Story Archives 2013

Healing our Red, Brown and Black Bodies and Souls, Together.

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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“They closed 56 schools in our neighborhoods, which is a serious situation- but it is also a challenge, which community leaders and families should seize to teach our children,” said Minister Abel Muhammad  from Chicago. My heart was already lifted by the spirits present at the 2nd annual townhall,  Say It Loud, I’m Black and Proud and When I Say Black I mean Red and Brown sponsored by the Oscar Grant Foundation and Merrit College, but once the voices of so many deep and conscious voices like Abel Muhammad, Jasiri X and Cephus Johnson, aka Uncle Bobby began to speak it deepened the medicine for all of us present.


“We have all of this in us- all the strength our ancestors gave us,” We just need to recognize it,” said Lakota Harden, Native poet, orator and media producer (Minnecoujou/Yankton Lakota and HoChunk). After a beautiful offering of Afrikan libations and ritmo by Sidney Coulten Lakota continued to launch this beautiful day by making space for an inter-tribal prayer both from her Native Turtle Island tradition and from the Azteca Mexihca Danza group Calpulli Coatlicue (of which my son and I are part of) all of which brought our multi-cultures, spirits and ancestors into the room respectfully and in a good way to make this day a spiritual circle of change.


As the melanin challenged daughter of a Afrikan-Taino mama who struggled with so much racism and poverty on her life journey, I was blessed to bring her and other ancestors into the room with prayer with my Danza group, but I stayed the rest of the day because knew I had brought my 9 year olf son to the right circle of young peoples and elders where factory schools were questioned, where dominant, colonizers practices were resisted and where voices of our mamaz and daddys and communities were respected for the knowledge they hold from our many Red, Black and Brown communities.


“I am reminded of Elijah Muhammad who said we grow to accept our own’ most of the time we are divided from one another,” said Minister Keith Muhammad who launched a multi-generational, power-packed panel that lived and breathed real change, facilitated by hip hop activist Jasiri X and included Castlemont High School counselor Abbas, Palestinian Merritt College Student Lubna Morrar, community activist Tim Killings and acrobat/community skolar Jesus El to name a few. Each one bringing hard lessons on how to connect us all as youth and adults, elders and ancestors, Black, Red and Brown.


“BDS- Boycott, Divest and Sanction, the problem is we are so under the capitalist rule that we have lost our own community,” Lubna Morrar, bringing us to the roots of our separate-ness, “we have to Boycott, Divest and Sanction to break free from all this domination.


“I won’t stop until there is justice for my son,,” Jerralyn Blueford, mama of Alan Blueford Jr, murdered by Oakland Police in addition to Wanda Johnson, mother of BART police murder victim Oscar Grant and Cyndi Mitchell, sister of Mario Romero, murdered by Vallejo Police department , all brought their warrior mamas spirits into the room as one of many voices questioning police violence, community violence and the violence of capitalism destroying our Black and Brown young peoples.


“We are not that different, colonialism has separated us,” said Jose Rivera Xicano community historian and Richmond organizer  as part of the Q&A section.


“We need practical steps  for us to become as one, we need to start loving each other,” concluded Abel Muhammad All of the words spoken this day were deep, bringing consciousness, knowledge and healing for our collective, decolonizing souls bringing us to the understanding beyond what we are taught in corporate wite-supermacist media and institutions, that we are all one, and as one we must heal our Red, Black and Brown bodies and souls so we can raise our Red, Black and Brown children in a good way.


