Story Archives 2008

The Hooters Affair

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Ok,folks it took time.

Getting back to writing.

But my second day was very
embarrassing to say the least.

by Joseph Bolden

To all the reader folks if I have any left pre or post ATA especially after what happened that day! I say my public appologies to anyone who is offened by this.

The Hooter’s Affair
Our 3 day trip to the 1st U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta is cut short by a day because our two designated drivers, Ms. Yaya and Anulfo were so efficient in that skill.

Though we all slept some do better than others.

Humid,hot,I and our Poor Magazine contingent quickly signed up before going to our temporary living quarters.

Day 2 is blurred with an early protest/march planned with heartfelt speeches of many people.

I’m tired,feel slow, groggy, and dazed.

Don’t know where the march began,do know to keep hydrated constantly drinking water so my brain won’t boil over or so I’ve been told.

In this long sketchy march is Tiny,Vivian,Hain, Jewnbug,Ryata,and myself.

As humid heat drench us in our own sweat I’m breathing shallow.

Mercifully,as we near the end of the march Jewnbug steps ahead of me.

In front of her is a public fountain.

Like everyone else she splashed her face looks like a pixie at play among mortals ["She would be wearing a bra"] my reptile brain said as I too dunk head,face in the warm pool loving the wet relief the fountain gives me.

Trudging back I hear a voice call "Joe,joe." Its Vivian’s.

Feeling exhausted from the march and hungry I look up, saw in huge orange letters ‘HOOTERS’

Simultaneously, there are three women calling me beckoning to enter.

I’m thirsty,hungry,the two Nubian beauties outside call decided my next stupid move… to enter Hooter’s.

The women,gorgeous but at the moment it is all about the food.

Somehow,after going to the restroom,ordering food, I’d forgotten all about the march, my buddies,find I’m lost in an Atlanta Hooter’s establishment!

I find a phone,call, relay my predicament,hear raucous laughter,think Jewnbug says "You betrayed the revolution for Tits and Ass!"

I’m picked up by Anulfo grinning "Lost huh,Joe." Later,what Jewnbug really said was "It’s a pity, Joe sold out the revolution for Ass and Tittie."

At least day 2 in Atlanta,G. is a great day!

I wasn’t feelling tired anymore.


Putting Raw Onion Juice on the Whip.....

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The state of Virginia is voting on whether or not to "officially apologize" for slavery, a race and poverty scholar responds.

by Queenanndi/POOR Press

You want to apologize for slavery?

Why don't you just put raw onion juice on the whip and hit me again?

What a slap in the face to the afrikan!

Other nations that were victims of amerikkkan atrocities got reparations, regardless of those tragic events happening on amerikkkan soil, or not. What's due to the poor slave and his/her descendants, whom for centuries by force shedded blood, sweat and tears. Families were sacrificed, names, language culture, manhood, womanhood- lives were lost, just to primarily profit the Europeans and their descendants.

So what's in it for the afrikan slave? An apology? Try again!!! The damage has been done and recycled, upgrading to a terrible level that resulted in my people being psychologically murdered, full of self-hatred, but yet still willing to kill one another to protect massa's plantations (ghettos, sets), or to protect massa himself.

After hundreds of years of intentionally destroying a people and their land, you apologize? You want us to forget-just like that? Your apology to me is like a rapist violating his victim, apologizing to her, then returns to violate her again! Plain insane!

Even if you apologize today, a descendant of a slave is still going to die tomorrow, due to amerikkkanization, and the Willie Lynch Syndrome? , just to name a few ailments my people suffer from.

If you are truly sorry for the inhumane, brutal conditioning that was inflicted upon blacks (especially), then why are you (the powers that be for now) repeating this psychotic, bloodthirsty behavior? Why are nooses being tied to trees as constant reminders to slave descendants? Why are the perpetrators left unpunished and powerful? Why the offspring of slaves are still being railroaded, framed, and blamed in the kourt systems? Why such vicious attacks on all peoples of color around the globe? You even sacrifice your own children if they dare challenge your sickly plans of world domination and war.

So as for your Apology?? Not accepted.

But cash, checks, money orders, lumber, land, liberation, equality- write it out to:

Descendants of Stolen People?

P.O Box R.E.P.A.R.A.T.I.O.N.S

To all people of color, misplaced and scattered in the lands-777

That WILL be accepted!

Queenandi is the author of the recently published POOR press book, Life, Struggle and Reflection . She will be reading at Modern Times Book store on September 5 @ 7:00 p.m.


I-Scream Against Prison Expansion

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Community members gather at an old time ice cream social to demand no more prison expansion

by Sam Drew/PNN

The last time I was at cozy Mosswood Park nestled comfortably in the North Oakland flatlands, I watched with awe playground basketball legend Hook Mitchell dunk a basketball over a parked VW beatle- with room to spare. Wandering around the park this peaceful Sunday afternoon in August, I wasn't here to watch basketball, but rather to report and sup-port for POOR Magazine on CURB's (Californians United for a Responsible Budget).

