Original Post Date
2001-12-18 12:00 AM
Original Body
pbIsn't way past time forbr /
Man/Woman, Peoplekind usebr /
our most underutilized resource.../b br /br /
BRAIN POWER! with state of the artbr /
Biofeedback as a weapon beyond bulletsbr /
and bombs?
/ppbbr /Though "SCANNING"br /
pby Joe B ./p
pThe Patriot bill has all the prerequisites all the above tales butbr /
it seems to be mostly "PANDORA'S PARODOX" in that spying on the net, cellphones, wiretaps of citizen's phones to protect the public from terrorists acts is good and sound on its face except when innocent people get caught-up in its tangled web of for-your-eyes-only-security measures./p
pWhat I'd like to know is what happened to Biofeedback in the mid 1960's to mid 70's, why did it vanish, was our government really afraid that people with freed brains were able to do whatever they wanted?/p
pLike the early 1980's "Scanner" movies with mutants born of a bad drug given at birth there would be good and bad scanners and some plain nuts. /p
pWhy dosen't the government dust off the old documents, update the technology of biofeedback, make it assessable to the American public so even five, six year old children can protect them selves from molester, women from rapists, and emerging majority minorities from racists and religious zealots?/p
pYes, their will be tragic accidents, fatal self inflicted mistakes but It's guaranteed the Taliban couldn't threaten us unless they too have mental training facilities. /p
pFace it folks most of us don't use 100% of our brain power only 1-2, or 5% maybe it is time to use our minds as a defence. /p
pImagine-you mentally see someone planning to kill thousands of peope but since its only in his head one has to wait until the explosives are in place-well? /p
pThis ordinary American citizen no matter which nationality, ethnicity, sex, or age he/she, they know if they call the law they themselves are liable to be deemed suspicious and placed in jail or under observation in a hospital or sanitarium./p
pThe choice is stop this person dead in their tracks with painfull mindblasts causing headaches, physical hemorrhaging of the brain by bursting blood vessels, causing angnorisms, stop their heart, or make a saboteur's head explode. /p
pMessy, that last bit but that's one guilty in mind and act compared to thousands of innocents going about their mundane business./p
pMaybe I'm not making sense and it sound like speculative but if it is why did biofeedback and what it could do for individuals disapear?/p
pWe as a nation should have a second look at this technology./p
pTaliban's can't stand America, we've made mistakes, we are always not going to be liked by any regime wanting to keep its citizens in the dark, the worst thing they can think of is bcitizen's walking around with awakened, illuminated, fully loaded, armed weapons of mass distructive/creative capabilities... br /A FULL FUNCTIONING, BRAIN USING 100'S TO 1,000'S % OF ITS INTELLECT, EMOTION, IMAGINATION TO FREE THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS./b/p
pPersonally I want to by a used or updated biofeedback machine for myself, go to classes or do both. /p
pDoes anyone out their know where I can get one cheap or inform me where to by the best ones? /p
pA combined government/business or military/civilian project to quickly train its citizens in an offense/defence of our brains higher functions./p
pI as many American's would volunteer for this, it would be a new frontier ordinary people can try.br /
Later commercialization can spread this knowledge if individuals wish to partake of the next great adventure in our human evolution./p
pOh, and what do you think about it; could this be a better way of ensuring "Enduring Freedom" and quickly end the war happening now?... Bye./p
pbr / /p
pPlease donate what can to br /Poor Magazine orbr /
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/ppJoe at 255 9th St.Street,San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA br //p
pFor Joe only my snailbr /
br /mail:PO Box 1230 #645br /
br /Market St.San Francisco,
/ppCA 94102br /
br /Email:askjoe@poormagazine. org.br /