The state of Virginia is voting on whether or not to "officially apologize" for slavery, a race and poverty scholar responds.
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by Queenanndi/POOR Press You want to apologize for slavery? Other nations that were victims of amerikkkan atrocities got reparations, regardless of those tragic events happening on amerikkkan soil, or not. What's due to the poor slave and his/her descendants, whom for centuries by force shedded blood, sweat and tears. Families were sacrificed, names, language culture, manhood, womanhood- lives were lost, just to primarily profit the Europeans and their descendants. So what's in it for the afrikan slave? An apology? Try again!!! The damage has been done and recycled, upgrading to a terrible level that resulted in my people being psychologically murdered, full of self-hatred, but yet still willing to kill one another to protect massa's plantations (ghettos, sets), or to protect massa himself. After hundreds of years of intentionally destroying a people and their land, you apologize? You want us to forget-just like that? Your apology to me is like a rapist violating his victim, apologizing to her, then returns to violate her again! Plain insane! Even if you apologize today, a descendant of a slave is still going to die tomorrow, due to amerikkkanization, and the Willie Lynch Syndrome? , just to name a few ailments my people suffer from. If you are truly sorry for the inhumane, brutal conditioning that was inflicted upon blacks (especially), then why are you (the powers that be for now) repeating this psychotic, bloodthirsty behavior? Why are nooses being tied to trees as constant reminders to slave descendants? Why are the perpetrators left unpunished and powerful? Why the offspring of slaves are still being railroaded, framed, and blamed in the kourt systems? Why such vicious attacks on all peoples of color around the globe? You even sacrifice your own children if they dare challenge your sickly plans of world domination and war. So as for your Apology?? Not accepted.
Queenandi is the author of the recently published POOR press book, Life, Struggle and Reflection . She will be reading at Modern Times Book store on September 5 @ 7:00 p.m. |