The event- aptly named I scream against prison expansion- was an ice cream social shouting out against the largest prison expansion in history. As usual, I arrived a little early. I quickly walked over to the basketball courts hoping to catch a glimpse of some hoops before listening to the voices that were screaming, "increase the peace and stop the violence." Amazingly, the basketball courts were all empty on this heavenly Sunday afternoon.

So I dejectedly loafed over to the baseball diamond, where a group of young gents were attempting to play softball. I was greeted with a wary hello as the batboy eyed me with concern. Soon a heavy set woman dashed over near me to gather her precious items thinking they would vanish into the Oaktown haze. I noticed then and there that the fear of something of personal value being stolen had become paramount in this community and so many others.

However, a real, much bigger theft- one of the greatest in history- is going on under all of our collective noses- this theft was the one I was here to learn about today. This spring the California State Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger passed bill AB900 a 7.8 billion dollar program to build 53,000 new prison and jail cells without public input. This massive buildup will be the largest prison building project in history.

California is facing multi-billion dollar budget deficits. The more money we put into our $9.9 billion prison budget the less we have to spend on health care, education, social services and community programs.

Master of Ceremonies Micia Mosely bounced out to greet the crowd, smiling as she got straight to the point of the event saying, "We are here to make sure we shut the prisons down, when prisons expand there are cuts in education, young people need schools to give them alternatives." She then invited everyone to partake in music, spoken word, ice cream and cake too. "This is a celebration and education" she beamed.

Suddenly, a group of performers from COV Records inhabited the stage. COV Records, a part of Art in Action, is a group that shows what positive things youths can do for the community if there're shown love. The artists began to energetically jump around as they rapped, "I'll be damned if I'll lose my life to violence." As they continued to patrol the stage they reminded us that last year alone in Oakland there were148 homicides. “We need to silence the violence,� they yelled.

As the audience basked in the sublime slice of conscious rap, the names of the youthful performers were announced to the crowd, who answered with rounds of appreciative applause. .. “Queen Deelah, The Faculty, Trinidad, Little-O, D-Knock, Lucian and D.J. GeoD.� As the young troupe left the stage, M.C. Mosley said, “We want to educate not incarcerate.�

California houses more inmates than France, Great Britain, Germany and Japan combined The main beneficiaries from the prison industrial complex buildup are those who provide services to the prisons; those who build the prison facilities and supply the prison guards to watch the inmates.

Nat Smith(Critical Resistance) and Serena Huang(CURB) came to the stage to talk about how AB900 effects them personally. Smith somberly stated, “Thinking about my Uncle Kelly, I can’t even remember what he looks like because he’s locked up… I’m thinking about 53,000 more beds. That’s 53,000 more faces people won’t be able to see.�

Huang spoke about what it’s going to take to stop AB900 “They met behind closed doors and decided to build 53,000 beds. We need to mobilize to stop this,� Huang continued, “We need to realize this effects all of us. These beds are being built for us.�

Six out of ten people in prison or jail are African- American or Latino. Out of every five people sent to prison in the United States, one is sentenced in California.

Spoken word artists Biko and Omar Sandoval (Youth Against Youth Incarceration) slung words to expand minds and win hearts. Biko posed the question, “If 66% of students don’t graduate why are we shutting the schools down?� While Sandoval took dead aim at the embedded mainstream media as he spat, “The media is a tool to hypnotize.�

CURB isn’t just about educating and mobilizing the public against AB900, but is also about creating solutions and has produced a position paper to dramatically reduce the prison population, called 50 Ways to Reduce the Number of People in Prison in California The book shares substantive ways to heal our state and return our stolen property .

Ms. Major from TIP(Trans/Gender Variant In Prison Committee) articulated how the prison industrial complex continues to rob us blind, “Transgenders are people who suffer in this system too… On Monday in front of the San Francisco Courthouse we will have a silent protest for a transgender prisoner that was killed in prison.�

MC Eddie Zhenz (Asian Prisoner Support Network) strolled to the microphone and breathed a long sigh of relief as he strongly declared, “I just spent 21 years in prison. We need money for education. Let’s shut this prison industrial complex down.�

The California Youth Authority spends $220,000 per child per year to keep each in incarceration. Over 40% of prisoners are incarcerated for non-violent offenses. 200,000 young people are doing time in adult prisons.

As the ice cream social came to a close MC Mosley reminded everyone to visit the various tables set-up too inform us about what we could do to help shut down AB900.

“Be sure to write State Senator Don Perata and tell someone else what went on here today.. De-colonize your minds,� exclaimed Mosley.

I wandered past the basketball courts again. This time the courts were packed full of agile hoopsters sweating and straining for playground glory. Ensconced on a bench was a greyheaded OG wearing a basketball uniform that hadn’t felt sweat in years. He was screaming advice to any player willing to listen, “Always keep your eye on the ball…Stop all that dribbling and pass the ball to the open man.�

It seemed no one was heeding his sage advice until one baller snapped off a crisp bounce pass that lead directly to an acrobatic lay-up. Just shows you what great things youths can do when they are given good guidance, love and resources.


