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pstrong pKMEL'S DAVY D FIRED!br /br / CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONbr / OWNS //p pFROM THE PEOPLE TESTINGbr / SONGS ON THE "BANNED WAGON"/p pDID "D" INFORM HIS LISTENERSbr / TOO WELL ON THE "SECRET WAR HYPE"br / /p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pWas it really economic cutbacks at KMEL Radio or discussion aboutbr / the American Flag with historical context brought up by D.J. Davy D. who three days ago was recently fired?/p pIn truth I usually don't listen to KMEL but before Mr. D was fired I did hear talk about patriotism, flag waving and even some of the most hardened rappers showing the flag and being ultra American an Mr. D to his credit questioned the sudden change and President Bush Jr's "If your not with us your against us" rhetoric as dangerous especially in past prewar hype climates./p pJust because you are not down with the war, actually question what happens does not make one an automatic commie, pinko, peacenic American basher./p pThe balance though heated argument is about the multiple meanings of the American Flag and what it means to people in general and black folks in particular. Red, Black, Brown, Red, White, and Yellow poor folk have all been through the ringer in turns it looks like Middle Easter American's, naturalized citizens, and people of Islamic faith are next on the 'beat down, run 'em out, kick 'em out of the country"br / turn. /p pWe cannot go that route - its a rotten way of showing b"American Family Values."/b We have detention centers where individual documented, undocumented and family members are being detained b"This is looking To Damn Familiar like American Japanese being inprisoned for being Japanese./b We must stop this bullshit before we're at each others throats accusing each other on who is more American./p pSpeaking of the flag, we black folk have a special love/hate insider knowlege of America. When a people are taken from their homland, packed tighly on huge ships, thrown overboard to drown when Brittish ships investigate [they also sold slaves but stopped the practice] before America. To continue stripped naked, examined fingered, women made worker/producer of slaves, Men to stud father children they may never see and even separating family for years only to bring them back for experimental incestuous encounter without the slaves knowledge./p pFather's and daughters, sons and mother's, sister's and brother's, or other combinations just to see how offspring fare./p pNo laws to protect man, woman, or child, and after freedom... death at every turn for any socalled infraction, slight, and torture, castration, infants ripped dead or dying black mother's wombs to be stomped by blood thirsty mobs or individual for nothing more than pure unreasoning, irrational hatred of a race they once enslaved but were slowly gaining their rights. /p pUp and over some hill with Ted Rooservelt, World War 1, 2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm. Our blood in the streets, in other countries overseas and bleeding home, Our blood is on every continent, city, country, county, state, in the United States and yet when we ask, demand reperations its always -"Your free, you are Americans, you vote, what else do you want?"/p pb"Equal treatment under the law forever."/b/p pWe may never get reperations for slavery so lets just save our meager dough and by what we can and own a piece of the / I've left lots of things out our torturous, blood drenched journey to this new land named after an Italian guy [Americo Verspuchi] who never left but told stories about the new land. (hope I spelled his name correctly.)/p pThis is one of many reasons I like Life Extention / Not only for me but others coming after and for anscestor and contemporaries who didn't have the chance to live long comfortable lives - I like to be one of many to prove this is too is a possibility. /p pFor me the american flag colors don't run, they drip with the blood of millions on it banner and as long as rights are trampled, people are treated unfairly the ghosts of those fallen will haunt the country and their spectral blood will stain, drip and bleed through until America is past its contradictions of everyone's free except a chosen few to heap death on./p pWE American's bicker, fight among ourselves, we may be abr / disfunctional family but WE ARE A FAMILY! So let's get the dialog out in the open, clear the /br / Does anyone have simular or differing views? inform me, I don't know. Bye./p p br /Please send donations to Poor Magazinebr / br /C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / br /San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p p br /For Joe only my snail mail:br / br /PO Box 1230 #645br / br /Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102br / br /Email: a href="" / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p