingernails of a peaceful man named luis lost to poLice murdering Guns

Blue the color of the sky when the guns took you away into a spirit where you Iive today

White like the huipiles of your wife, daughter and mama - white like the fear of the people who call the police on us because they believe that we need to be saved.

Green like the paper dollars needed to stay inside -and then, sometimes we are a little more safe

Grices comò un sidewalk quando usted recycled, lived, dreamed, played, walked -  and waited for the pain to stop
waited to go home to another place across these killer colonizer borders painted in the sand

These streets hold so many colors like small unseen paint brushes moving in the wind- they hold sounds too - like one that never leaves-no matter how many times they scrub us out- rub us out- take us down-pretend we were never here-

and there is one special sound-  the one that is you-  i see u luis - you are here and always will be

These streets and their colors so far from your origin, ache for u everyday- ache and break and listen for your return someday

Español debajo

Las calles tienen tantos colores
los colores tienen tantos recuerdos
Recuerdos de calles en las que ya no estás
pero desearían que estuvieras

El color de las personas que ya no están allí
a quien desearíamos poder ver
porque fueron eliminados por las personas que tenían miedo
de lo que no pudieron contener, encarcelar o soportar

19th y Shotwell son dos de esas calles
que se encuentran dentro con tanto dolor
los colores de la pérdida de sonidos y manos que ya no ves

en esta esquina entre gente como yo, los que luchamos contra la pobreza
donde el estado sancionó las armas de fuego
desencadenado por el miedo fueron llamados para quitar vida
por leyes y mentiras peligrosamente confusas

Rojo, el color de la tierra maya, un corazón maya, de un padre, esposo, trabajador, sol, restos que vivieron bajo las uñas trabajadoras de un hombre pacífico llamado luis perdido por el asesinato de pistolas policiales

Azul el color del cielo cuando las armas te llevaron y transformaron en el espíritu en el que vives hoy

Blancos como los huipiles de tu esposa, hija y madre, blancos como el miedo de la gente que llama a la policía porque creen que debemos ser rescatados

Verde, como los dólares en papel necesarios para permanecer encerrados, y así, a veces sentirnos un poco más seguros

Grices comò la acera cuando reciclabas, vivias, soñabas, jugabas, caminabas - y esperabas que el dolor se detuviera esperando para ir a casa, a otro lugar a través de estas fronteras colonizadoras y asesinas pintadas en la arena

Estas calles tienen tantos colores como pequeños pinceles invisibles que se mueven con el viento, que retienen sonidos, como uno que nunca se va, sin importar cuántas veces nos limpien, nos froten, nos bajen, fingiendo como si nunca estuvimos aquí -
y hay un sonido especial, el que eres tú, te veo luis, estás aquí y siempre estarás

Estas calles y sus colores tan alejados de su origen, duelen por ti todos los días, duelen y rompen y escuchan tu regreso algún día

tiny, aka Lisa Gray-Garcia is a Po poet, formerly unhoused poverty skola, teacher single mama of Tiburcio & daughter of Dee- she can be reached on Twitter @PovertySkola

Tiburcio is her Sun and a youth poverty skola revolutionary with Deecolonize Academy



A Trajectory of Death- The PoLice Murder of Sahleem Tindle - an Indigenous Sun, Father, Brother and Uncle The meeting with Alameda District Attorney Nancy O’Malley

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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(All PNN-TV Video coverage of the meeting with O'Malley is linked to the bottam of this article)

“We are looking at all aspects of the incident, the actual firearm involved in the incident, where it came from, other witnesses who the police are looking for and what was in the officer’s mind when he was approaching the scene.” said Alameda District Attorney Nancy O’Malley about the January 3rd shooting by West Oakland BART poLice officer Joseph Mateu of African Sun, father, Brother and Uncle Sahleem Tindle.


It was at this point in O’Malley’s statement to the family and attorney John Burris that this poverty skola reporter’s mind had a little trouble staying focused, “ What was in the officers mind????, how about poLice culture rooted in a 525 years of genocidal history of white supremacy that shoots to kill young Black, Brown Poor, disabled and indigenous daughters and suns first and asks questions later.


