Aldo Dellamaguro

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Original Body
pstrongWe Can Destroy Ourselvesbr /br / /strong/p pDIV align="left" TABLE cellpadding="5"TR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TD/td/trTR VALIGN="TOP"TDTR VALIGN="TOP"TD pby Staff Writer/p pWe can destroy ourselves......../p pI see many people hurting each otherbr /br / hurting themselves... br /br / the terrorism begins with us... good vs. evil/p pRevenge against the middle east is Patriotism. huh? br /br / Where is patriotism in our streetsbr /br / fear distrust paranoia --we are the terroristbr /br / where is patriotism in our family -- resentments revenge and jealously/p pWe are terrorizing ourselvesbr /br / United blood thirst against the Eastbr /br / AMERICAN- brown people, Indians, Middle Easterners here in our own U.S. Soil/p pFiguring us out,to seek those that may fit in America’s fight club mentalitybr /br / And yet hating us for taking patrotic measuresbr /br / questioning media coverage/p pWho let 4 planes come in; unreported and unshotbr /br / What and Who provoked terroristsbr /br / Why censor free speech opinon in major news networksbr /br / Vague evidence of Bin Laden- br / leaving out Americans who were in alliance with this set upbr /br / common sense/p pMulticultural peoples join America fight clubbr /br / forgotten that the flag they support is the same flag that supports the killingsbr /br / of our great great grandparentsbr /br / People of colorbr /br / humanity’s mentality wake up/p pWe who wave the flag in the name of revengebr /br / they are using us for their lies. br /br / Lies that continue to exploit third world countries/p pThey have forgotton that the flag they supportbr / is the same flag that kills mexicansbr / who cross broadersbr / the ones that work in the fields for low pay/p pA country that treats our children like criminalsbr /br / bringing crack to the ghettoes and inner city./p pTell KMEL, ABC, CBS, NBC br / leave our people alonebr /br / send the President’s daughters to the east to fightbr /br / but he'd rather send our people and let his dauthers get drunkbr / and brainwash them into thinking they are not part of our human family/p ptogether human beings have to unitebr / or we can destroy each other and our planet/p pOr we can heal ourselves... br /br / into cold airs where pigeons fly above blue skies/p pHeal ourselves into tree trunk rootsbr /br / surrounded like statues expressing slow movement with a focusbr /br / like the wind and stillness of the treesbr /br / winds blowing soundlessly and birds flying by br /br / make their presence known with their echoing flaps /p pWe must heal ourselves call on our ancestorsbr / with hand foot coordinations that reflect our flow of the environment br /br / sometimes nothing is tasted br / other times it taste fresh like clouds passing by br /br / strong tastes that leave your stomach warmbr / burning with fire/p pthese are only freedom tastesbr /br / our water is our fire./p pWe can heal ourselves and each otherbr /br / confronting the liesbr / /p/td/tr/td/tr/table/div/p