The Corporate Trash Scandal

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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PNN undercover brothas (and sistaz) conduct a Recycling Expose and find out who the real recyclers really are.

by Sam Drew, tiny and Tiburcio/PNN

"Stop making a mess," screamed a worker from the Sunset Scavenger Company truck as the lonely hunched figure leaned over the soiled trashcan quickly transferring cans and bottles into his sturdy cart. The old man's face remained impassive as people barked orders at him. You could tell he was used to being belittled for doing his job picking up recyclables from various trash bins and garbage cans in the area. He quickly finished his task and headed for the next can as we watched him from our hidden spot.

Today POOR Magazine was going undercover to do a story on recycling in the Mission district. With me was POOR Magazine editor Tiny and her observant son Mr. T. We were up at 6a.m. to follow Sunset Scavengers on their routes for our groundbreaking, under cover piece on recycling waste.

"Have you got the camera and the video cam," asks Tiny, as she keeps checking her purse for keys. I think to myself " Yeah, But I don't know how to operate them." This is my first 60 minutes-type undercover article. You know, the hard-hitting journalistic piece where they pop out from behind the wall with tape of the crooked politician taking the bribe money. It might be hard for me to hide considering I'm 6'5" and almost 275 pounds with a large Dr. J afro, but I'm tryin' hard to be invisible.

As we follow the huge trash trucks in our blue Volvo I feel about as undercover as O.J. Simpson at a Bronco dealership. Tiny asks me to try to be inconspicuous as we pass by the loud black and white trucks. As soon as we pass by the truck operator spots me. I guess it's the afro. But we run into our lonely recycler again doing his quiet efficient job at a new site. He doesn't even look up as we peer at him with our honed eyes. His round bearded face stares without emotion as he rapidly separates cans from bottles. Little did we know that this unassuming man would be the main player in the story that was going to unfold this early morning.

"In the month of June the company started to import strike breakers and train them on the trucks. They had them follow the drivers on their routes." said Chuck Mack Secretary-Treasurer of the Brotherhood of Teamsters and Auto Truck Drivers, local No. 70. He was telling to what lengths Waste Management of Alameda had gone in preparation to lock out its 500 workers in the ongoing labor dispute covering Alameda County. Mack was quick to inform me that this is not a strike, "we are locked out the company would not let our members work."

Going into the second week of the lockout trash and garbage is pilling up as poorly trained "replacement workers" miss many locations in poorer areas. The missed trash pickups have become a public health issue that various cities have addressed by taking Waste Management to court.

As I'm surveying the sickly mess, I remember the words that were screamed at the lonely recycler the morning of our secret mission," Stop making a mess" What a mess has been made by Waste Management, who had no real plan to pick up trash after the lockout but seemed more intent on delivering a message to the union. I guess the old man who recycled the cans and bottles so efficiently wasn't such a nuisance after all.

Cities the size of San Francisco and Oakland create so much waste no one can handle it, so why are recyclers like the old man being criminalized for removing unwanted stuff? Why are cities being punished by companies that have beef with unions? Could the solution be to give these street corner recyclers, the ones who are so often looked down upon and publicly harassed, real rights like the ones of the big recycling companies?

My editor, myself and Bruce Allison, a poverty and disability scholar are therefore proposing, the Independent Recyclers as Subcontractors, a revolutionary solution to the harassment of these workers and the cities waste management problems.

Independent Recyclers as Subcontractors

All independent recyclers should hold the same rights as all the major recycling companies. Independent recycling should be decriminalized, recognized and appreciated for the meticulous work it is. POOR's proposal for independent contractors should include not only decriminalization but remuneration and benefits for the independent contractors. This could be accomplished in many different ways. One proposal is if the recyclers were able to obtain vendor cards that would allow them to acquire their recyclable products without being harassed. One option is vendor cards could be made available to them for no charge. These cards do not need to be too complex, just a simple card with their name, address and photo should be sufficient. Two cross streets could be used as a valid address if if the recycler is houseless. The cards should also provide free medical care for the holder.

The minimal cost of this program to the cities who enroll would be offset by the millions of carbon footprints saved from the quality of work standards that would practiced by the independent recyclers as well as the drastic increase in recycled products actually being recycled, and the revenue that would come from that increase.

If a proposal such as this would be implemented, then maybe this whole big mess could be cleaned up once and for all.

Editors Note: The Editors and Scholars of POOR Magazine want to make sure that the community understand that in no way was this expose meant to disrespect or dismiss the very hard-working union workers who work for recylcing and waste management companies and belong to unions. Rather, this proposal and expose was written with the goal of achieving long deserved rights for the
micro-business people who do recyling and are not recognized as workers, but rather criminalized for the work that they do. And that perhaps through this licensing/subcontract proposal could be
an adjunct worker to the union laborer through a cooperative agreement in an increasingly waste conscious, globally warmed world


Las Gallinas De Ingrid La Verdadera Historia! (Ingrids Chickens- The True Story!)