O’Malley continued, “We are using our resources to send the video to a couple of crime labs outslde of Oakland who specialize in forensics, rather than my eyes or your eyes just looking at it-…”


“What do you mean by Forensic video?”,Attorney John Burris cut in.


“A forensic person would be able to break down the video frame by frame and really look at what happened at the location of the incident…”O’Malley continued.


As she spoke my mind wandered again to the body cam video of the incident. How much forensics do you need to know that Mateu was on a trajectory of death as he was running toward Sahleem. There was no chance for Sahleem to do anything much less “show his hands” as Mateu kept mumble-demanding as he ran towards Sahleem. Mateu was clearly unable to think clearly much less discern when and how not to use the deadly weapon he had in his hands pointed forward for the entire time he was running to the scene. Mateu’s hysteria was overt. There is nothing more money, and more crime labs and more wasted resources or science could elaborate on. It was pre-meditated police culture which teaches shoot first , ask questions later.punto final.


“Have you looked at the initial statement by Joseph Mateu?. Fierce mama warrior, truth-teller and leader Yolanda Banks Reed addressed O’Malley, “The story and the narrative he told us before the video came out was not the same as what Mateu’s body camera revealed,” she concluded.


O’Malley responded by saying she had what Mateu told the police but other statements were privy to the Police Officers Association (dropping Cat Brooks’ fierce warrior from ATPT’s name to prove that this was somehow understood by everyone?)  and all the other witnesses who saw the incident and that she didn’t want to give the impression that any decision was made.


“I’m glad to hear that no decision other than the decision to charge (Mateu) with the murder of my sun Sahleem Tindle,” Yolanda responded, going on to say that she didn’t want this to drag on and on as she is grieving. “There are so many African-American males that are being murdered by police and their loophole is this was fear, that the African-American male is a threat,someone has to be held accountable for these murders and that time is now.”


“I talked to you about the Mosaic law, you can work on reform all you want, but this is a lawless state, where everyone will turn on each other, as the DA in office you hold the power to convict this man and give a judgement that is fair. I am here for my Sun and will do everything in my power to make sure justice is done. what we are surprised about is how can be Mateu be up for promotion after murdering my Sun We have been talking to BART commission. They didn’t even know how this officer (Mateu) was promoted, how could this murderer be promoted?” Yolanda said.


“And we know you are running for election, and since you have been in office no police officer has been held accountable for their actions. I am certainly doing an investigation as well, Yolanda concluded.


This reporter/poverty skola added, "The community is watching you, Ms O'Malley, this is your chance to act consciously, to do something different, to act for justice not more InJustice."


After the Meeting with the DA O’Malley


“It was an important meeting to have, and now we look forward to the next meeting,” said John Burris outside the DA’s office as the people and media gathered.  The meeting lasted for approximately 30 minutes and was oddly surreal. O’Malley making great pains to seem as though she was understanding and yet really giving no commitment.


“They have a system in place already set up to deal with this, it is just tragic that we keep having to go though this over and over again,” Fierce mama and warrior Yolanda summed up the tragic yet horrific aspects of the meeting after Attorney Burris. “As a mother we don’t even have the time to grieve, “she concluded.


After the family and Mr Burris spoke to the media, we begin to circle around the sterile halls of that injustice kkkort. the beautiful family of the Hebrew Cultural Community which Yolanda and Sahleem are members led us in a series of powerFULL chants and songs for justice.


When this all happened this reporter and the whole POOR Magazine family were in shock, we knew Sahleem and Yolanda very well because of previous racial brofiling Driving While Black in this stolen land. And the Hebrew Cultural Community of powerful youth has been extended family to POOR Magazine since 2010. Many of Saleem’s beautiful cousins and family coming through to POOR’s Family Project Revolutionary Summer Camp. Another beautiful family member and fierce mama warrior Sala Haquiyah Chandler has also been a powerful POOR Magazine extended family member and we were all there when her beautiful sun lost his life to unclear circumstances.