CLick here to connect with the Oscar Grant Foundation 


Black Poets Night/Black Poets of Change (Listen to Yahcanon the Poetical Preacher's poem, BLACK GOLD)

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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I started Black Poets of Change in 2012, as a result of putting together a creative way to do my Documentary-The 16th Strike. Poetry is, and has always been a way to express our innermost feelings. It is poetry that starts the beginning of a music passion. This is why it was so important to have poetry as a part of The 16th Strike documentary. When trying to figure out a title, a young lady by the name of Nikala Asante’s poem titled- The 16th Strike would not leave my mind. I eventually got her permission to use her title. (Breaking news I'll be in the SF Bay Area in Black August 2013 to show the documentary.  Stay tune for more details)

Every time we hold a Black Poets Night event, we keep it clean, and only speak of those things that can encourage our communities. Poetry is a language of the heart. And I am happy that this featured poet- “Yahcanon the Poetical Preacher,” is also in the documentary. He is a strong representation of what we do at each Black Poets Night. Check out my website for the next  for our next one at or our facebook page .


By T.Alika Hickman



Krip-Hop Nation @ University of Washington May 10th & 11th 2013

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The ASUW Student Disability Commission and the D Center at the University of Washington presents "Broken Bodies, Brainwash Ph.Ds. PBP: Police Brutality Profiling".

The event is FREE and open to the community. No identification of any kind is needed to attend.

This workshop will focus on how we learn about police brutality against people with disabilities from the streets to organizations to the media to higher education and what it looks like from these avenues and who is speaking and who is not speaking. Activist and recent graduate student Gioioa von Disterlo and disabled activist/cultural worker, Leroy Moore team up to present their work on the issue of police brutality against people with disabilities and how we learn about it in and outside of academic walls, in the community and in non-profit organizations. They will be looking through these multi lenses to get back to the individual and the perception of disability in our community all the way up to higher education including media and in non-profit industrial complex. The workshop will be a mixture of multi-media, critical thinking, poetry, song and exercises.

Friday May 10th from 5:00 to 7:30.
Location: The Ethnic Cultural Center, the Black room (located at 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE across the street from the pink building)


The Ethnic Cultural center is located at 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, on Brooklyn Ave NE and NE 40th St.

The front entrance is ADA wheelchair accessible and is located on Brooklyn AVE NE and NE 40th Street. The event space is located on the second floor, which can be accessed by chair accessible elevators located on the left side, near the entrance lobby area.

The event will be American Sign Language interpreted.

There are three bathrooms near the event space, one of which is a non-gendered single lock stall with a changing station. Both of the gendered bathrooms also have chair accessible stalls and changing stations.

There will be no soft seating in the event space itself.

The space itself has natural lighting and uses non-fluorescent lights.

Photos will be taken at the event by a community member, no flash will be used.

Contact if you are interested in Skyping into the event or have questions and/or concerns about any part of this event.

The ASUW Student Disability Commission and the D Center at the University of Washington present "Krip-Hop Nation/5th Battalion Presents Police Brutality Profiling, Krip Kultural Activism Through Hip-Hop/Spoken Word"

Leroy F. Moore Founder of Krip-Hop Nation & DJ Quad, Founder of 5th Battalion will not only perform their political, personal and powerful songs/poems but will also talk about their CD on police Brutality Profiling Mixtape, that came out last year, what is Krip-Hop Nation, 5th Battalion, why they see their cultural activism on a local and international level and how their work and art goes in the face of mainstream even left liberal media, music industry and yes some times in our communities of color. The performance will be a mixture of multi media with audio, PowerPoint, Skype presentation with live performances.

Saturday May 11th from 3:00 to 5:30.
Location TBD


We are asking people to refrain from wearing fragrances or essential oils the day of the event. We ask that everyone do this so that folks with MCS and chemical injury are able to attend the event. Smokers should wash their hands and mouths with baking soda before the event. We will provide baking soda and scent free soap on site.

Folks who arrive heavily scented and cannot wash off the scent with baking soda will be asked to leave.

To learn more about MCS and being fragrance free check out the following resources:

The event will be American Sign Language interpreted.

More accessibility information to follow, after venue has been determined.