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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by Ingrid/Voces De Inmigrantes en Resistencia

Para espanol, mira abajo

I am from a farm in the country; the countryside of Guatemala to be exact. My family raised chickens, goats and pigs. We grew corn, tomatoes and fruit, so many kinds of fruit. Without our tiny farm our family would not have been able to eat. Now I live in San Francisco in a tiny one bedroom apartment with my brother in law, sister and nephew. We have no land to grow on and no space for animals to graze

I am a seamstress and domestic worker as well as a reporter for POOR Magazine. I am trying to support my three children back home and my newborn baby boy on very little money. This is hard cause the cost of living is so high in San Francisco.

Recently, I had heard from some friends that there was a real farmers market in San Francisco.

One early Saturday morning, my nephew Jorge and I walked from 22nd and Hampshire in the Mission all the way to the Alemany Farmers Market in search of fresh vegetables. The soles of our feet felt as though they were burning as we walked out in the scorching sun. When we finally arrived it was so crowded that we could barely make our way through the market. The heat was getting stronger, but we managed to make it to the truck where they had live chickens for sale.

There were all sorts of animals for sale at this truck such as small chickens, rabbits, ducks as well as doves. We bought two plump chickens with long, soft, tail feathers and about twenty-five pounds of fruits and vegetables. Since we had bought so many things Jorge and I did not want to walk all the way back home. On top of that I also had my son with me in a stroller. My brother in law had told us to buy all the groceries for the week and that he would meet us half way. That is why we didn�t take the bus.

So we just started our trek back home with the hope that my brother in law would be at the half way point to help us the rest of the way home. On our way back home we saw two bicyclists riding down Potrero Ave. At that point I turned to my nephew and said �that must be your father� and he responded �Thank God! My arms are killing me.�

As the bicyclists got closer we realized that neither one was my bother in law. So, we kept on walking until we got back home. Upon arriving Jorge asked me for a glass of water, the trip had taken quite a toll on him. Without thinking I left the newly bought chickens in the kitchen, on the white and brown linoleum tile floor, to grab my nephew a glass of water. By now the chickens were drenched in sweat because of the heat. Their feathers stuck closely to their bodies making them appear thin.

At that moment my friend, Tiny walked in with her son Tiburcio and all of the sudden the chickens began to shriek as well as flutter and flap their wings at her, which sent her running out the door screaming �My mother is in here.�

She later explained that her mother liked chickens and that is why she thought she was there. She asked me why they shrieked at her and I explained that since their feet were tied up they were unable to walk which is why they were all fussy. Tiny then asked if she could take pictures of the chickens, so I untied them and let them walk. Tiny took a few pictures; her son took a moment to caress the chickens and then they left.

At about 4pm I killed the chickens. I took a broomstick and I placed it on top of the chicken�s head. I then stomped on the broomstick leaving the chickens body in between my leg. I then put pressure on the broomstick and pulled the chicken�s legs at the same time to that its body would detach from its neck. I killed them both like this. I hung them upside down on the doorknob so that all their blood would drain down and out. Once they were drained I placed them in a pot of boiling water, this helps the feathers come off quicker. I then carefully took them out of the boiling water and with my left hand placed one on my thigh; with my right hand I plucked the feathers only using the tips of my fingers. I did this for both of the chickens. After I finished plucking the feathers off of both chickens I took a piece of newspaper, lit it and then used to turn on the stove burner. I then grazed the chickens over the open flame and burned off the little hairs that remained after plucking.

I then opened them up and took out all of its insides. Then I put them into a pot with water and made a delicious caldo de gallina. Freezing the chicken changes the flavor that is why I�d rather walk miles to the farmers market and prepare it fresh.

Gallinas de Ingrid- Una Historia Verdadera Por Indrid X/ Voces De Inmigrantes en Resistencia

Yo me creci in el campo en mi pais de Guatemala. Ahi yo y mi familia teniamos gallinas, cabras, y chanchos. Nosotros creciamos maiz, tomates y frutas, muchisimas frutas. Si nosotros no hubieramos crecido nuestra propia comida nos vieramos hido sin comer. Ahora vivo en las cuidad de San Francisco, en un apartamento con solamente un cuartito pequeno. Comparto ese apartamento con mi hermana, su esposo, y mi sobrino. Aqui no hay espacio para crecer nada.

Trabajo de cocedora, de limpiar casas y cuidar ninos, y tambien como reportera para la Prensa Pobre (POOR Magazine). Es bien dificil hacerce una vida aquí en este pais. Todo es bien caro y lo que gano ni me alcanza para cuidar a mis tres hijos que estan en Guatemala y mi bebe que vive aqui conmigo.

Ultimamente a oido de mis amigas que ay un Mercado de productos frescos en San Francisco.

Un dia sabado las 9 AM, mi sobrino Jorge y yo caminamos desde la calle 22 y Hampshire en la Mission para la Alemany Farmers Market en busca de pollos vivos y verduras frescas. El sol estava tan caliente que nos quemaba las plantas de los piez. Al llegar habia mucha gente y no se podia caminar. Se sentia mas calor pero logramos asercarnos al camion de los pollos.

