In The Mess Cont...

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pstrong pIts been one month and a day,br / to the Commericial Planesbr / Suicide Bombing of, the Worldbr / Trade Towers in New York City./p pMeanwhile folks in America andbr / in other countries are stillbr / pissed off... br /War!br / /pp so how 'yabr / 'doin out there folks?/p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe B./p pbThursday, Oct. 11, 2001, 8:55 am./bThe start of a sunny day faint, light clouds, pigeons - not to many on the ground, new yellow and white page phone books on an old wooden desk temporarily put there so tenants can bring them to their rooms./p pSteam clean and dirty red brick sidewalks. Not to many people on the brick streets today. /p pI've learned to glide between converging Market Street musing from my private life. /p pThe interim of long, rambling conversations with other street folks or monologues to my-self are slowly being filtered out and should not be part of I.T.M.'s ongoing series./p pbFriday, Oct. 12, 2001, 8:25 am./b Dirty red brick sidewalks dirtier black tar, gray-white, yellow-green-clear saliva fresh and old, gum, ground in cigars, cigarettes, skin, blood, urine, fecal matter, and other things part and partial on any street USA./p pBusses, trucks 'n trains, b[trolly cars]/btourists, and regular streets folks and I are walking the streets this pleasant day./p pIt’s a pleasant day. Blue sky, faint clouds thin, clear, and transitory as pigeons flock dropping more gives from on high./p p12 noon is semi regular lunch at St. Anthony's cornucopia of choices. b[one can get full if the food-line isn't long]/b More or less to eat is the choice not variety of food as in cafe's, restaurants, or fast food places; however zero prices or alternative eateries all over or across the bay by Bart are choices street folks make / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p