Original Post Date
2001-11-06 12:00 AM
Original Body
pIf I'm non American and food,br /
radio's and bombs arebr /
dropped in my country./p
pI wouldn't trust anythingbr /
from the sky at the momentbr /
unless friends or othersbr /
showed me these things./p/strong/p
pby Joe B./p
pEver heard the expressionbr /
"Death From The Skies"? I believe its a World War 1 term with byplanes rata tat tatting with machine guns mounted on the plane synchronized to fire betweenbr /
rotating propellers of the planes./p
pTuesday, Oct. 9, 2001, 8:25 am. A slow, leisurely shower, brushing flossing, teeth, feeling refreshed, ready to work (not). /p
pA few hardy tourists and street folk glide apon red brick and discolored cement of Market Street. /p
pThe buspass came in handy today I may have to rethink spending $35 dollars a month or finding someone to sell it me cheap like 10 or 15 dollars which is affordable even cheaper if possible. /p
pIn two days it will be exactly a month after the WTCb[World Trade Center]br /
/b boming in New York. /p
p A bombing that at first devistated and later supposedly strenghtened and united us in our resolve to seek out the people that planned this mass killing of innocent civilians on our own soil which we thought as inviolate./p
pI'm still slightly dazed but going about my work as most people are trying to do in the face of home and foreign grown terrorism./p
pHow long will this war will rage I've no idea, my only hope is the change in us is a possitive long lasting one leading to a fully mature nation to join with other nations in peaceful global cooporation.br /
br /If you have questions, answers, thoughts, join the club... Bye./p
pbr /Please send donations to POOR Magazinebr /
br /C/0 Ask Joe 255 9th Streetbr /
br /San Francisco,94103 USA. /p
pbr /For Joe only my snail mail:br /
br /PO Box 1230 #645br /
br / Market St. San Francisco, C A. 94102br /
br /Email: askjoe@ poormagazine.orgbr /