Una invasion silenciosa / A silent invasion

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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[English follows below]

El problema de la vivienda

El apartamento donde vivo me gusta porque es barato, pero está ubicado en primer nivel y escucho el drenaje de los vecinos de arriba, el suitch del vano, cuando toman la ducha y además cuando mis vecinos hacen el amor con el ritmo del rik rik de su colchon. Pero todo estos ruidos e incomodidades son ahora parte del medio ambiente.

Según los especialistas  la renta de los apartamentos  y cuartos aumenta de precio en el area de San Francisco debido a su proximidad al VALLE DEL CILICON. La demanda de personas y familias que necesitan donde vivir está aumentando. Tambien por ser una area con visitas continúas de turistas de diferentes países la está convirtiendo en una ciudad destina para el turismo, lo que hace que inversionistas de negocios tengan interés en investir en San Francisco y este tambien está afectando el incremento de los precios de otras areas de la Bahía.

La renta de San Francisco esta entre las mas caras de Los Estados Unidos despues de New York.

Los duenos de casa o apartmentos agravan la situación, sintiéndose como pequenos reyes y su reino es el lugar que rentan  y presionan a las personas que viven o comparten la casa con ellos.  Menciono esto porque los trabajadores inmigrantes por su vaja escolaridad tienen un salario muy pequeno con grandes jornadas de trabajo, especialmente las personas que trabajan en restaurantes, esto los no les permite rentar un apartamento pues el dinero no alcanza por lo que se ven en la necesidad de rentar un cuarto en la casa de alguna familia y compartir areas comunes como sanitario y cocina.

Los duenos de la casa imponen su ley no la razon y  las reglas de buena convivencia y respeto, la idea es si yo soy dueno de esta casa yo mando aqui y ordeno lo que quiera y al que no le guste que se baya a otro lado.

Ademas se dan el lujo de poner caras de piedra y gobernar la casa como los presidentes dictadores y militares de Centroamérica.

La renta cada vez es mas cara empuja a vivir en lugares alejados de los centros de trabajo, Esto hace la vida mas dificil y como dice mi abuela, lo que no se va en lagrimas se va en suspiros. Esto es debido que en un lugar barato se debe soportar muchas incomodidades y estupideces del pequeno rey o dictador. Además se gasta mas en gasolina o en gastos de trasporte por bus y lo que no gastas renta lo gastas en tiempo.

Esto tambies es parte del aburguesamiento que es una invasión silenciosa y sin valas en donde el que tiene dinero toma poseción de mejores lugares comerciales con vocación de negocios.

Aburguesamiento incrementa la renta y tambien la comida en una carrera donde el se saca del camino a la gene poco dinero y vajos ingresos econonomicos, al pobres se le hace mas pobre y al rico mas rico

Esta guerra económica se hace cada momento mas grande como  un monstruo. Y considero que el tiene dinero puede vivir donde quiera y el pobre donde pueda, o salvese el que pueda.

The problem with housing

I like the apartment where I currently live because is affordable, but it is located on the first floor so I can hear the drainage from my neighbors upstairs.   I can hear the lever of the bath and I can hear when they take a bath.  I can also hear the sounds/noise of their mattress when they make love.  But all of this sounds, inconveniences, and way of living are part of the environment. 

According to experts, rent fees/prices of apartments and rooms in San Francisco continue to increase due to the area's proximity to Silicon Valley, while the demand of people that need housing continues to increase. There is also the fact that the area has a constant flow of tourists. The tourists are constantly coming to visit from all over the world and that makes this area a tourist destination. This in turn increases the interest of business investors in the area and this increases the prices of housing in the bay area. 

Rent prices in San Francisco are the most expensive in the United States, only after New York

The house or apartment owners make the situation worse. They feel like kings of kingdoms and act as though the space they are renting is their kingdom and behave like kings. Just like kings, they like to pressure/oppress the people that are in need of housing or in need of a place to live.  And I bring this up because migrant workers who have low wage paying jobs due to their low levels of education have intense physical labor jobs and are not able to afford to rent their own apartment, especially folks that work at restaurants. Since they are paid so little money, they have no options but to rent a room in a family house and share the bathroom and kitchen.

