Welcome Flux World, Where Up In The Air Is The Norm.

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pstrong pI'm not thinking or sayingbr / anything thatcan be misconstruedbr / as Anti-American./p pUnless I've done it alreadybr / and if that'sthe case...br / I believethe US has abr / thick skin./p/strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Joe. B./p pbThursday, Sept. 28, 2001 10:54 am. What a couple of weeks in the new world!/b /p pFour U.S. commercial planes hyjacked by brave, suicidal young to middle aged men. /p pBillionaire or is it mult- millionaire Osama bin Laden, is supposedly behind the New York World Trade Center bombings./p pPersonally dazed and confused wondering how this could happen I could not write "Mess on Market Street" series for a while until I let sink in what happened on Tuesday, September, 11th 2001./p pWent to bed, have a restless sleep./p p Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2001 7:30 am seven people including myself walking on Market Street. /p pGray skies meet me with a puff of a cool wind. /p pUsually a taperecorder, an aide to voice and memory, is in my hand./p pA week or two ago it is lent to someone who need was greater than mine hopefully today or in days to come it will safe in its owner's possession soon./p pPlease send donations to Poor Magazinebr / C/0 Ask Joe at 255 9th St. Street,br / San Francisco, CA. 94103 USA/p pFor Joe only my snail mail:br / PO Box 1230 #645br / Market St.San Francisco, CA 94102br / Email:askjoe@poormagazine.br / org/p p/p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p