Black Poets Night/Black Poets of Change (Listen to Yahcanon the Poetical Preacher's poem, BLACK GOLD)

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I started Black Poets of Change in 2012, as a result of putting together a creative way to do my Documentary-The 16th Strike. Poetry is, and has always been a way to express our innermost feelings. It is poetry that starts the beginning of a music passion. This is why it was so important to have poetry as a part of The 16th Strike documentary. When trying to figure out a title, a young lady by the name of Nikala Asante’s poem titled- The 16th Strike would not leave my mind. I eventually got her permission to use her title. (Breaking news I'll be in the SF Bay Area in Black August 2013 to show the documentary.  Stay tune for more details)

Every time we hold a Black Poets Night event, we keep it clean, and only speak of those things that can encourage our communities. Poetry is a language of the heart. And I am happy that this featured poet- “Yahcanon the Poetical Preacher,” is also in the documentary. He is a strong representation of what we do at each Black Poets Night. Check out my website for the next  for our next one at or our facebook page .


By T.Alika Hickman