Their powerful indigenous village of the Hebrew Cultural Community, like POOR Magazine, has been and will always be a powerFULL resistance to the colonizer lies of separation, the cult of “independence” and what i call “the Separation Nation” and other lies of this plantation prescribed nation that are imposed on our young peoples minds everyday in America. It is no small coincidence to me that Sahleem, like Oscar Grant before him and so many more were shot by these officers of the Stolen Land law and once again, as soon as this story broke, people tried to cast aspersions on Sahleem’s character instead of looking clearly at the culture of killer poLice who murder every Black, Brown and Indigenous Sun and daughter they can.


It is why POOR magazine, Krip Hop Nation refuse to even engage with the perpetrators who test, arrest and incarcerate us. It is why POOR Magazine , Idriss Stelley Foundation and Krip Hop Nation teach the How to Not Call the PoLice EVER workshops. It is why we practice this in our liberated villages of Homefulness- a landless peoples solution to homelessness. It is why myself and Leroy Moore refuse the lie of reform and “police training” as we know it is filled with more lies about fixing an already broken poLice system. And in the end like the beautiful Yolanda says, we will not give up fighting the time has come

The people will win justice. Sahleem will win justice. None of us will give up.


PoorNewsNetwork Coverage of the Meeting with Alameda DA O'Malley:

Statements after the mtg by John Burris and the Family:

Mtg with O'Malley Part #1:

Mtg With O'Malley Part 2:
Mtg With O'Malley Part 3:

Mtg With O'Malley Part 4-

(Pls Subscribe to PoorNewsNetwork on Youtube by clikcing here and help us Poor folks keep creating un-bought, unfiltered, Truth Media )


65 years for 25 tears

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Lakeith Smith was just 15 years old when the alleged crimes of theft, murder and the break-ins of two residences in Millbrook, Alabama had taken place with four other young men back in February 2015. After being tried as an adult along with The Alabama Accomplice Law being applied, he now has been sentenced to 65 years in prison after a 25 year plea deal was supposedly rejected.


Judge Sibley Reynolds gave Smith a total of 3 sentences 30 years for murder, 15 years for burglary and 10 year apiece for theft while 3 of the defendants Jhavarshe Jackson, LaAnthony Washington and Jadarien Hardy have taken plea bargains and are awaiting sentencing.

A’Donte Washington was killed when he allegedly pointed a 38 caliber gun at an officer who responded by firing at least four shots into Washington, killing him.


The officer involved in the shooting was cleared of any wrongdoing but under the Alabama accomplice law, the four surviving young men were charged with A’Donte’s death because under this particular law, a person is legally responsible for the behavior of another person who commits a crime and one is an accomplice.


Lakeith Smith alone was sentenced to 65 years with the possibility of parole after 25 years and sources say that he was seen smiling while being led out of the courtroom. The question is that was Smith smiling out of pride or to mask the fear of being done in by a system that has his kind being herded in like cattle 50 times more than any other being?


A teen at 15 years old does not even have the capacity to be responsible for his own behavior and actions let alone someone else’s. The protest is not about enabling any criminal activity in any shape or form, however the laws of the land should be fair to every citizen and proper due process is accessible rather rich or POOR instead we live in society that is infamous for creating more racist laws for colored flaws.


Miseducation, oppression, mental health, broken families and overworked families are all part of a genocidal cycle that has poor people of color filling up graveyards and institutions on a wholesale level.


To be tried as an adult not only is society saying that a child is capable of making decisions but that the child is an adult all in one. So would child endangerment play a part when it comes to other underage accomplices? With laws that are able to hold a child accountable for crimes but acquit the adult who actually did the actions shows us the ass backwards world that we live in.



09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Unarmed 22 year old father of two Stephon Clark was shot and killed on March 18th by Sacramento police for allegedly breaking car windows and fleeing the scene. Police were looking for a vandalism suspect that led to felony murder when Stephon was accused of being armed before the cops fired about 20 rounds into Mr. Clark- enough shots to overkill.

color:black">The reason for his murder was that the cops felt “Threatened” by the supposedly armed man but with the cliche reasons aside the black man has always been a threat no matter which path of life he walks. The jive story the police were trying to sell the Clark family wasn’t buying so the family did the right thing by hiring Dr. Bennet Omalu to conduct an independent autopsy and the findings were that Stephon Clark was shot 8 times, many bullets striking him in the back. With no medical attention for several minutes he was left to bleed out, left to die.