The owners of the house impose their own law and not reason, the rules for sharing, living together, and respect. The purpose is to let folks know that they are the owners and as such, they rule.  They can impose whatever they want and if folks don’t like it they can leave. 

In addition, they have the luxury to put their hard faces and govern the house like the dictators and the military in Central America. 

The rent prices continue to increase and push people to live in areas far from job placement centers and from central locations.  This makes life more difficult.  On the one hand, if someone lives in an affordable housing situation, it comes with many inconveniences and stupidity, In particular from the king or dictator.  On the other hand, if one lives in a cheaper and/or more affordable place one has to spend money in gas or expenses for public transportation.  Whatever one saves in rent is spent in with time.

This is also in part of gentrification, which is a silent invasion with out bullets, in which whoever has money can afford to take possession of the   best commercial places/spaces with business potential/vocation.

Gentrification increases rent and food prices.  In a race in which the most unfortunate are taken out of the way.  The poor continue to get poorer and the rich continue to get richer.

This economic war continues to grow every moment, just like a big monster.  I think that people that have money can live wherever they want and the poor live where they can or one has to save themselves as they can/or survive as best as one can.


South African Poet, Mak Manaka, Speaks Politically & Poetically

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Krip-Hop Nation (KHN) color:black"> I’ve been trying  to get to you for years.  Lets start your family’s political and artistic roots in South Africa and your poetic roots. And also tell us/me your full name.


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">My full name is Maakomele, its Pedi and it means ‘to represent’. I come from a family of artists; my late father was a playwright, poet and a painter. And my mother is a dancer, actress and choreographer. My political roots stem from home, because my father was and still is a major influence on younger brother and me. My parents were activists during apartheid, they fought racism through art, and believed “art for social transformation”, and that is where I was born. 


KHN:  I’m really interested in the birth of poetry after Apartheid years.  Can you tell us a short history of the explosion of spoken word after Apartheid?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Coming from a very terrible past, black people’s art reflected the shame, the pain and the pride they were exposed to on a day-to-day basis. So, because of racism in South Africa, like in the US, there were a lot of divisions in our societies propelled by white agents to make us fight against each other. During that time, poetry was one of the mediums that could make sense of everything to our people. Poetry is the articulation of the human condition, it articulates our deepest fears, our deepest secrets and it also shows the gap in our humanity. There was a different style of doing poetry during the 70’s and the 80’s, and in the 90’s that style was fading because of the emergence of hip-hop, and in the 21st century, our style of poetry really changed to the new age wave of a hip-hop delivery, like ‘Slam’. Though, what remains more important apart from the styles is the content, and the South African content has always been that of recognition, mental freedom, politics, racism and tribalism. 


KHN:  Online there are so many stories about how your disability.  Can you give us this history?

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">On the 31st of October 1995, a wall collapsed on my friends and I. I was only 12 years old. There were six of us and one passed away, I almost kicked the bucket but it was not yet time for me to ‘Voda Go’. It took an idiot doctor to fire up my mother to defy science, when she told her that, ’I will never walk again’, and how wrong he was. So, I spent 6 to 7 months in hospital, and two years as a wheelchair user, and when I went to these two physiotherapist dudes, everything changed. The first time I saw them, without even taking me through the ‘bring me your medical records’ routine crap, they just said, ‘ok my boy, tomorrow come with a pair of crutches’, ever since I’ve never looked back.


KHN:  Your CD, Word Sound Power, is very political and shows your love of your country.  Where did you get your political views and have you been involved in activism around issues you talk about in your poems?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> I believe in art for social transformation, and like I said earlier, my family is my major influence. The workshops I hold in and around the townships are not only about poetry rather instilling self belief through art, creating a reading, a self loving and self pride in young people. I was born to tell people when and where the fire will be on the mountain, and I do that everyday, to me that is activism.