Habian pollitos pequenos, conejos, patos y palomas. Tambien tenian huevos fresco que los habian puesto las gallinas. Compramos dos pollas coloradas con cola larga y plumas suaves, se miraban gordas y como 25 libras de verduras y frutas. Jorge y yo no queriamos caminar por que habiamos comprado muchas cosas. Mi cuñado nos dijo que compraramos todo lo necesario para la semana y que el nos hiba a encontrar a medio camino. Fue por eso que no tomamos el autobus, ademas que yo llebaba a mi hijo en su carito.

Jorge y yo empesamos a caminar felizes pensando que mi cu~ado venia a nuestro rescate. Cuando llegamos a la calle Potrero, hiban unos bicicletistas. Yo le dije a Jorge “alli viene tu papa” y el me contesto “ay! Gracias dios mio por que ya no aguanto”. Mientras se acercaba nos dimos cuenta que no era el. A pues seguimos caminando hasta llegar a la casa. Jorge me dijo “tia quiero agua estoy cansado”. Sin pensar en ese momento yo deje las gallinas en la cosina. Pero ya no paresian las mismas gallinas que habia comprado. Ahora las gallinas estaban tan sudadas que las plumas se les pegaban a su cuerpo dando la impresion de que estaban flaquitas. Justo en el momento en que deje las gallinas en el piso de linolio de cuadros café y blanco entro mi amiga Tiny. Las aletearon y gritaron. Tiny salio corriendo de la cosina al pasillo y imploro “Mi madre esta aqui” “Ami mama le gustaban las gallinas por eso pense que estaba aqui” Ella me pregunto que por que gritaban? Yo le conteste que era por que estaban amarradoas de las patas y no podian caminar. Tiny me dijo que queria fotos de las gallinas. Entonces yo desate una gallina para que caminara y Tiny me tomo unas fotos con las gallinas. Su hijo Tibursio acaricio las gallinas y despues se fueron. Yo me quede a limpiar la casa.

Como las 4pm las mate. Primero le quite el palo a la escoba, puse la cabeza de la gallina en el piso y le puse el palo ensima de la cabeza y me pare en el palo dejando a la gallina enmedio de mis piernas. Le puse precion a mis piernas y jale las patas para que el pescueso de la gallina se despegara del resto del cuerpo. Asi mate a las dos igual. Las colge de la chapa de la puerta para que la sangre se escurriera. Las cabezas de las gallinas se fueron inflando con la sangre de sus cuerpos. Antes de matarlas gallinas puse a herbir una holla con agua. Antes de matarlas gallinas puse a herbir una holla con agua. Despues de 15 minutos el agua hirbio y las meti en el agua que bombiaba como si quisiera salirse de la hoya. Esto ayuda a quitarles las plumas. Las saque quidadosamente para que esa agua no me quemara. Tome una gallina con mi mano esquierda y la apolle sobre mi pierna mientras que con mi mano derecha le quitaba las plumas con una facilidad que solo necesitaba usar la punta de mis dedos. Lo mismo hise con la otra gallina. Despues que las pele agarre un periodico y le prendi fuego. Lo meti en una oya y pase las gallinas sobre la llama para quemarles unos pelitos que se les quedan despues de desplumarlas.

Las abri para sacarles lo de adentro y separe el cuerpo. Luego puse una holla con agua para aser un delisioso caldo de gallina. Las gallinas conjeladas cambian el sabor, es por eso que prefiero caminar y comer todo fresco. Pero tambien me gustan las gallinas que benden ya preparadas


Resistin' an imperialistic world

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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The Afrikan People's Revolutionary Party speaks at Indigenous Peoples' Day.

by Marlon Crump/PNN

"We are all living in an imperialistic country, an imperialistic government, in an imperialistic world."

These words came from the rumbling voice of Munyiga Lumamba, a member of the All Afrikan People’s Revolutionary Party. His words had the power on this Indigenous People’s Day to reach all of us, especially those of us subjected to the ever-oppressive elements that plague people living in poverty locally and globally; racism, classism, fascism, capitalism, war, gentrification, famine, mis-education, displacement, Jim-Crowism, etc, etc. All of these hideous divisions that's plagued every non-white culture and indigenous people, motivated lifelong movements towards ultimate annihilation of the above KKKolinizing categories.

The sweltering sun beamed down on my back and forehead, as I sat on the steps of the United Nation Plaza at the Civic Center, on 8th and Market St. It was near-noon and people were already gathering for this very important day. I began my surveillance of everyone in attendance, and spotted my POOR family, just a few feet away from me, as they stood in the center to hear the speakers.

Tony Gonzalez arrived from Argentina and expressed the importance of what International Indigenous People's Day is all about. "I'm speaking on behalf of the American Indian Community,” he said. “One of the goals for this very special day is for everyone to join together," he added. This year celebrated thirteen years from it's origin, August 9th, 1994.

A female speaker/facilitator for the event introduced a Native American named Gilbert, who dawned the traditional headdress and garbs for what was called fancy dancing. All of us watched in awe and enjoyment, as Gilbert performed for nearly a half hour.

As I watched his beautiful dancing, my mind drifted off to my early days of elementary, middle, and high school in what "I learned" through my many years of reading countless books.