The first thing unlawful enforcement puts out into the world about the hunted person of color is how “bad” a individual was. The  “Innocent until proven guilty” theory has been crushed like roadkill and the “fearful, fleeing” so-called armed suspect is dead before due process. Why is it and how is it in Amerikkka a white murderer of 17 people did not so much as get tased but again, someone of color whom in some cases did not even harm a fly always fall under a hail of hateful bullets? The deceased victim’s name is criminalized record or not and the one with the badge is not held accountable for portraying the judge, jury and executioner.


Stephon’s brother, Stevante Clark made his voice of resistance loud and clear as he boldfully overran the Sacramento city council’s meeting along with many other protesters and began to call on his brother’s name as he took a well-positioned seat on top of the dais. The room began to also call on Stephon as Stevante spoke his peace on the police chief’s accountability of his brother’s death. The fed- up voices then took to the streets in a series of shutdowns and protests in a stand against black lives being stolen with impunity and there are more to come from all over.


The voice of one Sacramento nurse did cause her to lose her job after making the comment that Stephon Clark “deserved to be shot for being stupid” She was reportedly to have been well compensated via a gofundme account and raised over the amount expected (25,000) but what else is new that people in today’s society are paid big bucks to spew hate? Freedom of speech is one thing granted, however when we live in a country where people of color, majority of them unarmed are being murdered on a regular basis for this nurse to make that comment displays the truth about the sickening genocidal agenda colonizers have against the darker people of the world.


Editor’s note: Po’lice calls have the potential to be harmful or fatal.

color:black">For more information on POOR Magazine’s “No Po’lice Calls-Ever!”

color:black">Trainings and workshops, please visit


Black and Brown Community Control of the Police...Organize Or Die!

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and the MURDER of Black people - The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense.


The recent police murders of Stephon Clark, a 22 year-old shot and killed on the evening of March 18 by two officers of the Sacramento Police Department in Sacramento, and Saheed Vassell, 34, murdered by Brooklyn police in New York on April 7, again reminds us that Black Lives have never mattered to state-sanctioned organizations popularly known as police departments.


The mass responses to the murders of the two young black men will initiate a familiar and repeated mass ritual that we have become accustomed to. I refer to this ritual, that characterizes the actions/activities in response to state-sanctioned executions of black and brown lives, as the Sisyphus Syndrome.  In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king who pissed off the gods and was punished for his chronic deceitfulness by being compelled to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, repeating this action forever. The Sisyphus Syndrome, or ritual, commences after settler-kkkops execute an unarmed black or brown member of our community, setting in motion a series of reactions that involve a rising up of the people in righteous indignation, followed by demonstrations, protest, press conferences, and town hall meetings, that are nothing more than venting sessions.  Social media activism and hash tags are created, meaningless reforms are discussed, such as Body Cameras and Tasers, and “community leaders” are trotted out with the purpose of chilling out and derailing the people’s legitimate anger and disgust, at the behest of their white supremacist benefactors.


Contributing to this ritual are local elected officials making promises of transparency and accountability, while ambulance chasing attorneys rush in offering their services not seeking real justice but instead financial settlements in which blood money is paid out to relatives of the victims at taxpayers’ expense.  The joke is on us; after all, it is the people who are paying the Blue Klux Klan to execute us through these lawsuits. Afterwards, life catches up with us, and our indignation, anger and frustrations subside until our actions are reduced to “a moment.” The same chants...same signs…sore feet…hoarse throats, while we await the next atrocity committed by these killer kkkops.


If we are to break out of this pattern, it is imperative that we understand the relationships that exist between state violence at the hands of the police and oppressed black and brown communities.  First and foremost, is the recognition that amerikkka, the home of the thief and land of the slave, is a settler colonial state and the police act as colonial settler-kkkops, serving as an occupying army that maintains this colonial relationship in black and brown oppressed communities.  Settler-state sponsored reforms and any other pacifiers will not alter this existing colonial relationship and its deadly consequences visited upon people of color. This is the Root (core) Issue at stake. Understanding the true role and nature of policing in racist kkkapitalist amerikkka can aid us in articulating the correct path we must undertake in order to protect our communities against the rabid swine that terrorize and murder us with impunity.