KHN:  bold">Here in the US Hip-Hop honor, appreciated and build on the styles from poets like Gil Scott-Heron, The Last Poets and more was it the same in South Africa?  And give me your thoughts on South African activist poet, Mzwakhe "Times New Roman";color:black;font-weight:normal;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Mbuli.


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Well, to be honest, my thoughts are limited on Mzwakhe Mbuli, but I can tell about South African poets that he draws his inspiration from and I hope you too can look them up, here is a few to mention, Oscar Mtshali, Mafika Gwala, Matsemela Manaka, Bessie Head, Inguapele Mdingoane and the great, Don Mattera. These are a few voices that have articulated our pains and hopes to the world.


KHN:  I read online that your father could not deal with your disability.  Tell us more and has it changed lately?

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> My father passed away, before him and I could really sit down and seriously deal with disability. I was 15 when he went to the glory, before I could be a man. So, in spirit, I believe it have changed.


KHN:  I also read that you are doing a play about your father’s art and activism, please explain.

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Some people can really take things out of context, I am not yet ready or strong enough to do one of my father’s play. But, what I was saying was, that his plays influence my thinking and have an impact in my writing.


KHN:  You have poems about your love for African women please explain.


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Afrikan woman, just the mention of that, makes me go crazy, because it doesn’t get realer than that.


KHN:  Have you worked with other poets with disabilities and what are you doing know to help other disabled poets in South Africa?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> not yet, but I have done shows for disability programs. To me its not about disability, its about who you are as a person. And this I put in my poems, if I can do it, then anyone can do it.



KHN:  What are your thoughts about mainstream media in South Africa?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> media is media, they show the good and the bad. There is no difference between our media and your media, the only slight difference is that, ours is not saturated as yet like your like yours, but its going there.


KHN:  I also read that you perform with "Times New Roman";color:black">Benjamin Zephaniah who is also a Black disabled activist poet in the UK.  Tell us about that experience.

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black"> 

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> The last time I was with Benjamin, I was only about 16 years or 15 years old, he didn’t have a disability. May be it was in his head, because the brother produces some really great works and make seem like mere mortals. Though it was a great experience to work with such a mind.


KHN:  What is in your future?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Art love supreme is the future, seen? Art love supreme is the future….


KHN:  What are your experiences in poetry scene outside of South Africa and what is the scene today in open mic/poetry scene in South Africa today?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> the scene changes all the time, but as a legend of the open-mic, I will tell you this, there is a lot raw talent out in these streets. I am one of the few that can call poetry a career, and because of that, it has taken me to places I couldn’t have imagined as a young cat chilling with my boys in Soweto. People seem to love what I do, not only at home but also abroad, so there must be something I am doing right, and the poetry spirit is positive!!!


KHN:  Give us a poem you write about your disability.


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka:


color:black">it’s a poem from my second anthology, “In Time”

color:black">When I walk…


color:black">The sun will scotch the earth

color:black">Unwanted infants will cry before birth

color:black">Believers in humanity

color:black">Will live after death

color:black">And taste their spiritual wealth.

color:black">When feelings on my toes

color:black">Can tell the difference

color:black">Between solid grounds and carpets

color:black">The moon will commit adultery

color:black">With the beautiful evening star

color:black">And father my daughter.

color:black">On that day

color:black">Rain will pour heavily

color:black">Yet children will play

color:black">And those who are unable to speak

color:black">Will have a say


color:black">When I walk

color:black">The deaf will talk

color:black">The blind will stare

color:black">And hope to live another day and share

color:black">The images they saw the past year.

color:black">Hatred will seize

color:black">Violence will be an illusive breeze

color:black">And all this abuse will have to freeze,


color:black">Coz respect for one’s self

color:black">Must manifest even towards the elderly


color:black">Without my two boys

color:black">I wonder if I will still make noise

color:black">When life’s liquid begins to ooze

color:black">A fresh breath of air through my bones

color:black">There will be an end

color:black">To bloodshed.


