by Joe B.
Part of my short life I was a serious, bookworm, introverted, and extremely shy and sensitive to cracks about my lazy left eye from both boys and girls.
I could understand the guys its one less kid to worry about for dates if you sought them out for ridicule and abuse soon they’d be the odd one out.
It worked up to a point is when one constantly tries to join an in-group that want one to be on the outs sadly, it pretty well happen.
Dosen’t it seem it’s the outs that change the world along with a few joiners?
Anyway skip a few years of bumming to Los Angeles, being an extra in a movie or two, getting laid and finding you were never odd or different just perceived that way and though its old news those psychological scars remain.
Also in high school and later I always the next wave of things tried to tell people and then when it happened was looked at as a freak for knowing.
Its still this way and with this expanding war all I want me an people to do is "Live Through This" so its not only technology that shows what happens through sound bites but people too who’ve experienced it from the youngest antiwar protester to the oldest soldier returning from Iraq.
I have my own personal quest which doesn’t involve staying glued to radio or T. V. mesmerized by flicker night and day time bombings of holy cities and people in the cradle of civilization.
If anyone’s read that stupid online dating statement by someone being way too honest.
I though of trying LAVA LIGHT or whatever that phone chat is instead of placing my photo on line then again why not do both; I’ve always said "get rid of the no rejections first ; a thousand no’s means nothing but one yes is priceless."
Recently I’ve gone into bars, some dance clubs with a friend or two found it exhilarating and expensive with certain type of clothes to wear, drink prices and when asking women to dance actually enjoying a yes once in a while.
However my job is low wage even now I must put a catalog together spreading our author’s (including me) recent publications.
If anyone knows about self publishing and placing orders, getting at a bookstand to be sold and making little if now money from it then that’s where I and other author’s of POOR Magazine is at now.
I save the red paper for my own kind of work. Red paper goes good with gore, lurid titles, and writings POOR may not make that will not be part of.
Yes, I’ve been accused of writing porn but in my defense poor folks in Single Occupancy Housing or One Room Occupancy have the same physical needs as anyone else and because it difficult if not impossible to wine, dine, and a woman or man before taking them to your abode and have a desk clerk ask for their Identification Card to keep.
They do this not to embarrass you or your date It’s the rules of S R O’s for securities sake but it does get in the way especially if you’re the date in question.
Personally, I’d rather be at the woman’s place then she’s feels more comfortable, has power over the situation and can say no if she really feels it and not forced into what she does not want beside my room is so barren of flowers, pictures, cluttered, smelly, and dirty she’d really have to like me, be horny as hell, or both to get it on there.
Notice I haven’t talked about the war because that’s all lots of people have talked off, listened too, feared, and whispered. I’m taking a brake from the war at least for few days.
What to do, cannot afford dance clubs with suits, drinks, and especially girls-free-men-pay cover charges. I know there are places without cover charges but isn’t it time for women to pay and men to go in for free? I know, that goes against the grain, women still earn less than men, and if you can’t pay don’t go.
If wimin want so much to be equal why don’t they open a few dance club/bars charging their wimin to get in and men go free then the balance would be more men for each woman.
Except for lesbian it would still be free but with money made from drinks.
I was told any long establishment like this would lose money and be out of business if what I suggested was tried.
The only answer I had to that was that many more clubs can try it all over San Francisco and across the bay area it would become trendy that women pay and there would be a feeling of equality that it is now men who are being wooed and asked to dance by women also taking the chance of rejection.
See what I mean, being far seeing what I’ve said will happen, wimin will see it as another step in their freedom but maybe I’m wrong and they would rather be the ones giving out cell phone numbers deciding to call or not call guys instead of they being on the male side of worry.
But if one wants to continue the equal rights gambit this and others way might be one of many ways to go.
I have to fold the catalogs someone else will staple them.
It has to be done and I’m elected.
Men can help too by creating men friendly clubs those who a few clubs can try in and if it doesn’t work they can return to what make money for them.
So, Wimin, men, club owners what do ‘ya think is it possible or do we all wait another half century or the next to even up this pay for play?
Meanwhile I’ll look for bars that I don’t have to dance in even if I have to pay a cover charge and might as well have a full belly even I don’t have a date. …Bye.