Until we end the colonial relationship between the larger White society in general and the Black and Brown community, in particular, economic and social injustice will persist.  Until we end the occupation of Black and Brown communities by a hostile police force, hyperactive arrest rates, police brutality, and the killings of Black people will continue.


“What you don’t control will be used as a weapon against you” Imam Jamil al-min (formerly known as H. Rap Brown).


Oppressed peoples and their communities can and will only be secure in this country when they are organized to defend themselves against the aggressions of the government and the forces of white supremacy and capitalist exploitation.


An example of a pro-active and organized approach against state-sanctioned police terrorism is the call for Black and Brown’s community control of the police, through efforts led by those mostly impacted by police terrorism in our communities.  Community control would involve the establishment of a People's Commission for Human Rights that is elected, not appointed. It will have an elected “special prosecutor” and hired staff, independent of mayors, police departments, city attorney offices, and board of supervisors. The People’s Commission for Human Rights will have the power to examine complaints of police terror and impose penalties that include suspension and firing of officers, as well as the power to review and change police department policies and procedures, with control over the police budget, along with full subpoena power and access to shooting sites.  This Commission will not operate as a rubber stamp board as the many so-called police commissions and review boards act presently.


A People’s Commission for Human Rights and community control cannot eliminate all police terror in our hoods, any more than it can resolve the underlying conditions of poverty, racism, crumbling health and education, drug addiction, homelessness and joblessness.  But it will make it a lot harder for the police to get away with acts of violence and other forms of terrorism. Community control of the police is a first step to gain community control over our lives.


Dis-empower, Dis-band, Dis-arm the Police

Black and Brown Community Control of the Police.

Organize To Win!!!


The Fist of Football- Domestic Violence in Sports

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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SF 49ers Linebacker Reuben Foster’s February arrest for domestic violence, weapons possession and criminal threats has hit a nerve as the number of abusive athletes with “untouchable” attitudes have risen atrociously over the past several years. Money, privilege, and arrogance mixed in with a few individuals who cannot control their emotions when dealing with everyday relationships can lead to these of incidents of violence in the home. Domestic Violence does not care about money or class but in a lot of cases you have these “big jumbo” men with money tend to get more slaps on the behind for brutalizing these much smaller females whom they cannot relate to in the first place.


Ray Rice gained super-noreity when he knocked his then fiancee (now wife) Janay Palmer unconscious in an elevator March 2014 in a domestic violence case that had pots boiling over because of the leniency people felt he had received. (suspended but later reinstated) Since early 2012 until September 2017 around 33 NFL players have been arrested on a variety of charges but out of the alleged 33, 15 were arrested for violence against women. Jonathan Dwyer was charged with domestic violence against wife, along with athletes, Ray McDonald, (domestic violence against girlfriend), Chad Johnson (head butted wife over a box of condoms he had allegedly bought) and Jovan Belcher who shot his girlfriend multiple times, killing her before killing himself. The list is sadly much longer.


Today’s sports industry is majority wealthy white male dominated when it comes down to team ownership while the players have a make-up of mostly men of color. With fame for some comes the lie that there’s an “untouchable” card that comes along with a huge bank account and all the perks that “massa” did not allow for the “player” to have access to. To be just like massa is a subconscious thinking pattern that has contributed to some of the athletes’ problems in the first place- the “big, brute” slave that wants to massa. The subliminal message is in plain sight.


The women who have to walk in the painful footprints of being a survivor of domestic violence have a lot on their plates, too. Being in a relationship with a celebrity who gives her everything she desires except for her black eyes and bloody noses is not what she signed up for but the lifestyle intoxication, trying to keep up with the “joneses” and the fear of poverty will lead to a costly compromise. In my early years as a compromising survivor I also felt at one point that I did not want to “give up” the money, the honey, the cars or the nice apartment but when I looked in the mirror and saw the temporary disfigurement of my face and felt the pain, I had a inner warning come over me that I will not be around to enjoy all these material “perks”. I got out the volatile relationship without any money or material stuff, but I understood that my life and children were priceless.