color:black">The world has seen and will continue to see

color:black">A million me’s

color:black">Planting nations

color:black">As strong as Samson’s DNA

color:black">Coz when I walk

color:black">Unborn prophets will listen

color:black">To poets spit lines to the sun

color:black">Even after dawn


color:black">Babies will speak before they teeth

color:black">This is not deep

color:black">But understand before YOU believe

color:black">That when I walk

color:black">My mother’s eyes will spark

color:black">In the dark

color:black">And give life to feelings

color:black">Murdered by the past

color:black">So until that day comes

color:black">Let’s hold on to our dreams



KHN:  I read online about your views of South African government and their lack of action toward the rights of people with disabilities.  Please explain and tell us has things change today?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> Well, you know what, disability is something that people don’t really want to talk about, and because of that, brush it under the carpet by increasing grants every year, I for one, refuse to take that grant even when times can really be tough, but I refuse take it because it feels like the government is saying, ‘take the money and shut up’, especially when you starting talking about accessibility. So, politics are there and they stink, the only time I am really honest and articulate is when I am on stage performing because through me, may be they will change certain things. I mean, I voice out certain issues regarding the government and their treatment of disability on big badass shows and on their show when they invite me to come perform but disability is one of the problems that need to be fixed in South Africa.


KHN:  Krip-Hop Nation is working with gospel choir, Zululand in South Africa to do a song got Krip-Hop and working to get us there for a conference/concert.  We would love to have you in our crew.  What do you think?


mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> To tell you the truth I would love to though poetry is my career, my bread and butter, so I don’t want to say yes lets do it and then it turns out that I have to leave the country or I have a show somewhere els, but yo, you got my mail, lets work it out.

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">KHN:  color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">How can we stay in contact with you and your work?

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> I am on Facebook, my name is easy to remember and pronounce, Mak Manaka, its like saying Coca-Cola.

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">KHN: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">  Any last words:

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">Mak Manaka: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold"> ART LOVE SUPREME!!!!!

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:black">KHN: "Times New Roman";color:black;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">  THANKS SO MUCH AND PLEASE STAY IN CONTACT!


A Blue Butterfly

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A blue butterfly had alit upon the hallowed ground, its wings moving up and down as if a tiny engine idled within. It was unusual to see one in that part of San Francisco during the winter, and her friend remarked on it. Pausing in the task of stuffing lunch bags, the Mom turned to appreciate the beauty of her tiny visitor. Abruptly her eyes welled up with tears as a familiar scent entered her nostrils, her lips trembled as she felt the presence of a beloved taken from her.

He strolls thru a lush field, exchanging pleasantries with those who had been there before, or who would be there at some point in the future. A musical mosaic of human history lies within each passing soul, and he draws it from them, blending ancestral memory into a melody, trapping the harmonics coursing through the astral plane and casting a symphony back to those voyagers sharing this realm of existence. It is his gift, music, increased to an infinite level.


He uses this gift when visiting, weaving a concerto into her dreams, hoping to pass his message but with little success. She still suffers. Contemplating a gentle breeze ruffling a patch of wildflowers, he harkened back to his childhood, and thought to pass the beauty.


Its sensitive wings detect vibrations which register as sound. A familiar voice. Her voice! The colors were overwhelming, an entire spectrum invisible to the human eye. He saw her as no mortal was capable of seeing her.

Nerve endings in its legs transmit emotional residue of his final moments to the brain he temporarily shares. A flash of psychic pain, tempered by her voice and proximity. Tiny antennae detects her familiar scent, it brings him security still, as it did when he was a baby. There is another scent, that of tears. Colors of love enfold him, and the tiny wings relay soft sounds. She is praying.