As a child, I often came across toys that pitted cowboys and Indians against each other. I even watched a few western movies, here and there, most of which, portrayed Indians as the "villains" and the cowboys as the "heroes." It wasn't, until my teen years when I started to see things in a more broader light, than what corporately enfranchised into a child's mind, from TV shows, movies, coloring books, toys, cartoons, maybe even video games for that matter. What a scary, disgusting inhumane brainwash from European KKKoliners and KKKorporations, polluting young minds, even today.

One of the few classic movies I enjoyed, as a teen, was "The legend of Billy Jack"(1971) a story of a man of Indian Descent, that possessed a military background, and deadly martial art skills, who protected his sister's "Freedom School" from a racist sheriff and bigots.

My native town, Cleveland, Ohio, the” Buckeye State," is well known for the Cleveland Indians Baseball team. Its mascot is a red-skinned, buck-toothed feather-dawned image of an Indian. In 1915, Chief Wahoo was chosen to honor it's first American Indian baseball player, Louis Francis Sockalexis. In 1998, members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) protested the Chief Wahoo image, because it was a racially symbolic stereotype of real Native Americans, and they denounced it. Five were arrested and have since filed suit.

No matter how much we fight, denounce, and protest, one can NEVER underestimate the evil powers of racism, and all of it's imperialistic KKKapitalism. The U.S.A has a holiday, a monumental statue, books, maybe even an anticipated currency at the U.S Mint, honoring Christopher Columbus who led the slaughter of many Indian Tribes, and theft of treasuries, throughout his voyages to please kings and queens.

This day also reminded me of how global governments have capitalized off of Columbus's holocaustic irreparable damages, of Indian tribes: THE NEW WORLD. Over five centuries later, I think NEW WORLD= ORDER would sound more sufficient.

The fancy dance as defined by the speaker/facilitator, is geared towards "healing and balance." Every single race, creed, gender, and religion was enslaved at one time, or another, so for those in struggle dancing isn’t just a means of expression, but also a release of the negative energy that plagues a person's mind, body, and soul.

"In the early 1970s, we (American Indians Movement) advocated for African Descendents, in retaining their rights. We kept at it, with the Human Rights Commission, until 1982. It's not just a struggle for Indigenous People, but for everyone all around the world. If we don't get that much needed vote, it will shut down all our rights,” the dancer said to the crowd.

Martin Sanchez, General Counsel/Representative of the Venezuelan Government read a letter, which honored the importance of the International Indigenous People's Day and various articles that were decreed in the General Assembly of the United Nations. He read through Articles 119-125, which were an equivalency to the United States Constitution, The biggest question and concern came to my mind was how strictly enforced these laws would be towards indigenous people, and would every global government honor these Articles, when people seek to retain their rights, in the face of oppression?

Milo of the Ma Pucha People, from South America, gave a historic account dating thirty years back to 1977 when they confronted and demanded their rights to be retained from the control of the colonists.

"We are celebrating thirty days from that very day, and still fighting displacement, from an insane government (U.S) that's profiting from mining corporations," Milo exclaimed.

At the end of the event, Bob Kelly recited a poem by Leonard Peltier, a revolutionary/ political prisoner and member of the American Indians Movement who was involved in a protest, at a small town called Wounded Knee, in 1973 South Dakota. Their protest on a variety of issues erupted into violence, where two AIM members were killed, and a U.S Marshal was paralyzed from gunshot wounds. Peltier was arrested and is now serving a life sentence. A youth group called Rainbow Warriors began rapping to the crowd, urging peace and solidarity towards everyone, worldwide, regardless of race.

As they began to rap their song called "United Snakes of America,” I walked over to Munyiga and thanked him for his inspiring speech and Bob Kelly, in his recital of the poem by Leonard Peltier.

He gave me a flyer that showed pics of people in the AIM struggle, Leonard, himself, in the center, with a bald eagle, a spear, a bison, and the flag of Great Britain.

The words under FREE LEONARD PELTIER, were: "It died in blood on Buffalo Plains, and starved by moons of rain, it's heart was buried in Wounded Knee, but it will come to rise again." (Bobby Sands, The Rhythm of Time, 1981.


We Need Someone New...

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Bayview Hunters Point Residents fighting Lennar resolve to Begin the Recall of Sophie Maxwell

by Sam Drew/PNN

By now, you know about the Board of Supervisor razor thin vote to allow the Lennar Corporation to continue it’s controversial work at the Hunter’s Point Shipyard. What you may not know is that the movement to force Lennar to temporarily stop work to access the communities health continues to grow in size and scope. On Thursday at the Grace Tabernacle Community Church a packed audience listened to various speakers whose tones were both motivational and informative.

Minister Christopher Muhammad notified the energetic throng, “We have decided we are going to start a recall of Supervisor Maxwell. We have to send a message…for Bay View Hunters Point, we need someone new.” This declaration was met with thunderous applause, as many remembered how Supervisor Maxwell said nothing during the lengthy Board of Supervisor meeting.