Whether the man is an athlete or janitor, domestic violence is domestic violence. How can we, as hurt people stop hurting people in the first place. There is a lack of healing in the process of people’s lives while the world expects a traumatized person to just “get over it and move on”

That is way easier said than done to the one that’s missing a compassion chip or for the one that favors sports over lives. The struggle continues.

Illustration by Emma Rust


Profiling Policies just for a Cup of Coffee

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The arrests of 2 Black men at a Philly Starbucks last week has advocates and supportersalike taking to the coffee magnet to express unrest in the latest of racial profiling in the good O’l US of snAkkkes. The pair were arrested after the manager ( the frightened Ofay) called po’lice on the two, saying that they were trespassing for using the restroom without placing an order. As earlier reported the two men were there to meet with another man who haven’t arrived yet when the biased incident took place, to discuss business when the manager of the coffee chain called 911 on the men and had them arrested. The manager told the men to leave “3 times” and they refused. Those who had an opinion argued that maybe the two Black men’s attitude wasn’t correct but that theory was struck down when witnesses said that the pair had no hostility at all. The “attitude” of the oppressed man and woman of color here in this country has always been used as a tool to “kill if felt threatened” by the wicked rulers of this land. Can anyone be able to dictate to a person how to react or feel that is being treated with such contempt? I don’t think so!


Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson issued a pacifier of apology to the two and have planned to meet with the men to apologize face to faces. Mr. Johnson also said that Starbucks’ staff would have to participate in unconscious bias training, which sounds to me like you can literally kill a person of color and get away with it. (without being woke)


Subconscious fear is more dangerous than unconscious bias because it has cost black people and other people of color their lives for centuries and I have never heard of a klan rally where everybody was sleep (unconscious)

There is no fix to this problem but a start towards the “soulution” is for the slave so-called massa to denounce the superior lie he/she holds dear and the so-called slave to denounce the inferior lie that he/she holds, people of color discontinuing support to establishments in question and that we respect and take better care of Mother Nature.


This hatred for Black people in amerikkka didn’t just spring up into action when Prez Obama took office in 2009, one soon forgets that there were “white only” signs not only in coffee shops, but clothing stores, swimming pools and restaurants so where is the progress just because you

no longer see any signs?


For Philly to be known for its “Brotherly Love” and revolutionary heroes and sheroes like Octavius Valentine Catto and POOR Magazine’s own Mama Dee, Starbucks do not want to leave a permanent coffee stain in the Philly struggle so it will be wise for Mr. Johnson to do all of the damage control that he can but why be sorry if a person’s true feelings are ill towards people of color?


According to my WeSearch files,  a vast majority of people from different cultures are not reminded from a profiling perspective that a purchase at a business MUST be made before using its facilities. The “purchase before potty” propaganda came into fruition more in lower income neighborhoods where there were problems of drug use and the presence of houseless folks that merchants voiced was hurting businesses. So does gentrifuhkation and bike lanes.


After WeSearch I personally found that I am “required” to make a purchase of some kind more in high-end places as to some lower end places. If I’m wearing my hoodie in some cases, I didn’t even get a suggestion to use the alley.


I’m only the best accommodated when I sport the pregnancy prop that’s when there is hardly any discrimination at all. Overall, I try my best to wait until I go home for It is difficult for me to dine at some places with this kind of bathroom protocol because I am the patron who washes my hands before touching or consuming food. If I’m meeting other folks, I DO NOT place an order before everyone’s arrival other than water and breadsticks because it is polite and my personal preference is that we all feast together. This issue the two brothas had with the Starbucks employee was not about being polite, it’s about the constant racism and profiling we as Blacks face in Amerikkka every day since day one. It is about people who feel they are forced to “tolerate” our presence so that’s another layer of hate brewing. If a business owner do not care for people of color why fight to patron such a owner? I am PRO late, great Malcolm X when he expressed that he would not want to patron the man who hates him or eat any of the food that is prepared by this racist individual so why are we protesting to eat/drink in a racist’s establishment? If this was about morality or equality we would not be having this conversation.