The Mom studied the butterfly tattoo. She had taught him how to ride a bike. He’d ride around the block, passing the house with that big grin, waving to let her know he was ok. Soon the block wasn’t big enough and he rode across town with the other boys. It was part of the journey, part of growing up. She had understood the message. The tattoo would always be there to remind her of this new stage of his journey. He was telling her he was ok. She would be too.


The friend noticed the blue butterfly first, seeing it alight upon the hallowed ground. Catching the Mom’s eye, she inclined her head towards it. The Mom finished filling the lunch bag and placed it with the others, smiling warmly. She gazed with love, and longing. The Mom knew it would be the butterfly’s final visitShe whispered her son’s name.


El Abuso De los Soldados en la Guerra

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Miedo para la mujer y tristesa porque no hay ayuda.

Cuando  las niñas son violadas  la gente piensa que todas deven estar calladas y no decir nada.   Pero, como nina y como persona  que uno es  algo en la cabeza te dice  que   no  creas.

Ya es tiempo que la violencia contra  la mujer se termine.

La mujer no es una criminal por ser violadaAlcontrario, el criminal es la persona que abusa de una mujer.  La persona que abusa es peor que un animal pues ni los animal que no rasonan  hacen eso.


Atraves de su libro pues hoy dia hay muchas mujeres que an sido y estan siendo abusadas y estan calladas ya es tiempo que la vos de las mujeres suene por los aires y que real mente son poderosas y el abuso no es solo fisico verbal tambien tiene que parar.

Pues la verguena es algo como una bolsa que te ensierra pues como nadie abla de eso abeses pensamos que es algo normal.

Pero no es normal al contrario es un crimen que el que viola puede ir a la carsel pero en Africa las mujeres no saben que esto es un crimen.

Pero los soldabos   se aprobharon de las mujeres incluso niñas asta de 8 años para violarlas y aser con ellas lo que querian hacer  como es el caso de esta mujer que a sus apenas 8 años fue violada por los soldados y como todo esto paso durante la gerra nadie decia nada  pero esstas expiriensas se quedaron en la memoria de ella y ademas hay niños que ya no estanque fueron muertos  de dolor o de desesperacion.

Como podemos evitar esro quisas educano a los hombres que respeten a la mujer pues  la violacion ala mujer no solo paso en la gerra en Africa.

Tambien sige pasando hoy dia y como podemos evitar que nuestros niños y adolesentes se quiten la vida.  Como paso con la jovensita que fue violada por 3 personas en una fiesta.

Se quito la vida ahorcandose cuando vio el acto de la violacion en una pajina del facebook.

Nosotros los padres o como adultos devemos de ablar con nuestros hijos y tambien ebitar que ballan a fiestas donde hay alcool o drogasPues esto construye a la maldad es major enseñarles que las drogas y el alcool no sirbe para nuestra salud. Al contrario destruye nuestas vidas tenemos que estar alertas con nuestros hijos ablar con ellos y enseñarles que  Dios es el que nos cuida y tenerlo mas en nuestras vida no importa de que relijion eres

Lo que importa es que hay un solo mediador entre los hombres y que hay un solo DiosEncomienda en el tus hijos porque como padres no podemos ver que hacen nuestros  hijos donde no los vemosPero sit u horas  o resas o simplemente encomiendas tus hijos en las manos de Dios el los va a protejer telo aseguro.


The Abuse of The Soldiers in the War

Conflict for Women are sad because there is no help.

For girls who have been raped because people think that they must all be quiet about such things because telling of such things is looked as being disobedient. 

It is time that this violence against women stops.

Reason being because women should not be looked at as a criminal for being raped. Instead why not look at the man who abuses a woman. The men who abuse are worse than an animal. 

I have found  a powerful voice that talks about this in this book, which is important at a time where many women today have been and are being abused. It is time women to have a voice and stop not just physical abuse but also stop verbal abuse.

