If intelligent, elderly women
create wealth by joining investing clubs.
American workers can too.
by Joe B. America Loves Consummers, Blue, pink, white, or no collars, skilled, unskilled, low wage-working poor hollywood talent, to hi-tech folks; we all have one thing in Some are paid better salaries, weekly, hourly wages but We Are All WORKERS. That's step 1) Step 3) Spreading the wealth to people who really need it like elderly with with cronic Step 4) Global Spread of the monies made by Worker's. International Money Market fund investing keeps Owning large chunks of American real estate either swampland, desert, or land deemed worthless Using Capitalism against Capitalism may sound like an oxymoron Because we workers know the money talks and BS walks. I know working poor and homeless America and abroad can do much better than Multi Nationals. Remember:If art work, begging netted us 30, 50, to 100,000 dollars quickly magically we're no longer working poor or homeless folk but entrepreneurial geniuses instead. P.S. Any suggestions to get this rolling or improving on this concept? Write me C/O Poor Magazine. For Joe only snail mail: |