Death, protest and the mental health of survivors

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The murder of Stephon Clark by police invoked the warrior spirit within his brother Stevante and the young brother hit the streets with his thunder like voice of oppressed rage. He took his fight all the way  to the council denouncing police terror and the death of his brother.


Stevante Clark made news again but this time not as the unyielding protester but as the defendant making his way to the courtroom with a smile, cheerfully cooperative. His appearance in court stems from a call his roomates made last month to police reporting that Stevante was acting irrational and was allegedly armed with machete and hammer ending with the destruction of the apartment he shared with others.


He was released on O.R after two felonies were reduced to misdemeanors with the condition that he stay away from any people he have threatened. He was also told not to abuse the 911 system and to only call for emergencies only.


There were concerns raised about Stevante’s mental health since the death of his brother Stephon and during the proceedings it was suggested that Mr. Clark seek mental health services although it is not confirmed whether or not he followed through. Stevante Clark’s next hearing is on May 9th.


When my younger brother Marcus was killed I cannot say that I was a normal, functioning person especially when dealing with all the horrors involved with all what happened to him. I also can’t say that his black life mattered, mine neither in the city of San Francisco and he is one of the many dark clouds that hangs over this nation as another “one less”


It is said that when people are scared they do tend to act irrationally, but what about the reaction to racial hatred and the death of the loved one who may never get any “justice”


How is Stevante Clark supposed to feel? Set aside the whispers of his alleged bipolar disorder and schizophrenia- a person’s diagnosis does not excuse all of the disorders of the world in which a person has to live in on black eggshells.


Diagnosis, stereotypes, stygmas and racism have always played a hand in the reasons why a poor person has lost his or her life in this country, instead of helping in the healing progress of a whole nation, it is the cowboy way to just brand em’ and shoot em’ without any consequenses.

That way of thinking is also a mental illness.


Prejudice Promposal

09/23/2021 - 14:33 by Anonymous (not verified)
Original Author
Original Body

“If I was black I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white so I’m picking U 4 prom”


Read the poster board of 18 year old Noah Crowley who attends Riverview high school in Sarasota County in Florida who was asking a young lady to go to the prom with him. After receiving a lot of “no-no” votes, he quickly apologized to anyone he “might of offended” followed by his family issuing another statement of apology denouncing his “promposal” and also stating that he would not be allowed to attend his prom, graduation or other school activities.


Sarasota county school district began its investigation and is claiming to be working with other sources to find a disciplinary route that is within school policy.


I ask why is there something to “investigate” and “figure out” when it comes to white supremacy and the people who expresses it?  Why by all means must it be upheld in the name of this nation’s forefathers, for the history to be inked in school books and for prez Trump to use as a platform to making Amerikkka “great again”


White supremacy is obviously not a crime but a duty if you look at the early century propaganda like GW Griffin’s “A Birth of a Nation”, a time when the stolen Africans were branded beasts, wenches, brutes, hottentots and niggers like we are today, some of us just have bigger paychecks. The KKK were the heroes in the movie thus being the real life heroes that continues to defend White Pride. This is why ALL children must be taught their true histories/herstories of what their ancestors created or colonized, also know that we have the right to steward the land within our own nation for survival and the “master race” concept is derooted.


This media of hatred has become the history of this country and if it is in the textbooks that Africans are less than human and should be treated no more than property what is to be expected of the white kid who has been lied to about his own story? How has he/she learned empathy and compassion when his OWN history suggests that black people are nothing but niggers who should be either scrubbing white toilets, picking cotton or hanging from trees? The times may have changed but it is difficult to change the mind, heart and spirit of a people who have always considered themselves the “master race” and has obtained power over our world with this belief.


Some years back politricksters wanted to hold some insulting vote on whether or not there should be an apology issued for the slavery and the genocide of the African people and that slap in the face was the tip of the iceberg for one of the worst destruction of a Nation to never be taken seriously and for the the suffering and extermination of the Africans and other people of color to go unpunished and without reparations.


That is why kids like Noah Crowley see nothing wrong with the Black struggle and death for it to be so loosely mocked and we must take seriously our own stories AND destinies because we cannot demand the world to “identify” us if we know nothing of our “identities” and to educate those who think the Black Holocaust is and was a joke.