It is not normal for abuse to be a crime and go to jail. In a country located on the continent of Africa though women do not know that this is a crime. There soldiers take women even girls as young as eight years old for rape. How can we stop this? Perhaps by educating men to respect women since rape happens everywhere. How we can prevent our children To take their lives such as the case of the young teenage girl who was raped by three people at a party. She took her life by hanging herself when she saw what had happened to her on a facebook page.

We as parents or as adults must talk with our children and also about these parties where drugs an alcohol rears its evil head. It is best to teach them that drugs and alcohol isn’t good for our health but destroys our lives. We must be vigilant with our children and teach them to realize that God is watching over us Or whichever religion you are, someone is watching over you to protect you.

what matters is that there is one mediator between man and God there is one parcel at your children Praying with your children will help them be protected by the hands of God.


Keystone Pipeline of Greed

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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At the end of the protest of the Keystone XL Pipeline, I’m seeing my comrades willing to get arrested by blocking the entrance into the Justice Department office at 1 Market Plaza. That’s about 25 feet from the building where the corporate citizenship concept was created.


The XL Pipeline will start at Alberta, Canada through indigenous territories down into the US through every indigenous sacred site they could ruin. It ends in a poverty-stricken area in Texas, where the oil transported by the pipeline will be created for third world countries that’s too polluted for the US or Canada to use. The oil is so thick that they need to use steam to push the oil through the pipeline, where the oil is then sent to a cracking tower that takes the tar soil sands, and heats it up to a high temperature. The oil will be constantly steamed and will poison the area from the cracking facility. The cracking towers are about 200-300 feet tall.


The protest was on Hawthorn St in SF. The nearby condos, which were vacant for years, are now being filled with by a phone company building that I will write about in a future story.  The EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) government building’s entrance is blocked by signs with the usual environmental slogans. The indigenous negotiators came out as well as one member of the EPA. The EPA negotiator said absolutely nothing of value for five minutes. He mainly gave a “thank you very much, we’re doing the best we can” empty speech. Then more local spokesmen came out; some of them from the Bayview where they’re shoving people of color and low-income people to. This poverty scholar knows of at least one nuclear dump that they’re placing the people on in Bayview. Then another spokesman talked about Richmond, CA where the standard oil refinery is, better known as Chevron. It’s been polluting the area for the past 40 years. They use local students to clean up the mess, not only hurting and harming the people, they are hurting and harming the students by giving them brain damage by cleaning up the mess and not hiring a professional clean up crew, said the spokesman. Then they discussed the expansion in Arizona of the largest nuclear waste facility on the west side of the US, where they will expand it onto an indigenous reservation. The backdrop for the speakers was a painting of the earth with the background of Turtle Island, the Americas, and a blue background that has “Green Earth” written across it.


We marched down Hawthorn St to Howard St up 2nd to Market to Front St past the standard oil headquarters, that a new villain had come in, AKA US Bank, that holds a lot of people’s foreclosed property.  Past the Federal Reserve at the 1 Market Plaza, groups of people stood behind the entrances of the plaza, facing the street and someone spoke out. As I said before, the building is next to the old southern pacific station, where the term “corporate citizen” was formed with a lawsuit, which makes a corporation a citizen, with higher rights than an actual human being. The corporate companies will take this to a higher level known as the NAFTA Commission. In California, when we took lead out of Lake Tahoe, the state of California lost a 2 billion dollar lawsuit against an oil company because of that. This is only phase 1.


Your reporter, Bruce Allison. Thank you for reading my piece.


PNN-TV: Un Sobreviviente del dictador Ríos Montt habla en la sala comunitaria/Survivor of Rios Montt Speaks @ Community Newsroom

09/24/2021 - 08:54 by Anonymous (not verified)
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PNN-TV: sobreviviente del dictador habla con comunidad en la Sala Comunitaria de Prensa POBRE/ A survivor of the Rios Montt Dictatorship speaks with the community in Community Newsrrom


To read more on the Crimes of Dictator Rios Montt click here