At the Board of Supervisors meeting Supervisor Chris Daly’s resolution to temporary halt Lennar’s work on Parcel A was put to a vote. Supervisor Maxwell voted NO on Supervisor Daly’s resolution. The resolution lost by one vote.

Since Lennar began serious grading on Parcel A in early 2006, the Bay View Hunters Point community has had to endure toxic plumes of asbestos and arsenic laced dust. The health of the communities’ children has been the focal point of the movement for environmental justice.

“No one has the right to poison children-there has got to be another way to make money,” exclaimed Dr. Ali Muhammad, The Nation of Islam’s Minister of Health, Dr Muhammad relayed his tragic findings during his recent testing at the University. I was testing a little girl and some things just weren’t making sense, “why does she have arsenic and antimony…I’m not use to seeing this in a 7year old girl…that’s why the Minister(Christopher Muhammad) got me out here, it’s not about him it’s about this little girl…they just want to go to school and to have a future.”

The San Francisco Health Department has turned a deaf ear to the communities’ request for testing but Dr. Muhammad is accessing the people, “We’ve been testing all day” declared Dr. Muhammad. “We want to test 100% of the staff and children at the University and as many as we can of the community,” he added.

The majority of those tested have been positive for arsenic and antimony. Tireless warrior Francisco Da Costa explained to us and to the folks downtown why the community shouldn’t have to trade health for money when he said, “I see in the children of the Bay View the potential to do great things…there is a lot of talent in this community…[these children] give me a renewed hope in the family.”

In the aftermath of the Board of Supervisors vote. The San Francisco Chronicle attempted to pit the community against each other. In the article on the vote they said there was a “holy war” going on between the Muslims and the Christians of the community.. I’ve attended four meetings at Grace Tabernacle Church. I’ve only viewed unity, love and respect between Christians and Muslims at these meetings. I haven’t sensed a holy war but only holy warriors who are fighting for the health and the wealth of the entire community. Reverend Ernest Jackson, pastor of Grace Tabernacle Church spoke to the things all the assembled shared, ”We are linked as brothers because we all have the same father” Do those words sound like the brewing of some denominational flare up?

The issue is the Lennar Corporation and it’s toxic business practices. The reason for the charge of environmental racism is Lennar’s mishandling of the missing monitors that lost three months of crucial data about asbestos levels during the most active grading period. Lennar is the one who ignored citizen’s demands for accountability. The Lennar Corporation may have got a free ride in the Chronicle article ,but they didn’t get one at this meeting.

Joe Cassidy(Residential Builders) revealed that Lennar Corp. got an exemption from being licensed to handle asbestos. A deal was cut by Lennar with the contractors state licensing board to get them exempted. Now how did the Chronicle miss that one?

A few months ago at the Progressive Convention, I asked Mayoral candidate Dr Ahimsa Porter Sumchai ,why the mainstream media had ignored the issue of environmental racism in the Bayview. She thoughtfully responded, "Because the main stream media addresses the message in a pro development manner, there was no sustained focus on Lennar’s record nationwide. Around the nation it has constructed homes on toxic grounds.”

As Dr. Porter Sumchai addressed the church to let us know her platform includes halting the construction activities at the Hunters Point Shipyard then she lowered her voice to share a very personal loss with all of us, “My dad died due to his exposure to asbestos at that Shipyard.”

This community has suffered too many losses. It’s time for the entire Bay View Hunters Point area to start enjoying some wins.


Every Minute you're late costs us dearly

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Mamas and kids protest budget delay.

by Sam Drew/PNN

"Time is money! Every minute you’re late it costs us dearly", barked the irascible security supervisor as I sulked into work just a few minutes late. This painful incident raced into my head as I was reporting and sup-porting on the budget delay protest in front of the soulless California State Building in Downtown Oakland.

The California State Budget is two months late and is costing poor people and the children of the state dearly. What’s holding up this assembly approved and Governor supported state budget is the desire of a few State Senate Republicans to cut $700 million from welfare and other social service programs. The proposed cuts will also cause changes to CalWORKs California’s Welfare program, which will push nearly a quarter of a million poor children off the welfare rolls and deeper into poverty.

While the State legislature took a nice summer vacation the budget deadlock dangled over the heads of the Golden State residents. Tens of thousands of childcare providers, nursing homes and health clinics are struggling to operate without any money and this has put many low income working families at risk of losing child care and other services.

"Who is hurt most by this budget impasse is welfare mothers, working parents and child care providers," vociferated Carol Jones, District Director for Assembly Member Sandre Swanson said to a crowd filled with active and alert children.

Katie Carranza, a parent attending college in Oakland chimed in, "We represent 250,000 children, by blocking the budget [the state] sends me a message we just don’t matter."

As the afternoon sun drenched us, we marched and chanted with passion so those holding up the budget in Sacramento could hear our demands.

"What do we want… Childcare!!!"

"When do we want it… NOW!!!"

"We’re marching and we intend to vote. We’re watching and we intend to vote."

Coloring books as well as snacks and refreshments were handed out to children who marched side by side with their caregivers and parents to end this harmful and mean spirited budget deadlock.

