BRC Applauds Barbara Lee

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pstrongbr / This is a Press Release/Statement from the Black Radical Congress (BRC)/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby PNN Staff/p pSeptember 28, 2001/p pContact: Frances M. Beal, a href="" / Bill Fletcher Jr., a href="" p/pPbLETTER OF SUPPORT TO U.S. REPRESENTATIVE BARBARA LEE/b/p pThe Honorable Barbara Leebr /br / U.S. House of Representativesbr /br / 426 Cannon House Office Buildingbr /br / Washington, DC 20515/p pDear Representative Lee:/p pThe Black Radical Congress salutes you for your courageousbr / stand in opposing the House resolution to provide the / President carte blanche in responding militarily to thebr / horrific events of September 11, 2001. It is an infamous actbr / of violence that brings grief and fear to all decent peoplebr / at home and abroad. While most of our elected officials beatbr / the war drums and promise to spill the blood of even morebr / people - somewhere, or anywhere - it takes a person with anbr / extraordinary level of integrity and political grit to standbr / alone against the jingoism that is sweeping the nation. Youbr / are proving to have such courage and we are proud that youbr / have raised your voice for peace and justice at this timebr / of crisis./p pPlease rest assured that you speak for thousands of peoplebr / in this country who agree "that military action will notbr / prevent further acts of international terrorism against thebr / United States," as you put it in your intrepid argumentbr / against the race toward war./p pIn the years to come, we are sure that your name will shinebr / brightly as a beacon of rationality and the lone voice ofbr / conscience in the halls of the U.S. Congress, at a criticalbr / time in our nation's history./p p We will be doing everything in our power to activate ourbr / membership and our friends in the struggle for peace in thebr / days to come. It is good to know we have such an ally inbr / Congress./p pBlack Radical Congressbr /br / National Officebr /br / Columbia University Stationbr /br / P.O. Box 250791br /br / New York, NY 10025-1509br /br / Phone: (212) 969-0348br /br / Email: a href="" /br / Web: a href="" title="" p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p