There's joe yammering again, Why Can't He Shut The F_ _ _ Up?

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pstrong pOthers are speaking up frombr / so-called Messes all aroundbr / the country and parts of the world./p pbMost People still think everythingbr / is fine. br /Wrong!/b Keep the noise onbr / full blast until solutions are foundbr / by us and those willing to help./p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe B./p pI’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Certain people in high places are so dense places not getting it, ignoring solutions, or purposely not getting it because they have no idea or don’t care to have one, or know how folks on fixed incomes or less continue to survive and thrive in this country of plenty while have-nots starve as they work two or three low wage, dead-end jobs. /p pIf this column is too long to read… rest your orbs then continue./p pbSaturday Sunday Oct, 28+29 2001./b10:30 am, uSat. /u took a shower, brushed hair, teeth, put on some clothes for work... /p pUsually, I'm still under the covers, as any self-respecting Vampyre of old would hide from ray-light of solaria heat 'til sleep shrouds me again. /p pBeing mortal has its compensations as its brilliance greets me..."Get UP! Joe, you have work to do." /p pFunny, after all these years mama's voice is in my ears rough 'n gentle urging me up. Still don't like being wide awake this early and missing the cartoons only made it worse./p pI asked the guy working the front desk about the Pre-Hollow’s Eve Costume contest. "Its been cancelled Joe."br / "Thanks I said aloud - my mind sighed /p p"Shit, I wanted to try for that worst dressed category; anyone can by the best from a store, and it takes some ingenuity create from scratch-I don’t want to work that hard its too much like extra credit. /p pBut the worst costume I can do that all I need is two sheets, multicolor, magic markers, paper, rubber bands, and clear or white tape and my junky horrid costume would be complete./p p I planned to enter the contest as discolored genetically mutated sperm. /p pWin, lose, or draw it would’ve been something to do and if I did win the extra $25 I’d be able to but new earphones to replace broken ones last week, visit mama, and see a movie./p pI had to take a day or two thinking of President's G.W.'s Enduring war on the Taliban and their associates. /p pBetween the speech and Att. General J. Ashcroft's "Patriot Bill" sighed last Friday it looks like the 'Tals have partly achieved their objective: Making us less free by our own hands./p pOn Sunday circling thoughts still working through my brain./p pI'm thinking of Adam Eve, Cain Abel, The Tower of Babel, and the Pandora / /The first seeking of knowledge by way of an / /The first Fratricide Killing of a / / God supposedly confounds language for building a tower to find his Kingdom. /p pb[I picked that one also because religious, language, and cultural differences America and the Middle East must confront if both worlds old and new can know each other. /b/p pIt is as hard for American’s to see themselves as an Evil Western Empire, Barbarians or Philistine.]br / I do not mean inhabitants of ancient home of Palestine. /p / Ancient Greek Myth of Pandora, the first woman who's curiosity made her disobey Zeus's stern warning about a mysterious box./p pA single theme runs through all these ancient tales that people given an opportunity will do anything to get their hearts desire./p pThe Paradox: Once the FBI[Federal Bureau Of Investigation] CIA[Central Investigation Agency], /ppPolice or other law enforce- ment agencies get involved, share memo's there's a tendency to go overboard - Remember history folks, anyone can caught up all you do is be creative on the phone, on-line, or someone overhears part of a conversation and not its whole story and the law will swoop on you and I. /p pCan we really trust them not to go overboard, have they done it already? I was thinking these thoughts while in line wating to eat Sunday in St. Martin De Porres. /p pI go three more times to fill my plastic container before eating again have to call someone an tell them the tape broke Saturday while sitting in the park where the "Stop Domestic Violence March was held in the Filmore./p pSometimes flukes happen at least this time Mr. Morgan, another assocate I met at St. Anthony's told me about a place where tape repair is possible. /p pThat young woman is going to be fuming, ready to beat me into mud if I don't get this tape repaired... [some of her interviews are on it too.] It's one of those "up a creek without a paddle days. 3:43 pm./p p I've had a good day and safe night which is all anyone should ask for... but being human of course I'll always want more. /p pLiving on Market Street only fuels the longing for more of everything that includes life longevity, real estate, connected and dis- connections from humanity in equal doses. /p pNerves in my brain begin to throb painfully - time to lay down, rest my racing cranium./p pPS. saw Legion of Superheroes website, does anyone have old comics they'd like to donate for free? Aw oh, brain throb got take that nap now./p pPlease donate what can to br /Poor Magazine orbr / br /C/0 Ask /ppJoe at 255 9th St. br /Street, San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snailbr / br /mail:PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St.San Francisco, /ppCA 94102br / br / Email:askjoe@poormagazine. org./p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p