Vivian Hain, a LIFETIME (Low-Income Families Empowerment through Education) member and POOR magazine staff writer, cried out to the stalemated state legislatures, "Don’t forget the poor children in California…All children count. ..Don’t balance the budget on the backs of the poor."

As a final measure a call was made to State Senator Dick Ackerman(R) Tustin so he could hear the collective outrage and pain over the budget being held hostage by a couple of Republican legislators. Everyone was implored to call Dick Ackerman everyday until our budget is signed and our children stop suffering.

A budget was passed with the minimum required Republican votes Tuesday ending the recent standoff. Ackerman voted to pass the budget. Although millions of dollars will now be freed for social service providers that have been struggling to operate for the past two months, it is unforeseen what other cuts will be made to eliminate the state deficit of $700 million.


Forbidden Acts starrring Leroy Moore will be at the Little Roxie

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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Thursday, September 13 at 8 pm at the Little Roxie in San Francisco, the Headlands Center for the Arts and San Francisco Cinematheque, will present, Truth and Reconcilation a two-part series of short and feature-length films created primarily by current and alumni artists in residence of Headlands Center for the Arts.

Truth and Reconciliation, presented by Headlands Center for the

by Staff Writer

In the featured films fabrication and
nonfiction collide, meld and intertwine to confront
truth, reality and expression. The following films will be shown...

1999 Headlands alumnus
Aline Mayer Aline's Solution expresses with haunting
complexity the agony and affirmation of an abortion.

Roger Deutsch's Mario Makes a Movie is the story of a
developmentally disabled man who learns how to use a
movie camera. Deutsch's film mimics the style of
personal documentary leaving the viewer to question,
who Mario really is In The Stillness in the Room,

Current Headlands SFAI Artist in Residence, Vanessa
Woods, evokes the poetry of death, mourning and decay
in the visual imagery of Queen Victoria's "weeping veil"
and by putting the celluloid itself through a process
of decay.

Todd Herman's Forbidden Acts: And Other
Poems by Leroy Moore
, explores the limits that social
institutions attempt to impose on the expression of
the body, sexuality and disability.

Who is Bozo
by 1999 Headlands alumnus Bill Daniel,
explores the truths of vagabond subculture and reveals
the romantic appeal of wanderlust in American society.



The Real Nusiance

09/24/2021 - 10:42 by Anonymous (not verified)
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A letter to Chronicle reporter C.W. Nevius about his recent articles attacking the poor and homeless.

by James Chionsini


We had some dialog back a few months ago. I am a person that responded to your article about the death of "Skateboard." Well, since then you have really gotten some front page real estate with your articles about "the real problem in GG Park." If you ask me, the real problem is people like yourself who simply react and spread stereotypes without looking deeper at social problems and how we can solve them together. You also blame those with no power. This is a common mistake made by many conservative reactionaries who lack a cogent analysis or political sophistication. I call it this a "type A (as in hole)" error.

I feel you are playing to people's fears and base prejudices and are gaining political/personal/professional capital by attacking a traditionally powerless and vulnerable population. Gavin Newsom (ie Nuisance) used the same strategy quite effectively with his Care Not Cash program. Look at him now. And you too are getting your column on the front page of the Comical by denigrating the poorest of the poor. You kick people who are down so well. Seems like this strategy of "blaming downward" or the "race to the bottom" is a recipe for success. Way to go guy!

There was a protest in front of the Chronicle this past Friday about this (actually about you, although you are not ultimately to blame, your editors are) and we tried to deliver some signs to you but the security was insecure and wouldn't let us in. I just want to make sure you got my sign, it reads, "CW Nevius: Public Nuisance." Let me know if you got it and are going to hang it on your wall so you and your pals can laugh about it over drinks or lines, or whatever you people do.

I noticed you passed by our rally but you would not stop to address our concerns. What are you afraid of? You can write articles from safe anonymity but you will not address the people you insult. Why not come and defend your position? It was just a press conference! How about a public debate? Yes, consider this a personal challenge. Man to man, in a public forum. I'm ready, are you?

I feel that your articles targeting the homeless population as well as individual Houseless people are reprehensible and irresponsible. Personally I feel much more insulted and inconvenienced by your "yellow journalist" articles than I ever have by a homeless person in the park, and I have been around a lot of them, let me tell you. When I read your articles I become initially nauseous, then usually end up laughing out loud. When I see a homeless person in the park I either wave hello or just pass on by.

By the way, I have lived in San Francisco for nearly 20 years, I have two kids and spend a lot of time in playgrounds and have never, ever, not even once found a syringe in a sandbox.

Oh, I did like the one article in which you discussed the Vancouver Safe Injection Facility and its success. Good work. I have been advocating for a SIF in SF for a long time. The park is a great place for it. I will send you an article from a European health organization later today about the community response to SIFs in Europe that was actually quite favorable.

In the meantime, why not consider going back to sports writing? At least then you will be insulting millionaires instead of a bunch of homeless people who can’t (easily) sue you for slander.

I stand with the homeless campers of the park. When you insult them you insult me. Here’s a big middle finger from me to you.


James Chionsini MSW
